Spokane Bomb


I was watching the rerun of the Rachel Maddow Show when a “breaking news” item appeared that some dumbass in Washington State attempted to blow up a MLK day parade in Spokane:

I wonder who the FBI is looking at right now.

Maybe these guys?

Note: The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force is offering a $20,000 dollar reward “for information about this case.”

I would like to reiterate that this website condemns the use of violence in the strongest possible terms.

Update: Rachel Maddow used her Twitter account to tweet to all her 1,729,395 followers the link to HAC’s website.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Jack Ryan said: “And once you have attracted large numbers of these types of people, do you have some plan to do something constructive with these wiggers? ”

    I challenge you to do this test, Jack Ryan. Tell Covington that you would like to meet him and see if he will accommodate you. I bet he won’t. Covington can’t afford to risk meeting strangers because he is in hiding. All that stuff about a “Northwest Front” organization and northwest migrants coming to visit is just mythology.

  2. Hadding says:
    January 25, 2011 at 8:21 pm
    Jack Ryan said: “And once you have attracted large numbers of these types of people, do you have some plan to do something constructive with these wiggers? ”

    I challenge you to do this test, Jack Ryan. Tell Covington that you would like to meet him and see if he will accommodate you. I bet he won’t. Covington can’t afford to risk meeting strangers because he is in hiding. All that stuff about a “Northwest Front” organization and northwest migrants coming to visit is just mythology.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    I’ve met Mr. Covington in person many years back. I found him to be sincere, bright and reasonably personable.

    Maybe he is in hiding a bit now – from some civil judgement against him. Oh well.
    HAC isn’t going to be some real world White messiah, savior – or organize huge/any mass White migrations like Brigham Young once did.

    But, Mr. Covington can and should be a great writer and excellent radio commentator and with some help he could make these writing, radio projects financially successful – increase his weekly audience to 25,000 – have business managers get listeners to financially support his shows, make audio tapes and distribute to the public. So HAC can’t organize Whites in to some army, powerful group. Others need to try it. HAC is a writer, now radio commentator – our people/cause needs all kinds of Whites who are good/successful as something, anything.

    I’m back to my position supporting HAC’s books, radio podcasts – just be careful about getting on any of his e-mail lists. HAC might be looking to get arrested, persecuted (housed and fed by the Feds). Most of us will not profit by getting hassled by antis.

    14 Words

  3. Jack Ryan:

    Meeting Covington before 1998 and meeting him today are two completely different matters. That’s my point. He is in hiding now and there is consequently very little possibility of any organization associated with him.

    You say that Covington is a “good” writer and a “good” radio commentator. I will concede that he is ENTERTAINING. Is he doing us any good? You would have to explain in what way.

  4. Hey how you all doing not to intercede into whatever arguments you are having but I have met Harold and He seems to me a nice guy. and I am going to leave it at that just saying.

    A man should not step one foot
    forth in the field without weapons.
    One cannot know, when on the road,
    when he will need his spear.

  5. Forkmanjones and Jack Ryan…. How can you know that Covington is “sincere”? If I just listened to his podcasts and didn’t know anything else about him, I guess I would think he was sincere too. He gave a talk on “character” recently that sounded REALLY GOOD. It was about as hypocritical as can be, but you have to know some of Covington’s history to realize that.

  6. Here’s an example of Covington’s extraordinary hypocrisy while mouthing high-sounding principles.

    In his “Protocols of White Nationalist Behavior” which he posted on another forum, Covington says these things:

    “Those who violate these boundaries outlined here are not one of us, no matter what else they may do for the racial struggle.”

    “3. Any form of collaboration with ZOG in order to do harm to any other White Nationalist is absolutely forbidden.”

    “4. Homosexuality and miscegenation are forbidden, absolutely and without exception. White nationalists do not under any circumstances whatsoever tolerate homosexuality and miscegenation, or tolerate those who do.”

    “5. No one in the Racially Conscious Community shall deliberately reveal, disclose, or in any way transmit personal information about any other racially conscious White person with the intent to do harm. To do so is stalking, and stalking is a behavior prohibited to White Nationalists.”

    “6. No one associated with the Racially Conscious Community shall behave in any way which shall bring the White resistance movement into public hatred, ridicule, or contempt. When the behavior of a purported White Nationalist has the effect of bringing the racial struggle into public hatred, ridicule, or contempt, that individual is automatically severed from the fellowship of White Nationalism and is no longer one of us. He has ceased to be a part of the solution, and has become part of the problem.”

    “7. White Nationalist behavior is based upon the most famous lines in the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius: “If it is not right, do not do it. If it is not true, do not say it.”

    I would argue that Covington is assailable on every one of these points 3-7. Point 4 is debatable since we don’t know how long he was aware of Frank Collin’s problem before he turned him in, but he is definitely guilty on the others.

  7. I met Mr. Covington in the mid 1990s and have followed his work since then. I stick by my statement that Mr. Covington is a great writer and a very good radio commentator. He produces an informative, educational, entertaining WN radio show.

    Mr. Covington is actually good at something – he’s a great writer. So I support Mr. Covington’s books. I don’t expect him to be a great ball room dancer, a great one on one basketball player and I’m not looking for him to be like Bo Gritz and run for President of the United States on some obscure 3rd party like the Populist Party, Constitutionalist Libertarian party etc.

    I understand that Mr. Covington gets in to endless personal squabbles with individuals in the American White Nationalist “movement”, conservative/patriot movement. That’s just something he does and frankly, lots of people in the full time WN “movement” have character “issues” – that’s why I don’t hang out full time in the American WN “movement”.

    I don’t expect Mr. Covington to do anything besides writing good/excellent books, articles and produce some very good radio podcasts. I don’t expect him to organize anything and think organization should be done by White men and women who are good organizers of people/groups.

    Again, I support Whites like Mr. Covington that are good at something, good at anything. I support good/great White boxers, White hockey players, white musicians, White secular and religious leaders, organizers, I work to help other good White people – help to get them jobs, help to fix their credit reports/scores, help to introduce good White men and women, work to get White couples to marry have children. I put on dinner parties and entertain White families, watch positive White movies, give positive children’s books to White children.

    If none of this stuff sounds like White revolution, well – maybe that’s the case. I feel like I am going well and life doesn’t look so bad.

    And if one of Mr. Covington’s radio podcasts starts to get repetitive, negative, depressing, ranting etc, I skip to the music section.

    14 Words.

  8. Zionists, Communists, and Liberals cause In-Fighting period. HAC has helped the awareness programs and so on, but he is older now and is guiding others to a better idea of things. He is not expected to really do anything. Its on us to put in work. The States we live in are our main focus areas to promote the protection of our people and no matter what the ZOG will oppress us and the media will show us as negative. We just have to show the good to as many people as possible.

  9. AC says, “HAC has helped the awareness programs and so on, but he is older now and is guiding others to a better idea of things.”

    Excuse me? What in hell are you talking about? What “awareness programs”? The guy is an endless font of lies and bad ideas.

    When he gets on his high horse and pontificates about ethics, it’s the most ironic spectacle imaginable to anybody that really knows his history.

  10. I have to say also that while most of Covington’s “Protocols of White Nationalist Behavior” sound really fine, the fact that Harold Covington as it were wraps himself in the flag to preach these things is really quite remarkable, since he himself is thoroughly guilty AND UNREPENTANT on points 3, 5, 6, and 7. He still pushes that Brief History pdf that smears Ben Klassen, William Pierce, David Duke, Matt Koehl, Tom Metzger, et al., and claims that it has only one unimportant mistake in it, even though I’ve shown on my Noncounterproductive blog that the most important claims in it are false. David Duke did not testify against his friends to the grand jury in the Dominica Affair. There never were any Barry Edwards or Dennis Witherspoon murders, with which Covington has been smearing the name of Ben Klassen since the early 1990s. There is also no good reason to believe that Matt Koehl had anything to do with the death of George Lincoln Rockwell, as Covington accused in his podcast only a few weeks ago.

    In case you are still not getting it, let me quote to you from Covington himself regarding these “protocols”: “Those who violate these boundaries outlined here are not one of us, no matter what else they may do for the racial struggle.”

    What is Covington telling you there?

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