North Carolina: The Color of Crime (Interracial Rape)

North Carolina

Here’s a question that will interest our loyal OD readers in North Carolina: who rapes White women in your state?

As you can see, 63.4 percent of White women in North Carolina are raped by White men, but 23.8 percent of White women are raped by African-Americans.

Black men rape 85.5 percent of African-American women. Whites rape 5.8 percent of African-American women in North Carolina. The race of the rest of the offenders are unknown.

(1) Rape is typically intraracial.

(2) Interracial rape is a different story.

In 2009, there were 49 White-on-Black rapes and 386 Black-on-White rapes in North Carolina. Thus, African-Americans commit 88.7 percent of interracial rape in North Carolina, although they are 21.6 percent of the population.

What is the color of rape in North Carolina?

Rape is black.

Note: Hispanics are counted as White in North Carolina crime statistics.

Source: Crime in North Carolina, 2009

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If there were 49 White-on-Black rapes in North Carolina, we can’t honestly cite the familiar statistic that there are 30,000 sexual assaults by Blacks against White women per year, and fewer than ten sexual assaults by Whites against Blacks. The numbers are still lopsided, but if we want to use statistics to make our case we need to be accurate.

  2. I was about to make the same point as Discard. I have used that statistic in arguments before. Do we have an accurate number of total rapes in the US committed by both races?

  3. “In 2009, there were 49 White-on-Black rapes and 386 Black-on-White rapes in North Carolina. Thus, African-Americans commit 88.7 percent of interracial rape in North Carolina, although they are 21.6 percent of the population.”

    I’m assuming most of those “white on black” rapes were actually Hispanic on black – as you note. After all, in the whole country there are only about 10 white on black rapes per year.

  4. Yes, be careful using the 30,000 vs less than 10 reports. If you read the “fine print” you will see that that annual statistic sheet is actually a *survey*.

    You can use it and it IS useful. Just cite the 30,000 and point out the sharp contrast without asserting “less than 10 black women raped by white men.” Tell them the number of black on white rapes is three orders of magnitude greater, and that is about right. I always report the sharp contrasts in crime by saying “orders of magnitude greater.” It’s both accurate and sounds more sophisticated.

  5. That’s not counting the number of white women who don’t report being raped by ‘persons of color’ because they believe they deserved it. The white imperialist man keeping the bruhs down n all that 😉

  6. Just look at any of the porn sites,stories or video, and you will see thousands of stories/videos with “the Black man” raping/taking white women either in gangbang action or individual overpowering a white girl/women. There is STILL a mentallity of the black man to dominate/put down whites and rape is the instrument they use or fantasize about for payback for the slave issue which took place 200 years ago!!!Black men crave ,for many reasons, including the rush,to force sex on white women especially married women or young women….and EVERY BLACK MAN HAS THIS URGE WHETHER THEY WANT TO ADMIT IT OR NOT!!! So who are the racist in this country

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