Effective Metapolitics

D.W. Griffith's The Birth of a Nation is an example of "effective metapolitics."

Birmingham, AL

Ideas have consequences.

I have been unfairly portrayed as an enemy of intellectuals and their ideas. That is not the case at all. Sitting right here on my bookshelf, I have a copy of Richard Weaver’s Ideas Have Consequences. I own thousands of books and enjoy reading, writing, and political analysis as much, if not more, than most White Nationalists.

You get two posts today.

While I was being accused of “anti-intellectualism” over the past few months, I was writing book reviews of Rules for Radicals, Reveille for Radicals, Civilization and Its Enemies, The Next American Civil War, and American Insurgents, American Patriots. I was actually working overtime to diagnose the problems of the White Nationalist movement and prescribe practical solutions based on key insights that could allow pro-Whites to make progress in this tough political environment.

Several commentators have directed my attention to an essay written by “White Republican” on Metapolitics at Counter-Currents. I don’t dispute the importance of “intellectual work” to be done in the White Nationalist movement. It is the nature of the “metapolitical struggle” being proposed that I find objectionable.

I would like to draw a critical distinction between “effective metapolitics” and “ineffective metapolitics.” The definition of “effective metapolitics” would be “intellectual work” that is successful in narrowing the gap between White America and White Nationalists. Conversely, “ineffective metapolitics” is intellectual activity which is counterproductive and expands the artificial divide that now exists.

The weakness of this essay is that it is short on specifics. The author is correct that “each form of activism” should “complement and reinforce the others.” If the “metapolitical struggle” isn’t complementing the community organizing or the ground game, then obviously there is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.

Here are some examples of “effective metapolitics”:

1.) The Anti-White Concept/The Mantra – The most effective weapon of our avowed enemies is the sting that comes from accusations of “racism,” “nativism,” “homophobia,” “bigotry,” “sexism” and the like. Conservatives run away and hide under their beds when they are accused of this type of bad behavior. No respectable person wants to be associated with a “hate group.” Similarly, “diversity” is put on a pedestal as something that is inherently a positive good.

The enemy has been very effective at demonizing normal White behavior and pathologizing any and all forms of conservative resistance to their leftwing agenda. Conservatives have internalized the ridiculous anti-White double standard that it is righteous and just for blacks, Jews, and Hispanics to organize on the basis of racial and ethnic identity while White people who do so are moral monsters.

The “anti-White” concept is a rhetorical sledgehammer that can be used to break out of this self imposed cultural isolation. The Left can be accurately portrayed as being driven by hatred and animus toward White people. The idea that White people are the victims of anti-White bias and discrimination is already breaking out in the mainstream.

“Anti-White” is our “anti-Semitism.” It is the milk cow with a thousand tits. In particular, I would like to call attention to the great work of Bob Whitaker and Horus the Avenger, who have developed this concept into “The Mantra,” which is now gaining ground outside of White Nationalist circles. Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter now regularly call attention to anti-White double standards.

Their version of the “metapolitical struggle” is making it easier for ground based activists to talk to ordinary people about the racial matters that concern us.

2.) HBD/Racial Differences – The HBD community has created a lively underground discussion about the existence of racial differences. Arthur Jensen, Phillipe Rushton, Richard Lynn and numerous other scholars have methodically worked for decades to undermine the smug egalitarianism of the political class.

The most famous example of a successful broadside from the HBD community would be the publication of The Bell Curve by Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein. Less well known, but equally effective, Murray has another book called Human Accomplishment which is an empirical demonstration of Western superiority in science, technology, and the arts.

Nicholas Wade, a science writer at The New York Times, has been chipping away at Stephen J. Gould’s Mismeasure of Man for years. The work Steve Sailer has done in mainstreaming and popularizing HBD is similarly invaluable.

The figleaf of mainstream legitimacy has allowed Murray and Wade to reach a far larger audience than would otherwise be the case.

3.) The Sailer Strategy – Steve Sailer has spent years crunching the numbers and articulating the “Sailer Strategy” of GOP outreach to White voters. This is helpful in explaining to mainstream conservatives why open borders amounts to political suicide and why only an embrace of White identity politics can ultimately enable them to “take their country back.”

4.) A Conversation About Race – Craig Bodeker’s A Conversation About Race is a fine introduction to the race debate. It is trailblazing in that Bodeker has demonstrated what White Nationalists can do with film.

5.) Racism, Schmacism – James Edwards Racism, Schmacism is a helpful little book for disseminating Bob Whitaker’s Mantra (anti-racism is anti-White) to a mainstream conservative audience.

6.) The MacDonald Trilogy – Kevin MacDonald has made an invaluable contribution in creating a serious space for discussion of the Jewish Question. He has done us no small service in taking the subject out of the hands of the kooks and conspiracy theorists. He has demonstrated the reasonableness of anti-Semitism.

7.) The Ethnostate – Wilmot Robertson provided the White Nationalist movement with a sensible long term vision and center of gravity.

8.) Pat Buchanan – Pat Buchanan has done more than anyone else in America to tie together a coherent ideological worldview for White Nationalists. He has spent years explaining the connections between radical multiculturalism, political correctness, Israel and American foreign policy, differential birthrates, free trade, globalization, foreign wars, immigration, affirmative action, racial double standards, abortion and birth control, and the mortal wounds the World Wars inflicted upon Western Civilization.

No one else has done a better job at tying it all together for a White conservative audience. His many books about these subjects including Death of the West, The Great Betrayal, and Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War awakened thousands including this writer.

Once again, the importance of working within the mainstream with a fig leaf of legitimacy can be seen in the success of Buchanan’s work. Discourse poisoning is far more effective when it is done on the mainstream end and taps into conservative distribution networks.

9.) Sam Francis – Sam Francis was prescient in explaining the long term importance of the MARs constituency and Middle America. We saw that in spades two weeks ago. The importance of Francis is that he identified our target audience and our geographic arena of action.

10.) Birth of a Nation – Digging deeper into history, The Birth of a Nation singlehandedly led to the creation of the Second Ku Klux Klan and played an important role in the reconciling the North to the Jim Crow South.

11.) Darwinism – Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species was undoubtedly the single most influential book in the history of ideas since the Bible and the Koran. It may ultimately prove the longest lasting.

12.) Passing of the Great Race – Madison Grant’s The Passing of the Great Race changed the immigration debate in America. Like Darwin’s Origin of Species or Murray’s The Bell Curve, it was a poignant illustration of the ability of ideas to shape political opinion … by working within the mainstream.

13.) The Tanton Network – Everyday without fail I check Imagine2050 to get the latest updates on their war against The John Tanton Network. The importance of John Tanton’s contribution to mainstreaming immigration restrictionism is obvious.

14.) Whiteness and Christianity – This is a field that is wide open for a “metapolitical struggle” of the likes which “Counter-Currents” advocates. We need some aspiring racialist theologian to prove that White Nationalism is absolutely 100 percent compatible with Christianity.

The Kinists of Spirit/Water/Blood and Cambria Will Not Yield deserve honorable mention in this respect. I think their work is grossly underappreciated.

15.) Whiteness and the Founding Fathers – Historical revisionism is another field that is wide open to a “metapolitical struggle.” The raw White Nationalism of the frontiersmen of Colonial America, the Founders, the 19th century expansionists, the Texas Revolution, and 20th century American imperialism in Latin America is easy to demonstrate.

I haven’t gotten around to reposting the American Racial History Timeline. That was my small contribution to grounding the legitimacy of the White Nationalist movement in authentic Americanism.

See Thomas DiLorenzo’s books which chip away at the Lincoln cult.

16.) Authentic Americanism – Yet another wide open field. It should be a cake walk to write hundreds of books about how White racial consciousness shaped the American people and the very counters of the United States over a time period spanning over three hundred years.

The only scholar who has written a book close to documenting the destruction of traditional Americanism is the Jew Eric P. Kaufmann. This is a wide open field for aspiring White Nationalist scholars.

17.) The Passion of the Christ – Mel Gibson’s movie The Passion of the Christ showed how the Jews murdered Jesus. It drove the ADL nuts.

18.) Whiteness and Morality – Another wide open field. White Nationalism doesn’t have anything like a go to moral philosopher like Kevin MacDonald. Frank Salter has made some contributions in this area.

19.) Alexander Solzhenitsyn – Alexander Solzhenitsyn has done important work on the Jewish Question which Kevin MacDonald has publicized. He has made it easier to talk about in Russia.

20.) Saul Alinsky and Lee Harris – Finally, Saul Alinsky’s ideas were of invaluable assistance in diagnosing what is wrong with the White Nationalist movement and how it can get back on track. Lee Harris’ concept of “fantasy ideology” was also applicable and insightful in many areas.

21.) Liberty and Whiteness – We need someone to prove that traditional American values like liberty, equality, and tolerance are absolutely compatible with White Nationalism. Aside from a few scattered communitarians, no one is doing much work on reviving the authentic republican tradition either.

Toward Effective Metapolitics

Those who advocate a “metapolitical struggle” to change the reigning anti-racist mores of American culture should be trying to make our job easier. There are any number of people (some of whom I have drawn attention to above) involved with or linked to the White Nationalist movement who are succeeding in doing just that.

At the opposite end of the spectrum, there are vanguardists who want to dig a deeper hole, reduce our effectiveness, increase the gap of alienation, abandon any pretense of a ground game, empower our enemies, and attach a moral and cultural stigma to White Nationalism. Their counterproductive activity is not helpful and it should be recognized as such.

It is based upon dangerous wishful thinking that civilization will collapse and they will somehow emerge in a Mad Max world as the benefactors. No thought is given to exactly how many White people have to loose their lives for the Elect to get to the promised land.

The trademark characteristic of the vanguardist version of the “metapolitical struggle” is that it is based on a radical sense of alienation and wild fantasy based thinking. They set up an abstract ideal of a White Republic and use it to devalue all real existing communities (which are formed by historical processes) on that basis. It is fool’s gold which is exposed upon close inspection as a false alternative.

The Hitler on a White Horse never comes.* Neither does the White Nationalist version of The Rapture which is usually referred to as The Collapse. Like a mirage in a desert, it has led countless White Nationalists on a neverending chase after the Aryan El Dorado.

The Great Disappointment was a major event in the history of the Millerite movement, a 19th century American Christian sect that formed out of the Second Great Awakening. William Miller, a Baptist preacher, understood by studying the prophecies in the book of Daniel (Chapters 8 and 9, especially Dan. 8:14 “Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed”) that Jesus Christ would return to the earth during the year 1844. A more specific date, that of October 22, 1844, was preached by Samuel S. Snow. Although thousands of followers, some of whom had given away all of their possessions, waited expectantly, Jesus did not appear as expected on the appointed day and as a result October 22, 1844, became known as the Great Disappointment.

In every iteration of this particular fantasy I have seen, whether it be The Day of the Rope or White Nationalists on Mars, every Jew and non-White on earth has been exterminated and vanguardist fanatics (the true believers) ultimately emerge as the lords of the universe. I’m told that in some versions of the tale polygamy has been legalized and they even have their own version of the promised 72 virgins.

Ideas are great and wonderful. Just not every idea. Especially those that make us look foolish.

* In the case of Eugene Terre’blanche in South Africa, the Hitler on the White Horse actually did come, but he died a mainstreamer petitioning the United Nations for a White homeland.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter,

    Have you have ever considered putting up “open discussion” threads here on OD? Daily Kos and Redstate do this every once in a while. They put up an “open thread” where people can talk about whatever they want. It would give OD readers and commenters a place to share useful thoughts, comments and suggestions, or just converse about matters of mutual interest, but that might be off topic for whatever articles are currently running. I’m not suggesting anyone’s comment is off topic in this conversation; actually it’s this comment, my own, that’s off topic, but I still wanted to make the suggestion. Granted DK and redstate get huge traffic so this idea might not translate here.

  2. Christianity is not in itself incompatible with racial nationalism. Liberal Christianity claims it is not because it confuses universal salvation and Christian brotherhood with social equality.

    It’s true that moral racism (i.e. attributing moral status to individuals due to race) is un-Christian. In Catholic teaching, the original Mosaic convenant is fullfilled in Christ. The Church is now the “People of God,” and Jews have simply refused the fullfillment of their own covenant. If a Jew converts, he is a Christian and all Christians must recognize him as such.

    Christianity teaches the equality of all souls before God – a faithful slave can be saved while his wicked master is damned, but Christianity does not challenge the relationship between master and slave in this world. Political and social boundaries outside the family are under the jurisdiction of the secular authority, which is separate from the Church. The Church has always recognized the authority of the secular powers to manage affairs like borders and citizenship. Likewise, it does not challenge distinctions in social class and social hierarchy.

    From a Catholic perspective, the job of the state is to rule in accordance with Natural Law, (i.e. maintain law and order (not mandate equality) and protect the Catholic religion.) The principle of subsidiarity acknowleges local authorities, hierarchies, and distinctions are necessary for a well-ordered society.

    Obviously, liberal Catholic bishops and other religious leaders do not think in these relatively medieval terms and argue that immigration restrictions and ethnic separatism is un-Christian. My point is that they do not have any doctrinal or traditional basis for doing so.

  3. Correction: I should have said, “Christianity does not challege the social distinction between master and slave in this world.” It does make reciprocal moral demands on the members of social hierarchies.

    Wives, be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.
    Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them.
    Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.
    Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.
    Slaves, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters, not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but in singleness of heart, fearing the Lord.
    Whatever your task, work heartily, as serving the Lord and not men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward; you are serving the Lord Christ.
    For the wrongdoer will be paid back for the wrong he has done, and there is no partiality.
    Masters, treat your slaves justly and fairly, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven.
    (Col. 3.18-4.1)

  4. At some point our subversive metapolitical ideas have to be disseminated. To do this, however, we have only alternative media at our disposal (the Internet, you tube, podcasts). Metapolitical work is necessary, yet will never have the intended effect until our ideas and memes move beyond our own own Internet circles — which seems impossible because the Internet is all we have. So what we need are ways to drive traffic from meatspace to our corners of cyber-space. Here is where we have to get creative. We dont have money to buy advertising on national TV or billboards, but maybe we don’t need billboards. The idea of a billboard is just a simple message where many drivers will see it.

    On my way to the office every morning I usually get stuck at a red light. At that particular corner, which gets thousands of cars a day stuck at that light, somebody slapped a bumper sticker on the light pole where whoever is stuck at that light can see it. The bumper sticker says: We should have picked our own damn cotton!

    A bit crude for my tastes but hey — at least one person in my town is thinking in the right direction. So what about a twist on that? We put a pithy message on a bumper sticker with a simple URL to a video.

    Maybe something like: Worried about crime? See . The link could go to a video similar to the one that was posted here on OD last summer. It was the one that showed Blacks beating White men, women and children. Likewise, the same technique could be used across a range of key cultural issues, like miscegenation for example. The message might be: Black Men/White Women. No Accident. See . The clip could be something simple, maybe a quick progression of images of famous scenes that show that miscegenation is being pushed intentionally. Rhett Butler/Scarlett O’Hara – Kirk/Uhura – Tiger Woods/ Elin Nordgren. Or whatever. That’s just an example. The message world have to be fine tuned, but the point would be to show that miscegenation is being pushed on purpose. The last frame of the video could end with a message like Race Mixing=White Genocide, and then name the Jew. If that piques someone’s interests, they’ll start googling and eventually find the right stuff. If even one person of influence responds to that message, say a local White attorney or doctor, it might be worth the trouble.

    Granted bumper stickers on light poles is pitiful when the other side has the twin beasts of mass education and mass media at their disposal. But at this point almost anything might be better the leaving our cultural message buried in comments that few outside the choir will ever see.

  5. Fred,

    In answer to your statement:

    “I personally don’t see the need for the supernatural when one has science. Why not simply create a philosophy that promotes healthy values and behaviors? If it’s designed properly it could be palatable to everyone while leading them towards a concensus.”

    I have to respectfully disagree that there is no need for the supernatural. Because Judeo Christianity has left such a spiritual void, we see White Europeans who have not gone atheist convert to other religions like Buddhism or Islam or Judaism or God help us, become Noachides (the ultimate slaves to Jewry. I mean if they are going to become Monotheists who reject Jesus Christ, they might as well become Jews).

    I will say Christianity needs to find some way to meld the supernatural with science. Forget this dogmatic idiocy that we are only five or ten thousand years old at the most and make Christianity compatible with science. That’s why I think the Sumerian Annunaki Legend is the best starting place to go back and retool it. So we are spared this whole Chosen People and Wanna Be Chosen People nonsense that Hitler’s Master Race and Britain/Christian Identity’s Convenant People are trying to ape.

    Have you read the about the Annunaki? The Sumerians worshipped them. Zechariah Stitchin studied them and wrote “The Lost Book of Enki.” It deals with a more advanced race of Caucasoid humanoids who tampered with the DNA of the more primitive hominids here to produce a slave race to worship them and mine gold for them. For me, it cleared up many vague references and contradictions in the Bible. The two creation stories. The tales about “God” versus “Satan,” etc. Here is the site if anyone is curious.


    The one thing about the Annunaki legend is that it contains an explanation for evolution and the races. Even those odd creatures (like mermaids, giants and centaurs) of legend. They experimented with several different prototypes which they created and destroyed. There is a strong pro-White slant in that the most advanced prototype they came up with was Cro-Magnon man. This apparently angered the Annunaki in charge (who bears a suspicious resemblance to Yahweh and explains why he cannot be the White European deity or mascot) and he was the one who led the decison to destroy humanity in the Great Flood. It was only a higher intervention from the REAL God that saved remnants of humanity.

    Christianity had a brush with what I believe to be the truth and almost went down the path of liberation when the so-called “Marcion Heresies” came into vogue. If Christian White Nationalists could pursue them again, they might be able to break the Zionist yoke off of European Christianity’s neck. However, it would be an uphill struggle. Christianity has become so infilitrated and penetrated by the Judaizers that it even now proudly refers to itself as Judeo-Christianity and that is when you don’t include the more rabid but increasingly more mainstream moonbats, the Christian ZioNuts.


    In any case, the whole central theme of Christianity – that God so loved the world that He gave up his only-begotten son, Jesus Christ to be crucified as a ransom to redeem us of our sins is NOT compatible with Monotheism as we know it. It wouldn’t be necessary for God to make such a sacrifice to Himself. He could simply forgive the sin debt and be done with it. Some one else … some one He had possibly delegated the authority to enforce collection had to be paid that ransom. Who was it?

    IMO, the only way to make Christianity compatible with Monotheism is to indoctrinate Christians with the belief that yes, there is one God. On the “sixth day,” he created them in his own image on the supercontinent, Pangaea, blessed them with the ability to evolve to their environments as the continents shifted apart and walked away.

    Before he did so, he had delegated a lot of his authority over various planets and given a lot of personal autonomy to very powerful angels. Where Earth was concerned, there were angels who then abused their autonomy by tampering with our evolution on the “eighth day.” And this is the reason for the prohibition of mankind further tampering with our natural evolutionary process by “adultery” or race-mixing. When these angels created a new race of man, they weakened our DNA by design. Mankind creating mongrels will further weaken the DNA of all races. All races must live and evolve separately as the REAL God intended to reach our fullest potential.

    There was a power struggle with a loser and a winner (the god of this world who Jesus Christ referenced) who then turned around and is currently abusing his authority. Then the assumption can be that Revelations covers the period when, the REAL God, at some future date, dispatches Jesus Christ back to to Earth to eject the riff-raff and restore Mankind to what he would have been had these angels never violated their mandate and tampered with him in the first place.

    I also think it is possible to de-lin Jesus Christ to Judaism. There is an argument that Barabbas may have been Menahem ben Judah). I found two more interesting sites that apparently contradict the true identity of Jesus Christ, but provide clues that indicate that they could also be the two biographies of Jesus Christ prior to and after the crucifixion.




    My idea is not to create a racial supremacist, but a racial separatist religion. I hate the whole concept of White Suprremacism because, due to our inherent altruism, it ends up creating White Man’s burden, where we have to take up a bunch of Rudyard Kipling’s “sullen peoples, half-devil and half-child.” But we are never allowed to kick them to the curb. What a nightmare that has been! Especially for those White Supremacists in Rhodesia and South Africa. Thanks, but no thanks.

    It would not be EXPLICITLY White; it has an outwardly aracial ideology that could be adopted by Non-White Christians. I could see this appealing particularly to Asian Christians who already have great pride in their racial purity, like the Japanese and the Chinese. It has the potential to appeal even those are not known for a desire for racial purity, because they feel inferior to Whites, because the ideology in this religion would promote the theme that they can perfect themselves to their fullest potential if they are allowed to evolve without outside interference or miscegenation. Even Mestizos, if they are allowed enough time to evolve as a separate race can perfect themselves through God’s code for improvement through evolution with no further tampering.

    However, it would be IMPLICITLY White and I have come to the conclusion that constructing an implicit racial religion and ideology using aracial terminology is what Whites are most comfortable because it lessens the cognitive dissonance between the natural instincts of racial self-preservation and their altruistic sensibilities. WNists can use this to indoctrinate Whites into focusing on the improvement of only the White race Instead of being hurt and baffled by the ingratitude displayed by all the Non-Whites they have helped, to their own detriment. This religion/ideology will make them realize that Non-Whites instinctively understand they are better equipped by God to handle their own problems far more effectively than Whites can and are right to suspect subconscious sabotage on the part of any Whites who coddle them.

  6. LEW posts:
    “Likewise, the same technique could be used across a range of key cultural issues, like miscegenation for example. The message might be: Black Men/White Women. No Accident. See . The clip could be something simple, maybe a quick progression of images of famous scenes that show that miscegenation is being pushed intentionally. Rhett Butler/Scarlett O’Hara – Kirk/Uhura – Tiger Woods/ Elin Nordgren. Or whatever. That’s just an example. The message world have to be fine tuned, but the point would be to show that miscegenation is being pushed on purpose. The last frame of the video could end with a message like Race Mixing=White Genocide, and then name the Jew. If that piques someone’s interests, they’ll start googling and eventually find the right stuff. If even one person of influence responds to that message, say a local White attorney or doctor, it might be worth the trouble.”

    I respectfully disagree. Your concept of miscegenation is intentional White genocide is sound, but it is too narrow. We need ALL gentiles to refuse to engage in race-mixing. And there is a very easy way to do that. Imagine THIS bumper sticker:

    No race mixing! Consider the children …

    Put up you-tube videos with real sad elegic music that feature all the children of race-mixing who died waiting to find a matching or compatible donor who could give them an organ or bone marrow transplant.

    Do the same at a website. Put up links to any and all information that show that certain medicines may work to heal one race but kill another.

    At one time, doctors were trained to biological evolutionary differences among the races and were careful, even with blood to match the donor and the receiver by race. That is why they encouraged the family members to donate blood so they would not get sick and die.

    Make the case that the tainted blood that caused AIDS in hemophiliacs might have been the result of cross-racial transfusions rather than any degenerate style on the part of the donor. The patients who suffered from hemophilia already had compromise immune systems so they had no antibodies to fight off any allergies to the blood of a different race.

    What made the Amerind so susceptible to European smallpox? Was there prior racial miscegenation that weakened them as a people? Kennewick Man proves that Whites were Paleolithic Americans then the Asiatics came in through the Bering Strait and absorbed them. Could that have compromised the immune systems of their offspring?

    Race mixing has to be seen as more than merely the genocide of the White race, because to be frank, Non-Whites don’t give a damn about Whites. They may even think they will get the benefit of perfecting themselves via gene theft through interracial marriage with Whites.

    However, if you can hammer home the point that they will be producing sickly children with a lot of genetic anomalies, mental and emotional problems, etc. ad nauseum ad infinitum, they will want to avoid interracial marriage like the plague.

    Race-mixing is universal genocide. Any one promoting has a hidden, sinister agenda and they are not your friend. Thwart them by marrying and having children with your own kind.

  7. “That’s because there doesn’t seem to be any genuine “North American” aspect to the project.”


    Perhaps that is because the identity of “North America” as it currently stands isn’t sufficient to the project at hand. Many involved in the “metapolitical project” feel that progress will only be made when White “Americans” begin to see themselves differently, as an offshoot of mother Europa and not as a separate “propositional nation”. A large part of the metapolitical project is to provide a venue for White Americans access to myths and visions based on a past much older and deeper than “America”. Many of us feel that the delimited domain of “American History” does not contain the necessary meta-stuff to provide what is needed for a shift in identity, for a old-new mythos, a narrative of ourselves and what our “meaning” is and should be. Obviously, this shift has to be based on some type of Gramscian “march through the institutions”, with a good beginning being to cause confusion and conflict among the current alien-occupied institutions … by whatever means necessary.

    Bottom line: I don’t see any need for conflict between those working on the above path, and those working along a path oriented to electoral politics. They can and should work hand in hand.

  8. Gregor,

    The theme of Counter-Currents is essentially this: look at me, I am radically alienated from my neighbors. I’m against Christianity, America, federalism and republican government. Stewing in my alienation, I adore all things European, especially fascism, and want to replace a free society with a Nazi dictatorship, and a “neo-aristocratic vanguard” of similarly radically alienated intellectuals where I (as the Pontifex Maximus of this cult) of course would have the power to lord it over my White inferiors.

    There is no practical way to advance this goal in The System. Nothing less than the collapse of The System and Western civilization will even bring this nihilistic fantasy within the remote realm of possibility. Thus, we should actively try to make matters worse than they already are.

    That’s how I see the website. It is why I react to it in a “negative” way. I see the message it is promoting as something that makes my job harder.

    Now, you are completely right that there is no “necessary conflict” between those engaged in “metapolitics” and ground based activism. That was the whole point of the essay.

    There is no conflict with anyone else (like Kevin MacDonald or Bob Whitaker and Horus the Avenger) who are in the business of “spreading ideas” that are actually helpful. The conflict is over a counterproductive message (one that is not tailored to an American audience) specific to one website.

    Suppose Counter-Currents was trying to explode the MLK legacy or reconcile Christianity with White Nationalism or writing reports like the Color of Crime or or writing The Bell Curve 2 or making a movie about Bernie Madoff.

    No one would be complaining.

  9. Hunter;

    At this point I can only say,

    In your OPINION …

    “The theme of Counter-Currents is essentially this: look at me, I am radically alienated from my neighbors. I’m against Christianity, America, federalism and republican government. Stewing in my alienation, I adore all things European, especially fascism, and want to replace a free society with a Nazi dictatorship, and a “neo-aristocratic vanguard” of similarly radically alienated intellectuals where I (as the Pontifex Maximus of this cult) of course would have the power to lord it over my White inferiors.”

    I know the folks at CC personally, and the contents of your above assessment of them doesn’t match them, especially the parts about wanting “to replace a free society” and wanting to be “Pontifex Maximus … (with) power to lord it overy my White inferiors.”

    You have either a unique ability to create and attack strawmen; or you just don’t want to see that the thought-category you’ve created doesn’t match either the people you’ve included in it, or their ideas. In fact, there’s quite a bit of ideological diversity among us. It’s just not as simple as you insist on making it.

  10. At some point our subversive metapolitical ideas have to be disseminated.

    I agree. The problem, however, has been that most of those who have done the disseminating have been the least capable. And they always say something stupid like “Any publicity is good publicity”. Unfortunately, the same attention seeking media wh*res went on Jerry Springer over and over and over until being prowhite became a joke. The best thing whites could do would be to police our own and put those idiots out of business. I don’t think we will ever make any real progress until we do.

  11. Gregor, one problem that Hunter shares with Alex Linder is that he consistently confuses satire with analysis.

    The root of that confusion is being more concerned to be SEEN as winning an argument than at getting to the truth or advancing the good.

    It is the triumph of narcissism over intellectual honesty and integrity.

    Extreme narcissism goes hand in hand with compulsive lying, since other people’s impressions of the narcissist are more important than anything real, and people’s impressions can be shaped by lies.

  12. Hunter, I’d like to bring to your attention the two articles that popped up on Counter-Currents this morning. One is part 2 of a commemoration of the thinking of Alexis Carrel, the second is an article on “An Economy of Our Own” by “Rob Freeman”. If you’ll look closely at both of them you’ll see that neither fits your description of the content of CC articles. My purpose is not to argue with you, but to illustrate.

    Read part 1 of the Carrel piece and you’ll find that he WAS a member of the NSDAP for a while, but note that the content of the article(s) has nothing to do with waving swaztika flags & etc. The topic is cultural, and about food, and the structure of a sane social system, or perhaps how an insane social system disfigures real men.

    I have no doubt that very few people will ever read Carrel, or even a summary like the one presented on CC. But I do believe that there will be some “new”, “young” writers who will resonate with Carrel and translate this into work which will “fit” into what is going on today, here. And THAT is the purpose of dusting off these dead White males and ensuring they still “live” in a venue accessible to potential “interpreters” in the here and now.

    Where I live, on the Left Coast, there are more and more groups called “Think Local First” forming. Most of them, at this point, are just rah-rah orgs trying to avoid losing market share to chain outfits. Most of them are not (yet) racially conscious, but some members ARE … which is inevitable in Mexifornia. I’ve spoken with these people and many are HUNGRY for a change away from mass-crap-culchah and mammonite civ. — they are ripe for an “interpretation” of Carrel’s ideas. A lot of them go to Tuscany & other “real European” cultures and come back wondering why their own town can’t be (more) like that. They KNOW something is wrong here, and they KNOW what they’d like the direction of change to be … but just don’t know how. They aren’t looking to turn their town into a Puritan New England enclave, or a Bible Belt Walmart Mecca … they want something much deeper.

    Which brings us to “Rob Freeman” and “An Economy of our Own”. These “Think Local First” orgs are prefigurative of just what Rob is talking about, albeit on a more superficial level. There are “those among us” who are pushing these prefigurative orgs in the direction that Rob talks about … unofficially of course. So, is that not “mainstream” and at the same time “ArcheoFuturist”?

    In neither of these articles is there any hint of your idea of what “Vanguardists” are about. Both of these articles are about potential strategies for a healthy society. Rob’s article was about “strategy” in a mode which has nothing to do with electoral politics, but is very practical.

    I also refer you to the thinking of John Young over at EAU … to his idea of “mental secession” preceeding any meaningful political change. People cannot go INTO something more healthy until they mentally divorce themselves from the thought-patterns of the unhealthy structure as currently configured.

    Even if political power were possible, if the unhealthy mental constructs of the evil Zeitgeist are still ini place, political power will be useless. Counter-Currents, and similar, serves up myth and memory in order to stimulate thinking among a new “cultural priesthood” which will be required to overcome the evil Zeitgeist.

    It’s a tough job, but somebody has to do it.

  13. You have either a unique ability to create and attack strawmen; or you just don’t want to see that the thought-category you’ve created doesn’t match either the people you’ve included in it, or their ideas.

    It all stems from a bloated self-opinion. I really think that Hunter was accurately described as having a mix between a histrionic and narcissistic personality disorder. I would even throw in borderline personality, simply because he seems to jump from one extreme to the other, and rationalize everything in black or white. The haughty disposition and constant straw man rationale was all I needed to see.

  14. Gregor,

    I know Greg Johnson and he really has made statements to that effect in the past. He really does want a Nazi dictatorship. He also really does see himself as some sort of Jim Jones guru figure.

    Like “The Joker” in The Dark Knight, Greg is going to give the White Nationalist movement “the leader it deserves.” The North American New Right is going to burn through “the detritus” of the White Nationalist movement and the San Francisco volksgemeinschaft will rise like a phoenix over its ruins!

  15. No, I never said such things. “Hunter Wallace” is lying again. He can’t help it though. He’s too far gone.

  16. I’m not interested in psychoanalyzing Hunter Wallace. I’m not interested in comparing him with Alex Linder. I AM interested in disabusing the false picture he presents of the CC “metapolitical project”, and the strange need to set different aspects of the same struggle at odds with each other.

    Anyone who has studied “how we got into the current mess” understands that it’s the result of a Gramscian “culture attack” (Culture of Critique) against the foundations of Euro-American identity and the whole of European historical identity. The “enemy” knows exactly what they are doing and what they did. This means the thing they fear the most is a reversal of this type of attack, and/or a similar attack on their own foundations. They know that as long as the “subversion” they’ve inserted in our psyches remains in place, political and/or military activity against them will never succeed in the long run. What they fear most is a shift in the cultural winds that goes against them at a fundamental level.

    Let’s look at it through a technological lens. Remember how old PC’s had “dip switches” on the back? How those switches were set determined the parameters of the operating system. If set a certain way, there was a correlation between “input” and “output”. If they were changed or set incorrectly, the operating system wouldn’t function correctly.

    Current “American Culture” operates the way it does because the “dip switches” have been set by hostiles so that no matter what the input, the output will always work to their advantage. The current setting of the cultural “dip switches” demonizes Whites, creates White Guilt, and lots more that readers here are aware of.

    So long as these cultural “switches” are set the way they are, the perceptions of reality by Whites are managed so that the result is anti-White. The myths projected by the “system” are anti-White. As long as the cultural “dip switches” remain the way they are, no matter what is input, the output is anti-White. These dip-switches are created, managed and maintained in the media, education, “religion”, and other places.

    Our task is to change these switches in a small percentage of people who are capable of influencing others … in a cultural mode.

    This is what the enemy fears the most. This is why they fight ceaselessly to maintain the vigor of “racist”, “anti-semite”, “bigot”, etc as weapons of cultural domination. This is what the ADL and SPLC were created for, and live for. Without these weapons they’d be stuck and powerless. Their power is more dependent on this than on the “political process”.

    What worries me about Hunter’s discourse is that it seems to be seeking a “divide” … and a type of “delegitimization” of metapolitical activity. This is exactly what the ADL/SPLC types also want … a divide and conquer situation. Because they KNOW that this will be the most effective weapon against them as alien hostiles, they worry about it a lot.

    What could be BETTER from the ADL/SPLC perspective than internal squabbles intended to delegitimize and demonize a metapolitical project intended to strengthen White European consciousness ?

    Hunter, you are walking a thin line with this trend in your discourse. I’m not saying you are an “enemy” in the Schmittian sense … but I am saying you’re walking a thin line that has some people concerned. I hope these suspicions are not correct.

  17. “adultery” or race-mixing
    Adultery = adulteration. The same is done to the money supply. Adulteration = the jew principle.

  18. So the SPLC/ADL is AFRAID that White Nationalists will abandon their current strategy of marching around in Nazi uniforms, denouncing Christianity, advocating the destruction of America, worshiping Hitler, advocating the physical extermination of the Jews, and engaging in escapist fantasies under anonymous pseudonyms on the internet?

  19. Nestra writes “I have to respectfully disagree that there is no need for the supernatural.”

    I appreciate the respectful disagreement. I rather enjoy reasonable discussion whether one agrees with me or not. And I would certainly never take disagreement personally — unless you called me a “poopy head”. Them’s fightin’ words! :P”

    I agree with a number of your comments. For example, I agree that “Judeo Christianity has left such a spiritual void…”. In The Undiscovered Self Jung wrote that “You can take away a man’s gods, but only to give him others in return.” And there is something to that. As people lose their religion they do seek to fill that void with something else whether it be another religion, secular humanism or even atheism. Indeed, I’ve noticed many atheists are as dogmatic about their beliefs as any religionist. Which shows the need for religion is instinctive and not necessarily dependent on supernatural theology.

    I don’t agree that “Christianity needs to find some way to meld the supernatural with science.” because I don’t think they are compatible with science. As you’ve pointed out, the whole basis of christianity is an irrational act of human sacrifice. Which is a problem because 1) so many people are beholden to it and 2) they don’t seem to mind the irrationality of it. I would, however, agree with the underlying point that religion, philosophy, etc should be compatible with science. If it’s not then I think there will always be some people who are dissatisfied with it. Which is why I oppose replacing one false theology with another even if it does do a better job of incorporating some worthwhile values. Why create a false theology to promote those values when you can create a true theology to promote them? We may not understand everything about nature and the universe but we understand enough to create a more realistic and accurate belief system.

    PS- I’m vaguely familiar with the Sumerians and Annunaki. At least, I’m aware enough to know the Sumerians were the predecessors of Egyptian civilization and religion. And that much of current Semitic theology is merely an evolution of ideas that were borrowed from both of them. I find the evolution of religion fascinating. If you’re into that sort of thing you may enjoy a book called “The Makers of Civilization” that was written by L.A. Waddell in the 1920s. I’ve intended to read it for some time as it’s available online. It’s not a religious book per se but it looks interesting.

  20. Sniping women bitching over the arrangement of the deck chairs; behold, the mighty White Man. Sheesh.

  21. Please note that the “metapolitical project” is being criticized on very narrow, highly specific, constructive grounds. It is not being criticized because Sam Francis, Kevin MacDonald, and Wilmot Robertson books are for sale there.

    The fact remains, you are firing at the wrong target. This is America, not Western Europe; 2010, not 1933. If you want to be of assistance in a North American context, you should focus your energies on projects (like the dozens listed above) that would be of assistance to the ground game.

    Instead, we are treated to insights into Legally Blonde 2 and Coco Chanel’s Nazi love affairs on the eve of the midterm elections.

  22. What doesn’t make sense is Hunter considers Pat Buchanan solidly in the mainstreamer camp. His books, particularly, “Death of the West”, “State of Emergency” and “Day of Reckoning” are full of bad news and grim prognoses for white people and Western Civilization. Take out the reverence for Judeo-Christianity and you can find more than a few “vanguardist” talking points. Yet, both were on the NY Times bestseller list.

    Famous prognosticators like Gerald Celente are predicting food shortages, hyperinflation, economic chaos and collapse and encourages people to stock up on food and ammo. He routinely pillories leaders of both political parties and calls them worthless bums on television and says elections rarely change anything. Yet, he also enjoys the respect of news commentators and millions of Americans.

    It seems if a white nationalist focuses on some of these very same themes they are denounced as kooks and vanguardists who will only alienate “normal” whites. I think the popularity of Buchanan and Celente turns that view on its head and proves that one doesn’t have to be a soothsayer, system cheerleader, and Sarah Palin fan to be effective with the masses.

  23. Mr Dithers-

    Let’s assume you’re correct regarding PB and GC. If they are vanguardists and still maintain mainstream credibility why do you think others haven’t?

  24. Mr Dithers: “It seems if a white nationalist focuses on some of these very same themes they are denounced as kooks and vanguardists who will only alienate “normal” whites. ”

    I don’t think what I perceive to be the most essential or “core” vanguard positions will alienate anyone if presented intelligently and properly much the way you do: giving up on a rigged system, embracing White identity and working for an ethnostate.

    My own perception is that the following vanguard themes are most likely to “alienate” typical Whites: 1) strong anti-Christianity focused on the faith itself rather than the modern churches and that can’t be compromised because it is viewed as an essential element of WN, 2) admiration of ultra-radicals like Linder and Pierce 3) strong anti-Americanism that denounces the entire American project from beginning to end, 4) admiration for fascist or quasi-fascist political forms and symbols such as you find on Stormfront and elsewhere, 5) misanthropy and general dislike of people who don’t share the vanguard worldview.

    All of these themes run often in the vanguard circles I am familiar with.

  25. The North American New Right is going to burn through “the detritus” of the White Nationalist movement and the San Francisco volksgemeinschaft will rise like a phoenix over its ruins!

    Another term for it is “Folsom Street Fair Fascism.”

  26. Fred,
    I’m not trying to make the case that PB and GC are vanguardists; rather, their rhetoric converges with that of the so called vanguardist WN’s on more than a few subjects. Celente is not a racialist and is even somewhat of an anti-anti semite but his dire predictions on the long term viability of the U.S. economy is often times echoed in some white nationalist quarters.

    I think one has to be a complete pollyanna to believe that the U.S. will remain intact and endure forever and ever.

  27. Fred says:
    “I appreciate the respectful disagreement. I rather enjoy reasonable discussion whether one agrees with me or not. And I would certainly never take disagreement personally — unless you called me a “poopy head”. Them’s fightin’ words! 😛 ””

    LOL. I love to debate and I like to preface any disagreement to remind myself to be respectful. When I get done posting this, I am going to copy down the material you recommended.

    I can understand your objections to sticking with a Christian framework, especially if it’s not one you believe in. However, I think you overlook the efficacy of syncretism in converting people from their old beliefs to your new one.

    For example, I was reading this letter by this Muslim recruiter in India. He was the man on the ground who had orders from the caliphate to convert the Hindus or kill them, because with their idols they were not the People of the Book. Well, he liked the Hindus too much to kill them, so he wrote to the caliph pointing parallels between Hindus and Christians who liked to look at the images for inspiration, not to worship them, which I thought was an interesting analogy. He further suggested converting the Hindus the way the Christians had converted the Romans via syncretism. All the gods became saints or angels. Zeus/Jupiter became Jehovah, etc.

    In any case, YOU may see Christianity as a false theology, but there is a chance that it was a true theology that got subverted and corrupted into a false one from jump street. It might be possible for WNist theologians (if they can step away from that Lost Israelite stuff) to find the error, correct it, and break the Zionist yoke that was clamped down on Christianity’s neck almost two thousand years ago.

    Short of a violent upheaval, I don’t see where White Nationalists can overcome Christianity in its current Zionist form with the pure deism of Thomas Paine, but they can appropriate Christianity by creating their own sect that can use WNist ideology to reconcile any contradictions therein. If you think about it, that’s what Mohammed did when creating Islam.

    In a way, it’s the religious version of Mainstream WNists infiltrating the systems already set up, subverting them and then taking them over. Religion is a lot like politics. Both are systems that can be taken over. It seems to me that if the Jews can do it, WNism can, too.

  28. Mr. Dithers:

    “I think the popularity of Buchanan and Celente turns that view on its head and proves that one doesn’t have to be a soothsayer, system cheerleader, and Sarah Palin fan to be effective with the masses.”

    You’re absolutely right, Mr. Dithers, but you are overlooking something. Celente, Buchanan, and Kevin McDonald had to establish themselves credibly before they could start speaking truth to power. They didn’t just come in out of the blue, get on their soap boxes and razzle dazzle the people with so much brilliance that the red carpet was automatically rolled out for them.

    McDonald freely admits he got his tenure nailed down sight before he took his evolutionary psychology and started critiquing Jewish survival strategies. Who knows how long he had to sit on his hands, keep his head low, and his mouth zipped until the right moment?

    I believe the Vanguardists are more right than wrong about their perceptions of things. But I also believe that it behooves them to behave like undercover Mainstreamers and, where it is possible, leave no paper trail, until they are in position to be effective.

    I hope that neither Greg nor Hunter is offended that I like both of their sites. I am a conservative who is relatively new to White Nationalism and like both sites, because they give a lot of useful information and interesting perspectives. I’m not an either/or person. It feels like I’m being stripped of some of my options. I’m a smorgasbord person. I like to try some variation of everything to see what works.

    For example, I didn’t oppose Obamacare for the same reasons that Tea Partiers do. I felt and still feel that we need a national health care system to keep us competitve with other countries. The costs of providing health care was one of the reasons many of our jobs were shipped out of the country. Obama ran on the implicit understanding that there would be a public option just like the federal employees system had which is single-payer, multiple providers. What we got was a mandatory health insurance purchase program.

    In any case, I think all of you have some great ideas and I find myself nodding my head in agreement in several cases. However, this factionalism, this infighting, this dogmatic ideology, and this inflexibility hurts us.

    We need to listen to those WNists who are Mainstreamers to keep bad from going to worse. We need to listen to the Vanguardists in case, despite our best efforts to the contrary, it does.

  29. Lew,
    No doubt there are vanguardist types with character flaws and questionable tact but you’ll find that in any political movement. The left has this problem as well but the “mainstream” leftists are more pragmatic and accepting when it comes to the nuts within their own ranks since they rightfully see themselves at war with the political right and welcome all the allies and street activists they can muster.

    To the vanguardist WN there is no subject off limits where it concerns white survival and no sacred cows. I think some have become so disgusted with what American has become and feel so disenfranchised that the temptation to flirt with anti-Americanism and fascist symbolism is a kind of elixir and fills a spiritual void. This probably does cost them some sympathy among a rigid and easily offended segment of the white population.

    Anything that is playing a role in the demise of the white race must be held up for scrutiny and that includes Christianity. Whereas at one time in our history it was a bulwark against the Asiatic and Muslim hordes it now chooses to fall on its own sword and meekly submit to the alien invasions of Europe and America. It’s no longer a bulwark against anything that threatens the survival of the white race.

    This is a problem.

  30. Dale Crisco says:
    November 18, 2010 at 8:20 pm
    Greg Johnson says that homosexuality is just something like “baldness or myopia or a propensity to pack on the pounds.”


    Well, that post answers a lot of questions.

    Greg Johnson:
    I think that homosexuality is neither a sin (an offense against the God of the Jews) nor an illness, but rather it is something that might be called a “natural suboptimal condition,” like baldness or myopia or a propensity to pack on the pounds.

    The reason for this is obvious: homosexuals are marked for death not because they suffer from a mental illness, but because the Bible—the Jewish Torah—tells us so. This is probably the source of the extreme animus toward race-mixers as well. It is, to put it mildly, a rather astonishing lapse. It makes it all too easy to parody white nationalists as Bible-thumping hayseeds and hillbilly psychopaths.

    It also serves to drive otherwise sympathetic and useful individuals—who might be guilty of nothing more than an experimental homosexual or inter-racial dalliance while in college or the military, where such experimentation is common—into the arms of the system for protection.

    … inter-racial sex is inevitable, because it is perfectly natural and normal for people to take advantage of a wider range of possible mates and sexual partners.

    That is all kinds of wrong.

  31. Gregor says: a “resurrection” only following a collapse of the current zeitgeist. Yup, none of this is “mainstream”, and will not resonate with the good ol’ Merry Cans on Turkey Day. But that’s not the point, at this point …

    Out of curiosity, if you care to answer, who do you think a CC-style metapolitical project/cultural critique project is going to resonate with? Who is the target audience that contains these potential new elites? Is it current graduate students moving in academic positions? Aspiring novelists, screen writers and film directors? Existing people in those positions? It’s just not clear, at least not to me.

    The fact that it won’t resonate with ordinary people is irrelevant because ordinary people don’t shape the zeitgeist and are therefore not a part of the audience. I understand that. On the other hand though, our enemies are not going to allow a Gramsci-style counter march through the institutions. So even if CC hits and sways its target audience, whoever that audience may be, it clearly will not do a shred of good. The positions of cultural power in this country are just as closed to us as the positions of political power.

    So, with that reality in mind, I really don’t see why a CC-style cultural critique should be regarded as having any greater possibility of success than say reforming the Republican party.

  32. Mark says:

    “That is all kinds of wrong.”

    I see a lot truth in that comment and also some irony. References to Bible-thumping hayseeds and hill billies will drive away many sympathizers too, probably a lot more than anti-homosexuality.

    Mr. Dithers:

    “The left has this problem as well but the “mainstream” leftists are more pragmatic and accepting when it comes to the nuts within their own ranks since they rightfully see themselves at war with the political right and welcome all the allies and street activists they can muster.”

    True, but the Left can get away with this because the zeitgeist works overwhelmingly in their favor. WN, on the other hand, have been battling the Nazi/Fascist/Klan stereotype 24/7/365 for 60 years, fair or not. So anything that plays into this stereotype will do nothing except drive away potential sympathizers — which is the exact opposite of what radical WN say they want. The radical WN faction would get a lot further if most just came across like Jared Taylor, essentially presenting radical ideas but with a mild image.

    In terms of practical politics, a lot of my own disagreements with the radical WNs really come down to style not substance. On substance, I actually agree with a lot of what the NSM has to say. If the NSM went out in public in traditional clothing and delivered their message in a reasonable tone and under a different name, I might join the NSM or at least donate money.

  33. LEW writes:

    Out of curiosity, if you care to answer, who do you think a CC-style metapolitical project/cultural critique project is going to resonate with? Who is the target audience that contains these potential new elites? Is it current graduate students moving in academic positions? Aspiring novelists, screen writers and film directors? Existing people in those positions? It’s just not clear, at least not to me. The fact that it won’t resonate with ordinary people is irrelevant because ordinary people don’t shape the zeitgeist and are therefore not a part of the audience. I understand that.

    LEW, I am aiming at just such an audience: members of the existing cognitive and creative elite and people who aspire to be part of such elites. I also know that I am reaching such people, and as I recruit more writers, gain more experience, and refine my tactics, I will reach more of them.

    On the other hand though, our enemies are not going to allow a Gramsci-style counter march through the institutions. So even if CC hits and sways its target audience, whoever that audience may be, it clearly will not do a shred of good. The positions of cultural power in this country are just as closed to us as the positions of political power.

    You are wrong about this. We already have people inside the cultural and intellectual establishment. They are few in number. They are under deep cover. They are still too few to mount any sort of effective resistance. But they are in positions to help one another out. We are also reaching people who are active creators of racially conscious subcultures, and these subcultures have their own methods of reaching people and shaping their outlook.

    So, with that reality in mind, I really don’t see why a CC-style cultural critique should be regarded as having any greater possibility of success than say reforming the Republican party.

    I can empirically verify penetration on the cultural front. I do not know if it is taking place in the Republican party or not, but it may well be happening there too.

    The target audience of CC consists primarily of highly intelligent and creative people who range from high school into their 30s, the kind of people who are idealistic as well as intellectually curious and thus most open to radical ideas. I want them to see the racialist right as an intellectually challenging and aesthetically and culturally exciting movement. Even if they are initially repulsed by the ideas we put forward, I want them to still be fascinated, challenged, even a bit intimidated by the quality of thought and writing and the pantheon of great thinkers and artists who belong to our ranks. I want to get these people reading articles, buying books, listening to podcasts, discussing our ideas with their friends, and perhaps eventually contacting us in the real world where phase two of our metapolitical project, the building of a functioning network and community takes place.

  34. Greg Johnson:

    We already have people inside the cultural and intellectual establishment. They are few in number. They are under deep cover.

    Well, that’s great. I have to admit be to being surprised, pleasantly. If there are genuine radical WN (!) operating inside the actual cultural and intellectual establishment, that’s definitely welcome news.

    On the direct activism and recruitment front, strategies for targeting the cognitive elite don’t get enough attention in our circles IMO.

    But anyway, between your comments, that essay by White Republican, Gregor’s comments, and that article on Faye by Alex Kurgatic, I think I finally have a handle on your project, objectives, and concept of “metapolitics” generally.

    I would also like to apologize to you specifically for the tone of some my criticisms aimed at your work here on OD. Basically, just about all of them were based on a complete misunderstanding of the NANR project. In some cases I also made snap judgments out of ignorance, as embarrassing as it is to admit in public, as when I dismissed Evola before bothering to read Evola. Lesson learned on that one.

    Thanks for taking a moment to clarify about the audience.

    Side Note: About the books for sale on CC, can you buy them as PDFs? I’d pay regular price, but really don’t like actual books any more.

  35. Nestra writes I can understand your objections to sticking with a Christian framework, especially if it’s not one you believe in.

    Actually, I can see some value in it. And I think dropping it cold turkey would be a mistake. I some kind of transition to something or things would be worse. And therefore I support your syncretism approach. Let’s not forget that we both see there are some flaws with it or we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Our difference of opinion is that you wish to retain the supernatural while basically going back to it’s roots in ancient sumeria to rewrite the whole thing.

    Mr Dithers-
    I didn’t mean to put words in your mouth regarding PB, GC & vanguardism. I was just curious what you thought caused it because I was at a loss to explain it. LEW gave a reasonable answer. I’m not sure if that’s all there is to it but I definitely think there was some truth to his explanation.

  36. LEW, you have nothing to apologize for in my book. You have been a civil critic and have challenged me to refine my case. Thank you for that.

  37. Nestra-

    I accidentally pushed submit prematurely. As I was saying…

    Our difference of opinion is that you wish to retain the supernatural while basically going back to it’s roots in ancient sumeria to rewrite the whole thing. That approach really isn’t unheard of. Or at least a variation. Ever heard of LDS? I’ll give them credit for a lot of things. They’ve been very successful. But I don’t see everyone else chomping at the bit to join them. And I see no reason for it to be any different for any other variation. People aren’t going to join a denomination just because it’s successful. And they aren’t going to leave one just because it’s clergy have a pedophile problem. People tend to be fairly tenacious when it comes to their theology. The change that’s come over mainstream churches the last 50 years isn’t because the churches changed but because society changed. As a former article on this blog has pointed out — christianity has always been a reed blowing in the wind. So unless one can change society, I don’t see any other way to influence religion on a mass scale.

    That’s why I suggested a non theological approach. Catholics, Baptists and Mormons wouldn’t change their theology or join another denomination’s associations. They might, however, join a non-denominationl association. In fact, everyone would potentially join a non-religious association if there was something in it for them. Why limit membership to only those few willing to abandon their current denomination?

  38. What doesn’t make sense is Hunter considers Pat Buchanan solidly in the mainstreamer camp. His books, particularly, “Death of the West”, “State of Emergency” and “Day of Reckoning” are full of bad news and grim prognoses for white people and Western Civilization. Take out the reverence for Judeo-Christianity and you can find more than a few “vanguardist” talking points. Yet, both were on the NY Times bestseller list.

    The appropriate lesson you should draw from this is that by modifying the barn burning rhetoric in just a few slight ways you can regularly appear on national television, publish bestselling books, and reach an audience of millions with an ostensibly radical message.

    Alternatively, you can adopt a pseudonym and rant in impotence on VNN Forum. If I have said it once, I have said it a million times: it is much more effective to bark softly and bite modestly than it is to bark loudly and not bite at all.

    In fact, you can say that has become my motto.

    Famous prognosticators like Gerald Celente are predicting food shortages, hyperinflation, economic chaos and collapse and encourages people to stock up on food and ammo. He routinely pillories leaders of both political parties and calls them worthless bums on television and says elections rarely change anything. Yet, he also enjoys the respect of news commentators and millions of Americans.

    Glenn Beck has spent weeks talking about a dollar collapse on his television program. He also exposed millions to the Jewish Question. It is far more important to set people off in the right direction than to spell everything out for them.

    It seems if a white nationalist focuses on some of these very same themes they are denounced as kooks and vanguardists who will only alienate “normal” whites.

    It is because the vanguardists take issues that all White Nationalists are concerned about (immigration, monetary policy, multiculturalism, etc.) and because of their radical sense of alienation from their contemporaries unnecessarily and counterproductively package it in any number of self defeating poisonous irrelevant side issues.

    I think the popularity of Buchanan and Celente turns that view on its head and proves that one doesn’t have to be a soothsayer, system cheerleader, and Sarah Palin fan to be effective with the masses.

    It should be noted here that Steve Sailer has spent years talking about mainstream politics. Buchanan has also supported Sarah Palin. Yet I am criticized and attacked for developing the exact same themes.

  39. I can empirically verify penetration on the cultural front. I do not know if it is taking place in the Republican party or not, but it may well be happening there too.

    When are you going to publish a book like Mearsheimer and Walt’s The Israel Lobby? Something like that would actually be valuable.

    Of course when Mearsheimer and Walt punched AIPAC they hit them with the authority of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. I suppose working within “the system” and gaining legitimacy has its advantages.

  40. “At some point our subversive metapolitical ideas have to be disseminated…So what we need are ways to drive traffic from meatspace to our corners of cyber-space.”

    That is one possibility but the other is using sites like this to get and hone ideas and then take them out into other online or offline venues – for example a forum for your local football team – and work on the people in that forum. Basically pick one of more environments: family, friends, work, hobby, politics, online forum etc and practise working on shifting the average opinion of that group in the right direction. After a bit of practise you can start at a new venue and begin to see the effects within a month or two.

    nb. If it’s an online forum it pays if it’s something you are generally interested in as you can join in the regular conversations and only switch to politics when it comes up.

    “somebody slapped a bumper sticker on the light pole where whoever is stuck at that light can see it. The bumper sticker says: We should have picked our own damn cotton!”

    I think stuff like this is great especially for people who aren’t comfortable at talking to people.

  41. “It should be noted here that Steve Sailer has spent years talking about mainstream politics. Buchanan has also supported Sarah Palin. Yet I am criticized and attacked for developing the exact same themes.”

    Buchanan has also called attention to Palin’s seeming political opportunism and unscrupulousness. She endorsed several candidates with political positions diametrically opposed to her own. McCain is the best example but there were several others. She’s willing to compromise her principals for political gain and someone like that will betray her own people in a heartbeat.

    All I ask for is more objectivity in dealing with Sarah Palin.

  42. Gregor,

    I just wanted to say fine work, a stellar series of comments in this article. These parts were especially clarifying for me regarding the NANR.


    Many involved in the “metapolitical project” feel that progress will only be made when White “Americans” begin to see themselves differently, as an offshoot of mother Europa and not as a separate “propositional nation”. A large part of the metapolitical project is to provide a venue for White Americans access to myths and visions based on a past much older and deeper than “America”. Many of us feel that the delimited domain of “American History” does not contain the necessary meta-stuff to provide what is needed for a shift in identity, for a old-new mythos, a narrative of ourselves and what our “meaning” is and should be.


    Even if political power were possible, if the unhealthy mental constructs of the evil Zeitgeist are still ini place, political power will be useless. Counter-Currents, and similar, serves up myth and memory in order to stimulate thinking among a new “cultural priesthood” which will be required to overcome the evil Zeitgeist.


    Let’s look at it through a technological lens. Remember how old PC’s had “dip switches” on the back? How those switches were set determined the parameters of the operating system. If set a certain way, there was a correlation between “input” and “output”. If they were changed or set incorrectly, the operating system wouldn’t function correctly.

    Current “American Culture” operates the way it does because the “dip switches” have been set by hostiles so that no matter what the input, the output will always work to their advantage. The current setting of the cultural “dip switches” demonizes Whites, creates White Guilt, and lots more that readers here are aware of.

    So long as these cultural “switches” are set the way they are, the perceptions of reality by Whites are managed so that the result is anti-White. The myths projected by the “system” are anti-White. As long as the cultural “dip switches” remain the way they are, no matter what is input, the output is anti-White. These dip-switches are created, managed and maintained in the media, education, “religion”, and other places.

    Our task is to change these switches in a small percentage of people who are capable of influencing others … in a cultural mode.

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