White America is furious.
For the past three months, I have written about little else. I have explored the connections between implicit Whiteness, the Tea Party, and the polarization of the United States into Red America and Blue America. White America is so angry that even a long shot perennial candidate with “extremist views” like Christine O’Donnell can succeed in this political environment.
The Capstone
If there was a defining moment of this election cycle, which symbolizes the changing mood of the White electorate, it came earlier this week in Nevada when Sharron Angle released a new political ad that bludgeons Harry Reid on immigration and multiculturalism.
You have to see it to believe it:
The dog whistle of implicit Whiteness is blown so hard here that it literally bursts your ear drums. Make no mistake about it. This is the closest thing to an explicit appeal to White racial consciousness that we have seen in years.
Hordes of marauding Hispanic barbarians invading White America while Harry Reid robs White families in the Senate to redistribute the loot in exchange for votes. A White family is terrified by violent criminals coming across the border. White children learn in school that Harry Reid is opposed to the English language. Reid sides with the President of Mexico over Arizona natives.
The culmination: “Harry Reid … it’s clear whose side is he on … and it’s NOT YOURS.” In a struggle between “us” and “them,” Angle is stands with White Nevadans while Reid supports the Mexican invaders.
The response from the Left was electric. Sen. Robert Menendez denounced “The Wave” as a despicable racist ad. Joy Behar of The View slammed Angle as a moron and a racist bitch who is going to hell for vilifying undocumented workers. Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann have waded into the fray with “racism” accusations.
Angle’s camp responded to Behar with a bouquet of flowers and a sarcastic little message: “Joy, Raised $150,000 online yesterday. Thanks for your help. Sincerely, Sharron Angle”
Online donations came flooding in from across America. Angle has surged ahead in the polls. She now has a 3 in 4 chance of beating Reid next Tuesday. “The Wave” was a tie breaker.
Behar responded by upping the ante and making the contest even more about White racism. Much to the delight of the Angle campaign: “I’d like to point out that those flowers were picked by illegal immigrants, and they’re not voting for you, bitch!”
Moral of the story: at some undefined point over the past five years, it became an advantage for a White challenger to be browbeat with “racism” accusations by the Left and MSM with less than a week to go before the midterm elections.
The Angle campaign certainly knew this ad would spark a race debate, but they calculated the resulting polarization (as we saw in Gatesgate) would work to their advantage, and that rallying the White electorate would propel them to victory in the Nevada Senate race.
The MSM’s legitimacy has sunk to such an incredible low that many White voters instinctively react against them and do the opposite of what they suggest. They figure: if Sharron Angle is being attacked as a “racist” by these elitist snobs, she must be doing something right.
The Temperature of White America
– 90% of blacks approve of Obama, 7% disapprove; 37% of Whites approve, 55% disapprove.
– 88% of blacks approve of Obama on the economy; 33% of Whites approve of his economic job performance.
– 85% of blacks say Obama has made progress on healthcare; 40% of Whites share that view.
– 90% of blacks are satisfied with the Obama presidency with 46% who are very satisfied and 44% who are somewhat satisfied; 36% of Whites are satisfied with only 8% who are very satisfied and 28% who are somewhat satisfied.
29% of Whites are somewhat disappointed by the Obama presidency; 34% are very disappointed.
– 48% of blacks think the next generation will be better off and 24% expect it will be worse; 56% of Whites think the next generation will be worse off and just 16% think it will be better off.
The CBS poll found that a shift among Independents was handing the midterm elections to the GOP. By 47% to 32%, Independent voters are breaking Republican. Independent voters are typically White.
The Guts of the Shift
The coalescing of the White vote can be seen in several key areas. According to The New York Times, Republicans have wiped out the historic Democratic advantage with Roman Catholics, women, the working class, and independents. In particular, women are expected to vote Republican in this election cycle for the first time since exit polls began tracking them in 1982.
25% of voters say they are willing to back an “extreme” candidate and 57% of voters are willing to take a chance on candidates with little or no experience. Such is the dissatisfaction with the status quo.
Congress has a dismal 14% approval rating. Nancy Pelosi, a lightning rod and liability to the Democratic Party, has a 15% national approval rating. Even if Democrats were to maintain their majority, Pelosi won’t be returning as Speaker of the House.
In the South, White Southern Democrats are being relentlessly tarred with the Obama/Pelosi brush and hunted to death with spending by outside groups. Several popular longtime incumbents are expected to go down to defeat. The GOP is expected to make bigger gains in the South in 2010 than in 1994 when the region famously tilted into the Republican column.
So there you have it: a polarized White electorate with its center of gravity in South, Midwest, and West, which is convinced America has been derailed, with tentacles that stretch deep into Democratic territory in the Northeast and along the Pacific Coast. The unpopular Republican Party is the most readily available vehicle for lashing out at a deeply unpopular political class that has betrayed White America.
Final Thoughts
If White Nationalists only had the will power and a reasonable strategy, they could easily make headway in these conditions. We only have this to work with: a terrible economy that is getting worse, a deeply unpopular black president, millions of illegal aliens making noise with periodic rallies, a discredited mainstream media, a political class with no legitimacy, a vulnerable GOP establishment, and a receptive audience in which only 16% of Whites think their children will inherit a better world.
We can make the existing political system more hospitable to our interests. 1/4 of House candidates are immigration hardliners. An even larger percentage is against “comprehensive immigration reform.” All this braying and crying about the end of the world is hopelessly premature.
As early as Tuesday, our enemies will be on the ropes. Let’s get busy winning.
Great article Hunter.
The Wave TV advert is the best, most openly racist political TV advert since the great Willie Horton adverts of 1988.
I really hope Reid goes down in flames. I also note that White Latter Day Saints have been kicking out some liberal, pro Immigration political leaders of late – Chris Cannon in Utah bit the dust and I will feature both Cannon and Harry Reid in my upcoming “another one bites the dust” video after the election.
“The Wave TV advert is the best, most openly racist political TV advert since the great Willie Horton adverts of 1988. ”
What about Jesse Helms “hands” add and Pete Wilson’s “They Keep Coming” add?
Comparisons have been drawn to the Jesse Helms ad as well. Do a Google search. It is remarkable that Angle is bold enough to make an explicitly racial bet like this on the eve of the election.
Hunter, did you notice that Angle was headed for defeat before she dropped her first “Illegal Aliens” add. And how this second add was what it took to make her a sure thing? This is very important.
The media reaction is the best. They know that if Angle pulls this off that every other GOP Senate wannabe is going to go crazy with race baiting.
OT: is there any chance we will ever see you on Vdare? Your style is perfect for that site and you could make some money.
Just want to point out that Harry Reid is not a Catholic. He’s also not Irish or Italian.
I despise Joy Behar (I know she’s Italian, Earl). I would love to be in a room with her for a few hours, alone of course. She just may well be the most nauseating woman on TV these days.
@ Joanne Dee
Right. As I’ve pointed out many times Reid claims that his wife’s Jewish relatives influence his votes on immigration, Israel, queers etc. He is married to an ethnic Jewess.
Reid is on the Jewish side of the Jew-Catholic Alliance in Congress.
Holy Catholic saints like Bob Casey will get scared straight if Reid loses.
Had the GOP not been led into Jew wars, they really would have had “Generational Dominance”.
Unbelievable. It’s amazing we might have have a Senator with her attitude for six years in the US Senate, assuming she doesn’t sell out. Having Angle in the Senate wouldn’t solve the problem but would help. There have been a lot of stories about vote fraud in Nevada the last few days. The SEIU and Reid’s lackeys no doubt redoubled their efforts to rig this one after that ad. And of course there is no way to know how many illegals will be voting in this election. If it’s close in Reid’s favor, vote fraud will be the difference.
Reid’s wife was born a Jew, converted to Mormonism. They have five children, all of whom “are very proud of the fact that they are eligible for Israeli citizenship.”
On the doorway of their house in Searchlight, the Reids have a mezuzah.
His sleazy colleague, Nancy Pelosi has Hebrew-speaking grandchildren.
Then there’s Kerry/Kohn. Who knows how many others?
Cryptos all.
I’ve been so preoccupied with writing that I haven’t thought about it. OD is more realistic now, more practical, less alienated, more engaged and tuned into the pulse of White America, looking for bridges to build and opportunities to exploit where pro-Whites can act (not merely talk) to make a difference in small ways that matter.
Looking around the blogosphere, I think the change has been an improvement. I read a few other WN sites which now look utterly adrift and speeding toward the far reaches of the fringe. They are not responsive to the concerns of the White electorate.
A broad swath of White voters in America are on the verge of revolt against the political class, but you would never know this from reading those sites. They are so alienated from White America that they can’t even contemplate reengagement.
A month ago, Harry Reid tried to move the hideous DREAM Act through Congress. I can’t even begin to list all the reasons why I hate this guy and why his defeat (by an A+ NumbersUSA candidate) would be a huge victory for us. Like Ted Kennedy, Reid has been a thorn in our side for decades now.
Reid is a Mormon
“Looking around the blogosphere, I think the change has been an improvement. I read a few other WN sites which now look utterly adrift and speeding toward the far reaches of the fringe.”
I once observed on Sailer’s blog that there are really 2 different groups on the far right: The anti blacks/hispanics and the anti Jews. Since these groups basically agree with eachother (i.e. the anti blacks/hispanics don’t like Jews and the anti Jews don’t like blacks/hispanics) they seem like they should get a long great but that is not the case because the two sides just cannot agree on what should be the priority.
For the anti-blacks/hispanics, the Tea Party movement is a great thing because it marks the return of white identity politics even if movements actual message is patheticly “anti racist”. But for the anti Jews, the Tea Party is a huge step backwards because it is ignoring the disease to focus on the symptom. So it isn’t really surprising that most WN sites would respond to the tea party/GOP resurgance by becoming even more alienated.
Looking around the blogosphere, I think the change has been an improvement. I read a few other WN sites which now look utterly adrift and speeding toward the far reaches of the fringe. They are not responsive to the concerns of the White electorate.
A broad swath of White voters in America are on the verge of revolt against the political class, but you would never know this from reading those sites. They are so alienated from White America that they can’t even contemplate reengagement.
You wished. What is America’s most popular White Nationalist forum? It sure isn’t Occidental Dissent with it’s “Go GOP” themes nor is it other kosher sites like AMREN which draw an unusually high number of asianphiles, progressives, “conservative gays” and “White Advocate” Jews. The traffic on Stormfront runs circles around the other competitors. Stormfront is the pulse of the White Nationalist movement and amazingly many of the things you read there make their way into the mainstream media.
Nietzsche, the Tea Party could expand its base tremendously by adopting an anti-war stance and draw in millions of young voters. There’s absolutely no reason to believe this won’t happen, unless the Tea Parties are nothing more than the usual controlled opposition.
Earl, enough with the Catholic bashing. I suspect your real problem with them is that they believe in supercessionism and that the Pope reinstated the prayer for conversion of the Jews. There’s much to admire about the Catholic church. In fact, this Protestant is giving serious thought to converting.
“OD is more realistic now, more practical, less alienated, more engaged and tuned into the pulse of White America, looking for bridges to build and opportunities to exploit where pro-Whites can act (not merely talk) to make a difference in small ways that matter.”
Agree. OD has fangs, (JQ) but, unlike VNN, the fangs don’t drip blood. Essays here are reasonable, informative and encouraging. Great reading.
The posters, with few exceptions, are like a band of brothers (and sisters), which does lessen the alienation from the rest of the world we WN’s are heir to.
May the zeitgeist at OD encourage philosopher-kings.
I did like the racial undertones in the Angle ad. Illegal Mexicans were correctly depicted as scowling and violent while Americans were depicted with fair hair and ruddy complexions. In other words, people who looked like the founding stock of this country. I’m glad she didn’t go PC and depict Americans as black, Hispanic, Asian with a couple of white tokens as is par for the course these days. With strong rumors of election fraud in Nevada don’t be surprised if Reid manages to steal this election.
With all due respect, I’m still wondering why Hunter turns every post into a mini-diatribe against the so called rhetorical radicals. We’re all supposed to patch huge name tags to our chests then go out in public and spread a moderated version of the white nationalist gospel among tea partiers and disaffected whites. Refuse to do so and you are just part of the do nothing “laptop luftwaffe” and a fantasist dreaming of a white revolution that will never come.
For what it’s worth I’ve done what I can even taking some unnessary risks at dressing down arrogant, opinionated liberals and in trying to move the goalposts with fellow whites. Unless Hunter is willing to do what he expects others to do, that is, go public with our identity and engage other whites in racial discourse, then it’s time to give it a rest.
IMO this iteration of OD fills a needed niche in the White blogosphere, with its practical focus, emphasis on the real world where most White people actually live, and reasonable treatment of the JQ. I personally hate philo-semitism and conspiratorial Jew obsessiveness equally and view both as counterproductive and damaging to our cause.
There are many factions that make up the GOP. Some more desirable than others. WN’s can engage the battle on all fronts or…sit on the bench and let the multiculturalists have the playing field all to themselves.
I am not a registered Republican, but I have no problem voting for an anti-immigrationist GOP candidate.
Ms. Angle’s past membership in the anti-immigration Nevada IAP is comforting.
Virgil Goode’s continued close association with the CP, the fact that the GOP’s 2008 VP canidate’s husband was a member of the states’ rights Alaskan Independence Party, and Tom Tancredo’s willingness to run as an ACP candidate are all positive signs.
Hunter is right we can move the goal posts and take positive action, or sit back and listen to the fringe heckle from the bleachers at those who do not agree with them 100%.
Mr. Dithers,
There are plenty of websites on the internet towing the “rhetorical radical” line. Just look at Radio Free Mississippi, VNN Forum, or Counter Currents.
I think there is room for at least one that is sympathetic to White America, engaged with the mainstream, reaching out to alienated Whites, grounded in reality, and oriented toward political realism and pragmatism. No other White Nationalist website on the internet is really saying what we are saying.
To answer your question, the “rhetorical radicals” are so numerous – if not dominant – in White Nationalist circles that they show up in almost every thread here. They are counseling White people to sit on the sidelines, read their favorite books, and do nothing to reverse our decline.
If they were simply self absorbed, they wouldn’t be a problem. Instead, they are actively trying to make matters worse on the basis of an article of faith that every victory for our opponents – which pushes the ethnostate further out of reach – is a secret victory for White Nationalists.
I haven’t abandoned the Jewish Question. I do raise it when it is relevant and there is a good chance that people will respond in a positive way. Case in point, the Phil Rockstroh and Rick Sanchez threads.
If I was interested in popularity, I would style myself as an entertainer. I would tell people what they want to hear.
I’m interested in winning.
I could care or less about popularity. It doesn’t matter how popular you are if your advice is to sit around and do nothing. You are only wasting your own time and that of everyone who listens to you.
Do you know Don Black or Derek Black? Have you ever met them? Go ask Don Black what he thinks about Stormfront’s web traffic.
He will be the first to tell you that it is a positive sign, but White Nationalists were more active in the 1980s and 1990s. The internet has cut both ways. We have a lot of people reading White Nationalist websites. What is the use of that though if they are merely time wasting and doing nothing else?
Mr. Dithers,
I am not counseling you to go public as a White Nationalist. Clearly, I have learned that White Nationalists are unwilling to do that. Everything I have written on this website since August is based on the premise that White Nationalists won’t organize as White Nationalists in the real world.
I’ve contributed $$ to Angle twice, and on the basis of HW’s analysis of the situation I will go to senateconservatives.com and make it $$$. Money=power. As for Reid/SEIU stealing it, if she goes in +7 she’ll win no matter what the kosher mafia does; if they do steal it at this margin, then Civil War will begin even sooner than I think.
@Alix – thanks for the information about Reid’s wife. This is a typical pattern: again and again, when you find an anglo-saxon male who is Red/anti-white, there is a Jewess pulling strings in the background: e.g., Bill Ayers (Bernadine Dohrn); Ernest Hemingway (Martha Gellhorn), even the Filipino communist who led the Huk Rebellion post-WW II had a Jew wife he met while in school in the US. However, TP is not going to become “anti-war”; the financing (Koch brothers) and pied piper leadership (Palin, Beck) is now completely Zionist/shabbatz goy. That’s OK. For now. One step at a time.
Even the professional anti-Semites should be able to find a reason to vote against Harry Reid. The commentator above pointed out that he has a Jewish wife and Jewish children. Reid himself has said that Jewish influence has affected his votes in Congress.
This guy is a dirtbag. I don’t care much for Scott Brown, but he is clearly less of a problem for us than Ted Kennedy. For the same reason, it makes sense to knock off Reid and replace him with Angle, and the latter has the added benefit of being an A+ on immigration.
Defeating Reid will give Whites the confidence to go after even more targets in 2012. The electoral map in 2012 will be far worse for Democrats than the present one. In the next election, they will be defending seats in the Midwest and South, not the Northeast and Pacific Coast.
I always enjoy reading your posts.
You taught me something–Bill Ayers IS NOT a YKW.
Have read about that phenomenon in the USSR, almost every top ethnic Russian official had a Jewish wife to keep him in line.
The S. A. Indian leader of the “Shining Path” movement had an American Jewess wife.
Even old Stalin himsef had several Jewish wives or mistresses.
Think we’re on to something here.
Is this Joy Behar unhinged? “…those flowers were picked by illegal immigrants, and they’re not voting for you…”! So, who are they voting for? And, isn’t that kind of the point?
Waiting with bated breath for her to be fired.
HW, I’m still waiting for you to abandon any mention of the toxic JQ. The power structure in the West is Jewish or Judaised, if you prefer, and we must work within that power structure. I don’t like to bang my head against a cement wall. Further, there’s a segment of Right-wing Jews that is receptive to a racial/WN discourse as long as they don’t feel threatened. We need those Jews on board, if we wish to succeed. You’re a bright man, I know you will see the obvious.
Regarding “FB” above:
Who didn’t see this post coming? I suspect we will see much more of it as time goes on with this direction change for OD – alas, it is always this way. Yes, abandon that pesky “JQ” altogether – all those “right-wing Jews” will then come a-callin’!
If I had a nickle(or shekel) for every time I’ve heard this phoney mantra in the past couple decades I could fund my own personal WN revolution!!
The “direction change” here consists of becoming more realistic and practical. That’s a good thing.
There hasn’t been any abandonment of the Jewish Question. Just search Val Koinen’s posts, my post about Phil Rockstroh, or two of Jack Ryan’s recent posts. This site was never obsessed with the Jewish Question. We have always discussed it as one issue among many.
I’ve spent a lot of time talking about the midterm elections because it is the #1 subject on the minds of Whites at the moment.
As for abandoning the Jewish Question, that would serve no purpose on OD, as there is only a paper trail here two years long, and I don’t believe in lying about the subject. Nothing that we say on the internet really matters either.
In real life, I only raise the Jewish Question around people who are explicitly racially conscious and interested in learning about America’s racial decline.
Even the professional anti-Semites should be able to find a reason to vote against Harry Reid
Who are “the professional anti-Semites”? And why would they otherwise be inclined to support Reid (that they have to “find a reason”)?
Alex wrote:
There’s much to admire about the Catholic church.
Political-Spiritual submission to a distant hierarchy is preferable to congregationalism in your mind?
I.e., “Rome Rule, Not Home Rule”? Hmm..!
Everyone who has spent any considerable amount of time in White Nationalist circles has encountered the professional anti-Semites. It is a play on the “professional Left” whom Robert Gibbs had the misfortune of crossing a few months ago.
Professional anti-Semites are obsessed with the Jewish Question and explain every aspect of reality through that prism. They are obsessed with conspiracies like “the Rothschilds have controlled England since Oliver Cromwell.”
They talk about the Jewish Question and nothing else. Professional anti-Semites are remarkable for clinging to a strong version of anti-Semitism that is easily stereotyped and discredited. This can be contrasted with the weak version of anti-Semitism which is essentially the belief that Jews are just a bad influence on White America.
America. History’s biggest joke.
Friday’s topic will be the Tea Party, Barack Obama, Corporate America, and free trade.
Monday’s will be coverage of “Restoring Sanity.” Tuesday’s will be a live election thread. Wednesday’s will be election aftermath. I’m sure next Thursday and Friday will be post-election analysis of the White vote.
I fear I was unclear in my post – it was not intended to be a criticism of the direction shift or a suggestion that you were personally advocating a prohibition against the JQ. I was addressing “FB’s”
post above mine, with what I would deem the predictable calls to utterly abandon all mention of the JQ, since you were now taking rather more “mainstream” (for lack of a better term) approach with OD.
I have said here before that I do indeed hope this incarnation of OD succeeds fully in reaching a wider audience and stirring some to action(which is the obvious intent). After all, seeing “implicit whiteness” openly on parade in US politics is a Hell of a lot better than seeing none at all, as has more or less been the case for years.
Even the professional anti-Semites should be able to find a reason to vote against Harry Reid
I don’t like to use the enemies terms like anti-Semites. I prefer Jewish Aware Persons, or JAPS if you prefer. The Jew’s goals are being met one way or another. This from Sharon Angle’s website:
National Security and Public Protection
She supports strong sanctions against rogue nations that export, support or harbor terrorism and believes that we must do whatever necessary to protect America from terrorism.
What does this Jewspeak mean? Wars, wars, wars, wars.
What does this Jewspeak mean? Wars, wars, wars, wars.
But there isn’t going to be anymore wars, that’s what nobody seems to get. The US Army is overextended, there is no public appetite for more conflicts and most importantly: there is no money.
You can’t fight a war without money and the US simply has none left.
Unless William Kristol is elected president you don’t need to worry about an attack on Iran or any other state for that matter.
Not sure about that one Otis. Never underestimate the commitment of the Likudniks and American neocons to use all their considerable power and influence on Isreal’s behalf. Obviously they don’t care that there is no appetite for war in this country. From their point of view, the only cost of war in Asia is the lives of White trash and Arabs, or Persians in the case of Iran, paid for with debt foisted on American Whites. If Isreal attacks Iran, and Iran closes the straights of Hormuz, that would likely bring the US into conflict with Iran.
@ Alex
I don’t care what your Roman Catholic Pope says, or, does. That’s between you and him, you can both blow dead niggers in Italy, and, dead Jews too. I could care less about your goofy religion.
What I do care about, is the fact that your Roman Catholic politicians in Congress have a voting alliance with the Jews—an anti-White political alliance.
Yes, the Jews are the trying to have their goals met one way or the other. How does not voting for Sharron Angle help, if that’s what you’re suggesting? Harry Reid will gleefully implement the neocon war agenda. Reid is a reliable vote for AIPAC. And not all powerful neocons are Jews.
Whites as a whole, including the WNs love their abstract safe polite and timid politics. As much progress as HW notes and cheers it is still not enough to take us over the top, this election is not so much a revolution but a plea for the old.
The day whites have had it and can screw up the courage to engage in what Horus calls “practical politics” face to face and put a finger in someone’s chest and tell them firmly, “it’s your fault and I’m going to hold you responsible”, then I’ll believe we are getting somewhere.
@ FB;
“Further, there’s a segment of Right-wing Jews that is receptive to a racial/WN discourse as long as they don’t feel threatened. We need those Jews on board, if we wish to succeed. You’re a bright man, I know you will see the obvious.”
FB , who are these “Right-wing Jews” of whom you speak, that would be receptive? The Orthodox people at Neturei Karta? I am not being facetious in this question as I would really like to know who, among these most racially unified people on earth, are willing to seriously discuss trying to advance our interests when the price for such is to seriously upset their very powerful brethren. Also, when you consider that such would displease (very much) the coalition of blacks, browns, gays, etc. that they have catered to over these past decades, helping us in any way is probably unthinkable to them.
Firstly, liked the piece; and, yes, it is significant that the ad is fairly explicit (i.e., as explicit as I’ve seen, and especially for a U.S. senate candidate). In short, it’s very encouraging and clearly is driving the useful idiots nuts. That alone is worth its weight in gold, and it looks like it will put her over the top to boot.
Secondly, although her winning would be big deal and generally helpful, I do think that, and as VDare has pointed out, Tancredo would be a bigger deal. The combination of the two would be a huge deal.
Finally, let us not forget that what is driving all of this is the economy. Many who didn’t concern themselves are now becoming aware through their relatives’, neighbors’, and their own brush with economic insolvency and/or lack of economic opportunity to question what is wrong with the policies that got us here. This is what is driving not just the Angle vs. scumbag Reid campaign of late (i.e., if you allow it to happen via an ad like that shown), but many other contests. Essentially, the current and likely future economic backdrop is ripe for Sailer like strategies as evidenced by a relatively ballsy Sharon Angle. I feel bad that it had to take an economic depression to create fertile conditions for WN, but now that the economic cards are being delt it’s about time to step on the accelerator and stop with the limp wristed triangulation. Hail to the ballsy Angle ‘white bitch’, and hello hope and change for WNs; but let’s try not to let others to forget the cause(s). Again, it’s the failing economy that has been the greatest boon to the cause of some small amount of sanity and hope.
Drug war spilling over the border, beheading included helps as well.
One more time, again, without the economic malaise it wouldn’t probably amount to much vs. for example a hundred years ago we might have crossed the border and evened up the score. In short, the depression is a necessary but not sufficient condition for beheadings to matter. The problem is that the country has been so watered down and conditioned by decades of multicultural silliness and brainwashing that it doesn’t respond in an automatic and visceral way to things like that, but the economy has seemed to change the game enough for the Angle ad to matter, as well as the socialist cry of “racist” is wearing very thin these days when actual unemployment in places like Nevada tops 20% (i.e., is at depression levels). It’s the economy Simmons, it’s the economy.
Almost no one has talked about the wars in this election cycle. There was a NYT article about this the other day. The economy and spending are overwhelmingly the dominant issues right now.
Please stop beating the Catholic hobby horse in every thread. You are starting to sound like Jupiter.
“this Protestant is giving serious thought to converting”
God Bless ya Alex, it must be a pretty dramatic time for you. I struggle with faith and the Church too, so much so that I am now studying Canon Law full time, haha. I am really enjoying it too. The history of the Catholic Church is absolutely awe-inducing ……two thousand plus years is really something.
I wish you all the best no matter what move you make.
@ Hunter
I too really appreciate your voice on here and I am going to follow the election here too since yer gonna liveblog it!