Review: White Identity

Jared Taylor has created a sword to slay Black Run America


As you might imagine, I thoroughly enjoyed reading Jared Taylor’s wicked new book, White Identity.

I call it a “wicked book” because that is precisely the purpose that Taylor had in mind in publishing a book like this: it is not a full throated or even a muted endorsement of White racial consciousness, as the title might suggest.

White Identity is better understood as a poison pill for doubters of the status quo that is delivered as a dispassionate critique of forced integration. The purpose of this book is twofold: to destroy the reigning liberal consensus about race, and to undermine the existing system of race relations by attacking its legitimacy.

Jared Taylor accomplishes this in his usual surgical way. The cover art lends itself to the disinterested, aloof tone of the author.

Human beings are storytellers. They find their place in any society through the stories that are told about that society. The stories that are told about our society – Black Run America – are carefully selected and edited by our rulers to sustain a narrative that delegitimizes the previous system, White Run America.

The narrative of Black Run America is a complex tapestry of myths and clichés about race which are familiar to the racially conscious community: white privilege, white guilt, diversity is our strength, racial prejudice is acquired from the environment, racism and oppression explain racial inequality, integration and social contact will eliminate prejudice, the elimination of prejudice will eliminate poverty, miscegenation will end racism, etc.

Collectively, these liberal concepts can be understood as a kind of mental prison or a discourse that enshackle the minds of White people. They rely upon this mental framework to analyze and interpret every racial problem. It is what causes them to miss all the things which we see clearly.

There are White people who will implicitly recognize a dangerous situation such a traveling in a certain neighborhood at night (the brain has evolved an acute sensitivity to these things, fear of snakes is one example), but whose explicit conditioning will cause them to put themselves in unnecessary danger for utterly retarded reasons.

Here at Occidental Dissent, we have labeled these people “Libtards” (SPBDL calls them “Disingenuous White Liberals”), in light of the way that indefensible liberal ideas about race have a dulling effect upon the cognitive powers of White people which are otherwise sharp in non-controversial areas.

White Identity is a road map to racial identity for DWLs. It is aimed at a DWL audience that is entertaining doubts about the present system. The construction of the book makes sense when you understand that it is targeted at outsiders:

(1) First, there isn’t a clarion call for White racial consciousness anywhere in the book. This would only be a distraction for people with a low to negative sense of racial identity.

(2) Second, the Jewish Question is ignored because that too would only be a distraction for the target audience. The same is true of other controversial subjects like Christianity and the White ethnostate where there is no agreement even among White Nationalists. These people need baby food, not Jack Daniels.

(3) Third, the book is loaded with carefully selected news items which demonstrate the utter absurdity of Black Run America. These stories might seem a bit repetitive to veterans of the movement who discuss these things on a daily basis and who already understand race.

Every one of these little stories though leads to a footnote. The footnotes and a Google search engine make it easy for curious doubters of race orthodoxy to consume and digest more than a decade’s worth of hate truth that is much more voluminous than the book itself. You could have a lot of fun with White Identity and an iPad.

(4) Finally, there really isn’t a call for “White Identity” in the book because the narrative that is being told here makes the present system look so ridiculous, unjust, and indefensible that it can only induce a crushing feeling of despair in the people who once believed in its lies and who are suffering a rude awakening from that world for the first time in their lives.

The experience of reading White Identity for a DWL is what activates a sense of White Identity – every sentence in this book, every paragraph is crafted to induce that effect, and if a DWL manages to read the entire book, he will draw that conclusion on his own, making it all the more subversive and powerful.

My impression of White Identity is that it is a weapon – a tool that was clearly designed to disrupt the prevailing narrative about race relations in Black Run America. It was created like Frankenstein to be the book that someone who is already converted to racial consciousness could give to a friend or a relative to shatter their ideas about race and expose them to our perspective.

This is a “wicked book” that belongs in the same category as Pat Buchanan’s The Death of the West or Kevin MacDonald’s The Culture of Critique. It is easily the best book about race that has been written in over a decade – and that is high praise, as I have read them all.

There is so much hate truth in this book that Jared Taylor must have known that it would have been cruel and unusual punishment to sell and distribute White Identity in chain bookstores. I can only imagine how much pain and cognitive dissonance it must have caused to the publishers who rejected it.

Fortunately, we live in the age of Amazon and Kindle, so you can easily buy this book for a friend or loved one, or even better, as an anonymous present for someone who doesn’t get it. You can sit back from a distance, smile, and watch their distress.

Highly recommended!

Here are some other reviews:

Greg Johnson, Jared Taylor’s White Identity, Counter-Currents
Jim Goad, Fear of an Erudite White, Takimag
Brett Stevens, White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century, Amerika
Steve Sailer, Jared Taylor’s White Identity: What’s In It For Jews?, VDARE
James Edwards, Interview With Jared Taylor about White Identity, The Political Cesspool

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Taylor’s “Paved With Good Intentions” was part of my own awakening back in the 1990s. I have noticed that “White Identity” is hard to search on Amazon. I’m sure this is deliberate. I have used searches such as “Jared Taylor White Identity” and even the full title of the book and come up with various Marxist anti-White titles. No problem though, I’ll just get my copy through Amren.

  2. Jared writes like the academic he wants to be, and in a better world than “The BRA” would deserve to be. But that means effeminate and non-offensive, and it is what it is. The problem being that as ridiculous as he makes The BRA sound he in a way is that voice that inflates its strength.

    The BRA like other manifestations of liberalism are predicated on the vanities of white women, the swing vote, the “prize”, and what we end up with is an America run by neurotic white women ever on the verge of anarchy.

    I hazzard that most effeminate cults die out rather quickly, like Glen Beck’s once a slight bit of dissaproval is directed their way (maybe judaism being the longest lasted 1945 to present), and I guess that once we tell our white women and the males who want to be white women to sit down and shut up lest they be held responsible our futures will be far brighter.

  3. Jared’s book is hugely important. I don’t think he has made it available on Amazon yet, nor has he had it converted into a Kindle edition (amazon now sells more books via Kindle then they do the traditional ‘book).

    If you want to continue to reach a new audience instead of just preaching to the choir, you have to utilize technology. Social media (for the most part) is political neutral.

    Hunter has done a great job of using Digg, FaceBook and Reddit and at some point soon, Twitter could be used to our advantage.

    Jared needs to implement the same thing into his groups strategy. “White Identity” deserves a huge audience and not having it available on either Amazon in traditional book form or Kindle is KILLING your chances at reaching new people.

  4. I stopped subscribing to and supporting amren, for reasons similar to Ian Jobling.

    However, I do not think it’s accurate to say that Jared Taylor avoids the Jewish Question because his target audience “can’t take it.”

    I think Jared Taylor avoids the Jewish Question because if he really said what he believed in, it would be labeled philosemitc. Basically, if one makes the argument that Jews have bought the media, I think we can make the argument that anti-Jewish people have bought Jared Taylor.

  5. I just purchased a copy. I meet libtards/Disingenuous white liberals often enough in my life, and I know that Jared Taylor will have lots of “mindviruses” with which to infect them. He is truly a master of polemics.

    As far as Jared’s position on the Jews or whatever, who cares. The value of Taylor is the memes you get from him, such as “We have a right to be us, and only we can be us.”

  6. The narrative of Black Run America is a complex tapestry of myths and clichés about race which are familiar to the racially conscious community: white privilege, white guilt, diversity is our strength, racial prejudice is acquired from the environment, racism and oppression explain racial inequality, integration and social contact will eliminate prejudice, the elimination of prejudice will eliminate poverty, miscegenation will end racism, etc.[don’t forget ‘Race is a social construct’]

    I’m sure it will be an entertaining read. What I would find helpful is if the book systematically deconstructs all of the false premises that comprise “The Narrative”, and hopefully in digestible prose, because one frequently sees little flare ups on non-HBD boards, and libtards (I prefer Suicidal Liberal Whites (SWLs)) always trot out the same inane ‘arguments’ as highlighted above. There should be a go to resource to refer to to utterly refute that nonsense. I use Sailer’s FAQs on Race and IQ, which has useful studies and facts to present (which are necessary, otherwise it seems like you’re just spouting opinion, for which you’ll invariably be called Raciss!).

    So, does Jared’s provide the necessary fuel to present in a forum debate? If not, anyone know of where one can find the best examples of decimating notions like white privilege, etc, etc? Surely we all have been through protracted ‘teaching moments’ when arguing with Suicidal Whites on some board or another.

  7. I can’t wait to receive my copy of this book!

    I need more intellectual ammunition when I attempt to wake-up Whites who actively cheer for their displacement. I think most of the people who criticize Taylor should really shut the f**k up. What have the vast majority of them done in the last 10 years for their race?


    Jarrod Taylor is a bulwark, and a hell-of-a-lot smarter than people recognize – he has more than earned his due respect.

    Taylor spoke about Whites unilaterally disarming themselves, after the civil rights movement, on The Political Cesspool last week; the truth in what he articulated is exactly the ammunition we need to combat our enemies and to wake-up our kith and kin.

    This is the direction Whites must proceed in, the direction that will inexorably lead to the root of our racial problems.

  8. Addendum to last post:

    Seems like it would be a worthy project to come up with reference documents that would refute the standard liberal narrative points. One which would be succinct enough for internet posts so that the audience would actually finish reading the responses. It’d have to take the dispassionate voice that Jared often uses (sort of, “Just the facts, ma’am.” ). As Hunter said, the target audience is only ready to be fed baby food, not Jack Daniels, so presentation is important.

    As I said, Sailer’s FAQ on Race and IQ are excellent starting points. After all, doesn’t most of it boil down to IQ anyway, and the group differences thereof. Once you’ve established that race is real and not a social construct, and that racial groups have different average intelligence, and that intelligence is largely heritable, it’s pretty much game over. The same group level results repeat themselves wherever and whenever tests are administered, in places that have experienced slavery, and those that have not. I find NE Asian scholastic and income success to be a useful foil in refuting the absurd notion of white privilege, and the suicidal white with whom you’re debating has no answer at all (or their best will be to repeat that the ‘legacy of slavery’, and Jim Crow, etc, are the causes). Their success just utterly doesn’t fit the narrative. Institutional racism is particularly easy to refute because clearly any institution that discriminates against any group is discriminating against whites these days (and possibly Asians too, in some cases).

    Anyway, I’ve always thought that some reference papers, complete with citings of studies, stats, and real world examples that refute their racial talking points would be helpful. I have in mind separate papers for each of:
    White privilege, race is a social construct, institutional racism, racism causes group differences, etc. It just seems that if there were such relatively concise documents available, it’d be greatly helpful when we get in tedious internet discussions on these matters.

    It seems like maybe that’s what Jared has done (though I haven’t yet read the book, but I’ll soon be buying it).

  9. John D above asks for more examples of ways to work against notions like “white privilege,” etc.

    An excellent and ready-at-hand method is to treat all such labels as mere labels, and denounce them as anti-white, supremacist (for claiming the right to label the other), bullying, and/or an attempt to create a caste system in America. Mix and match as called for, but never treat a label like “white privilege” as a serious effort to have a serious discussion.

    The same technique works with other names, labels, definitions, and descriptions. Attack the person doing the labeling, and never argue about the truth, historicity, or value of any such naming. Remember how our friends, the non-Arab Semites do it. No defense, just attack back.

  10. Other than racial separation and preservation Peterson echoes a lot of what we say. It’s really surprising how much he’s against mainstream blacks.

    I’ve known about him for a while now from his TV appearances, he really drives liberal blacks mad with his truth-telling.

    On September 21, 2005, Peterson penned a column for WorldNetDaily, in which he suggested that the majority of the African-American people stranded in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina were “welfare-pampered”, “lazy” and “immoral”. Peterson also criticized New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin for blaming President George W. Bush for his lack of response to the crisis, stating that “responsibility to perform legally and practically fell first on the Mayor of New Orleans.”

    I don’t know much about his personal life or his explicit views on miscegenation, but from his website every picture is one of a black family and none of the typical diversity and race-mixing propaganda we see from the mainstream.

    He’s basically taking traditional White American and Southern values and transplanting them on blacks. Certainly preferable to Jewish/African/liberal ideals that most blacks have.

  11. I’m curious how many of the doubters will read it. Taylor and others like him just need more exposure. If nearly all of the people reading him are White racialists then it doesn’t do much good.

  12. Taylor is a big Ivy League elitist bullshitter who is deathly afraid of the Jews. But, that said, what he does do, he does well.

  13. So what if Taylor doesn’t take on the Jewish Question. While most White adults secretly recognize Black inferiority, not nearly so many have an understanding of Jewish malice. If you want to lead people to a place they’re afraid to go, don’t start by saying just how far you plan to take them. When Whites can be openly racist, then anti-Semitism is sure to follow.

  14. My issue with Taylor regarding the Jewish issue isn’t that he doesn’t address it(that’s his choice, and I do understand why some wish to avoid it, even if I disagree with them on that point), but it his apparently dim, if not outright hostile opinion of those that do, that bothers me!

    That said, I have always enjoyed Taylor’s writing, and suspect this book could serve just the purpose Hunter has noted. Now the greatest challenge, of course, is how to get those who most need to read it to do so!! How many DWL’s are likely to actually read such a book?

  15. As for the Jewish Question, I didn’t even get the subject at first, and my girlfriend has described it as the single most difficult thing for the people she knows to wrap their minds around.

    Back in 2002, I went through the Auburn library and checked out all of Kevin MacDonald’s sources and read them myself before I was converted. I had already been exposed to the subject by reading David Horowitz’s autobiography. There are people who specialize in that topic and nothing is lost by failing to raise the issue here.

    This is a really good book.

    There are arguments against diversity and integration in this book that I haven’t even seen before. In particular, I loved the argument about how prisoners experience a more intense form of integration than anyone in our society, beg for segregation to end the gang violence, and come out of prison more “racist” than ever before.

    There are libtards in the diversity industry who are stupid enough to believe that contact with other races in prison should be an enriching experience that should dispel racial stereotypes and foster tolerance and mutual understanding between the races.

  16. Everyone has their strengths.

    Jared Taylor is an expert on race relations. Kevin MacDonald specializes in the Jewish Question. I read Clyde Wilson sometimes because of his understanding of Southern issues.

    If you are looking for a book to give to someone who believes the prevailing nonsense about race, this is the book you should give to that person.

  17. One last thing: in terms of the style of the book, there isn’t much difference between White Identity and Culture of Critique. The latter was also effective precisely because it was more cerebral than visceral.

  18. What would really set this blog off is if you could get other pro-Southern writers to contribute. More than the BRA angle I think that is where you have a niche.

    There is not to say it should be exclusively Southern or that non-Southerners are not welcome. I know some people get really sensitive about that, but it’s just a fact of history and culture.

    I don’t see all American Whites coming together, there’s going to be a divide, it’s just a question of how many divisions. I know Southern racialist has to be one, along with liberals and their mongrelist utopia.

  19. The same technique works with other names, labels, definitions, and descriptions. Attack the person doing the labeling, and never argue about the truth, historicity, or value of any such naming. Remember how our friends, the non-Arab Semites do it. No defense, just attack back.

    Excellent advice. Anyone who’s just spouted off about (white) “racism” or “white privilege” or whatever is naked to charges of racism. It’s harder to take candy from a baby.

  20. I disagree. Explaining the history of it, who created it and what the real negative purpose of it is destroys any value of it.

    Calling it anti-White is part of that strategy.

  21. Now the greatest challenge, of course, is how to get those who most need to read it to do so!! How many DWL’s are likely to actually read such a book?

    Not bloody likely that many, if any, people that need to read this book will actually do it. I think it’s up to us to introduce these ideas to others on non-HBD boards. They’ll sit through posts, but not actual books.

  22. *^ This was supposed to be blockquoted above: Now the greatest challenge, of course, is how to get those who most need to read it to do so!! How many DWL’s are likely to actually read such a book?

  23. Just stumbled across this blog. Have to say, I’m really impressed and have enjoyed skimming the content. Glad you’ve also been turned on to Dr. MacDonald, I’m an avid reader of his blog and his academic work.

  24. Jared Diamond’s talk on societal collapse is interesting, especially about society’s elite doing things in the short term that benefit them but in the long run cause a society to collapse. Exactly what is happening now.

    However he is Jewish, with a strange accent and one hell of a comb-over, so of course he mentions how a racial/ethnic identity is a “detriment” for Whites in today’s world. BS.

  25. John C says:
    May 22, 2011 at 7:09 am

    Just stumbled across this blog. Have to say, I’m really impressed and have enjoyed skimming the content. Glad you’ve also been turned on to Dr. MacDonald, I’m an avid reader of his blog and his academic work.

    Welcome to ten years ago.

  26. This is a great review that is thoroughly analytical and identifies exactly why this book is such a recent favorite of mine. It’s crystal clear, without any of the drama.

    Regarding Judaism, I think it very foolish to attack a group of people who have given so much. Consider (a) without a huge audience of clueless white people, the vilest manipulator is powerless and (b) most of the really bad cases out there are not Jewish; we know that Jews are overrepresented in media and entertainment, thus naturally many of them show up on our radar. Further, I think we should learn from the wisdom of Theodor Herzl: the main victim of the diaspora are the Jews themselves, who never know if they can trust their hosts. The solution is strong Jewish nationalism and a strong Israel. Persecuting Jews works against the white nationalist, paleoconservative, national socialist, and nationalist agenda; we want strong Jewish nationalism as an example for all races, and to avoid future debacles like the Holocaust where good Germans devoted years to killing Jews when they should have been killing invading Russian and American troops.

    Jared Diamond’s talk on societal collapse is interesting, especially about society’s elite doing things in the short term that benefit them but in the long run cause a society to collapse.

    I think Diamond’s lie is thoroughly disingenuous but very popular.

    Everyone wants to blame the elites.

    The real problem is that our political system rests on the average person being involved, and they all vote based on what they see on their televisions, and consider themselves clever for having done that.

    Until you fix that problem, our society will CONSTANTLY invent new false elites of flatters, demagogues, panderers, snake oil salespeople and liars.

    Taylor’s book is great in that instead of attacking false elites, or black people, he attacks (a) the ideas behind diversity and (b) diversity itself. The problem isn’t black people, or white people; it’s the concept of diversity itself, which denies the racial identity every race enjoys in addition to destroying any kind of cultural unity or baseline standard of cultural, social, intellectual and genetic parity.

    That is the great wisdom of Jared Taylor. Where others are buzzing around the issue like flies, he cut to the core of it and ripped out the illusions. Hunter’s review takes a similar approach and is a compact, articulate exploration of this groundbreaking book.

  27. Regarding Judaism, I think it very foolish to attack a group of people who have given so much.

    I don’t know Brett, sounds a little Jewy to me.

    Are you part Jewish, Brett? What’s your ancestry?

    I think it’s important when dealing with people to know their heritage.

  28. Regarding Judaism, I think it very foolish to attack a group of people who have given so much.

    Is that why you took a dump on WNs in your review? Triangulation is a valid strategy, but it is a bit odd to pursue white interests by supporting Ashkenazis and damning WNs.

    As to how much they’ve given, can one of you guys point me to a concise source for this? I’d like to take such a list, and subtract from it what EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET (Chinese, Indians, etc.) have gotten from it, leaving us the actual list of what Ashkenazis have given to Euros qua Euros. Then we’d know how much Ashkenazis have actually given us in exchange for living amongst us. Then we can compare these relevant contributions with all the problems they’ve given us. I say there’s no way in hell the black ink will balance all that red, but I suppose anything’s possible.

    This is apart from the question of whether we need them in our polity to benefit from their gifts. A question that raises another question – how much of what Ashkenazis have given us depends on proximity to Euros (let’s face it, Ashkenazis certainly behave as if they’re better off living in Euro countries)?

    Consider (a) without a huge audience of clueless white people, the vilest manipulator is powerless

    WTF? Is that supposed to be persuasive? Without the vilest manipulator, the huge audience of clueless Euros isn’t a problem, either. And how does one cure them of cluelessness without pointing out the vile manipulator?

    and (b) most of the really bad cases out there are not Jewish

    Nonsense. The anti-white program would be hollowed-out sans Ashkenazis.

    Further, I think we should learn from the wisdom of Theodor Herzl: the main victim of the diaspora are the Jews themselves, who never know if they can trust their hosts.

    Nonsense. How are Ashkenazi-Americans the victims here? Are you high?

    The solution is strong Jewish nationalism and a strong Israel. Persecuting Jews works against the white nationalist, paleoconservative, national socialist, and nationalist agenda; we want strong Jewish nationalism as an example for all races, and to avoid future debacles like the Holocaust where good Germans devoted years to killing Jews when they should have been killing invading Russian and American troops.

    No, we don’t want strong Ashkenazi nationalism, sans reciprocity. We want to hold Israel’s (and Ashkenazi-America’s) feet to the fire until they understand the concept of reciprocity.

  29. Oh, and I left out the question of how much Americans (and Euros) have done for Ashkenazis, a figure that dwarfs what Ashkenazis have done for us. Ashkenazis have benefited FAR more by being around us than vice-versa. They repay us with the culture of critique, political machination, etc.

  30. All you really need to know about Jews is that they have accepted our hospitality, shit on the rug, told us it’s chocolate, called us evil for doubting their word, and are this very moment off in a corner laughing about how stupid we are. All out of proportion to their numbers, they occupy positions of power, wealth, influence, and honor, and repay us by supporting anything that harms us. So bitter is their hatred of Whites that they favor Moslem immigration, inviting their enemies inside the gate in hopes that they will destroy Whites too. They would drill a hole under their own seat in a lifeboat just to watch us drown.

  31. I just don’t see any good explanations for why we should go soft on Ashkenazis, aside from tactical ones deriving from their current commanding position in American culture.

  32. As I’ve always said, when Jews create one pro-White organization of equal influence to their countless anti-White ones, we’ll reexamine their worth.

  33. “They would drill a hole under their own seat in a lifeboat just to watch us drown.”


  34. There is no such thing as Black Run America. It is Jewish Run America. Obama is just as much of a puppet of the Jews as was Bush, Clinton, Kerry and McCain. That is why Netanyahu had no problem reprimanding Obama in public when he appeared to be favoring the Palestinians.

  35. Jews are about 1/2 of the DWL column.

    They are part of a much bigger problem. This can be seen in the sheer number of White liberals who relentlessly promote blacks above all other considerations. It is not like Jews are the only people who are doing it or that it would stop if Jews disappeared tomorrow.

    Turn on MSNBC. Neither Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, Lawrence O’Donnell, Rachel Maddow, or Ed Schultz are Jewish.

    The two most outrageous movies to come out of Hollywood in 2011 are Thor and Django Unchained: Quentin Tarantino is Italian/Cherokee/White Trash and Kenneth Branagh is a Protestant from Northern Ireland.

    James Cameron was the director of Avatar which was the highest grossing film of all time. Cameron is a Canadian of Scottish ancestry.

  36. Obama’s recent betrayal of Israel is another example.

    I’m pretty sure that Abe Foxman took the side of Obama over Netanyahu. I can think of all sorts of other examples where Jews (like White liberals) set aside their own interests to promote blacks and other types of noble savages.

    The most obvious example would be Muslim immigration which cannot possibly be construed as being in the long term interests of Jews. Then you have black crime and high taxes where Jewish interests ought to align with Whites but don’t.

    Jews are perfectly willing to pay higher taxes, accept Muslim immigration, and put up with black crime … so long as it promotes their religious delusion of a liberal utopia. Some Jews even support affirmative action which makes it harder for Jews to get into public universities.

  37. HW: Jews support affirmative action only because they know that their tribesmen who are already in place will ensure that Jews will hog the White quota. They can get away with that because most Whites imagine that Jews are like Mormons, a group of White people with an unusual but familiar religion.
    I don’t think that very many Jews believe in a liberal utopia, rather, they just want to harm Whites, and assume that they will always be on to top of the pile. Contempt for the Goyim and belief in their own superiority are central to their culture, and their increasing arrogance shows it. They did not learn the central lesson of the Final Solution: Don’t fuck with your host.

  38. Jews are about 1/2 of the DWL column.

    They are part of a much bigger problem.

    Heh, if DWLs were reduced by that half you mention, they’d be losing. If they’d never had that half, they’d never have won.

  39. Jews are perfectly willing to pay higher taxes, accept Muslim immigration, and put up with black crime

    Jews are all natural centralists. Ergo, they like paying high taxes. It’s analogous to how they used to bribe medieval monarchs. They got what they paid for.

    As for Muslim immigration and black crime, they insulate themselves from these things. It’s the left half of the white bell curve who can’t.

  40. Then you have black crime and high taxes where Jewish interests ought to align with Whites but don’t.

    They don’t, and they oughtn’t. Jewish interest is in a big ole government that they can bribe to act in their interests, and against white interests. And whites who get uppity over black crime are likely to turn their interest to Jewish crime, eventually, so, no convergence of interests there, either.

  41. You really do need to grok that to understand Jewish behavior; decentralized white power means too many control points for the limited number of Jews. Centralized white power is what Jews thrive on.

  42. Hey, that’s a good litmus test. States’ rights isn’t a racial thing, right? No Nazism there to drive Jews away. And since we know that Jews are prominent in every political movement except the “ANTI-SEMITIC!!!” ones, we should see Jews leading the States’ rights movement, right?

    So do we? My prediction is they might be better represented than in ethnopatriotic circles, but overall they’ll avoid it like the plague (because it is a plague, as far as Jewish interests are concerned).

  43. The Wikipedia page sure gets right out in front of the issue. It begins:

    States’ rights in U.S. politics refers to political powers reserved for the U.S. state governments rather than the federal government. It is often considered a loaded term because of its use in opposition to federally mandated racial desegregation.

    LOL. States’ righters – Naziswhowanttokillsixmillionjews!

  44. Anti-federalist #3:

    That a national government will prevent the influence or danger of foreign intrigue, or secure us from invasion, is in my judgment directly the reverse of the truth. The only foreign, or at least evil foreign influence, must be obtained through corruption. Where the government is lodged in the body of the people, as in Switzerland, they can never be corrupted; for no prince, or people, can have resources enough to corrupt the majority of a nation; and if they could, the play is not worth the candle. The facility of corruption is increased in proportion as power tends by representation or delegation, to a concentration in the hands of a few.


    The balance of power has long engaged the attention of all the European world, in order to avoid the horrid evils of a general government. The same government pervading a vast extent of territory, terrifies the minds of individuals into meanness and submission.

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