Blue World

"And we're going to South Dakota and Oregon and Washington and Michigan! And then we're going to Washington, D.C. to take back the White House, Yeeeeeaaaaaah!"


Vermont has long been a plague on the Republic.

I have never traveled to this Northern state. I see no reason to go there. In my imagination, I have always thought of Vermont, a satellite of Canada, as the evil twin sister of New Hampshire, which along with Maine acts as the brakes on liberal insanity in New England.

The state that introduced civil unions and gay marriage to America is now trying to make some waves in the immigration debate. This time around, Vermont is positioning itself as the Blue State anti-Arizona, with a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy on illegal aliens:

Bill Sorrell, VT Attorney General, “We’re not going to go out of our way to bother otherwise law-abiding citizens– no matter what race, creed, or color they are.”

Sorrell released a proposal for bias-free policing— a policy to guide law enforcement in its treatment of people in Vermont, to ensure that race, immigration status, or other criteria don’t influence decision-making.

He contrasted it with Arizona’s controversial new immigration law.

“If Arizona is an example of ask, shall ask, shall tell, our proposed policy is Vermont’s variation on don’t ask, don’t tell.”

The policy is a proposal, not a mandate, which Sorrell hopes will be adopted by all law enforcement agencies.

Somehow this sort of annoying behavior doesn’t seem out of character for Vermont. In Christopher Buckley’s Thank You For Smoking, William Macy plays the role of Senator Ortolan Finisterre, a progressive Democrat from Vermont who is on a stereotypical Yankee crusade to stamp out tobacco products.

There is a joke in the movie that Vermont cheese contains cholesterol which contributes to heart disease which is an even bigger killer of Americans than alcohol, tobacco, or firearms. Senator Finisterre responds, “The great state of Vermont will not apologize for its cheese!”

“Worse is better”

Vermont is a proving ground for the “worse is better” theory. Although 98 percent of the population is White, the prospects for White Nationalism don’t get much worse than they do in The Green Mountain State.

In the 2010 midterm elections, Senator Patrick Leahy was reelected with 64.4 percent of the vote. Vermont’s other Senator, the Jewish socialist Bernie Sanders, will face voters in 2012. Peter Welch won Vermont’s only House seat with 64.5 percent of the vote.

At the state level, Democrats had a veto proof supermajority in the Vermont House (94 to 48) and the Vermont Senate (22 to 7) . The 2010 midterm elections did nothing to alter the balance of power. Republicans picked up one seat in the Vermont Senate.

Jew Peter Shumlin, the Democratic candidate, was elected Governor of Vermont. Howard Dean, the former Governor, is the de facto leader of the progressive movement in America.

Here is Dean on the “racism” behind the Shirley Sherrod story and the “racist fringe” of the Republican Party:

In the 2008 presidential election, Barack Obama easily carried Vermont with a 37 point margin of victory. Outside of the District of Corruption, it was his best showing anywhere in America. Vermont has remained solidly in the Obama column ever since.

Vermont and Immigration

Where does Vermont fall in the immigration debate? The results are not all that shocking. It turns out there are real substantial differences between “Blues” and “Reds” and “progressives” and “conservatives” on this issue.

Senator Bernie Sanders (D+): opposes border security, opposes reduction in numbers of illegal aliens, opposes immigration reduction, refuses to challenge the status quo.

Senator Patrick Leahy (F-): Supports comprehensive immigration reform, opposes attrition through enforcement, opposes E-Verify, supports sanctuary cities, opposes empowering local police, supports chain migration, supports visa lotteries, opposes reducing legal immigration. Leahy is also a strong supporter of affirmative action and gay marriage.

Governor-Elect Peter Shumlin: I can’t find any information about Shumlin’s position on immigration. It is unlikely to be much different from that of Leahy or Sanders. There is virtually no chance that the Democratic supermajority in the Vermont state legislature will sign an Arizona-style immigration law or that Shumlin would sign such a bill into law.

The RINO Brian Dubie wanted to expand legal immigration to Vermont.

Congressman Peter Welch (D): Supports comprehensive immigration reform, opposes attrition through enforcement, supports sanctuary cities, opposes empowering local police, opposes securing the border, opposes cuts to legal immigration.

Note: Welch’s opponent in Vermont, Paul Beaudry, was a NumbersUSA “true reformer candidate.” He lost the general election. Another “system politician” biting the dust.

The effective result of the inclusion of Blue World in the U.S. Senate is to nullify Alabama’s delegation. Patrick Leahy is the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee which covers immigration policy.

If the Republicans had won control of the Senate, Jeff Sessions would be in charge of the Immigration Subcommittee and “comprehensive immigration reform” would have been as dead there as it soon will be in the House under Lamar Smith and Steve King.

Final Thoughts

Vermont is a Blue State with a hardline progressive stance on immigration because it is dominated by “Blues.” Georgia is a Red State with a hardline conservative stance on immigration because it is dominated by “Reds.” Demographics make all the difference.

If you look within Georgia at the stance of each candidate on immigration policy, you will find a perfect correlation between the number of “Reds” in the district and opposition to “comprehensive immigration reform.” In North Georgia, the Democratic Party didn’t even bother to contest several elections because of the preponderance of “Reds” in that region.

It doesn’t matter where we look on the political map. The vanguardist chestnut that there are no differences between “system politicians” fails to pass the smell test of reality.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Um, So? You sound a little bitter that Liberalism actually exists. As a person from New England, I pride myself in being liberal, and that our area doesn’t fall into the same demagoguery of “smaller government”, when in fact they want to prevent a lot of rights to the PEOPLE, like Gay marriage, or against the repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Because to be honest, why would YOU be against gay marriage? Because it’s not in the bible? What happened to separation of Church and State? And that’s why New England is NOT conservative or Republicans. Take your bibles down to the Bible Belt, where there is no separation of Church and State.

  2. (1) I am an atheist.

    (2) I live in the Bible Belt.

    (3) I oppose gay marriage because it is clearly one of the many attempts (feminism being another) to weaken and undermine the White nuclear family.

    (4) You have obviously never traveled in the Deep South.

    (5) Liberalism should be annihilated.

    (6) New Hampshire and Maine tilt Republican.

  3. Most New England states are tragically self-delusional. The Yankee “Liberals” think “Liberalism” is “good” – v\cause New England States are mostly White. The real estate is extremely expensive, yet salaries for “Prole” jobs are low. Thus ensuring home and land ownership, and general mobility, are restricted to a Chosen few. It’s all pretty Feudal.

    The Jews of New England, and their Shabbos Goy “Liberal” White factotums, do enjoy their Plantations, don’t they? Whilst congratulating themselves on their “enlightened” social vanities. Southern plantation owners were never so dishonest, and hypocritical, as their Yankee counterparts are.

  4. NRey764: Vermont is 98% White. Wait until they have to support a million Mexicans who have a homicide rate 5X that of Whites, a 20% high school graduation rate, a 50% bastardy rate, and an average IQ of about 90. Vermexico won’t be the pleasant place Vermont was.

  5. (3) I oppose gay marriage because it is clearly one of the many attempts (feminism being another) to weaken and undermine the White nuclear family.

    I disagree. In a perfect world the homos wouldn’t be able to get married but in the real world it just fuels the “culture war” between whites.

    Blacks and Hispanics hate abortion and gay marriage, but they vote Dem because being anti white is the most important thing. We need to get whites to see being anti-black and hispanic as the most important thing and we can’t do that as long as the culture wars rage.

    As for the SWPL Vermonters, I suspect they’ll come around when unemployment is over 15%.

  6. Vewrmont is particulary hypocritical. They are totally Open Carry. Hhhmmmm….VERY expensive real estate. Very low salary ranges. Not much financial/manufacturing stuff going on at all. Yet they are Open Carry. What do they *want* with gadjillions of Mestizos?

    Outright slavery?

    Bernie Sanders, the Commie Jew, is still Governor, right?

    Slavery it is!

  7. NRey764: Why are leftists so ignorant of other cultures? To assume that being against homomarriage is somehow specifically Christian is indicative of gross narrow-mindedness. Do the unchurched Chinese support homomarriage? The Hindus? The Moslems? What culture besides Western unculture does?

  8. Ooops. Bernie Sanders the Jew is Senator. Shumlin the Jew is Governor. They all look alike….

    Wow. I thought Vermont was White. So many Jews. No wonder gay marriage so paramount, in Vermont.

    Dean is married to a Jewess, fyi. That makes him a de facto Mamzer.

  9. As strange as it sounds today, Vermexico will soon become a reality. The hundreds of thousands of illegal alien farmworkers in Alabama, Georgia, Arizona, and Virginia have to go somewhere. They are about to get kicked out of the South when the comprehensive crackdown (Alabama, Virginia, Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, Texas) hits in 2011.

    Where do you suppose they will go? Not back to Mexico, Guatemala, or El Salvador. Probably not to Iowa, Indiana, or Wisconsin which will soon pass similar laws. Most of them will descend on states like California, Illinois, and Vermont where they will receive a warm welcome.

  10. Let’s not forget the 2011 off year elections:,_2011

    Three states – Kentucky, Mississippi and Louisiana – will elect governors in 2011, though Louisiana’s election dates do not coincide with that of most states.

    Four states – Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey and Virginia – and one U.S. territory, the Northern Mariana Islands, elects their state or territorial legislators in 2011.

    The Southern laggards – Mississippi, Kentucky, and Louisiana – will get their shot next year.

  11. “Don’t ask, don’t tell” is the best policy as it allows sincerely globalist homosexuals to assist the global imperium, whereas “gays in the military” is a morale disaster in the making as it really means gay culture in the military. Could two cultures be more at odds than gay culture and military culture?

  12. NREY674 exemplifies that smug, elitist, condescending attitude that so many liberals have. I think deep down these people are very frustrated and would only be really happy playing the part of Stalin or Obama. IMO most liberals are real losers and want the rest of us to join them in their own private hells.

    Maybe I missed it Hunter but what have you to say about the terminally liberal New England state of CT that I live in? Our election results were practically the same as VT’S. We had a wishy washy GOP governor who was replaced by a foaming at the mouth liberal Democrat. With a Democrat controlled legislature it’s all more government and taxes on the accelerator now. CT is 3.4 billion in debt and we are one of the highest taxing states already and the Dems want to give in state tuition rates to illegal aliens. Senator Dodd was replaced by our former AG Blumenthal who will be Dodd’s carbon copy. All five Congressional seats remain in Dem control.

    I’m considering moving to a Southern state. How is GA or SC?

  13. I would wait to see if the expulsion of illegal aliens goes as planned. If hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens start fleeing the Southern states, it might be a good time to consider relocating. They will undoubtedly be headed toward Vermont, Illinois and New York.

  14. NRey674 wrote;

    “Um, So? You sound a little bitter that Liberalism actually exists. As a person from New England, I pride myself in being liberal, and that our area doesn’t fall into the same demagoguery of “smaller government”, when in fact they want to prevent a lot of rights to the PEOPLE, like Gay marriage, or against the repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Because to be honest, why would YOU be against gay marriage? Because it’s not in the bible? What happened to separation of Church and State? And that’s why New England is NOT conservative or Republicans. Take your bibles down to the Bible Belt, where there is no separation of Church and State.”

    NRey674, I call BS; you don’t want separation of Church and State, you want a homosexual version of Loving vs. Virginia where gay blades and their boyfriends will be empowered by the government to march into a fundamentalist Christian church and demand that they be married by the preacher there or face all kinds of nasty civil lawsuits and IRS repercussions.

    If this blather of yours is truly about separation of Church and State you will join with me in supporting an amendment that says Congress will make no laws defining what marriage is. The government will only recognize Civil Unions as the domestic partnership between two non-related consenting adults and leave it at that. It should then be left up to individual churches who they will and will not marry.

    I am in favor of repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell myself, but I want it to go back to where it was before Clinton started the military down that slippery slope of tolerating homosexuals in its ranks. they need to be purged and pronto, for the following reasons:

    Battlefield Transfusions: In view of the face that young men are required to sign up for selective service when they turn eighteen, a draft can be reactivated at any time. The primary source of blood in the military comes from battlefield transfusions. Whether this sits well with a liberal like you or not, the male homosexual population is the largest that has HIV and AIDS. That means you subject soldiers to the possibility of getting tainted blood and then going home and infecting their wives and offspring with the disease.

    “Friendly” Fire: Or fragging. It makes no sense to put openly gay men into the military and surround them with gun-toting homophobes who can frag their happy homo behinds. Of course, DADT is repealed, there will be incidents of this – past, present, and future – which will come up for investigation. There will be lawsuits. There will be “hate crimes” legislation and penalties. The The military will have to come up with special details to protect the queers from the straights. The homosexuals will become a protected class in the military with special privileges which they will abuse.

    Since these issues are near and dear to your heart, NRey674, I am going to assume that you are a homosexual. What you do in the privacy of your bedroom with another consenting adult is your own damned business. But it is still only that, YOUR business not the business of the country. It is a privacy issue, not a civil rights issue, so stop ramming it down the throats of the rest of us! I am tired how the love that once “dared not say its name” won’t shut the hell up! Shut up, already! No one knows OR CARES that you are a homosexual unless you tell them.

  15. I read this site all the time, but being from Vermont myself, I often wonder what exactly I can do as far as effective mainstream politics go. Even “moderate” RINOs barely stand a chance here as Republicans, it seems one would have to run as a Democrat and lie through their teeth to get elected, and then become a “true reformer” once in power. Even then it’s hopeless because you’ll be the only red. Maybe I’ll just move to Wyoming someday.

  16. I’m not sure what can be done in Vermont. The demographics are too unfavorable. Nothing short of a Red migration to Vermont could tip the balance of power. You could probably have more of an impact by relocating next door to New Hampshire.

  17. The “Reds” in Vermont could move to New Hampshire which has two congressional districts. Vermont only has one.

    If New Hampshire was transformed into a solid Red State, it would cancel out Vermont’s influence in Congress. An additional House seat in New Hampshire would net a 2 seat advantage over Vermont.

  18. “Reds” in Massachusetts could migrate to Maine. Those in Connecticut could move to Rhode Island. If Maine and Rhode Island were similarly transformed into Red States, Massachusetts and Connecticut would be nullified in the Senate.

    In this way, New Hampshire could block Vermont, Maine could block Massachusetts, and Rhode Island could block Connecticut. Such a mass migration would never happen. It is a fun fantasy scenario to contemplate though.

    This would take New England out of the picture on immigration policy. The “Red” advantage over “Blues” in Middle America would carry the day.

    Extending this sort of thinking, the “Reds” in SWPL dominated Washington or Oregon could concentrate in one of these states. If Oregon blocked Washington in the Senate, this would take the Pacific Northwest out of the picture as well.

  19. I generally don’t like to promote the “Liberal” (bad) vs “Conservative” (good) false divide as anti White forces have been able to take over the top of both sides and push open borders non White immigration, pro Israel wars and anti White culture/Zionist control of the media under some “liberal” or “conservative” mask.

    If the anti forces are “Conservative” – they push open borders NW immigration as free enterprise, immigration as the Statue of Liberty mission of America and then push endless pro Israel/Zionist wars as being:

    “For a Strong National Defense
    Being pro Military
    Fighting for the American (Zionist) way, bringing freedom and democracy to replace evil Nazi/Faxcists like Saddam”

    In the case of idiot anti White “liberals” in Vermont – yeah, the top is bad on immigration. And in this case one of reasons anti White “liberals” in Vermont can get away with this treason is that there are very, very few destructive NWs in Vermont.
    So in this case, yes, worse is better – for
    Patriots in the South, South West, WN realists everywhere in the remaining White world need to work to see that Liberal anti Whites experience some “Pain” from NWs in Vermont.
    No pain, no gain.
    Instead of flooding Maine with Somalian Muslim polygamist savages, these same folks must be pushed in to Vermont and the blame squarely placed on local liberal Vermont elites. It’s the only thing that works.
    Ant White elites in Vermont need to be “mugged by reality” – have some TB infected Haitians go cough on them. We need less talk and some real action in this area.
    Can anyone here drive a refugee bus from Miami to Vermont?

  20. “I’m considering moving to a Southern state. How is GA or SC?”

    Bad idea. It is perfectly understandable that natives of the South love their homeland. But if you can choose to live anywhere, the South is the last part of the country I would move to, and I lived in Georgia for 14 years (out of necessity). I love Southern literature, Southern history, and many people from the South, but you don’t have to live there to appreciate them.

    Both states have:

    1. Horrible, unhealthy, hot, humid climates.
    2. Huge numbers of blacks in government and service jobs, blue-gumming up the works.
    3. Horrible public schools, if that matters to you.
    4. Aside from Charleston and Savannah, which are still plagued with especially horrible climates and vast numbers of highly primitive blacks, most Southern cities are ugly, sprawling messes with poor zoning laws, poor public transportation, limited cultural resources, etc. The general rule in the post integration south is private splendor, public squalor. The people with money and taste build nothing to last anymore, because they can’t keep blacks, Mexicans, and white trash from destroying it.
    5. Horrible food, with the exception of the regional SC low country cuisine, which is great.
    6. A culture that is superficially friendly but ultimately rather closed to outsiders, especially Yankees.
    7. Poor quality medical care outside the wealthy suburbs of the major cities.

    Check out the Pacific Northwest. It is whiter, more friendly and open, with great food, a healthier climate, better medical care, more attractive cities, greater civic mindedness, better schools, better cultural resources, and a moderate cost of living outside Seattle and Portland (and even in them).

  21. Red Suffocated in Blue says:
    November 21, 2010 at 6:04 pm
    I read this site all the time, but being from Vermont myself, I often wonder what exactly I can do as far as effective mainstream politics go. Even “moderate” RINOs barely stand a chance here as Republicans, it seems one would have to run as a Democrat and lie through their teeth to get elected, and then become a “true reformer” once in power. Even then it’s hopeless because you’ll be the only red. Maybe I’ll just move to Wyoming someday.”

    Jack Ryan responds:
    – Red Suffocated in Blue, my suggestion is that you accept the facts of life and try to work for our side within a Left/Blue State reality that is also, very, very White.
    Don’t try to change the locals, just push an adjusted program to Blue State Whites/Liberals.
    Work for this:
    1) Environmentalism, birth control in the Third World:
    Feel free to bash Red State religious Right idiots for ending birth control programs in Haiti, Africa, the Muslim world.
    2) Work for strict union work laws in Vermont – business and even homeowners must use (White) union workers to do the work – this translates that corporations can’t bring in minimum wage non union, NW workers.
    Get to personally know white Union workers and push old state Lib Dem pro Union politics that doesn’t feature homo/Black/Jewish Zionist power plays.

    You will be surprised how well received a pro White Union worker, anti Religious Right program will be received in Vermont or Blue States.

  22. Jack Ryan posts another example of typically retarded WN thinking. No, we don’t want to destroy Vermont, just out of spite. What side are you on, for chrissakes?

  23. Clytemnestra, bravo.

    Since time immemorial, in common law, marriage has been subject to consummation by sexual intercourse. An unconsummated marriage is not void, but is voidable; either party can change his mind, and it never happened. Sexual intercourse by definition requires male and female organs. Whatever disgusting things homosexuals do, it is not sexual intercourse. At best, it is mutual masturbation.

    A “marriage” that is inherently incapable of consummation is absurd. And spare me the red herrings of impotence, paralysis and mutilation; the law has always had certain presumptions built in. An impotent or paralyzed man is, for example, presumed to be the father of his wife’s offspring. A man is presumed to be capable of consummating his marriage. But not with another man.

    I’m waiting for the day when one of those homosexuals who have “married” and now want a divorce, realises that he has a legal case for annulment. That will be fun to watch.

  24. Move to California or the Northwest:

    (1) If you don’t want to be able to pump your own gas.

    (2) If you want to put up with insane levels of taxation.

    (3) If you want to raise your children in the California public school system where Whites are a minority.

    (4) If you want to be around the so-called “anti-fa.”

    (5) If you want to be surrounded by SWPLs, isolated in your community, and living under the Iron Curtain of political correctness.

    (6) If you don’t want political representation.

    (7) If you are not interested in owning land.

    (8) If you want to put up with bitterly cold winters.

    (9) If you are comfortable with the idea of earthquakes and tsunamis.

    I can’t see any reason to move to a Blue State. As bad as things are in America, they are not as bad here as they are elsewhere. Taxes are lower. Land is cheaper. The women are prettier. It is easier to run a small business.

    There are more jobs. The political system is more permeable. There are no “anti-fa.” The climate is milder. The White population is far less brainwashed on anti-racism.

    If it is so much better in the North, why are Yankees taking over North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, and Florida? Why are so many businesses fleeing those states to come here?

    Johnson lives in San Francisco … the craziest, most leftwing city in America. I’m told the gay pride parades there are a riot.

  25. I would imagine the gay scene is more lively in San Francisco, if that is what matters to you, although Atlanta is a close runner up.

    How do you know this????

  26. Vermont can exist in its bubble because the phrase “anti-white” has not made it into the popular vernacular. This is what matters is basically putting the childish behavior of holier than thou white children in line and spanking them, the other issues are tertiary.

  27. Discard says:
    November 21, 2010 at 5:01 pm

    NRey764: Why are leftists so ignorant of other cultures? To assume that being against homomarriage is somehow specifically Christian is indicative of gross narrow-mindedness. Do the unchurched Chinese support homomarriage? The Hindus? The Moslems? What culture besides Western unculture does?

    I know exactly what you mean, make even the slightest remark that the gays don’t like (such as mentioning that I had to turn my head away during some TV program during a gay kiss) and they FREAK OUT and start spouting off anti Christian diatribe under the usumption that Christianity is the ONLY reason anyone has any reservations against the gay agenda. Do they honestly think a Bret Farve type guy is sitting around in his easy chair one afternoon and says to himself “Boy, you know I’d really love to take it up the ass and such another man’s hairy rectum, But darn it, they Bibles tells me no so I guess I can’t!”

    The reality of the situation is that human nature makes gay acts unpalatable for those who aren’t gay, and all straight men regardless of their religion and culture feel this way. I knew a hippie type fella, far from what the left imagines as the stereo-typical “homophobe.” We were drinking at his place a few years back when his alcoholic apartment manager, who is into that whole “Harley” thing commented about the hippies Japanese “crotch rocket” motorcycle. The biker’s joke was “Riding a Japanes bike is just like F-ing a dude in the ass…It feels good, You’re riding high, You’re whipping alond having a great time…Until Somebody Sees You.” The hippy immedietely corrected him “Ah, wait a minute Jim, it’s not that I don’t want to be SEEN doing it…It’s that I JUST DON’T WANT TO DO IT PERIOD.”

    Yet the left always thinks any remark critical against their policies is ONLY based upon ignorance and Christianity. They are absolutely dumbfounded to find out I’m not religious, it’s not part of their script. For some reason they think everyone who disagrees with the left is automatically an evangelical homophobe. Leftist posters like the one above truely are absolutely ignorant of any understanding of the world outside that which Hollywood gives them where the whole world is nothing but peacefull, multi-cultural, pro-gay Noble Savages and by some strange happenstance “Evil White Rednecks” came about and ruined this Utopian Garden of Eden.

  28. Far left Vermont scum….how many non-White immigrants can they let in there when the state overall only has a population of just over 600,000?

    Also, non-Whites should not settle that far north — it makes them sick due to the lack of strong solar radiation which provides the Vitamin D (sunlight) they need because they are tropical races. Take some Blacks, Hispanics, Asiatics, etc from the tropics and put them at that far north of a latitude and in due time they are going to slowly get ill, degenerate…already happening to the Somalis in Minnesota, Mexicans in Alaska, etc.

  29. @ Hunter
    The State of North Carolina has been advertising for “northern” industry since the 1950’s—in a big way. A very successful economic development strategy.

    As I see it, North Carolina is now killing itself by tolerating all of these Mexican/Latino interlopers. All that good work ruined by Mexicans.

    The university system in NC is the real root of the problem—attracting New Yawkers, and other Jews & New Englanders to North Carolina. Creating the political climate for Mexican Latino immigration.

    Vermont is very White. I’ve skiied up there and have travelled the state. Lots of genteel White poverty, but, genteel poverty is still poverty.

    You can’t travel south to north through the center of the state during the winter because of snow closed roads. But, I’ve been told it is a beautiful drive in the Fall.

    It does seem as though rich Jew messiah’s like Ben & Jerry run the State.

  30. Hunter Wallace says:
    November 21, 2010 at 8:38 pm

    Move to California or the Northwest:

    (1) If you don’t want to be able to pump your own gas.
    That is specific to Oregon.

    (2) If you want to put up with insane levels of taxation.
    California has very high taxes, Oregon 9% state income tax–no sales tax–high property taxes in Portland, don’t know about rural areas but land in the “big tree” side of the state is high priced. Washington has no state income tax but very high sales and gasoline taxes. On the whole when I lived out there the general consensus was Washington was the most business freindly state of the three.

    (3) If you want to raise your children in the California public school system where Whites are a minority.
    True, Suburban Portland schools looked fairly white though the Mexican and Asian element is exploding.

    (4) If you want to be around the so-called “anti-fa.”

    (5) If you want to be surrounded by SWPLs, isolated in your community, and living under the Iron Curtain of political correctness.
    Mostly in leftist enclaves like Eugene, Seattle, San Fran’thithco, Berkely, though in the smaller towns surrounding the area the cops are just like Sheriff Teasle in First Blood, they are VERY aggressive in the rural areas surrounding Portland.

    (6) If you don’t want political representation.
    California is lost, Washington might still be salvageable.

    (7) If you are not interested in owning land.
    California is insane, the Northwest is reasonable, but not cheap like Indiana.

    (8) If you want to put up with bitterly cold winters.
    Your wrong on that one, the whole west coast has milder winters than even somewhere like Nashville, the summers are very low in humidity. Basically anywhere south of Green Bay back east and your air conditioner has to run all summer due to the heat and humidity. Chicago is unbearable during the summer, I can only imagine how hot Orlando must be. The long cold springs where you wear a light jacket into June are the biggest bummer with Northwest Weather, it leads to a sort of seasonal depression. The extreme Northerly Lattitudes up by Seattle also result in darn near 19 hours of dayling during summer, you don’t sleep well when the sky is getting bright already at 3:45 AM.

    (9) If you are comfortable with the idea of earthquakes and tsunamis.
    I wouldn’t buy an unreinforced masonary building out there, nor property along the Oregon Coast less than 80 feet above sea level. On the other hand, the entire state of Wyoming will be wiped clean when the Yellowstone supervolcano eventually blows. A landslide in the Canary Islands will eventually create a huge Tsunami to threaten the whole East Coast of the US as well, there are geological disasters awaiting practically every spot on the planet if you dig deep enough.

    I can’t see any reason to move to a Blue State. As bad as things are in America, they are not as bad here as they are elsewhere. Taxes are lower. Land is cheaper. The women are prettier. It is easier to run a small business.

    There are more jobs. The political system is more permeable. There are no “anti-fa.” The climate is milder. The White population is far less brainwashed on anti-racism.

    If it is so much better in the North, why are Yankees taking over North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, and Florida? Why are so many businesses fleeing those states to come here?

    Johnson lives in San Francisco … the craziest, most leftwing city in America. I’m told the gay pride parades there are a riot.

    With this economy, I see no reason to quit one’s job for a fanciful move to a far away region of the country. I also wouldn’t recommend the South to someone who is not a southerner and sounds like one, you won’t fit in. Same thing with very remote rural areas, they are for locals with long term roots in the community and opportunities and friendship don’t come easily to outsiders no matter how “nice” they are. I can guarantee, if 6,000 WN showed up in Wyoming and started to bring bad publicity to the state, the locals would be very reluctant to provide employment offers to outsiders they didn’t trust and fear are bringing a bad reputation to the community. As someone said, New Hampshire is a much more realistic place for a Vermonter who is upset with the state’s government. Greg Johnson’s analysis of the south is correct from a Yankee point of view. A northerner woud probably have much better luck moving to someplace like Des Moine, Milwaukee, or Omaha where the state isn’t under total control of either the California-Vermont crazies, or millions of black and hispanic parasites like in Chicago and Detroit. But, if you have a job I’d say don’t even think about moving.

  31. Hunter, you write that the South has a mild climate. I know mild is a relative term, but doesn’t much of Dixie have excessive heat & humidity for more than half the year?

  32. “The vanguardist chestnut that there are no differences between “system politicians” fails to pass the smell test of reality.”

    And yet another faux bogeyman made of straw rises to join the rest of the scum on Hunter’s Pond.

  33. San Francisco is considered the “Gay Capital of the World” and is internationally known as the “Gay Mecca.”

    It has that reputation with the general public, but these days Manhattan is the real center of Gay Culture with West Hollywood being #2 and San Francisco being 3rd. My sister was a fag hag and I listened to what the gays around here said on things and they all were obsessed with New York City above all else and none of them ever considered San Francisco. In reality, every major regional city now has a big gay district to attract the locals. Moving to San Francisco was a 70’s thing, these days they don’t have to move nearly as far to some high cost of living place some gay kid who just graduated from high school couldn’t dream of affording. The coast is for the poofs who are pursuing a career in Showbiz.

  34. It used to be the case that Southerners would move to the North and West in search of employment. Now the opposite is true.

    Everyone seems to be flooding in here now. Northern Virginia and South Florida have been utterly transformed. North Carolina is another state where the Yanks are taking over.

    The only reason North Carolina went for Obama in 2008 was because of the out-of-state vote. I came across a study about this a few months ago.

  35. Dale Crisco, everyone knows that San Francisco is the gay capital of America but I was wondering how anyone would know that Atlanta was a close runner up unless they were actively involved in that lifestyle.

  36. I know some people who’ve lived in Georgia and this is news to them. Of course, they aren’t the sort of people who go to bars, drag shows and have sex in public toilets.

  37. You really know how to make a Yankee girl feel good about herself, Hunter. *eyeroll* As you’ve admitted, you’ve never been to Vermont. You don’t know about the poverty a lot of residents deal with, or the misguided but sincere conservative base, or the ROTC and CAP programs that a good number of teenagers are involved in. Yes, we have our share of nutballs, but that doesn’t mean that every single one of us are infantile, prissy liberals who deserve to fall to a horde of non-whites. I may have only lived here for three years, but I know more about the state than you do, and I know that there’s a reason why all born-and-bred Vermonters are so insular and suspicious of outsiders. Assuming that they’re all pleased as punch about who heads up the state is just silly.

  38. CM,

    I’m not sure why you read my post as an “attack” upon Vermont or the conservatives who live there. I never said anywhere that everyone who lives in Vermont is a “Blue.” It just so happens that “Blues” dominate Vermont politics. That has unfortunate consequences for the rest of the nation.

    I wasn’t “attacking” Yankees either. In fact, I pointed out that New Hampshire and Maine are showing promise. I entertained the possibility that conservatives who in the minority in other New England states would concentrate in Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Maine.

  39. Vermont is a very peculiar state. Easily one of the top 5 far left states in the union, and yet it is the whitest.

    Call me un-original, but something tells me that Vermont is just the runaway destination for New England yuppies who wish to continue promoting ‘progressive’ programs, but don’t want to live amongst their creation. Now that Mass. and Conn. are no longer lily-White, they’ve moved on to more isolated venues.

  40. Lawrence of Appalachia says:
    November 22, 2010 at 1:22 am
    Vermont is a very peculiar state. Easily one of the top 5 far left states in the union, and yet it is the whitest.

    Call me un-original, but something tells me that Vermont is just the runaway destination for New England yuppies who wish to continue promoting ‘progressive’ programs, but don’t want to live amongst their creation. Now that Mass. and Conn. are no longer lily-White, they’ve moved on to more isolated venues.

    JR Replies:

    Yes, this is true – Liberal/Leftist who go to Harvard and Yale (not all Jews by the way) and who have an idealized “Walden Pond”, Nature view of the world – often flee up to Vermont , as New Hampshire is way too Conservative. Rich Liberal/Leftists want to have it all – and commune with beautiful nature, at the same time being on the side of the Non White masses… they would just prefer not to actually have to live amongst the non White masses.
    The Kennedy family retreats on Cape Cod is the ideal.

  41. Hunter,

    Maybe this gave me that impression:

    Vermont has long been a plague on the Republic.

    I have always thought of Vermont, a satellite of Canada, as the evil twin sister of New Hampshire

    Where does Vermont fall in the immigration debate? The results are not all that shocking. It turns out there are real substantial differences between “Blues” and “Reds” and “progressives” and “conservatives” on this issue.

    Sorry if I misread you. Many of your posts seem to be obsessed with so-called “Yankees”, so it’s easy to assume the worst.

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