Federal Judge Throws Out Arizona Lawsuit

Federal judge throws out Arizona's lawsuit against the Obama administration


The same federal judge who blocked Arizona’s SB 1070 has thrown out Gov. Jan Brewer’s lawsuit against the Obama administration for its failure to enforce federal immigration law.

Gov. Brewer demanded that the Obama administration build the border fence in Arizona that was passed by Congress in 2006. Judge Susan Bolton dismissed the lawsuit by laughably calling it “a political question.”

In a public statement, Brewer said she was not surprised by the ruling. “It is but the latest chapter in a story that Arizonans know all too well: The federal government ignores its constitutional and statutory duty to secure the border.”

This is the same familiar story of federal tyranny that we have known in Dixie for generations. Eric “My People” Holder has also been trying to block Alabama’s immigration law and has already succeeded in getting an injunction to block several portions of it.

The federal government is incapable of balancing its own budget. It refuses as a matter of principle to discharge its constitutional responsibilities. It ignores federal statutes that progressives dislike, arbitrarily sues states for violating its “authority,” and takes the side of foreign countries like Mexico against states like Arizona and Alabama.

Barack Hussein Obama is far worse than King George III who expended tremendous resources in the American colonies to “secure the border” from the French and their Indian allies. Last year, Obama called on Latinos to “punish our enemies” before the 2010 midterm elections.

Arizona’s border will never be secured so long as the Democratic Party controls the federal government. The Mexican invasion is part of a calculated gentry liberal political strategy which is designed to create Aztlan in the Southwest.

Colin Woodward spells it out in American Nations:

In the future, the balance of power will be shaped by the affinities of the rapidly growing, increasingly assertive Hispanics of El Norte. Until the second half of the twentieth century, the other nations generally ignored El Norte, a national culture that controlled no state governments and was assumed to be on the road to extinction, its various elements absorbed into the Far West, Greater Appalachia, and the Deep South. Nortenos – isolated in enclaves in the Far West and marginalized by the racial caste system in the border states under Dixie control – were expected to go quietly the way of the American Indians.

But nortenos began reasserting control over the political and cultural life of New Mexico, south Texas, and southern Arizona, and making deep inroads in Southern California. They’ve elected their own to city halls from San Antonio to Los Angeles, the governorship of New Mexico, the U.S. Congress, and the U.S. Senate seats for New Mexico and Colorado. As discussed in chapter 23, their numbers have increased rapidly both in raw totals and percentage of the federation’s population, triggering talk of a reconquista of land lost after the Mexican-American War. Already the largest U.S. minority, Hispanics of all origins are expected to account for a quarter of the federation’s population by 2025. In 2010, nortenos already constituted a majority in Los Angeles, San Antonio, and El Paso and a plurality in the state of New Mexico. Some observers believe that, if Mexico were to break up, several of its northern states might seek annexation or political affiliation with the United States, further increasing El Norte’s influence and prestige within the federation. The bloc that wins the allegiance of El Norte stands to control American affairs.

For 150 years the Dixie bloc has done itself few favors in neglecting to win norteno hearts and minds. The Deep South’s caste system and Appalachia’s commitment to white supremacy led to the oppression and alienation of Tejanos and New Mexico Hispanos. Anglo colonists in Arizona and southern California – a majority of whom hailed from Dixie and have voted for Dixie candidates – didn’t go out of their way to integrate Spanish-speaking people into politics and society while they were in power. As a result, El Norte’s activists and political leaders have aligned themselves with northerners while its electorate has voted with Yankeedom in every presidential election since 1988. With Dixie and Far Western populists railing against the dangers of Mexican immigration, El Norte can be expected to back the Northern bloc for some time to come.

That’s right.

The invasion of the Southwest by Mexicans is tolerated because overwhelming the White conservatives in the region with foreigners will create another “ally” for Yankeedom and the “Northern bloc” which consistently votes for the DREAM Act and “comprehensive immigration reform” for that reason.

It is disturbing to think that one section of the country is so bent on lording over the United States (i.e., the Northeast) that it would literally allow foreigners to invade and occupy another section (i.e., the Southwest) to get its way.

It is less surprising when you consider the fact that the Northeast opposed everything from the Louisiana Purchase to the annexation of Texas to the Mexican War because it feared American expansion would dilute its prestige and influence within the Union.

The Northeast also emancipated the slaves and made blacks into American citizens for the specific purpose of creating a Republican Party in the South. Its faux moralizing over “civil rights” has always been about retaining control over the federal government.

As long as the United States exists (indeed, as long as it has ever existed), the struggle between the sections for control of the federal government will continue, and the “progressives” who control the Democratic Party will continue to support the invasion of Arizona and other Southwestern states as part of their gentry liberal strategy to control Washington.

The Mexican border will never be secured until the border of the United States is pushed back to the Ohio and Potomac rivers.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Exactly what I was going to say. It must have been a woman. Christians think differently than Jews, Whites think differently than Blacks, and Women think differently than Men. Don’t listen to a Black’s opinion about racism, don’t listen to a Jew’s opinion about morality, and don’t listen to a Woman’s opinion on politics or law. These women are out of control, and we’re all paying for it.

  2. I live in the Northeast and can say that the invasion from south of the border has now spread to this region. Everywhere I see small Meso-Americans in our state capital. The women, with children in tow, swipe EBT cards at the supermarket while the men leer at blonde girls on public transit.

  3. “For 150 years the Dixie bloc has done itself few favors in neglecting to win norteno hearts and minds. The Deep South’s caste system and Appalachia’s commitment to white supremacy led to the oppression and alienation of Tejanos and New Mexico Hispanos. Anglo colonists in Arizona and southern California – a majority of whom hailed from Dixie and have voted for Dixie candidates – didn’t go out of their way to integrate Spanish-speaking people into politics and society while they were in power. As a result, El Norte’s activists and political leaders have aligned themselves with northerners while its electorate has voted with Yankeedom in every presidential election since 1988. With Dixie and Far Western populists railing against the dangers of Mexican immigration, El Norte can be expected to back the Northern bloc for some time to come.”

    The impression I get from this quote is that if White people had only done everything right and constantly acquiesced to the demands of Latinos, the Latinos wouldn’t be trying to “get their land back” today. So, Bob Woodward is saying we deserve to go through the conflict we are going through and we Whites should just step aside while the invaders take away our land (what they really want is the infrastructure that is on the land. The infrastructure that was established by the White man).

    I disagree with Mr. Woodward. I don’t care how nice, sweet, fair, or otherwise respectful you are to Latinos. They have a very strong racial identity and they come to this country and want to take over because they cannot create a first world country in Mexico like we have in the United States and they focus on the needs of their people first and foremost.

    I have had incidents where I was talking to Latinos about a subject other than race, but they ALWAYS managed to bring up the race issue with me. The type of conversation which implies that we Whites are racist and bad and that we eternally owe the Latinos, especially the Mexicans.

    I hope that White people wake up to this deception.

  4. I’m pretty sure the outcome is exactly what Brewer expected. The desired objective is to make the federal courts and the Administration look bad, and this decision did it in spades. Anything that creates anger at the Federal government and especially the Judiciary is good for us. Earlier this year I wrote on this topic
    Our esteemed justice is simply helping us move the population along. Her obvious derision for ordinary people helps us as well. Too bad she couldn’t put in a line about teabagging, racist nativists.

  5. Crystal said: “I have had incidents where I was talking to Latinos about a subject other than race, but they ALWAYS managed to bring up the race issue with me. The type of conversation which implies that we Whites are racist and bad and that we eternally owe the Latinos, especially the Mexicans.”

    Crystal, I’m always curious as to how different people respond to non-whites foolish views on race; when they imply that Whites are racist and bad, how do you respond to them?

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