Put Your Marching Shoes On


Obama issues marching orders to black people

It is a cool September morning here in Dixie.

I’ve just returned from a brief run outside. There is a feeling in the air that we are on the eve of the storm. These last two months have been the most memorable and exciting since the great financial crisis of 2008.

This is where we are at today:

(1) Obama’s escalating rhetoric to the Congressional Black Caucus reveals that the fractures within the Democratic coalition are undermining his own base:

“You can’t stop marching. Even when they’re turning the hoses on you, you can’t stop,” Obama said. “Through the mud and the muck and the driving rain, we don’t stop. Because we know the rightness of our cause — widening the circle of opportunity, standing up for everybody’s opportunities, increasing each other’s prosperity.”

Fredricka Whitfield and Don Lemon might be projecting an image on CNN that everything is hunky dory in the projects, but Black America has lost 87 percent of its net worth since 2007 and the fat lady isn’t even on the stage yet.

(2) Robert Samuelson wonders if we are returning to the 1930s.

(3) Paul Krugman is scared shitless about the impending Greek default and the collapse of the Eurozone.

(4) Obama can write off winning Indiana in 2012.

(5) In another sign of desperation, Obama is planning to run an explicitly racial campaign in 2012 that will repudiate his “post-racial” and “post-partisan” platform that got him elected in 2008.

Obama is down to under 33 percent White approval in the Gallup poll.

(6) At The Daily Beast, this is correctly interpreted as Obama giving up hope of winning White Independents, and as a position of weakness where Obama has to stop the bleeding in his own base.

(7) Mark Steyn is playing his violin as the deck chairs are rearranged on the Titanic.

(8) Rick “Fed Up” Perry is unexpectedly collapsing with the conservative base over his coddling of illegal aliens – just imagine, the Republican frontrunner isn’t able to get away with that anymore.

(9) Americans are registering historic levels of anger with the federal government in the Gallup poll.

– 82% of Americans disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job.

– 69% say they have little or no confidence in the legislative branch of government, an all-time high and up from 63% in 2010.

– 57% have little or no confidence in the federal government to solve domestic problems, exceeding the previous high of 53% recorded in 2010 and well exceeding the 43% who have little or no confidence in the government to solve international problems.

– 53% have little or no confidence in the men and women who seek or hold elected office.

– Americans believe, on average, that the federal government wastes 51 cents of every tax dollar, similar to a year ago, but up significantly from 46 cents a decade ago and from an average 43 cents three decades ago.

– 49% of Americans believe the federal government has become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens. In 2003, less than a third (30%) believed this.

(10) Karl Denninger on The Collapse of 2011.

(11) James Howard Kunstler on our Punked World.

(12) Finally, it seems that the U.S. federal government through FEMA is stockpiling enormous amounts of food and so are other governments around the world as food prices continue to rise.

Unfortunately, I feel asleep last night before I could watch Soledad O’Brien’s highly anticipated Latino in America 2.0 on CNN. I’m sure there will be a replay at some point though.

Note: The Muse of Hate will be back tomorrow to discuss the crisis in the storable food industry, black people putting on their marching shoes, The Day The EBT Card Stops Working, and the future of the Alabama Black Belt.

About Hunter Wallace 12400 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Food will be the next “carrot” to keep you goyim in line. Between the FED caused inflation, midwest flooding and federal purchase of flooded land in the aftermath and Soros buying up grain distribution channels, the fix is already in for high-priced food for an extended period of time. I guess Uncle Sugar will be a source of relief unless you r thinking is doubleplusungood.

    Did you know Soros (via Gavilon) is just behind Cargill and AMD? JP Morgan is doing the same with Aluminum and Copper via “free trade zones” on US shores that are not under the jurisdiction of the many impotent regulatory bodies of this country.

    There is no hope of freedom unless white america can be informed of why the screws are being put to them and organize themselves. That would require turning off the damn TV first though. Obama is just another of a long line of puppets and nothing will change unless we start pulling the strings to see where they HEY, did you see that Colts-Steelers game?! Without Peyton I thought FO’ SO’ it would be a total route. But it wasn’t that bad at all! I missed when it got retied up at 13 because I went out to BW3s to get some more wings. They seem a bit smaller than I remember and the prices are a bit higher. I mean, $30 bucks for a couple dozen little wimpy wings? Ah, what can you do. At least I can justify Sam Adams beer now that Budweiser is foreign owned and nearly $1 a bottle. Tastes Great less filling! What was I talking about? Oh ya, GO COLTS!

  2. My email to Kunstler:

    You asked:

    “In the meantime, can anybody answer this question: where is the Tea Party of Progressives? Why are the Nascar morons and Jesus jokers the only people in this country who can mount an aggressive political movement? Will somebody please step up and take the baton?”

    There is no Tea Party of progressives because:

    (1) First, the progressive Barack Hussein Obama is president.

    (2) Second, the progressives control the U.S. Senate under Harry Reid.

    (3) Third, the progressives controlled the U.S. House under Nancy Pelosi which they used to pass Obamacare, the Obama stimulus, the Wall Street bailout, the Pigford swindle, DADT repeal, and the DREAM Act among other things until they were blown out of the water in the 2010 elections in Dixie and the Midwest.

    (4) Fourth, progressives control most of the universities and the mainstream media, which are no longer taken seriously in Heartland.

    (5) Fifth, progressives are Jews, African-Americans, Hispanics, homosexuals, atheists, agnostics, public sector workers, college educated feminist White women, gentry liberals in the Deep North, and a hodge podge of other special interest groups who all got married to Barack Hussein Obama in 2008.


    Their guy is now in the White House! This is the “Hope and Change” that progressives wanted – Tim Geithner, Ben Bernanke, Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.

    (6) Sixth, as you certainly know, Wall Street was firmly in the tank for Obama and the Democratic Party, which rewarded Wall Street with the bailout, and for all the rhetoric about “the top 1 percent,” it was “the top 1 percent” (i.e, social liberals) that voted for Obama in 2008.

    (7) Seventh, why would progressives need to have a Tea Party? Government spending has exploded under Obama. The national debt has exploded under Obama. The Holder Justice Department is suing Arizona and Alabama in league with Mexico and Guatemala. Progressive bloggers are invited to the White House to rub shoulders with Obama.

    BRA’s president has spent millions of dollars here in Alabama to bring “high speed internet” to the middle of nowhere and to “weatherize” homes that were blown away by tornadoes and to prop up the housing projects in Selma, Montgomery, Tuskegee, and Birmingham.

    (8) Eighth, progressives have been forming their own “Tea Party” for years now – the Coffee Party, Van Jones’ “Rebuild the Dream” or whatever he was calling it, which no one but the familiar suspects paid any attention to.

    Why would black people need to have a Tea Party? What about illegal aliens? Black people don’t pay income taxes and the federal government takes their side and the side of foreign countries against White taxpayers in the Heartland.

    Why would the liberal establishment need to have a Tea Party? Why would Mr. EBT need to throw a Tea Party?

    (9) Ninth, no one who lives here watches Chris Matthews, Lawrence O’Donnell, Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, and Al Sharpton on MSNBC. Similarly, no one takes E.J. Dionne or Paul Krugman or Tom Friedman seriously.

    Have you seen Tom Friedman’s new book? That Used To Be Us?

    (10) Tenth, it is progressives that come up with and believe in this techno-utopian nonsense like Solyndra and Al Gore’s ethanol corn fields in Iowa and high speed trains to connect the projects of Chicago and Detroit and refurbishing 10,000 schools with taxpayer dollars and installing high speed internet in them for public school children with IQs in the 70 to 95 range.

    (11) Eleventh, progressives have succeeded in discrediting their philosophy of Big Government. Just look at the latest Gallup Poll.


    (12) Twelfth, progressives are now in control in parts of America like Detroit, Michigan and California which is bankrupt and Blue States like Illinois and Massachusetts. No one wants to live there.

    That’s why all their citizens are fleeing to Texas and Oklahoma and to Georgia and Florida. They have made life inhospitable there for the average business owner or White middle class family.

    James, you are one of the handful of self described “progressives” who the smart set in conservatism actually take seriously.

    If you want to know why “progressives” find themselves in this predicament, you could always ask us and we could easily step up and take your baton and lay it all out for you in plain English.

    (1) Here in Dixie, Yankee progressives would have to come to grips with The Visible Hand that is the Black Undertow, and the atrocities that were committed here with Brown vs. Board of Education, Loving v. Virginia, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Fair Housing Act of 1968, and LBJ’s Great Society.

    Look, I will explain it for you:

    See, the big government liberal FDR carried Dixie in 1932, 1936, 1940, and 1944. The TVA was popular here. LBJ decided to destroy the New Deal coalition in 1964 and 1968.

    Honestly, was that great progressive experiment worth it? The integrated schools failed in their objective. The Voting Rights Act destroyed our major cities and created black holes in rural areas. The welfare state completely failed to uplift black people to “equality.”

    (2) In the Western states, Yankee progressives would have to come to grips with The Visible Hand that is the Brown Tide – which has driven millions of ex-Californians fleeing to states like Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, Idaho, and Arizona.

    The Brown Tide is attributable to the Immigration Act of 1965 which turned large swathes of the Southwest into Mexico. Everyone in the Western states knows how the The Brown Tide destroyed the Golden State.

    (3) There are other states like Kansas and the Dakotas which used to be hotbeds of populism and progressivism way back in the day. You know, it is hard to believe that Tom Daschle and George McGovern came from South Dakota.


    William Jennings Bryan (The Great Commoner) came from Nebraska. Bleeding Kansas is where John Brown fought the border ruffians from Mizzou in the 1850s.

    So what happened there? It was the Roe vs. Wade decision that destroyed the Democratic Party in Kansas and cost the Democratic Party legions of voters all across Middle America..


    (4) In the Midwest, Yankee progressives would have to confront their support for “free trade” and “globalization” which (in exchange for the Wall Street money) has succeeded in exporting the great industries of Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana to foreign countries in East Asia and Latin America.

    That’s why there isn’t a progressive Tea Party:

    It is solely because of the enormous Republican advantage with White voters outside of the Northeast, which is attributable to (1) the costs of the so-called “Civil Rights Movement,” (2) the Roe vs. Wade decision, (3) the Immigration Act of 1965 which destroyed California, and (4) the support for free trade and globalization which has ruined the Midwest.

    It is also worth observing that the Northeast is no longer immune to these trends (i.e., angry White people) swirling around in the Heartland: see Chris Christie in New Jersey, Scott Brown in Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire turning into Red States, Obama’s collapse in Pennyslvania, and the loss of the Anthony Weiner seat in Queens.

    2012 is going to be an interesting year, don’t you think?

  3. HW,

    Unfortunately, Kunstler will almost certainly either dismiss or ignore your e-mail.

    Progressives aren’t very good at engaging with the criticism of others because they advance their political agenda on the basis of moral superiority, which necessarily entails that anyone who disagrees with them is morally inferior in their eyes. Hence, Kunstler will almost certainly conclude that you’re just another evil racist regardless of how many good points you make. I’ll note in passing that it’s more than a little ironic that progressives tend to advance their agenda on the basis of moral superiority when their own naturalistic metaphysics deny the very existence of objective moral values in the first place!

  4. Hunter you wasted your time writing that email. Basically the Left does not have a movement wide org. because the Left is comprised of cults rigidly segregated. Intergrate shiftless layabout Rastus who hates whites with Biffy and Muffy who love “Green” and have come from a culture of sterility, ain’t nothing good going to come from that meet up. The explicity racial meets the explicitly aracial, how is that gonna work?

    Anyway a brilliant poster by the name of newworld will take care of the Left’s tea party notion at CF.

  5. – 82% of Americans disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job.
    This is a misleading statistic. When you ask a person about their representative, they are very likely to give a higher opinion. People are concerned with what their representative can do for them. Someone recently called into the local Panama City talk show explaining how they wanted their representative to get them tax money for the area. The talk show host could not convince the person that this was not a conservative position. The person wanted his representative to stop giving money to others.

  6. That’s a blistering email sent to a Progressive–which means “cocooned in asbestos.”

    As everything comes crashing down due to Progressive programs and policies, they will blame conservative whites more and more. You can take it to the bank.

  7. Hunter, this letter to the progressive guy is too long. You need a break. Let’s go mingle with some nice Southern gals at the Vanderbilt vs University of Georgia game in mid October – I’m getting lots of good things set up there.

  8. Hunter did not waste his time. The Lefty Kikes need to hear opposition. Too bad Hunter didn’t write the letter out on paper, go to Kunstler’s office – and jam the paper in his…ear….

  9. Nice piece by Denninger, for which thanx. Otherwise, I’m going to pour some cold water. America is just now crossing the ethno-socialist tipping point: >50% of the electorate now dependent on some sort of debt-financed gubmint check: salery, pension, contract, group-entitlement handout. 2010 may well have been the last gasp of the old, independent white middle class electorate. 2012, tho, all these parasites (of all colors) will be out in force. Plus millions of illegals voting for the first time. So while all these polls are interesting, the only poll that’ll matter is the election itself. Since the field of Repub potential nominees is remarkably weak and there isn’t a straight down the line conservative among them, Obama could squeak thru in a 2-man race and win in the EC with <45% of the vote in a 3-way election; this if the TP goes 3rd Pty, which'll happen if the nominee is Romney. In terms of sparking off a civil war – which is the only way we can get bloody well rid of the entire Beltway/DC/JewYork gang – we'll be better off with a narrow Obama victory. Cf: Lincoln, 1860, and what happened shortly thereafter.

  10. The few remaining Obama loyalists are rabidly desperate, cracks are emerging the DNC. White progressives are racist: http://www.thenation.com/article/163544/black-president-double-standard-why-white-liberals-are-abandoning-obama

    The (informed, orthodox) left is disgusted with Obama, and the way that conservatives wildly change in the polls (Bachmann, then Perry, then . . . not Perry?) suggests that they are unimpressed by the collection of traitors (except Ron Paul) they see at the debates.

    The DNC and GOP are breaking apart. This is making the Federal Government increasingly dysfunctional. The bond markets will also begin to limit the actions of the government. This is wonderful, the most powerful machine attacking is stalling. The red states will gain more sovereignty. The EU is also beginning to experience gridlock, deferring power to the member states, as well.

    You’re right Hunter, this election is going to be push a lot of whites into a more racial way of thinking.

  11. Republicans have voters. Democrats have mercenaries.

    This is devastating:

    “(10) Tenth, it is progressives that come up with and believe in this techno-utopian nonsense like Solyndra and Al Gore’s ethanol corn fields in Iowa and high speed trains to connect the projects of Chicago and Detroit and refurbishing 10,000 schools with taxpayer dollars and installing high speed internet in them for public school children with IQs in the 70 to 95 range.”

    Speak this language to commoners, they won’t know how to respond. Those who do will be college mercenaries and Jews.

  12. “As everything comes crashing down due to Progressive programs and policies, they will blame conservative whites more and more. You can take it to the bank.”

    Was just reading and commenting on a report at CBS Denver of violent crimes having risen by 138% — congruent of course with Mexican habitation, white flight, and no gun carry. Even so, some determined anti-whites actually blamed “angry right-wingers” and “deranged veterans” for it. This is psychiatric, not political. A nigger could shoot them in the face for the thrill of it and whites would still get the blame. If not whites, “drugs”, or “conditions”, or “no fathers”, etc., etc. Leftist rationalization is totally recursive and necessarily abstract in the Platonic sense. It is qualities, not the thing itself, that causes trouble.


  13. “CBS Denver of violent crimes having risen by 138% — congruent of course with Mexican habitation, white flight, and no gun carry.”

    In the words of the great Borat : SO what problem?

    By the time the full open civil war breaks out I figure I’ll be better off with fewer DSLs running around with the ability and intention to infiltrate and sabatage my side. Its not about White vs. Black vs. Brown vs. HookedNose it will be about values. If Denver doesn’t share my values (and they don’t), let ’em sleep with the apes.

  14. YT says:
    September 27, 2011 at 3:10 pm
    “CBS Denver of violent crimes having risen by 138% — congruent of course with Mexican habitation, white flight, and no gun carry.”

    In the words of the great Borat : SO what problem?

    By the time the full open civil war breaks out I figure I’ll be better off with fewer DSLs running around with the ability and intention to infiltrate and sabotage my side. Its not about White vs. Black vs. Brown vs. HookedNose it will be about values. If Denver doesn’t share my values (and they don’t), let ‘em sleep with the apes.”

    Damned right. The creatures I loathe the most are the DWL’s. THEY have ruined my world. The faster they are devured – the faster they cease to be a problem

    I do not know how any of this will play out. I do not know if I will live to old age. I don’t know it’s I’ll want to. I despair at the willingness of so many members of my own Race to passively consign themsleves to Oblivion. They are dragging me and mine with down with them. If my Race does survive, however, it will be due to the Whites that absolutely refuse to be genocided, and co-opted, and have survived. And then all bets are off. That Out Group altruism gene is gonna be purged out of Future Whites – once and for all. Future Whites, if there are any, will be utterly impervious to compassion and remorse, for anything that doesn’t look like them. It will be a long, slow, blood-drenched, horrific climb back to to a White World – but a White World it will be.

  15. Layabout Rastus may hate white “greenies” Biffy and Muffy but all three will vote for the magic Negro.

    The Democrat party is made up of a coalition of blacks, Hispanics, Jews, “green” types, DWL’s; every group within the coalition having little or no love for any other group in the coalition.

    Obama could be overplaying his hand by sucking up too much to his brothas and sistas.

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