OD readers get a double shot of “hate truth” this afternoon.
“African-American Summer 2011” is off to a particularly violent start in Chicago, Barack Hussein Obama’s hometown, where we have already seen beach closings, multiple shootings, and flash mob attacks turning violent downtown.
Listen to this:
“In two separate incidents, as many as 15 teens have stormed Chicago Transit Authority buses, attacked their victims and darted off with cell phones and other electronic devices, authorities said Tuesday. . . .
In the first attack, near West Roosevelt Road and South Loomis Street at about 11:40 p.m. Saturday, a victim was struck multiple times before the thieves ran off with his cell phone.
About 25 minutes later, near South Racine Avenue and West 13th Street, a student said he was sitting on a No. 12 bus when as many as 15 black boys and young men boarded the bus without paying. The student was hit in the back of his head with a glass bottle and was robbed of his iPod, said UIC police. . .
The young thieves were described as being between 14 and 20 years old, standing between 5 feet, 5 inches and 6 feet, 1 inches tall, and weighing between 140 and 180 pounds. They were last seen wearing baseball caps, shorts and T-shirts. Some of them had braided hair and others had short hair, the alert said.”
If this story sounds familiar to OD readers, it is because a similarly composed African-American flash mob stormed the MARTA train in Atlanta, beat up the passengers, and the DWL media buried the racial context of the story.
Over the weekend, 7 people were murdered in Chicago, and Rahmbo recently held a press conference where he announced that 150 police officers would be moved from administrative jobs to the beat to quell the escalating violence (between, laughs) between White Presbyterians and Episcopalians.
In Avondale Park, a Hispanic member of the Maniac Latin Disciples gang opened fire at a basketball game, and the stray bullets grazed a two-year-old girl in the head and struck a seven-year-old girl in the back.
5 of the 7 deaths involved gang warfare. 10 other people were wounded in unrelated shootings across the city.
Although the racial context of the gang warfare in Chicago is omitted here, it is not a far fetched assumption that Hispanics are trying to rid Chicago of African-Americans in the same way they are doing in Los Angeles.
Chicago has lost over 17,000 African-American residents and Hispanics are on the verge of eclipsing and breaking African-American political power in the Windy City.
The Mexican flag is being raised in triumph over one 365Black McDonald’s after another. In Atlanta and Washington, SWPL gentrification is rolling back African-American political power.
What are black people going to do? Go crazy, it seems.
What I wonder is why the mainstream media continues to call these groups “flash mobs” or “groups of urban youths” or something sounding like this.
These are violent streetgangs plain and simple.
The Mexican flag is being raised in triumph over one 365Black McDonald’s after another.
This is actually funny. In Chicago back in the late 90’s, there were 3 McDonalds in vicinity of the Board of Trade. Two had all black emplyeees, one was all hispanic — the two don’t mix. Only the hispanic McDonalds survives to this day, which is funny …. when you find out it is owned by a member of the Black McDonalds Operators Association.
This should cause a race war at some point. Once every last black neighborhood is Hispanic the displaced blacks will assume white neighborhoods should take them in with open arms. Of course many stupid white people will invite the displaced blacks into their neighborhoods. For their efforts they will receive no thanks but instead will receive crime, lower property values, and racial intimidation. You can’t say they don’t deserve it either. Hispanics have the right idea and they just got here. Drive out all blacks with violence. Why did white people never think of this idea? Well they won’t have much of a choice once the wave of blackness comes rolling in from the south west. Either surrender all of your property and lives to the disadvantaged blacks or be called a racist. The choice is your.