Death of the Sunbelt

The desolate Union Station Mall in Union City, GA is symbolic of the death of the Sunbelt


A few days ago, I said on this website that the Sunbelt was dead and that Dixie was entering a new phase of its history.

This latest migration data from the Census Bureau has confirmed my suspicion: the collapse of the housing bubble has frozen millions of Americans in place, internal migration within the United States has slowed to a crawl, and some states in the Sunbelt like Florida and Nevada have actually lost population in recent years.

Now that the Sunbelt economy isn’t roaring along, voraciously chewing up the Southern countryside to create fresh areas of suburban sprawl for Whites to escape the Black Undertow, the Yankees aren’t flipping their houses to move to Dixie anymore.

In 2008 and 2009, Florida lost 30,000 residents. From 2007 to 2010, the Pew Hispanic Center has found that 225,000 illegal aliens left Florida for destinations in other states. While Alabama has gotten more attention from the Mainstream Media for its new immigration law, Florida has actually shed more illegal aliens because of the terrible economy.

Illegal aliens have been pouring out of the Eastern South for several years now: Virginia has lost 115,000, North Carolina has lost 50,000, Tennessee has lost 20,000, Georgia has lost 50,000, Alabama has lost 10,000, South Carolina has lost 15,000.

They have also been leaving the Southwest: California has lost 200,000, Arizona has lost 100,000, Nevada has lost 50,000, Utah has lost 10,000, and Colorado has lost 60,000.

The dying core of the Sunbelt has gained illegal aliens from other states: New Mexico gained 5,000, Mississippi gained 5,000, Louisiana gained 30,000, Kentucky gained 35,000, Oklahoma gained 20,000, and Texas gained 200,000.

In Mississippi and Louisiana, illegal aliens have moved there to work as construction workers on the Hurricane Katrina damage. Texas and Oklahoma have attracted illegal aliens and domestic migrants because the economy is stronger there than it is elsewhere.

The bottom line here though is that the Sunbelt economy was the single biggest factor attracting Hispanics, African-Americans, and Northerners to move to the South. The Sunbelt economy is dead now though and it is never coming back. The Yankees have stopped moving to Atlanta, Las Vegas, and Phoenix.

What comes next?

In Alabama, the provision in Alabama’s immigration law that required public schools to check the immigration status of students was inserted by the Immigration Reform Law Institute as part of a legal strategy to topple the Plyer v. Doe decision that requires the states to educate the children of illegal aliens.

Meanwhile, Georgia is challenging Section V of the Voting Rights Act that requires preclearance from the Justice Department or the federal courts to redraw state legislative and congressional districts:

“The state of Georgia and its voters are being subjected to the continued extraordinary intrusion into its constitutional sovereignty through Section 5 and its outdated preclearance formula based upon discriminatory conditions that existed more than 47 years ago but have long since been remedied,” the state says in its filing.

To my knowledge, Arizona, Florida, Texas, and Alabama are also currently engaged in a fight with the Justice Department over the Voting Rights Act because of the redistricting maps that have been approved by the new Republican-controlled state legislatures.

Illegal immigration sharply declines since 2007

Looking ahead, we see a future emerging that will be unlike the recent past in the American South: because of the death of the Sunbelt economy, the total number of illegal aliens coming here is way down, domestic migration from other states has slowed to a crawl, most states are shedding large numbers of illegal aliens, White racial attitudes are hardening, and the Juan Crow system is emerging across the region.

Pat Buchanan is mistaken on the Sunbelt. His demographic projections assume that current trends will continue when they have already reversed course.

In the future, Dixie is going to be black and White, and racially polarized like it was in the past. The suburbs are going to die and the major cities are going to depopulate. As the price of food and energy soars, the Southern population will move back to the small towns and the rural areas.

As for the Southwest, the future of civilization in that region is massive depopulation, with Mexicans moving back to Mexico, and Whites moving to the more habitable parts of North America. Nevada is already well on its way to returning to a desolate wasteland. Arizona and Southern California won’t be far behind.

There isn’t going to be a Sunbelt in the future and that emerging reality is going to change everything that we assumed about the long term political fate of this region.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Spooky- I’ve mentioned that James Wesley, Rawles’ attempts at making someplace where ‘there is no there, there’ as a haven for preppers, doesn’t take into account that influxes of mestizos and illegals are far higher there, than in the upper Midwest.

    As I noted of a review of Rawles’ newest book, “Survivors” one commenter has said it clearly: “”Finally, Rawles, for his vaunted iconoclasm, is still letting the libs and their obsession with racial harmony define his moral compass. We have a happy multicultural world of Navajo commandos, biracial White-Hispanic couples, and black entrepreneurs, lest anyone accuse Rawles or the survivalist community of being “racist.” But in real life, as in the LA Riots or the 1990s Yugoslavia, it’s quite apparent that our racial and religious harmony, such as it is, is very fragile. In a crunch, people fall back on those with whom they have the most in common and the greatest capacity for trust: their families, their coreligionists, and their coethnics.”

    Idaho has nothing going for it, except isolation. But you know, there are plenty of farms and arable land for sale in the Upper Midwest, and almost as great a ‘white quotient’ with the vast majority of non-whites ‘confined’ to the Major cities, who would no sooner dream of visiting the rural white lands than stop using their EBT cards.

    You can KEEP Idaho!

  2. I wasn’t touting Patriots or Survivors per se, just the idea of the American Redoubt.

    The Idaho panhandle is one of the coolest places in the country. I don’t live there. I wound up somewhere else.

    Rawles is weird and annoying, sure.

    Here’s the thing about the upper midwest. The weather is horrendous. Scorching hot in summer and blistering cold in winter. It’s also flat.

    My Antonia vs. Jeremiah Johnson. That’s not a tough one.

  3. Good review. I read it after I posted the last comment. So it’s funny I referenced Jeremiah Johnson. Yeah, you pretty much nailed the culture. Yes, the two fingered salute (the middle one of both hands) is the “hello” out here. You sink or you swim. Nobody gives a crap. That’s okay with me. You earn your cultural chops and you spend ’em. That’s what ties me to the land more than amiable people. And I’m a land guy.

    You’re right about the short days though. And as I get older I wonder how much of the rest of my life I want to spend plowing snow.

  4. Hunter, you are a smart guy, I am not besmirching your intelligence, but I will tell you, you are utterly ignorant about the Southwest. The population BASE of the region is not going anywhere, as it is their homeland. They are called Mormons, this is the land of their forefathers that they pioneered, and they are the fast growing group of White people on the planet.

    Unfortunately, though religiously conservative, they lean Yankee. Though card-carrying Mormons are not the numeric majority, they are economically successful and internally disciplined, leading to them punching above their weight politically, controlling the political machinery.

    You are also ignorant of the basic geography of the land. The southwest in general has become excellent stewards of their water resources, with large-scale dam/canal/irrigation systems that are here to stay. It is hardly a desolate wasteland, and there is no reason to leave it whatsoever. The high level of natural resources in the region make it a strong economic player in the coming age of austerity and inflation.

    You are good at getting educating yourself, I suggest you get your facts straight before you go about pontificating on subjects you know nothing about.

  5. Justin,

    As we move further into the twenty-first century, I just don’t see the Southwest continuing to support millions of people.

    Nevada will be the first state to experience massive depopulation. The economy of the state is heavily dependent upon tourism. It has the worst economy of any state in the country right now. We are only at the beginning of the downward spiral.

    Some interesting links:

    (1) Summer 2011 Phoenix Duststorm:

    (2) Since 1998, the level of water in Lake Mead has plunged by more than 50 percent, which supplies 90 percent of the drinking water for Las Vegas. It has a 50 percent change of running dry by 2021.;featuredPost-PE

    (3) Every day Arizona and New Mexico used 300 million gallons more than they got in renewable supply. Civilization exists in these two states because underground aquifers are being depleted.

    (4) Some other fun facts:

    – California has a 20-year supply of freshwater left

    – New Mexico has only a ten-year supply of freshwater left

    – The U.S. interior west is probably the driest it has been in 500 years, according to the National Academy of Sciences and the U.S. Geological Survey

    (5) Is the U.S. Reaching Peak Water?

    But the concept of “peak water” and its implications for the U.S. economy are less well explored and understood. A paper published last year introduced and defined the concept of peak water and The New York Times chose the term “peak water” as one of its 33 “Words of the Year” for 2010. . .

    When human demands for water from a watershed reach 100% of renewable supply, we can’t take any more, and we reach “peak renewable” limits. For a number of major river basins, we have reached the point of peak renewable water limits, including the Colorado River in the United States. All of the water of the Colorado (indeed, more than 100% of the average flow) is already spoken for through legal agreements with the seven US states and Mexico and in a typical year river flows now often fall to zero before they reach their ends. This is true for a growing number of rivers around the world.

  6. The Saint Pete Valley in Utah is worlds largest valley. That is were James Harmston and his True and Living Church located in Manti. They are water self sufficient.. Texas is drying up and turning to desert. The only good Mormons are those who follow original teachings of Joseph Smith, not the Salt Lake sell outs. Jimmy Carter who is a Southern White Traitor sicko is the one who made the Salt Lake Cruds cave in and give Blacks the Priesthood. Carter is disgrace to Dixie! He let the Cubans in 1970 and Castro emptied his prisons with bad elements. Most of them went to Miami and when Custoims in Key West, Florida asked them their birth dates, most lied and said they were 10 years older in order to get Social Security 10 years earlier! If they got government Civil Service jobs – they could retire earlier also. The Feds need to go to Cuba and locate all the original birth records from Catholic Church and Cuban Government Records and stop this scam which hurts the normal Americans and makes Social Security go broke. Most of the Sun Belt is over run by Mexicans who make large families. and in no time flat they become majority. Las Vegas is SIN CITY remember that and it needs to be added to Wall Street, Washington D.C. and Holloywood List, so in future these places can be like Ancient Carthage! Ashes, and salt spread over the ruins! The biggest problem is not the Sun Belt, Dixie or Northwest or whatever – its the damn Whiggers who will go to their deaths for this rotten system. You cannot take Whiggers and make a new civilization, they will never change their ways as Pastor Martin Lindstedt explains so eliquently! The Tribulation is a natural process – the Whiggers, muds and Khazarians will all die in civil war and the 10 million Whites left will be the seeds for new civilization lead by 10000 Warlords! No one has been able to disprove Francis Parker Yockey about the Death Phase we are in now -. its all part of the Tribulation! The Situation in America will only get worse and worse, its like a steam roller. No one can stop steam roller! Does Heidi Klum have jewish roots or is she just a white slut tramp? She marries the darkie and makes a baby for the darky and on TV the media makes it so wonderful. Klum the Slut became an American so she could vote for Obongo! How many are like Klum and the White Trash Anderson on CNN? The Tribulation continues!

  7. Spooky- you mention snow, and then Hunter talks about ‘peak water.’
    I live in the land of 10,000 FRESH WATER LAKES. He he he…..

    Glass half-full, or half-empty. Snow melts and can be purified into water in winter, even if the aquifers are dry… which they aren’t. One good year of rainfall can raise ALL the lakes in MN by 1-2 INCHES. which is a lot of H2O. Add to that very good soil, and the thrift, practicality, and beauty of the Nordic racial type, and you almost have paradise. And now that the U of MN has developed winter-hardy cherries, peaches, and other fruits, the only things missing are sugar, coffee, and oranges. But there is always beets, chicory, and pine needles (brewing the latter in a tea, gives one more than adequate Vitamin C) Oh, and chocolate… But that’s what the ‘Curse’ of Gen. 3 is all about, anyway – which is where the mosquitoes fall under as well.

    And as for FLAT? that only applies in the far west of our state. There are no mountains, that is true. But there are many peaceful and chosen valleys that are quite beautiful. And the sky is even bluer, when the trees are the greenest green you’ve ever seen…. much like Seattle, without the granola-munchers, save in Bryn Mawr, and Yuptown (two ‘trendy’ areas of Mpls.). Thanks for the kudos on the column, BTW.

  8. HW: It’s true that the Southwest cannot continue to support all the people living there presently on its limited water resources, but it can support a smaller population indefinitely. Cull the herd. Say eight or ten million people in California, a million each in Arizona and New Mexico, 100,000 in Nevada? (I hope I’m not slighting any Nevadans, but the place has always looked awfully bleak to me whenever I’ve passed through.) The whole country is overpopulated by a hundred million anyway, so some population redistribution is in order in any case.

  9. “Tragedy of the commons is the title of a 1968 essay by ecologist Garrett Hardin first published in the Journal, Science. The essay provides a useful concept for understanding how we humans have brought upon ourselves environmental catastrophes with growing consequences.

    Hardin’s story involves a pasture, “open to all.” He asks the reader to envision grazing animals on a common ground. To increase personal wealth individual herdsmen are motivated to add to their herd. Every animal added to the total degrades the commons a small amount but the specific owner still gains by his added animal. The others are free to follow this lead. The herds grow and soon “the commons” becomes barren and everybody loses.”,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=600d58a776ec0520&biw=924&bih=472

    The water thing is political. Huge subsidies to central valley farmers. MWD filling aquifers in Coachella Valley so golf courses can stick a pipe in the ground and get free water. Housing boom due to federal housing support since FDR. Obvious problems from the welfare state. ECON IA IS IGNORED. Water is a commodity, and should be priced accordingly. If there is less, price will rise. . . 99% OF OUR PROBLEMS ARE DUE TO GOVERNMENT BEING INVOLVED IN THE ECONOMY STARTING WITH THE FEDERAL RESERVE AND THE GD GOVERNMENT SCHOOL MONOPOLY.

  10. It should be interesting to see what happens out there just assuming the status quo is supposed to continue.

    Can the Southwest with its chronic water shortages really survive such a massive expansion of the Hispanic population? Arizona and Texas were on fire for most of the summer.

    How does Las Vegas survive in a world where no one has the money to fly out there and gamble? What happens to the Southwest when the underground aquifers are depleted?

    What about the huge Ogallala Aquifer underneath the Great Plains that supports Big Ag out there? What happens when it is depleted?

    What happens in the South on The Day The EBT Card Stops Working? Something like 50 percent of blacks in Mississippi are on the EBT card. How long can that continue?

  11. About 27 percent of the irrigated land in the United States overlies this aquifer system, which yields about 30 percent of the nation’s ground water used for irrigation. In addition, the aquifer system provides drinking water to 82 percent of the people who live within the aquifer boundary.

    It was only after World War II that affordable technology became available to substantially extract water. This transformed the High Plains into one of the most agriculturally productive regions in the world. During the early years, this source of water was thought to be inexhaustible, and its hydrology a mystery. But, because the rate of extraction exceeds the rate of recharge, water level elevations are decreasing. At some places, the water table was measured to drop more than five feet (1.5 m) per year at the time of maximum extraction. In extreme cases, the deepening of wells was required to reach the steadily falling water table. The water table has been drained (dewatered) in some places, such as Northern Texas. Utilizing treated recycled sources of water in agriculture is one approach at safeguarding the future of the aquifer. Another method to reducing the amount of water use is changing to crops that require less water, such as sunflowers.

  12. Hunter, you are misinformed about “the aquifer being depleted”, in the Southwest at least, I don’t know about the Great Plains. Out here the water comes from surface sources, building dams on watersheds. There is no “chronic shortage of water”. In fact, I have lived in AZ for over 20 years and never seen water restrictions, ever, in sharp contrast to eastern cities, which if they have one dry summer are put on water restrictions.

    The more “urban” we get, the more water is freed up, because an urban acre uses substantially less water than an agricultural acre. All it takes is one or two rainy/snowy winters and all those lakes are filled up again. Additionally, the aquifer here is continually recharged by smart waste water systems, not to mention, tapped a lot less because people aren’t using wells any more.

  13. Every time I go back to Atlanta, it seems to me that the place has taken on more immigrants and northerners than before. Friends and relatives in the area have told me that Hispanics are moving out, but I don’t get that impression. I just got back from Atlanta this evening, and I didn’t notice a change for the better.

    Also, the mall in Union City is bad example of a dying economy in the area. That mall was in a bad location from the beginning, and has died because of increased competition from other malls. I remember going to that mall when I was a child, and it was a ghost town. Most of the older malls in the metro Atlanta area have met hard times due to newer and larger malls drawing business away, or because once nice areas neighborhoods became rougher and started to darken.

    One thing that is noticeable in the area is large subdivisions that never sold and are empty, and the large number of homeowners who are way below water on home values. Atlanta home prices have tanked in many areas. To be honest, prices have fallen to realistic levels, but tell that to people who bought when the prices were beyond rational.

  14. Justin,

    I hope you are right.

    It would be a tragic thing to have to abandon the Southwest. Surely, the water situation out there would be much improved were it not for the millions of Hispanics who have been allowed to invade the region and multiply courtesy of the welfare state.

    This is the first that I have heard of an abundance of water in the Southwest though.

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