Enemies Within

What's your excuse?


Bob Shrum has called us “enemies within.” Joe Biden has called us “terrorists” for taking away his credit card. The establishment has screamed “extremism” for years to decry its loss of narrative power.

Everyone has to sing the tune of the “mainstream.” We all have to be on the same page with them. Who wants to sail that river of nonsense?

Who is the enemy within? Are we the enemy within? Who are the real extremists? I can trace my lineage to Colonial Virginia.

What about the Washington establishment? The Mainstream Media? The vampires of Wall Street? The Inquisition that wants to censor our thoughts? Hollywood’s fantasy world?

Who made Bob Shrum divine? Is Bob Shrum’s advice for the nation Triple AAA? Is Newsweek a Triple AAA newspaper? Is the SPLC a Triple AAA “civil rights organization”? Does the New York Times have a Triple AAA stock price?

What about Barack Hussein Obama’s economic policies? You can see the Triple AAA result in your own lives.

The only thing you can do with garbage is set outside on the curb. Bob Shrum’s advice is worth less than a can of Wal-Mart dog food. At least with dog food you can feed your pets.

Honk, if you want to pick up the trash.

Note: Here’s a tune for Bob Shrum. I know this place very well. That’s where I live. The Heart of Dixie. Everyone here likes that song about DC and NYC.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It does kinda pitts you off, when some recent immigrant like Shrum even opens his mouth about anything, let alone something serious.

    Is Shrum a Jew? He sure got a nose like a Jew, and a mouth like a Jew.

    According to his bio he was born in Connelsville, PA, and grew up in Los Angles, so he probably is a Jew. Unless he is of some sort of Catholic-Jew admixture?

  2. The powers that be find it convenient to have highly-symbolized scapegoats to use as enemies. This helps distracts the proles from the fact that the system fails on its own, without a Satan.

  3. Shrum’s race is irrelevant. For every Jew, there are a 20 bought-and-paid for white shabbatz goyim. Who’s more corrupt and evil, the Jew who looks out for his own Tribe’s interests, or the whites who have sold themselves to this kosher Devil? When Armageddon comes, we will deal at least as harshly with the race traitors as with their seducers.

  4. I liked this para

    Who made Bob Shrum divine? Is Bob Shrum’s advice for the nation Triple AAA? Is Newsweek a Triple AAA newspaper? Is the SPLC a Triple AAA “civil rights organization”? Does the New York Times have a Triple AAA stock price?

    That’s definitely a weakness of liberals as people — they are opposed to the idea of excellence on principle, so they let their kids watch too much TV. The liberal kids grow up and they aren’t really good at anything, but they toe the line of politically correct orthodoxy and therefore they get relatively good jobs as secular “priests” of this orthodoxy — for example, civil rights lawyers, affirmative action compliance officers, mass media employees, non-profit corporations funded to do “social justice,” et cetera.

    They think that they are valued because they are liberal and articulate and white, but all they are is temporary placeholders until the anti-white regime can be more explicit and more brutal.

    They will find themselves “on the outs” of Power with the rest of us, in good time, with fewer and fewer exceptions. A few of them might be able to get short gigs as a “human plate.”


    That is, if they are still white.

    The current damage to our race is quite grim. It seems like it’s mostly tattooists and race-mixers out there. This is what Gotterdammerung looks like.

  5. Kievsky – I just had a run in with a Lezzie Race Traitor. HORRID. Her brother apparently is more clued in to reality.

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