Spokane Bomb


I was watching the rerun of the Rachel Maddow Show when a “breaking news” item appeared that some dumbass in Washington State attempted to blow up a MLK day parade in Spokane:

I wonder who the FBI is looking at right now.

Maybe these guys?

Note: The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force is offering a $20,000 dollar reward “for information about this case.”

I would like to reiterate that this website condemns the use of violence in the strongest possible terms.

Update: Rachel Maddow used her Twitter account to tweet to all her 1,729,395 followers the link to HAC’s website.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. By now, the FBI has almost certainly contacted the SPLC, given the likely racial motive of the foiled MLK parade bombing in Spokane, and Mark Potok has pointed the finger squarely at Harold Covington and the Northwest Front, on the basis of their “intelligence” about “violent rightwing extremists” active in the Pacific Northwest.

    Undoubtedly, HAC’s podcasts are currently being downloaded by the FBI and Department of Homeland Security as I write this. They are watching Colonel House’s YouTube videos.

    Even if Covington had nothing to do with this, which is the most likely scenario (always seemed more of a fantasist to me), the FBI is looking at him and will try in some way to connect whoever did this to the Northwest Front.

    The Left is desperately searching for some way to revive their flagging “climate of hate” narrative and the best way to do that is to tell the world a “Reichstag Fire” story that “white supremacists” attempted to blow up a Saint MLK parade in Washington.

  2. SPLC has the story:


    “Although a motive hasn’t been publicly identified, Harrill said the timing and placement of the potentially deadly bomb suggests possible ties to domestic terrorism or hate groups.

    The investigation was assigned to the Inland Northwest Joint Terrorism Task Force, composed of various investigators from an assortment of federal, state and local agencies.

    Those investigators worked through the night Monday but had made no arrests by late Tuesday. The same task force also continues investigating another improvised explosive device that was left last year, unexploded, outside the federal courthouse in downtown Spokane.”

  3. Sure they will try to “connect” or “associate” this with some pro white group. But I think that this tactic, much like the tactic of calling everyone and anyone who is opposed to the “Progressive” agenda a racist, is now much like lighting the fuse on a wet firecracker.

    The country is now completely polarized and the absolute dichotomy solidified. No one from either “side” is going to care what their opposition says or even what some might do, it will not sway them, lessen the devotion or stop the momentum of resistance that now exists.

    The die is cast, one side or the other is now making its last stand and the next few years will be decisive regarding which one will be triumphant,

  4. E.L.F. wouldn’t try to blow up an MLK parade.

    The only active “white supremacist group” in the Pacific Northwest that advocates bombing and terrorism is … drumroll … Harold Covington and the Northwest Front.

    Looking into my crystal ball, I see Will Williams on the phone with the FBI, bitching about “his money.”

  5. Gee, a device that did not explode left where it stood out like a sore thumb. Could not possibly be plant by those wonderful people who want white people replaced in America. Naw, couldn’t be.

  6. They should look into whoever was working with Larry Fairfax.

    Notice it was “found.” It was probably meant to be found, after being planted. This shit gets so obvious nowadays.

    There’s a work of historical fiction called “Blood’s a Rover” by James Ellroy, and it is about FBI agents actually being behind major crimes such as all the assassinations of the 60’s. It is very well written and seems like it is written from actual events. At the end an FBI agent with a liberal girlfriend who tells him “nobody gets killed” gets in a shootout with a detective who wants to kill the protagonist kid to cover his tracks and not share some ill gotten gains or other.

    I think this book is a memoir, perhaps from a retired FBI agent, written as a roman a clef. that is — the FBI do this stuff on purpose, and have for decades. They would invent crimes for the Black Panthers back then, for us and for Muslims now. The government is actually insanely crooked and murderous. Look at the murder of John Wheeler, the Vietnam memorial guy. That was likely an inside job against a patriotic whistleblower. All his Vietnam heroism and medals didn’t save him — he got rubbed out on 12/31/2010 and dumped in a dumpster. Drugged too, which is a tactic of the Mossad kidon teams, though it’s probably American Zionist copycats. I think that the Mossad still wouldn’t dare do assassinations on this soil, particulary when elements of our own gov’t can do it for them.

    It’s melting down on its own, and creating “self hate crimes”like the Spokane bomb and 911 to create sympathy and whip up public support “war is the health of the state.”

  7. Some FBI/CIA/Mossad probably had some old bomb lying around, and decided to pin this whole thing *on* Covington and Co. Because Covington and Co. gave them the flawless chance to do so.

    As an Awakened White Woman – to any and all reading my words – I am adamently against violence – ’cause violence could potentially ruin my clothing, or mess up my hair, and spending my weekends in Federal pen would be an utter bore.

    So thank you HAC, and his followers, for making life worse for every White in America. If you are not a Fed, Covington – you are doing a great job for them.

  8. @ Kievsky

    Paul Craig Roberts had a recent article about the FBI’s involvement in false flag terrorist attacks. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what happened here. Perhaps MLK saintly status is wearing a little thin lately?

  9. @ Hunter

    Amos was walkin’ down the street, towards the Mystic Knights of the Sea, when he seens a backpack wit wires stikin’ out. He said, hmmm der Andy?

  10. Hunter,
    Just curious, why would you point the finger to another White Organization even if you deplore their refusal to deny that violence might someday be required for the white race to survive? It appears like your desire to go main-stream and make a difference is to be fueled on the backs of other White Groups by trying to destroy any “Vanguard” you find convenient. Do your really have some evidence that a particular White group is responsible or is it an opportune speculation?

  11. “I wonder who the FBI is looking at right now.”

    They are probably taking the fingerprints of Rachel Maddow and of the parade organizers. Most likely motives: the organizers want to be given better coverage in the media, and Maddow needs new topics for her daily show. Maybe Maddow and Covington did it together. Possibly with some help from Hunter Wallace. The fingerprints will tell.

    I have a better subject: the crisis in Tunisia. The violence of the mob did achieve something: the president had to flee the country. The army could have crushed the uprising but refused to do so. I know it is only a third world country. It has nothing to do with the race-replacement crisis in the West. But still, it makes me dream that something similar could happen in Europe.

  12. Well there is a strange silence over at Kos about this especially since one of their cult leaders brought it up.

  13. Armor – would the US Army refuse to attack any-one – mobs included – that threatened the Overlords?

    Remeber those viddies of Federal SWAT thugs, pointing machine guns at little old Tea Party leadies?

    So go to Tunisia for fun, dear….

  14. Earlmundo – uh oh. The Magic Negro isn’t working out as well as the Hebes thought he would (Their Pet Darkies never do….but they refuse to understand this). They are setting up the catapults.

  15. Dave,

    Why would I point the finger at another pro-White organization?

    Hmm. Let me think for a second here.

    Someone tries to blow up a MLK day parade in the Pacific Northwest. Now who in the Pacific Northwest has spent years advocating bombing and terrorism?

    All I have said is that the FBI is undoubtedly going to take a look at Harold Covington. That’s a reasonable assumption. That’s exactly what HAC has been advocating for years. He matches the profile of a suspect.

    It doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes (the movie was on HBO last night) to figure that out.

    Even if HAC is not responsible for this, and I don’t happen to believe he is involved, he has no one but himself to blame for drawing unwanted attention from law enforcement. Maybe he will learn his lesson.

    I don’t know.

  16. Earlmundo – uh oh. The Magic Negro isn’t working out as well as the Hebes thought he would

    They still love him.

    The country is now completely polarized and the absolute dichotomy solidified. No one from either “side” is going to care what their opposition says or even what some might do, it will not sway them, lessen the devotion or stop the momentum of resistance that now exists.

    That’s exactly how I feel. At this point the bomber could explicitly say “I was motivated to do this by Rush Limbaugh” and nobody would give a rat’s ass. That ship has sailed.

  17. Maybe it’s another false flag operation. Oh, I forgot, level-headed white nationalists don’t believe in conspiracies.

  18. The IRA used radio controlled bombs.


    “We are seeing technology in Iraq today that it took the IRA 20 years to develop,” said a military intelligence officer with experience in Northern Ireland.

    He revealed that one trigger used in a recent Iraqi bombing was a three-way device, combining a command wire, a radio signal and an infra-red beam – a technique perfected by the IRA.

  19. Hunter, I agree with Dave Logsdon. HAC is very specific and precise that he does not advocate anything illegal. Yes, I know that it is a game, a necessity for the here and now, with a different future advocacy based on his novels. Nevertheless, since we don’t have a pre-crime division of federal law enforcement, getting hysterical doesn’t look good for anyone who is interested in the future of whites, and certainly doesn’t make you look good.

    hysterical: Gk hysterikós, suffering in the womb, hysterical (reflecting the Greeks’ belief that hysteria was peculiar to women and caused by disturbances in the uterus)

  20. @ Hunter

    How does “retired” FBI agent Cliff van Zandt, TV star, get all of his inside information? He is “retired” ain’t he, and, this morning van Zandt did have all of the technical details of the “bomb”. Maybe the FBI should look at “van Zandt” as a posssible suspect? How does he know so much?

  21. Thankfully it didn’t go off, if it is a nut I hope they get him before he does anything else. Anyone who sat around and saw how disastrous the Arizona shooting was and came to the conclusion that setting off a bomb would be a good idea isn’t a friend of white people at all. These vanguardists are lunatics looking for a cause to carry out a selfish, personal agenda of revenge against society. Who got rid of the communists in Chile? Lunatic loners in compounds? No, respected members of society did. If America ever does throw off multiculturalism and cultural marxism, contrary to what the vanguardists think, they will not be thrown upon peoples backs and given the keys to the city but remain just as marginalized. Perhaps all this talk of how “sophisticated” this device is, maybe overblown speculation and the thing turn out to be laundry detergent in a pipe with some wires and a cell phone thrown together to scare someone by someone not even affiliated with any white supremacists.

  22. It’s amazing how people interpret things exactly as they want to see them. The left immediately assumed Sarah Palin and the Tea Party were responsible for the shooting. On the other hand, the vanguard immediately assumes “the Mossad” did this. This is as bad as those quack police hacks in West Memphis who believed in Satanic Cults and sent those innocent Metal Heads and Goth High School kids to jail when some kids got murdered with evidence based solely on the kind of music they listen to and the clothes they wore. All these events show clearly how human societies can come to flawed conclusions and allow things like the 16th century witch hysteria to miscarry justice.

  23. Wallace in fairness why do you draw excessive attention to “vanguardists” at the drop of a hat at the obvious site of a dodgy false flag by either the left themselves, Obama’s government insiders or both? I understand that for political motives it’s better to go with the official 9/11 and any other Mossad/CIA/FBI insider jobs that are routinely carried out through proxy agents. One would thus have to assume that you benefit from this excessive name-calling in some way or another rather than just ignoring them.

    I will not go into the details of why the planters of the bomb made sure it was carelessly packaged and placed to be found, or even why you daftly attribute it to some “IRA radio controlled bomb” device. Even if a genuine perpetrator wanted a bomb to be found they wouldn’t have placed one of their most expensive dud devices out in public display. Pure and simple, it’s a frame up and a plant. Why the “screamers” in the MSM have ignored HAC to date could be speculated for a few reasons; perhaps Gov agents are actually sponsoring HAC and want the NW to incubate for a while just so they can react to it later.

    The occurrences at HACs site is so suspect that it feels like a classic FBI stunt even from the get go. One has to note that the Oklahoma bombing was penned in fiction before the act was carried out (this was another book and not the “turner diaries”). Someone is most definitely listening to HAC; in fact government agents are crawling over every word that man is saying (from the far left Obama admin eager to carry out a right-wing false flag event). If this sounds a little farfetched, it was the day after HAC announced in his podcasts that not one crazed lunatic since early last century had committed an act of political violence against a politician or “Jew” or “someone that actually mattered”(discounting JFK if one actually believes the official story). The next day or two it happened, thus forcing HAC to issue an early podcast to ease the ears of his followers.

  24. Hey who needs the mainstream media to smear and slander pro-white groups/activists, when you have “Hunter Wallace” at OD. He’s doing a pretty damn good job!

    Shameful and despicable, “Hunter”. I expect to see you with your very own show on Fox News one of these days….

  25. It’s just a bomb that didn’t go off. We only have corrupt system sources saying that it was a real bomb – don’t see how anyone except hoax types will profit from having a bomb go off at a MLK event.

    I think Hunter does an excellent job of recognizing realities. This post doesn’t seem to have much of a point.

    HAC has never talked about doing stupid, counter productive violent acts like bombing Black churches in B’Ham Alabama or bombing MLK events. HAC is not stupid, not a Fed agent. Though some of his novels are fantasy, in real life HAC does not preach revolutionary fantasies – HAC is working on getting racially conscious Whites to move to the Pacific Northwest, to whiter areas where Whites are more receptive to an anti Washington, anti Hollywood, anti NWO message.

    Yeah, I think this post/thread could be edited out – it sounds like MSM just jumping to conclusions spreading speculation that people they don’t like are some how “linked” to some act of violence that in this case, “might have occurred”.

  26. Why would you and most commenters make the Feds job that much easier by making speculative accusations against a man and his group that stands for White preservation?! I often find myself shaking my head in confusion while reading this Blog….are you for or against White preservation? This is a problem with most “citizen” White nationalists. You and your like probably have NEVER found yourselves on the “wrong” end of a pair of Federal handcuffs. You support a system that will inevitably throw your White carcass in a mass grave. Am I wrong?!

  27. I live in the Pacific Northwest and am familiar with HAC & Co. But my first thought was that it was jihadi’s, not the Convington Clan, that attempted this.

    We’ve had quite a long run of jihadi’s attempting stuff like that up here in the last few years. In December one tried to blow up the Christmas Tree lighting ceremony in Portland using a truck bomb. A few years ago there was an entire jihadi sleeper cell, including a high-ranking Intel employee, who were planning mayhem but were busted by the FBI. The libtards rallied in their defense, but eventually their was so much evidence against them that they all plead guilty.

    A few years before that a would-be bomber was intercepted with a truck of explosives headed for a New Years Eve celebration. (And of course the Times Square NYC car bombing attempt in 2009)

    So, there is a well known trend here of people who actually bomb things (as opposed to authors who write fictional books about people bombing things) taking advantage of large gatherings on public holidays in public places to attempt their evil deeds.

    I think you are a little over-focused on the fringe groups you are familiar with.

    Perhaps it will turn out that your theory about this is right, but I think the Islamic’s are still the lead suspects. I suppose that a false flag event, as others here have speculated, is also a possibility. If the government were to do a false flag I suspect some group like HAC’s would be the patsy, not the jihadis. There are enough real jihadis that there is no need to create additional events around their cause.

    The last attempt to create fear of ‘extremist whites’ was the bust of the Hutaree Militia group, which turned out to be an FBI infiltration job. Even the judge found the attempt to prosecute people who liked to dress up in camo and video tape themselves running around in the woods for saying stupid things while drinking beer with informants somewhat laughable as a real “conspiracy”.

    (The same case has been made, with some justification about the Christmas Day bomber in Portland. Without constant year-long goading by his FBI handlers it’s unlikely he would have done anything like what he is accused of.)

    Because the bomb was found by a (seemingly) random person and the FBI showed surprise I am thinking this is not one of their “patrons”.

    To me the least likely possibility of all is that someone got inspired reading “Hill of Ravens” and decided to act. But, then again, according to most accounts Tim McVeigh and The Order were both inspired by The Turner Diaries, and they did between them pull off a lot of terrorist attacks. So, it is at least possible I suppose.

    Rachel Maddow instantly linking to them, though, is strange. How do you suppose she even became aware of them?

  28. Jack,

    Actually, if you read HAC’s own website, there is a glowing review of the Northwest Quartet where Michael O’Meara gives a ringing endorsement of launching an IRA-style terrorist bombing campaign in the Pacific Northwest.

    HAC’s old blog “Tyrannicide” had the subtitle “One Bullet at a Time.” There is another essay from O’Meara on that blog where they both glorify “the fire of Sorelian violence.” In other words, launching some spectacular violent act to create a “myth” that would galvanize a vanguardist migration to the Northwest.

  29. Hunter,
    You seem to be missing the point. Unless you have real evidence as to who is actually responsible, it doesn’t matter who placed the bomb. It’s just as likely a false flag event as any pro-white group being responsible. As Andrew stated to “slander pro-white groups/activists” base on posts or plots in novels is neither productive nor fair. Do you really think attacking other pro-Whites because you have a disagreement with their approach or philosophy will somehow make us “mainstream”? Or as Jackson says “I think you are a little over-focused on the fringe groups you are familiar with.” There is no shortage of those who will attack WNs you don’t need to join in. Continue to argue your differences in philosophy don’t make it personal, it does neither your nor our cause any good.

  30. Whether they’re pro-whites or not isn’t so much the issue. The issue is they’re viewed as pro-whites. Personally, I’d put at least some of them on the far left due to the extreme eugenics (an attempt at using populist sentiment as a new vehicle of revolutionary force akin to what’s been done in the past.)

    Regardless, Hunter this thread is irresponsible. The SPLC or some media group is going to use this to link back to the right. You’ve manufactured a link where none existed.

    It’s no big issue – just edit this out. And thanks, btw, for reporting on this and for other things.

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