Battleground America
The midterm elections are less than a week away. With that in mind, I would be negligent not to point out that there are a number of candidates running in this election cycle – some of whom are in close races, most of whom are challengers – that even a White Nationalist can support.
I will flatly state that immigration is by far the most important issue facing the White Nationalist community. In the long run, changing racial demographics will determine the electoral context in which every other issue is decided, and ultimately the fate of our race on this continent.
The following candidates have received the “true reformer” seal of approval from NumbersUSA. That means they are on record supporting us down the line on immigration, not just on one particular issue, but on all of them: opposing amnesty, attrition through enforcement, mandating E-Verify, assisting local police, funding entry/exit system, defunding sanctuary cities, border security, ending birthright citizenship, ending chain migration, ending visa lotteries, opposing guest worker programs and reducing total immigration.
Here is your opportunity to move the goal posts. Instead of fantasizing about change and talking about it on the internet, we can move change forward in reality, starting as early as next week.
This is where the rubber meets the road:
Fifth Congressional District: Mo Brooks (R)
U.S. Senate: Joe Miller (R)
Eighth Congressional District: Jesse Kelly (R)
Fifth Congressional District: David Schweikert (R)
Third Congressional District: Ben Quayle (R)
First Congressional District: Paul Gosar (R)
U.S. Senate: John Boozman (R)
Second Congressional District: Tim Griffin (R)
Fourth Congressional District: Beth Anne Rankin (R)
Third Congressional District: Steve Womack (R)
Fifth Congressional District: Paul Smith (R)
Seventh Congressional District: Rick Tubbs (R)
Ninth Congressional District: Gerald Hashimoto (R)
Thirteenth Congressional District: Chris Pareja (I)
Twenty Fourth Congressional District: Elton Gallegly (R)
Twenty Seventh Congressional District: Mark Reed (R)
Thirtieth Congressional District: Chuck Wilkerson (R)
Thirty Eighth Congressional District: Robert Vaughn (R)
Thirty Ninth Congressional District: Larry Andre (R), John Smith (Other)
Forty Second Congressional District: Gary Miller (R)
Forty Fifth Congressional District: Bill Lussenheide (Other)
Forty Sixth Congressional District: Dana Rohrabacher (R)
Fiftieth Congressional District: Brian Bilbray (R)
Fifty Third Congressional District: Michael Crimmins (R)
U.S. Senate: Charley Miller (Other)
Governor: Tom Tancredo (Constitution)
Sixth Congressional District: Mike Coffman (R)
First Congressional District: John Krause (R)
Second Congressional District: Steve Southerland (R), Paul McKain (Other)
Fifth Congressional District: Rich Nugent (R)
Sixth Congressional District: Cliff Stearns (R)
Seventh Congressional District: John Mica (R)
Eighth Congressional District: Daniel Webster (R)
Eleventh Congressional District: Mike Prendergast (R)
Twelfth Congressional District: Dennis Ross (R)
Twentieth Congressional District: Karen Harrington (R)
Twenty Second Congressional District: Allen West (R)
Twenty Third Congressional District: Bernard Sansaricq (R)
Twenty Fourth Congressional District: Sandy Adams (R)
Second Congressional District: Mike Keown (R)
Fourth Congressional District: Liz Carter (R)
Eighth Congressional District: Austin Scott (R)
Thirteenth Congressional District: Mike Crane (R)
First Congressional District: Walt Minnick (D), Raul R. Labrador (R)
Twelfth Congressional District: Teri Davis Newman (R)
Sixteenth Congressional District: Don Manzullo (R)
First Congressional District: Mark Leyva (R)
Fourth Congressional District: Mike Hight (Other)
Seventh Congressional District: Marvin B. Scott (R)
First Congressional District: Ben Lange (R)
Second Congressional District: Jon Tack (Other)
U.S. Senate: Jerry Moran (R)
First Congressional District: Tim Huelskamp (R)
Third Congressional District: Todd Lally (R)
U.S. Senate: David Vitter (R)
Fourth Congressional District: John Fleming (R)
U.S. Senate: Eric Wargotz (R)
First Congressional District: Andy Harris (R)
Third Congressional District: Jim Wilhelm (R)
Fourth Congressional District: Robert Broadus (R)
Fifth Congressional District: Charles Lollar (R)
Eighth Congressional District: Mike Philips (R)
Second Congressional District: Tom Wesley (R)
Third Congressional District: Marty Lamb (R)
Seventh Congressional District: Gerry Dembrowski (R)
Tenth Congressional District: Jeffrey Perry (R)
First Congressional District: Dan Benishek (R)
Fifth Congressional District: John Kupiec (R)
Seventh Congressional District: Tim Walberg (R)
Ninth Congressional District: Rocky Raczkowski (R)
Fifteenth Congressional District: Matt Furman (R)
First Congressional District: Alan Nunnelee (R)
Fourth Congressional District: Steven Palazzo (R), Gene Taylor (D)
U.S. Senate: Roy Blunt (R)
First Congressional District: Robyn Hamlin (R)
Fourth Congressional District: Vicky Hartzler (R)
Third Congressional District: Dan Hill (R)
U.S. Senate: Sharron Angle (R)
Second Congressional District: Dean Heller (R)
Third Congressional District: Joe Heck (R)
Second Congressional District: Peter Boyce (Constitution)
U.S. Senate: Jay Townsend (R)
Fourth Congressional District: Fran Becker (R)
Eighteenth Congressional District: Jim Russell (R)
Twenty Seventh Congressional District: Leonard A. Roberto (R)
Seventh Congressional District: Ilario Gregory Pantano (R)
Eighth Congressional District: Harold Johnson (R)
Ninth Congressional District: Sue Myrick (R)
Tenth Congressional District: Jeff Gregory (D), Patrick McHenry (R)
Thirteenth Congressional District: Bill Randall (R)
U.S. Senate: Eric Deaton (Other)
Tenth Congressional District: Peter J. Corrigan (R)
Eighteenth Congressional District: Bob Gibbs (R)
Second Congressional District: Charles Thompson (R)
Third Congressional District: Delia Lopez (R)
Second Congressional District: Rick Hellberg
Fourth Congressional District: Keith Rothfus (R)
Tenth Congressional District: Thomas Marino (R)
Eleventh Congressional District: Lou Barletta (R)
Twelfth Congressional District: Tim Burns (R)
Fourteenth Congressional District: Melissa Haluszczak (R)
Seventeenth Congressional District: Dave Argall (R)
First Congressional District: John Loughlin (R)
Third Congressional District: Jeff Duncan (R)
Third Congressional District: Chuck Fleischmann (R)
Fourth Congressional District: Scott Desjarlais (R)
Sixth Congressional District: Diane Black (R)
Sixth Congressional District: Bryon Severns (Lib)
Thirteenth Congressional District: John Burwell (Lib)
Fifteenth Congressional District: Eddie Zamora (R)
Seventeenth Congressional District: Bill Flores (R)
Eighteenth Congressional District: John Faulk (R)
Twenty Fourth Congressional District: Kenny Marchant (R)
Twenty Fifth Congressional District: Donna Campbell (R)
Twenty Eighth Congressional District: Bryan Underwood (R)
First Congressional District: Rob Wittman (R)
Second Congressional District: Scott Rigell (R), Kenny Golden (Other)
Third Congressional District: Chuck Smith (R)
Sixth Congressional District: Bob Goodlatte (R)
Seventh Congressional District: Floyd Bayne (Other)
First Congressional District: James Watkins (R)
Second Congressional District: John Koster (R)
Fifth Congressional District: Randall Yearout (Other)
Sixth Congressional District: Doug Cloud (R)
First Congressional District: David McKinley (R)
U.S. Senate: Rob Taylor (Constitution)
Third Congressional District: Michael Krsiean (Other)
I would like to emphasize that the candidates endorsed above – Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Constitution Party, Independents – are only the ones who have a ROCK SOLID rating on immigration. There are plenty of other candidates running in this midterm election who have a good record on immigration, but not a perfect one by the NumbersUSA yardstick.
Look at it this way: Jim DeMint and Rand Paul are not even on this list.
Before voting on Nov. 2, check this database to find out where your candidate stands on immigration. It is simple to use. Just browse by state and race. This information was incredibly helpful in determining who to vote for in my own state.
There are over 130 candidates listed above (the vast majority of whom are Republicans) who support attrition through enforcement, ending birthright citizenship, and cutting legal immigration. Lots of them are incumbents. Many of them have a realistic shot at winning their races.
Frankly, the vanguardists who say nothing can be accomplished by working within the system, moving the goal posts, and pushing for incremental change are guilty of ignorance, fantasism, or just don’t know what the hell they are talking about.
1/4 of the House races have a hardline immigration candidate on the ballot. The number of anti-amnesty candidates who are running is far greater. In the Senate, Sharron Angle (an A+ hardliner) could knock off Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (an F- race traitor). Tom Tancredo, who has done more than anyone in America to fight illegal immigration, could become the next Governor of Colorado.
Transforming the Republican Party on immigration is a tractable goal that can be achieved within this decade. We have made enormous progress on this front since the George W. Bush years. While it makes no sense to vote for the “lesser of two evils,” it is equally senseless to vote against or fail to vote for those who are on record advancing our interests.
If we are unwilling to flex our political muscles, no one will take us seriously. Power comes from effective action in the real world, not from pondering abstract ideas in the quiet solitude of your own mind. You can do that all day without posing a threat to anyone.
Voting can be done anonymously. It only takes a few minutes of your time. There are no social or economic consequences to pushing the House and Senate in our direction on immigration. There will be racial consequences to letting our enemies win these important races.
You have your mission. Do your duty.
Republicans advancing the interests of our people? I’ll believe it when I see it!
There are a lot of good Republicans running for Congress. Once again, if you check the NumbersUSA database, there are around 130 candidates who support the full suite of issues – border fence, ending birthright citizenship, attrition through enforcement, and cutting legal immigration.
Needless to say, we would be foolish not to support them because a few visible Republicans like Bush and McCain have supported amnesty in the past. Even during the amnesty debate, there were always Republicans who were against amnesty, who in fact stopped the Bush amnesty, and we should be trying to increase their numbers.
Move the goal posts.
Another shocker—Decent enough Democrat Gene Taylor down in Mississippi is in trouble!
“Republicans advancing the interests of our people? I’ll believe it when I see it!”
The Republican (and all other “conservative” parties around the globe) are dominated by the corporate elite (and neocons in some countries) who are as much traitors as the marxist left but what Obama and the Tea Parties show is that if the underlying conditions change enough then a split opens up between the corporate elite and the bulk of conservative voters.
A “good” Republican in the context of the current split might be “good” or they might be a standard narcissist who wants to get elected and will conform to whatever the underlying conditions say they should conform to but either is fine by me. Conditions changing such that Republicans are forced to be pro-white is great as you can never rely on individuals as an individual can be killed, blackmailed, bribed etc.
What you want is a situation where a Republican politician is talking to a traitor corporate donor and saying “Look i have to be anti-immigration. It doesn’t matter how much you donate i can’t win unless i’m anti-immigration.” In those conditions not only do genuinely good people have a chance of getting elected but even the standard narcissist is forced into certain positions.
Is Tancredo still a “support Israel, bomb Mecca” war hawk?
If so,a wash.
It doesn’t matter. As Governor of Colorado, Tancredo won’t be making foreign policy.
…If [Whites] sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.
Immigration, both legal and illegal, is THE hot button topic for any white person who cares about the future of their race and civilization. This country needs a complete moratorium on all immigration for at least 10yrs and possibly 20 coupled with Operation Wetback II, but we won’t get that with conservatives. Instead we’ll get a series of half measures that make little more than a slight dent in the number of illegals.
Why not try to militarize the border and end birthright citizenship the moment they assume office? Why is one million legal immigrants, mostly from the third world, sancrosanct and untouchable to the conservative Republican establishment? Legal immigration is as much of a Trojan horse as illegal but Newt and Rush think they are all small business owners who are creating jobs and growing the GDP. Yes, this is the conservatard establishment that’s fighting for us.
The left wing press and Democrats are playing this quite cleverly. Their short term objective is to play for time and give lip service to border enforcement in front of the cameras. In reality, they keep attempting to craft various types of amnesty while slow walking or stifling any efforts that could lead to border enforcement or deportation. They know that with the rapid demographic tranformation of America it’s only a matter of time before they get some form of amnesty. Therefore, the correct strategy should be to remove as many illegals as soon as possible before they can cause more damage.
Moving the goalposts requires time and patience the former of which we do not have. The pressure should entirely be on the so called conservatives (and not the politically powerless NSM) to finally and forcefully carry out the wishes of their predominantly white base.
Vote. It’s every White’s duty. Vote for the White kids who can’t vote yet, but whose future is being washed away by an incoming river of ethnic rivals. Vote!
When James Jesus Angleton was asked by a Congressman if a certain statement of his was truthful, he said, “If it was the truth, I should not have said it”.
An endorsement in this venue will be used against every single one of these candidates. This page will cost them votes.
Think – then post.
The real dilemma is if you live in a district with an F- democrat vs a squishy RINO. I’m inclined not to vote in a race that fits that description in my district, though I would certainly vote for someone like Angle.
In California, you see the future of the rest of our country: for Governer, a Red apparatchik vs a double-talking corporate liberal; Whitman’s ads directed at Whites say, “I’ll stop the illegals”, her spanish-language ads aimed at metsizos say, “Arizona Law bad!”. Senate: more of same. Here, we’ve passed the ethno-political tipping point. Doesn’t mean the long-term situation is hopeless, though. Just that racial/political issues will have to be resolved by other means. Elsewhere , according to HW, there are still places where we can make the system work for us. We’ll soon know, one way or the other and, in any case, it amounts only to fighting a delaying action. In the longer run, post economic armageddon, other means will come into play.
“The real dilemma is if you live in a district with an F- democrat vs a squishy RINO.”
If they’re both traitors i generally vote against the incumbent whoever they are. If they lose at least you know you’ve messed up their life a little.
You would think that would be the case, but if they discover HW endorsing Republicans, I doubt they mention it. They don’t want to give sites like OD publicity. OD would undermine their stereotype. Now if Alex Linder starts endorsing Republicans, they would probably publicize that.
Hunter should consider endorsing Ted Strickland for Governor of Ohio, over corporate Republican John Kasich.
Of course, Ted would have to promise Hunter that he would act like a White man if re-elected, and stop acting like a high yellow or a high yellow Jew, or any other type of coon including Mexicoons.
Obama has almost killed Ted’s chances of being re-elected.
I have to completely disagree. People who are going to vote for a solidly anti-immigration candidate don’t care if the MSM/SPLC calls them a racist.
The r-word has lost it’s sting. The whole Tea Party, and pretty much anyone who disagrees with Obama is ‘racist.’
@klaos :
“The r-word has lost it’s sting”
I surely hope that you are right about that and that whites would finally get over their fear of being called “racist”.
“I will flatly state that immigration is by far the most important issue facing the White Nationalist community.”
Stopping immigration tomorrow wouldn’t help much if the mass media is still in the hands of the Jews.
“Democracy” is a farce. Not ONE of these candidate you endorse will speak out against Jewish power.
I’m done checking this site, good luck with your conservative con artistry.
Some have gooten over that fear of the “r” slur. Others have not.
“Some have gooten over that fear of the “r” slur. Others have not.”
That is the single most important thing WNs can do in my opinion. A lot of suppressed ethno-centricity will bubble up naturally just through reducing the power of that word.
No, I think stopping immigration tomorrow would actually help out quite a lot. It would certainly give us more time to turn things around. And besides, securing the border and ending legal immigration is only possible in a context in which White Americans have largely tuned out the Jewish media, a process which is already well advanced.
Okay. Your alternative to working within the system is what? Ceding the political system to our enemies for they can pass more legislation hostile to our interests? We could either do that … or we could win a lot of these races and actually get a lot of what we want on immigration.
There’s a reason for that: the Jewish community is massively organized and well financed. They work within reality to manipulate the system to advance their interests. Most of the time, they don’t get everything they want, but they keep pushing until they break down resistance.
The only conceivable way that White Nationalists could counter that would be to organize Whites in a similar way. Why don’t you tell us what White Nationalist organizations you belong to and what you are doing to organize Whites and build a power base in your local community.
Oh wait. That’s right. You’re just another one of these unserious loudmouths who I see all the time on the internet: a Viking Beserker in the anonymous comments, a Church mouse in reality.
Not only will your type never summon the courage to reverse our decline. You are actively trying to make matters worse.
You obviously don’t fit in here. By all means, go rot in obscurity with your Neo-Nazi friends masturbating in an anonymous irrelevant circle jerk over fantasies of White Revolution.
That’s right. The NAACP has called the Tea Party racist for months to no effect. Do you remember earlier this summer when they made the spitting accusation? It actually made conservatives madder and even more determined to strike back at them.
Then Leonard Zeskind released that big report on Tea Party racism immediately before the election. It was a huge flop. It had zero impact on the races that I am following.
The NAACP and the MSM is rapidly losing its legitimacy with White America. They keep creating polarized news cycles in which they come across as anti-White.
The best example of this so far is actually the story I am going to write about today: Sharron Angle has released a new political ad in Nevada that all but makes an explicit appeal to White racial consciousness.
Jim Holbert (KY-05) is not a Republican. He’s a Progressive Democrat…
Thanks, Hunter, for the kick in the pants. Don’t have much disposable income (3 kids and wife at home) but just gave $10 a piece to Angle, Tancredo, and Barletta.
A goal line surge for Barletta, Angle, and Tancredo counts as three touchdowns on Tuesday.
Ruth McClung knocking off Raul Grijalva in Arizona 7 will decapitate the head of the House Progressive Caucus. Count that one as the fourth touchdown.
Does Tancredo really have a chance, running as a third-party?
This is a great post. In House races it’s often hard to find out where the candidates stand on immigration. While you can search the immigration control sites for it having a plain list makes it simple. The more places this information is repeated the better.
Interesting Christine O’Donnell’s rating (See here). It has her listed as “leaning towards support of amnesty”!
Her opponent, Coons, likely to win, supports amnesty outright. (See here).
O’Donnell struck me as not very smart in part of a televised debate I saw. She was stumbling with her words in the way an average person does who’s trying to sound smart. I don’t mean that as an insult. She did look like an amateur next to the smooth Coons, though.
The real dilemma is if you live in a district with an F- democrat vs a squishy RINO. I’m inclined not to vote in a race that fits that description in my district (–Coldequation)
Write-in “Hunter Wallace” 😀 , or something else.
They publish names of write-ins online after the fact, at least my district does. So you can at least get a chuckle out of it.
If the candidates in your district are unacceptable, an abstention is understandable. It is still imperative to go to the polls and cast a positive vote for our cause on the many ballot measures.
In Arizona, Prop 107 would end “affirmative action” programs relating to public education, employment and contracting.
Tennessee, South Carolina, Kansas, Arkansas and Arizona all have ballot measures that deal with the second amendment and hunting regulations.