![Transsexual Chrissy Lee Polis gets African beatdown](https://i1.wp.com/www.occidentaldissent.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Maryland-McDonalds-Beating-Video-Goes-Viral-300x225.jpg?resize=300%2C225)
We learned this morning that the victim of the McDonald’s beating, who has been identified as Chrissy Lee Polis, is actually Christopher Lee Polis, and turned out to be a transsexual prostitute!
So now that the White victim has been identified as a tranny, there are all sorts of news stories about the crime in the mainstream media, liberals can sympathize with the victim, and hate crimes charges are being considered.
Maryland’s Hate Crimes Penalties Act “ensures that violent hate crimes against LGBT community members will be investigated and prosecuted as hate crimes,” according to the National Center for Transgender Equality.
This adds a whole new layer of complexity to the story: in Black Run America, White homosexuals are covered under federal hate crime legislation and enjoy official status as an honored and respected grievance group, “the LGBT community,” but are still not considered sufficiently aggrieved on the black level.
A few thoughts:
(1) What happens when sanctified leftwing grievance groups collide over black homophobia?
(2) Could this assault affect Barack Obama’s standing with LGBT community?
(3) How comfortable are other grievance groups with McDonald’s 365Black policy and America being a Black World?
(4) Can White America identify with a White tranny (racial slurs were used) who was the victim of black-on-white violent crime?
The moral of the story: unlike the black lynch mob that attacked Eric Loznicka in North Carolina or the black gang that was responsible for the Atlanta Metro beating in Georgia, Chrissy Lee Polis by virtue of her gender confusion has the PC credentials to enter the hate crime hall of fame.
Update: It turns out that this whole incident started as an argument between a White male transsexual and black females over the use of segregated restrooms in the McDonald’s restaurant!
Chrissy Lee Polis “got into a confrontation with female patrons when he refused to leave the women’s bathroom at the Baltimore eatery.”
Then it evolved into a black-on-LGBT hate crime.
Second Update: As expected, a fight is brewing between the two aggrieved identity groups, with blacks defending the black teenage attackers and saying that the fight wasn’t homophobic or racially motivated, and LGBT tribalists making the case for a hate crimes prosecution.
What color are we? What sex are we? What bathroom do we use? Who is the victim? Where is the victim? We need a victim now! I will not rest until we decide who the victim is! This is Amerika dammit! WHO THE HELL IS THE VICTIM??? HELLLP MEEE I’m having a psychological breakdown!
Picked the wrong weekend to quit the meds.
The world grows stranger by the day.
So what at first looked like just another case of black on white thuggery is much more interesting. As I understand, blacks in general and particularly black women are not at all well-disposed towards the white gay/trans subculture, and I can’t imagine any women would take kindly to a man dressed as a women in the women’s restroom.
I wonder who will be most outraged by this? I don’t think lesbians or feminists will identify much with the victim, and I’m not sure if the average gay male will, either. I’m not sure if anyone really likes transsexuals. Watching the response will be interesting. It doesn’t fit the script, and will confuse the MSM.
Some articles claim that racial slurs were heard in the video. This had more to do with Polis being a crossdresser than being White. It was still a case of TNB.
Blacks don’t have the self control of Whites.
Hi. You have some facts incorrect. First off, Chrissy is a woman. Not a man. She is transgendered, and while she is pre-op, or may elect not to have an operation at all, she is a woman. Second of all, your use of the word ‘tranny’ is rude. It’s no better than ‘fag’ or ‘homo’. Please correct these errors.
I don’t care if she is a white transexual prostitute or a purple people eater. She- and I will call her “she,” as this is what she indentifies as- is a human being. No one deserves that kind of brutality. NO ONE. She is someone’s child. She was a baby once. Anyone who defends those insane, mentally deranged, simple minded girls for what they did based on WHO the victim turns out to be is no better than the attackers themselves. I’m a straight woman, married, but I see this entire debate about Chrissy’s identity as a moot point. And there is information coming out that she didn’t even make it to the restroom, that she was attacked before she even got there.
These girls need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. They are dangerous animals who will do this kind of thing again, no doubt about it. They obviously have no self control or humanity. I’m a straight woman, married, a mommy, but darn it, I will cheer if the court system does the right thing here and hangs them out to dry.
Pieces of brutal filth. They do not belong on our streets.
Wow, that sure looked like a girl! Here’s another video, off the daily news:
The situation is sad considering a person was beaten senseless. A good broken nose would have been enough.
But there is a funny side. Which protected group will win out? How does the media decide which should get the most favorable coverage?
After reading this horrid website, I was completely disgusted by the outright transphobia and ignorance of both the post, and the commenters. But then, it occurs to me that most individuals do not have a post-secondary education, therefore lack knowledge and information that challenges them to look at the world in a very different context outside of their small close-minded viewpoints.
No human being deserves to be hurt like this no matter what they are accused of doing or ‘being’. Anyhow, sex and gender are culturally constructed and maintained throughout our society in order to subordinate and oppress others. It is a shame that most Republicans/Conservatives are to busy with gay prosititutes, while cheating on their wives and ‘traditional nuclear families’, that they do not bother to educate themselves with something other than fascism.
Okay, so you were shocked and outraged … duly noted.
I don’t think anyone here has said that he/she deserved the beat down. We support boycotting McDonald’s over its 365Black policy. This is just the latest in a series of violent incidents at McDonald’s restaurants involving black people.
Generally, we are intrigued by this incident as it is now clear that it was LGBT vs. black infighting and was directly caused by black homophobia. Mostly we are wondering which “victimized group” will win out when the smoke clears.
This is actually a good thing, re: racial issues. The sexual deviancy crowd is very sophisticated, and practiced, and EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMELY well-funded, not to mention HIGHLY motivated when it comes to advancing their agenda. The Homosexual “community” has been a vociferouxzs advocate for “diversity” for decades, in order to break down social mores, so they can give their bizaare drives free rein. Well looky looky looky – their Dark Primitives are NOT as open-minded.
The girls were right to kick the tranny out – but I am more sorrowful that a young White man would be so mentally and emotionally disturbed that he would ….do what he did. She did not belong in the girl’sbathroom. End of story. However – it’s truly sad that 2 females were able to beat him so very badly. And that they sent him into convulsions. I don’t care if it’s a Tranny – I see Blacks nearly murdering a White.
I still have a handful of gay pals, from the Old Days, who are very leery of my politics. I’ve told them that sooner or later they are GOING to be forced to choose, Their “lifestyle”, AND their Race – or their delusional beliefs about “racial equality” – and their life.
I intend to re-iterate that point, ASAP. I hate to be so cynically Real Politik – but this could work for us.
Dan – you are a moron. Go strolling around Elizabeth NJ, or Dee-troit – and run your nonsense there.
We are mostly highly educated – and our beliefs stem fomr our direct, real-world experiences.
As disturbing as it was to watch the two chicks beat the hell out of her, I was more disturbed at the morons standing around watching it. Dude drop the damn camera and help the person out. The manager was running around clueless while some old lady tried to help the situation. As far as I am concerned, the bystanders are just as damn guilty as the two girls who did the beating.
Kirsten: If the victim has a penis instead of a vagina, he is a male, whatever his feelings about it. And apparently the two Black females were able to figure out that he was male without undressing him, so he most likely had obvious secondary sexual characteristics, such as facial hair or a low voice. If they recognize that he’s a man, they have every reason to object to his entering a women’s bathroom. As for the beating, how many posters here would criticize a couple White women who stomped a Black intruder bloody?
If this video can get a few liberals to reconsider their allegiance to BRA, good. Personally, I am just glad that, in fact, a White girl was not beaten senseless last week.
LisaLisa – agreed. I know there is an issue with Hermaphroditism .Babies are born wouthout an obvious gender, and the doctor’s “choose”. Surgery is performed – and sometimes mistakes are made. Which is an existential horror-show. The body has it’s own internal bue-print (in factual biological contradiction of “Dan’s” Marxist lunacy. Sex, like Race, is very very real.) The baby grows, and doesn’t “feel right” in it’s gender. Puberty comes – and Hell breaks loose.
These are the folks that need surgery, and great compassion and kindness. They’ve bene medically mutilated by medical staff, at the behest of freaked-out parents. After all – what is THE first question asked about a newborn? Is it a boy or girl? Health is usually second. A parent, forced to answer “Well -we don’t know yet” – that’s pure, limbic Taboo. So a tragedy is created. I saw a TV show on this issue, years ago. These benighted unfortunates are forced to spend a FORTUNE to correct the mutilation, and get their true sex restored, as much as possible. I truly feel for these people.
Admittedly, most Trannies are just mentally deranged, not vitim of medical mutilation. Still – as you do LisaLisa – I see feral Blacks BEASTS nearly murdering a White. That poor soul is my kin. No matter how ill, or sad…..he/she is one of mine. Does the strange sexual status of that poor soul make the crime less horrific? I don’t think so. Does any-one remember the pics of those ghastly, savage Black sows, that brutally beat an elderly White Walmart Greeter, last month?
Other Races have been recording the horrendous behavior of Negros for centuries,. Overall – there is not deviation or improvement what-so-ever . They’ve gotten worse, in the West, as the social mores and institutions that controlled their behavior have systematically been demolished. Thy treat each other as badly as they treat other Races. They run riot, when they are permitted, and encouraged, to lose their fear of the lash and the rope.
STiK: The old White woman who intervened was the only one who came out of this looking good.
Dan Lavoie: Sex and gender are culturally constructed? So why have I never been pregnant? Is the sex of my cat culturally constructed? Silly boy. Such muddled thinking is a consequence of post-secondary education, you’re right about that. Now perhaps you are ready for post-post-secondary education, where classroom theory has to be confirmed by empirical research. Don’t forget to test your post-secondary racial notions while you’re at it. Enjoy.
Listen, people have a right to their culture. If blacks don’t like men in the woman’s bathroom, well, that’s their right. And if I don’t like some black guy causing trouble in my neighborhood, well, that’s my right I guess.
I support BLACKS AGAINST MEN IN THE WOMEN’S BATHROOM. Is there a chip-in somewhere to donate? It’s the social justice issue of our time! People let’s band together!
Re: Second Update
This is too good to be true.
I was so angry when I came across this blog looking for an update on that poor woman, but I am heartened and grateful to all the people who know better and state so publicly.
There is a lot of ignorance and hate here. Good luck with your sad lives.
I’ll toss this in for consideration.
Since the advent of and the now overwhelming use of “Baby Formula” as a substitute for breast milk, the incidence of transsexualism amongst the population has risen exponentially, as well as homosexuality. The link?
Virtually all baby formula is made from soy, and feeding it to an infant is the equivalent of feeding the child five estrogen-loaded birth control pills every day. Given that there are three “hormone washes” in a child’s life – in utero where biological sex is determined, shortly after birth when “brain sex” is determined, and then at puberty, the introduction of that amount of a phytoestrogen into an infant male is going to have serious consequences . The use of soy-based formulas is creating female brain structures in the bodies of biological males during their infancy, thus leading to gender confusion as the child begins to grow up. Isn’t this grand?
It is easy to label these unfortunate people as “mentally deranged” or whatever other convenient adjective comes to mind. The evidence I put forth is not disputable. In effect, the majority of transsexuals are literally being created and it is done to them while they are infants by both their mothers as well as by agribusiness. Mothers with careers run back to work shortly after childbirth and they haven’t the time to breastfeed, nor in many cases do they have the inclination to do so. The activity interferes with her “normal” schedule. Big Agriculture is only too happy to provide a substitute, and the substitute effectively destroys the life of the infant who is fed such. The child is fed this stuff at home and all day long at daycare. The result is that many of them live with a demon wearing a dress in their mind from that point forward. Add to that the fact that the society in general has been overtly “feminized” and the male sex exists in a constant state of criticism and ridicule, well, the recipe for disaster is complete.
I’m absolutely certain that this phenomenon occurs at far higher rates in the white population because so many white females have chosen career over family, thus their offspring (what few there are) are off the breast quickly and thus find nothing but Monsanto’s genetically engineered phytoestrogenic soy flowing from a plastic nipple. What we have is another disastrous legacy of feminism unfolding before us, and this unfortunate “woman” has paid the price for it. (Want to bet that a broken home led by mommy is involved here as well?)
Never-the-less, the aborigines who assaulted Chrissy are nothing but that. What little law that still exists in this multicultural hellhole should be brought into full force against those sociopathic simian breeders who attacked her.
So sexual organs should have no determinacy as to which bathroom you use? Really? That’s the line you’re going to take?
Spooky –
On the assumption that you are referring to me, I’ll go with the following argument that one of my economics professors loved to use so much – “It depends.”
Let’s say that you, Spooky, all of a sudden have an uncontrollable urge to crossdress and go “Out on the town.” I’ll assume that you are 6’2″ and are carrying about 230 pounds and have a five o’clock shadow by noon with a nosehair crop that looks like a big old Wyoming Sagebrush. Your eyebrows resemble a couple of branches on an aged Douglas Fir and your nose is as prominent as Pikes Peak and an Adams Apple that looks like a tumor. Worse than all that you’ve got a Dodge Diesel 4X4 with a 6″ Rancho lift-kit and 37″ tires with a personalized license plate that reads “Spooky” that you have to use as Cinderella’s pumpkin.
I think you should avoid using the women’s restroom. In fact, I think you probably should give up on the whole thing and just get drunk in private.
On the other hand let’s consider the following. Before us is a 5’7″ slightly-built biological male whose loving mommy dosed him with Soy formula for 18 months and divorced his father when he was two. The lucky little fellow has two older sisters who domineer him and sometimes mommy even dresses the little fellow up in his sisters hand-me-downs. Time passes, and this isn’t “A Wonderful Life”. It’s modern America.
Raised in a female-dominated environment and watching Soap Opera’s and female-oriented television at his mothers knee, the little lad never really gets the “Man Thing.” At a point and with the help of those near and dear to him, he begins to crossdress and decides that indeed, he’s “one of those” – born in the wrong body.
Estrogen treatments are prescribed by the “Family Physician” and after a couple of years what sex organ there was has shriveled up and is now absolutely useless except for the most basic of urinary function. Facial hair was minimal in the first place and after repeated trips to the electrologist, is now virtually non-existent. Due to the estrogen treatments, breasts have grown where pectoral muscles should have been, and the thickness of scalpal hair doubles in density and it grows softly and quickly. Frankly, this human being now “passes” far more as a female than a male with effectively little or no effort, and instead of that Diesel 4 BYE 4, “she” drives a non-descript compact car.
Now Spooky, were you this described individual instead of the big bad dude that you are, I would suggest that you use the women’s restroom, because if your appearance is far more female than male, going into the men’s restroom is going to be exponentially more dangerous than running into two crazy black chicks in the ladies room. Particularly if you are wearing a little blue top, a skirt, and have your purse with you. Going into the men’s head like that? The odds of a real nasty beat-down are significantly higher, plus a little rape thing might get served up as well.
For all we know those charming black women pictured in the video were going to roust the first white chick who walked into the place anyway, and lucky them, they ran into a 120 pound transsexual instead of a regular white chick that they could victimize to rationalize their behavior. “Chrissie” did the “wrong place, wrong time” thing, and unfortunately for the black chicks, they attacked a “semi-protected class” instead of just some naive white female in an areas dominated by Africans.
See Spook? It depends. I’m just damned glad that Chrissie’s problems aren’t my problems, the exception being predatory Blacks. That’s everyone’s problem.
I don’t care what “she” did; no one deserves to be beaten like that.
I am also sympathetic to John’s commentary here. If we lived in a normal, healthy society instead of profoundly spiritually sick one, people like Christopher would get the help they need for their perverse and unnatural impulses.
We don’t know what Christopher’s story is, but it’s reasonable to infer his first goal in life was not becoming a prostitute.
that fucked up what the two girls did too Chrissy Lee Polis a poor girl just wanted too go to the restroom and the cashier had no right too say that to her he should be in prison for that video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay this article and the commentary in it are totally stupid. For the sake of clarity I will self-identify…
I’m a white lesbian who is also 22 like the victim here.
Okay with that out of the way, first-off: Crissy is a girl. Seriously. Quit calling her “he” or “Christopher” or whatever. Crissy obviously doesn’t want those labels so drop them.
Second, all y’all are like pounding home the race bit. IMO the race of the attackers and the victim isn’t important. This isn’t like white-gays vs black-heteros or something. This is a transperson vs heteronormativity. I don’t give a crap that Crissy is white or that the girls attacking her are black. I’ve been attacked in a bar before by two black girls but I don’t care about that they were black. It’s not a big deal. The attackers’ skin colour is not important here and does not matter unless someone wants to make a critique of the black community’s tolerance for the LGBT community, but I’m not the one to do that because I’m white and I don’t know enough queer people of colour and I haven’t heard their stories.
So seriously, this needs to stop being about race. It’s about transphobia. Oh and the camera guy is an asshole for not doing anything. He should be fired and sent to some kind of education program that teaches tolerance of others. The girls who attacked Crissy should spend a night in jail and community service. And the whole community needs to do some f***ing soul-searching and decide whether promoting homophobia and transphobia are really helping them, because here it looks like at least three members of said community will go to jail for their backwards, neanderthal prejudices. Does that look like its helping? No!! Unless you like your neighbours being locked up because they acted foolish because they’ve been taught to…
The story had everything to do with race.
We have seen a thousand similar incidents and have chronicled many of them here. See the recent gang rape of the 12 year old Hispanic girl in Texas.
It wasn’t about “transphobia” vs. “heteronormativity.” The vast majority of people who are prejudiced against LGBTs aren’t stupid enough to assault a person (and wouldn’t even think of doing so) that is protected under federal hate crime statutes, make a video of it, and post it on the internet.
The carelessness and stupidity on display here is typically black. It is a type of crime that black people would commit and routinely do all the time in this country.
From the sound of the interview, “Chrissy” here was attacked because she was approached by “the man” of one of the black girls and spoke to him. The assault seems to have began before the attackers realized that “Chrissy” was a tranny. It was also an elderly White woman that intervened.
@ KIRSTEN, how stupid are you? Transgendered? Really? It’s a man, with male organs, dressed as a woman, scientifically, and physically, that’s a MALE, a MAN, IT HAS A PENIS!, GET IT??
Looks like blacks dont like the sodomites either. Cant say I blame them, ESPECIALLY if one were in the same bathroom as my daughter. I only hope my kids can defend themselves from these perverts the same way.
By the way, any one else noticed that most of these recent Black on White attacks have had a homosexual angle to them? Blacks have taken up gay bashing maybe? Kobe Bryant dont like em either. Just saying, lets not let these events make us live in fear…. unless your a faggot and try to hit on underage girls in public bathrooms.
I guess it was a black on white attack. I was hoping to find some irony in the idea that there are cultural lines that blacks are willing to draw that whites are seemingly no longer able to draw.
As whites sink further and further into the abyss of degradation and horror, will blacks begin to look civilized? Not that beating the crap out of anyone is civilized, but being angry that a male was using the female bathroom might be.
This subject is obviously drawing lots of people who would not have found this site, otherwise.
To all the Newbies -stick around. Favor has smiled on you. You’ve stumbld across a site that can provide information that may ensure your very survival one day.
Yes, it is.
You’ll find out for yourself. Sooner than you can ever imagine. Poor Chrissy did.
John – thank you for your excellent posts. I’ve been warning adult males aobut the dangers of soy, for years.
I had NO idea that soy has been used in baby formula.
No wonder men seem so feminine these days…
OD is #3 on Google for “Chrissy Lee Polis.” We are getting thousands of hits.
You can’t dictate to people what sex/gender you are anymore than you can your race. If you’re White try telling everyone to treat you like you’re another race and they will think you’re insane.
I don’t give a crap that Crissy is white or that the girls attacking her are black. I’ve been attacked in a bar before by two black girls but I don’t care about that they were black. It’s not a big deal. The attackers’ skin colour is not important here and does not matter unless someone wants to make a critique of the black community’s tolerance for the LGBT community, but I’m not the one to do that because I’m white and I don’t know enough queer people of colour and I haven’t heard their stories.
Oh My…..you poor deluded woman.
I echo Denise in saying that I hope you stick around here and start reading some of the other ‘stories’ . You are living in fantasyland.
I can’t believe I ever thought like you….but I indeed once did!
It is wake up time.
@Denise, et. al –
As a father of four children and still married to the same great gal for now 31 years, we “lucked out” when it came to finding out about Soy. Indeed, it is everywhere in the food chain now. It’s cheap to produce and thus the new “filler” in almost everything we buy – read the labels. Monsanto (Evil Inc.) makes a mint off it because its one of their G.M.O. “frankenfoods” that is “Roundup Ready”, and as the seller of the seeds the farmers, corporate or not, they are obligated to use Monsanto glyphosate herbicides as the singular weed-control agent. They are making a mint while sperm counts plummet.
Google up “The Soy Story”, as well as the definitions for phytoestrogens and xenoestrogens; how they occur, where exposure happens, and how to avoid such – the latter being almost impossible. That “flame retardant” on clothing, furniture and carpeting? Xenoestrogen. The B.P.A. lining your can of corn? Xenoestrogen. It goes on and on, and since both the industries involved and the regulatory branches of the government know, what is happening is therefore deliberate. What you will find will shock the hell out of you!
Back when our first son was born my wife decided to get a breast pump to provide him with the good stuff when he was in daycare. She did the same with our second, a daughter, and again with our third. By the time the fourth came around we had abandoned the semi-rural life we had in western Colorado and had moved into a remote area of the Northern Rockies, and for the first time in her life, she actually got to be a mom “full time.” Her “Blossoming into happiness” would be an apt description.
She was the office manager at a hospital before we moved, and the drug reps who visited like so many parasites would hand out baby formula like candy on Halloween for the “doctors” to give to new mothers. She brought one home and asked me to look into the ingredients, both of us being suspicious of the product because a few years prior there had been news stories about Nestle’s being sued due to their version causing malnutrition.
Even though soy was being touted as “healthy”, I remembered something about phytoestrogens from biology class and soy being in a plant class loaded with the stuff. Lo and behold, the primary ingredient was soy. And it isn’t just males that are being affected. Wonder why little girls are entering puberty three to four years earlier than they did twenty years ago? Soy is so prevalent as a food additive now it is almost impossible to avoid. If you do not religiously read labels you haven’t got a chance of not ingesting it in copious quantities.
Seriously, research this topic hard on the internet. While doing so remember this – apologists abound and the industry itself has paid shills everywhere. Where there is serious profit it is a given that there are eloquent and erudite liars. Monsanto is Big Agricultures behemoth, and they’ve got plenty of lawyers, money and muscle to convince the masses that poison is actually good for you. Google Percy Schmeiser to see what they do to independent farmers – reading it will change your life.
To those in power, be their power political or simply monied (as if there is a difference), we are nothing but profit-producing guinea pigs existing in an open-air laboratory. Knowledge is power, ergo arm yourselves.
Do not consider this “thing” a woman. “She” can get all the surgeries “she” needs but she will never be me!
I am not in any way condoning what happened in that restaurant. But in all fact, a man is born a man and a woman is born a woman, period.