Is Donald Trump an Outlaw Conservative?

Donald Trump goes outlaw on the establishment


Like most White racialists, I have never cared much about the Obama birth certificate issue. You won’t find one post about “birtherism” in the OD archives.

Of all the things that are objectionable about Barack Obama, his lack of a proper birth certificate doesn’t come anywhere close to the top of our list. We have always rejected the 14th Amendment concept that being born in America makes you an American.

What about anchor babies? What about the DREAM Act poster children? What about all the blacks whose misbehavior we chronicle here?

Are they Americans? We don’t think so.

It speaks volumes about the whole concept of “America” that Hawaiians and Puerto Ricans are counted as Americans. Rahm Emanuel is considered an American. Luis Guiterrez is considered an American. It seems Barack Hussein Obama is eligible to be an American.

If those people qualify as Americans, we like to think of ourselves as something else. “Americanism” is so decompiled now that membership in that category has become meaningless for lots of White people.

If Martin Luther King was an American, why couldn’t Barack Hussein Obama claim to be one? Why is there such a huge argument over a mere technicality in paperwork?

In recent weeks, I have been heavily pushing the “Dixie” concept on this website. I strongly believe that White Southerners should respond to the decompiling of Americanism by falling back on our separate sense of regional and ethnic identity. This isn’t a case for mere Confederate nostalgia either.

Unlike America, “Dixie” has always been defined in terms of race, culture, religion, history, tradition, and ethnicity. Barack Obama can argue over whether or not he is an American, under the definition of Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens, which was imposed upon the South at gunpoint by the Union Army, but his lack of a legitimate claim to membership in the Southern nation is bulletproof.

Is Washington, DC an American city? Is the New York Times an American newspaper?

Are Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, and Lawrence O’Donnell – who have been squawking on MSNBC for hours this evening about the “racism” of the “birthers” – even Americans?

This question doesn’t really interest us. We don’t identify with the Washington regime or any of these stupid liberal talking heads on television.

As far as “we” are concerned, “they” are “outsiders,” and not only are they “outsiders,” they are the “enemy.” They are our antagonists and oppressors.

Reasonable people can agree on that.

Donald Trump and Birtherism

In recent weeks, the billionaire Donald Trump has been making an incredible amount of noise about the Obama birth certificate issue. It culminated yesterday in the release of the infamous birth certificate (or the fake thereof) from Hawaii.

My opinion of The Donald is that he is a self promoting opportunist who has only seized upon the birth certificate issue in order to find common ground with Republican primary voters. This is someone who has made recent campaign contributions to Harry Reid and Rahm Emanuel.

However, that doesn’t mean The Donald isn’t becoming a rather useful egomaniac. In his quest to promote himself, Donald Trump has been driving Lawrence O’Donnell and Barack Obama nuts for weeks now.

Trump is a Gentile billionaire with the wealth and name recognition to be a dangerous loose cannon in Black Run America. He might become the Ross Perot of 2012.

The Donald can “go outlaw.” He isn’t a creature of the Republican establishment like Haley Barbour, Tim Pawlenty, Mitt Romney, Mitch Daniels or any of the other empty suits in the Republican field.

Donald Trump isn’t a conservative or a racialist by any stretch of the imagination, but he is a tornado that can inflict a lot of damage upon the two-party system.

The Graders

Trump has become a lot more interesting since he began calling for the release of Barack Obama’s grades.

How does someone like Barack Obama get into Harvard? Everyone knows the truth: through “black privilege” which takes the form of White guilt, affirmative action, and relentlessly promoting diversity.

NewsOne ran a story about this just the other day. They ran another story which showed that even the blacks who get into Harvard like Chanequa Campbell become drug dealers and involved in petty crimes like robbery.

The Left is furious with The Donald for violating BRA racial etiquette and having the audacity to start a national conversation about diversity and affirmative action. “Racism” is their universal battle cry.

This White man doesn’t know his place and they don’t know what to do! White people are getting uppity about high gas prices and “Beached White Male” status and this interloper is channeling their resentments through his campaign.

Historically speaking, elites usually fall when one faction of the existing elite seizes upon a popular grievance which is used as a weapon to mobilize the masses against other elites, thereby weakening the whole system.

In the case of the BRA, a wealthy Gentile “going outlaw” has always been one of the biggest threats to the preservation of the racial status quo.

Final Thoughts

I don’t support or endorse Donald Trump.

Clearly, he is not one of us. The Donald has a transparent agenda of promoting himself at the expense of Barack Obama’s grip on the White House. He is motivated by vanity and ambition, but that isn’t really a bad thing, considering.

In promoting himself, Trump is giving air cover to lots of White people who are seething with anger and who aren’t as far along the curve as we are. This latest controversy about Barack Obama’s grades is a welcome development that no racialist could seriously object to.

If Donald Trump gives Chris Matthews a heart attack over “racism” (his latest funny is that Obama should quit playing basketball and lower gas prices), he can claim to be doing something right. I hope Trump continues to make himself a nuisance to our overlords. I hope he does as much damage to them as possible in the course of his presidential campaign.

Go outlaw, Donald.

Update: Watch this hilarious video from the Digital Editor of The Onion.

About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Mr. Obama did very well i hope now Donald Trump will calm up i think this matter will ends with this action (Release of Obama’s birth certificate).

  2. Its a good populist issue, the Mommy Professor trained robot “elite” pushes the security state upon the masses but excuse themselves, and then to top it off they send out feckless idiots of the moron stream media to shout “racism.”

  3. Whatever his true intent, Trump has done more for white culture by running his mouth for a month than Ron Paul or any other American has done in 20 years. One guy running his mouth at the top and creating culture could change this country overnight and make all the senseless laws irrelevant. Not sure if I’d vote for him or if I hope his run is sincere. But Trump kicks ass. That’s how to be a leader.

  4. Well said.

    For you younger readers below the age of 30, I must warn you about the kooks, kranks, conspiracy mongering idiots that always are hanging around American conservative, populist, WN politics.

    These idiots are always pushing some obscure, legal theory that is somehow supposed to reverse the courses of history, change the past – in this case reverse the election of Barack Obama because of some ridiculous CT that his parents would leave the 1st world hospital system of Hawaii to go have a child in some hut in Africa.


    Don’t ever tolerate or enable these kranks, kooks, nut case, loners, societal misfits as they seek to drag you down with them.

    Instead, live a healthy, positive, SANE life – look out for good, young talent, back challengers who can compete to win.

  5. 1. A certificate of live birth is not a birth certificate. Learn the difference before accepting it as such. I wonder if Trump will challenge Obama on this? If not, it is all a show.

    2. Why has Obama spent so much money keeping his background information locked up? Bush released his service record after similar accusations but never said kooks or a conspiracy were behind those accusations.

    3. For all you non-believers of conspiracies who “believe” our 35th president was killed by a “magic bullet” I say… one day you will live to regret your foolishness.

    4. Aren’t you the same folks who say there is a conspiracy (but you don’t use the word “conspiracy”) against whites, especially white, christian, heterosexual males?

    5. On another site, I once saw a man’s comments about him trying to convince his elderly parents that conspiracies existed. That our government was working against us through legislation, internal conflict, overseas intervention, media manipulation, etc. He said he could never convince them that that kind of evil existed. I completely understood what he was saying. He knew.

    6. The best cover or supporter of a conspiracy is the denier/disbeliever! The stigma alone stops most intelligent people from saying the word let alone further analysis/investigation. Who wants to be a kook? That may just be the only thing worse than a racist!

    I believe they exist. And, I also believe they are never benevolent.

    Hunter, this is one area I totally disagree with you on. I also believe it is the reason why white nationalism will never gain traction.

    Hey, you brought it up.

  6. To Joanne Dee

    There is really nothing complex, secret, weird or extraterrestrial about crime, politics or culture in America.

    Jews vote for Jews or support Blacks, NWs, White Christian Zionists who push their program which is usually anti White.

    Is is some super secret that the American Jewish community supports Israel and pushes for endless wars against Arabs, Muslim countries who are hostile to Israel?

    Is it some super secret that Blacks voted ~ 98% for Barack Obama as they did for the likes of Coleman Young, Marion Barry, Harold Washington, Jessie Jackson JR?

    So many idiot White Republicans including the Senior George Bush and Barbara Bush were all ga ga over the supposedly patriotic, conservative Black general Colin Powel – they pushed him ahead to make him the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staffs and wanted to make him President of the United States and then a few years later Colin Powel is caught wildly celebrating the election of Lib Dem, Black Liberation Theology candidate Barack Obama, Colin Powel is caught celebrating with Black African students.

    How did this happen? Was it some super secret conspiracy that had the White Conservative Republicans fooled that Colin Powel was one of them?

    No – not a super secret conspiracy, just Blacks, non Whites always promoting their own kind – all people in the world are RACIST, tribal, except too many White Americans who think everything is about economics and Constitutional laws.

    50 years ago, Los Angeles was a very White city, the power structure was White, even British Protestant White with the exception of the Hollywood studios being owned and run by Jews. 50 Years later, LA has a Mexican mayor and most of the people who live in the City are Mexican or Central American mestizos. How did this extreme change occur, was it some super secret conspiracy that only a few (nut case, kooks) CT know the truth?

    No – nothing strange at all – millions of Mexicans and Central Americans simply moved North to LA and our side, the White side didn’t stop it, allowed these aliens to take over, allowed them to vote and of course the did block racial/cultural voting – something that we should do, something we once did.

    So my solution is to just get completely away from these CT kranks and kooks – the powers that be, the forces at work in American year 2011 are not hard to understand.
    Yeah, the US media is very Jewish – it isn’t some hidden secret. Just about any moron with more brains than a Wisconsin cow should be able to see what’s going on.

    But, lots of White people think and behave like cows, like cattle. That’s why the Jews call most of our people dumb goyim/cattle.

    Hope that clears things up.

  7. Jack,


    You didn’t clear up anything nor do any convincing. Maybe these things are beyond some people. I notice your quicker than lightning whenever someones even remotely mentions or eludes to something like one. It doesn’t sound like you understand conspiracies.

    Henry Ford believed in them. See “The International Jew” and his comments on the Federal Reseve.

    Please refrain from the sarcasm. I’m entitled to my beliefs. Get back to me in 20 years.

  8. Joanne

    Please do not misunderstand me – yes, America has terrible problems with Jewish control of our press, banks, educational and political institutions. Read what Henry Ford wrote about this subject in the 1930s and understand how things stand with AIPAC, the hard core porn industry, jewish sponsorship of open borders immigration – read Kevin Macdonald, he was presenting facts.

    But our problems with some Jews, many Blacks, Mexicans, Al Qaeda terrorists these aren’t really hard to understand – it’s not something strange and weird and we don’t need paranoid, societal drop out kranks and kooks to try to come up with all kinds of endless CTs to explain these negative events, forces.

    Instead – just look at the successful Japanese people living in an all Japanese Japan. Japanese leaders and the Japanese people like Japan being a safe, prosperous Japanese nation full of exclusively Japanese people. The Japanese don’t do really stupid, traitorous acts like allowing 20-30 million diseased, hostile Mexicans, Haitians flood in to Japan and then let them elect a Mexican mayor of some important Japanese city like US Whites let the Mexicans do to Los Angeles.

    And the Japanese don’t waste a lot or really any time getting all obsessed with the crazy, kooky conspiracy theories that plague the American Right Wing.

    The solution is to just be healthy, sane, productive – pro White racialist in the same way the Japanese are pro Japanese in Japan.

    And all of our people, all of our White people need to work really hard on not being dumb goyim/cattle – watching endless amounts of vile Jewish television, supporting endless Jewish neo conservative foreign wars. Don’t watch Adam Sandler movies or get all bent out of shape what the Jew York Times, or Jewsweek Magazine or Nina Tottenberg are lying about on National Public Radio.

  9. Hell, it’s just a nice change to actually see a masculine White man in the media speaking the truth, instead of these pantywaist, politically cuckholded SWPLs like Schieffer.

  10. Interestingly enough, Trump’s daughter — the attractive blond on The Apprentice — is married to a Jew. Trump also has a history of donating to Republicans and Democrats, which I don’t think is unusual because people with that kind of money often protect their business interests by playing both sides and donating to incumbents in both parties.

    That said, I have no idea what Trump’s agenda is, but I love what he is doing right now, calling Obama stupid, calling Obama a failure, and mocking the press. I laughed out loud when he insulted CNNs John King to his face.

  11. Not only is she married to a Jew, she went a step further and converted to Judaism.

    Trump is Perot on steroids. It’s great to watch. I can’t wait for Trump to say on national television when Obama is replaced as president, “Obama, you’re FIRED!”

  12. I am not dumb and I firmly believe that most people who accept that conspiracies exist are light years ahead of the people that dismiss them. I am not talking about Jewish control of the press, or Jewish control of Hollywood, or Jewish control of the media or Black Run America, although these people aid the conspirators, some knowingly and some unknowingly. I am talking about the powerful, wealthy people that control our government and the governments of other countries. If you don’t believe such people exist, that’s fine; but, I’d say don’t badger me about stupid, mindless, gullible sheep, all of whom appear to believe that conspiracies do not exist.

    Learn your history because the answers are in it. Sorry, but I agree with the Bob Chapmans and the Joel Skousens of the world. The financial systems are rigged and most of the world is being manipulated by powerful wealthy (and definitely sick & evil) people for their sole benefit. People like you won’t even listen to an hour of Bob Chapman yet you seem to think you have all the answers. What are you afraid of? Bob Chapman, by the way, is a former military intelligence officer (a spy who chased the Russians during the Cold War) who learned our government was controlled decades ago. Pay attention to how the Communists took over China (and the U.S. involvement in it (follow George Marshall)) or follow the Bush family history straight to Hitler or follow the royal families of Europe. These things are far more serious than a bunch of Jews editing the stories at The New York Times.

    In fact, something interesting happened this past week. Richard Russell (a highly-respected financial expert) of the Dow Theory Letter (I’m sure you never heard of him) finally printed that he believed the market was rigged. Would a rigged market point to a conspiracy? I’d say so. You appear to have a vision of a conspiracy that is 100% Hollywood. Even I would have a problem believing in those.

  13. “I have no idea what Trump’s agenda is”

    I think he’s trying to damage Obama for a Clinton primary challenge but who cares. It’s fun.

  14. If Donald Trump gives Chris Matthews a heart attack over “racism” (his latest funny is that Obama should quit playing basketball and lower gas prices), he can claim to be doing something right.

    Chris Matthews… talk about a complete waste of oxygen. He’s the kind of pathetic, cuckolded SWPL that actually wants his daughters to marry third world savages. Him having a heart attack would be a kindness to the world.

  15. Came across a 2007 book exposing how assistance to 2nd/3rd world non-White nations by White nations has often made things worse for those non-White nations since it has fostered a sense of dependency and allowed 3rd world populations to artificially explode; check it out: The White Man’s Burden: Why the West’s Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good

    The guy who wrote it, William Easterly, is an NYU economics professor and a former research economist at the World Bank.

  16. If those people qualify as Americans, we like to think of ourselves as something else. “Americanism” is so decompiled now that membership in that category has become meaningless for lots of White people.

    Does this mean you’re done with trying to be a “mainstreamer” conservative?

  17. As you have probably noticed, I am losing interest in arguing with people like Greg Johnson and Harold Covington. In hindsight, it was a big waste of time. My interests have drifted away from WN.

  18. Southerners, in particular, should enjoy Tom Sunic’s recent interview with Tito Perdue at Voice of Reason Broadcast Network.

  19. “Came across a 2007 book exposing how assistance to 2nd/3rd world non-White nations by White nations has often made things worse for those non-White nations since it has fostered a sense of dependency and allowed 3rd world populations to artificially explode”

    Foreign aid is BRA on a global scale.

  20. Trump is not welcomed in Singer Island Palm Beach, Florida. The old Money their rejects him. He bought a place in Singer Island and tried to get into the special club their and was rejected by all the old families their. The old families are Black Nobility. Anyway , Trump is a realitor, developer. He buys land and sells is at super high prices. THE KEY TO WHITE SURVIVAL IS TO FORM A WHITE MORMON CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST. Today is the wedding of the royal assholes. To hell with the royals, They are not pure anyway, because they married into the Banking Khazar Families in 1200s in Venice and Genoa Italy. If Trump will fight for the White American Race, then God Bless him. If he does not, to hell with him. The Raven Returns and the oder of Cedar! WHITE MORMON POWER!

  21. to Joanne Dee:

    Please read the O.D. guidelines and note

    and note # 8

    “Conspiracy Theories – There are any number of websites that cater to conspiracy theories. This isn’t one of them.”

    These are Hunter’s rules as O.D. is Hunter’s blog. If you go to American Renaissance (a good site by the way), the editor of American Renaissance Jared Taylor also has comment guidelines and folks there have to follow his rules.

    It’s the same here.

    If you want to go hang out with others obsessed with endless conspiracy theories that somehow make it impossible for regular White Americans to succeed at anything and we’re somehow all doomed because of these ALL POWERFUL sinister conspiracies – you are perfectly free to do so.

    Again there are many, many CT forums.

    But O.D. is just not one of them.

  22. JACK – the Birth certificate issue DOES revovle arond a conspiracy. The conspirators are those that put an African Commie into the White House. This long form fraud is BLATANT, and VERY crude forgery. The whole thing was debunked in a matter of hours. Almost EVERYTHING on it is wrong. I believe they spelled “Hawaii” correctly – but that’s about it.

    The thing that striking is how sloppy and stupid and cheap the forgery is. After all – the boychicks at the Fed print the fiat currency – couldn’t they have dropped a few more shekels, and hired a GOOD forger? Wow.

    Now – have you CHECKED any of this? Why are YOU so determined to slap down ANY-ONE who expresses outrage at the BLATANT forgery?

  23. And Jackie – Sotoero’s Mommy DID leave the First World, re: choices in mates, not once, but twice. So that sort of thing happens…

  24. What’s the goal of the elite? Total identity and financial control. That way one’s authenticity is not linked to any cultural identity, but to a chip backed by a database. Color blind, culture blind, consumer. This is a dialectical psyop. Obama will ultimately be shown to be a non-citizen, and the solution offered, no doubt passed unanimously in both houses in a panicked frenzy, will be the suddenly appearing 20,000 page Super Hyper Encoded Encrypted Personhood Act (or “SHEEP” Act) to make sure it “never happens again.”

  25. to Jack Ryan: Everything thats on this blog is true. Joanne Dee is 100 percent right about the Black Nobility who is the Powers that Be. Your right to, we have to use our heads and be as wise as serpents. Sometimes I get to flamey, and you do have to think what you are saying. Tom Metzger is right about Lone Wolf Tactics. Concerning Trump, if he fights for Whites, I am for him. If he does not, then he is another phoney like so many others have been. I do not care for the Royals. They put our ancestors in the dungeon, took their land because they did not pay the tribute tax. Then they shipped them to Georgia and Austrailia as Indentured Servants. I would never get on my knee to the Queen or King and bow to them, to hell with them. Look what they did to Scotland. They took the land and killed them if they did not submit to them and outlawed speaking Gaelic by Death Sentence! Joanne Dee is right about the holy royals and Black Nobility, they exist and they are real. Back to Trump, I like some things he does and says, but if he does not stop White Genocide of White American Culture , he is no good. I beleive a White Mormon Church (WMC) is the key to our victory. I have been to every type of WN meetings and groups you can think of and what I saw in the pre 1978 Mormon Church was WHITE FAMILY ORIENTED with so many good things that cant be found no where else. The Raven Will Return and the holy smoke cedar oder! WHITE MORMON POWER! We need alot of White Chuckys to go pay them a visit. Ha. Ha Ha.

  26. Jack,

    First of all, you can’t throw the rules at me when the very article Hunter posted mentioned conspiracy. You want people to respond to the articles, and that is what I did. You’re the only moderator (I am assuming you are a moderator) that charges out of the gate whenever the mention of a conspiracy slips through a commenter’s fingers. This site has gotten ridiculous with restrictions. What’s the traffic here since the new rules have been instituted, 20-25% of its former height at best? Are you trying to woo the people that will NEVER come here by shooing the people that do come here? Are we worried that the MSM will label this site a nut-wing site? My posts aren’t off the wall. People are freaking paranoid about the subject of conspiracy. Why is that word in the dictionary? Like I said, it’s up there with racist. Avoid at all costs. No dialogue, no challenge, no thought. And who exactly are these sheep we all so often refer to?

    Recently, Hillary Clinton very publicly stated that she got her marching orders from the Council on Foreign Relations; which, by the way, is not a government agency. You would think this statement of hers would generate a frenzy of chatter on the Internet. Nothing here and nothing anywhere else! This country is moving in a direction that’s opposite of what a lot of (white)voters want and we better start discussing the possible root of this problem other than entirely blaming the Jews. It may very well be the “solution” we’re all looking for.

    I love experts who are never willing to extertain another person’s perspective.

  27. There are Americans, and there are United States citizens.

    We must never confuse blood nationality with arbitrary legal status!

    Americans are the descendants of the Pilgrim Fathers that invented the concept in the first place.

    Citizens … I’m not sure what that means today.

  28. Jack,

    “First of all, you can’t throw the rules at me when the very article Hunter posted mentioned conspiracy. You want people to respond to the articles, and that is what I did. You’re the only moderator (I am assuming you are a moderator) that charges out of the gate whenever the mention of a conspiracy slips through a commenter’s fingers. This site has gotten ridiculous with restrictions”

    Jack Ryan responds:

    No. I am not an O.D. moderator, just a reader who appreciates Hunter’s articles. And Hunter created some simple comment guidelines, to bring some common sense order to the comments section which had gotten way out of hand, falling down in to vicious ad hominem attacks, flame wars, gossip and posts pushing paranoid conspiracy theories that were falling in to Jared Loughner territory. This always happens in American conservative, WN, populist places unless solid rules of order are enforced.

    Here are Hunter’s comment guidelines. Please respect them

    1.) No Flaming – I’m sick of the comment threads degenerating into flame wars. Flames are now banned. If you want to criticize someone, that’s fine, but do so in a respectful and civil tone, and make sure your comment adds to the discussion, otherwise it could be deleted.

    2.) Off-Topic Comments – Please stick to the subject under discussion. Far too many threads are getting derailed by extraneous issues.

    3.) No Trolling – Do not troll others and bait them into reacting to you.

    4.) No Soap Operas – Do not come here to carry on a soap opera. I’m tired of dealing with these comments.

    5.) No Hobby Horse Riding – I’ve seen countless threads deteriorate into hobby horse riding. The most obvious examples are religious and subracial infighting. Most of the time the OP is irrelevant to these issues.

    6.) Use Common Sense – By that I mean keep your comments reasonable, civil, productive, and respectful. Stick to the high road. Make your point in an honorable way.

    7.) LOLs – I’m tired of seeing LOLs and the like in the comments. This detracts from the comments. Don’t use them.

    8.) Conspiracy Theories – There are any number of websites that cater to conspiracy theories. This isn’t one of them.

  29. Then Hunter should have responded. It appears to me that you run the show.

    Fine. I’ll move along like so many others did.

  30. To clarify:

    This isn’t MSNBC.

    I started a thread about Obama’s birth certificate. It is appropriate to discuss the issue here. The issue was topical in that it was the major racial news story of the day. We can discuss the birth certificate without becoming Alex Jones or INCOGMAN.

    Personally, I don’t care if Obama has a birth certificate. Even if he has a real one, that doesn’t mean he is any less of an alien in my eyes. I don’t believe in 14th Amendment citizenship.

    More to the point: a huge number of conservatives are following the birth certificate issue. We should be trying to include those people and draw them into our circles. What is gained by denouncing “birthers” like Lawrence O’Donnell? Joanne is a friend and a good commentator.

    As for Jack, you were right about Ron Paul:

    I might start a Ron Paul thread over the weekend.

  31. Hunter,

    I apologize to your friend Joanne and wish her only the best. I do caution her and other good people to be on guard about falling in with unhealthy conspiracy theorists who put out these 2 ideas:

    1) A small group of good people who know THE TRUTH can change the past if only this secret C.T. TRUTH is passed on to enough people.

    2) Everything in the world is CONTROLLED by a small group of sinister INSIDERS who CONTROL EVERYTHING so resistance is impossible and it is impossible to live a happy, healthy successful life and anyone who does have any success in any area and is at all wealthy, healthy, happy – that person is a SELL OUT, TRAITOR etc.

    These C..T.s have been around forever, especially since the 1960s – back then the C.T.s were supposed to deliver the USA to THE RUSSIANS. I hope most folks reading O.D. these days wouldn’t get too upset if I or other White Americans males were conquered by the likes of Russian women like Anna Kournikova or Maria Sharapova.


    And I also hope that folks reading O.D. will not think me “unpatriotic” when I root for White Russian teams/athletes against NW, Black “Americans”. The Russians, Serbs, Germans, Swedes, Swiss, Afrikaners, even many SWPL White liberals are “my people”.

    Kindness means loving your own kind.

  32. Joanne – don’t leave cause of Jackie boy. He just said he’s no Mod. Did you ever watch the English TV show “Little Britain”? Jack is “Sebastian”, to Hunter’s “Prime Minister”….

  33. Well – Hunter – why don”t you DO a thread on the forged birth certificate. Add to the groundswell. The forgery is SO bad, and so blatant, and incompetent, it’s mind-boggling.

    This is issue does matter. As that Liberal Jew Lawyer, Phil Berg said, several years ago – it’s a Constitutional crisis.

    It matters. Do we have a Constituton, or not?

    Add your voice to the mix. Don’t let poor valiant Incogman go it alone…..

  34. It’s time to move on from the birth certificate. The evidence is overwhelming BHO was born in Hawaii. I thought he might be hiding something on the long form, but he wasn’t. Oh, well.

  35. Denise, None of the evidence I have seen so far from Corsi, Farah or the other major Birthers convinces me there is any chance the long form is a forgery.

  36. Well I thought a more plausible reason Obama hid the birth certificate was in the box for listing the father his mom put down “unknown” or something to the effect that the relationship he wrote about in the book was largely untrue and the black father was only around for the conceiving part like a typical black male. If true that makes his book nothing but Bull S. thus the desire to hide it.

  37. OK Lew. Not the out of sequence serial number. Not the wierd racial designation of the word “African” under “Race” (That’s all ya need to know, as far as I’m concerned. In 1961 people were still mostly sane. Blacks were “Negro”s back then -not “African” We could check the birth certificates of the handful of other Blacks born in HI, around 1961). Not the wrong name for the hospital?

    OK, Lew.

  38. Right off the White House site, the birth certificate opened in layers. I have not seen a plausible explanation why this doesn’t make the document an obvious forgery. I mean obvious like it was released with the word “FORGERY” stamped across the front. Which means it may be a psyop, or we may actually be witnessing low black achievement in the White House. Not sure which is scarier. Are they crazy stupid, or just stupid? When I see pictures of the whole group I think really, really stupid. I mean stupid beyond belief. The whites in up there with Obama as well as the blacks. Stupid people leading stupid Americans. Which makes me think, are we all just too smart for the American people anymore? Does it take stupid to lead stupid?

    No matter how you slice it, it’s bad, bad, bad, bad all around.

  39. I will speculate that Corsi and Farah must feel like fools to be humiliated in public in this way by Obama. There are so many reasons for White Americans and the pro-White community to be unhappy with Obama that continued focus on the birth certificate makes no sense. White Americans should oppose Obama because he is anti-White through and through not because somebody typed African on a piece of paper 50 years ago. Obama’a father was from Kenya. Kenya is in Africa. That’s probably why they used that language. Because Obama’s father was not an American Negro, they used a different word. But who cares? Jack Ryan is right. This is starting to look like a discussion of Area 51.

  40. Lew, why did the birth certificate open in Adobe Illustrator in layers? Your little diatribe addressed nothing.

    Someone tell me a reasonable explanation of this and I’ll be happy. I didn’t really care about the birth certificate until this current insanity. This mulatto man in the white house is messing with us at the behest of his handlers to pave the way for international governance here in America or he’s a citizen.

    So Lew, tell me why the certificate opened in Adobe Illustrator with layers or tell me that you just don’t give a crap about the rule of law at all. But don’t tell me it doesn’t matter. I’d rather hear you say you don’t care about the rule of law. It would make more sense.

    I’m a common sense kind of guy. This video actually pushed me over firmly into the birther camp. This is outright proof of fraud, where to my mind it was still open to debate before the release of the “certificate.”

    In one paragraph explain this to me and I’m done with it.

  41. Spooky writes:

    “why did the birth certificate open in Adobe Illustrator in layers?”

    “tell me why the certificate opened in Adobe Illustrator with layers or tell me that you just don’t give a crap about the rule of law at all. But don’t tell me it doesn’t matter.”

    “In one paragraph explain this to me and I’m done with it.”

    Jack Ryan replies:

    OK Spooky – I’ll explain, the problem is it’s a

    “perception problem”.

    Regular, mainstream Americans perceive that there is a problem with people who call themselves things like


    and fall in to extreme forms of C.T paranoia that America is falling in to international elite run slavery because of one single image file opening in Adobe Illustrator in layers.

    There are call kinds of very sensible explanations for this – but why not try opening the file in some other software program?

    These CT of world control are supposed to have been hatched in the 18th century, so it isn’t really very likely that the Illuminati in the 17th century had excess to Adobe Illustrator then – unless you think they were very, very good at time travel.

    Again, folks, it’s a;

    “perception program”

    Too many regular Americans think the American patriot/WN/Alternative Right movement is comprised of kooks, idiots, nut cases, societal misfits, loners, guys with names like “Spooky” pushing really bizarre conspiracy theories.

    Folks need to get off the Net and go mainstream, get some fresh air, meet some Americans with real names, support some White candidates under the age of 80, stop living in the past and stop scaring away regular Americans.

  42. There was no Adobe Illustrator in the 17th century? Gee Jack, that sure answered my question. If there’s anything else you’d like to add please feel free. With a name like “Jack Ryan” that just oozes dumb ass Irish shit heel sycophant I’m sure we’d all like to hear more. Can you save the Supabowl from a nucleah bomb fow us Jackie boy? Pweeease? Wid da luck o’ da Irish? But widout stepping on any toes Jackie boy? Pweeeease tell us hou to be Jackie. You done so much fo da peepo.

  43. In one paragraph explain this to me and I’m done with it.

    The Illustrator video is interesting. I will admit that I do not know enough about graphic editing and scanning to explain it, but then again neither do most people. In my opinion, the professional graphic specialists are the only people who are qualified to say whether those anomalies are significant or not. And there are other people in the comments who claim to have knowledge of graphics disputing the findings of the video.

    In the meantime, one does not have to be a graphic specialist to believe it implausible that Obama would commission such a lousy and obvious forgery if he were going to go to the trouble to forge something.

    This is the problem with Conspiracy Theories and Conspiracy Theorists in general.

    When one claim gets rebutted, they just ignore the evidence and move on to a new claim.

    First, they said Obama never provided a birth certificate.

    Then, when Obama provided a birth certificate, they said he didn’t provide the long form.

    Now that Obama has provided the long form, the problem is that it opens as layers in Adobe Illustrator.

    There is no end to this and no reasoning with it so this will probably be my last comment on the birth certificate.

  44. Just ran across this anti-Trump attack by Tim Wise. By extension, it’s attack on all Whites who challenge AA, preferences, and BRA.

    [Donald Trump said] “I have many, many black friends who said to me, ‘absolutely not a problem.’ … The fact is, I wanna focus on jobs, the economy … that nations are laughing at us and taking our money and taking our jobs and ripping us off.”

    But anti-racism activist Tim Wise said Trump’s tactic is the latest move in an old game.

    “This is part of a long-standing, white conservative narrative that people of color are getting things they don’t deserve because of affirmative action or racial handouts,” Wise told Lemon after Trump’s interview. “So either Donald Trump is either the most uninformed individual in the western world because he doesn’t know how his comments fit that narrative; or he knows full well what he’s doing and he is deliberately pushing these buttons of racial resentment.”

  45. Spooky

    Fair enough, you don’t agree with Jack Ryan but how does anti-Irish sentiment come into it?

    Some Irish and Irish descended people are WN and outlaw conservatives. This is the case all over the White world.

    Irish descended people are probably even over-represented in the BNP which isn’t exactly a pro-Irish organisation

    Eireann go bra

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