BRA Files: Baltimore Sun Interviews McDonald’s Beating Victim


The Baltimore Sun has an exclusive interview with the tranny Chrissy Lee Polis who was assaulted by diversity in the Rosedale McDonald’s on Monday.

A more comprehensive article has since been posted.

“A transgender woman beaten at a Baltimore County McDonald’s spoke out on Saturday, saying that the attack was “definitely a hate crime” and that she’s been afraid to go out in public ever since.

“They said, ‘That’s a dude, that’s a dude and she’s in the female bathroom,’ “ said Chrissy Lee Polis, 22, who said she stopped at the Rosedale restaurant to use the restroom. “They spit in my face.”

Admittedly, the blacks have a point: suppose you are enjoying a nice McRib sandwich in a 365Black restaurant when a drunk tranny comes inside and starts making a scene over his “civil right” to enter and use the women’s bathroom. That wasn’t cool, bru.

That is why we have segregated public facilities in the first place.

Maybe Chrissy had listened to too much Lady Gaga?

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. admittedly “the blacks” had a point? did “the blacks” have names, or were they just generic “blacks”? … and since when is it not cool to assert one’s civil rights? your writing is vitriolic and disturbing. get help. diversity didn’t assault anyone here, but you tarnished humanity.

  2. The actual names of the black suspects is a piece of information that hasn’t been released yet. In the meantime, “the blacks” will have to suffice.

    As a man, I don’t have the “civil right” to use the women’s restroom. Neither does this tranny.

  3. Tranny has been a slur for a loooong while. It is generally used to lump together transvestites and drag queens, who are generally male-identified people who like to dress as women for a variety of reasons, and transgendered/transexual folks, who are female-identified. This is pretty disrespectful. Some transpeople use the term in reference to themselves, the same way black folks use “nigger” and gay folks use “fag.” That don’t mean it’s not going to be offensive to most when you, a presumably non-trans person, use it.

    The issue of who uses what bathroom is tricky; if we have gender-segregated facilities, where do we draw the line as to who uses what? Is it based on what genitalia you’ve got? If so, how do you make sure- by having someone check the genitalia of everyone who goes in the bathroom? I think most reasonable people would agree that that’s a horrible idea. Short of that, you’re not going to be able to use that rubric. If, instead, you base it on what gender someone “looks like,” then who gets to decide who looks man enough for the men’s or woman enough for the ladies’? Given that most of these restrooms have separate stalls anyway, is it really that much of a big screaming deal? Let people go take a shit in private wherever they want; as long as everyone minds their own damn business, who gives a crap?

    Regardless of all that, if you have an issue with the way a facility at a public place is being used, unless it’s self-defense, the answer is pretty much never to beat the other person until they collapse into a seizure. I mean, fuck, how does that seem even remotely ok? So, no, “the blacks” (I agree that this phrasing sounds sort of weird and degrading, though there still aren’t names associated with the assailants) don’t have a point; those girls stopped having a point when their feet met the back of Chrissy’s head.

  4. These commenters are perfect examples of liberal fascism. Not only are we expected to acquiesce to these weirdos having superior rights under the law, but we are not even allowed to hold negative opinions of them in private conversation.

  5. Observing the whole thing I could understand a shouting match but kicking someone in the head that is another league. That shows that the person is right there with the KKK and other easily found examples of inhumane behavior. They are a product of their society and that shows that their society is sick.

    The McDonald’s staff in this case is simply criminal. Not to be able to stop a 14 yr. old girl and a slightly older girlfriend is pathetic to say the least. I don’t eat at fast food places but will try to spread the good word about McDonald’s to those that do.

    They make huge profits on these pure souls that eat there and do not have enough sense to teach the staff what to do in such situations. One of the site commentators had it right, should have taken the girl being attacked into their office and locked her there until the police came. Simple and smart.

  6. Homosexuality is without question a mental disease. It is in all likelihood genetic/biological but so is alcoholism and other disorders. It doesn’t mean society should condone or promote such behavior. Society should certainly not be forced to radically alter normal behavior (such as male/female bathrooms) in order to accommodate a tiny percent of the population suffering from a severe mental/sexual disorder.

  7. In terms of PC‚ the tranny will win this one. Some “Queer Group” will take this as an opportunity to spread “tranny awareness” to the black community. In my opinion‚ since we’re talking about a man pretending to be a woman‚ he should have used the men’s bathroom.

  8. “The issue of who uses what bathroom is tricky;”

    Back in the 1960s persons like this poster would frequently begin an assertion with something like “Now, when discussing Socialism and Communism it very much depends on…” and generally the person could at least wow! many people into believing they were intelligent and even educated. Today they are talking about how tricky it can be for someone to know which public restroom to use.

    Seldom if ever has any movement or ideology been proved so intellectually bankrupt.

  9. When blacks murdered an illegal Equadorian immigrant (invader), the MSM treated it as a hate crime against homosexuals since they targeted him for being (in their eyes) a homosexual. But it goes without saying that that same MSM all but ignored the racial aspect of it and (I’m pretty sure) they made it go away pretty quickly.

    I agree with the other commentators that those blacks had no right to beat the gender-confused person. One of the hallmarks of advanced white society is that whites don’t go around beating people up because of their sexual preferences. When it does happen (such as with Matthew Shepherd) a huge deal is made of it. NAM societies are more primitive in this respect.

  10. “Oh, right, it’s the staff’s fault. Genius is not yet gone from this world.”

    Switch the colors round and imagine what the media would be like.

    A gang of White girls stomping a black girl (or even worse a black homosexual) multiple times in the head while all the White MacDonald’s employees stood, watched and filmed it. It would have started a full-on media lynching frenzy but when the colors are this way round they try and cover it up.

    So yes, the staff are greatly at fault for not even trying to stop one of their customers being stomped in the head multiple times and if they were White everyone would be saying so.

  11. I gotta go with Lockeford here; those first 2 comments were comedy GOLD! Poor Res, standing in front of “gender segregated” restrooms, trying to decide whether he feels masculine or feminine at the moment. Better invest in some Depends, there, Res. Sounds like a real quandary.
    It is just absolutely priceless to listen to and read the comments of the diversity champions on this topic. They are so torn, so conflicted “who is to blame?” they shriek. “What must be done?!” they bemoan. The solution? Blame the poor minimum wage restaurant workers. Problem solved!

  12. It seems pretty straightforward to me.

    If you have two X chromosomes, you use the women’s restroom. If you have a Y chromosome, you use the men’s restroom.

    There is no such thing as a “sex change operation.” Genetically speaking, Chrissy Lee Polis is still a man and was recognized as a man. He is a man who suffers from gender confusion.

  13. The two blacks were tards who should be charged and severely punished. The workers were tards with no moral compass who should be fired. Don’t talk about charging them – there are no laws requiring civilian intercession. The tranny should have used the family bathroom and better assessed the circumstances before trying to make a point. All in all it was a tard nexus and when that much bad breeding meets in a single point in space and time, no good will come of it.

  14. “Homosexuality is without question a mental disease. It is in all likelihood genetic/biological but so is alcoholism and other disorders. It doesn’t mean society should condone or promote such behavior. Society should certainly not be forced to radically alter normal behavior (such as male/female bathrooms) in order to accommodate a tiny percent of the population suffering from a severe mental/sexual disorder.”

    I feel so sorry for you. Have anyone in particular you’re quite fond of? Imagine ridicule when you try to hold their… Oh, that’s right, you can’t process love in that small a space up there 😉

  15. The comment from Anon regarding homosexuality being a mental disease…wow! I bet you don’t ever come in contact with another human being to impose your ideals on what you think homosexuality is.

  16. Wow, wow wow! I feel sorry for Sapphocist and Eric, full of so much hate and ignorance.
    I am shocked! Shocked I tell you! Tthey never come out of their grandma’s basement to think homosexuality is somehow normal and good.

    I am shocked at the level of stupidity, it’s 2011 already, people!

  17. Not only are we expected to acquiesce to these weirdos having superior rights under the law, but we are not even allowed to hold negative opinions of them in private conversation.

    Really? So the people who spoke out against transsexuals were hauled off to jail by the police? Fined? Made to do community service?


    You’re allowed to think and say anything you like. Once you’ve done that, people who hold different opinions are allowed to disagree with you.

    As for the incident that provoked the beating … Despite beliefs a few decades ago that boys and girls are exactly the same, it turns out gender identity is biologically hardwired. Most of us are lucky enough to have a gender identity and genitalia that match. Some don’t. The question is, why is the equipment inherently more right than the biological processes that say “I am male” or “I am female”?

    Anyway. I don’t expect to convince anybody who believes otherwise that the victim has the right to use the woman’s rest room, or even that she is a woman. But can we agree that a brutal beating is not the morally correct response?

  18. “The question is, why is the equipment inherently more right than the biological processes that say “I am male” or “I am female”?

    Eh? What “biological processes” “say” “I am male” or “I am female?”

    This question is beyond stupid. Now, it had to be be explained to a person what the difference between “male” and “female is? This is pre-kindergarten level of thought, and we’re supposed to discuss this with a straight face like we’re having a real grown-up conversation? Does this poster have any sense of objective reality?

    I’ll ask an equally stupid question: Why is the equipment inherently more right than the biological processes that say “I am human” or “I am a pink elephant”? “

  19. Apparantly, it’s hand-wringing anguish for some whether a man can use the women’s restroom or not.

  20. “Apparantly, it’s hand-wringing anguish for some whether a man can use the women’s restroom or not.”

    And for some, stupid arguments over stupid details distract then from the main point. If the colors were reversed media and political attention to this case would be the exact opposite of what it is *especially* if the black victim were gay / trans-whatever. The biggest single cause of all these problems is the filter placed on reality by the anti-white media.

  21. “If the colors were reversed media and political attention to this case would be the exact opposite of what it is *especially* if the black victim were gay / trans-whatever.”

    If the colors were reversed and the attackers were white, we’d still be hearing about “the crime of the century” in 2052.

  22. “If the colors were reversed media and political attention to this case would be the exact opposite of what it is *especially* if the black victim were gay / trans-whatever.”

    If the colors were reversed and the attackers were white, we’d still be hearing about “the crime of the century” in 2052.

  23. These people are like flat-earthers.

    Marxists attempted in the beginning to demolish the concept of male and female sexes as well, but there’s too much genetic and biological basis for it. It’s not just genitalia and a social construct, it’s chromosomal, physiological, hormonal and neurological. Women’s brains actually function differently.

    Just as there are medications specific to both men and women, there are also medications specifically tailored for racial groups like BiDil. Yet we’re supposed to believe there are no racial differences.

  24. There is something wrong with a man thinking he is a woman or a woman thinking she is a man. It is mutilation with dangerous hormones. Most transexuals were sexually abused in childhood which messed up their minds and transexuals sexually abuse children. Transexuals are mutilated gays and lesbians. I don’t care what others say but mutilating a man or woman to make them fake members of opposite sex is gay/lesbian. And gay/lesbian groups are apologists for Transexuals which is why the word T is there. They must abolish this surgical mutilation.

    All transexuals are homosexual/lesbian as the act of mutilating to become false opposite sex is itself an act of homosexuality/lesbianism-sad maiming and make this illegal. Finally, sex change maimings which is mutilating some1 to make them fake members of opposite sex is comparable to trying to make a man a fake animal because he thinks he is an animal trapped in a human body. Most feminists are not speaking against this. 1 would hope that feminists would oppose the mutilation that happened to Chastity Sun Bono as feminists have spoken against Female Genital Mutilation which happens in some nations. Transexuals are mutilations which no Dr. should take part in, yet most feminists are not condemning this female genital and breast mutilation as what happened to Chastity S. Bono where her healthy breasts were mutilated, dangerous hormone shots and her genitals mutilated.

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