New York
A better message would simply be: let’s secede from the United States and rid ourselves of all the Wall Street swindlers (Jewish or Gentile) in New York City and all the DWLs (Jewish or Gentile) in the Northeast.
I can’t say that I disagree with the thrust of the video though. New York City really is controlled by predatory Jewish criminals like Michael Bloomberg, Bernie Madoff, and Lloyd Blankfein. It really is the capital of the “Mainstream Media.” It really is the capital of Jewish internationalism.
If the Left is going to “occupy” something in America, I couldn’t think of a better place for all that hippie rage to be directed than Wall Street. Let them “Occupy Wall Street” instead of coming to Alabama as the “Freedom Riders” or to Mississippi as “civil rights activists” in the “Mississippi Freedom Summer.”
I’m also highly skeptical of the idea of “prosecuting” the “criminal bankers.” If you get rid of the ones that exist now like Madoff (or the ones that used to exist like J.P. Morgan), they will only be replaced by a new batch of parasites. The mostly Gentile parasites that crashed the American economy in the Great Depression aren’t around anymore.
This is also my objection to Ron Paul’s “End the Fed” campaign. Even if you succeeded in ending the the Fed, the same constituency would lobby endlessly to resurrect it. Andrew Jackson slayed the Second Bank of the United States, but eventually it was reincarnated as the Federal Reserve.
As long as we are tied to New York City and Washington through the United States, we will continue to have this problem. Washington will control our currency. New York City will control our finances. The Northeast and The Left Coast will continue to push for the DREAM Act and “comprehensive immigration reform” in Congress.
If every Jewish banker disappeared from Wall Street tomorrow, the same predatory financial system would remain in place (it was in place before they arrived there), and Gentiles (who are still quite numerous on Wall Street) would gladly move up the pecking order and assume their former positions in the driver’s seat of world finance.
The only way to solve this problem once and for all is to (1) rid ourselves of the delusion that we are going to “Take America Back” and (2) draw an international border with the United States along the Potomac and Ohio rivers. If that northern border existed today, we wouldn’t find ourselves in our present condition.
Note: The Wall Street money is still lining up behind Obama for the 2012 election cycle.
If the South wishes to secede, then I say go. Leave. You guys are the ones still carrying it around, so go your separate way. And I wish you luck, honestly. Just remember one thing, though — your niggers go with you. And as Civil War reparations, you can have all of ours, too.
CHRIS!!!!! Knock it off. I love you – but don’t be resentful.
This was GREAT!!!! BEK and his Jew handlers went on a Gran Mal Knish Out over this. I love it.
The shekels behind The Kenyan Usurper have always been Strictly Kosher.
Dave either needs to let all it go gray or none of it. He looks ridiculous with the gray beard and dyed hair.
This is also my objection to Ron Paul’s “End the Fed” campaign. Even if you succeeded in ending the the Fed, the same constituency would lobby endlessly to resurrect it. Andrew Jackson slayed the Second Bank of the United States, but eventually it was reincarnated as the Federal Reserve.
I do not know what kind of an “objection” that is; the Union enjoyed eight decades of sound money between the end of the Bank and the advent of the Federal Reserve. Naturally, there would still be interests that would be better served by its restoration, but its end in itself would greatly weaken their power.
The same could likely be said of the Union. The money interests of the South would likely find secession repulsive, due to trade and whatnot, yet you advocate it because their malign influence upon the economy and culture would at least be truncated.
Yeah, HW and his “Lost Cause”; maybe he’s been collecting Confederate money. Or some kind of repetition compulsion: South secedes again, loses again. Fortunately, it is going to go way beyond that. This growing rage against the Establishment is nation-wide. During CW II, the entire Jew-Urban northeast corridor is going to be thoroughly purged. Then the rust-belt. Then the left coast cosmics and the Jew-Hollywood crowd.
Did you know the Federal Reserve is really Central Bank 3.0? Why should any rational person believe that if the Fed is slayed that the same people won’t start organizing the next day to bring it back? Of course they will start lobbying to bring it back.
Look at it this way: if all the anti-White laws that have been inspired by Jewish political activism were repealed tomorrow, but the Jews were allowed to stick around with all their current privileges, would not the same Jews start agitating to recreate the present system?
How many times has the DREAM Act been killed now in Congress? Did you know the DREAM Act might come back before December in the Senate? It doesn’t matter how many times we have killed the DREAM Act. The same people keep bringing the same damn piece of legislation back to life.
Instead of looking at the world through abstractions (as Team Paul does), we ought to start looking at the world through the prism of groups with distinct interests that are clashing with other groups.
If you succeed in killing the Fed, its supporters will organize the next day to bring it back. Is this not obvious? How many times have the supports of the DREAM Act brought it back now?
Is it not obvious that the only way to “End the Fed” permanently is to separate from the constituency that supports the Fed?
My ideal is to create a White ethnostate in Dixie for Anglo-Celtic Southerners (i.e., something like Serbia or Germany) that is as homogeneous as possible. If the South really seceded from the Union, it would undoubtedly galvanize secessionist movements in other areas.
Do we really want to recreate a multinational federation like the United States? If we created a multinational federation like “Middle America,” we would quickly find out that within the multinational federation political parties would reform as competing sections jockeyed for control of the new federal government.
Instead of going down that road, we should aim to break up the United States into as many homogeneous states as possible. There could be a Deseret in the Far West. There could be a New England in the Northeast. There could be a Quebec in Canada. There could be a Cascadia in the Left Coast.
Re Killing the Fed – that means Purge Die Jude. Period. Yes – send as many Yankee Shabbos Goy into the ovens with ’em, as you please. Burn baby burn.
Hunter – I kow Kroll annoys you are times, but:
“How “pro-White” of Hunter Wallace. How “pro-Southern” – ignore those New York Bankers, looks at my Negro Collection!”
LOLOLOL! I am for anything that makes me nearly spit up my belived coffee, choking with laughter, all over my keyboard. I am stealing that line, Kroll. I won’t use it for Southerners, but I will use it elsewhere. HAHAHA!
Crusader – ya darned tootin”! The USA did just fine without the Joobanksters!
Hunter – tell Paul Kersey to put my Anti joo posts through Moderation. He’s beng a pussy. He’s got Jews objecting to “Anti-Jewish sentiments” in his comments. That signals the road to Hell.
Paul Kersey isn’t bad on the Jew thing. I just don’t think he wants it on his blog. People who are bad on the Jew thing get all huffy about it but when I called him on the issue on my blog he gave a measured, reasonable reply. Measured, reasonable replies on the Jew thing are the hallmark of an un-captured mind.
Hunter, simple secession from the banksters is a non-starter. They’ll just move into your territory and start another bank.
Svigor – my 1 reply to a Jewish poster, kvetching over “creeping Nazism”, was not my pro forma “Send the Spawn of Satan into the Fires!” type thing. I essentially queried why a pro White blog, dealing with warning Whites about their imminent physical peril from the Black Undertow needs to pander to Jews?
The whole Knaaazee thing is a Shark Jumprer signal. The fact that Jews are bringing up the Knaaaazees is indicative of Judaic subversion, and diversion. And it’s utterly impossible, if one is going to be honest and thorough, to dissect the rise of BRA, with OUT citing Jewish malevolence. Blacks are the blunt tool of the Jew, in White social orders. Period.
By the by – when I first discovered theis blog, I told poeple that many of the posters here-in are refugees from Amren – because Amren will permit their readerhip to handwring over Negroes annd Mestizos – but not one whisper aobut Jews is permitted through the Mod’s filters. The OD allows free discussion. Kersey will not achieve his goals, unless he deals with the whole picture. He doesn’t need to allow his site to turn into VNN – but he needs to loosen up.
Kersey is doing it right. He’s got a sense of humor about the whole thing, so it’s a great gateway site. People don’t feel like they’ve crossed the rubicon by posting at SBPDL. I think many former SWPLs make their first awake posting there.
Nothing takes away from humor like the JQ.
Amren, on the other hand, has hobbled itself by taking a serious, academic tone and not allowing discussion of the JQ.
Its true its true a jew flaps his gums in Tel Aviv a gentile falls down in Arkansas. Anti-semetism is mostly true and still it is nothing but a nigger religion (nigger meaning untermensch not negro).
An anti-semite is a person who would rather “name die jude” as his race is subject to genocide. Or the basic anti-semite is an unpaid agent for zionism.
“Is it not obvious that the only way to “End the Fed” permanently is to separate from the constituency that supports the Fed?”
What makes you think “it” won’t just work its way into the Dixie system? I don’t believe there are really any non-fractiona -reserve based CBs anymore. Lybia WAS one but the “rebels” got themselves a good ol’ western style CB back in May. Iraq…hmm…maybe Iran still does things the gentile & muslim way.
Not that whites are excluded from the special club of money supply control. Rockefeller, Morgan and Mellon all bought their way in a measly 100 years ago. But thats really nothing on the Rothchilds and Warburgs who’ve been at it for centuries.
Q: Why did Jesus get so upset at simple money changers?
A: Just like the ancient goldsmiths that printed up extra deposit notes for their vaults, they malicously controlled the supply of sheckles for the temple.
Its not about religion per say, its about bad faith asymetric information. Definately a lot more psycopaths in one religion/race that do that but its not exclusive. When the same families have been ruling CBs for centuries, its a good bet that no matter what you do they’ll find someone with the right last name and background to do their bidding.
It’s the left that frames everything in terms of economics. It’s hard to embrace the rubric that after 100 years of left wing perfidy and lies that oh, all of a sudden it’s the central bank that brought us down.
After everything we as Americans decide to finally rally around destroying something as dry as central banking. You’re pro abortion, pro-illegal immigration, pro “living wage” and every other top-down something-for-nothing scheme that comes down the pike, you’re pro affirmative action, anti freedom of association, pro tax the producer pay the loser, and pro every damn thing that makes this country a living hell and yet HEY, you’re anti Federal Reserve! Let’s drop our differences and fight together as consumers of money and exchangers of goods!
Here is a clue:
Every 2-bit, single-issue movement that you cited have one thing in common. The people that end up “representing” those movements are all underwritten by one group that is never critized, called out, prosecuted or mentioned in the media. You’re still screaming at the puppets in the puppet show while everyone else is figuring out that getting rid of the puppeteer is paramount.
do you really think that if we all just hold hands and believe in Jesus that evil will go away? Or will it just give the devil more opportunity to convice us he doesn’t exist? Projection and all that. Possibly the best thing to come out of the left: making everyone cynical enough to realize they (and their neo-con mirrors) are all the same.
“Do you really think that if we all just hold hands and believe in Jesus that evil will go away?”
Pretty sure I didn’t say anything of the sort.
Do you really believe if we all just hold hands and believe in [ending fractional reserve banking] that evil will go away?
The left and their neocon mirrors are NOT all the same. That’s the point. There are very REAL differences between ideologies, and saying it’s all about the banks is just a way to avoid all the issues that make a culture worth defending. You get rid of the FED and all the Jews and you’re still left with people of vastly different ideologies of what America means and what culture is that will still need to be figured out. If you’re going to fight, fight for what is meaningful and the money issue will resolve itself. A freshly reconstituted culture is going to hold off dishonest money far longer than a rancid culture is going to be able to maintain sound money.
What’s a matter, every time you hear “conservative” you have to start throwing around the Jesus card? Fucking tool.
By the way, when I said “you’re” in the previous post before last, I wasn’t referring to you. I was referring to your typical OWS supporter that we are supposed to rally around because they are against Wall Street. The typical left and right winger that says we are all going to come together to fight financial corruption. That’s the “you” I was referring to. Obviously the TPTB want OWS to the “revolutionary” rubric all people rally around. I was talking to them.
Well said Spooky.
We aren’t going to be making effective alliances with OWS , ACORN, or Al Qaeda, or the ANC, Black flash mobs in Phily.
Sure, it’s nice to see the Left say something we like every once in a blue moon, and we’re also not going to let our hatred of these urban leftist campers make us go over to the Wall Street swindlers or embrace Neo Conservative pro Jew wars (though millions of White Americans do fall for these fake Neo Con wars), what we want is some Napoleon, Pinochet, Franco to fire in to these filthy mobs and then go brag about it on TV.
Maybe we can look up those Chinese generals who ran over the “Pro democracy” students with tanks in Tiananmen Square
LOL. Come on now.
Ask your typical OWS type this question:
“If God came to you tomorrow and told you he would transfer all the wealth of the top 1% to the bottom 1%, feed all the poor of the world, pay off all the credit card debt and student loan debt of everyone but white males if you supported a border fence and an end to affirmative action, would you take the offer?”
Your typical answer:
“I don’t believe in God, that’s a violation of separation of Church and State, and you are a Nazi.”
What the hell do we do with that? This is the philosophy that governs our nation. This is what is taught in our government schools and universities and has been for generations.
And fractional reserve banking is the problem?
Well, I’m getting ready to taunt the Chicago OWS urban campers with a chant of:
What a great guy that Chilean was! America hasn’t had any type of military savior come in to restore order in a time of troubles, urban anarchy ever in our nation’s history. I say we really start to look for a good Latin strong man. The Japanese president of Peru was also very good – put the worst Jew marxist leader Guzman (I think that was his name) in a public cage, and then he unleashed secret armies to go hunt down the Shining Path Maoist terrorists.
Another great strong man for our side was Paul Aussaresses heading up French counter terrorism in French Algeria. Outside of possibly Count Dracula, Romanian folk hero Vlad the Impaler – I can’t think of any White indo European man who inflicted more death and terror on scummy NW Muslim that Aussaresses. I highly recommend his tell all book:
Battle of the Casbah
If you could end fractional reserve banking or affirmative action, which would you choose?
Or, better stated: if affirmative action were abolished would we be closer to ending fractional reserve banking than if fractional reserve banking were abolished we would be closer to ending affirmative action?
Sorry to clog this thread.
Which would be more fun to see our enemies screeching over?
To me it would clearly be affirmative action. Get rid of diversity and the laws will begin to make more sense overall. And this scares the shit of our enemies far more than losing their easy money. After all, they use their easy money to make sure nothing can make sense.
LOL ! I’m a refugee from AmRen too !
Paul is a good friend of mine. He has focused his site on the Black Undertow. Kevin MacDonald has focused his site on Jewish influence. SBPDL is better for developing an area of expertise on that subject. The same is true of Occidental Observer.
OD discusses a broader nexus of issues.
Because it was Andrew Jackson’s constituency that killed it last time around. Southerners also let the Bank of the United States wither and die the first time around. It was James K. Polk who created the financial system that lasted to the Fed.
If we seceded from the United States, there wouldn’t be a Fed. If we kill the Fed while staying in the United States, it will be just like killing the DREAM Act. The central bankers are far more powerful than they were a century ago.
By all means, let’s kill the Fed. Let’s just make sure it never comes back this time. Let’s kill the DREAM Act too. If we secede from the United States, it will be dead for all time.
Spooky: Ending affirmative action won’t really matter unless we can also get rid of the vermin who imposed it. Better for it to continue and piss off more Whites, than for its authors to be allowed to slink away and try again later. Ending it now, without exacting vengeance on the Left, would be like turning a thief loose and letting him keep his loot, as long as he promises not to steal anymore.
Occupy Wall Street is a dumb idea.
Are we seriously going to reform Wall Street? It was reformed during the Great Depression. The Glass Steagall Act was repealed under Bill Clinton.
Secede from Wall Street.
It’s not a dumb idea if you are northeastern.
“Hunter, simple secession from the banksters is a non-starter. They’ll just move into your territory and start another bank.”
New York City is clearly the capital of banking and finance. It runs on its own economic cycle, has a higher cost of living and feels completely different than the rest of the country. If New York City went down, banking and finance would go down.
That said I do believe that if the resources of NYC were used for the working class instead of against it, that NYC potentially could do a lot but right now its using its vast resources to screw the working class.
“Spooky says:
October 26, 2011 at 7:52 pm
Or, better stated: if affirmative action were abolished would we be closer to ending fractional reserve banking than if fractional reserve banking were abolished we would be closer to ending affirmative action?”
End Joo FunnyMunny. (Fractional reserve banking’s real name). AA would not have happened without FunnyMunny control, and subversion. Took the Mayer’s 100 year of manipulating Munny, and the treacherous White Elite traitors, to create the environment for AA.
“Hunter Wallace says:
October 26, 2011 at 10:47 pm
Paul is a good friend of mine. He has focused his site on the Black Undertow. Kevin MacDonald has focused his site on Jewish influence. SBPDL is better for developing an area of expertise on that subject. The same is true of Occidental Observer.”
I understand that Kersey doesn’t want to get into the morass – but there are Jews popping on complaining about the “creeping Nazism”. If they are permitted to go unchallenged – they establish their “moral rightness”. It’s simply not cricket, old chap.
I love SBPLD, FYI. I have turned on may to same.
Well, shut my mouth!
Former AmRen reader. I go back there every once in a while, just for blogpost ideas. I find that four out of five posts I submit get through. It’s ‘HOW’ you frame the ‘J’ Question, that allows it to get through. But “jew among you” as a commenter still p.o’s me, something fierce.
Found SBPDL, and agree about the focus. But reading about the Prizewinners for this year’s Darwin Awards on a daily basis, just makes me mad that people actually believe this race has ANY ontological equality with White Christian Men.
Read OObserver, and wonder , ‘When are they gonna let the other shoe drop?’
David Duke? Please. What I read over at John de Nugent’s website (www.johndenugent.com) clearly weaned me off of thinking of Duke as a viable, or legitimate alternative to the Republitards….
Fr John – Duke does what he does. So does Herr J deN. It’s all good…!