Before plunging into a new Muse of Hate essay, I would like to get some OD reader feedback on food and energy prices. I’m sure this will be a fun conversation.
(1) Has anyone else noticed that gas is more expensive than it was 10 years ago?
(2) Has anyone here been forced to adapt to high gas prices by altering your travel, dining out, and vacation plans?
(3) Has anyone here noticed the food prices at the Super Wal-Mart and the Winn-Dixie and the Kroger and the Bruno’s and the Piggly Wiggly just seem to keep going up and up?
(4) How much more of your income do you reckon you spend on food and gas in the year 2011 than you were paying for these things in 2001 and 2006?
(5) Has anyone else here been mystified by what black people are able to afford at the Super Wal-Mart and the Kroger?
(6) Do you ever find yourself having racial thoughts about black people being on the EBT card and the WIC as you have to adapt your own purchases to fit your household budget?
(7) Is anyone else here sick and tired of paying for their health insurance?
(8) Does anyone else here wish the federal government would subsidize your rent and pay for your cell phone and give you energy assistance like the Obama administration does with black people?
(9) Is anyone else here tired of paying income taxes?
(10) Does anyone else here wish the federal government would send them a TANF welfare check in the mail for being irresponsible?
(11) Does anyone else here wish that being White would actually be an advantage for a change when applying for a corporate job?
(12) Finally, if food and energy prices continue to soar indefinitely, which forces White households to cut back on their discretionary spending, what kind of society do you suppose we will be living in 15 years from now?
Thank you for participating in this OD reader survey.
Note: At the end of the 9/11 decade, we now have Facebook and Twitter, but we don’t go to space anymore, no one who is young can find a good job, we have become debt peons to China, and food and gas is far more expensive than it was ten years ago.
Don’t forget that OD Forum is now up and running. I have been posting the best newslinks in there on a daily basis.
I was telling YT wife 2 years ago that food was going to go way up.
A year ago I would ask if she noticed how much things are up or how smaller the packages are. She told me I was crazy or to quit talking about it.
6 months ago she finally noticed.
This week she finally changed her shopping habbits.
Even with my constant ranting about the world crumbing around us its like she couldn’t/wouldn’t accept it until some blow-dry on TV said it. TeeVee makez U dumm. So ya, I can say I “noticed” food is way way higher now.
I haven’t changed my driving habbits much but did buy a VW diesel about 5 years ago. At the time, the commi-fornians were snapping up the used ones because the company couldn’t import with their new emissions regs so I had to settle for a beetle to get the mix of options I wanted (diesel+manual tranny). My friends called me a fag. Today, I get cold offers to buy it once a week. I also just picked up an old detroit diesel 4×4 as a welcoming gift to myself. The welcome to 3rd world america. Its easy to fix and can burn used motor oil. “I got da last running internal combusion engine vehicle bitches, thats how I roll!” is what my son will be telling the little brown kids in highschool when he gets there.
I don’t have many blacks near me (thank god) but did notice a) like 400% increase in them at walmart b) everyone that uses that EBT card uses it to load up on junk food, carefully selected to get the least value from it. I shit you not; I’ve spotted lard-asses with a cart full of individual bags of chips and coke with one small box of generic bran cereal (likely to allow the transaction to complete).
I don’t know where the homies in my particular neck of the woods are comming from. Its a college town so the “athletes” are to be expected but not their 30-40 year old grant-parents. I’m guessing my local liberal town council decided to adopt a bunch of chicago but can’t find mention of it in the paper.
YT – haven’t you noticed that when Nigras swarm convenience stores, etc – they load up on all types of crap, no matter what M’celle tells them to do?
I’m all for their junk food orgies.
(1) I remember whne gas was $0.85 a gallon. I recall being outraged by same.
(2) What’s a vacation?
(3) I’m in the Northeast. I refuse to enter a Walmart. Yes – prices round here are up. My region has lots of little – get this – family owned grocery stores. A local joint has a brilliant meat section. I had a REALLY interesting conversation with the butcher, the other night.
(4) I know I am paying a lot more – but I know the time is not quite yet right to act.
(5) Mystified? No.
(6) Why does the word “ammo” spring ro mind?
(7) Insurance is, or used to be, a pool of people paying into a pool, in order to defray future loss. Insurance itself is a good thing. It’s made loads of things possible. However I would have no problems paying for health insurance in MY own country. I am an American. I am White. I do not have a country.
(8) I am White and I want my own country. I loathe ZOG, and thier House Negro Sotoero.
(9) I hate ZOG.
(10) No. I don’t wat anything to do with ZOG
(11) I’m working on my own job. I’m still a debt peon – but I don’t think it’s gonna last much longer.
(12) It’s gonna be Mad Max meets the Lord of the Flies. I don’t think it will take 15 years – and I can’t wait. We are in for very interesting times ahead. I’m really looking forward ot the Grand Mal Chimp Out when O’Negro is booted.
I think more and more about getting the hell out of this country. I mean selling everything and moving. Every day this issue bugs me more and more. If I were smarter, I wouldn’t hesitate. But I’m a dumb old bastard stuck in my ways. There is almost nothing worth saving here, and seeing as how I wasn’t part of creating the mess, I don’t really want to waste my life cleaning it up. I also clean with a broad brush, and for that reason probably wouldn’t last long once school was out. Our culture is a genetically engineered Frankenstein chimera. Fuck the prices. It’s the people that freak me out. Anyone on the fence, take my advice. Get the hell out.
Spooky – where are we gonna go? The Jew and their Darky proxies are gonna hunt us everywhere. There’s nowhere else to go, Spooky.
South America, Eastern Europe, India, Iran. The Hannity Heard versus the Maddow Madhatters. This is how the sides are going to fall out. Christian Zionists versus Communists. Which side are you going to join up with? Fuck that. Let them all kill each other. What a joke.
Spooky – I’m staying put. Come what may. This is my Godamned Country – and God DAMNED it is – and I’m sticking here til the bitter end.
Blud und Boden, y’all.
My answers:
(1) Gas prices are way higher now. I remember when people in Alabama used to cross over into Georgia to buy cheap gas. That was back when gas was in the $0.93 to $1.30 range.
(2) Dixie isn’t as densely populated as the Northeast. We are accustomed to driving longer distances (the automobile was a resegregation tool) here to get to work and back. The plain people out in the suburbs and the countryside are definitely getting pinched by higher gas prices.
I’ve seen a lot of restaurants going out of business. The beach traffic is also sparser than it used to be. It looks to me like people are adapting to higher debt and higher prices by dining out less and traveling less.
(3) The prices in the grocery store are a lot higher than they were just five years ago and are higher still than what they were ten years ago. Everyone keeps telling me this.
(4) This depends upon when you live.
If you live in the countryside, you are spending a lot of your money on food and gas than was the case five years ago. You don’t travel as much as you used to.
(5) The EBT card must explain why there are seemingly so many more black people in the grocery store buying more things all of a sudden.
(6) All the time.
It pisses me off to no end to find myself shopping in the grocery store knowing that the federal government is paying for all these black people to buy their groceries. It infuriates me when I think of how that is affecting lots of people that I know.
(7) Why do I have to pay for health insurance?
(8) I wish the federal government would pay my rent and pay for my cell phone, but I am not black, so I don’t know what that is like.
(9) I have never been able to find any information from a government agency that sheds any light on the amount of income taxes paid by black people. My anecdotal impression is that they pay nothing in income taxes and get all kinds of things in terms of government services and taking over infrastructure built by White people.
(10) I wish the federal government would send me a free check – hell, that would be nice to have Christmas at “Da First of Da Month.”
(11) I wish I could find some location that accepts “white privilege,” but they keep telling me they hire people on the basis of “diversity.”
(12) There won’t be much of a society left to talk about.
If people spend more money on food and gas, and if they keep spending more on these things every year, then it logically means they have less discretionary income, if their incomes are stagnating as they have been for years.
That means businesses have to cut back. People go into debt. When they pay off the debt, they have even less money to spend on a vacation or to go out to a restaurant, or to spend money that provides some other person with a job.
I can’t imagine how much more gas and food is going to cost the average person 5 to 10 years from now.
Government parasite (contractor) here. I’ve been overseas for a while eating for free out of military chow halls, but when I recently went back home after 20 months away I was SHOCKED at the food prices. Things I used to pay $2-2.5 were $3.5-4. Same deal with gas.
I essentially think this situation is hopeless. As it is, I’m the only White person in my office and I’m openly discriminated against I also do more work than my 3 Negro coworkers combined.. Management doesn’t care, and they know about it. I have to bow and scrape to my Negro overlords or else start collecting unemployment.
Like Spooky, I’m seriously considering expatriation. I figure Europe’s economic collapse will precede ours, but our racial collapse will precede theirs. Meaning they may have time to wakeup and shutdown immigration before Armageddon. If so, it’s best to get in now before the gates close. For me it comes down to Russia, Ireland, Scotland, Australia or South America (Chile, Ecuador, etc). Having ancestors in America on both sides since the 1600s, it pains me to consider it, but I’m not seeing another option. It’s either go down fighting for the benefit of people that will hate you for it, or escape before it comes to that.
Well said, Denise. And your initial thread reply was hilarious, too:)
People, there’s also more at stake than just “getting out and getting away”.
God or fate or whatever you believe in, is watching us right now, riveted to us, and weighing our right to exist. And maybe that’s just how it is for us — every millennia or so, we seem to have to prove our existential mettle, through some crucible of fire. And your right, it’s not fair. All the other shit-skinned scum races of the earth get to just blissfully glory in their own filth until the end of time, while we have to fight and defy the hand of extinction again and again and again. It sucks and it’s not fair, but I have to believe that God or fate or whoever, chose White people to be tested because we’re special. Nature created niggers and other muds. God created White people. And America represents the possibility of everything fantastic and beautiful that White people are capable of, so this country of ours will have to be tested as well.
If you just run away, surrendering without a fight everything that your ancestors struggled and sacrificed to build, do you think your posterity deserves to continue on somewhere else? Is retreat the action of a soul that truly desires victory? Is this the first time in history that the White race stared into the face of annihilation? No on all counts. You don’t run away. White people are more than that.
(Forgive the random nature of my post. I’m just thinking out loud.)
In the small town I live near, there is a new public housing built recently after tearing down the ratty old one. They even gave them shaded car ports in the parking lot. Damn, why not just build a garage!?!?
Yep, 25% of my money confiscated before and after my check before I get to take of myself with things like shelter, electricity, gasoline, or food.
I have a hard time imagining that the Eastern Europeans will be so very anxious to welcome a bunch of American refugees. Your just an ignorant foreigner to them, who’s been spoiled by living in paradise. Does anyone think that you’ll have those Anglo-Saxon rights over there? Any kind of financial security? Bribery and extortion are a way of life in the ex-communist world. They will clean you out, and let you stick around and do the scut work.
Move to Hindu-land? No Darks there, are there? What’s your caste?
Latin America? Mexico light, at best.
Iran? Because it’s pretty much free of Christians and Jews? Why not the suburbs of Paris, plenty of Ragheads there.
Ireland, Scotland, and Australia have all got the multi-cult disease, bad. They’re all taking in mud people, and Down Under is allowing the Chinese to colonize them. And you can be jailed for criticizing non-White immigration in those places.
If you’re wallowing in cash, and have it all locked up in Swiss banks or something, anyplace in the world is pretty good. Or if you simply have a secure pension, the better sort of 3rd World places can be nice. There are American retirees in places like Mexico and the Phillipines and Thailand, living in expatriate colonies, looked out for by the authorities because their monthly checks keep the locals employed. As long as the world economy keeps on spinning and your dollars are still good, you can live like Bawana in those places. Watch them turn on you when TSHTF. However bad it gets here, most the rest of the world will be much worse. Where is China when the dollar drops? Where will all those nice European social giveaways be when the world’s reserve currency is worth 1/1000 of a barrel of oil? Is anybody in the world going to carry some rich American on their benefit rolls?
If the world turns to shit, you want to be among your own people. America is a place that can easily produce all the food we can eat. We still have adequate oil for necessary things, by which I mean no cars. We have lots and lots of coal, and plenty of people skilled in science and technology. And Whites in this country are armed. How will you keep the Irish Africans from kicking your door in? With a shileleigh?
BTW, glad to see the links again.
(1) Yes, fuel is stupid expensive. It pays to live near work and the store.
(2) We rarely travel, vacation, or eat out.
(3) I track grocery prices, so yes. Example: 10 years ago pork shoulder would go on sale for $.88/lb or LESS, now it is never less than $1.99. Pretty much everything else has gone up at about the same rate. It is almost impossible to eat thriftily these days as anything healthy (no GMO, corn, soy) has increased dramatically.
(4) We spend more than double on both. We have 3 kids we didn’t have back then too though.
(5) Yes, it always baffled me that they could fit that many Totino’s pizzas into their carts as well.
(6) Yes, sometimes.
(7) Health insurance costs are astronomical as well. Especially as it covers nothing until you’ve hit your very high deductable. Low deductable plans are prohibitively expensive.
(8) I just wish they would give you land still like they did when they had the territories before they were states.
(9) Yes
(10) For the government being irresponsible? Sure, I guess.
(11) I don’t wish it was an advantage. I wish it was a given.
(12) Not sure, kind of nervous to find out.
Chris – you are welcome. I’m glad some-one still has a sense of humour. Thanks for your post, too. I concurr. There is NOWHERE else to run to. The USA is as good as anyplace to dig in. If we make it through the first year, and battles, of the End of all Things – the Neo Dark Ages may well hold some interesting opportunities.
The thing I’ve found out aobut Nigras is that they are not that hard to deal with, if they are not in an attack pack. They are natural slaves – they’ll be looking for Whitey to save their big bubble azzes, too. Their chief Racial impetus is to make themselves shiny. That’s it. That’s what they’ve always done. That’s what they do. They won’t be that difficult to …aaaahhhh…unload.
Oh – if there is a breakdown in supply lines, and a scarcity of foodstuffs – the diabetics will go in a week. Think about that when you see a really fat Congoidess, and the attendent passel of Welfare Niglets. Remember to encourage then to get those extra bags of crunchy Cheetos, triple Oreos, and grape sodas! Make pals w/ your local small farmers, if ya got any nearby. Let them know what you can do for them, well before the merde starts flying….
The Mestizos are gonna be a bit more problematic. But diabetes will decimate them, as well. Asians are vicious little inhuman monsters. They are the only real problem is see. If Whites survive the initial engagements of RaHoWa – I have confidence we’ll do just fine.
Golden Fetus – you sound youngish. If you are very talented – why carry the load of the worthless Negroes? Find other venues for your talents…
Discard – luv ya. Great analysis. Spooky – read what he wrote. Read it again.
Discard – the Whites being armed thing? Woo hoo! I know ZOG has better goodies – but….there are ways around that. Especially if ZOG’s forces are filled with half-hearted minorities – who will have no real attachment to each other – and drugged out flyboys and Special Opps folks. It’s not gonna go down as pretty as they think.
I do know local folk. I want to strangle the DWTP dames – but the menfolk are another matter.
I’ve been in the same line of work for exactly 11 years this month. For many of those years, I commuted 55 miles(one way) to work 5 days/week.
When I first started in 2000 my salary was $30, 000. I still had 2 kids in the house(birthdays, Christmas, school clothes, braces, Dr visits, band trips, baseball uniforms and all the usuals)
2 car payments, a couple credit cards, mortgage(same house to date), same utility bills, trips to the grocery store required a larger basket(kids), wife was also in what was then, a lower paying job.
Yet, with all that 11 years later, my salary has increased to about $43,000, kids are off on their own, wife makes more than She did then, I no longer commute to work, same mortgage payment, utilities, no longer carry any credit cards, grocery bill for 2 now… yet I have less money left over at the end of every month than 6-10 years ago. It has all been chiseled away at by taxes, fees, 3x higher fuel prices, insurance, fees, taxes, taxes, fees, fees, fees….. I frankly SICK of it.
For Obama to stand on his podium of lies and tell me that to “go back” would be undoing all that has been “accomplished” since he took office, frankly makes me want to beat the living shit out of him or “his people”.
Oh and…
I heart Denise!
Goldenfetus likely can’t find other work but for uncle sugar. A lot of people with technical backgrounds are straight fucked because America doesn’t make anything but debt and ponzi schemes anymore. Satellite communication expert? Electrical engineer? Certified aircraft mechanic? Good luck doing anything that’s NOT for the defense industry. He or She would have been better off getting a big pair of fake tits and selling houses for a few years.
I don’t know if your comment was partially directed at me, but I’m sympathetic to what you are saying. When I say I’m considering expatriation, it’s not a matter of cowardice, but of hopelessness. If I have an opportunity to change the status quo I will seize it no matter the cost, as I expect most ‘awake’ Whites would. The question is whether or not meaningful action is still possible at this point. I don’t know, and haven’t made up my mind either way, but I do know that it is possible for no-win situations to exist. I’m not Captain Kirk. The question I ask myself now is always whether or not my life is being used in the best way possible for the service of the race. If the situation develops such that fighting and sticking around is the optimal course, I won’t hesitate to do so. But the precariousness of our situation means that we simply cannot afford to indulge in fantasy – that we must be brutally realistic when assessing our options. If we lose, I don’t see any shame in fleeing to some country that is still-majority White, and working to integrate myself and provide value to the locals. The sad truth is that many American Whites would kill or die to distance themselves from ‘racist’ White insurgent/terrorists, and that we may not have the pull to wake enough of them up in time to win the numbers game.
@Denise – I’ve had to contend with a strong urge to quit since I took this position, but in the end logic conspires to keep me here. I’m fortunate to have a high-paying job – about 3x what my work would pay stateside (pulling 84 hour weeks in the desert) – so I’m using the opportunity to put away as much as I can. Down the road it will either enable me to speak openly without fear when the thought-police destroy my career, or to allow me to migrate. And if I quit, the fact of the situation is that my job would simply go to some other affirmative-action hire. Best to keep the proceeds ‘in the family’, if you know what I mean. The only reason they hired me originally – and my boss actually told me this straight to my face – is that my first name made them think I’m black, and I declined to respond to the race question on the job application.
You nailed it, too. My skills are all from the military, my degree is technical, and my best bet for work is in the defense industry. Otherwise, I’d be flipping burgers or spending all day issuing apologies for being White at some multicultural government indoctrination facility (college).
From a Forum:
“From the age of 3, you’ve been raised to see the worse in the world, you’ve been raised to see the worse of Europe, the worse of Africa and the worse of Asia, you’ve been taught to be depressed and enslaved by loans and debt, rather than to stand on your own in a nation free, where your skills and passion for life would not only enable you to flourish, but would make you happy. Uncover your eyes, the American mind, it’s creativity and it’s ambition, have been the driving force in the world decades, and not much has changed. Your desire to partake in a system that swallows you in and spits you out, is the reason why so many of your bosses treat you like shit. Go where you’re wanted, and you’ll be amazed how much you can accomplish.
And if they don’t want you here, trust me they want you somewhere.”
Didn’t say I was going anywhere, but I am saying that if I were smarter and more brave, I would. I freakin’ love life. I could be king of nutshell were it not that I have bad dreams. What gives me worse dreams? Being a stranger in a strange land or being a stranger in my own land? What’s more painful?
Blacks? Mestizos? Pshaw. Ain’t nothin’. They can be handled. It’s the Christians that pedestalize the Jews that scare the shit out of me.
Common exchange in the grocery line…
Mrs. Nordman: “Look at those people by the register right now. Wanna bet you’re paying for it?”.
Me: “I know…”.
Technical skills are transferable in a very broad sense. If you’re an engineer or technician, no matter what your specialty, you know a great deal about how the physical world works. It’s a whole lot easier to turn an electrical engineer into a computer programmer or a dental technician or an elevator mechanic or a farmer than doing the same with an English teacher. No, you might not get to work in your chosen field, but you have the ability to learn something new and useful.
I bet the Obama stimulus paid for it. Look up your city on the state website that deals with transparency in stimulus funds.
Lord Scorpius and Lord Spalitanus have big plans for the Chattahoochee Valley. 🙂
You sound a bit disappointed with the services you are receiving from our federal government in exchange for your taxpayer dollars. Did you know Barack Hussein Obama is on tour right now saying “pass this jobs bill.”
You win a gold medal for saying this in the comment..
I’ve been trying to explain this to White Nationalists for months now. When the shit really hits the fan in America, the online world will become irrelevant. The last thing that people are going to care about is fantasy ideology.
Who can you really depend upon in this world? Your friends, your family, the people who go to your church, your ethnic group, etc. In so many words, ordinary people who are not really ideological.
In 2011, we stopped going to space. How long do you suppose it will be before commercial air travel becomes a thing of the past? It looked like it was headed that way in 2008.
Expect the trains to come roaring back. Trade along the river systems will come roaring back. You will also be seeing a lot more people on motorcycles and other smaller forms of personal transportation.
The blacks will launch their own version of Pearl Harbor on The Day The EBT Card Stops Working. Of course, unlike the British, Southern Whites are heavily armed, and it will undoubtedly escalate from there.
I can imagine the federal government taking the side of the black rioters. It would infuriate Southern Whites. If the federal government pulled an Arkansas ’57 or a Mississippi ’62, the gates of hell would open here in such conditions.
Keep Honkin I’m Reloading,
How long do you think the truckers can keep putting up with these prices? Can’t be long. It is worth returning to Spring 2008 which was a preview of what is just over the horizon.
– The truckers were striking over high fuel costs.
– Haiti was starving to death because of higher food prices.
– Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers were going down.
– Gas prices were over $4 a gallon and had choked the economy.
– The airlines were dying and consolidating.
Fastforward to 2011, the erosion of the dollar (the financial crisis) and higher fuel prices (the energy crisis) are being transferred to “consumers,” who are swiping their credit cards to fill up with regular unleaded, and who are cutting back on what they can afford in the supermarket, while black people (the race crisis) go wild with the EBT card.
My answer:
I discovered Peak Oil back in ’04. I was a progressive back then. Thinking about the world as a zero-sum “spaceship earth” cured me of my delusions. I figured out the Fed, the housing bubble, and the inevitable collapse of the dollar soon after that. I have begun the process of adjusting. So most of what’s happened since then has not been surprising.
For those considering leaving the US, consider Paraguay. Full of white farmers, and little else.
Your so called drugged out flyboys and special opps.What makes you think they won’t have your back?
Your vicious little asian monsters.What makes you think they like blacks or blacks like them?Have you lived in asia?
Do you won’t to alienate everyone or do you want to win?
Hunter Wallace says:
September 28, 2011 at 11:30 am
This is what will happen. Not “may” or “could”. So every-one get ready. This is absolutely going to happen.
Golden fetus – thanks for the explaination. God Almighty. I cannot beleive your boss told you to your face that your “name sounded Black”. This is what I try to tell DWL’s – and DWC’s Disingeuous White Conservatives (The DWC’s are JUST as bad as DWL’s on racial matters. Worse, even). I keep trying to tell them that Blacks HATE them – and will not be kind, nor fair. That Blacks, overall, delight in torment and misery and violence.
I dig your scene. The Groids probably enjoy tormenting you as their own very token. You learn as much as you can – and begin to think of ways to contribute to the breakdown of the system. You do what’s best for you. I think you are young. Keep one thing in mind. If you accept defeat – you will guarantee defeat. There are many ways to lose, and to win. Please understand that your actions can create a situation where we can win. It could be one random thing that could have profund consequences. Something you may not even think about, at the time. Does this make sense? We are fighting for our very survival. That’s what we win. Existence itself.
We are a in a very bad way, as Whites. You are right that most Whites do hate us, or are disgusted with our beliefs. Reality han’t called them into acocunt yet. But the Hour Cometh. I’m not cocerned about them. They will fall in drove.s I care aobut the people I love. Myu family members . I absolutely OWE the young kins in my fam my very best shot, in making certain they have decent lives. That they live at all. I OWE all the lovely little children I know – the children of the DWL’S and DWC’s – whose feckless, delusional parents are not doing right by thier own progeny – I owe these children my best efforts.
You do, too.
Life equals hope. Believe me. I despair at times. But don’t give up until you’re dead. The BRA is very fragile. It’s not going to hold. It’s failing now. There is always something you can to to screw up the works Sometimes negative is positive. Me – I’m mean enough to keep going after I’m dead. ; }
I will pray for you. It’s all I can do for you right now.
Keep Honkin’ – I heart you too. Thanks!
“300RUM says:
September 28, 2011 at 12:48 pm
Your so called drugged out flyboys and special opps.What makes you think they won’t have your back?
Your vicious little asian monsters.What makes you think they like blacks or blacks like them?Have you lived in asia?
Do you won’t to alienate everyone or do you want to win?”
Try not to be a jerk. Mmm’kay? ZOG has plenty of Whites ready to kill their own kind for a wee bit o’ career advancement – until they are no longer useful. The drugged -out flyboys may or may not have my back. I cannot count on that. I know the way the military breaks can determine everything – but why haven’t upper echelon career officers rounded up the Alien Overlords now? They are playing right along.
Re: the Chinese, or other Asians? They are for themselves. They may loathe Blacks – but that doesn’t mean they like us. Or will help us. The Asians I know don’t understand why Whites are complicit intheir own extermination. They see this as innate weakness. As a congenital sickness. And they are right. Study history. Asiatics have wiped out Whites before. MORE than once. There are pleny of Asians that HATE whites.
“The blacks will launch their own version of Pearl Harbor on The Day The EBT Card Stops Working”.
Well, there’s one thing we have to be thankful for: as a work associate once told me some years ago “they don’t have any generals”. If our fellow whites ever come to their senses Negroes will be very easy to control.
“Technical skills are transferable in a very broad sense. If you’re an engineer or technician, no matter what your specialty, you know a great deal about how the physical world works. It’s a whole lot easier to turn an electrical engineer into a computer programmer or a dental technician or an elevator mechanic or a farmer than doing the same with an English teacher. No, you might not get to work in your chosen field, but you have the ability to learn something new and useful.”
Ya, you’re right….many people with such skill found gainful employment in Wall Street or Chicago programming computers to trade against eachother or writing software for banks. A few lucky ones may have been token hires at green energy “vapor ware” companies after being laid off from their vapor ware .com companies.
In terms of America’s crumbling infrastructure or energy demands, get real. Those technologies and services are for brown people to do (often poorly) in exchange for IOUs. Engineers are not wanted here for problem solving but to add legitamacy to bullshit. Maybe when the world crumbles American technical expertise will be in high demand from someone other than the government (or their contractors/sub contractors/sub sub contractors) but not for a long time. Like the nuclear scientists decades ago, technical skills are not wanted and those with them should leave for greener pastures in American’s “competitors”
“From the age of 3, you’ve been raised to see the worse in the world, you’ve been raised to see the worse of Europe, the worse of Africa and the worse of Asia, you’ve been taught to be depressed and enslaved by loans and debt, rather than to stand on your own in a nation free, where your skills and passion for life would not only enable you to flourish, but would make you happy. Uncover your eyes, the American mind, it’s creativity and it’s ambition, have been the driving force in the world decades, and not much has changed. Your desire to partake in a system that swallows you in and spits you out, is the reason why so many of your bosses treat you like shit”
You sure hitler didn’t say that?
“but why haven’t upper echelon career officers rounded up the Alien Overlords now? They are playing right along. ”
I’ve often wondered the same thing. The Generals and other “insiders” from westpoint are no doubt coddled along and played like fiddles just like the rest of our intellegensia. However, I do hold out some hope that one or two awakened Colonels could take matters into their own hands. The destructive power is truely amazing, really, Just one bomber with a crew of 2, with the correct strategic load, could wipe out the entire east coast in one sortie without refuelling.
Several ex SF people I know are not the ZOG robots you may think they are. I think many joined to help their country and have since realized their “country” is not the same as their kin, who are what they are truely fighting for. The independence, special arrangements and lose “brotherhood” could make the SF community an uncontrollable force.
Its the regular army and airforce I’d worry about. Those are mostly full of “diversity” and incompetence. One look at Iraq and all the trouble those retards are still giving is all you need to know (and anyone who’s dealt with Iraqis can probably attest to this).
YT: Why are looking after America’s crumbling infrastructure and energy demands Brown people’s work? As you point out, they do these things poorly. Why are they not suitable White men’s jobs? Whites built it all in the first place.
I know that our Rulers brought in these Brown hordes in order to replace Whites, but, greedy scum that they are, they don’t plan for the long term. It’s like putting cheap tires on a car you don’t expect to be driving much longer. They’re in it for the golden parachute, nothing more. The Mexicans cannot sustain a modern nation. They even have trouble keeping a medieval country on the rails. This country needs Whites. This country IS Whites. The rest are imposters.
Now, if one believes that we’re in a unalterable terminal decline, bailing out is the best option. Go live and die amongst some docile primitives or ambitious Asiatics. But if you think that the present regime will collapse and that we will reclaim our own future, this is the place to be, among your own people where you will be valued for something more than how much American loot or technology the locals can get out of you.
Denise-did not mean to come across as a jerk.
YT has a good handle on it.So now they want to niggerize the SF,ever wonder why?
Only so much can be said.
Well 300 – apologies if I was too harsh. I do want to win. But we must relyu on ourselves, in the end. Non-Whites do not like each other – but wa cannot count on any-one but ourselves.
We are speaking of different time horizons. I am speaking of “now” and you are speaking of “in the future”. The problem as I see it: Incentives and time matter. It won’t matter who built what and when if all the former quality knowledge workers either a) leave for greener pastures or b) change careers to do something else. Expect both of these actions since nobody can wait around for BRA to collapse while bills are due and their family needs fed.
Technical know-how is capital just like a large factory. It must be maintained and if neglected will decay to nothing. The know-how takes years to rebuild. If BRA collapses tommorow there’s still a shot. If it takes another 10 years, we’re screwed. The last cohort of people that really knew what they were doing when it came to hard science is baby boomers. GenX and GenY are still living in their shadows and will have never had the opportunity to work significantly on major projects that the Boomer-lead economic expansions allowed.
Race does not correlate with skill. Intelligence yes but the crucial difference is experience, which BRA has ensured did not occur here.
I predict that America will make stuff again 10 years from now, but we’ll find that we make the cheap junk while Asians make the quality items until we regain that know-how that only really comes from experience.
The last 30 years of debt financing that BRA ran on allowed the zillions of MBAs and paper pushers to tell themselves that the US specializes in “High Value” trade and knowledge while foreigners did the mundane stuff. They forgot, or were too stupid to realize, that innovations occur at the bottom level. The factory workers and designers get the ideas that lead to better technology. It doesn’t come from paper-pushing office workers setting an R&D budget asside and scheduling an innovation.
But I see I’m rambling a little…
I understand.I am a peaceful man,don’t want to have to go against my neighbor.On the flip side if it does,the two Apaches I work with who hate BRA,well I want them on my side.They are not scared to rock & roll.
YT: You’re right that this country had discarded decades of experience in getting things done. The only substitute for 20 years of practice is another 20 years of practice. So we begin today. Some of those skilled baby boomers are still around and will be for another ten years or so. Yes, if it takes longer than that, we’ll have to work harder to get up to speed, but it’s all doable if we get control of our own country back.
There’s nothing wrong with making simple things, like shoes and clothing. My own perspective is from the shop floor. Skilled metal workers don’t come from school, they sort themselves out on the job. The guy who can run a five axis milling machine started on a simple drill press. The better you are, the further you go. Some people never get past the drill press, and they make the simple stuff that we all need anyway.
” People, there’s also more at stake than just “getting out and getting away”. ”
There is, but it does not depend on us. Affairs are far too complex to assume responsibility or blame, and therefore, you commit a specious moralistic fallacy in attempting to shame those who consider improving their lives by exiting this dystopian theater. I’ve been saying this stuff to people for years, that it’s too late, nothing can be fixed, the system is irretrievably corrupt, etc., and was universally vilified as a “defeatist” and “crypto-Jew”. Ask HW how long ago I began sounding the death-knell. And now many of you are trilling my black little tune. Bardamu, Linder, Jimmy Marr, Roissy, the majority of the commentariat — the illusions have been swept away by a mere three years of the Great Sangoma in office. Linder said, “With time, everything goes VNNward.” Wrong. With time, affairs have gone Outisward.
Worse, in a word.
“Now, if one believes that we’re in a unalterable terminal decline, bailing out is the best option. Go live and die amongst some docile primitives or ambitious Asiatics. ”
Blah blah blah. I am WHITEY, I make no-white sound dum n primitive, I from land of PISS PORN.
Me WHITEY stay. Me WHITEY fight for my land. Is dishonor to flee like coward, like afraid for life. Me WHITEY like Roman soljeer who wait patiently in doorway, volcano him rain upon fire, big hot death reward virtue.
Live with no-white? Bah! Him “docile”. Him live under straw roof n make babies, teach them about their gods and about the rains. Him PRIMITIVE. Me WHITEY better than that!