White America
2011 has been a pivotal year for this website.
Looking back, I can see tremendous growth in my writing ability and real maturation in my racial and cultural views. The analysis here has become much more sophisticated than it was in the past.
The angry White Nationalist (2010) is gone now. The shrill alienated racialist (2009) has vanished. Yet the racial bedrock of this website is unchanged. The mission hasn’t changed either.
The fundamental critique of American society hasn’t changed. Neither has our feelings about race or our prescription for how to get ourselves out of this mess.
What’s changed here is that I have come to realize that Black Run America (BRA) – the present racial caste system, which is anti-White and anti-American – is what I have really always truly despised.
I now have a name for it.
Martin Luther King was to the United States what Marx and Lenin was to Russia. BRA is to the United States what the Soviet Union was to Russia. It is a discontinuity with the America of the Founding Fathers.
We are living under an alien regime. There was a silent revolution in America in the 1960s. BRA was created without a shot being fired – unless you count Klan resistance. It was called into existence in 1965.
When LBJ said “We Shall Overcome” to Congress in Washington, when he introduced the Voting Rights Act that night, BRA was officially born on March 15, 1965.
In Montgomery, Martin Luther King gave his “How Long, Not Long” speech at the Alabama state capitol on March 25, 1965, after the successful completion of the Selma-to-Montgomery march.
On October 3, 1965, LBJ signed the Immigration Act of 1965, which set White America on its present course to racial oblivion, and which directly led to the influx of Hispanics and Asians into the United States.
Congressional hearings on the Immigration Act of 1965 began on February 10, 1965 – that was also a consequence of Martin Luther King’s preaching, the patron saint of Black Run America, who replaced George Washington in the pantheon of American heroes.
In order to understand BRA, you have to understand Martin Luther King, the central figure in this historical drama. It is no coincidence that every city in America has a street or a highway named after this man.
With this in mind, I have reconsidered the meaning of Independence Day:
(1) It is not the fault of the flag that we find ourselves in this situation.
(2) It is not the fault of the Founding Fathers who created a White Republic for their posterity.
(3) It is not the fault of White Alabamians who bitterly resisted the “Civil Rights Movement.”
(4) Nationalism is a good thing.
(5) Patriotism is a healthy instinct.
(6) Only 23 percent of Americans say that BRA has the “consent of the governed.”
Although I remain alienated from the present system and still yearn for its swift destruction, I am no longer alienated from the American people. I’ve also shed my juvenile counterculture posturing.
I have come to realize that there are millions of White people who sense that they are “losing their country.” Likewise, the ruling class in Washington is getting tired of going through the motions of pretending there hasn’t been a revolution in the United States.
Time magazine has shred the U.S. Constitution. The Founding Fathers are mocked all the time now as racist slaveowners on MSNBC. The Beast is finally taking the mask off.
America used to be a great country.
As much as I hate Black Run America, I have always loved American history. I love my state and its people. There are places and traditions here that I want to conserve.
White people still remember those days and have been trying in their own confused way to bring it back. They know that something has gone wrong. Most sense that we are staring down the barrel of a gun.
“Every institution in America has gone through a collapse,” says Luntz. “The Church is not what it was, thanks to all those religious scandals, the media is much less trusted today than it was 20 or 30 years ago. Big business does not have credibility.”
Just as Mother Russia was the biggest enemy of the Soviet Union, the folk memory of White America is the biggest enemy of Black Run America, which is ideologically, spiritually, politically, and economically bankrupt.
We have to connect with those grievances and channel the healthy feeling of American patriotism against Barack Hussein Obama and his handlers in Washington.
They are aliens in this country. We are the natives. I feel like eating some BBQ this year. It is a revolutionary occasion!
Update: As an amusing aside, NewsOne is doing a spectacular job in proving that “African-American” is a misnomer, and that black people will never identify with America, even with a black president who runs the country for their exclusive benefit.
In the third video below, Barack Hussein Obama, the President of BRA, sings the “black national anthem,” “Lift Every Voice and Sing.” This is the same fake, alien president who celebrates Kwaanza in the White House and who belonged to an Afrocentric church.
The Rev. Wright and Martin Luther King are both included in NewsOne’s list of famous black people who denounced America. Conservatives have airbrushed the MLK of 1967, the stalwart ally of the “black power” movement, the self described “democratic socialist” who rallied with Viet Cong supporters, who spoke so highly of “Brother Marx,” completely out of history.
Later this month, OD readers will get to know the real Martin Luther King and what he stood for in the first three years of Black Run America.
Is TIME magazine jewish owned? Who owns TIME magazine?
I’m not sure.
I know that Henry Luce, who I want to say was born to Presbyterian missionaries in China, was the owner of Time in the 1940s, and it was Luce who coined the phrase, “The American Century.”
Henry Luce was the guiding light behind Time until his death in 1968. Richard Stengal was the author of this article on the Constitution.
Time became part of Time Warner in 1989 when Warner Communications and Time, Inc. merged. Jason McManus succeeded Henry Grunwald in 1988 as Editor-in-Chief and oversaw the transition before Norman Pearlstine succeeded him in 1995.
Since 2000, the magazine has been part of AOL Time Warner, which subsequently reverted to the name Time Warner in 2003.
Richard Stengel has been the managing editor since 2006.
Happy 4th of July Hunter,
America is lucky to have you. It has been fascinating to watch your journey these past couple of years—-and to have your writings help shape my own.
The designed system was only for land owning white men to have political input. Marxism and universal enfranchisement changed all of that.
Now well into this post-enfranchisement era, there are anxious discussions absolutely everywhere about corruption and collapse at all conceivable levels:
philosophical and theological stagnation
neglected civil infrastructure
reduced public services
disposable arts both performing and fine
diminishing technological returns
But! We’ve made social progress. So everything’s fine.
This isn’t definitive, but it does appear that Stengel is Jewish:
The gawker article states:
“OK. We’re told Stengel is Jewish, too. But, you know, one of those Princeton Jews. You know what we mean, right? Oh, fine. Never mind the Jew part.”
Is this jewish humour for Jews? Sort of an inside joke. The writer sounds like he is writing just for a jewish audience, but isn’t gawker supposed to be for a general audience?
Notice how when complaining about a Jew not getting a top job, they throw in 2 or 3 groups that didn’t get the job, just to cover for the fact that it’s really the Jew not getting the job that they are angry about. The gawker article says: “How cute that you women and Jews and gays in the running ever thought you had a chance.” Gays? Women? Since when are women a monolithic group? Then I’m sure gawker would support Sarah Palin getting the job. Yeah, right. James O’Meara should apply for the job of TIME magazine managingeditor. Hey, James, you will get gawker’s support!!
The article in TIME trashes the US Constitution. The article was, most likely, written by a Jew. My prediction: The Southern Baptist Convention will announce a resolution stating that the US Constituion is racist. The Southern Baptist Convention will say there were too many white men involved in the formation of the US Constitution. The creators of the constitution weren’t diverse, so the US Constitution needs to be rewritten by a diverse group that will be led by the chosen people, the Jews. So sayeth the Southern Baptist Convention and Cyrus Scofield.
Hunter – your writing is getting better and stronger all the time. Well done! Hope you had a Happy Fourth!
Mob attack
I just watched “The Atlanta Child Murders” on CNN. The show was about Wayne Williams.
Guilty as hell. Even the blacks he preyed on – most of them, at least – think he is guilty as hell. DNA evidence in 2007 removed all doubt.
Independence Day blues? Americans sense a decline and look inward – http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Foreign-Policy/2011/0703/Independence-Day-blues-Americans-sense-a-decline-and-look-inward
That outside-looking-in Telegraph piece summed the situation up very well. Here’s hoping for a Herman Caine vs. Barry Obama 2012 election, if we get that far. That’ll wake up a few more whites.
Calling it “BRA” and defining it as “a racial caste system” is very good.
I want to see if this catches on and every white person starts calling it BRA. I want to see BRA get in the Oxford dictionary. It is probably already in the urban dictionary, and if it isn’t, someone should put it there.
it’s not in the urban dictionary yet, BTW.
I just watched “The Atlanta Child Murders” on CNN. The show was about Wayne Williams.
What is interesting is how during the killing spree, the black community was awash in paranoid conspiracy theories about “the klan” being behind the killings. Wayne Williams seemed to be a child molester who simply lacked the money to set up a more sophisticated system to lure them in, like a Never-Neverland amusement park set up on a ranch in the hills near LA where you could have your pick of young boys to bugger while pretending to care about “the children.”
“I have come to realize that there are millions of White people who sense that they are “losing their country.”
And believe it or not Hunter, some of those white people are Jews, although I realize that you don’t consider them white. They are the people you never hear about because they don’t mouth off to the media (Jewish controlled media, wink wink). They just ran off to the suburbs and did the best they could. This is the story of my life.
I hope you continue to evolve. Hopefully then you won’t talk about “Klan resistance” (a big turn off to most whites, esp. women) and how great Russia is. Not sure whether you personally think Russia is great, but a lot of white nats do. Russia is a mess, and was a mess before Communism. Read some history.
Peace out.
Yes, a lot of Jews identify as White European and would rather die than live around Blacks or Mexicans. They should be welcomed.
‘(1) It is not the fault of the flag that we find ourselves in this situation.’
The current 50 star flag has only been around since the 1950s, when Hawaii was add.
There is no reason Whites in America need to be absolutely beholden to such a new symbol. The Gadsen Flag, the Bonnie Blue Flag, and yes even the Confederate Battle Flag are all options worthy of honoring!
It used to be standard practice for magazines to have all their important people named on the “masthead”, placed prominently on the first or second page.
Rufus Tyrannysaurus Quigley-Noggins
Chief Editor
Leslie Anne Hathaway-Grutsious
William Botheous Truxley-Oxleyshank
Copy Editor
Wangcheese Gook-a-rook
Irving Wallace
It kind of resembles a sailing ship’s mast, hence “masthead”. I don’t think that this is done so much anymore, as it gives away the Jewish control of formerly American publications, Jewish name after Jewish name after Jewish name. I couldn’t find it in a copy of Time I came across. Some of these people are getting more arrogant, and some are getting nervous.
Dammit, I tried to center all those titles and names, like a masthead should.
And here we have the Jew Jay show up to tell us that 1) the media isn’t Jewish owned and Jewish dominated 2) Russia is not an ally of European Americans and was a bad country before the Jewish Communists took over and created a jewish run mass murdering slave state.
What a scumbag this jew jay is. Trying to trash russia now. And trying to trash Russia before it was terrorized by Jewish communists. Jewish communists created a mass-murdering machine- 60 million Soviet citizens killed by that ideologically Jewish government. Death camps run by directly by Jews. After Jews took power, they started to kill the Russian intellectual elite of all walks of life. 5-8 million Ukrainians starved to death- their grain taken from them by Jewish commissars. Thousands of priests murdered. Tens of thousands of christian churches burned down to the ground. Toture of the worst kind imaginable.
Now that the Russian government isn’t Jewish dominated, Jews like Jay trash Russia. Jay is the kind of jewish “allies” we don’t want.
“Yes, a lot of Jews identify as White European and would rather die than live around Blacks or Mexicans. They should be welcomed.”
Thanks Cuchulainn, but with guys like Phil in your movement, I (a) would not be welcome and (b) would not want to join.
Too bad because you guys do speak the truth about race and immigration. Together, along with financial mismanagement, they will destroy America. I know the Phils of the world don’t believe me but this horrifies me.
And I recognize a variety of factual errors in Richard Stengel’s article, but I won’t waste further time by hanging around here.
Peace out.
For the record …
(1) This website is not focused on Jews.
(2) Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I wrote about Russia. I write almost exclusively about American race relations.
(3) If this website has a goal, it is to spread racial awareness in the American South. Blacks and Hispanics are the most visible problem here. That is why I focus on these issues.
(4) My policy here is to never hide anything.
If Jews control a major newspaper, I have no problem pointing this out. If DWLs control a major newspaper, I have no problem pointing this out either.
In the case of Time magazine, Henry Luce (Presbyterian) was the publisher from the 1920s through the 1960s. Time has since evolved into Time Warner. I’m not sure who controls Time magazine these days.
Richard Stengel, the managing editor of Time, who wrote the front page article with the Constitution being shredded, is likely Jewish based on information available on the internet.
(5) As for the Jews, I know for a fact that they were largely supportive of the Civil Rights Movement, but that hardly means each and every single Jew was a supporter of Martin Luther King, which certainly wasn’t the case.
Every Yankee wasn’t a fan of integration. Likewise, every Southerner wasn’t a supporter of segregation. It is all about ratios and averages.
If you look at the Freedom Riders, James Peck who rode to Birmingham was a Jewish socialist from New York. James Zwerg, who picked up the baton and rode to Montgomery, was a Christian nutcase from Wisconsin.
My major objection to the people who focus exclusively on the Jewish Question is that they drop the context and misunderstand important issues.
Thus, they would talk about James Peck, but would ignore James Zwerg. They would talk about Felix Frankfurter, but they would ignore Earl Warren. They would talk about Jack Greenberg, but would ignore Frank Johnson.
Having lived in NYC and Los Angeles for 12 years between them, I think I have some insight into Jews and can speak from my experience. It is anecdotal I know, but this is what I have experienced in regard to Jews. Most Jews from the urban parts of the NE and LA are very liberal and tow the uber-left line.
But others who live in other states and even suburbs of the South and West DO NOT want to see the US overrun with impoverished Hispanics and are very much against affirmative action and perks for Blacks. Like anyone else, they can see the disaster that is our inner cities and take note of the guilty perpetrators. Just like us non-Jews, they want to have safe, clean neighborhoods for their kids and a promising future. Just like us, they want to be able to go for a night out on the town and not be in fear for their lives if they take a wrong turn.
Yes, I understand that some Jews have deliberately undermined the founding stock of the US and demoralized the culture. But so have many White Liberals.
To attack all Jews is undermine our cause.
“(2) Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I wrote about Russia.”
You wrote about it in this post and Russia is a fixation of white nationalists. That is why I mentioned it.
“Just as Mother Russia was the biggest enemy of the Soviet Union, the folk memory of White America is the biggest enemy of Black Run America, which is ideologically, spiritually, politically, and economically bankrupt.”
“Martin Luther King was to the United States what Marx and Lenin was to Russia. BRA is to the United States what the Soviet Union was to Russia. It is a discontinuity with the America of the Founding Fathers.”
You have a pretty bad memory.
“(1) This website is not focused on Jews.”
Yes I recognize that fact, but its readership is dominated by people who hate Jews and who fixate on them. You tacitly admit this when you say: “My major objection to the people who focus exclusively on the Jewish Question is that they drop the context and misunderstand important issues.”
Who is focusing “exclusively” on the Jewish Question? Your allies. Because if you believe in existence of “The Jewish Question” logic inexorably leads you to fixate on it, because “The Jewish Question” is the source of all other ills.
In addition to your memory being faulty, you’re not very logical.
Hunter, I have a suggestion for you: look up Jews in the Confederacy.
Peace out.
jay wrote:
“Yes I recognize that fact, but its readership is dominated by people who hate Jews and who fixate on them.”
No, Hunter Wallace’s readership contains people who speak out against Jewish hatred and aggression toward White Gentiles.
The fact that you would characterize these individuals as people “who hate Jews” says more about you than you probably realize.
“Who is focusing “exclusively” on the Jewish Question? Your allies. Because if you believe in existence of “The Jewish Question” logic inexorably leads you to fixate on it, because “The Jewish Question” is the source of all other ills.”
No, the logic of grappling with Jewish Question leads one inexorably to the view that Jewish influence is one problem among many confronting White people.
(1) First, this post wasn’t about White Nationalists or Russia. I write about the United States, not Russia.
I only made a brief allusion to the Soviet Union to make a point about America. As a rule, every post here is about a specific place, usually a Southern state.
(2) Second, only a small fraction of the people who read this website are commentators. Lots of people prefer to correspond through email.
(3) Third, as I made clear above, I do not believe Jews are the sole cause of all our ills, and there are posts here going back three years on my disagreement with the “Single Jewish Cause” theory.
(4) Fourth, I do believe that Jews played an important role in the decline of White racial consciousness in America. I do believe it is a valid issue, but I dislike the way it is handled on some other websites, which focus exclusively on that one factor while ignoring all others.
(5) Fifth, I believe in truth above all else. I don’t like hiding things that are important because, say, it might make a certain group look bad.
I know who the Jews were who played an important role in our decline. At the same time, I know who most of their Gentile allies were as well, and I have a pretty good understanding of their motivations.
I have a lively discussion going on through email about Jews in America across history which includes discussion of Jewish involvement in the Confederacy.
Jay – you are writing like a True Jew – because the Decline of America is All About Jew. Everything is All About Jew. Right?
How Jewish.
Why should we worry about you? Oh the chuztpah. Lew is dead right. I think Whites are their own worst enemies – but the wreckage that is the USA can be laid SQARELY at the feet of Organized Jewry – who have done EVERYTHING they can, in EVERY way possible to undermine, subvert and destroy White Christian America. WCA has been VERY good to Jewry – and we get spat on, threatened, defamed, slandered, persecuted, shut out, and killed by Jewry every single day.
A survey of Western History reveals relentless attacks on Christendom by Jews. Alas- Whites have colluded at every turn, for a host of reasons – but things have really ramped up over the past 200 years. So STOP whining!!! Stop that Poor Victim LIE.
Own what your odious Race has done.
What have YOU done to PROVE you sincerity? Have you spoken out to your Tribe members, and defended Whites? What have YOU done? Have you donated money to White sites, and White people, who need help – no strings attached? (I know that concept has probably never occured to you ever, has it?) Have you EVER apologized for the actions of your Race, as your Race demands of our innocents? Have you ever bothered to learn about and counteract the defamation of Whites, by Jews, and spread any truth about White generosity, kindness, and sheer decency?
You owe US. We do NOT owe you.
So stop your repulsive whining, and phony kosher theatrics. I am not interested in your ridiculous attempts at emotional blackmail, and Beyond the Pale tiresome self-obsession and egoism.
What are YOU doing for US?
Didn’t Grant demand Jews be booted out of Tennessee, Kentucky and Mississippi, for war profiteering? Providing shoddy goods, for top dollar?
Denise, yes, and Lincoln chastised Grant and rescinded the order.
Grant was the observer on the ground, and Lincoln was far away and concerned with more things than fighting battles, things like paying for the war. Lincoln was willing to endure Jewish profiteering in order to get their financial cooperation.
Lincoln – scumbag to the end.
Read these comments, on your own website, which you have approved. Are you blind? No sane person will give you the time of day.
I have done some research on the white nationalist websites. There is a gay one that even blames – get this – “compulsive heterosexuality” on Jews. I kid you not.
Have a great life with your lowlife allies.
Peace out.
Jay: Hunter does not approve comments. I type them in, click on “Post Comment” down there on the left, and up they go. Just like yours.
Jay: I am not a lowlife. I work, pay taxes, vote, visit and comment at political websites, and spend much of my own free time helping people with little repair projects. I am a model citizen. I have also noticed that Jews occupy positions of power and influence in this country all out of proportion to their numbers, in fact, many multiples of their proportion of the general population. They own Hollywood and the rest of the media, they run Wall Street, they control the political parties, and anyone who questions their power is fired. Will you tell me that most of the big movie studios are run by Gentiles? That in any article about high finance, half or more of the people named are not Jews? That over half of the individual contributions to the Democrats are not from Jews, and over a third of the individual contributions to the GOP are not from Jews either? How does noticing these phenomena and trying to make sense of them make me a lowlife?
BTW, I never accept facts about Jews that I don’t read in Jewish sources. They damn themselves.
(1) First, Discard is right that I don’t manually approve comments. I have better things to do than babysit the comments all day.
(2) Second, I generally let the commentators air their grievances because I like to get a sense of what people are thinking.
(3) Third, I don’t know why you have gotten the impression that I endorse every comment here, as there are comments by leftists here which advocate murdering racialists that have been recently posted.
(4) Fourth, I have said numerous times that I am not a White Nationalist. Just because there are White Nationalists posting here doesn’t mean that I am a White Nationalist.
(5) Fifth, if I were to censor comments about Jews, it would give credibility to lies spread around on the internet that I am a “Cass Sunstein disinformation agent” who works for the Israeli Mossad or the SPLC, when that is not the case at all.
(6) Sixth, when you come here and start making arguments for controlling damaging information about Jews, it only reinforces the beliefs of people that Jews control the entire media, and want to silence all criticism of Jews, which is indeed true of most Jews who work in the media..
If there are extreme anti-Semitic comments on this website, it is likely because Jews try so hard to shutdown debate about their power and influence, which gives people on the internet the impression that Jews are really behind it all, who then exaggerate their influence and power out of all proportion to reality.
As I have already told you, I don’t believe that Jews are “behind it all,” nor do I agree with a lot of the criticism of Jews here and elsewhere, but I still believe Jews played an important role in our decline, and that it is reasonable to discuss that.
You seem to be interested in “fighting anti-Semitism.”
If you want to “fight anti-Semitism,” the best way to do that is through open debate. Insofar as you advocate silencing people, you aren’t swaying anyone to your position. Quite the opposite.
As far as Denise’s comment goes, she is right that Jews played an important role in the racial decline of America (see, for instance, Franz Boas and Stephen Jay Gould), but that is not the whole story.
The whole story includes the backlash against Hitler after World War II that succeeded in making racialism, eugenics, and nationalism untouchable throughout the West within a matter of ten years.
Then you have the Cold War against the Soviet Union which dragged on until the 1990s.
The whole story includes the backlash against Hitler after World War II that succeeded in making racialism, eugenics, and nationalism untouchable throughout the West within a matter of ten years.
This is so silly. The argument itself conflates the “backlash” with “Hitler” when they’re distinct. The “backlash” is better conflated with Jewish behavior, if you want to dissolve some distinctions. Otherwise, where’s the “backlash” against “anti-racism” (Communism) anti-“anti-Semitism” (Communism), blank-slate equalitarianism (Communism) and their associated 40m+ victims, killed before, during, and after WWII?
Why doesn’t “Jew” evoke the Red Terror (duh, what’s that?) the way “German” evokes T-H-E Holocaust? Why don’t “NKVD” and “Jews” go together the way “Gestapo” and “German” do? Why don’t blank-slatism, internationalism, “anti-racism,” and Jewish ethnic patriotism evoke “Kaganovich and Kuhn and 15m dead” the way race-realism, nationalism, ethnopatriotism, and “anti-Semitism” evoke “Goering and Goebbels”?
PS, never mind the deleting posts thing, I found it.
Does “JAY” stand for Jew Among You?
Just a thought…
Whatta Whiner!
Wait! I’m not done yet.
“Jay”s post are ridiculously stereotypical of the Yiddishe “mindset”. They whine and blubber and kvetch about how they are being mis-judged, and picked on, in their half-assed appeals created to demonstrate how important and necessary they are, how much they “bring to the table” – how we can all work together (on their terms, natch) – and then immediately begin hurling insults when rebuffed – whilst evading and sincere answer to any legitimate chargesd against them.
Oh well.
I’ve noticed lately appeals to Whites, made by non-Whites, who IMMEDIATELY devolve into hissy fits, when we say “No thanks” to their self-serving overtures.
Hhhmmmm…if we are so AWFUL – why are the Nons so very desperate to gain our acceptance?
What’s going on?
I mean – I don’t want to asssociate, in any way, for one single second, with people I dislike, or depise. I have far better ways to spend every second of my time – and that includes activities such as cleaning my kitty litter box, or clipping my toenails.
Don’t they?
Not really.
The polling data shows the decisive swing in White racial attitudes occurred between 1938 and 1945. If memory serves, 1943 was the first year in American history that the majority of White Americans (this effectively means White Northerners) said they believed in racial equality.
What’s more, content analysis of the major newspapers and magazines in America shows that negative stereotypes of blacks disappeared in the media from 1938 to 1942 and were replaced by positive images which began to show blacks as the victims of “racism.”
The U.N. was founded in 1945 and condemned “racism.” That would have been unthinkable in 1935.
You can see the shift in American racial attitudes in the Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling fights. In the first fight, Schmeling was cheered as a White man. In the rematch, Schmeling was booed because he was a “Nazi,” and Joe Louis was cheered on as an American.
The Supreme Court began its long march toward integration in the Gaines decision in 1938. That too was a symptom of the response to Hitler.
The Jews weren’t liked very much in America … until 1945.
In 1945, anti-Semitism became completely taboo in America, and every notable anti-Semite was soon forced into retirement in the public sphere.
Why 1945? Because that was the year Germany was defeated and the concentration camps were found. During the war, Americans had dismissed the reports of Nazi death camps as war propaganda in the mold of Huns bayoneting Belgian children, but after the war the photos of the concentration camps did all the talking.
There was a backlash against communism after WW1, which forced out many of the worst Jewish communist agitators, and there was another after WW2, which Jews decry to this day as “McCarthyism.”
During the 1930s, America was focused almost exclusively on the Great Depression for understandable reasons. The U.S. didn’t officially recognize the Soviet Union until FDR.
The British, French, and Americans all attempted to thwart the communist takeover in Russia by supporting the Whites in the Russian Revolution.