New York
I’ve taken the time this afternoon to read through what the eunuchs at the New York Times are saying in “Room for Debate” about the Norway shooting.
Just out of curiosity, I wanted to see what the authoritative voice of the establishment had to say about this.
I wanted to see if there is any connection between what Anders Breivik was saying in this document about Cultural Marxism, the impending destruction of Western civilization, and the ideology of the ruling class in the United States of America.
Is there something to this? I figured we ought to at least try to find out. I mean something motivated this man over in Norway – previously unknown to the world – to do something that will surely earn him a spot in world history.
In my experience, BRA’s media is generally unreliable. A reporter is supposed to be someone who is driven by his passion for the truth, but a propagandist (such as a comrade who might write for Pravda in the USSR) is someone who uses events to promote an ideology.
The eunuchs are now in full spin mode over there. And this is a philippic on them, a cruise missile of hate truth launched at New York City, which I dedicate to a great Alabamian in Heaven who might have a word to say.
In keeping with the Star Trek theme, below is what happened when the Borg swept through Wolf 359, and destroyed the Federation spaceships who were spreading Communism and Cultural Marxism – the fantasy ideology of the eunuchs who are destroying the West – throughout the Milky Way Galaxy.
The Borg were the ultimate anti-communists. In the Star Trek universe, all the villains and enemies of the Federation are races with admirable traditionalist and martial qualities – the Borg, the Klingons, the Romulans, the Dominion, the Cardassians – who reject the human eunuch’s philosophy of communism, political correctness, and secular humanism – which are identified with “progress.”
That is why I have always loved Star Trek. I have watched every episode to study the opposition.
It is an epic commentary on the eunuch’s imperial ambition to spread communism and multiculturalism across the entire galaxy. This is their vision of the future: humanity is completely emasculated and feminized, Earth has been colonized by aliens, the human species is miscegenating with aliens, the entire galaxy is now practicing political correctness and communism, and there isn’t a single conservative left in the universe.
The only people who can stop these evil liberals and communists are aliens. Earth has fallen to soulless bureaucrats who practice the pieties of multiculturalism. Humanity has been enslaved to the global version of the European Union:
Star Trek is such a great show, not because the trekkie vision of human society has any merit (except for maybe that of the Vulcans), but because it shows what it would be like for our descendants to actually live under a race of insufferable eunuchs – like Chris Hayes and Keith Olbermann in spandex – who have a moral license to inflict their stupid ideology upon all of humanity.
This is where it is all going. Here is their myth.
I will be the first to admit … if someone like Picard, Sisko, Janeway, or Archer were my captain, I would be the first to volunteer to lead the mutiny! I would seek asylum with the Borg, the Romulans, the Klingons … anyone to prevent from being assimilated by these guys … a fate and dishonor worse than death!
With that in mind, let’s analyze what the eunuchs are saying at the NY Times, and try to inflict a Wolf 359 upon them, or even better, what the Romulan outlaw Nero did to them here.
Weapons lock on the eunuchs here:
Yes, the Federation puts around the galaxy in these little fag ships, as the galactic version of Americorps. The irony being that they are supposed to be inspiring.
If you have seen the new Star Trek movie, you will know that Nero was an outlaw – a lone wolf, a man on a mission – who was pissed off about the destruction of Romulus. He was a Romulan, but he didn’t represent the Roman Empire.
The Narada was a pirate ship that waged its own war, a war of revenge, it was personal because it was about family and places, not money or ideology – just like Khan, who was the greatest enemy of the eunuchs.
This is kinda like what I am doing here. Like Nero, I am waging my own war on the eunuchs – the difference being, it is a non-violent war on their legitimacy – over the destruction of places that I care about. We’ve cut ties with the “movement” and have gone solo.
This is my revenge for the “Civil Rights Movement.” I’m announcing it in scenes the eunuchs will understand.
The thought of genuflecting before the eunuchs in BRA’s media in the same manner that one would show deference by submissively faceplanting before the court of Valentinian III … you either say nothing at all, or failing that, you walk out and go read After Virtue and How Rome Fell, and tour the ruins of America to find inspiration to confront evil.
I saw enough of these people in Washington to want to live in Alabama.
Eunuch #1: Kenan Malik, author, “From Fatwa to Jihad”
The first eunuch reveals himself before he manages to get through two sentences.
He is talking about a climate of “racism” and “Islamophobia” in Europe. What’s most interesting here is the type of language that it is used to describe and interpret reality.
A century ago, terms like “racism” and “xenophobia” and “Islamophobia” were unknown in Europe and North America. This is the vocabulary of Cultural Marxism which Anders Breivik was referring to in his manifesto.
It is a rhetoric that pathologizes normal healthy behavior: taking pride in your country is bigotry, a moral failing; being a man, a father, and a husband, is to be a sexist patriarch; caring about your race, is to be a racist, the worst possible thing you can be; the natural human instinct to protect the tribe, is now “xenophobia.”
You can see how the cultural termite operates: the red traitor, the lout, the slut, the kook, the village idiot – is the new ideal, the vanguard of the social revolution – whereas their antipodes are pathologized as suffering from a wide variety of mental illnesses unknown until the apostles of twentieth century communism discovered them.
The cultural termite chews through the foundation of society, systematically perverting its wisdom, in order to sap, weaken, and undermine the city in order to leave it vulnerable to its enemies outside the gate, who he considers his allies.
Let us consider the words of Cicero:
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”
Thank you, Cicero.
Your wise testimony on the subject of traitors has been most insightful. Kenan Malik, with his sly whispers at The New York Times, is much worse IMO than al-Qaeda. His appeal is to the basest instincts of the human heart. This is a man who is trying to weaken our defenses.
The people are dissatisfied with their perverted culture, worried about becoming a minority in their own country, and they are afraid of their establishment which is leading them down the path to oblivion – it is a gut instinct reaction that someone would have on a plane when you realize the pilots are not taking you to your chosen destination.
What is Kenan Malik’s agenda?
His agenda is challenging the “prejudices” of ordinary folks (a nod to the Frankfurt School) who are sick and tired of being lied to by these miserable eunuchs, punch drunk from the well of their Marxist fantasy ideology, who rule our societies – the recognizable fruits of their “ideas” being crime, bankruptcy, decay, divorce, juvenile deliquency and the loss of freedom – and which naturally leads to bitterness and reactionary tendencies.
To challenge the establishment is to be, let me see if I have all the pathologies written down, is to be: a racist, a sexist, a nativist, a homophobe, a bigot, a male chauvinist, a heterocentrist, a xenophobe, an Islamophobe, an anti-Semite, a “fearmonger,” a reactionary, a hater, etc. … in a word, to not be an eunuch, a degenerate mandarin, a technocrat fantasist in a cubicle or someone who is spellbound like an idiot by the political class.
Well, we wouldn’t want to be that!
The only proper response to such a hysterical little eunuch – the kind of people who destroyed Rome – is mockery and ridicule and a strong reassertion of the facts of reality that people can see with their own eyes.
Why the hell is someone like this taken seriously? How did we come to be ruled by eunuchs like this man? By what process did such illustrious leaders as Barack Hussein Obama and Gordon Brown come to be identified with the progress of the human species?
It is terrifying that that people like this … actually … have … power.
Comrade #2: Mark Potok, Southern Poverty Law Center
Comrade Mark doesn’t strike me as an eunuch.
I’ve been watching him for years now. He doesn’t fit the profile of a soft man with rotten character who our great American democracy would regurgitate into the political class – think of Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, etc.
Mark Potok is an ideologue; a true believer, in the fantasy ideology of anti-racism. This is someone who would work in a building like the SPLC bunker in Montgomery which is patrolled by security guards.
We’ve seen these kind of people come to Alabama before. During Reconstruction, the carpetbaggers from places like Vermont and Maine came to the Deep South to impose their fantasy ideology on the natives.
What’s in the soul of this Jewish Yankee? It is besides the point. Either way, Mark is a busybody (a prig from Vermont) who wants to mind everyone’s business, who is a schoolmarm with a holy civil rights rulebook (that doesn’t work, btw) who thinks he has the right to come here and unilaterally make our laws.
Quite frankly, he reminds me of Adelbert Ames, the Radical Republican and Reconstruction Governor of Mississippi who commanded the 20th Maine in the War Between States. Those two are spiritual cousins across the centuries.
I can see this man deriving enormous pleasure from ruling over a small tyranny. I’m sure he is a great bureaucrat. We must form a defensive line against him.
Mark is to be given some credit here for being empirical. He’s not talking about Norway so much as the United States. The SPLC graph says nothing about Norway at all.
My impression is that this man is an analyst trying to understand a disparate phenomena with concepts which are entirely unsuited for it. The problem here is that Mark lacks perspective and candor.
If we could teleport him back to similar historical turning points in American history (1774, 1860, and 1955), he could have a more accurate view of what he is seeing – the spread of committees of safety in the Revolution, the spread of the Southern Rights movement in the South, the spread of the Citizens Councils are some imperfect parallels.
This is more about economics than race. At least for now. It looks more like the Revolution than the War Between the States. Sounds and looks more like it. The Tea Party and its motto “Don’t Tread on Me” is a throwback to the Revolution.
The Southern planter elite was a fraction of the White population. In the Civil War, it is important to remember that the disaffection with Washington wasn’t nearly as deep and fundamental as it is today. Indeed, Lincoln could field an army from the Free States that defeated the Confederacy.
When the Union was torn apart in the 1860s, it could be reconstructed because White Americans were essentially the same people, only a fraction of the population was deeply invested in slavery, and there was still all kinds of economic incentives to reunite the North and South.
When the Union was torn part in the 1770s, the one between Britain and America, there was no chance it would ever heal. It was an ideological and ethnic fracture. That rift was only one between Anglo-Saxons who were still alike in almost every other way.
Mark is probably wondering how long the establishment in Washington will be able to retain its grip over the provinces as we hurtle toward 2042. Congress, as an institution, is already broken – see the Schumer press conference tonight.
“Diversity is our strength” – the inversion of E pluribus unum – is clearly not working out as the eunuchs thought it would.
Eunuch #3: Jamie Bartlett, Demos in London
I don’t see much to gain from further analysis of this panel.
The only eunuch who makes anything resembling an actual point can be snipped in one paragraph:
But the underlying sentiments — of out-of touch, spineless politicians, of immigration overrunning communities, of irresponsible media feeding a sense of impending doom, and of identities being fractured by tectonic global changes — will take rather more to change than even this terrible event.
Wow, an ever so brief moment of honesty. Is it that hard for an eunuch to tell the truth? You’re suffering from a critical loss of legitimacy (and, it must be observed, sexual organs).
Here’s a piece of an advice: from the vantagepoint of an eunuch, a castrated courtier who provides a service to the establishment, a political prostitute who by nature is a pervert (i.e., the modern liberal), the people are always going to be the problem for expressing normal sentiments. It’s happened before.
Want to reverse the decline of Europe and America? The eunuchs will have to be swept out of power in Washington and Brussels. There is literally no alternative – its the eunuchs, or the Republic.
Everytime that eunuchs have seized power in world history it has always ended in tears. Rome, China, France, the Ottomans all had this problem. The correction always follows.
These keepers of the poultry are “unfit for command.” It is time for their Der Untergang.
The establishment is worried about one dude, sitting in a secure jail cell, in a small country, halfway around the world? Seriously, when was the last time that happened?
Or anything similar…
Ha! Just goes to show how terrifed they are, of Awakened Whites. THEY KNOW THEY HAVE IT COMING, AND DESERVE IT.
“…tour the ruins of America.”
This would be a great way to prod the consciousness of the unaware, namely to create a tour of the ruins of three or four cities like Detroit, Rochester, and another ruined city. It could get publicity, and who knows it might generate a business of great ironical sense.
You couldn’t pay me to tour Rochester.
Great idea though. I think the BNP Wales has some such videos on YouTube. Look ’em up.
Fareed Zakaria, Anderson Cooper, Piers Morgan – these three eunuchs are on television right now discussing the countdown to what they called “doomsday.”
I think just the thought of touring the dilapidated ruins of America, and encountering the urban savages that now occupy them, would be enough to jolt most anyone into intellectual sobriety these days. Or just ride around Detroit on Google Maps. Won’t take much of that before you realize the score.
Yeah but most people aren’t receptive to intellectual argument changing their lifestyle. Suppose someone made a very strong argument that you had to be a vegan as of now. You’d tell him to screw off.
Only necessity will open the minds. Necessity will be the “teachable moment” and most of the teaching will be self teaching. It won’t even be about us so much, except people saying to us, “yeah, I remember you were right about this a long time ago.” People have said that to me plenty of times, including about the race issue, the price of gold, the crash of the housing bubble.
There is a term for people like us, the sort who are concerned with a bunch of things that “normal people” don’t worry about, like the extinction of the white race, the fragility of the systems of production and distribution, the likelihood of severe disruptions because our centralized, profit maximizing economic/manufactureing/distribution system is so badly designed.
We are called “wingnuts,” and I’ve never found it insulting. Wingnuts are ahead of the curve, time and time again. The eunuchs of the mass media Left still makes fun of us for our “obsession” with gold, even though the price has quadrupled in 5 years.
The sort of people who use the term “wingnut” pejoratively against conservatives/right wingers/survivalists/white nationalists are the sort who watch 2.5 hours of television per day. Eunuch is a good term for them. Eunuchs watching eunuchs.
I have sensed with my whole being all my life that liberalism is a terrible sickness. When I was about 7 I saw an interracial couple and told my mother to call the police. I was horrified when she told me that it was legal. She gently condemned me for being a racist, repeating words she no doubt heard on television. She long since figured out reality, though.
I remember visiting aunt uncle and cousins who still lived in “the City” (NYC). Queens to be more specific. THis was the 70’s and it was still a white ethnic enclave. I observed that the youngest cousin, male, would get up and first thing in the morning be watching TV and eating junk food, and the only respite from this was to go to some “live” version of canned entertainment, like a Mets game.
I am watching the “Curb your Enthusiasm” via netflix, and the same thing struck me. Larry David and the rest of them go from one canned entertainment to another. I can’t imagine such a life — what a horrible bore that would be. It’s such a big world beyond the island of Manhattan. But all their entertainments — singers, actors, writers, et cetera, come to them, so they are in their version of heaven.
That’s the eunuchs — they are content to be provided with restaurants, hair salons, concerts, movies, pro-sports games, airlines, canned vacations to certain places, plastic surgery, and service to the International Banksters.
They rule us . . . for now. THeir rule is coming to an end, because they mismanaged it, and it will go decentralized. And the wingnut survivalists and rural religious fanatics, and there are millions of them, will inherit the earth.
Kievsky , Briton was a center of pottery, and glass-making, under Roman rule. when the Roman Empire fell, so di the industry. There were no troops, to protect trade routes from brigands, ya see. This is how Things Fall Apart.
You are correct about the fragility of civilization. A Fam I know just bought a brand new refrigerator, fomr China, of course. It doens’t work. It won’t stay cool. They cannot get any real help – they are getting a massive runaround. No one really knows what’s wrong. No one knows what parts to get. Everything is from China – and it’s CRAP.
My family has an almost 40 yr old electric frying pan. Made in the USA. It’s hideous – it has those 70’s colors – Avocado, and Burnt Orange. It’s big and aquare. It’s used several ties a month. It’s electric, and easily cleaned – cause it’s submersible. It works as well now, as it did when we first got it. That’s what we are losing….the big things, and the small. I use this frying pan as an example, with the youngsters I know – cause I and you and the rest of us, here, know what we are losing. The kids do not. The kids will have no experience of a day-to-day functional world. A world where simple, mundane household appliances work.
Oh – Kievsky – 1 quibble – don’t knock a great hair stylist. The ability to perfom a really GREAT haircut – well – it’s a form of genius.
Denise: I recommend you get a roll of aluminum duct tape for repairing those cheap imports. It’s the same size as an ordinary roll of duct tape, but it’s sheet metal, with waxed paper covering the glued side. You can cut it with scissors to make little patches and whatnot. Very useful for long term temporary fixes. Right now it’s holding the plastic shelves of my refrigerator door in place.
I have always thought that “The Day of the Rope” is a much too humane punishment for Disingenuous White Liberals. Assuming there is ever a day of reckoning, we need to wall the cities they ruined with their insane agenda around the savages they contain and then condemn these DWLs to spend the rest of their miserable existence living with the diversity they created.
I loved the character Garak on Deep Space Nine, he was an alien voice of political incorrectness, and the interesting thing is that his advise always turned out to be right.
Discard – thanks for the tip!
Clytemnestra – the Day of the Rope will be Political Theater. All public executions are. Special cases need to do the Rope Dance. The average DWL – yes – forcing them to be consumed – and I mean that literally, considering the natural, historical dietary patterns of African Prognathics – well – yes. We won’t have time to hoist every last one of them We shall allow Natural Law ro run it’s implacable course.