Black Run America: The Creation of Sandy Springs

Sandy Springs pioneers secession from Black Run America


The story of a Southern city that pioneered secession from Black Run America. No wonder blacks are suing the State of Georgia to revoke its city charter:

“While cities across the country are cutting services, raising taxes and contemplating bankruptcy, something extraordinary is happening in a suburban community just north of Atlanta, Georgia.

Since incorporating in 2005, Sandy Springs has improved its services, invested tens of millions of dollars in infrastructure and kept taxes flat. And get this: Sandy Springs has no long-term liabilities.

This is the story of Sandy Springs, Georgia—the city that outsourced everything.”

This is what happens you eliminate black majority rule and black public employees from the equation. It is also a radical rejection of the whole philosophy that White taxpayers exist as a financial resource to be exploited by black tax consumers.

What is “white privilege”? Independence from black people.

About Hunter Wallace 12398 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. 97 percent of Atlanta city employees are Black. Projections show that in five years, Atlanta will be majority white.

    A hilarious lawsuit is just waiting to be filed…

    Without government jobs, what do you think the Black unemployment rate would be?

  2. I can’t wait.

    Before that happens, the lawsuits over the states which are passing “birther” eligibility requirements will be pretty hilarious, as will the black reaction to the downfall of Barack Hussein Obama in 2012 after gas prices hit $5 a gallon.

  3. High gas prices and traffic jams should also accelerate the gentrification of Atlanta and other major cities. Food riots will come to America when EBT cards stop working.

  4. The jews of Chicago (Axelrod and Rahm) aced out the blacks in the mayoral election, about as complete a shutdown has not been seen since segregation. What was left for a fig leaf were two semi-retarded black women running for mayor against Rahm and even then their coverage was like, “be nice to the retards.”

    BRA has basically hits its apogee. If they don’t get with the program of being nice to nice white soccer moms they will be tagged “anti-white” and mean spirited and hence out of the mainstream, maybe even called “racist.”

    The phrase is “anti-white”, it destroys every preconception a left cultist has or will ever have.

  5. Since Georgia is in the South, and since OD concentrates more on the South than other right internet sites, I just thought I would relay the following piece of “special” information that just appeared.
    Al Jazeera is a fairly successful and growing news organization out of the Arab world, and it is mainly about the Arab world, but they will report some items from elsewhere. Get a load of the iconic photograph they used in their story about the storms that just killed a number of people in the South. Note that there is no intent anywhere in the story to bring in politics. The story in no way says anything negative or implies anything negative about the South. And that is what makes the photo so absolutely interesting. You would never see this photo used in this story in the West. I don’t think?

  6. Yes, an interesting photograph to say the least. Notice the Stars and Stripes is above the Confederate Flag but has a large hole in the middle, while the Confederate Battle Flag is intact and appears to be new. This is media without the Jew.

  7. To borrow the words of General Casey, may I just say that, as wonderful as the progress at Sandy Springs appears, if its diversity has become a casualty of that success, it just isn’t worth it.

    (Sarcasm alert)

  8. Greetings from Sandy Springs, where friends, family, and neighbors were very much involved in the creation of an independent Sandy Springs. And I can tell you that race was never mentioned in my presence as a factor. Moreover, some affluent blacks in Sandy Springs were as supportive of the change and as active in working for it as the whites. Race just was not a factor. The driving forces were economics and snobbery. People here are winners. We got ours, and we don’t want to share it or be bossed around by morons and inferiors.

  9. “The jews of Chicago (Axelrod and Rahm) aced out the blacks in the mayoral election, about as complete a shutdown has not been seen since segregation.”

    I think they’re gearing up to abandon blacks in favor of hispanics and asians. They won’t be able to do it all in one go but i think it’s coming.

  10. Wandrin: The Blacks can’t tie their own shoes without Jews to lend a finger, but I don’t think the Chinese will be willing to play sidekick. The overseas Chinese work many of the same tricks as the Jews and won’t be fooled for an instant, and they care nothing about any holocaust. The Hispanics aren’t as smart as Chinese, but they do know how to play the race game. They won’t trust the Jews any more that we do. Axelrod and Rahm have set themselves a hard task if they think they’re going to find new slaves among the immigrant hordes they’ve brought in.

  11. Preston,

    You are missing the point. No one said race had to be mentioned at all. It doesn’t mean race wasn’t a factor. And I don’t mean that in the sense of “people were all thinking about race, they just didn’t mention it out of politeness”. The point is: can you point to a society, or even just a community, of Sandy Springs-style “winners”, as you call them, that are all black? The USA, Jamaica, Haiti, West Africa, South Africa, France; take your pick. The point is, even for people who aren’t thinking about race “winners” is a proxy for (predominantly) Ice People, while “morons and inferiors” — to use your terms — is a proxy for (predominantly) Sun People. And I’m well aware that not all Whites are Einsteins, and blacks are not all slow and thuggish; we are talking about bell curve distributions. Race matters, and it matters when creating the Sandy Springs of the world whether it is discussed or not.

  12. Discard,

    Yes i agree. However i think their psychotic hatred clouds their judgement and i don’t think they’ve realised yet.

  13. Preston Hartley: One of the attributes of a successful person in a dishonest society is discretion. Blacks are already filing suit in Federal court against the state of Georgia to force them to revoke the charters of the new Atlanta suburbs. If the intelligent Whites of Sandy Springs were on record somehow as wanting to avoid Blacks, they would lose their town. And if you are a liberal, the clearer-thinking people are not about to say anything racial around you.

  14. Preston Hartley wrote that race was just not a factor, it was not mentioned at all.
    Maybe some of us (not all of us, but definitely some of us) should take this into account in our future work.

    Jeffrey Heavin pointed out some things in the amazing Al Jazeera photo of the still-solid Confederate flag immediately under the hurt, tattered US flag, in the tornado damaged south. Just now I looked at the Al Jazeera news item, and the pic is gone and replaced by a more conventional one.
    Here is the link to the news item yesterday, which still has the awesome photo
    and here is the same news item in today’s Al Jazeera
    (Just now, I quickly did a download of the original pic with attribution, in case that goes away too.)

  15. These “little” suburban secessions prefigure the coming, larger state secessions from the DC regime…that System Collapse which HW thinks “never happens”. This time is different, HW….tho, as you indicate with the music collage in “Northwest Debate” there’ll be – at first – a number of regional White Republics that’ll eventually be pulled back together into a post-ZOG nation.

  16. Wandrin: The Blacks can’t tie their own shoes without Jews to lend a finger, but I don’t think the Chinese will be willing to play sidekick. The overseas Chinese work many of the same tricks as the Jews and won’t be fooled for an instant, and they care nothing about any holocaust. The Hispanics aren’t as smart as Chinese, but they do know how to play the race game. They won’t trust the Jews any more that we do. Axelrod and Rahm have set themselves a hard task if they think they’re going to find new slaves among the immigrant hordes they’ve brought in.

    I must say I really get a kick out of the invincible cluelessness of your posts, Discard. This one was a doozy.

  17. OK Silver, I’ll bite. Do you actually think that Blacks could function in this country without a lot of hand holding?
    Have Jews not been the principle enablers of the Blacks?
    Do you think that the Chinese coming into this country will be willingly subordinate to the Jews? Are Chinese not, like the Jews, a market dominant minority throughout SE Asia? Do you think they don’t recognize that Jews are in the same racket?
    Do you think the smart Mexicans are not onto the Jewish political exploitation of the Blacks? I lived in Los Angeles for years. You had to learn to read between the lines in the LA Times Metro section, but the Waxman-Berman machine and their Black lackeys ran the city, at the expense of Whites and Mexicans. Being very aware of racial matters, the Mexicans knew who was turning the screws, and they haven’t forgotten. Old politicians like Ernesto Roybal and Richard Alatorre would vent about it sometimes, but they hadn’t the numbers to do anything back in the 60s and 70s. Now LA has become the second largest city in Mexico, and the Chicago Hispanics aren’t going to ignore the lessons learned there.
    Get a clue.

  18. Hello, I am Brazilian, white and EXTREMELY CONCERNED white humanity,”my country”in the future is black, either way, I see everywhere a huge amount of black women (many at a young age) with many children, a black baby boom in Brazil, mixed relationships grow even more (if that is possible). Jews dominate our society, there is poor Jews in the most unequal country in the world, they are our elite, family values ??are not”fashion”in all media programs (dominated by you guys know who) we see homosexuality interracial marriages, value for money, demonizing any sense of racial pride, and to top it off the Brazilian people are naturally unable to fight against this brainwashing.
    recommend you guys all white Americans and white world begin to move to do something not to turn in Brazil, a country with ugly people (the mixing can play a vast majority of people say,”just”attractive), stupid and ignorant. They will live very soon on idiocracy dominated by Jews, which were the only white people who remain, WHY NOT MIX.

  19. In my college there is another type of washing, the Marxist-socialist doctrines, Geography and I spent four years so far as listening to Karl Marx (son of a bitch) in virtually all periods spent 7.
    Here there is the overvaluation of the”black”culture, history books and recently teaching (poisons youth and children) now have the great civilizations”black”that in 2010 years of Christian era have been rarely remember (why is ?), also seen in recent books, launched this year, NO CITATION bottom of the page on the huge participation of Jews in the slave trade oas blacks to the Americas.

  20. Walking the streets of Brazil (more mixed states of Brazil, Minas Gerais), is depressing, an extremely ugly people, by far the most beautiful are white, a growing number of blacks who act like animals (they’re animals anyway), are rare those who may have 15 minutes of conversation, not to make this finding dry.
    But we must unite our extinction will be, take Brazil as examples, many lies are told about the country in the coming years because of the Olympics,
    the host city, Rio de Janeiro is the Marxist socialist hell black Jewish supremacy, where promiscuity, low culture (black), interracial relationships and brainwashed liberal relativist reach their maximum level, and worse all the rest is exported to the country by the media.
    Slums correspond to 70% of the population of this city, black women have an average of five to seven children (the goofy compete to see who has more children), while middle-class women and wealthy (mostly white) have fertility rates at Swedish , 1.7 children.
    Brazil is finished, by 2050 more than half the country is heavily black and mulatto and what that implies?
    Brazil is finished, in 2050 more than half the country is heavily black and mulatto and what this implies?
    I know of no black-majority country que”has”expired, you know any?
    So I hope you have already done something, because they leave their countries have reached the point where this country is lost

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