Dream Act Warning

District of Corruption

The Democrats are taking another shot at the “DREAM Act” amnesty in the House and Senate. The bill is unlikely to pass because of solid Republican opposition and Democratic defections in the Red States. Ramming this piece of garbage through the lame duck is their best shot at getting it passed for the next two years.

Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana is the only Republican in the Senate who has verbally committed to voting for cloture. I’m assuming the Hoosier Nation is on top of this.

Lean on the wavering “system politicians” and demand they vote against this bill.

About Hunter Wallace 12400 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter writes:
    “Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana is the only Republican in the Senate who has verbally committing to voting for cloture. I’m assuming the Hoosier Nation is on top of this.”

    Jack Ryan replies:
    In my opinion Dick Lugar is mostly senile these days and has some Lib/mins on his staff leading him around. The guys been around for ever and I have always noticed that he gives long, long interviews where he says absolutely nothing about anything, shows know acknowledgement of time or place.
    If you know someone who has insomnia and can’t sleep, force them to sit on a bed and take notes of a Dick Lugar speech/interview and watch the insomniac go out cold out of complete boredom.

  2. Dick Durbin is leading the charge. Illinois could at least replace him with a squish like Kirk. That would at least block a Senate seat from being held by a hostile Democrat like Ted Kennedy in Mass or Jew Feingold in Wisconsin.

  3. Celestial Time,

    Are you still comfortable identifying yourself with the center left? This is the kind of legislation they’re willing to pass.

  4. We at Hoosier Nation are “charging our lazer” for his primary challenge and intend to take the lead in offending the old statesman’s gentle bipartisan sensibilities with a whirlwind of vicious attacks. There’s really no point in doing any more than taking some lazy potshots at him until then, given that his neocon handlers have led the senile buffoon to believe that he’s now the Senator of Mexico for his exciting new North American super-country.

    I beg everybody to hit the NumbersUSA Dashboard.

  5. Don’t rule out California or Massachusetts just yet.





  6. Matt,
    I hope you are wroking with local IN state represenatives, training local activists how to build grass roots activists to present our positions to local officials.
    You should be looking for young, political talent at the state level who want to make names for themselves standing up against traitors/corrupt pols in Washington – in this case, it’s something different – a pathetic, senile old idiot Dick Lugar.
    Here’s the web page for the Indiana State Assembly – somewhere in here is a young Tom Tancredo.

  7. Jack,

    We at Hoosier Nation welcome old and untalented Hoosiers, as well.

    Sen. Mike Delph is far and away the best politician in Indiana (if not the world), and it looks like he’s on the shortlist to challenge Dinosaur Dick.

  8. Matt Parrott says:
    November 24, 2010 at 6:22 pm
    “We at Hoosier Nation welcome old and untalented Hoosiers, as well.
    Sen. Mike Delph is far and away the best politician in Indiana (if not the world), and it looks like he’s on the shortlist to challenge Dinosaur Dick.”

    Jack Ryan replies;
    OK, sure “experienced” older/octenegarian Hoosiers should be welcomed in many ways, just not going to bat for us with 2 outs in the 9th facing a 20 year old fast ball pitcher.
    And in all honesty, Dick Lugar is the worst US Republican Senator after Lindsey Graham – and it isn’t some act of high treason, or some sexual perversion that’s making Lugar do the horrible things he’s doing, he’s simply old and out of it, manipulated by hostile Neo Cons aides who’s brain waves are still working, while Lugar’s are not.
    Cant’ some folks in the Hoosier nation publicly humiliate Lugar, there should be some price paid for his treason.

  9. Notus Wind:

    Are you still comfortable identifying yourself with the center left? This is the kind of legislation they’re willing to pass.

    I’m extremely comfortable with MY positions. I would no more claim these people represented my entire belief system than someone here on the right would claim McCain or Bush represented them. The political party pendulum doesn’t appeal to me. Issues matter, people matter… Left vs Right is a no-win situation, and has been for decades now.

  10. The article sited states: “Republicans are sounding the alarm bells, highlighting that it would offer amnesty to an estimated 2.1 million illegal aliens.”
    ONLY 2.1 million? That seems like an exceedingly conservative estimate of how many will be “amnestyed”. Also, California might as well be written off- it has become a foreign country with an entirely alien culture and mindset.

  11. This “Dream Act” is worse than I even thought, anyone who went to college from 16-34 can get it and then become an anchor for all their relatives. This would be a massive curse on white people. Considering how easy it is to go to some podunk community college these days, and especially considering every black or hispanic who manages to keep themselves out of jail gets a free ride through college thanks to the white taxpayers of the USA this would give out A LOT of so called “citizenship” papers. Another thing whites should be more aggressive in asking is WHY THE HECK DO WE OWE MEXICANS AFFIRMATIVE ACTION JOBS AND COLLEGE GOODIES? They weren’t even here before the civil rights act, let alone slavery, and WE OWE THEM NOTHING. The few Mexicans who did live here were legally classified as “Caucasian” and weren’t subject to Jim Crow anyway. These arguments are definately mainstream and should be made that far from being some payback to former slaves “Affirmative Action” these days is Anti-white. It basically means anybody except the white guy. And President Hussein recently had Hines Ward over in the White House to “address Asian American community needs and discrimination.” WTF, they Asians dominate College Enrollment and own half the gas stations, restaurants, etc around. And President Hussein thinks they face “discrimination” and need even more of White Peoples wealth and opportunities stolen away from them to give away?

  12. If it’s Brown,
    Flush it down.

    A little reminder to Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio what the campaign slogan could be for his next election in 2012 if he votes for cloture or the Dream Act.

  13. @HW: “still fight left in Calif…mestizos not a majority.” Yes and No. There’s plenty of hardrights out here, but no question the voting majority of mestizos+Jews/blacks+cosmic whitelibs (ie, govt employees, college brats, and other ZOGbux recepients) is growing day by day. For the time being, at least, this state HAS been effectively annexed by Mexico. For the same reasons though – more and more consumers of govt “services”, fewer and fewer real wealth creators to pay for same -the Mex/Jew/Black/Cozwhite regime is drowning in unresolvable debt. Since this is the world’s 8th largest economy, default here could bring the whole national Ponzi down as well; or vice-versa. Whichever happens, ultimately it won’t be ballots or “bribed-off majority rules” that decides the future of California. It’ll be bullets – hopefully with some help from previously-seceeded neighboring states.

  14. “Issues matter, people matter… Left vs Right is a no-win situation, and has been for decades now.”

    Your name and the above statement by you imply a gravitas whose gaze is fixed upon those things of everlasting import resonant with what we are as nature as made us that you are hardly entitled to. Empty slogans wrapped inside platitudes that leave your manifestly superficial thinking hardly an enigma.

    “I’m extremely comfortable with MY positions.” he snorts. I’ll smoke crack if I wanna. I’ll fuck a chink and father half-castes. My body, my rights.


  15. Your name and the above statement by you imply a gravitas whose gaze is fixed upon those things of everlasting import resonant with what we are as nature as made us that you are hardly entitled to. Empty slogans wrapped inside platitudes that leave your manifestly superficial thinking hardly an enigma.

    You can drop the pretense. Nature doesn’t need you to speak for her, and she certainly doesn’t need a long-winded way of basically saying, “fuck you, dude!” Quit trying to sound intellectual and just spit the shit out.

    “I’m extremely comfortable with MY positions.” he snorts. I’ll smoke crack if I wanna. I’ll fuck a chink and father half-castes. My body, my rights.


    Little boys and their strawmen. Maybe you could be kind enough to show me where I’ve insinuated these views?

    Captainchaos writes, “I hate people with differing opinions. My adolescent sense of entitlement masks my much darker, deeper and destructive neurosis of character. If not for the Internet, my vile strain of character deformation would be very limited in it’s exposure, and it would make my daily routine of being an extreme pariah in the real world much harder to cope with. The agony and torture of being a nobody with rarely a unique thought or idea passing through my head is a bit depressing; but if I use the Internet wisely, perhaps it will go unnoticed and I can get a reputation for being an “intellectual.” I might even be able to enrich the lives of those even more socially afflicted and neurotic than I am; thereby, reassuring myself that I’m not really the knuckle-dragger that I’ve been accused of being. Quite honestly, if my power goes out, I’m screwed! Then again, I’ll probably have a free lifetime membership to Club Lonely White Guy, so I guess it won’t be a total loss.”

    I’m not much for Sybil’s Straw Man and Ad Hominem School of Reasoning, but I have to admit it is a little fun. Not to mention the fact that it’s a great way to give some people a free diagnosis.

    ** White Nationalist circles always have their hands out in desperate need of money. I think that loaning out some of the pro-White “characters” to various Social & Behavioral Sciences graduate programs would be an absolute goldmine. Hunter loaning out a few of his personas could fully fund this site and a dozen more. Throw in the rambling Lindstedt, that could easily fund a 500 acre compound somewhere. Captianchaos is a bit bland and typical, almost like he was prematurely hatched in a SPLC basement, so I’m not sure what his services would come to in terms of monetary value. This should have been done years and years ago. Some of you guys are really shallow thinkers. Think big, think laterally. **

  16. Terrestrial Timex,

    I addressed you in the manner I deemed appropriate, and in none other. Judging by your response, it seems I was right. And here you are, smoked out of your hole. Twitching, spitting, vituperating, yet out none the less. And what is the sum of your ‘deep thoughts’ on matters racial other than that you manifestly cannot separate the truth you accept from those advocating for it, Pavlovian puppet that you are? My guess would be some half-baked marriage of race realism cum libertarianism. What a snoozer.

    “Nature doesn’t need you to speak for her”

    Well now, “she” certainly does not speak for herself, does Nature, you shallow and insufferable twit.

    ““fuck you, dude!””

    If that is what I intended to say, I would have said it. What I intended to provoke. To see where you really stand. Now I know, and what a humdrum lot it is.

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