
The Vanguard
Last week, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords read the First Amendment on the floor of the House of Representatives – including “the right of the people peaceably to assemble” – and then flew home to Arizona to meet with her constituents.
On Saturday, a deranged kook and conspiracy theorist named Jared Loughner blew her brains out in the parking lot of a Safeway grocery store, took the lives of a nine year old child and five other people, while shooting more than a dozen others before he was subdued.
Before he emptied his first magazine, this 22 year old drug addict and college dropout had already succeeded in dropping the equivalent of a thermonuclear bomb on the national political discussion.
The Republican House was poised to repeal Obamacare. The Arizona state legislature was gearing up for an assault on birthright citizenship. More than a dozen state legislatures across the country were about to enact Arizona-style immigration laws.
Now we get to spend next week and probably the rest of this month debating the martyrdom of a low key, moderate Blue Dog Democrat and whether or not Arizona has been transformed into “a mecca for prejudice and bigotry.”
Talk about knocking the wind out of our sails.
Portrait of a Killer
Within two hours, Jared Lee Loughner became the most famous man in America.
The first clues about his motives began to trickle out on the internet. Internet sleuths on Twitter were hot on his social media trail and were leading the discussion going on in the mainstream media.
A consensus had developed before the evening political talk shows on cable television that Jared Loughner was an alienated pothead and heavy metal fan, a marginalized loner and introverted outcast who wore all black clothes and was probably suffering from the onset of some type of severe mental illness, most likely schizophrenia.
His political leanings are gradually coming into focus: left-libertarian, conspiracy theorist, anti-religion, anti-flag, pro-abortion. A picture is emerging of a bookish, alienated nerd (likely a homosexual) dabbling in Ayn Rand, Karl Marx, and Adolf Hitler.
We know his type well in the White Nationalist movement.
This is someone who is cut from the same cloth of school shooters like Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold of Columbine or more recently Seung Hui Cho who shot up Virginia Tech back in 2007.
These attention seeking wretches of suburban anomie have been self detonating across America for more than ten years now. This has nothing to do with the Tea Party or Arizona’s crackdown on illegal immigration.
It just so happens the target this time was a Democratic congresswoman instead of his classmates at Pima College in Tuscon. Jared Loughner was expelled from school before he could go postal in poetry class.
This guy is most definitely not the second coming of James von Brunn or John Hinckley, Jr. The clumsy attempt to link Jared Taylor with Jared Loughner will certainly fail.
We are going to dodge the bullet this time.
Next Time
I say this time because next time something like this happens we are unlikely to be so fortunate.
This grotesque act of violence, which has repulsed every sane and morally sound person in America, resonates with many of the mentally disturbed, hyper alienated fantasists that infest the White Nationalist movement.
No one here would have been in the least bit surprised if Jared Loughner turned out to be “Whites Forward” or a VNN Forum contributor like Rick Holland.
The news of the Gabrielle Giffords shooting in Arizona inspired waves of adulatory celebration on that website:
“Republicans and Democrats are basically the same shite and a good jew is a dead one.”
“Let’s give a toast to the shooter.”
“One kike slut slaughtered, millions more to go.”
“Eh, I’m lost. Whatever the case – jew down, fedjudge mexi-lover dead. Not bad for a day’s total.”
“Was this subhuman kike whore slaughtered or not?
If IT lives, I hope IT is in absolute agony and indescribable pain for the rest of IT’s life!”
A month ago, I drew attention to the fetishization of violence in vanguardist circles, especially acts of revolutionary violence like the assassination of elected officials.
Why Vanguardists Can’t Win
I said at the time:
“As explained above, fantasism and escapism are the bread and butter of vanguardists, who have largely given up on reality based methods in light of their own extreme level of alienation from society.
Most of the fantasist schemes (i.e., the Northwest Republic) involve successful acts of criminal violence. The Order is one example of a group that took this sort of talk seriously.
Unfortunately, violence tends to have exactly the opposite effect.
White people in the Pacific Northwest were glad to be rid of The Order. They responded negatively to Oklahoma City and threw their support behind the federal government. The only people who saw James von Brunn as a martyr were other alienated vanguardists.”
Nagging Little Voices
In Nagging Little Voices, I drew attention to the fact that Democratic strategists like Mark Penn were already saying after the midterm elections that Barack Obama needed “an Oklahoma City moment” to reconnect with White voters in the Heartland.
I said at the time:
“If they followed HAC’s advice, the liberal, moderate, and conservative majority would unanimously react to vanguardist terrorism in the same way that Americans reacted to the Oklahoma City bombing.”
Unsurprisingly, Jared Loughner’s attempted assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords has inspired unanimous condemnation and repeated attempts by the media to pin the shooting on Sarah Palin and the Tea Party.
No one wants to be associated with a toxic mass murderer who settles his political grievances with a gun.
We learned from Columbine that publicizing gruesome shooting sprees like this will likely inspire copycat attempts among similarly alienated fanatics.
Undoubtedly, there are alienated vanguardists out there right now like James von Brunn contemplating what it would be like to self detonate and go out in a blaze of glory like Jared Loughner or Timothy McVeigh. They have probably read The Turner Diaries, Hunter, and The Northwest Quartet.
Even though Jared Loughner has no clear ties to White Nationalism, the media is already trying smear Jared Taylor and American Renaissance through guilt by association:
It is only a matter of time before the next James von Brunn or Timothy McVeigh makes national headlines. Bill Clinton rode the backlash against the Oklahoma City bombing to a second term in office.
Violence and Vanguardists
The Giffords shooting has been a great clarifier in the “mainstreamer” vs. “vanguardist” debate. It really goes straight to the heart of the matter. This debate is playing out again all across the White Nationalist world.
Mainstreamers believe in working within the system. Vanguardists believe in revolutionary violence to overthrow the system.
Mainstreamers incline toward republican government. Vanguardists usually favor establishing some kind of racial dictatorship or aristocracy.
Mainstreamers are disillusioned with the status quo. Vanguardists are radically alienated from society.
A “mainstreamer” might be upset about racial double standards and changing demographics, but that doesn’t mean he is going to pick up a gun and start murdering his political opponents. He usually balances his pro-White ideals with a healthy dose of Christian morality, American ethnicity, and republican political theory.
Essentially, “mainstreamers” like Jared Taylor, Sam Francis, and the CofCC are Americans who happen to be pro-White. They see themselves as carrying on the American racial and political tradition which stretches back to Jefferson and the Founding Fathers.
We want to conserve that tradition and start building upon it again.
Vanguardists are people who grow so alienated that they undergo a type of ethnogenesis. They jettison everything but their abstract commitment to the racial ideal of a White ethnostate.
Some of these people claim to want a White Republic. Under closer examination, they are really not so hot about the “Republic” part of that equation. They are not adverse to resorting to violence to achieve their objectives.
In spite of all the evidence to the contrary, which clearly shows that violence is counterproductive to our cause, many of these people insist that violence is the only way to advance our views in the public sphere.
I can’t predict when it will happen, but someday White Nationalists will reap the whirlwind of the morbid vanguardist fascination with violence. I was greatly relieved to find out that today was not to be that occasion.
Final Thoughts
For once, liberals may have a point about toning down the rhetoric, albeit for the wrong reasons.
We have nothing to gain and much to lose from staining our good name with the blood of our political enemies. I pray every day that Barack Obama lives to be an old man. If Martin Luther King had not been assassinated by James Earl Ray, he too would have eventually been discredited.
Instead, Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy were glorified as martyrs in the liberal pantheon. Their path to sainthood was a source of much misery for us in the decades that followed. LBJ exploited the Kennedy assassination to push through the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Ted Kennedy road the coattails of his famous brothers into the U.S. Senate.
The Left is already in the process of creating a “Saint Gabby” to use as ammunition against the Tea Party and “rightwing extremism” in general. This is someone who was reelected by a mere 4,000 votes two months ago. The redistricting process in Arizona would have created a ripe pickup opportunity in that district in 2012.
This is worth breaking my New Years’ Resolution.
Please, no more body bags in our name. If you absolutely must self detonate, do so on behalf of some other cause, not ours. We can’t afford to be associated with you.
It’s clear this guy was a leftist pot head who liked anti flag.. come on whata joke I am done even having this conversation on our forums this was a leftist nut job who wanted to go out with a bang or wanted to be some body well he sucucceded can we move on to more importanat matters becasue if you want to talk about the human element there were 12 decapitated humans out of 19 in mexico .. sooo..
Lets move on
I agree with censoring comments by a blogger.
Trolling is a major problem on the internet.
It could just be the lighting when they took that photo, but it sure looks like someone gave Loughner a nice shiner during their tussle after the shooting!
I don’t advocate violence.
Last year, we protested Jeffrey Imm’s little shindig in Washington. As much as I dislike Imm, I made the point then and there that violence is not the solution to political disputes. I even went so far as to shake his hand and agree with Imm and that black guy from Sudan on that particular point.
Some of the vanguardist idiots who publish books which advocate “forging” an “Aryan warrior aristocracy” in “the fire of Sorelian violence” claim that Imm somehow humiliated me. They also say that Jim Giles humiliated me when I was appalled by his genocidal fantasy of murdering Jewish children.
In hindsight, it was the right decision on both occasions. Violent acts committed in our name are tremendously counterproductive and accomplish nothing but strengthening our enemies.
I will be speaking out more forcefully on this point in the future.
Now time for the Auburn game.
Hunter are you auditioning for a job at MSNBC?
Buchanan works there.
What I really ought to do is open up a restaurant. I just took the steaks off the grill. About to engage in some “lemming” like behavior … drink a few beers while watching a football game.
What the hell is Nick Saban doing there?
Donald Trump just came out against Free Trade on The Savage Nation. You don’t hear that at all, even with the big names courting the Tea Party vote Unprotected Trade is sacrosanct. Savage was merciless on the creeps in the media spreading 100% lies about white conservatives are responsible fitting for the pages of Pravda. Right now the most important thing you can do is to hammer the blatant, totalitarian lies the left is trying to slander white America with into the heads of those around you. Their bias is on display, this is a learning moment.
Good summary of Leftist hate:
Hunter Wallace…while you’re comments are incisive, and at times, enlightening…you are apparently too young to understand the larger picture here.
I have been involved with the white nationalist movement for 15 years, or longer. The mainstream vs. vanguard argument really does represent one of the major dividing lines, of those of us here.
That being said, the arguments you are making have been made before, years before, and have failed. The society you wish to reform is beyond even partial reformation. Should you get your wish of stringent immigration reform, it means little. Our only solution, ultimately, is the white ethnostate. Stopping illegal immigration at this point only delays our disenfranchisement – too many are here, now, period. Never will you receive a consensus on mass deportation – this could happen in Europe, but never in the United States, given the peoples’ lack of political sophistication, or ruthlessness.
The white ethnostate requires organized armed resistance, most probably initiated by a core group of wn’s.
Covington is correct, in that individual ats of violence accomplish little. Organized bands of white men, however, can accomplish much. Do not paint this loner on the same canvass as the those who advocate the formation of a white ethnostate. Lone wolves are just that….alone
There are absolute nutcases commenting over at the occidental observer. I used to respect Kevin MacDonald, but now I view him as weak and ineffective…for doing absolutely nothing about the vast amount of trolling he allows in his comments section on his website.
Pleasantly surprising to hear you — who once mused about dropping daisycutters on latinos — say that. The Oxy Observer has one of the highest alienated idiot and moronic troll infestation rates this side of the internet.
Stormfront has cleaned up its acts in recent years.
Talk about locking the barn door after the horse has bolted. I mean, Stormfront? Not exactly evocative of fireside chats, is it.
Silver – your assessment of SF did make me actually laugh out loud. For this I thank you heartily!
Jack Ryan – those ND’ers are using very thoughtful, obviously well applied…ahhh…techniques…. shall we say, that are apparently appropo to the situation on the ground. Well done, I say to them.
Idiotic grindhouse crap, like the Kosher cheesy Grand Guignol stunt pulled by our little Satan Worshipper, this Saturday, will not work for us. Oh – don’t get me wrong. I dasn’t tell you my fondest girlish daydreams, regarding the justice I’d mete out, to the crawling, slime-drenched THINGS that infest Public Office in my beloved land. Annie knows all about it…..however – I think it would be a lot more fun to boot them OUT – amd make them answer for their nefarious deeds. Much more fun, Make thme twist in their own wind….
And that’s coming, too. A very prominent member of the local Tea Party asked my hubby what he thought about “the shooting”. He was outraged – genuinely cheesed – by the slander of TeaPartiers, and “right-wingers”. Hubby advised Prominent Member, “We need to stop owning this nonsense”. Meaning stop accepting blame for things we have no part in.
I defended Taylor and Amren to a TPer this weekend. Hmmm…she knew who he was…..she ws taking the Fox News slander as “truth” – I set her straight. More on this unfolding story….it’ll get out to other TPers.
Anyway – when next I meet the Prominent Member – I will tell him to do what I did, and contact varous news outlets, and raise Holy HELL. YELL. Make a $&^#%^ scene.
The slime covered toads are not used to Humans giving it back.
I saw this few weeks ago, on the Chiller station ,when I wanted mindless entertainment.
I got this. A perfect illustration of the slander and literal demonization of Heroic White Icons, by the actual demons. Also – White Americans displaced by darker versions. Midway through, note Jewish Stereotype Deluxe actor Saul Rubenik playing a”historian”. This is the reason why I posted this link. His little speech neatly delinates the kabbalistic black devil mumbo jumbo “reality is the result of words”. Note the way the most infamous historic Jewish crime – the very worst one – is neatly pinned on Whites. Note the way casual way the “historian” calls in his bloodthirsty Federal executioners, to “handle the problem”
I was spitting mad, after I watched this. Absolutely brain-exploding furious. I was goign to contact, and ..aaahhh.. complain in a very decided maner, to all the writers and producers involved. The show is several years old though, so I thought it would be fruitless to do so.
“Art” foreshadows “life” in AZ, this past Saturday, n’est ce pas?
Mr. Wallace,
In my statement earlier I didn’t mean to dispute that his views are bizarre, or that some of the things said about him are true. The point I wanted to make is that when people call him crazy or kooky or insane or bizarre or Jewish or homosexual they are not making arguments at all, unless everyone they are speaking to already understands how the label undermines him. In other words they are not discrediting his actions or dismantling his beliefs – they are making personal attacks or appeals to emotion or using loaded terms, and though it’s not always the case many of the comments I’ve seen around the web with that type of content are logically fallacious. After all, what is insanity specifically? Thinking differently than someone else? Failing to conform to the beliefs of the majority? When those accusations come my way because I believe in racial differences I point out that the accuser hasn’t addressed whether or not my position is true, but only whether or not it’s popular or pleasant or acceptable. I think it’s more effective to specifically address his actions and beliefs. To address the TRUTH of his positions and the rationality of his actions rather than how effective, pleasant, popular, or ‘sane’ they are. The main reason I wanted to say this is that I don’t think it’s useful or rational to dismiss him as insane or to throw out beliefs as epithets. It’s the same thing our enemies do to us. And I’m a bit confused by the use of ‘nihilist’ here. I’m a moral nihilist, but I don’t sacrifice to any dark lords and I socialize and interact normally. If any atheists who dismiss nihilism are willing to share what they feel the basis for objective morality is, I’d very much like to hear.
Give up your own gun…if you have one. I’ll keep mine, for when the DHS Gestapo comes calling. What we are lucky about is this: one vote conservative majority on the SC, and a newly elected conservative majority House of Reps. That, and only that, will prevent the Left and the corporate-globalists from using this atrocity to take down Free Speech and Gun Rights. Which proves HW’s tactics are exactly right for this poltical phase. Later, like or not, we will have to fight; the Blues (rhymes with…) intend to Ukraine us.
Hunter, you have the self-injuring tendency to fail to make a smooth segue from the particular to the general, from the intimacy of the former to the impersonality of the latter. As such, your clear strength as an explicator of that which is of concern to us – the larger picture as affects all of our blood, and necessarily so too those we know and can truly be said to care for: family and friends – can only be damaged by your forays into feuding whilst taking on the garb of some voice of definitive moral conscience.
In case you have forgotten, there are White people that suffer the most greivous injuries possible, to them and theirs, and daily, due to the machinations of “the system” which forces them into proximity with non-Whites. That is why you write, or I take it that is why you write. Do remember that.
So Loughner was scared and afraid of the government. Now, THAT is really crazy, no??
“So Loughner was scared and afraid of the government. Now, THAT is really crazy, no??”
That surely is rankest heresy here at OD. “The system” is all that nurtures wholesomeness and secures any reason for living, according to Hunter. Indeed, it is the very same “system” which was present at the founding of this nation that endures to this day. That it has been mutilated out of all but the most superficial resemblance to its former self we must as Hunter bids stop up our ears to and shield our eyes from. Only “vanguardists” and the murderers of children can verbalize such manifest obscenities, you see. The still warm corpses of White children brought to that untimely end as a result of our precious “system”, heed not.
(Damn, I’ve got “MONSTER” writing chops. Eloquence on loan from Odin, to paraphrase that sainted mainstreamer Limbaugh.)
It is a false dichotomy to say the options are either working within the system or revolutionary violence. There is a lot of grey area in between those two. It seems to me that there is a not insignificant subset of alt-right thinkers – think Mencius Moldbug, Dennis Mangan, Jared Taylor, even Pat Buchanan — who are not advocating violence in any way but cannot be easily described as supporting the current system.
In the end, events will determine the direction things take: If the dollar falls apart, states can’t continue to support the welfare state, crime gets out of control, and things really fall apart domestically, the question of “working within the system” will be a moot one because “the system” will cease to exist. It will be a question of what is erected in its place.
My guess is that under a situation of total domestic breakdown, there will be increased geographical segregation along racial lines. Many people who have never given a moment’s thought to any political thought not on CNN / Fox News will, overnight, become de facto separatists when it seems like that is the only way to survive. If / when that happens, there could be a very strong case to be made by alt-right type proposals that are neither “within the system” nor revolutionary violence.
Captain Chaos – are you on your period? Your last rant is not so much eloquent, as monthly hormonal….
What was the video you linked to about? I can’t watch it because I’m not using an American IP
The Oxy Observer has one of the highest alienated idiot and moronic troll infestation rates this side of the internet. – Silver
The highest infestation is at racehist, which was once a great blog but has deteriorated beyond precipitously since n/a allowed the Wotan Gang to take up permanent residence there.
Compassionate Fascist:”Later, like or not, we will have to fight; the Blues (rhymes with…) intend to Ukraine us.”
Nope, you have that reversed.
The Reds are going to genocide the Blues to reduce the population back down to sustainable levels; you see, the Blues are all trapped inside the dependent cities and their suburbs, easy to take out with airstrikes. The Blues are largely unarmed, decadent and peaceful and helpless, easy to kill ‘fish in a barrel.’
The USA has always been a country controlled by the Reds, and always will be too: Freemasons, Skull & Bones, etc: all Red secret societies. The Blues are nothing more than mass-consuming cattle in the cities to feed the coffers of the Reds. Even the Jewish surname Rothschild means ‘red shield’ – they are working for the Reds as intermediaries behind the scenes, shielding the Reds from any problems from the Blues.
Any problems arise with the Blues and they will be airstriked by the Reds: problem solved. The Blues were never even given a chance throughout history: they’ve always been nothing more than urban cattle to be exploited by the Reds, with the Jews as go between between the two. No wonder the Blues show so many pathologies and neuroses when they’ve been packed like helpless sardines inside cities for so long.
More attempts by lamestream media to try to connect the Giffords shooter to right wing or rednecks or soooooommmethiiiiiiinnng.
On yahoo.com: Ariz shooter’s family haunted, the front picture shows a house with a beat-up old pickup truck. There’s no evidence or specific claim in the article or a caption that’s his house, but of course that’s what the biased media knows readers will assume.
If you can’t make your smears stick by trying to link him to Amren, just show a picture with an old, beat-up pickup truck under above the title about the family feeling bad, and of course, readers will assume the shooter comes from a “redneck” family and make all the subliminal connections therein.
The dollar collapse was supposed to happen in 2008, 2009, and 2010. Kunstler also predicted Dow 4,000 for 2010. The collapse never seems to happen though.
How exactly does a voting booth produce dead White bodies?
It is more like the stupidity and retardation of the White resistance since the 1970s is to blame for our misfortunes. If Whites had started organizing like other groups forty years ago, we probably wouldn’t be in this situation.
(1) White Nationalists do not even bother to try to “reform the system.”
(2) The one time they tried to reform the system, the Duke campaign in Louisiana, they nearly succeeded.
(3) Most White Nationalists do nothing but fantasize on the internet.
(4) We can make progress by working through the system. The proof is the success we are having on immigration.
(5) The Giffords shooting is proof of how Whites will react to HAC and O’Meara’s ideas.
(6) Imagine how bad it would be right now if some idiot had assassinated Giffords in the name of Michael O’Meara’s call for a bloodbath of Sorelian violence.
All those internet idiots would have crapped their pants HW, you said this yourself. Besides honestly for all the talk about guns and crap from the internet right it is a rare bird to actually see it thru, Von Brun excepted. Typically it is a combo of liberal enviroment, mental illness of the shooter. As I always ask in these situations, “What was their Kos avatar?”
At the crap cult peak oil site run by Savinar (now into astrology) I would say half the left wackos would confess to having guns and if pressed they would admit to violent fantasies of shooting conservatives.
For sure the right leaning gun cults churns out some wackos sitting in their basements watching “Red Dawn” while oiling their guns, but at least they view guns mostly as a tool. The Left wackos view them more often than not as “bad magic fire sticks”, and hence Lefties with guns and mass murder syndrome because they are that much more out of touch with reality.
9/11 truth is not vanguard anymore.
Hunter Wallace posted:
“The real story that is emerging here is that the dumbass sheriff in Tucscon had advanced warning that Loughner was making threats for months and sat on his ass and did nothing to protect citizens.
Loughner threatened to kill cops on his MySpace page in December. The police had been called to the university and library because of this guy several times. He had threatened talk radio show hosts several times.
Why weren’t they watching this guy?”
Well, now we know why that idiot Tucson sheriff was spewing all that “Sturm und Drang” nonsense about AZ being Alabama, etc. ad nauseum ad infinitum. Dupnik must be some Slavic term for “dumbass” or “incompetent.” Wasn’t he the guy who threatened to refuse to enforce the AZ law against illegals? Well if he was willfully remiss on that aspect of enforcement, why wouldn’t he drop the ball on some dangerous lunatic? Color me NOT surprised!
I don’t think this is inspired by any political ideology other than “the transmitter in the back of his teeth talking to him.” To call him “a leftist” is equally irresponsible. The inclusion of “Communist Manifesto” and “Mein Kampf” are meaningless, do serious leftists or rightists read those books? Those are the kind of selections someone unfamiliar with either ideology would list out of ignorance, sort of like someone in Beijing thinking having a burger at McDonalds is the end all of American culinary culture. I’d have been more worried if he had “Culture of Critique” or “Race, Evolution, and Behavior” on his list. A real leftist would devour more current material as well. If any influence is to blame, it is more likely those “Natural Born Killer” or Tarantino genre movies that glorify nihilist violence, or even watching how much attention Columbine type shooters get post-facto. Combine that with a dissociative mental disorder and this stuff can happen. Though I imagine stuff like this happened in the middle ages as well, with some lunatic picking up a sword. Didn’t some crazy Chinamen stab a tourist at the Beijing Olympics as well? This stuff is as inevitable as a thunderstorm, the left is just hauling out a pre-existing plan to try to shut down free speech. That should be the main lesson for ordinary Americans, that is the narrative to stay on.
Remember the “Buckwheat is Dead” Saturday Night Live skit with Eddie Murphy? Everyone knows the template for this kind of thing, including the Manhattan Media people who produced such skits. Sheriff Beatnik is doing his best to ruin the case against this guy, I bet his lawyers are now coaching the nut as best as he can to take a “The Tea Party made me do it” insanity defense.
Nightowl: I don’t follow the Chinese crime pages too closely, but I think there have been several mass killings of schoolchildren by crazy men in the last couple years, all committed with knives. As Jimmy Hoffa said, charge a gun, run from a knife.
“Loughner threatened to kill cops on his MySpace page in December. ”
Isn’t that what the Hutaree militia were convicted of?
“The dollar collapse was supposed to happen in 2008, 2009, and 2010.”
The *domestic* reasons for the dollar to collapse are in place and have been for a long time. However it can’t happen while other countries use the dollar for world trade as that supports the dollar’s value artificially. That’s why it’s been possible for the US to run up such an insane deficit.
The collapse of the dollar is already happening (notice the inflation) but it can only happen in proportion to how fast other countries come off using the dollar for trade. That’s what is happening at the moment. Countries like Russia and China are making bi-lateral trade agreements that don’t use dollars any more. Every one of those agreements slighly weakens the floor under the dollar but it can’t collapse suddenly until that process hits a tipping point.
The Columbine wacko Harris wrote an internet rant that would read from a “diversity” seminar, pure lefty drivel. This AZ wacko is a lefty libertarian “vanguardist” + headcase. I bet even odds that he had a Kos avatar as well, Pfizer should sponsor that website.
“The collapse of the dollar is already happening (notice the inflation) but it can only happen in proportion to how fast other countries come off using the dollar for trade. That’s what is happening at the moment. Countries like Russia and China are making bi-lateral trade agreements that don’t use dollars any more. Every one of those agreements slighly weakens the floor under the dollar but it can’t collapse suddenly until that process hits a tipping point.” -Wandrin
Why are these other countries taking their time in abandoning the dollar?
Denise says: “Here’s the thing about violence -it works. / But violence will only work against us now.”
I hope there will be some kind of violent rebellion at some point. As the situation deteriorates, White people will eventually understand that the government wants to destroy them, and some serious opposition will emerge. Violence will encourage more racial polarization. I hope that White members of the elites will hesitate to crack down on the pro-White movement. What will happen then?
– Maybe the White elites will try to make the system work by taking some of the pressure off the Whites. For example, the Whites will be allowed some freedom of association. And then, we will start again to slip into darkness.
– Or maybe, White people will start a revolution.
Instead of waiting for normal white people to spontaneously turn to low-level violence, a few nationalists could start a bombing campaign tomorrow (one hundred bombs against politicians, journalists, anti-white activists, and so on). A few people would be killed, but only a small fraction of the numbers killed in Iraq by Jewish neocons. And the nationalist bombers would be arrested.
What would be the psychological result? The anti-white movement would try to use that against us. At the same time, I think it would help our people realize that it’s wrong to accept our own genocide at the hands of government and the media. I doubt it would make it easier for the Democrats to import more non-whites. On the contrary, I expect it would make the mainstreamer Hunter Wallace’s job all the easier. It might help create a climate of political agitation, which would make it possible to organize a few demonstrations against race-replacement, for example.
Maybe the timing is important. Maybe a bombing campaign would still be counter-productive today, but would be effective in ten years.
It is only speculation on my part. I’m not encouraging anyone to start posing bombs.
Starburst: The reason that other countries are taking their time abandoning the dollar is because it’s still good as long as China accepts it. And China accepts it because if they declared tomorrow that henceforth they would take only Euros or gold or whatever, all the dollars that they currently hold would lose value, a lot of value. Everybody would like to ease out the door before things explode, but China can’t without everyone noticing. I suppose that some smaller nations are quietly unloading dollars for something else, but the big countries are stuck. Once one big player tries to quit, all the others will try to trade their dollars away too, but nobody will want them. Why, for example, would anyone sell gold for $2000 an ounce if they expected the price to be $2500 next week, because the dollar had lost that much value? What would they do with the rapidly depreciating dollars they accepted for the gold?
That’s pretty simplified, but close enough. Meanwhile, the big financial boys are squeezing out whatever they can for as long as they can and feathering their nests. Wall Street and the U.S. government are not about to end the game as long as they’ve got the world playing by their rules. The U.S., and only the U.S., has the ability to create dollars at will, and as long as the rest of the world will accept them, the game goes on.
Armor, your completely wrong, the American people will never join up to follow a bunch of nobodies who start setting off bombs. I don’t believe there will be a violent revolution. Look at the end of the Soviet Union, “the people” didn’t start blowing off bombs, one faction of the elite simply used popular discontent to take power. What would happen is that respected leaders at the state, local, and national level whites no longer feel the garbage elected by the black, liberal, and hispanic masses have any legitimacy. A strong white minority faction in the government that has mass appeal would be sort of a shadow government in the waiting. Any fantasies about IRA type terrorist ever becoming a ruling elite in America is deluded. People need to stop reading these Turner Diary books, they poison peoples minds. Outcasts will always be outcasts, not because of liberal rule, but because being an alienated outcast is their nature. Had a lot of these people been born into the Third Reich, they’d probably be drawn to Communism and whatever was taboo. Don’t talk about violence, I don’t agree with a lot of David Duke’s “rubbing shoulders with anti-zionist muslims” strategy, but he was very correct in his warnings about how catastrophic another Oklahoma City would be for free speech and racialism.
“Why are these other countries taking their time in abandoning the dollar?”
1. Initially i don’t think they believed the US government and federal reserve would just ignore the deficit and keep printing money so that created a delay.
2. It takes time to create the bi-lateral arrangements and the smaller countries can be bullied so they have to wait for countries like China and Russia to do it first.
“It is only speculation on my part. I’m not encouraging anyone to start posing bombs.”
Violence is entirely pointless and counter-productive except as part of the armed wing of a *mass* political organisation. Unless you have a convenient jungle to hide in you need to create the mass political organisation first for the very simple reason that the armed wing *cannot* survive without a friendly population to hide in.
Also ditto Discard’s point. The Chinese have an enormous amount of dollar assets so they want to try and extricate themselves with the minimum amount of loss. From their point of view it’s a bit like a game of Jenga.
Wandrin: the armed wing *cannot* survive without a friendly population to hide in
I think it has become easier today for the government to control the population than it used to be in the days of the American independence war, or in the days of Patrick Pearce and James Connolly in Ireland. But I wasn’t thinking about a long-term armed struggle. I just wonder about the psychological impact of a bomb attack.
Nightowl: “the American people will never join up to follow a bunch of nobodies who start setting off bombs.”
Even if most white people disapprove of any resort to bombs, pro-white terrorism would make them more aware of the necessity to defend their collective existence. I’m not thinking of an organization like the IRA that got some support from the population. I’m simply wondering what is the impact of isolated “terrorist” attacks. Of course, people who are publicly trying to raise white consciousness should make clear that they do not advocate violence. I understand why they say that violence is always counter-productive. They have to say that.
If there is a bombing campaign by a dozen white activists, it would lead to more vilification of white people by the media. It may even prompt an anti-white group to pass as white nationalists and bomb a few schools. The New York Times would be exultant. But even so, it would increase tension, and I don’t see how it could be turned by the Democrats into an argument for importing more diversity from the third-world.
“Look at the end of the Soviet Union, “the people” didn’t start blowing off bombs”
In the Soviet Union, the system was absurd, and it wasn’t held in place by Jewish elites. It is only natural that the Russian rulers no longer had the stomach to maintain the dictatorship. What was the point?
In the West, what we have is a coalition of liberals, Jewish elites and non-whites, while white people are becoming a minority. The opposition between us and them isn’t going to go away.
“What would happen is that respected leaders at the state, local, and national level whites no longer feel the garbage elected by the black, liberal, and hispanic masses have any legitimacy. A strong white minority faction in the government that has mass appeal would be sort of a shadow government in the waiting.”
Maybe something like that will happen. But I think it is even more likely to happen if there are a few bombs going off on the side. There is already a lot of violence now, but it is only directed at the whites.
“Any fantasies about IRA type terrorist ever becoming a ruling elite in America is deluded.”
I think the IRA in Ireland, and the ETA in Spain, have achieved a lot, even though what they did was morally questionable.
I am under no illusion than we can take over the government by an armed campaign. I was only thinking of bombs as a communication method, not as a way to win a military war.
Armor: Bombs are a very poor means of communication. Moslems have very real grievances with the U.S. over our policies on Israel and for our support for unpopular Moslem governments. They have bombed our embassies and flown aircraft into buildings in this country. They have been hijacking or blowing up airliners for 40 years, along with blasting shoppers and schoolchildren. After all that communication, how many White people really care, or even know, what their beefs are?
Pro-White terrorism won’t make a lot of basically decent Whites aware of the necessity of defending their existence. How could that be? The MSM, and every right wing website will vilify the White supremacist bombers and most everyone, including myself, will agree with them. Did anyone the the segregated South of 1964 publicly defend the Birmingham church bombing? Even the men who killed Emmet Till or Goodman, Schwerner, and Chaney probably thought that murdering little Black girls was excessive. What will make Whites aware of the need to defend themselves collectively is knowledge of Black and Hispanic violence and the general chaos the Darks bring with them. In that respect, American Renaissance is more effective than any bomb.
Right wing bombers: spend the rest of their life in prison or worse.
Left wing bombers: do five years, get their law degrees and land a sweet university job.
Extremism isn’t effective, if so why doesn’t the media show us shocking imagery of “Blue Oyster Bar” type gays having public sex instead of presenting homosexuals as monogamous couples whose main desire in life is to adopt children. Note they are afraid of Jared Taylor who seems normal, but love to show discovery channel documentaries about shaven headed vanguardists living in the hills.
Discard: “Even the men who killed Emmet Till or Goodman, Schwerner, and Chaney probably thought that murdering little Black girls was excessive.”
I agree that there is no point in killing little girls. By the way, how many little girls were killed in Iraq due to the American invasion? And how many Americans were killed last week by immigrants that the leftists let into the USA? Why is the shooting of a politician such a tragedy, while the shooting of ordinary people is only reported in local papers? What’s strange is how some of us are able to agonize over the death of a few chosen people, while not losing any sleep over the deaths of a few hundred thousand people in Iraq. At the start of the Iraq war, I thought maybe the US government knew what it was doing. But now, I agree with most people that it was a costly mistake. Even so, in spite of many innocent victims, Americans have not turned against their government. Violence does not necessarily makes people recoil in horror. Not if they think it is for the greater good. After all, “you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs”. Except if the objective is to save our collective existence. In that case, no broken egg is allowed!
“What will make Whites aware of the need to defend themselves collectively is knowledge of Black and Hispanic violence and the general chaos the Darks bring with them.”
I think people are really a lot like lemmings. What will help them understand that the race-replacement policy is morally unacceptable is when they see other white people reacting violently. What will make them turn to action is an atmosphere of crisis. What makes them look passively at the destruction of their own people is the fact that no one else is reacting angrily.
If you are not ready to blow up people yet, there is also the solution of symbolic violence: you blow up the headquarters of the loony leftists at night when you know that no one will be around. There is also the punch in the nose of the anti-white activist, and the pie thrown in the face of the anti-white politician. Before turning to violence, maybe it makes sense to do activist work in a pro-white organization.
“Pro-White terrorism won’t make a lot of basically decent Whites aware of the necessity of defending their existence. How could that be? The MSM, and every right wing website will vilify the White supremacist bombers and most everyone, including myself, will agree with them”
My theory is that, even if you sincerely think that pro-white terrorists are despicable (or would be, if they existed), just knowing that other white people are turning to violence to help prevent our collective destruction might be enough to harden your pro-white attitudes a little. But I don’t have any proof of that.
In Britain, in recent decades, the government and the BBC did vilify the IRA and mostly refused to recognize their political grievances. I think that most Ulster Catholics did not approve of the IRA violence, but even so, they remained defiant of the Ulster government. I don’t think that the IRA violence caused many people to switch sides.
Armor says:
If you are not ready to blow up people yet, there is also the solution of symbolic violence: you blow up the headquarters of the loony leftists at night when you know that no one will be around. There is also the punch in the nose of the anti-white activist, and the pie thrown in the face of the anti-white politician. Before turning to violence, maybe it makes sense to do activist work in a pro-white organization.
Jack Ryan replies:
I definitely agree WN, or just sane, healthy White Americans should consider some physical action way short of killing people with guns and bombs. It’s the standard Right Wing/Conservative trap to stockpile guns, guns, guns and never use them and waste all their time in frustration, never fighting, always complaining, going for revolutionary fantasies.
Just consider doing what the Left does, disrupting meetings, speeches with shouting, pushing and shoving, maybe some eggs.
In particular RINOs need to have pies in the face, balloons filled with foul smelling liquids – RINOs need to be chased out of conservative gatherings – instead of anyone trying to get their picture taken with the successful, powerful US Senator, supposedly patriotic, pro military Republicans, RINOs need to feel their betrayals make it unpleasant to go out in public.
Again, no one is shooting, killing others – provoking a backlash – it’s something fun.