Brown Herring: The J.T. Ready Saga Continues

Stormtrooper J.T. Ready resurfaces in the Arizona immigration debate just in time for the birthright citizenship wars


Last July, James Ryan (no relation to Jack Ryan) wrote a story in VDARE about the mainstream media’s attempt to smear restrictionists in Arizona through guilt by association with J.T. Ready and the NSM.

In Phoenix Farce, I wrote about the latest NSM police rally in Arizona that turned out the usual cast of anarchists and costume clowns while failing to attract the support of ordinary White people in the Phoenix area. It was becoming clear at the time that the counterproductive tactics of the vanguard were hampering our ability to get remedial legislation passed.

This sparked a furious discussion in the comments. Greg Johnson and others came over here to say that “shutting up” and “blending in” was a “path to oblivion, not progress.”

This evening brings news of a follow up story.

An “anonymous source” has given Imagine2050 and militant anti-racist Steve Lemons of the Phoenix News Times “(wonder who that could be?) “exclusive footage” of Arizona State Sen. Russell Pearce endorsing J.T. Ready for Mesa City Council in 2006.

It seems that Stormtrooper J.T. Ready sat down with Lemons or the “Human League” to tell “his side of the story” about his relationship with Russell Pearce. He is mad with Russell Pearce for disapproving of the NSM’s Phoenix Farce rally last November.

If the name Russell Pearce rings a bell, it is because as Senate Majority Leader he is leading the fight in Arizona to outlaw birthright citizenship.

Pearce was in Washington before the Giffords shooting to announce the news at the National Press Club of a coordinated attack on birthright citizenship in fourteen states.

Way to go, NSM.

That’s just what we needed right now.

Editor’s Note: I have a lot of good news to report. Look for a more uplifting post tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully, Arizonans are preoccupied with the Giffords shooting and this latest attack will fall on deaf ears.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. You might not want to drag the NSM into this. J.T. Ready resigned from the NSM back around August 2010, so I doubt the NSM has anything to do with this.

    But at the time, Ready was also accused of misappropriating funds sent to him for his illegal immigrant patrols in the Vekol Valley. Ready denied the allegation, although he would not disclose his employment. Ready, who is a Mormon and was ordained an elder in the LDS Church by Russell Pearce back in 2004, is obviously put out that Pearce understandably distanced himself when Ready announced his national socialist ties a couple of years ago. So Ready’s allowing Stephen Lemons to use him as an attack dog against Russell Pearce. Lemons has waged a nonstop smear campaign against Pearce for at least the last two years.

    Ready has allowed his heart to overload his mind on this issue.

  2. This ‘J.T Ready’ fella sounds like an old Queen.
    I thought he was about to burst into a rousing rendition of ‘Caberet’ at any minute.

  3. The most counterproductive thing you can do is become a Neo-Nazi out of anger over illegal immigration. A majority of White Americans agree with us on this issue.

    You can work within the system and do something about the problem (as we have already seen in Maine, Kentucky, and Florida in the last two weeks) or parade around on the streets in a costume and invite public ridicule.

    The problem is politicians thumbing their nose at their constituents. We can solve that problem with primary challenges.

  4. Mr. Obvious here:

    The only thing is, at this point, *IF* “ordinary, normal” white people are going to suddenly become “distance” themselves and not want to secure the border and all because of someone like Ready, then I must say there is a serious, serious problem.

    If “normal” white people are this easy to turn off about the most important thing in history to us, then the last person out, turn the light out as you leave the room and close the door.

  5. This ‘J.T Ready’ fella sounds like an old Queen.
    I thought he was about to burst into a rousing rendition of ‘Caberet’ at any minute.

    I wonder why so many of the goose-steppers and exterminationists fall into that category?

  6. “If “normal” white people are this easy to turn off about the most important thing in history to us, then the last person out, turn the light out as you leave the room and close the door.”

    Television is like the Church used to be and being branded a racist now is the same as being branded a heretic then. Constantly attacking the moral authority of the MSM reduces their ability to do that.

    It’s like black crime stats or something like that. Don’t talk about black crime, talk about the media and mainstream politicians *covering up* black race crimes. Focus the attack on them to reduce their moral authority and people will gradually start to ignore them.

  7. “The NSM, or something related to the NSM, always seems to crop up at pivotal times. It’s interesting.”

    The Jew’s Fag Choir. Nobody takes these people seriously, except for the ADL.

  8. “Wandrin” says:

    Television is like the Church used to be and being branded a racist now is the same as being branded a heretic then. Constantly attacking the moral authority of the MSM reduces their ability to do that.

    Television is evil, full stop. Television is a public health threat greater than smallpox, HPV, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy.

    All this random talk about violence, the shooting of public officials, and nutjob costume clowns like the NSM are all pointless; just like nutcases like that guy in the Northwest wanting a White American IRA – it’s all so ridiculous and pointless.

    If we can’t see past a hired hand in a costume, there’s no hope for any “revolution” or what-have-you. Yes, they play both “sides” deal with it.

  9. It is better to blend in and work in the System, especially now that the System is cracking and there are more entries back in.

    There was a time, the more hopeless times, when the poetry of the better vanguardists like Alex Linder was all we had. At least we could laugh at our plight. Average Americans were totally asleep at the wheel.

    But now times are changed. It is not hopeless for our people any more. Desperate yes, but no longer hopeless.

    What is happening now is that the “automatic System” of supermarkets and TV is breaking down, and we will have to transition to a more “hands on” or “manual transmission” form of running society.

    The obvious example is growing food, and this isn’t something that can be done centrally. Whoever gets ahead of the curve can seize “community leadership” positions now by voluntarily getting involved in any community gardening effort in your area, or initiating your own. Just because you are there first, and you know what you are doing, others will have no choice but to fall in line behind you.

    A more manual and less automatic society will automatically bring White people in our direction. We have to help them along and be careful of their need to be nice. We must come off as every bit as kind and gentle as them, but we gently steer their compassion towards Whites and White victims of minority crime and White children whose schools were ruined by liberalism.

    It’s like a big ship, but there are more of us than them, and their automatic leveraged television control system is failing. We can gently steer the people in our communities.

    And I have to say it — the high commitment churches have the structure of community organization already built in. Very clear ranks and hierarchies, very clear “callings” or duties to do. That stuff might seem silly to a modern person, but it’s the way to organize people.

    Modern Americans are very unorganized, and there’s a degree of freedom on this. But being unorganized means you are unable to accomplish anything collectively except some sort of mob action or a mass mobilized “vote” (like the rulers really fear the vote).

    The real thing the rulers fear is that we become hyper-organized as a necessity of basic survival. If the Supermarkets go empty shelf epic phail, the ordinary people will have to organize ourselves outside of the control of the rulers, and this will be revolutionary.

  10. Put Bill White in this category, gadfly turned Fuherer, what a joke. Maybe we can pay them off to align themselves to align with the blood and soil zionist extremists in Israel.

  11. “We have to help them along and be careful of their need to be nice. We must come off as every bit as kind and gentle as them, but we gently steer their compassion towards Whites and White victims of minority crime and White children whose schools were ruined by liberalism.”

    I think this is so true, and I need to be reminded of it regularly—the ME being nice part. It is easy to get frustrated with our fellows, especially when they try to lift ‘helping’ non-whites to ‘saintly’ status.
    For example, my aunt (married to my mom’s bro) is a very well educated/successful white woman living in “Europe’. She agrees with everything I tell her about the threats facing us from the non-white/muslim population over here, as she lives it. She has confided in me about her University being taken over by rough n rumble asians (pakis), and has been afraid of ‘students’ on more than one occasion.

    Yet: guess where she is right now?
    In a 3rd world hell pit ‘volunteering’ on some university funded ‘volunteer’ program…..
    I also have another female relative doing something similar in freakin Pakistan!

    I have one of those faces that doesn’t hide disgust very well, so reminders to be nice is extra important, lol.

  12. I say let the Senator endorse who he wants, anyone else on this board doing any more than typing? While I dont agree with black uniforms and bellamy salutes I do think somethings is better than just sitting behind a computer and doing nothing all the time. Being an WCR activist is a good thing it’s easy to hide dehind a moniker and a cartoon pic and say what you want it is another aspect when you put your face in the streets with your ideas. I may not agree with the nsm as most I have met are degenerates but at least they stand up for what they believe not behind a blog alone. “AND THAT MY FRIEND IS BEING AMERICAN”….

  13. @ Hunter

    “Don Black once said in his experience the “hardest of the hardcore” are always the first to sell out and cause problems for us.”
    LOL. How about Craig Cobb—he is currently living in a hole in the ground in Montana. You don’t get much more “hardcore” than that.

    Word is that Craig Cobb is a descendent of the same family as Howell Cobb. You can see it in this picture of Howell Cobb:

    Craig Cobb does have a tendency to play Pope, and give everyone his latest infallible teachings on Jesus. But, no one is perfect.

    Cobb is no kid—he’s around 60 years old according to Wiki, and, the poor bastard is living in a hole in ground in the middle of a Montana winter.

    Now that’s hardcore.

    The Sons of the Confederate Veterans, or better yet the Daughters of the Confederate Veterans should take an interest in Cobb.

  14. Mary – I think I did find a clip of JT. It’s not “Cabaret” – but it’s close. He comes in at 3:44.

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