Why Vanguardists Can’t Win

William Pierce combined penetrating insights with the wrong approach

The Vanguard

It is time to call out the vanguard.

In 1971, William Pierce wrote an infamous article in Attack! called Why Conservatives Can’t Win. This destructive mantra has been mindlessly repeated so many times over the past forty years (even years after the swift collapse of the National Alliance) that it has become an article of faith to alienated vanguardists.

I want to know if vanguardists can win. If conservatives are losers, does that mean vanguardists are winners? I don’t think they can win and intend to show you why.

Defining Vanguardism

The vanguardist is a peculiar species of White Nationalist with a range that extends across cyberspace. This political animal has a number of discernible, trademark characteristics. Specifically, a “vanguardist” is someone who believes:

(1) Conservatives are worthless.

(2) Ordinary people are lemmings.

(3) Worse is better.

(4) The system is broken.

(5) A collapse is coming.

(6) They will benefit from this collapse.

(7) A massive Jewish conspiracy is responsible for their plight.

(8) Revolution is the only solution.

Instead of engaging the cultural and political mainstream, a vanguardist is someone who favors withdrawing from the system, sealing themselves off in enclaves, and organizing around a dynamic leader.

Vanguardists with the financial means to do so like to hide out in bunkers in places like Washington, Idaho, or West Virginia. The majority of vanguardists though are tied down by their jobs and just log on to the internet under an anonymous pseudonym to entertain themselves and vent their frustrations.

It’s really an angrier version of sitting down in a La-Z-Boy with a six pack (or if you are Will Williams, a bottle of Jack Daniels) after work to watch Monday Night Football. The lemmings spend their leisure time trying to enjoy themselves. The vanguardists woad up their faces and streak through the internet for a few hours every night.

Some people continue to say that “vanguardists” don’t exist. Well, I strongly disagree. Having interacted with vanguardists for years, I know them quite well, and can describe their way of life in elaborate detail.

Vanguardists are easy to recognize. They are more ubiquitous in cyberspace than whitetail deer in the backwoods of Alabama at midnight. That’s saying something given the shape of my bumper.

So why can’t vanguardists win?

(1) Alienation – The single most important thing to understand about vanguardists is that they are radically alienated. I’m not talking about being merely disappointed, demoralized, or disillusioned with the status quo. Vanguardists travel well beyond that stage into waters where they are ultimately transformed into aliens within their own society.

The vanguardists express their sense of alienation in all sorts of ways. It is the impulse behind everything from their tendency to withdraw from society, their hostility to their own culture, their belief that White people must be punished for their sins, creating their own religion, dressing up in uniforms, creating their own flags, advocating alliances with despotic foreign regimes like Iran and North Korea, hiding out in a bunker, their demonization of their peers, the lavish praise they heap on Europe, etc.

The key to understanding vanguardists is that they are aliens within their own society. They are like Jews living among the Gentiles. The vanguardists are strangers in a strange land … America.

The saddest part of this radical sense of alienation is the estrangement of so many vanguardists from their own families.

(2) Unnecessary Barriers – Vanguardists are a tribe of radically alienated people going through a type of ethnogenesis.

From the outside, it looks at first like they are creating unnecessary barriers between themselves and their target audience. From the inside, they are going through a tumultuous personal identity crisis. They are trying to draw new ethnic markers that separate “us” from “them.”

It is a mistake to write off the vanguardists as political retards. Why do they insist on insulting their audience, dressing up in ridiculous costumes, creating their own religion, heaping praise upon hostile foreign regimes?

Isn’t that counterproductive? How are these things in any way essential to White Nationalism?

The vanguardists are not engaged in a political project in any true sense of the word. They are not trying to convince anyone to become a White Nationalist or to score victories in a political struggle. The vanguardists are radical non-conformists who are expressing their own sense of individuality in an underground sub-culture.

Vanguardists are the beatniks, hippies, goths, or punks of the White Nationalist movement. If it is shocking to the bourgeoisie to get a tattoo or a piercing, how much more shocking is it to get a swastika tattoo or parade around main street as a uniformed Neo-Nazi?

If vanguardist behavior comes across as “offensive,” it is because that is the intended and desired effect.

(3) Turn on, tune in, drop out – When seen in this light, vanguardist behavior starts making a lot more sense. It was their counterculture predecessors on the Far Left that pioneered dropping out of the hopelessly corrupt system:

The Hippie Code:

“Do your own thing, wherever you have to do it and whenever you want. Drop out. Leave society as you have known it. Leave it utterly. Blow the mind of every straight person you can reach. Turn them on, if not to drugs, then to beauty, love, honesty, fun.”

I like to think of vanguardists as “totalitarian hippies.”

They are radical expressive individualists with an authoritarian streak. Their tendency to quarrel among themselves and their refusal to yield to authority (except when they are the dictator) is the major reason their organizations always prove so dysfunctional and short lived.

As with the hippies, “the system” is not as impenetrable as vanguardists imagine it to be. When the hippies grew up and got real jobs, they “mainstreamed” the counterculture.

(4) Communication – Their radical sense of alienation, ethnogenesis and expressive individualism all combine to produce a failure to communicate between vanguardists and White America. They can’t get beyond the communication stage.

This is due less to a vast Jewish conspiracy than it is to succumbing to their own alienation and no longer having much in common with their audience. It certainly doesn’t help matters that they are aggressive and antagonistic toward their audience.

(5) Lemmings – As I explained above, the vanguardists sail deep into the waters of alienation where they undergo ethnogenesis and become a distinct tribe of White people. They have set sail away from White America. During their voyage, they have accumulated markers that distinguish themselves from ordinary people, namely the rejection of their own nationality.

When the vanguardists look back at the world they have left behind, everyone on the shoreline looks indistinguishable. They all look like gullible herdlike lemmings from the perspective of a radical non-conformist.

The vanguardists then conclude that ordinary people are too stupid to be worth bothering with. The system is too powerful. They cannot be persuaded of anything because the media is so influential.

In reality, the real problem is the self-imposed isolation of the vanguardists, not the legitimacy of the mainstream media, which fell into disrepute in Middle America for over two decades now.

(6) Non-Conformists – The vanguardists draw the conclusion that only a tiny minority of White people are persuadable, namely, the non-conformist intellectuals who have an authoritarian personality type that don’t immediately dismiss an extremely radical message.

The vanguardists look at the numbers and accept the premise that they cannot spread their message, successfully, to a wider audience; this in spite of the available evidence. They don’t have the numbers to compete in mainstream democratic politics or even a desire to do so.

(7) Rhetorical Radicals – The last thing a radical non-conformist wants to do is “shut up” and “blend in” or “work within the system.” As a matter of principle, vanguardists refuse to work within the experience of their audience, which is boring and bourgeoisie. This results in a failure to communicate and reinforces their cardinal belief that “the system” is hopelessly broken.

As I explained above, the radicalism of the vanguardist is not in any sense a political project. Rather, it is a type of expressive individualism for radically alienated people.

That’s why it is extremely important to the vanguardist that his radicalism be based in rhetoric and words which communicate his own sense of alienation and individuality to the man on the street.

(8) Z.O.G. – For the vanguardists, there has to be an explanation for their inexplicable failures, which cannot in any sense be pinned on their own misguided behavior: Z.O.G. motherfuckers, man.

Jews control the media. That’s the problem.

If the vanguardists like Alex Linder or Bill White could only get on television, all their problems would be solved. Presto, everyone in America would want to become a radically alienated, angry non-conformist who worships Hitler and practices Creativity like Craig Cobb.

The obvious problem with this theory is that the Jews are more than happy to put the vanguardists on television and write about them in newspapers. They almost never miss a chance to do so.



The Jews have given vanguardists free publicity ever since the days of George Lincoln Rockwell in order to portray all White Nationalists as violent, unsympathetic, alienated fanatics who dream about The Day of the Rope and kooks who have nothing in common with ordinary White people.

(9) Fantasism – Given all the above, Jews controlling the media, the lemming like behavior of White people, the omnipresent Z.O.G. which framed Edgar Steele, the patriotards who identify with America, the foolish “mainstreamers” who keep pushing the “system politicians” … vanguardists are pessimistic about our future.

They have given up on engaging ordinary White people and persuading them to become White Nationalists. So what is there left to do?

Create an elaborate fantasy world.

Vanguardists are radically alienated non-conformists. They are bearish on reality. Their whole lifestyle is based on rejecting reality and fitting in with their peers. This is why vanguardists have never created anything resembling a practical plan for getting us to the White ethnostate. Any such plan would have to take into account reality based obstacles that they would much prefer to ignore.

The way vanguardists tend to cope with reality is through an overactive imagination.

The best example of a vanguardist creating an elaborate fantasy world is Harold Covington’s Northwest Quartet. It assumes all kinds of wildly unrealistic scenarios. The Pacific Northwest is like Ireland and vanguardists are the IRA liberators of the people.

It has been a cornerstone of vanguardism since the days of George Lincoln Rockwell that the collapse of the system is imminent and that vanguardists will seize power in the aftermath. “Worse is better” is a strategy for realizing this fantasy world.

If every defeat for White Nationalism is a secret victory, then all we have to do is keep on losing, and in the long run we will win, without making any sacrifices or inconveniencing ourselves in any real way.

Conveniently omitted from this optimistic narrative is that vanguardists, as radically alienated non-conformists, calculate their every action to maximize the offense given to their neighbors. In the event of a real national emergency, vanguardists are about the last people in America that would emerge as leaders in their local communities.

(10) Escapism – Fantasizing about the inevitable collapse of the system and the imminent rise of the Northwest Republic is one way of coping with the unpleasantness of reality. Escapism is another.

This is why vanguardists have so many arcane debates about historical subjects like Holocaust revisionism. One way to flee from reality is to escape into the distant past or the near future or to the comfort of a more hospitable country abroad.

You can spend a good amount of time that way avoiding the things you dislike about your own neighborhood.

(11) Violence – As explained above, fantasism and escapism are the bread and butter of vanguardists, who have largely given up on reality based methods in light of their own extreme level of alienation from society.

Most of the fantasist schemes (i.e., the Northwest Republic) involve successful acts of criminal violence. The Order is one example of a group that took this sort of talk seriously.

Unfortunately, violence tends to have exactly the opposite effect.

White people in the Pacific Northwest were glad to be rid of The Order. They responded negatively to Oklahoma City and threw their support behind the federal government. The only people who saw James von Brunn as a martyr were other alienated vanguardists.

(12) Lashing Out – The last resort of the vanguardist is lashing out. This usually takes the form of rhetorical sabotage (i.e., pissing in the punch bowl) on other pro-White websites.

Spreading defeatism is one way of empowering our enemies, sharing the misery of the alienated, sapping the White resistance, and punishing White people who fail to respond well to their own righteous anger.

Final Thoughts

Vanguardists can’t win.

They can’t win because they actually want to lose. If every defeat is a secret victory, vanguardists have been winning for decades, although you would never know it from the state of White America, or the state of every vanguardist organization in existence.

Vanguardists have no solutions to our problems. Their hostility to our target audience makes our job harder, not easier. They say they want a revolution. A vanguard is supposed to be a spearhead of a revolution.

If that is the case, they should finally man up and go make one, instead of constantly trying to disrupt what we are trying to do, which is what works, as we saw yesterday.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Every post I make here is about this model.

    Tennessee Considers Arizona-style Law


    Tennessee’s legislators plan to consider a bill next year styled after Arizona’s SB 1070, even though the state already has strict laws targeting illegal immigrants.

    State Sen. Bill Ketron and Rep. Joe Carr, both Republicans, are preparing a bill that criminalizes illegal immigrants and authorizes local law enforcement authorities to detain “any person” suspected of being in the country unlawfully.

    “You can’t deny how [illegal immigration] is affecting us, from education to healthcare to the judicial system to incarceration, and more importantly the number of jobs it’s taken away,” Ketron said.
    Like Tennessee, other nearby states, including North Carolina and South Carolina, have expressed an interest in starting out the new legislative session in 2011 reviewing measures similar to the law in Arizona, the first in the nation to criminalize being in the country unlawfully. . . .

    In so many words, it is easier to work with ordinary conservatives in the mainstream and make a difference on issues like immigration – with people who are not White Nationalists – than it is to get White Nationalists to do anything effective in the real world.

    Which is why I moved on from White Nationalism. It is just a waste of time to bother with people who are so far gone they actually believe that losing is winning.

  2. ““Ted Denny Aylmer” is a sockpuppet of a long-time poster at the Phora named “Jett””

    Jett lives in Orange County California, last I heard.

    I am located in the Pacific Northwest.

    Therefore I can’t be Jett!

    Ask Hunter Wallace to check my IP address!

  3. I never said that Liberty University was a bastion of White Nationalism, moron. Jerry Falwell was an evangelical Christian. They have a student center there named after Tim LaHaye of the Left Behind series.

    In that sense, Liberty was very successful in creating a viable alternative to “the system” for evangelical Christians, a place where they could send their kids to college where they would be around people with likeminded religious views.

    Liberty has a 7.5 million dollar endowment and a 60,000 student body. By comparison, Auburn has 25,000 students.

    That’s what I call … a practical, constructive response to an identifiable problem.

    Have vanguardists who believe in “rejecting the system” ever created anything like Liberty University? Don’t make me laugh. They would have a hard enough time organizing a lemonade stand.

  4. Listen your example of success includes Black rappers everywhere.

    Conservatives and even the ‘Hard Right’ (which is apparently what you have re-labeled yourself) are in reality closet negro lovers. You drool over Colin Powell and Condi Rice!!! YUCK!

    Take a good hard look in the mirror and ask yourself, do you want to worship Blacks, like all the other Conservatives? It is not to late to return to White Nationalism!!!!

    P.S. I would state that Willis Cartos Liberty Lobby, while not a learning institution, for several decades was a venerable part of the Far Right/ White Nationalist movement before it was destroyed by the hated ‘system’. A system that you sadly seem to support. Disgusting.

  5. If Jerry Falwell was a vanguardist, he would have adopted an anonymous pseudonym like TheRapture666 to come on the internet and bitch in impotence about the awful secularists who control the public universities.

    Instead of acting like a vanguardist loser, Falwell the entrepreneur established an institution where tens of thousands of White kids every year go through “his system” in their college years. These holy rollers graduate from Liberty University and spread out across America to evangelize the masses.

    Falwell became a millionaire and a kingmaker in Republican politics.

    His response to leftwing professors in public universities was … I got this … this is my plan … this is how we counter the problem … this is how we take the offense and put the secularists on defense in Virginia.

  6. Re: Ted

    (1) Anyone can read the posts above and see you are deliberately missing the point. The point was not that Liberty University was a bastion of White Nationalism.

    The point was that Jerry Falwell had a practical, constructive response to an identifiable problem for people who shared his religious views.

    (2) The difference between “Hard Right” conservatives and vanguardists is that the people like “Ted Denny Aylmer” are LOSERS. They have NO SOLUTION to any problem.

    (3) What is the vanguardist solution to anti-racism and integration? It is whining, crying, and bitching on the internet like a gelded loser and advocating losing. That does absolutely nothing to solve the problem. It is utterly ineffective.

    I’m probably going to drop the “vanguardist” label and just start calling these people LOSERS instead. They advocate defeat. LOSING is their ideology.

    (4) Alternatively, we can work within the mainstream to take down the likes of Michael Steele and discredit the Colin Powells.

    (5) I would much rather tune out politics altogether than “return” to White Nationalism. That’s because I know White Nationalists are not going to do a single damn thing in reality to reverse our decline.

    If we are going to lose anyway, which is what vanguardists advocate, I would much rather spend the rest of my life enjoying myself than dealing with kooks and fantasists all day.

    (6) Willis Carto destroyed himself. His feud with Mark Weber was an internal movement squabble. Carto wasn’t destroyed by the system. Please.

  7. (1) Fallwell was just another kosher conservative sell-out who sold out Whites. You know he started out as a Southern Segregationist right? But when the system threatened to start taxing the Churches that is when he changed his tune and threw Whites over-board.

    Sadly there are many similarities between the Falwell who sold out Whites in order to be able to enter the mainstream, and Hunter Wallace.

    (2) Not True. I support Covington Northwest Imperative Ideas. A White person could make a constructive step today, by moving to the Northwest. The White In-gathering shall be here! April Gaede and Craig Cobb are making inroads in Montana! Chuck Baldwin is moving his congregation to Montana soon!

    Also Michael O’meara in his seccessionist essays has laid down a good ideological fundament to build upon.

    (4) Isn’t the main candidate for following Steele a Jew? How is being in a political party that has been headed up recently by Jews, Mestizos, and Blacks constructive in any way for Whites? I would rather Whites lead Whites. Apparently Hunter Wallace like Steele since he advocates for the GOP all the time and probably secretly admires Colin Powell and Condi Rice. Note also Wallace lionized Glenn Back for fellating Martin Luther King!!

    (5) Returning to lemming-dom is a cowards way out! Be a White Man for a change!

    (6) No one ever sued Falwells Liberty University because the system likes it when little Christian Zionists are churned out from there. However the system did set in place a legal arena that allowed Liberty Lobby to be taken down. It is all very simple. If the system didn’t exist, it wouldn’t have set in place conditions that would allow such law-suits to occur!!

  8. In regards to Carto, while his personality flaws definitely played a role in the loss of Liberty Lobby, his Liberty Lobby was an example of a mainstreaming populist style organization. It specifically used the label of “populist” to describe it politics. Carto is a white nationalist, but he chose the approach of working within the system.

  9. I think the concept of “romanticizing” the wrong kind of vanguardists the way the Left has romanticized Che Guevera has some potential. I also think the radicals have value from the standpoint of shifting the so-called Overton Window.

  10. http://vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=118454&page=192

    It looks like Alex Linder is thumping the same points he was making 8-9 years ago. He has zero interest in doing anything but preach to the choir. Knoxville was an exception. It is a shame because Alex Linder has talent and often produces great insights in between the profanity and over-the-top rhetoric that sometimes borders on sociopathy. Alex Linder will probably end his career like William Pierce. He will probably write thousands posts on VNN between now and the end of his career but produce no book, monograph or other synthesis of his ideas that might be useful when people are ready for a more radical message sans profanity and excess.

  11. Hunter asks:

    “Why can’t the metapolitical warriors destroy the halo around Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement?”

    That has already been done, by Kevin Alfred Strom, for one.

    HW writes:

    “A clear example of “effective metapolitics” is what Imagine2050 decries as The Tanton Network: NumbersUSA, CIS, and FAIR which work with Republicans in Congress to publish and distribute restrictionist studies and talking points.

    As it happens, the Pioneer Fund provided these groups with some of their start up capital. That was the best investment in “metapolitics” in the history of the pro-White cause.”

    Yes, I agree.

    HW writes:

    “A missed opportunity for “effective metapolitics” would have been a response to Nancy Pelosi’s lie that the Founding Fathers would have supported the DREAM Act. A clever piece refuting that nonsense might have been able to get some traction.”

    There is plenty of material to refute nonsense like that in the essays by Jared Taylor and Wayne Lutton is Sam Francis, ed., RACE AND THE AMERICAN PROSPECT.

    Then HW starts in with the lies and invidious comparisons designed to cast himself in a false, flattering light:

    “What’s even funnier is that alienated vanguardists don’t realize they have the most success when they try to engage the mainstream. When they write reviews about Hollywood movies that ordinary people have seen and have an opinion on, their web traffic tends to spike.”

    The only reason he would know that is that we know that and have told him. I have been writing movie reviews since 2001, and I would like to get more reviewers and publish more reviews, because yes, it has an impact. That is also why I am looking for a contributing editor at CC to deal with comics, graphic novels, and video games. We want to reach late teens and intelligent young adults who read. The best outreach I can do is write on movies and popular culture all the time. But I also have to provide some “inreach” to develop and deepen our own cadres.

  12. LEW,

    I’ve backed off from that idea. These people are an albatross. You can glorify your own extremists … when you have the upper hand in the culture war.

    If you try to do it when you are a marginalized fringe group, you will only succeed in further isolating yourself. The only reason to “glorify” them anyway would be as a damage control effort.

  13. It is truly hilarious that Alex Linder has convinced himself that he is a winner. What’s even more incredible is that he has amassed of cult following of people stupid enough to believe him.

    By what standard is Alex Linder a winner?

    (1) He lives in his grandmother’s basement.

    (2) He is unemployed.

    (3) He is an outcast in his own hometown.

    (4) After ten years of work, he has nothing to show for his political efforts but a cyber ghetto populated by broken, dysfunctional, unhinged kooks and fantasists posting under anonymous pseudonyms; people who are goofing off, wasting time, entertaining themselves and doing nothing else besides.

    (5) VNN had ZERO IMPACT on the political spectrum in Missouri.

    (6) Linder has surrounded himself with allies like Traitor Glenn Miller who unilaterally anointed himself President of the Confederate States of America and Bill White the World Commander of National Socialism.

    (7) The Aryan Alternative was a failure.

    (8) The White Freedom Party was a failure.

    (9) ShopWhite was a failure.

    (10) Linder spends most of his time posting impotent rants in cyberspace from the comfort of his toilet seat.

    The only sense in which Alex Linder has been “successful” was in picking the pockets of his own gullible supporters.

  14. The post above isn’t totally accurate.

    (1) Linder can claim some credit for sending Bill White to prison by handing over IP address information to the cops.

    (2) He did gain access to credit card information by working with Bill White in the ShopWhite fiasco.

    (3) He recruited Todd Vanbiber (who blew up a pipe bomb in his face) as a poster on VNN Forum.

    (4) Some VNN graduates like Curt Maynard and Yankee Jim have gone on to engage in murder/suicides.

  15. Did Hunter mean to submit this article to the SPLC “Intelligence” Report?

    At the time William Pierce penned that article conservatives had lost or were losing every major battle in the culture war (the war against whites) since 1965. Conservatives have racked up an uninterrupted string of betrayals, political failures and broken promises which has arguably lasted well into the first decade of the 21st century. In that sense Pierce is still correct and the article as prescient and relevant then as it is today. Hell, even the late paleo-conservative Sam Francis labeled Republicans “the stupid party” for their weak stance on both legal and illegal immigration.

    Hunter wants to flush the checkered history of American conservatism down the memory hole and engage in revisionist history whereby conservatives have never lost and have always been the champions of white people. Wicked vanguardists have simply led white people astray and told their flocks to quite voting and hide out in bunkers. Oh, and shoot up a holocaust museum or two if time permits. Never mind that even by the FBI’s own statistics neo-nazis/white supremacists have committed the fewest acts of violence of any political ideology or religion.

    The only thing Hunter has to hang is conservative fedora on is yesterday’s tabling of the DREAM Act until next week. Conservatives have been just as guilty as liberals in lax enforcement of our immigration laws the last three decades.

    Contrary to Hunter’s false claims and distortions the average white nationalist is heartened by this recent turn of events but realizes it doesn’t go far enough in bringing finality to the conflict with mestizo illegals and their many champions. There are encouraging signs in a handful of states but until draconian nationwide measures are adopted that forces illegals to self deport then yesterday’s partial victory will be short lived.

  16. Nick – you are missing the Big Picture re: England. Yes – it was students protesting higher tuition fees. Of course, They were not “WN” (well – perhaps a few were…one can only hope!). This is were the “collapse” *is*. This is what it looks like. The impromptu attack on the car was light-hearted, really – but it’s a harbinger…

    England is a “top-down” social order. The tuition hikes pretty much guarantee that middle class (if ther are any of those left) and working class kids will be shut out of higher education, thus social advancement, for their entire lives. Meanwhile, immigrants legal and otherwise, are beinghanded everything. Education, housing, medical care, jobs – England itself. Chinese Nationals are stil getting tuition deals. In English schools. But not English kids.

    The rioters know this.

    Charles the Muslim, andthat trout Camilla, and the rest of the English “Upper Classes”, have NO sense of kinship with their own people, their own history, and culture, what-so-ever.

    The rioters know this.

    I only wish the rioters would haver been able to do what theywere threatening. Which will come, sooner or later. Events are accelerating. It’s only a matter of time….

    FYI – the royal status of Charles is contingent on his status as Christian Prince. He promotes Islam, and does everything he can to work against England, and Christianity. He’s a traitor, and a parasite in EVERY sense of those words. As well as a heretic.

    The Christian Church used to burn heretics at the stake, for purification purposes. And as a very public lesson. The Church should get back to it’s roots.

  17. Denise

    I’ve lived in England for nine years.

    The students get loans from the government to pay their tuition fees. They only have to pay them back when they earn a decent wage. The repayments are also very low.

    I agree with you about ethnics taking over Britain and about Charles and Camilla being scumbags.

    I can assure you that the people on the protest are very far from WN. I was a BNP activist for several years. White students like those on the protest were the type of people that come out to verbally abuse us when leafleting. They are also a big percentage of Unite Against Fascism (UAF) and any other anti-White project, self righteous humanities student types.


  18. I am a “vanguardist”, and I have to honestly say that you are on target in your assessments of us, Mr. Wallice. That said, I have some hard questions for you to answer, since you apparently are implying that we all get our rah-rah-America game-faces back on and become conventional conservatives because (in contrast to the vanguard losers) you suppose that conservatives are real winners.

    Let’s talk Alienation.
    Indeed, vanguardists ARE radically alienated…Mr. Wallice’s article mentioned the ways that alienation manifests quite clearly. But the article doesn’t even begin to touch on “why” this alienation occurs…treating it like it is some weird phenomena only occurring in a few “losers”, but the rest of the population and their society is quite healthy and just doing fine. The implication is that the status quo is the norm we should conform to if we are “winners”…that the current state of the mainstream should be the standard upon which we rank “winners”. What else could be meant by statements about these statements emphasizing how those weird loser vanguardists are “aliens” to America? Today’s America is venerated and whitewashed (pun intended). I have to ask, if the people who are alienated from today’s America seem weird from this article’s perspective, what does that say about the people who identify with and cling to today’s America? What…no criticisms and mockings of the mainstreamers and how they live/think/communicate?
    This reeks of comfortable middle class White American status-quo-lovers shining their “good guy badge” and patting themselves on the back for being so much better than those weird alienated losers who express thoughts and sentiments that are totally out of line …and worst of all, mean and nasty. What I’m saying here is that this “oh those horrible weird alienated losers” stuff is all about the class/status perspective of comfy middle-class conformist SNOBS who imagine that their current position/circumstances are based on being inherently “better” than those less fortunate/less connected/ less enthralled to the status quo. You want to know why us vanguardists feel such contempt for mainstream Whites? Maybe it has to do with the fact that you are a bunch of SWPL superficial middle-class-based snobs, moral hypocrites, and status quo defending conformists at all times, whether on the Right or Left. Put the magnifying glass on yourselves, mainstreamers…it ain’t pretty. But I don’t expect you to see that…not until you get the shaft yourselves from the inherent workings of the System you now defend, and wonder what the fuck happened and are stunned by the injustice of it all. Let’s see how many friends you have when the going really gets tough. Your snobbish SWPL middle class peers won’t give a damn about you then, and probably will not even give you the time of day…after that, will you still love this “America”? Or will you finally recognize that diabolical adulterous lying bitch “America” for what she really was all along?
    You can mock the alienated, but can you really face up to why we are so alienated? What are you gonna do when America gives the shaft to you (or your children, if you have any and you give a damn about them in the slightest…since that’s not a realistic given in this cesspool society anymore)?

    Now, let’s talk “Unnecessary Barriers”, Dropping Out, Lemmings, Communication, Non-Conformists, etc.
    Mr. Wallice is right— America divorced herself from us and tossed us in the trash-bin, so we don’t particularly want to jump back into bed with that slutty lying bitch! Hell hath no fury like a White man scorned by his own country and what he had originally been led to believe were his own people. When the distinctions become too great between two or more parties, there is a need to go our separate ways. Are we weird alienated non-conformist vanguardists allowed to go along on our own merry way to live separately as we deem most fitting and desirable? Hell no! Dare to consider why that is the case. Why do you mainstreamers need us? Why can’t the mainstreamers leave us the fuck alone and accept that we just don’t want to follow you down the path into the yawning abyss? If you are truly on the right path, why are you worried or concerned about us who diverge from that path?

    I have to say that you are right about the communication stuff regarding vanguardists. That was indeed a waste of our energies and our breath, motivated by misguided do-gooder sentiments and aimed at a people generally UNLIKE us. We shouldn’t have wasted our time and energy on the ingrate disinterested sheeple at all, and we only should have focused on those who showed signs of health by signaling in their own lives that they recognized that the current mainstream path was NOT for them and NOT what they felt was right. I chalk it up to a hard-learned lesson about the futility of trying to make a political comeback when most of our race has lost its soul in any meaningful sense. Old-style Whitey is degenerating/dying out/dying off/blending into the global coffee-colored mixed-up soup of “humanity”, and thus branching off one way toward their own ultimate extinction as a unique form of life…whilst those weird alienated non-conformist SURVIVING Whiteys are branching off another way, perhaps to eventually become a new species. I don’t give a shit about winning over those old zombified walking-dead degenerate pale-faces who still feel enough in common likeness with their beloved status quo. All I care about is those who Whites whom have it inside themselves to feel that this current course is fucking insane/wrong/regressive/suicidal, and thus they are getting the fuck off this doomed sinking ship and looking for the lifeboats because their still-somewhat-intact survival instincts and moral compass demand it. Wanna stay on this sinking ship and pretend eveything is okay? Go right ahead…just don;t be surprised if there are no more lifeboats left over when the consequences of your decision become impossible to comfortably ignore any longer. And after the way we who sought to survive and do the right thing were treated by those many who conform and cling to the sinking ship, you’d be foolish to imagine that we’ll return the favor by making room –at our expense–to save your fat rotten race-ingrate hides in our lifeboats. Perhaps instead we should let your sickening degenerative suicidal zombie virus go down with the ship, and then make pissing on its underwater gravesite a useful educational and community-bonding ritual for our future SURVIVING Mighty Whitey generations that will last through the ages. We’re going to take the Jew’s ‘never again’ motto, and we’ll apply it for our own people edification in reference to the horrible historically unprecedented way that today’s lemming mainstreamer pale-faced multitudes holocausted themselves!

    Okay, now about Fantasism, Escapism, etc.
    Damn right, we want to escape the current course! Damn right, we seek a better life for our selves and our future descendents! Damn right, we aren’t going to settle down, suck it up, sell out our own lives and our own souls, and “just accept it has to be this way”!
    Why should we…so a few old privileged comfortable palefaced fools can live out their remaining days in peace and the illusion of prosperity, while they show their ingratitude to the younger and less wealthy ones whom they fucked over/sold out in order to have this comfortable Golden Years hospice? Oh no…these old farts should have thought a little harder and contemplated a little more thoroughly about just what they were doing when they set out to destroy the last best hope for restoring Mighty Whitey back in 1939-1945. They chose bullshit feel-good “good guy badges” and temporary prosperity over their own children’s future! In that light, they should be considered lucky that their own children and grandchildren haven’t ripped them limb from limb whilst they lie asleep in their beds after such a profound betrayal. But the good news is that the piper’s flute has broken and isn’t playing the same lulling tunes quite so effectively anymore. Many of the young Whiteys are starting to notice what has been done to their future prospects, and who did it to them. Payback time is coming, when the songs stop being effective altogether and the illusory smoke of false prosperity and phony “good guy America” narratives clears up a bit more. What…did you really expect your shafted kids and grandkids to give you a pass and let you get away with fucking them over because you were too greedy, too distracted/disinterested, too cowardly? They might or might not be able to get those powers-that-be big dogs…but they can at least get to you and your despicable generations and exact revenge for what has been done to them. You reduced them or allowed them to be reduced to wetbacks and coolies and ghetto-dwelling trash…so they in turn will reduce you selfish old farts in kind and in scope. Liberal or conservative, Christian or Jew, college degrees, exclusive enclaves, country clubs…none of that shit will save your corrupt hides from the consequences of what your “best of all possible worlds” American status quo did to your own children and to their children. In the name of God and America, you ruined your own descendants’ future. Of course, we younger Whites will return your obviously devoted love right back to you in kind manifold.

    You reap what you sow. If you defend this status quo, you are marked by it and will be remembered for it by your own flesh-and-blood who got the shaft as a result of the inherent workings of this System you love and benefited from. You stupidly and selfishly traded in your own children’s future for 30 shekels of silver, and so they in turn will extract that price back from you WITH INTEREST. Watch the jobs disappear, watch the opportunities disappear, watch the future disappear…and then know that your time is running out, and that your own kids will take revenge out on you for what you permitted to happen during your conformist treason to our blood. Is it a solution? No…only those so alienated and so perceptive that who got the hell outta Dodge will have crossed over into the beginning of a possible solution. The rest of the old-style status quo clinging palefaces will kill each other for crumbs and revenge when it’s blatantly obvious that the going will not ever get good again and that their whole ship is going to sink imminently. They rose so high…only to fall so hard and so low. “Winners”, huh? Bah humbug! I’m getting into my lifeboat and heading out to other shores and other lands, hoping to encounter other White people who haven’t lost their minds and souls so thoroughly that there is no longer any hope for them. I swear, even if there are but very few of us survival-worthy “alienated” Whites remaining, it will be better to be amongst them and cast my lot with them then to cling to the pale-faced foolish corrupt dead-ender self-deceiving self-holocausting majority.

  19. Mr. Dithers,

    (1) When the article was published, George McGovern was routed by Richard Nixon.

    (2) Conservatives won the battle over welfare.

    (3) Conservatives won the battle over violent crime.

    (4) Conservatives won the battle over gun rights.

    (5) Conservatives are winning the battles over abortion and gay marriage.

    (6) I’m surprised you didn’t raise the issue of Prop 187. Even in the 1990s, there were conservatives hammering away at that issue. Prop 187 was defeated in the courts after “worse is better” triumphed and Gray Davis was elected Governor of California.

    (7) Pat Buchanan ran for president in 1992, 1996, and 2000.

    (8) The conservative movement was subverted … by neocon infiltrators with a “shut up” and “blend in” strategy.

    (9) The FBI statistics prove that “revolutionary vanguardists” are full of shit.

    (10) Vanguardists did spend the 1980s robbing banks and hiding out in bunkers.

    (11) The picture you paint on immigration is inaccurate. You are simply ignorant of the facts. Immigration reform was passed in 1996.

    Georgia passed a restrictionist voter id law that King Roy litigated for years. Arizona passed a restrictionist law in 2007 that is before the Supreme Court right now. Colorado, Oklahoma, and Tennessee have been cracking down on illegal immigration for years. Rhode Island and Mississippi have E-Verify. California passed Prop 187.

    Several states have banned affirmative action. Arizona became the latest in November. Affirmative action was banned in California years ago. A federal court recently upheld the state law.

    (12) If Pat Buchanan had won in 1992, we would not be in the situation we are in today. If Tom Tancredo had won in 2008, the border would have been secured two years ago.

    (13) It is not like the vanguardists are going to do anything about immigration. They actually want to exacerbate the problem.

    (14) We need to elect a restrictionist president.

  20. “The whole shitstorm between VNN and Stormfront is over whether 9/11 was an “inside job” or a Mossad attack.”

    Actually, they both believe it was an inside job. The Linderites just believe in the much more elaborate theories of planted charges and the like. Even jack_boot has endorsed the theory of foreknowledge by at least some in both the Israeli and American governments.

  21. it seems one of the most glaring shortcomings of the vanguardists is their utter inability to create organizations that last beyond the death of their charismatic founder. this is something that even their counterparts on the far-left have been able to do. why is this? first, white nationalists seem to include great number of sociopaths, other mental defectives, weirdos, informers and curiosity seekers in their midst. second, these groups all have an anti-democratic power structure that gives rank-and-file members no input on decisions of the group leader. third, their group leaders all realize at some point that their ain’t gonna be no goddam white revolution in their lifetime, and focus instead on what is achievable: making a living off of their political ideology.

  22. Re: Whites Forward

    I am a “vanguardist”, and I have to honestly say that you are on target in your assessments of us, Mr. Wallice.

    Honestly, it is about time you people admitted the truth. I thought my portrayal of vanguardists was spot on. Yet we have people like Mr. Dithers and Solutrean here claiming that my article was Intelligence Report material.

    That said, I have some hard questions for you to answer, since you apparently are implying that we all get our rah-rah-America game-faces back on and become conventional conservatives because (in contrast to the vanguard losers) you suppose that conservatives are real winners.

    I’m more than happy to answer your questions.

    You’ve already made your first mistake. I do not expect you to become “rah rah America conventional conservatives.” Quite the contrary.

    The whole point of my article was that vanguardists are radically alienated non-conformists. Clearly, you don’t have the personality type to “fit in” or successfully communicate with your peers.

    Thus, it is unreasonable to assume that you will ever change your ways, no matter how staggering the weight of the evidence is against those of who share your beliefs.

    And yes, I do believe that conservatives are winners relative to vanguardists. I don’t see why vanguardists invite such an unfavorable comparison.

    Let’s talk Alienation.
    Indeed, vanguardists ARE radically alienated…Mr. Wallice’s article mentioned the ways that alienation manifests quite clearly

    Vanguardism is driven by a radical sense of alienation. That’s correct.

    But the article doesn’t even begin to touch on “why” this alienation occurs…treating it like it is some weird phenomena only occurring in a few “losers”, but the rest of the population and their society is quite healthy and just doing fine.

    That’s because the cause is irrelevant.

    “Mainstreamers” have the same resentments about the racial state of America. I could write a PhD thesis on the causes of America’s racial decline. I’ve studied the question to that level of detail. We’re looking at the same problems than you are.

    The difference is that vanguardists took the destructive path at the fork in the road of racial awakening.

    The implication is that the status quo is the norm we should conform to if we are “winners”…that the current state of the mainstream should be the standard upon which we rank “winners”.

    I don’t recall making that argument.

    I’ve said that we should minimize the gap between White Nationalists and White America for we can move the mainstream in our direction. We can certainly work within the mainstream to promote specific policies that advance our cause.

    Securing the border is the most obvious. Abolishing affirmative action is another.

    The quarrel is over the unnecessary obstacles that vanguardists want to erect between White Nationalists and White America. We want to narrow the gap. You want to expand it.

    It is really that simple.

    What else could be meant by statements about these statements emphasizing how those weird loser vanguardists are “aliens” to America?

    I meant what I said: vanguardists are radically alienated people going through a form of ethnogenesis. They do not consider themselves Americans.

    You have created an “us” vs. “them” dynamic in which White Americans are those people and you are someone else. Is that not the case?

    Today’s America is venerated and whitewashed (pun intended).

    It’s nowhere near as bad as you claim it is. That doesn’t mean America is a sparkling City on a Hill. I’m just saying your demonic caricature is entirely off base.

    I have to ask, if the people who are alienated from today’s America seem weird from this article’s perspective, what does that say about the people who identify with and cling to today’s America?

    They are patriots who love their country. I don’t see anything wrong with that sentiment.

    What…no criticisms and mockings of the mainstreamers and how they live/think/communicate?

    “Mainstreamers” are entirely aware of the same problems that you have identified. The difference is that mainstreamers respond in a constructive way. They are more practical and realistic. We know that to change things we need to win the support of people who are not White Nationalists.

  23. This reeks of comfortable middle class White American status-quo-lovers shining their “good guy badge” and patting themselves on the back for being so much better than those weird alienated losers who express thoughts and sentiments that are totally out of line …and worst of all, mean and nasty.

    I really am a comfortable, middle class, White American. I’m not happy with the status quo, but I think that I change it, and I am looking for practical ways to solve problems like immigration. I can also fit in and circulate with the millions of other people who are a lot like me.

    Vanguardists really do come across as alienated losers. That’s because they are alienated losers. They are alienated from America and they advocate losing as a strategy.

    Is that debatable?

    What I’m saying here is that this “oh those horrible weird alienated losers” stuff is all about the class/status perspective of comfy middle-class conformist SNOBS who imagine that their current position/circumstances are based on being inherently “better” than those less fortunate/less connected/ less enthralled to the status quo.

    That’s not the case at all.

    This has nothing to do with class. My best friends are working class. I sympathize with them and people like them. That’s one reason why I react so negatively to alienated fanatics who yearn to punish them and make their lives more difficult simply because they do not share their own ideological obsessions.

    It’s the vanguardists who have always looked down on ordinary people. They see themselves as a vastly superior elite. Everyone else is a Joe Six Pack, a mindless lemming, a redneck hayseed, etc. In their disturbing worldview, ordinary people are so worthless that they are not worth bothering with, as they don’t possess the intelligence to grasp the wisdom of being a radically alienated non-conformist.

    You want to know why us vanguardists feel such contempt for mainstream Whites?

    I already know the answer.

    It’s because you are alienated.

    Maybe it has to do with the fact that you are a bunch of SWPL superficial middle-class-based snobs, moral hypocrites, and status quo defending conformists at all times, whether on the Right or Left.

    I haven’t bothered to take the SWPL test. That’s because I already know that I like almost nothing (besides maybe bottled water and New Balance tennis shoes) that SWPL.

    Put the magnifying glass on yourselves, mainstreamers…it ain’t pretty.

    I would say that I come across as a pretty normal White Southerner in both real life on the internet.

    But I don’t expect you to see that…not until you get the shaft yourselves from the inherent workings of the System you now defend, and wonder what the fuck happened and are stunned by the injustice of it all.

    Just recently, I worked within the system to get a restrictionist elected to Congress in Alabama. Quite proud of myself. That’s one less vote for a Democratic majority leader.

    Let’s see how many friends you have when the going really gets tough.

    I have lots of friends in the real world. I’m talking about good ol’ boys who hunt, fish, lift weights and own firearms. We can handle tough times. I’m not worried about that.

    Your snobbish SWPL middle class peers won’t give a damn about you then, and probably will not even give you the time of day…after that, will you still love this “America”? Or will you finally recognize that diabolical adulterous lying bitch “America” for what she really was all along?

    Once again, I am not by any stretch of the imagination a SWPL and neither is my circle of friends. Quite the opposite, in fact.

    You can mock the alienated, but can you really face up to why we are so alienated?

    All right.

    Mount the soap box. Let’s hear your niggerwhine.

    What are you gonna do when America gives the shaft to you (or your children, if you have any and you give a damn about them in the slightest…since that’s not a realistic given in this cesspool society anymore)?

    I don’t see the nation itself giving me the shaft. It is actually an identifiable group of people on the Left (and a few on the Right) who share hostile attitude toward White America. Most of them also see America as a cesspool … of bigotry, homophobia, nativism, racism, etc.

    You have quite a lot in common with these people.

  24. Mr. Wallice is right— America divorced herself from us and tossed us in the trash-bin, so we don’t particularly want to jump back into bed with that slutty lying bitch! Hell hath no fury like a White man scorned by his own country and what he had originally been led to believe were his own people.

    America itself did nothing of the sort. It didn’t toss anyone in the trash bin. Least of all people who are opposed to multiculturalism, immigration, political correctness, and affirmative action. Most White Americans agree with us on these issues.

    When the distinctions become too great between two or more parties, there is a need to go our separate ways.

    That’s fine.

    You are free to go your way. Don’t expect the rest of us to follow you there.

    Are we weird alienated non-conformist vanguardists allowed to go along on our own merry way to live separately as we deem most fitting and desirable? Hell no!


    You are FREE to post on VNN Forum. I don’t post there. On the contrary, it is you people who come here to my website.

    Dare to consider why that is the case. Why do you mainstreamers need us?

    We don’t.

    Why can’t the mainstreamers leave us the fuck alone and accept that we just don’t want to follow you down the path into the yawning abyss?

    If you want to be left the fuck alone, what are you doing here on my website? Did I force you or any of the other two dozen vanguardists to come here and disrupt my comment threads on a daily basis?

    If you are truly on the right path, why are you worried or concerned about us who diverge from that path?

    Vanguardists advocate a course of action which strengthens our enemies and weakens our ability to resist. In that sense, there is little difference between vanguardists and progressives. In some cases, you openly pronounce your affinity for them.

  25. I have to say that you are right about the communication stuff regarding vanguardists. That was indeed a waste of our energies and our breath, motivated by misguided do-gooder sentiments and aimed at a people generally UNLIKE us.

    A good illustration of my point: vanguardists have set up an “us” vs. “them” dynamic, not between Whites and Jews, but also between vanguardists and White America.

    We shouldn’t have wasted our time and energy on the ingrate disinterested sheeple at all . . .

    Those ungrateful bastards … who didn’t respond well to you insulting them!

    . . .and we only should have focused on those who showed signs of health by signaling in their own lives that they recognized that the current mainstream path was NOT for them and NOT what they felt was right.

    i.e., new potential cult members.

    I chalk it up to a hard-learned lesson about the futility of trying to make a political comeback when most of our race has lost its soul in any meaningful sense.

    I chalk it up to having nothing else to do, an exaggerated sense of your own superiority over ordinary people, and the lack of a practical outlet for your energies.

    Old-style Whitey is degenerating/dying out/dying off/blending into the global coffee-colored mixed-up soup of “humanity”, and thus branching off one way toward their own ultimate extinction as a unique form of life…whilst those weird alienated non-conformist SURVIVING Whiteys are branching off another way, perhaps to eventually become a new species.

    You are a bona fide Nietzschean superman.

    I don’t give a shit about winning over those old zombified walking-dead degenerate pale-faces who still feel enough in common likeness with their beloved status quo.

    My point exactly.

    I just said in the other thread that vanguardists hate White America. Thanks for proving my point.

    All I care about is those who Whites whom have it inside themselves to feel that this current course is fucking insane/wrong/regressive/suicidal, and thus they are getting the fuck off this doomed sinking ship and looking for the lifeboats because their still-somewhat-intact survival instincts and moral compass demand it.

    In other words, the only White people you are about are other ideologues who are willing to join your cult of alienated fanatics. It is all about ideology now, not blood, culture, duty or kinship.

    Wanna stay on this sinking ship and pretend eveything is okay? Go right ahead…just don;t be surprised if there are no more lifeboats left over when the consequences of your decision become impossible to comfortably ignore any longer.

    Where are the life boats? The Aryan Nations compound in Idaho? That was seized years ago and turned into a peace park.

    And after the way we who sought to survive and do the right thing were treated by those many who conform and cling to the sinking ship, you’d be foolish to imagine that we’ll return the favor by making room –at our expense–to save your fat rotten race-ingrate hides in our lifeboats.

    White America has treated YOU so TERRIBLY.

    Perhaps instead we should let your sickening degenerative suicidal zombie virus go down with the ship, and then make pissing on its underwater gravesite a useful educational and community-bonding ritual for our future SURVIVING Mighty Whitey generations that will last through the ages.

    He’s not just alienated. He doesn’t just hate White America. He doesn’t just have no sympathy for his fellow citizens.

    This man wants to piss on their grave!

    We’re going to take the Jew’s ‘never again’ motto, and we’ll apply it for our own people edification in reference to the horrible historically unprecedented way that today’s lemming mainstreamer pale-faced multitudes holocausted themselves!

    It’s probably more likely that you are just going to sit behind that computer screen communing with another anonymous alienated fanatics until off yourself like James von Brunn or the Heaven’s Gate cult.

  26. Okay, now about Fantasism, Escapism, etc.
    Damn right, we want to escape the current course! Damn right, we seek a better life for our selves and our future descendents!

    … and you are doing what exactly for said descendants?

    Damn right, we aren’t going to settle down, suck it up, sell out our own lives and our own souls, and “just accept it has to be this way”!

    Is that right?

    You are not going to accept it. This suggests you are doing something about it. What is that? I mean aside from venting here in my comment thread.

    Why should we…so a few old privileged comfortable palefaced fools can live out their remaining days in peace and the illusion of prosperity, while they show their ingratitude to the younger and less wealthy ones whom they fucked over/sold out in order to have this comfortable Golden Years hospice?

    I keep forgetting that White America fucked you over and sold you out. They sent you a memo. Do you still have a copy?

    Oh no…these old farts should have thought a little harder and contemplated a little more thoroughly about just what they were doing when they set out to destroy the last best hope for restoring Mighty Whitey back in 1939-1945.

    Adolf Hitler restored Poland? Is that what you call it?

    They chose bullshit feel-good “good guy badges” and temporary prosperity over their own children’s future!

    That’s not true.

    It’s more like we conclude there are more effective ways to solve our problems than becoming an anonymous loser ranting in cyberspace about how America is against him.

    In that light, they should be considered lucky that their own children and grandchildren haven’t ripped them limb from limb whilst they lie asleep in their beds after such a profound betrayal.

    Because they haven’t done what exactly? Join your cult?

    But the good news is that the piper’s flute has broken and isn’t playing the same lulling tunes quite so effectively anymore. Many of the young Whiteys are starting to notice what has been done to their future prospects, and who did it to them.

    If there is a mass rush by young White people on vanguardist organizations, I certainly haven’t seen it.

    Payback time is coming, when the songs stop being effective altogether and the illusory smoke of false prosperity and phony “good guy America” narratives clears up a bit more. What…did you really expect your shafted kids and grandkids to give you a pass and let you get away with fucking them over because you were too greedy, too distracted/disinterested, too cowardly?

    To be honest, I don’t know anyone who is such an ideological fanatic that he hates his own parents and grandparents. I don’t know of anyone who wants to rip their own grandmother limb from limb … except you.

    You are the first.

    They might or might not be able to get those powers-that-be big dogs…but they can at least get to you and your despicable generations and exact revenge for what has been done to them.

    So have you killed your own parents and grandparents yet? Just wondering.

    You reduced them or allowed them to be reduced to wetbacks and coolies and ghetto-dwelling trash…so they in turn will reduce you selfish old farts in kind and in scope.

    I just turned 30 years old.

    Liberal or conservative, Christian or Jew, college degrees, exclusive enclaves, country clubs…none of that shit will save your corrupt hides from the consequences of what your “best of all possible worlds” American status quo did to your own children and to their children.

    I know … its because everyone in White America is going to starting killing their grandma any day now.

    In the name of God and America, you ruined your own descendants’ future. Of course, we younger Whites will return your obviously devoted love right back to you in kind manifold.

    How long ago did your kill your grandmother to extract revenge upon her inability to defeat the Immigration Act of 1965?

  27. ou reap what you sow. If you defend this status quo, you are marked by it and will be remembered for it by your own flesh-and-blood who got the shaft as a result of the inherent workings of this System you love and benefited from.

    Well, I can’t speak for everyone here, but I love my parents. I love my grandparents too. I like most White people in the South. Not all of them. But most.

    You stupidly and selfishly traded in your own children’s future for 30 shekels of silver, and so they in turn will extract that price back from you WITH INTEREST.

    How many hours did you torture your grandmother to extract the price WITH INTEREST?

    Watch the jobs disappear, watch the opportunities disappear, watch the future disappear…and then know that your time is running out, and that your own kids will take revenge out on you for what you permitted to happen during your conformist treason to our blood. Is it a solution?

    I know I have said that vanguardists live in a fantasy world … but even I had yet to encounter a vanguardist so fucking alienated and deluded that wants to rip elderly people limb from limb.

    Jesus man.

    You need to check yourself into the nearest mental facility. There are professionals there ready to help.

    No…only those so alienated and so perceptive that who got the hell outta Dodge will have crossed over into the beginning of a possible solution.

    The solution being to join a cult which will do what exactly? What is the cult going to do to change any specific public policy that is harmful to White people?

    The rest of the old-style status quo clinging palefaces will kill each other for crumbs and revenge when it’s blatantly obvious that the going will not ever get good again and that their whole ship is going to sink imminently. They rose so high…only to fall so hard and so low.

    Oh yeah … the collapse. I don’t know if I have ever seen a version of the collapse where people kill their own grandparents. That’s a new one on me.

    Sounds like something of sub-Saharan Africa.

    “Winners”, huh? Bah humbug! I’m getting into my lifeboat and heading out to other shores and other lands, hoping to encounter other White people who haven’t lost their minds and souls so thoroughly that there is no longer any hope for them.

    I’m told the Heaven’s Gate spaceship is due to return. Something you might want to check out.

    I swear, even if there are but very few of us survival-worthy “alienated” Whites remaining, it will be better to be amongst them and cast my lot with them then to cling to the pale-faced foolish corrupt dead-ender self-deceiving self-holocausting majority.

    Given your ramblings above … it is probably best that you did fall in with such a group. Go hide in your bunker with your tin foil hat on. The black helicopters of the NWO are coming to get you.

    I just got word from ZOG high command.

  28. Whites Forward asks: “Why can’t the mainstreamers leave us the fuck alone and accept that we just don’t want to follow you down the path into the yawning abyss?”

    “Hunter” responds: “If you want to be left the fuck alone, what are you doing here on my website? Did I force you or any of the other two dozen vanguardists to come here and disrupt my comment threads on a daily basis?”

    Well, you are the leader of and spokesman for the WN mainstreamers, are you not? When you make comments about your new enemies, the “WN vanguardists,” like the following, typical one, you do invite responses from them, do you not?:

    “Vanguardists really do come across as alienated losers. That’s because they are alienated losers. They are alienated from America and they advocate losing as a strategy.”

    You act as if that’s some sort of statement of fact rather than the opinion of “Hunter Wallace.”

    The only true vanguardist in America in the past 40 years, if you insist on using that term, was, arguably, Dr. William Pierce, the man “Hunter” hates. I’ll show OD readers how Dr. Pierce dealt with Jerry Falwell’s Xian conservative followers when some of them joined NA and started questioning the National Alliance’s “vanguardist” positions 28 years ago:

    This is a landmark editorial by Dr. Pierce from the monthly internal NA Members BULLETIN in 1982:

    THE NATIONAL OFFICE has received a few complaints (fewer than expected) from members about what has been perceived as an anti-Christian bias in recent issues of NV [National Vanguard magazine]. One member has resigned.
    The complaints fall into two general categories: 1. “I am a Christian. Why are you attacking my religion?” and 2. “I am not a Christian, but many White people are. We must all stick together. To attack Christianity is divisive.”
    It should first be noted that the National Alliance is not primarily a religious organization — at least, not in the usual sense of the word, although most members are able to recognize the strong spiritual element in the Alliance’s message. Second, it should be noted that the National Office is fully aware of the sensitive nature of the Christian religion, and for that reason NV avoided the question for a long time.
    This avoidance, however, was in conflict with the Alliance’s fundamental obligation to deal forthrightly with ‘all’ issues of vital concern to the welfare and progress of our race. This obligation where Christianity is concerned has become especially difficult to ignore during the past few months, with the growing strength of the Moral Majority and other right-wing Christian groups and their active participation in political matters. The member who resigned said she was also a member of the Moral Majority. The leader of that organization, the Reverend Jerry Falwell, has been outspoken in his support of Zionism, and he was recently given a Zionist award by Jewish leaders. There exists a clear conflict of interests for any Alliance member who supports such an organization, and the Alliance member should not compromise in matters of this sort.
    This is not the place to deal at length with details of religious history and doctrine; NV will continue to have articles on these topics from time to time, and there will be such an article in the April issue. Here, however, a few things will be mentioned briefly for the guidance of Alliance members.
    The most important single fact concerning Christianity with which the Alliance must deal is that all the major Christian churches, Catholic and Protestant, liberal and fundamentalist, have openly aligned themselves with the enemies of the White race. The Catholics and the liberal Protestants are vigorously supporting racial mixing, while the fundamentalist Protestants are strong boosters of Zionism. These alignments will become increasingly important factors in our struggle in the years ahead, as the churches become more and more involved in social and political issues. The Jews have already announced their intention to mobilize fundamentalist Christians in their effort to maintain control of the U.S. government. The Alliance cannot remain silent in the face of such developments, for the sake of White unity or anything else.
    No honest, conscientious Alliance member can maintain his membership in the Alliance and also in an organization which is fundamentally opposed to the goals and principles of the Alliance. The former member who belongs to the moral majority acted correctly in resigning from the Alliance, and the same applies to others: Any Alliance member who is also a member of a church or other Christian organization which supports racial mixing or Zionism should decide now where he stands, and he should then resign either from his church or from the Alliance.
    In fact, the great majority of Alliance members who originally had some Christian church affiliation have already made their decisions and left the churches. Those members who continue to consider themselves Christians either have no church affiliation or belong to very small, independent churches which have pro-White doctrines. It is primarily these members who have objected to the recent treatment of Christianity in NV. “It’s all right to attack the big churches,” they say, “because those churches have been subverted by the Jews — but don’t attack Christianity itself. What the churches are preaching today isn’t really Christianity.”
    Well, far be it from the National Alliance to decide what is really Christianity. Christians have been fighting with one another over that question for the better part of the last 2,000 years without arriving at an answer acceptable to all parties concerned. From a strictly practical viewpoint, however, we must use the word “Christianity” in NV in the sense in which it is understood by the general public and by the great majority of readers. In that sense, “Christianity” means the lumped together doctrines of the major Christian churches, without regard for all the little quibbles which separate Catholics from Protestants, or ultra-liberal Presbyterians from Holy Rollers and teetotaling Baptists.
    Beyond this question of whether it is the race-mixers and Zionists or the pro-Whites who are the real Christians, there are the troubling issues of the non-European origin of Christianity: of the great body of Christian ethical doctrines which are accepted by nearly all the churches but which conflict with White spirituality and the needs for White survival, such as the Sermon on the Mount; and of the body of Old Testament. Jewish mythology — such as the creation myth of Genesis; the “chosen people” myth, and Isaiah’s ravings against all non-Jews, together with his prophesies that the Jews will eventually rule the world and all other races will serve them — which comes along with most versions of Christianity.
    All three of the aforementioned issues are relevant to the mission of the National Alliance, and they cannot be ignored: We must look to our racial roots, and we must rid ourselves of alien influences, including those from the Levant; we must govern ourselves by White values and ethical doctrines, and by no others; and we must concern ourselves with truth alone.
    A number of men and women who have understood the first two of these issues but who have, nevertheless, still considered themselves both Christian and pro-White have attempted to resolve the contradiction by denying the Jewish origins of Christianity and by choosing interpretations of Christian ethical doctrines which differ markedly from the commonly accepted ones. They have asserted that not only was Jesus not a Jew, but neither were the people living in Palestine during the Old Testament and the New Testament periods Jews. These people, they say, were actually the ancestors of the Anglo-Saxons and other peoples of Europe.
    One can argue either way about Jesus, because the historical evidence is insufficient to support a firm conclusion. But the assertion that the people of the Old Testament or the people of Palestine among whom the Christian movement began were Anglo-Saxons, or anything but Semites, for the most part, is demonstrably false. Such assertions can only be maintained by persons who close their eyes to the clear historical record, just as a belief in the creation myth of Genesis can only be maintained by persons who refuse to accept the clear scientific evidence to the contrary.
    If, despite everything above, there are Alliance members or prospective Alliance members who still consider themselves Christians, then it must be in the sense that they value the specifically White elements of Christianity which have been added since its origins — the great art, the great music, and the great architecture produced by White men during the centuries in which the Christian churches ruled Europe — and that they also share the White spiritual feelings which have been eloquently expressed by many men and women who were Christians and who applied the adjective “Christian” to feelings which, in fact, came from deep within the White race-soul and existed long before the advent of the Christian church.
    Such Christians we can call our comrades and be proud to have in our ranks.

  29. Hunter said:
    “(1) When the article was published, George McGovern was routed by Richard Nixon.”
    Richard Nixon supported affirmative action and after initially opposing forced busing on the campaign trail supported it once in office for political expediency. Said Texas Senator John Tower of Nixon in 1971: “It appears that he does not really oppose forced busing—or he lacks the resolve necessary to control those who pursue it in his name.”

    Hunter said:
    “(2) Conservatives won the battle over welfare.”
    They did? There are more welfare recipients today than when “reform” was passed and it still constitutes a large share of the federal budget. In 1998 the government spent 160 billion in welfare payments while in 2010 that figure has ballooned to 557 billion. Some victory but we’ll take your word for it.

    Hunter said:
    “(3) Conservatives won the battle over violent crime.”
    Another surprise to anyone who doesn’t live in a bubble. If you’re that convinced that conservatives have eradicated violent crime I will pay you to live in downtown Detroit for 6 months. But write out a will beforehand because chances are the the aboriginal residents won’t let you out alive. Illegal immigration has led to an explosion in violent crime in every state they’ve invaded. I hear Birmingham, AL has a high violent crime rate but if you elect a conservative mayor blacks will suddenly become law abiding.

    Hunter said:
    “(4) Conservatives won the battle over gun rights.”
    Half true, but we still had the most sweeping anti-gun legislation passed in 1994 which banned formerly legal semi-automatic weapons (the law expired). The battle is far from over if you keep abreast of pending legislation. National gun laws are still more restrictive in 2010 than they were in 1990, so again you have a strange way of defining victory.

    Hunter said:
    “(5) Conservatives are winning the battles over abortion and gay marriage.”
    Roe vs. Wade is still on the books.

    Hunter said:
    “6) I’m surprised you didn’t raise the issue of Prop 187. Even in the 1990s, there were conservatives hammering away at that issue…. ”

    The conservatives at the national level like Jack Kemp and Bill Bennett were busy hammering away at Pete Wilson and the supporters of prop 187. The Republicans tried all sorts of Hispanic outreach programs throughout the 1990’s and even Dubya and other Republican stalwarts went around the country speaking Spanish to Hispanic organizations from 2000-2004. Remember all those cute little mestizo bandits shouting “Viva, Bush” at the 2004 Republican national convention? This is why Sam Francis tagged the Republicans “the stupid party” sometime in the 1990’s.

    Hunter said:
    “(7) Pat Buchanan ran for president in 1992, 1996, and 2000.”
    And Buchanan was viciously condemned by the conservative establishment especially arch-conservative Bob Dole who thundered on national television that he will not tolerate Buchanan’s intolerance.

    Hunter said:
    “(9) The FBI statistics prove that “revolutionary vanguardists” are full of shit.”
    One day you’re railing against vanguardists for their violent tendencies then the next you’re calling them cowards for not being violent enough. Please make up your mind and stick to it. I guess it all depends on if you’re having a bad hair day.

    Hunter said:
    “(10) Vanguardists did spend the 1980s robbing banks and hiding out in bunkers.”
    Bob Mathews and The Order declared war on those they rightly judged as enemies of the white race. Randy Weaver wished only to live in peace and raise his family away from the multiracial cesspool that America was becoming. His wife and son were cruelly murdered because he/they believed the wrong things. Conservative George Bush was president. Lot of good that did.

    “(11) The picture you paint on immigration is inaccurate. You are simply ignorant of the facts. Immigration reform was passed in 1996.”
    No, you are willfully ignorant of the facts. All the 1996 law required was that if apprehended they (illegals) must remain outside of the U.S. for 3 or 10 years depending on if they were here between 180 days to 365 days or more than one year. This law is not being enforced and I’m mystified you say it’s had any restrictionist effect when there’s millions more illegals in 2010 than in 1996.

    Affirmative Action victories: A triumvirate of populists, independents and conservatives at the grassroots level have scored some victories at the state level. Abolishing AA is not on the agenda of the Republican National Committee and hasn’t been in at least a decade. Increasing financial aid to the bandit state of Israel and cutting taxes on the wealthiest 1-2% trumps all things.

    Hunter said:
    “(13) It is not like the vanguardists are going to do anything about immigration. They actually want to exacerbate the problem.”

    You’re hallucinating again. If WN’s had any say illegals would be deported, the border would be sealed, and a 10 year moratorium on legal immigration would be enacted. Mitt Romney and other conservatives are on record as saying legal immigration is sacrosanct and reforming or ending it would constitute a supreme act of immorality.

    Hunter said:
    “(14) We need to elect a restrictionist president.”
    We finally agree on something. Miracles do exist.

  30. I will take a crack at these ideas from a “mainstreamer” perspective.

    (1) Conservatives are worthless.

    This might or might not be true. Writing off all conservatives as worthless ignores that fact that conservatives are not a monolithic group but rather an interlocking coalition of factions. Some conservative factions are enemies (the neocons) while others show healthy instincts (the Paulites and the Buchananites). So whether or not the conservatives are worthless depends on which conservatives we are talking about.

    Generally it is the conservative elites like Gingrich, Graham, and McCain who are the worthless traitors not the grassroots conservatives. The conclusion for me is to write off the elites not the grassroots.

    (2) Ordinary people are lemmings.

    Again, this might or might not be true. The only way to know if someone is a lemming is to expose the person to nationalist arguments and see how they respond. Overgeneralizing is fallacious. Just because someone is marching lockstep with the Republicans or Democrats does not mean the person will never be open to racial ideas.

    Most White people march lockstep because they are busy and perceive no choice. Instead of writing them off as lemmings, nationalists should try to persuade them they have an alternative. Some of them are likely to be convinced.

    (3) Worse is better.

    South Africa refutes worse is better. Worse might or might not be better. Usually worse is just worse. As the Roman Empire slowly fell apart, things got worse, and civilization was almost lost in a dark age.

    (4) The system is broken.

    Almost certainly true, if the definition of a “broken system” is one that will never allow Whites to vote themselves an ethnostate. However, as we are now seeing with the dream act, the system can still be used to achieve short-term tactical goals. So even if the system is “broken” in terms of the long term objective of establishing a White ethnostate, it does not follow that total disengagement from the system in the near term is sound strategy.

    “The system” is not also synonymous with the US federal government. “The system” also exists at the State and Local level. I recently read here or somewhere else that an open WN got 30% of the vote in a state election.

    (5) A collapse is coming.

    Probably true, but there is no way to know when or how, and it is impossible to plan a strategy around an unknown.

    (6) [Vanguard WN] will benefit from this collapse.

    Obviously not true. Perhaps they will benefit in the distant future, but they will not benefit now or in the near future. They might not benefit in the distant future either for the simple reason that many vanguards seem to prefer segregating themselves out of society and into various subcultures.

    Organizing into subcultures is fine for people who want to be part of a subculture, but when and if a collapse does happen, White people in general are not going to turn to the members of an isolated subculture for answers or help.

    To extent that White folks do turn to the White Nationalists for answers after a collapse, they will turn to the White Nationalists they perceive to be on their side and that means being part of the community, not an outsider and not hostile.

    (7) A massive Jewish conspiracy is responsible for their plight.

    I’d say true, but with the qualification that the Jews are not solely responsible

    (8) Revolution is the only solution.

    Even if this is true, the conditions are not ripe for revolution now. This means that strategies other than pushing revolution need to be pursued until conditions are more favorable.

  31. Hunter Wallace said
    ” December 11, 2010 at 7:56 pm

    The whole shitstorm between VNN and Stormfront is over whether 9/11 was an “inside job” or a Mossad attack.


    Wikileaks discredited those theories. Stormfront has wisely tried to distance itself from the conspiracy theorists who still claim otherwise.”

    This is not the case. The current former members of SF who were banned and sought refuge with VNN were NOT banned for their 9-11 Conspiracy beliefs. It started over a month ago when 4 of their cohorts were banned from SF for breaking forum rules by calling people names and spreading the lie they were banned for speaking about 9-11. As is par for course with these 9-11 Truther religious fanatics, they created the strawman why they were silenced and started spamming incessantly on SF with that blatant lie. And mobilize they did! They spammed the boards over and over and over with the lie they were banned for censorship and when asked to stop lying why the former members were banned (considering several 9-11 Truther threads are still in p lay at SF), they screamed LOUDER that they were being censored and that the Owner/Proprietor and top admins of SF were jews and government agents.

    This bruhaha from these idiots merited more banning, and rightly so after several warnings. So then they went to VNN, screamed about censorship with uncouth tongues, and started to engage in some sort of cyber war of discrediting SF through the use of various trolling accounts, etc.

    SF does not censor its members for their 9-11 Truther beliefs though it makes clear it’s own stance of not believing those conspiracies. But the second any of those toddlers is challenged with their brain dead Truther pablum, they go nuts and start freely hurling the insults that VNN allows.

    In regards to this article, I fully agree with all your sentiments.

  32. Let me tell you about your “target audience”. Today, I took my three year old son to a birthday party for one of his classmates. His first and his last. As I work full time, I’m not familiar with all of his classmates, and knew nothing of this kid who’s party we went to. I simply wanted my son to have some fun out of the house.

    The birthday party was at a pizza restaurant. As we walk in, the first thing I notice is the kid in question is a mulatto. His blond, blue eyed white mother is sitting there next to his black father. They have a daughter as well, and the mother is pregnant with another mulatto on the way.

    Most of the other kids and parents there were white. Everyone was overweight. All the kids were playing together, except my son who is shy and stayed around us the whole time. At no time did anyone other than my husband and I find this overt race mixing to be offensive. Everyone else was having a jolly old time.

    So there’s your target audience. A bunch of blissfully ignorant morons, fat as Christmas hogs, far more interested in what the latest deals were at Wal Mart than preserving any semblance of white culture and autonomy.

    Have fun convincing them of ANYTHING! Seriously. Good luck trying to get them to think about anything other than mass consumerism and the shallow pursuits of petty vanity.

    Yeah, most people are worthless. You want to call me a Vanguard, go ahead. Do you think anyone other than WN’s even bothered to read this article?

  33. Fenria,
    50 or 60 years ago most White people would have thought, the same as what you were thinking at that party. The only difference between Whites of today and Whites of the old days, is 50 years of brainwashing and lies.

    Why do you think that as soon as Putin got into power, he took control of all the media and rolled out new text books, for all the Universities?

    Because brainwashing on that scale works.

  34. @Fenria: People who miscengenate or support miscegenation are not the target audience for White Nationalists arguments.

  35. Hunter,
    For some reason I can’t seem to find your comment in which you stated that “this thread reached its apex with a comment (more like a rant, actually) by someone named Whites Forward denouncing old people for selling out the younger generation” or words to that effect. Otherwise I would have quoted you exactly. I had initially missed Whites Forward’s venomous rant, but when I found and read it, I couldn’t believe the shallow, vindictive and misdirected quality of it. Your follow-up criticisms of his spiel were spot-on.

    An excerpt that characterizes his emotions is the following:
    “while they show their ingratitude to the younger and less wealthy ones whom they fucked over/sold out in order to have this comfortable Golden Years hospice? Oh no…these old farts should have thought a little harder and contemplated a little more thoroughly about just what they were doing when they set out to destroy the last best hope for restoring Mighty Whitey back in 1939-1945. They chose bullshit feel-good “good guy badges” and temporary prosperity over their own children’s future! In that light, they should be considered lucky that their own children and grandchildren haven’t ripped them limb from limb whilst they lie asleep in their beds after such a profound betrayal.”
    – What a genius this guy is! Sure, these soldiers of WW2 decided to go and fight (and lose their lives or be maimed for life) whilst collectively thinking in the backs of their minds that “I am going to sell out my child’s future so that I can have a Golden Retirement for myself”?? No “Whites Forward”, they were duped, as I have said elsewhere before. Is your generation immune to this? Is your generation unaffected by propaganda and a lifetime of programming in schools and through the media? If so, why do so many volunteer to go to Iraq and Afghanistan to fight for the “future of Israel”? Perhaps you might say they have no choice because of a poor job market? How do you then explain Pat Tillman and the sacrifice of his life and a lucrative sports career for the sake of Israel? Why do I see so many white kids acting and living the part of “Whiggers”, bedding blacks, and having mulatto children?
    Whites Forward, your generation is no better and certainly no more perceptive of the situation (generally speaking) than were those guys in WW2. They were fooled, conned, and had no idea what the future held for whites through their actions. And the stupidity of doing the Zionists’ bidding continues with today’s generation.
    HW has you correctly pegged, my friend; you need help. Your rage is directed at the wrong people, and I hope you do not act out your fantasy on some senior citizen because of the gullibility of the previous two generations. They were mislead, but their intentions were good, excepting of course those in high office, pols and businessmen who stood to profit from those wars- and you will never be even be able to get close to those “protected” people, even if everything about our situation “goes south”, they will simply (providing any of them are still alive after all these years) escape to foreign territory and live like kings and queens in their Swiss chalets. And in any event, the ruse is still as effective as ever- the young are just as vulnerable to the propaganda, the lure of the many toys and baubles held out to distract. I laugh every time I see members of your generation flock to the big box stores as soon as Steve Jobs comes out with a new I-phone or cable offers up a new vacuous “reality” show channel to watch.

  36. I went to Tea Party Christmas Party last night. As a Mainstreamer Vanguardist. I am finally re-learning subtlety, and diplomacy. (I used to be good at those thngs, when I was a sweet young lady, way back in the Paleolothic Era – but Life has a way of bashing the Hell out of one) I amused the very lovely small-business-owning White folks (who are suffering terribly, economically). I danced, I enjoyed wonderful food, and I amused my fellow-party-goers by regaling them with tales of the video of Charles and Camilla gettign pranked by that high-spirited crowd, in England. I counterected the vile Glenn BEK’s lies, and mis-info, about the scene, by giving them back-ground in the social conditions in the UK.

    I always work racialism into everything. Or try to. By telling them that the English are not just being lazy and selfish – that the middle-and working class kids know they are being robbed of their future (sorry, Nick – I’m trying to get my fellow Whites to understand that Whites have a right to protect their interests) – and tht immigrants are getting everything handed to them. My fellow party-goers “got it” right away – and were outraged. After they laughed at my description. I can be very funny, in the way I depict things. Humour is one of the very, very very best weapons we have, fellas. I then went on to ask why Americans are doing the same things the English are forced to do – why are we sending all kinds of foriegn aid out of the country, when Americans are losing their jobs, and their homes.

    Then – the various folks at the table weighed in. Every-one there had their pet peeve. I synpathized, and corraborated the validity of their chief aggravation. We then laughed about what may happen in the future….so this is who it’s done, Fellow Vangaurdist. Smile, don’t snarl. Listen. Pick up on what’s bothering your fellow Whites. Be sympathetic. Don’t jump all over ’em when they bring up Hitler, in a negative way (My hardest thing to refrain from) Educate, and be kind. Be fun.


    For Hunter – I wore a very pretty, sparkly sweater, with Christmas-themed jewellry.

    Not an SS uniform.


  37. Fenria and Lew:

    “@Fenria: People who miscengenate or support miscegenation are not the target audience for White Nationalists arguments.”

    But their kids are. Get in there. I know lots of White liberals, from the Old Days (Pre-Racially Awake days). Most of my old pals dropped me cold, in horror, when I came out as a White Nationalist.

    Now they are having kids. Their lovely White kids are entering schools. Those kids are gonna deal with the Rising Tide of Mud Color.

    Their kids are mine. Those kids are yours. Those kids will come to us. Not all – but lots Lots more every year. I wrote, a few weeks back, about how a young Uber Liberal Mom finally admitted I was right – and it’s all about genetics. Damned near killed her to do it – but she is good Mom – andher daughter’s future is the Most Important Thing. You should see her daughter’s pals, at thel ittle kiddie parties. It looks like Hitler Youth PreSchool. Most – not all – but most of those kids are blue-eyed blondes.

    I already have all the kids, on our side, with the children in my own family. My extended family’s kids are not from wealthy families – and already are forced to deal with “diversity” in school. The kids are *mine*. They are yours, They are ours.

    Fenria – go back to those kiddie parties. Be a really Cool Fun Mommy. Try to get your son to be more sociable, and out-going. Start weeding out the decent Whites kids, in this set. Show them the benefits of White with White. Speak ot their genes. Make very subtle remarks about the behavior, and the lack of intelligence, of non-Whites. One of my little relatives loves to learn – and HATES the non-White kids that constantly talk in class, and disrupt learning. Fenria – it sounds like your son is little. Your work is over the long-haul. Get those White kids back. Plant the seeds now. Even if you get a few back – it’s far better to get a few, than to lose all.

  38. “Whites Forward, your generation is no better and certainly no more perceptive of the situation (generally speaking) than were those guys in WW2.”

    What a load of bollocks!

    My generation has spawned skin-heads and black metal-heads to battle the scourge that has been unleashed by the Greatest Generation and Baby Boomers.

    The sad thing is so few of those older generations ever are willing to admit they fought for the wrong side in WW 2. They are just unwilling to part with all the ‘Greatest Generation’ non-sense. Jews telling them how great they were on TV. Tom Brokaw making documentaries about them all the time. Also can’t, just can’t part with those Veterans day parades! Oh no!

    About the only ones from that generation who admit they were wrong and started to do some of the right things were Pastor Richard Butler (pbuh), Commander Rockwell and Willis Carto. Not many…

  39. Denise,

    That’s good to hear.

    I find that almost everyone around here agrees with me on the major issues like immigration and multiculturalism. Most Whites in Alabama distrust the mainstream media and dislike Washington. They are disillusioned with the status quo and are eager to do something about it.

  40. Oldtimer,

    Ripping elderly people apart limb from limb is apparently one of the many ways some of my critics (like Whites Forward here above) aim to reverse our racial decline.

    I favor a more constructive, practical approach like changing our immigration laws. I think that would be a good place to start.

  41. Fenria,

    I often see race-mixing couples too when I go out shopping. It turns my stomach.

    I guess I don’t react as negatively to my “target audience” as you do because millions of White people who live in Alabama and Georgia feel the same way I do about the matter.

    Instead of going on a destructive rant that accomplishes nothing, I try look for ways to do something about it.

  42. So what you guys are trying to say is that these millions of well-off Whites today are really a bunch of blameless helpless victims? You are trying to say that they played no part and did not benefit in the slightest from the changes that ultimately result in younger White generations having their future prospects sacrificed on the alter of consumerism, global capitalism, political correctness, and modern Judeo-Christianity values?

    What is your definition of ‘winner’? Honestly and specifically, draw a positive firm line between what you mean by ‘winner’ and ‘loser’. Mr. Wallice says that it’s not a class thing…so I’d like to see you guys explain what it is in positive terms (that is, don’t rely on telling us what a loser ‘is’ and what a winner ‘is not’). Describe in detail the important distinguishing characteristics of your ‘winner’ ideal.
    1. Let’s see how mainstream such a ‘winner’ ideal really is. Do the average common people actually think ‘winner’ means what you mean by that term?
    2. Let’s see if you can describe your ‘winner’ ideal without referring to a certain minimum socioeconomic level, since you claim that this isn’t a class thing. Can a dirt-poor single White man who doesn’t have any family and doesn’t go to church and doesn’t have a college degree still be a winner, in your opinion?
    I don’t think you can honestly do describe your ‘winner’ ideal under such constraints and still have your ideal seemlessly fit in with the mainstream definition amongst “average White Americans”. And that points to the core of the problem of alienation of Whites from other Whites in this society, doesn’t it? Mainstream White America is basically a class-thing…it is a socioeconomic and religious-based identity. It doesn’t and never has included all Whites in America regardless of class background, religion, economical or educational attainment levels. So what if you are smart and creative and perceptive and conscientious..do you have a high paying job, a degree from a big-brand university, a big house, an expensive car, lots of disposable discretionary income, friends of means and in the right places, a trophy well-kept wife and kids going to elite private prep schools, and do you go to church (and is it the right church where the ‘winners’ go)? Where you in the preppie rich kid clique in school, or were you one of the ‘losers’ in school?
    You see, this is what White America really became all about..and yeah, it alienated a bunch of us.

    You can point to rare exceptions like Tillman, but I went to Iraq twice when were were LIED into that war…and I know the usual types who were out there, and I know who were back here shopping at the mall and watching sports and playing the markets instead. Did you ever see the movie “The Hurt Locker”? It was a very well done film on the Iraq War experience. I bring it up not for the realism of the Iraq scenes, but rather actually for the realism of the brief return home scenes at the end of the flick. The scene in the cereal shopping aisle is quiet and not very dramatic…I suppose most non-veterans didn’t get it. I interpreted it to mean exactly what I recognized…that America is just one big shopping center that people here cling too as if it was heaven, not giving a damn about who is going out to spill blood or die for their comfy conveniences. The war-hero has come back to a spiritual wasteland after fighting in a meaningless war on foreign soil, and is disgusted by what he sees staring at him from the stores. This is followed by a scene where he goes home to talk to his wife about his experiences in war while she is cooking dinner, and she is so caught up in herself and her petty American comfy lifestyle that all she says in response to his war talk is, “here, can you cut these carrots?” Translation: glad you made it back from Iraq…now you can be my beta male domestic bitch-boy…please stop telling me about the war in Iraq because I don’t want to think about it since that will just bring me down.
    Finally, he is giving a newly purchased jack-in-the-box toy to his baby son, and it clearly dawns upon him that life in America after Iraq is not for him. Cut to next scene…he has immediately volunteered to return to Iraq and is shown getting off the plane for another year-long tour as a explosive-ordinance expert. America sucked so bad and and he was so alienated from it that he chose to go back to hell (ie Iraq) where the people he served with mattered and he mattered to them, even though he has shown earlier in the flick that neither he nor his fellow soldiers can say what the war is about.
    These are your throw-aways, America. These are your best, and you send them out to die or waste away, and yet you STILL can’t even face the ‘why’ of it. It would have been so much better if the people had admitted “Goddamn, we were lied to and we’ve wrongly sent these troops out to kill and die…we need to get off our asses and do anything it takes to get the troops back and end this war immediately’. But that isn’t what happened, is it? The common average Joe and Jane have shown that they share in the blame by not doing a damn thing, not even those who realized it was wrong. They had other priorities. Such people are thus so distinct from me that I can’t consider them to be my fellow countrymen. All the other stuff, I could try and forgive them for…I could still pretend that they were just innocent misled rubes in the past. But when they generally knew that the war was based on lies, and they still didn’t do anything, and even showed that they didn’t want to fucking discuss it…they revealed something about their nature so appalling and alien from me that I couldn’t love them or identify with them anymore.

    Maybe you haven’t taken the Iraq/Afghanistan factor into account when thinking about the alienation of some White people. Don’t overlook it, or you’ll miss a key part of the whole story. Alienation doesn’t usually occur out of nothing, you know. Cause and effect.

  43. LEW,

    (1) I don’t think conservatives are worthless.

    Here in Alabama, there is a lot of overlap between conservatives and racially conscious Whites. Most of the conservatives here are already aware of racial differences.

    Having a foot in both worlds, I know from experience that it is easier to motivate conservatives to do something about a problem like immigration than White Nationalists. They are not as alienated or as interested in conspiracy theories.

    It is easier to get conservatives to vote, organize, donate, raise money, influence their peers, protest, lobby their representatives, etc. In my experience, it is almost impossible to get White Nationalists to do anything, which is strange, as you would think their bitterness about the state of our society would translate into an eagerness to change it.

    It doesn’t.

    (2) It is not true that ordinary people are lemmings.

    If you browse the Jeff Sessions video that I linked to today, you will see that he cited the poll which shows only 20 percent of Americans believe the federal government has the consent of the governed.

    (3) If “worse is better,” California would be a great state for us, as it is worse there than almost anywhere else. Unfortunately, when “worse is better” was tried out in California, the residents of that state just moved to Colorado and to other parts of the country.

    (4) We are having a lot of success working within “the system” in Alabama and the other Southern states. Let’s wait and see what happens next year when other states start passing their own version of the Arizona immigration law.

    (5) I think a Peak Oil collapse is a real possibility.

    If such a collapse were to happen, I think it is a much better idea to be on good terms with my neighbors. It would be even better to be a respected “pillar of the community” because that is who power will devolve upon in the event of a real systemic collapse.

    (6) I don’t think people who go out of their way to irritate their neighbors will thrive in such conditions. Quite the opposite.

    (7) As radically alienated non-conformists, these people court rejection and desire to be outcasts. That’s the problem.

    Here in Alabama, my views on race and immigration are fairly mainstream. Most people agree with what I have to say. If I come across as normal, presentable, and sympathetic to their concerns, they almost always give me a respectful hearing.

    (8) I can’t take the revolutionary vanguardists seriously. They don’t believe their own bullshit. The proof is their failure to act on their own ideas.

  44. I remember another group of dropouts whose leader preached of black inferiority, an intense hatred of ordinary whites, the coming race war (in which he eagerly looked forward to the “punishment” of ordinary whites by rampaging blacks), hiding out in the remote desert to await the collapse with his own group of “select” followers. He ever tried to hasten this “Helter-Skelter” collapse by sending his followers out to kill rich whites living in the Hollywood Hills (whose lifestyle he was jealous of.) Heck, his followers even carved swastikas into their heads. That punk who wrote about punishing grandma should go out and hook up with Charlie’s Family, he’d fit right in.

  45. Whites Forward,

    (1) My best friend doesn’t have a college degree. He is a divorced single parent. He has a working class job. He doesn’t go to church on the weekends.

    (2) I have another friend who has been to Iraq twice. He is back home now and has a job as a firefighter. He is happily married with two kids.

    (3) Your own level of extreme alienation has nothing to do with being an Iraq veteran or your financial status. It is actually quite typical of vanguardists.

    (4) You are the one who hates your own country.

    (5) I went to a state university. I don’t have a particularly high paying job. I don’t live in a McMansion. I don’t have a trophy wife. Most people don’t need any of those things to be happy.

    (6) No one forced you to go to Iraq. There wasn’t any draft. If you went to Iraq, it must be because you made that choice.

    (7) Maybe you see America as a spiritual wasteland because you are a run-of-the-mill alienated atheist?

    (8) It figures that you would explain your situation in terms of a Hollywood movie. I made the point above that the alienated types of the Far Right identify with their alienated brethren on the Far Left. If it wasn’t for ideology, they would literally fly into each other’s arms.

    (9) You still haven’t explained how America threw you away. It sounds more like you aren’t man enough to accept responsibility for your own decisions.

    (10) No one sacrificed your future. There are plenty of young people in America who are happy, normal, and well adjusted. They are succeeding in life or trying to make the best of their situation.

    Grow up.

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