Will White People Go To The National Black History Museum?

Will White people visit the National African-American History Museum?

District of Corruption

The Root.com is worried that White people won’t visit the new Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture which is scheduled to open on the National Mall in 2015.

This is a pretty dumb question.

(1) White people don’t visit the Anacostia Community Museum.

(2) White people don’t attend HBCUs.

(3) White people don’t watch BET or Starz Black or the most popular television shows that black people watch.

(4) White people have never heard of NewsOne or TheRoot.com.

(5) White people don’t read “ghetto lit” novels or any of the other books in the “African-American Interest” section of chain bookstores.

(6) White people have no interest in African-American theology and never join African-American churches.

(7) White people consciously avoid black neighborhoods and black areas of major cities.

(8) White people don’t use public transportation services or public schools which are patronized by black people.

(9) White people won’t patronize bars or bowling alleys or other public accommodations that have been taken over by black people.

(10) White people have no interest in black history and would never be exposed to the subject were it not for Black History Month.

(11) White people won’t vote for black politicians unless they are trying to prove they are not racist.

(12) White people wouldn’t hire black people, welcome black people into their establishments, or even put up with all the shit that black people cause in America were it not for state and federal anti-discrimination laws.

(13) White people never name their children after African-Americans or give them African-American names.

Black is a mystery to the vast majority of White people. After half a century of forced integration, this has only been slightly mitigated by forcing White people to interact with African-Americans in non-voluntary public situations.

In Black Run America, there are only a handful of things that African-Americans are responsible for that have some limited crossover appeal to the White community.

In no particular order, these things are the Oprah Winfrey Show, the COPS television show, darky stories, racist humor, black comedians who specialize in minstrel shows, black actors who play The Magic Negro, famous black athletes, a handful of rap artists, and selling drugs.

The most common type of interracial encounter in America is certainly the illicit interactions that White people have with unlicensed African-American pharmacists engaged in retail sales on street corners and in other seedy areas.

I don’t see what TheRoot.com is so worried about.

Even though White people won’t visit the National African-American History Museum, they will still have to pay for it just like every other black institution in America which would collapse if it wasn’t subsidized by White taxpayers.

Link: Reddit Discussion

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Why should we? Negroes are pathetic. They insult, slander, attack, and kill us, take MAJOR resources from us, demand EVERYTHING from us – and still whine about us ignoring their stupid little Science Fair offering.

  2. Don’t worry, they will go. Every white student on a field trip to D.C. will be forced to go to it, just like the Holocaust Museum and Museum of the American Indian now.

  3. “This museum has its value. It will divert Blacks from the real museums.”

    Haha. How many blacks to you usually see at any museum?

  4. The Smithsonian museum worth visiting is the Museum of Natural History. Cultural Marxists, probably Jewish but I don’t know that for sure, have been the curators at the Smithsonian’s American history museum for decades. Their exhibits have been on the cutting edge of the wrong kind of anti-Americanism for a long time.

    On a related point, the MLK memorial is supposed to open later this year on the National Mall. I’ve read that in order to get to the MLK memorial, the viewer will have to approach the memorial on a ramp that will contain a series of niches. The niches will contain tributes to people such as Emmitt Till and Rosa Parks.

  5. Will White people go see a dishonest and anti-White perception of history that their White tax dollars were wasted on to build? Probably not, but you have to think if our money is thrown away on such grotesque misuses and abuses of our people they might as well see it at least once.

    Another question is will blacks even go see it? Other than being forced to for political purposes or school trips I doubt it.

    What have they contributed in a positive value that Whites couldn’t have on their own? The answer is nothing. Black “history” and “culture” is always in celebration of “breaking down barriers,” or in other words infiltrating, ruining and perverting White culture.

    This should be understood as actually another example of the extended Jewish phenotype in our society, rather than actually a black one. Blacks are just emulating and being assisted by Jews who are the original and premiere celebrators of their historical victimhood. Their cultish self-worship and navel-gazing goes back thousands of years. In niggerspeak Jews are the original gangstas, OG.

  6. TJN: Generally, the only Blacks you see in a museum are on school field trips. With this new segregated institution, we won’t even have to bear that.

  7. Well, yes, of course they’ll go…

    When I was in middle school, I had a Jewish teacher who took the entire class to Chicago for a Natural History Museum field trip. While we were there, we “happened” to take a “side trip” to some Holocaust museum. We were there longer than we were at the Natural History museum.

    I remember many times in school spending days and days studying “black history” during “black history month”. Even then, as a child, it felt wrong and I often questioned why there was no “white history month” (once out loud, to the horror of my teacher).

    Many, many white children will go to this museum courtesy of their public schools.

    You can bet on it.

    Yet another reason to pull them out of state-run schools.

  8. Black History Museum??wtf did the darkies ever do that deserved a museum? its one handout or social program after another with those people, I hope it closes down and they use the building for something tasteful like manure processing plant

  9. There are more blacks than you would imagine in the museums in D.C. They work as guards and cashiers at the gift stores and employees in the cafeterias. Go there and you’ll see. I bet they look at all the whites and laugh amongst themselves, thinking, “dem stoopid honkies, what dey so innerested in dis stoopid shit an’ all?”

  10. White museums: space capsules, airplanes, ancient statuary from Greek and Roman civilizations, American art collections.

    Black museums: lunch counters.

    No thanks.

  11. unlicensed African-American pharmacists engaged in retail sales on street corners


    You’re lucky I was chewing properly, with my mouth closed, or I would have billed you for a new keyboard.

  12. No one but captive school children will set foot in the place. If it were not for forced exposure, no one would partake of any of these “celebrate diversity” swindles. If it was not forced upon people to go or spend, these abominations would swiftly go under financially. If the average white parent(s) would only raise more hell, white school children would not be forced to be the only patrons these “celebrate diversity” farces get. There would be no voluntary money spent on either the construction of or the upkeep. But most white parents are oblivious to what is actually going on and never attend any school board or town hall meetings to protest the waste of their money and the degeneracy their children are constantly exposed to. While most white people are off chasing butterflies this is what has happened and continues to happen. And if the field trip takes place after school hours and keeps the children gone a few more hours, mommy and daddy are usually delighted.

  13. This Museum is for ” Black History ” ? So it only covers the aproximate years of 1967 thru 1983 since that is period that N-Words were called Black ( after Negro & before African-American ) .

  14. Hunter,

    Some whites do attend HBCU’s. They go to the professional schools, because the standards for admission are much, much lower than white grad schools. The black pharmacist at our local grocery store is a Howard grad, and he stated that there were only 3 blacks in his class at Howard’s pharmacy school. The rest were white. The same for medical and dental schools. Which is what explains why so many of the physicians with open practices for new patients come from HCBU’s even though they are white. (I avoid them, because I don’t want someone who couldn’t cut it white America treating me or my family).

    That being said, no one I know has any interest in visiting the AA museum or the MLK memorial. Of course, this will enrage blacks who will “demand” it become a mandatory pilgrimmage.

    I went to a class on becoming a licensed tour guide in DC. Basically, the test is ridiculous for its trivia requirements, and almost entirely black-centric. Know the most obscure black trivia about DC, kowtow and bootscrap to the black licensing agency, and you pass. Concentrate on issues that would be of interest to most visitors to DC and you fail.

    One black attendee was infuriated that some “shrines” to black “achievement” in DC are not “mandatory” for anyone who wants to take an organized tour of the city. He apparently felt that tour groups should be required to go out of their way to visit such highlights as a memorial to black civil war soldiers, etc in the black ghettos of DC.

    That is pretty much going to happen, if people don’t “voluntarily” clamor to visit.
    It will become “mandatory”.

    Agree with the other posters — it will be a mandatory pilgrimmage for captive public school students, white and black. The forced indoctrination is just another one of the myriad of reasons we homeschool and reject the public school system.

  15. “Which is what explains why so many of the physicians with open practices for new patients come from HCBU’s even though they are white. (I avoid them, because I don’t want someone who couldn’t cut it white America treating me or my family).”

    Oh, I dunno.
    In anti-White America, it’s not necessarily that the “White guy couldn’t cut it” as the reason for not getting into Harvard. Very few smart White (not jewish) guys can get into “White” medical schools, because so many slots are given to Affirm Action admits and Jewish ethno-nepotism beneficiaries.

    Plus, physician ability is at least equally due to native intelligence as the quality of the school they attend, and for whatever is lacking in their med school education, a motivated White guy can get for himself through continuing education.

    So, since I myself am perfectly capable of searching the internet such that I’ve got a decent differential diagnosis for what ails me when I go in to a doctor, if these White Howard grads have passed the state licensing / board certifications exams, I see less reason to worry than being forced through managed care to go to a black (incompetent) doctor who attended Harvard because of Affirmative Action.

  16. I second your point, Barb. You can get a first rate education nearly anywhere, if you’re smart and you work at it.

  17. @Barb:
    Sorry, I disagree, since our daughter just went through the highly competitive process to get into pharmacy school. She is keenly aware of the accomplishments/abilities of her peers, and which schools they applied to/got accepted at.

    Not only will I not patronize a graduate of a HBCU, white or black, I no longer trust the abilities of any black graduate, esp those that matriculated to the Ivies (vis-a-vis Michelle Obama).

    This is a recent decision on my part, but I am not alone. A black female dentist from Ghana who went to NYU (and was supposed to return to Ghana to “help her people”, but instead relocated to a high-income white area) opened up her practice, but is now on the verge of losing it, since none of the whites here will patronize her practice.
    I don’t care that she went to NYU. I drive 45 mins one way out of town to the white male dentist we have gone to for 15+ years, and continue to support even after we moved.

  18. A black female dentist from Ghana who went to NYU (and was supposed to return to Ghana to “help her people”, but instead relocated to a high-income white area) opened up her practice, but is now on the verge of losing it, since none of the whites here will patronize her practice.

    Multiracialism as an intellectual argument is one thing, when it’s a visceral experience it’s a completely different animal, things get real.

    Most Whites don’t want a black person’s fingers in their mouths whether they’re competent or not, and generally not.

    The place I go, and nearly all the ones I know of around here that are White owned have White women, some only young White women as dental hygienists. That’s the way it should be.

  19. I remember many times in school spending days and days studying “black history” during “black history month”. Even then, as a child, it felt wrong and I often questioned why there was no “white history month” (once out loud, to the horror of my teacher).

    Black’s don’t care about black history other than as an excuse to celebrate and get out of work/school. I went to a majority black high school and none of them cared. They did like harassing Whites on that day though.

  20. This was my comment, which I doubt NPR will allow on the site, despite it being non-judgmental and non-threatening:

    I don’t think it’s the fault of black people, or white people, that diversity doesn’t work. Identity and culture are important. They keep us together more than government can. It’s natural that black people would not visit a White People’s History Museum, and that the converse is true as well. If anything, the solution is for more museums, schools, and facilities for black people in order to strengthen pride in their community.

    I believe every word of that. Diversity just doesn’t work, in any form.

  21. Nice wording Brett. Cutting and subversive, yet written in such a neutral and non-judgmental tone there is no legitimate reason to take it down.

  22. I’m very very very lucky. I live in a place wher we have White male Gentile dentists, and doctors. Oh – there are Juden, as well – but we still have a few White Gentiles. They are youngish-middle-aged, too! Yay!

    My hometown is being destroyed, via and influx of New Yakkers – and their Pet Darkies. I was mist-reated by a Wogess “doctor”, whne I still lived there, several years ago. From that point on – I demanded a White doctor. The entire staff was shocked! SHOCKED! But they ponied up. I got White doctors. A young White male (they’d alsways vary. I nevr saw the same doc twice.) seemed to be almost hostile. A lovely young female doctor seemed to be amused….

  23. “The place I go, and nearly all the ones I know of around here that are White owned have White women, some only young White women as dental hygienists. That’s the way it should be.”

    I feel compelled to do a thread hi-jack here. NO, Mark. It is not the way it should be for practices to be hiring only *YOUNG* White women.

    Why? Because YOUNG White women should be, by and large, making and nurturing White babies, since YOUNG White women are the only ones who can do so. They should not be wasting their fertile years cleaning teeth.

    The teeth-cleaning should be being done by *middle-aged* White women.

    YOU, sir, ought to be willing to forgo your leg-tingle while sitting in the dental chair, at least if you are honestly pro-White.

  24. Lady Liberty:

    Look, Howard University is taxpayer supported. They WILL be graduating doctors, and those doctors WILL have the right to sit for the board examinations.
    If those students at Howard are White, they will likely be less-incompetent doctors than if those students are Black.
    Because, remember, that while Howard is less selective for Whites than Harvard, the Blacks who attend Howard are of even lower quality than the Whites admitted there. (Since the Blacks who show even a modicum of academic talent are not going to Howard — they’re getting into Ivy League.)

    In fact, were enough White guys to graduate from Howard and then return to teach there, it would almost surely swiftly become a highly-competitive school.

  25. Wow, barb, you have a really twisted mind that you could take what I said and turn it around to attack me. Get psychiatric help.

  26. “Wow, barb, you have a really twisted mind that you could take what I said and turn it around to attack me. Get psychiatric help.”


    Mark, feminism taught women that their place is NOT in the home; that young women have no value unless they are working. We have to counter these assumptions, particularly when they’ve insinuated themselves, unnoticed, into even pro-White people. I do apologize that I phrased things a little roughly. I’d just gotten done with a rather ugly to-do with a braindead Christian zionist acquaintance and was still a bit grumpy. Sorry.

    My point is, it isn’t the “way it should be” that an entire dental department be staffed by young White women. Most of those women should be home nursing babies.

    I’m glad, and it’s healthy, if you like a little glimpse of leg now and then, but White society can only survive if the legs get shown off while, say, she’s running, pushing a baby jogger — not while she’s working with babe dumped in daycare, or nulliparous entirely.

    As far as that nice eyeshot of cleavage that comes from that young gal hovering over you with a dental pick, sorry, that’s one of the sacrifices you guys will have to make for the survival of the Race. I do sympathize with you for your loss, though.

  27. It’s not the “roughness” but the completely irrational and inaccurate application of it to what I said.

    I don’t know what world you live in where all women don’t work nor seek higher education until they’re middle-aged. Let’s live in reality shall we.

    I’ve never had a “leg tingle” while at the dentist, I don’t find the experience to be stimulating nor enjoyable. However I certainly don’t want a non-White’s fingers in my mouth.

    If anyone is getting a tingle or more it’s the dentist who hires these women.

  28. I agree young white women should stay home and have lots of babies then go to school once the kids leave home if they wish, I’m hinting at that to my fiancee and it’s unfortunate that so many join the workforce early.

    We recently went to DC while doing a 3 week road trip of the south for the hell of it, gotta say I’m not a fan. Ford’s Theatre, however, was pretty neat and I found it surprising that there weren’t any coloreds in our group of say 40 people or so which struck a chord with this post. A few asians the rest were exclusively white. My fiancee, an Australian no less, pointed out that the museum wasn’t anywhere near as impressive as the Confederate Museum in Richmond had been, and it was like the Civil War had been a small footnote for the North, whereas we in the South romanticize it greatly, the possibility of what might have been and all that… I was proud of her. Apparently my 3 weeks and 4 grand were well spent 😉

  29. I see a lot of white guys here are still mad because their country is run by a black man and that proves that whites aren’t quite so “superior” after all.

  30. Oh..This is one of those heavily moderated site where whites only allow the opinions of other racist crackers..Just like the media..lol
    (white men are such cowards)

  31. Hey Negro – A “Black Man” is not “running the country” A mulatto homosexual druggie is doing the bidding of the Jews wot put him/it in charge. Barry Sambo si running the country into the groud, at the behest of the Deiciders. And he’s doing a very bad job, at that.

    Of course we deeply appreicate Sotoero – as he’s done more for White Advocacy, and guns sales. than any other person in history. FYI – what do you think all those gun sales are all about?

    I attended the very first Tea Party meeting in my State, in March 2009. The Tea Parties have had loads of screw ups, and mishaps – but they are still more effective and IMPORTANT than anything your benighted, Low IQ High Pathology race of Slaves has EVER done.

    The Hebes are trading you out for Mexicans. Que lastima! Go away. Cry me a river.

  32. Does any-one imagine that “The Moor” is Barry herself? Hey Barry – ‘Chelle is way more butch than you’ll ever be.

  33. “The Moor” is just angry because that wretched she-boon Serena Williams was utterly routed by unheralded white-girl Samantha Stosur in the ladies final of the U.S. Open last night. True to form, Williams chimped-out and blamed the linesmen, chair-umpire, et al for her own inferior play as she meted down. Way to go, Samantha! And on Sept. 11 in NYC, no less. Well done, girl!

  34. Some white people are prejudiced and others probably don’t relate to the African American culture. The same thing goes with African Americans and people of other races.

    To me, I am black but I can relate to any culture that is positive, entertaining, and part of humanity. I never focus on race and I still don’t.

    When we all die, race, culture, and everything else is not going to matter.

  35. In response (and correction) to the posts about medical/dental/pharmacy students at the two historically black schools (Howard & Meharry) the comments were WAY off. The number of white students admitted in the 2011 entering class at Howard Dental was 3. The remaining 82 were black.

    At Meharry, no white students were admitted for 2010 or 2011. The health professional schools at these institutions are almost 100% black.

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