Sputnik Moment: 2011 State of the Union

Barack Obama renews his call for amnesty in the 2011 State of the Union address
District of Corruption

Barack Obama succeeded in putting me to sleep tonight with his ideological boilerplate.

I had planned to watch the State of the Union to catch his remarks on immigration. By the time I woke up, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin was giving the Republican response. I had to search the internet to find a transcript of the speech.

The Great Triangulator said:

Now, I strongly believe that we should take on, once and for all, the issue of illegal immigration. I am prepared to work with Republicans and Democrats to protect our borders, enforce our laws and address the millions of undocumented workers who are now living in the shadows. I know that debate will be difficult and take time. But tonight, let’s agree to make that effort. And let’s stop expelling talented, responsible young people who can staff our research labs, start new businesses, and further enrich this nation.

If you have heard it once, you have heard it a million times: Barack Obama’s solution to illegal immigration is to pretend to support border security until Congress passes the amnesty he desires.

Then it will be time to go back to the long established practice of refusing to enforce our immigration laws.

Nearly half a million illegal aliens rallied on the National Mall last year. Such is the Obama administration’s commitment to border security. He won’t deport illegal aliens when they show up and wave Mexican flags on his own doorstep.

The Immigration Act of 1996 already prohibits granting in-state tuition to illegal aliens. It is already a crime to be in the United States illegally. The elites who control the federal government flatly refuse to enforce our immigration laws.

The biggest lie in this whole speech is the idea that anchor babies are “talented, responsible young people” who will “further enrich this nation” and “staff our research labs.” They will contribute to “this generation’s Sputnik moment.”

This is something straight out of a Hollywood movie.

California, which is teetering on the verge of bankruptcy, has one of the worst public education systems in America. Average test scores in California are below the national average because of illegal immigration.

Barack Obama reminded me of Leonid Brezhnev tonight droning on about the “scientific-technological revolution.”

A decade later, the bankrupt Soviet Union collapsed into over a dozen republics. If we are depending upon the non-White anchor baby geniuses of the future to deliver our next “Sputnik moment,” America will share a similar fate.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If we are depending upon the non-White anchor baby geniuses of the future to deliver our next “Sputnik moment,” America will share a similar fate.

    You say that like it’s a bad thing.

    This country needs to be split up.

    The biggest lie in this whole speech is the idea that anchor babies are “talented, responsible young people” who will “further enrich this nation” and “staff our research labs.” They will contribute to “this generation’s Sputnik moment.”

    This is something straight out of a Hollywood movie.

    C’mon man. If it was a Hollywood movie “Sputnik II” would be designed by a hip black guy with a pretty white female assistant and a goofy Indian collegue.

    I’m encouraged that Obama brought up immigration. He ignored it last year and denied us a fight that we would have won. The fact that he is mentioning immigration may be a signal that he intends to push for amnesty which could help bring back some of the polarization we need.

  2. Why is Obamao talking about a ‘Sputnick moment’ when he mothballed NASA last year just to make people of color ‘feel good’ about their contributions to high science?

    Space exploration is the pinnacle of White achievement and that is why he threw a monkey wrench in NASA’s operation.

  3. Was I the only person who caught Ruth Bader Ginsburg asleep almost to the point of putting her head between her legs before Obama even started to speak?

  4. YES! Excellent point!

    Obama gutted NASA and now he wants a “new Sputnik era”!

    Saul Alinsky said, make fun of your enemies. This one ought to be worth about a billion guffaws at BO’s expense.

    Mighty, will you take your delightful idea to all the conservative / HBD / racialist sites?

    I should think even “respectables”* like Free Republic, Rush Limbaugh, Hannity and O’Reilly could make hay with it.
    *assuming they want to

  5. That’s right, the creep mothballed NASA and he has the tenacity to couch his leftist agenda with Sputnik rhetoric? Most failed to see the irony in the incident a few weeks back when the media played endless sound-bites from a leftist hack calling down from outer space blaming the Tea Party for the Giffords shooting when those were the only voices standing up to the guy who is throwing him out of a job.

  6. “Sputnik Moment” This was when America realised it had been caught napping and another nation had gained a significant tactical advantage. You know I think those anchor babies might contribute to that after all.

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