Biggest Loser: The Media

An alienated kook seizes the national stage

The Media

The mainstream media has emerged as the biggest loser in the Gabrielle Giffords shooting.

Liberal journalists are coming away from this incident even more discredited than they were before. Their pretense to objectivity has been shattered beyond repair.

A new CBS poll has found that 57 percent of Americans believe that heated political rhetoric “had nothing to do” with the Gabrielle Giffords shooting. 37 percent of Americans believe it does.

49 percent of Democrats place no blame on the tone in Washington. 42 percent of Democrats believe there is a connection.

The only people who are buying the prevailing narrative in the media are left-liberal progressives, liberal Republicans, and the roughly one third of independents who lean toward the Democrats anyway.

The pathetic attempt to link American Renaissance to the Giffords shooting, which even FOX News was pushing, was quickly shot down within a day by bloggers empowered by various social media platforms.

The New Media

The mainstream media has lost its ability to control the political narrative.

Social media dominated the shooting. The latest updates were being posted in real time on Twitter and Free Republic as an army of bloggers swarmed in on the identity of the shooter and exposed his true political leanings.

The information uncovered, published, and disseminated on the internet and talk radio was so damaging to the mainstream spin coming out of Washington that their collective effort at expressing faux moral outrage failed to make the slightest dent in the political status quo.

Instead, the Giffords shooting quickly became the latest lesson in liberal media bias, as the appropriate comparisons between the Ft. Hood and Gabrielle Giffords shootings were drawn.

The same journalists who refused to “rush to judgement” and blame Islam for the massacre in Texas pinned the Giffords assassination on the Tea Party within minutes.

The neverending stream of cant about the bigotry and prejudice of White Americans that comes from out of The New York Times was exposed to public view as nothing more than naked partisanship and hypocrisy in the disguise of moral posturing.

Other Losers: The Vanguardist Sidetrack

The other big loser in the Giffords shooting was the vanguard which was discredited in several key ways:

(1) First, the idea that White Americans will respond positively to cold blooded acts of “Sorelian violence” was discredited for perhaps all time. It should be clear now to any rational observer that the use of violence has exactly the opposite effect of creating hostility to those who engage in it.

It is worth your time to read Michael O’Meara’s “Through The Barrel of a Gun: A Rant Against White Reformists” in the wake of this tragedy.

Imagine how much damage would have been inflicted upon the White Nationalist cause if the “ideas” presented in “Toward The White Republic,” now on sale at Counter-Currents, had been acted upon in Arizona.

Fortunately, we only have to contemplate the presence of that massive turd being dropped in the White Nationalist punch bowl as an abstract hypothetical, instead of being hauled before the FBI and DHS or getting the Gabrielle Giffords Anti-Terrorism Act of 2011.

(2) Second, with bullets being taken off the table as a viable option, we are only left with ballots. The Giffords shooting has clarified the means – working within the system – that we will have to use to fight back.

Americans have long been adverse to the use of violence without legitimacy. Everything from Emmett Till to Medgar Evers to Matthew Shepard to James Byrd to Oklahoma City has worked to the advantage of our enemies.

They need saints and martyrs.

The last thing we need to do is give them fresh ammunition to use against us. That is something we have some degree of control over.

Barack Obama is being allowed to fail. Nancy Pelosi has already failed and that will be her legacy.

(3) Third, the Giffords shooting has shown once again that ordinary people are not “lemmings” who believe everything they see on television.

We have known for two decades now that the legitimacy of the mainstream media has collapsed in White America. The fact is, White people don’t watch Keith Olbermann or read Frank Rich, and to the extent that they are exposed to their liberal bias, they tend to react negatively to them.

We know now that we can use social media to run around the mainstream media, influence the political narrative, and directly connect with a mass audience.

(4) Fourth, if ordinary people are not stupid mindless lemmings after all, if they are indeed capable of grasping the truth when it is communicated to them in an effective way, then we don’t need an “elite” or an “aristocracy” or a “cultural class” to explain things to them.

We can reach the “lemmings” with a populist message. The “lemmings” out there passionately dislike the liberal media elite and always respond well to intelligent criticism of it.

(5) Fifth, conservatives are not as worthless or cowardly as some have claimed, and have pushed back hard and successfully to kill the media spin about the Tea Party causing the Giffords shooting.

Conservatives did not accept the idea that American Renaissance inspired the Giffords shooting. In fact, many of them heard about Jared Taylor for the first time and liked what they saw over there.

Final Thoughts

The biggest losers in this episode were Paul Krugman and Harold Covington.

A crazed alienated weirdo attempted to assassinate an elected official. Far from embracing the shooter, the White Nationalist community distanced itself from his actions, and furiously denied the existence of any connection.

The nation saw the deranged grinning kook on display and reacted with revulsion. No one but the most alienated vanguardists expressed the slightest bit of sympathy for his cause. Even they backpeddled after it came out that Loughner is Jewish.

A gang of Jared Loughners setting off bombs in the Pacific Northwest will do nothing but inspire yet another fierce government crackdown on the White Nationalist movement. There have been two of those already.

We can’t afford another.

Now we know what to do. Let’s get busy.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If you want to see vitriolic hate from the left, go have a look at some of the comments on the Sarah Palin discussion board at

  2. I’m uneasy with the whole Jewish thing. I know they control our media, but most of these people look White so it’s hard to separate them from us and that is why the Jewish question won’t be answered anytime soon, if at all.

    For Christ’s sake, this nut-job looks a blue-eyed White devil. It seems to me a bit schizophrenic to name the Jew at the drop of a hat.

    I mean, I look at Natalie Portman, I see a beautiful White woman – same with Winona Ryder, Jennifer Connelly and Sandra Bullock.

    What gives?

  3. I know HAC is off his rocker, but he’s still entertaining, and he plays some good music. I wish he’d defend himself against your attacks. At least the guy at counter-currents has the balls to urinate on your blog wall.

    Personally, HAC lost my attention when he stared talking about building a statue of himself when he was dead.

  4. Yeah.

    It will be real entertaining when the FBI listens to HAC’s podcasts and history of promoting domestic terrorism and the police take his fat ass into custody and he squeals on everyone who is “involved” with “his organization” like Glenn Miller sold out The Order at the Fort Smith trial.

    It will be funnier still when the FBI contacts everyone on his mailing list and traces the IP addresses of those who download his podcasts and connect the dots to Michael O’Meara and Counter-Currents who promote using acts of “Sorelian violence” to take down the system.

    I hope everyone who still holds HAC in high esteem now realizes that they are only one Jared Loughner away from the FBI linking them to the next James von Brunn or Oklahoma City bombing.

    … and the icing on the cake is that it will all be for nothing because when some idiot who listens to HAC really does self detonate it will inflict incalculable damage upon the White Nationalist movement and likely their own personal lives while empowering the Jews to take away our First and Second Amendment rights.

  5. The main problem with America is that too many useless, selfish Whites outsourced the management of their families, their households, their businesses and their government to “professionals” for a small fee, ostensibly as it was easier and left lots of time to enjoy “the good life”.

    Well here we are. Not so good. It turns out, just like Christ taught us himself, hired hands don’t take near as much interest or care as the owner does.

    Jews are opportunistic, just like Mexicans and Indians but at a higher level.

    If Whites simply reclaim ownership of their own lives and families, THE REST FALLS INTO PLACE AUTOMATICALLY.

    I mean really! The ONLY WEAPON “they” have to use against us is … THEIR MOUTH.

    If you raise your kids … low-SAT teachers can’t fill their heads with self-loathing and nonce.
    If you mow your own lawn … Mexicans can’t afford to colonize your nice corner of Whitelandia.
    If you actually participate in the governance of your own town and state … Jewish lobbying cannot gain a foothold.

    Imagine that? No one to blame but … yourself.

    Now get off your rear-end and do what needs to be done. Guns not required. (At least not yet. I wouldn’t give mine up no matter what but we are nowhere near that point today.)

  6. I’m uneasy with the whole Jewish thing. I know they control our media, but most of these people look White so it’s hard to separate them from us

    Media, law, finance, politics, education, … It’s not hard to separate Them from Us. Look beyond looks. They identify themselves when they express their disgust for Us.

  7. Well. Thank you for directing my eyes towards O’Meara’s essay. I have to chuckle, trying to imagine the line that you are trying to draw between Lougher and the thoughts expressed by Prof O’Meara. There are none.
    There is nothing about your approach that hasn’t already been tried. And tried in a time or times when white America was far more concious of its racial self-interests. The question is – what is the endgame? The best that can be said is that this ‘mainstreaming’ will lead to further political polarization….until….what, exactly? Until we have another Lougher? Or several? Because you honestly cannot believe that, using this system, you will peaceably create the ethnostate. Do you?
    If the end result is political violence, albeit in a somewhat more publically receptive future, I can see your point….ummm….somewhat. But let us not fool those who aren’t sure if they have the courage for the fight ahead by offering ‘mainstreaming’ as some sort of peaceable, riskfree beall/endall alternative to the remedy we so desperately need: The white ethnostate. Last I heard, you agree.

  8. “Does anyone here seriously want to be in the Northwest Front when a Jared Loughner commits an act of “Sorelian violence” and the FBI seizes HAC’s computers?
    No, of course not.
    “It will be real entertaining when the FBI listens to HAC’s podcasts and history of promoting domestic terrorism and the police take his fat ass into custody and he squeals on everyone who is “involved” with “his organization” like Glenn Miller sold out The Order at the Fort Smith trial.”
    If the Feds remain true to form, then guilt by association will rule the day. There are most likely a lot of people who post here who have listened to HAC’s podcasts and even downloaded his books. OD has linked to his podcasts in the past. Are we getting paranoid yet?

  9. the Giffords shooting has shown once again that ordinary people are not “lemmings” who believe everything they see on television.

    I don’t see how it shows that.

  10. @ Hunter

    I’ve been worried about you since you went to that machine gun show.

    Let me know if you start getting secret messages in code from the planet Mars.

    Btw, I have a strong hunch that Loughner is of Jewish ancestry. So this “Safeway” incident will be down the memory hole in a week or two.

  11. I think HAC’s comments and advice has been fine on this incident and all instances of frustrated White men going postal.

    HAC has been 100% against these types of flame out, violent murder/suicide acts of desperation.

    He has also presented solid, common sense advice on how to prepare for government persecution, media slander campaigns.

    Keep your self and your home clean, legit – force the government to plant illegal things.

    I would also advises folks to learn TM’s 5 words:

    “I have nothing to say”.

    People get smeared, slandered all the time in America – it passes over. Look at Pat Buchanan – he is still among the living and still has a MSM job.

  12. “Btw, I have a strong hunch that Loughner is of Jewish ancestry. So this “Safeway” incident will be down the memory hole in a week or two.”
    Earl, they can stop talking about it on CNN or whatever, but they can’t erase what has been all over the net and the globe. On the other hand though, I’d be surprised if Loughner gets a needle in his arm for this. Instead he’ll probably spend most of his life in the looney bin at the taxpayer’s expense (an average of over $44,000. a year for those of you who are interested). That is what happened with John Hinckley after his attempt on Reagan’s life and putting a hole in Brady’s forehead, so surely you can expect the same “sentence” for one of the Chosen who is mentally ill?

  13. I don’t see how it shows that.

    The lemming theory is based on the discredited model that a media elite passively molds public opinion.

    The actual polling that has been done on the subject shows that about 20 percent of the public has “a great deal of confidence” in the media. The DREAM Act vote and the Giffords shooting both show that public opinion does not mirror what is being said in the media.

  14. Tim Wise

    “[Loughner’s] acts cannot be fully divorced from the current political moment either, and specifically that part of said moment dominated by reactionary and right-wing voices, among which are many whose speakers adhere to Tea Party thinking.”
    Essay by Tim Wise on the AZ Killings

    Genocidal anti-white radical Tim Wise is saying…the same thing as the respectable liberal talking-heads.

  15. Mighty: Years ago, when Jews took over the local politics in my hometown, they didn’t do it by running somebody named “Goldberg” or “Levin” in every election. In the White districts, they would put up a Jewish candidate with a non-Jewish name, or at least not a name easily recognized as Jewish. Most Whites don’t mind having a few Jews in power, but would object to the sort of Jewish control we have now, if they knew. I figure it’s the same way with physical appearances. If every other actress had a schnozz like Barbara Streisand, it would be hard to conceal from moviegoers just who was running things, so they load the deck with beauties who can pass for White.

  16. “HAC has been 100% against these types of flame out, violent murder/suicide acts of desperation.”
    Yes, he does do a really bang-up job of covering his ass, but any government suit who looks at the “Colonel House” videos is likely to say that HAC is promoting insurrection and it would be interesting to see him argue his way out of that charge. He openly states that he wants to assemble “1000 class-A people” in the NW and THEN start an IRA style campaign against the US goverment. If anything it is very odd that he hasn’t been arrested already.

  17. How the heck are we ever going to get the media to announce that this was LEFT WING violence? They are building up such hatred for those that don’t agree with the status quo it’s shocking – all in the name of “stopping the hate”.

  18. I wouldnt equate the mindless insane ramblings and pathetic terrorist attempts of lone wolfs to the very real and very ancient art revolution.
    This country wouldnt exist if armed men hadnt secured it against the regime who held the legitimate powers over it. No empire has never fallen!

  19. We have our own media.

    The only people who believe Jared Loughner was a rightwing anti-government extremists are progressives and other leftists. His true political leanings have been repeatedly exposed through social media and the word got out.

  20. “I’m uneasy with the whole Jewish thing.”

    jewish political organizations have been working to turn white Americans into an ethnic minority since the 1880s because they see white security and jewish security as a zero sum game.

    The only question is if, when, where and how to talk about it. It’s critical to how we got into this situation but it’s difficult to talk about it directly to people who aren’t already half-radicalized.

  21. dan neil,

    Should we compare Loughner to James von Brunn instead? He wasn’t anymore successful.

    His attack on the U.S. Holocaust Museum in DC led to a similarly unanimous condemnation and demonization of the White Nationalist movement.

    von Brunn really was a politically motivated anti-Semite and White Nationalist.

  22. Every single time one of these idiots self detonates there is a backlash against us.

    The only exception was Randy Weaver at Ruby Ridge. That was due entirely to the fact that Weaver only wanted to be left alone and the federal government bungled his arrest. The government came across as the bad guy in that incident.

  23. Because you honestly cannot believe that, using this system, you will peaceably create the ethnostate. Do you? If the end result is political violence, albeit in a somewhat more publically receptive future, I can see your point….ummm….somewhat.

    Apparently, the comment I made above hasn’t quite sunk in yet: you can’t launch a revolution in the name of a constituency (i.e., White America) which doesn’t recognize you as a legitimate actor on their behalf.

    You can’t gain legitimacy by withdrawing from the system, sulking in alienation, insulting ordinary people, and fantasizing about random acts of violence. You have to work within the mainstream to become a respected authority figure and leader.

    The men who launched the American Revolution were respected leaders in their communities. Likewise, the men who incited the War Between the States seized power in South Carolina, Alabama, and Mississippi, and used the legitimacy of state sovereignty which was backed by public opinion to justify their rebellion.

    The only path to a White ethnostate is through (1) some type of regional secession on the Confederate model or (2) through a gradual process of national purification like we saw in the Jim Crow era.

    The vanguardists who advocate IRA-style terrorism in the United States have completely misread the temperament of their target audience. Americans are natural republicans. They solve their disputes through peaceful methods.

    Virtually everyone in America accepts that principle.

  24. “you can’t launch a revolution in the name of a constituency (i.e., White America) which doesn’t recognize you as a legitimate actor on their behalf.”

    Spot on.

  25. Being obsessed with the “it’s about to happen” mindset is a really easy way to waste your life. Because while you’re waiting for your “it” to happen all kinds of other “it’s” are happening all around you. Basically you’re throwing a bad bead on reality while being fully connvinced your aim is perfect. I’m not going to say it isn’t a fun hobby, but you’ve got to contextualize that stuff or you really will waste your life. We’ve got to keep our eyes on the ball.

  26. This smear campaign hasn’t swayed any conservatives or Tea Party supporters, in fact it has only further radicalized them and reinforced their perception of media bias. The leftist media was so desperate they put on phone calls from outer space blaming this on the Tea Party. I wonder if that Astronaut realizes what a fool he made out of himself demanding the silencing of the very people who were sticking up for his job when Obama announced his plans to mothball the space program.

  27. By the way, that sheriff is truly a pathetic specimen. I feel sorry for that county. -Spooky

    Why? They are the ones who elected him over and over again.

  28. If you want to see vitriolic hate from the left, go have a look at some of the comments on the Sarah Palin discussion board at -Nightowl

    So if any harm were to befall Palin, Limbaugh, or Beck, should the left be held responsible for inciting violence through hatred and lies? According to their own logic, yes.

  29. Watch the idiots on Hardball with Chris Matthews right now. No one believes their bullshit.

    I’m not a fan of American Renaissance but FOX News did launch a smear campaign against them or have you forgotten that?


    The Amren mystery solved, some lefty at DHS completely made it up. Allegedly there was a “brainstorming” session right after the shooting where they were writing down ideas and one of Janet “Softball” Napolitano’s fine leftist employees wrote down how it must be anti-semetic investigate amren and someone sent a copy of the notes to Fox to both smear them and make sure if it backfired the hated Fox News Network could take the blame.

  31. Nightowl, let’s be fair here. Alot of conservatives bad mouth Palin as well. I swear it looks like some of you try to use this shooting incident to blame real White Nationalists and steer opinion against them and towards the worthless political partisan road to nowhere.

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