
SWPLs in The Left Coast break the silence on population control


The DWLs in Oregon are “breaking the silence” on population control.

The Center for Biological Diversity in Oregon is distributing condoms to SWPL couples with messages like “wrap with care, save the polar bear” and “wear a condom now, save the spotted owl.” The idea is to get Ecotopians to lower the White birthrate to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

Watch the video below.

Oregon has the second highest number of people on the EBT card in the United States. It also happens to be the only sanctuary state in America. From 2007 to 2010, the Pew Hispanic Center is reporting a net increase of 20,000 illegal aliens in Oregon. Washington State gained 60,000 new illegal aliens from other states.

Liberals are distributing condoms to White couples and scolding them to limit their fertility to save the planet (1 percent of visitors to Yosemite are black) while simultaneously banning police officers from checking immigration status, creating a generous welfare state for illegal aliens, and fighting to allow illegal aliens to get driver’s licenses.

Simultaneously with the Portland condom campaign, there’s a rebellion brewing in the Pacific Northwest, but it has nothing to do with Harold Covington.

The “Defend Rural America” conference took place on Oct. 22 at the Siskiyou Golden Fairgrounds in Yreka, California. The main event of the conference was a panel of eight county sheriffs who are calling themselves “constitutional sheriffs” and who have vowed to stand up for their constituents against Sacramento and Washington.

The seven sheriffs who attended the event represent Grant County, Oregon and Del Norte, Siskiyou, Plumas, Trinity, Tehama, and Shasta Counties in California.

The grievance here is that the progressives from The Left Coast who dominate the governments of California and Oregon are acting out their Ecotopia fantasies. In the process, they are crippling the economy of White communities in the less populated Far West counties through excessive environmental regulation.

The locals believe that the governments of Oregon and California are conspiring to destroy their communities and take away their livelihoods for the area can be returned to the wilderness.

“Plumas County Sheriff Greg Hagwood related the stir he caused when he said he “will not criminalize citizens for just accessing public lands.” Siskiyou County Sheriff Jon Lopey reminded the crowd that county sheriffs are sworn to uphold the Constitution “against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” These are fighting words.

Sheriff Dean Wilson of Del Norte County said he was “ignorant and naïve about the terrible condition our state was in.” He came to believe that people were being assaulted by their own government. “I spent a good part of my life enforcing the penal code but not understanding my oath.” Wilson and other sheriffs said it is their role to defend the liberties of the people against any encroachments – even if those encroachments come from other branches of government.”

The American West has now matured to the point where there are three rival nations taking shape in the region: The Left Coast, Aztlan, and Far West.

California is the most dysfunctional state in America because it straddles three national fault lines. East California is part of the Far West. The Left Coast hugs the Pacific to Monterey. And South California is a tense borderland where Aztlan is colonizing Far West.

How do we explain the tension between The Left Coast and Far West?

“Why is it that the coastal zone in northern California, Oregon, and Washington seems to have so much more in common with New England than it does with other parts of those states? From voting behavior to culture wars to foreign policy, why has the Left Coast found itself allied with Yankeedom – and at odds with its neighbors to the south and west – since its foundation?

The primary reason is that the majority of the Left Coast’s early colonists were Yankees who arrived by sea in the hopes of founding a second New England on the shores of the Pacific. And while they didn’t fully succeed in this mission – the Left Coast has always had fundamental temperamental differences from its eastern ally – they left a stamp of utopian idealism that put this young nation on a collision course with its neighbors in deferential El Norte and the libertarian Far West. …

This new Yankee “errand in the wilderness” got underway in fits and starts in the late 1820s. A delusional New Hampshire schoolmaster, Hall Jackson Kelley, tirelessly promoted an ambitious colonization scheme for the Pacific Northwest, a region he’d never seen. …

If California’s north-south split was already apparent by 1845, the 1848 discovery of gold in the American River Valley helped divide the Left Coast from the until-then unpopulated interior. This division – presaging that which would soon divide the older, coastal Pacific Northwest from the arid lands over the Cascades – was largely due to the Yankee presence around San Francisco Bay and adjacent sections of the Pacific seaboard. Even more than their counterparts in Oregon, these Yankees were compelled by a particular mission: they had to save California from the barbarians.

The barbarians, in this case, were the Forty-niners, whose Gold Rush mentality was completely at odds with the Yankee Puritan ethos. “Never was there such a gold-thirsty race of men brought together, one resident said of the hordes that came to California in 1848-1850. “The principal is to get all of the wealth of the land possible in the shortest possible time, and then go elsewhere to enjoy it.” In what was one of the largest spontaneous migrations in human history to that point, 300,000 arrived in California in just five years, increasing the new American territory’s non-Indian population twentyfold. Within twenty-four months San Francisco grew from a village of 800 to a city of 20,000. Its harbor was filled with derelict ships abandoned by their gold-hungry crews, and the pubs, gambling houses, brothels, knife fights, criminal gangs, and drunken parties that followed in their wake were worthy of Port Royal in the time of the buccaneers.

All of this deeply offended Yankees on both coasts, prompting yet another moral crusade, this time to save California. The Reverend Joseph Bendon, a Yale-educated descendant of Puritan preacher John Eliot, proclaimed the Gold Rush a challenge to Protestants to complete the civilizing effort that had been begun by the Franciscan missions. The Congregationalists’ American Home Missionary Society immediately dispatched missionaries by steamship, seeing an opportunity not just to save California but to create a Protestant beachhead for taking on the “strong holds of Paganism” in Asia. “If we can plant in California a people with our civilization, our Bible, our Puritanism, our zeal for spreading what we know and believe to others, it will be a direct means of pouring light upon the Isles of the Sea and the land of Sinim that lies beyond,” the society’s journal proclaimed on the eve of the great enterprise. “It is the will of God to make some great use of the new movement towards Oregon and California.”

The missionaries and their Yankee followers regarded their journey as yet another Pilgrim-like errand in the wilderness, a chance to erect a second City on the Hill. “Sons and daughters of New England, you are the representatives of a land which is the model of every other,” Presbyterian minister Timothy Dwight Hunter told San Francisco’s New England Society in 1852. “Here is our colony. No higher ambition could urge us to noble deeds than, on the basis of the colony of Plymouth, to make California the Massachusetts of the Pacific.”

Large numbers of Yankees joined the migration: 10,000 in 1849 alone, or a quarter of all those arrived by sea. Some were undoubtedly headed straight to the “diggings,” but a remarkable number lent support to the effort to create a Yankee California. . . .

However well founded and organized they were, the Yankees had little luck with their efforts beyond their coastal beachheads. …

The central problem, of course, was that from 1850 onward the overwhelming majority of California’s Left Coast residents – and those of the state as a whole – weren’t Yankees. The Gold Rush had drawn people from all over the world: Appalachian farmers, Chilean and Australian miners, Irish and Italian adventurers, and hopeful Chinese laborers. In a land whose colonial culture was yet to be defined, few were willing to simply follow the Yankees’ lead. Catholics rejected it altogether in favor of their own dreams that California, on account of its relative isolation and Spanish heritage, might serve as a refuge from Protestant America. They, too, lad their schools, missions, orphanages, and colleges: Italian Jesuits were issuing degrees at Santa Clara while Berkeley was still a prep school. …

While Yankees had failed in their broad mission, they did have a lasting effect on coastal California from Monterey north. The coast blended the moral, intellectual, and utopian impulses of a Yankee elite with the self-sufficient individualism of its Appalachian and immigrant majority. The culture that formed – idealistic but individualistic – was unlike that of the gold-digging lands in the interior but very similar to those in western Oregon and Washington. It would take nearly a century for its people to recognize it, but it was a new regional culture, one that would ally with Yankeedom to change the federation.

The Yankees arrived by sea to settle the Pacific Coast north of Monterey. The Cracker Nation came to the Pacific Northwest along the Oregon Trail in Conestoga wagons where they settled the countryside.

The presence of Southerners in early colonial Oregon is reflected in its black codes. African-Americans were banned from settling in Oregon under its territorial constitution. They were also banned in states like Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana where the Midwestern Crackers who settled Oregon and Washington came from.

Even today, the two groups remain distinct from each other, each with their own worldview on environmental questions (one drawn from New England, the other from Appalachia) which have been clashing in Oregon and California for over a century now. The Yankees are still fighting to restore Hetch Hetchy.

Earlier this year, there was a lot of buzz about the movements to create South California and Baja Arizona, which would free the White conservatives of California and Arizona from both Eco-Dystopia and Aztlan.

As we move further into the 21st century, the stakes will be higher and these secessionist movements are likely to gain steam in the Far West. Should the United States break apart like the Soviet Union, the West will fracture into three or four different regional states.

Note: If you want to see what “the collapse” will look like in America, look no further than Greece. Because in a few years, we’re going to be having this discussion about California and Illinois.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is all true, but I think the bigger effect was an influx of people from the Northeast into California starting in the early 60’s for jobs in government, education and especially the new University of California campuses. The Progressive influence was old and strong- Earl Warren ran for governor unopposed in the 40’s- but California was a pretty solidly libertarian Republican state up to the early 90’s. What really turned things was the 1986 amnesty.

    Washington and Oregon also had this influence, but probably stronger was the influence of unionized Scandinavian immigrants, including plenty of out-and-out communists. Then large numbers of white people started to leave California in the 90’s, with the liberals prefering the coastal Northwest.

  2. The ultimate anti-White dream: legally enforced use of condoms, abortion and sterilization for Whites Only. This from the same crowd that worried about pro-lifers peeking through your bedroom window.

    Polar bears and spotted owls replace Moloch, for Whites Only that is.

    The blacks and browns must have unlimited breeding space.

  3. That video is hilarious.

    If that guy seriously wanted to reduce human population growth, he would be campaigning to take sub-Saharan Africa off the global version of the EBT card.

  4. Yes—- would be hysterical to re-make the video with a really white-typed interviewer pandering the condoms and guilting in an all non-white neighborhood. Along with Supreme Court (“it’s a Rule of Law Nation now”) personnel (jewish) Ginsburg re-clarifying her statement that ‘Rowe v Wade “was about people we didn’t want as many of.”

    EXACT replay (and with the exact same population demographic) as “Zero Population Growth” that was given in the largely protestant American schools in the 1960s, in tandem with Vat II’s ecumenical intermarriage message and stepped up “have babies” message for his folks.

    Didn’t see reference?—- what are the above quotes from HW?

    Seems somewhat biased:

    “…..In a land whose colonial culture was yet to be defined, few were willing to simply follow the Yankees’ lead. Catholics rejected it altogether in favor of their own dreams that California…as a refuge from Protestant America. They had their schools, missions, orphanages, and colleges: Italian Jesuits were issuing degrees at Santa Clara… ”

    Very like Florida. The over-importance of the “puritans” and “new england” in these narratives is pretty much hackneyed at this point in my opinion (just exposed as the crassest propaganda— like, the yawning cannard of “witch trail, jonathan edwards sinners in the hand of an angry god speech and the whole two other sermons they always extract from 200 years of history, lol, and don’t forget cotton mather— like all history is 2 people and 2 speeches).

    The “new englander” became the Northeast American —and now that’s the “yankee.”
    The puritans did not run the post war (1865 war) north.

  5. Didn’t much care for this article – sounded like something Rush Limbaugh would put out that:

    “it’s all the fault of those gosh darn LIBERALS, Left Coast elites and anyone pushing environmentalism, birth control is restricting American freedoms and the Mountain West is all about endless possibilities, business, ranchers should be free to do whatever they want with THEIR land, anybody that cares more about wolves than humans is a nature freak etc”

    Been there, done that.

    Those of us in the know are working very hard for birth control and it’s not for upper middle Class White folks. The Black American birth rate has come down nearly to replacement levels since the 1970s and we must thank the very hard working White Liberals, including Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood for their tireless, successful efforts in this area.

    Those of us in the know, also know that we can not let Western agribusiness, ranchers do whatever they want with THEIR LAND. Left to their own interests these (White) agribusiness leaders will continue to bring in endless numbers of sub minimum wage, non White slave workers and pass on all the health, education and crime costs on to the government/tax payers. If you are aiding and abetting the NW 3rd world invasion of our country, than it is no longer…

    “your land”

    and we’ll use every environmentalist trick in the book to destroy your business, destroy your life.

    All healthy White people should learn to love wolves more than Latrino gang bangers or fat, lazy Western ranchers who have no loyalty to our people.

  6. So when does the hot war start? I’m tired of waiting.

    On a similar note, how would one go about becomming a volunteer mercenary in south africa for the genocide that is about to take place there? Would need good faith leadership….

  7. Coastal property is expensive. I don’t just mean houses with a view of the beach. The moderating effect of the Pacific ocean on the climate make places like Portland and Seattle, at the same latitudes as freezing Buffalo or Milwaukee, no more than chilly in the winter. SoCal, the western extreme of the Southwest desert, is an Eden, a Florida without the humidity, thanks to the onshore winds. There is a very clear increasing gradient in property prices as you near the coast. If you’ve not lived near the west coast this might seem odd. In most places, living a hundred miles east or west doesn’t make much difference in the weather, but the climate changes out there are large, as are the changes in housing costs.
    And as the country has surrendered its manufacturing economy for finance, law, leisure, entertainment, and supporting activities, the parasites have gotten richer and the productive poorer. The lefties have flocked to the most comfortable places, the coastal areas. Places that were reliably GOP 40 years ago have gone bourgeois bohemian, as old conservatives died and New Money people bought their houses. The change didn’t necessarily show on political maps showing each legislator’s party affiliation, but it was obvious on the ground. Newly enriched lefties and hangers on and wannabes moved to certain areas. Just like Vermont and Colorado, but only at the coastal fringe, California, Oregon, and Washington have been swamped in recent decades by the left tide, the well-educated refuse of a whole nation. It wasn’t the Yankees.

  8. YT says:
    November 2, 2011 at 5:00 pm
    So when does the hot war start? I’m tired of waiting.

    On a similar note, how would one go about becomming a volunteer mercenary in south africa for the genocide that is about to take place there? Would need good faith leadership….

    Jack replies:

    YT – consider the French Foreign Legion, they see lots of “action” in Africa, you’ll get the best training and great food, I also hear they have solid prostitution programs for their troops.

  9. I was just thinking about the job situation from Monterey north. What do they do? How many university jobs are available? Lawyers? What do they do in Marin County? I actually looked this up several months ago but couldn’t find much info. Never gets one’s hands dirty. Lots of folks have never even seen the inside of a factory. . .

  10. I don’t give a flying shit about white South Africans. They made their own mess, let them clean it up. Worry about the imminent white genocide in this country; in your own regions. Prepare for that scenario.

    When does this become a “hot war”? When white people no longer have a recliner to sit on, a flat-screen to watch, and beer to drink. When white have nowhere left to move away to, when the U-haul full of niggers pulls up on their street.

    I hope something happens sooner, like am economic crisis or anything that will leave the federal beast unable to respond to multiple epicenters of disorder nationwide… I sincerely hope for this, but the kikes have everything invested in keeping the breathing machine running, because they know that once “the government” flatlines for real, it’ll be 1930’s Germany all over again. So I honestly don’t know when. Not soon enough, is the best answer…

  11. Far West Counties CA and ORE


    Industries providing employment: Educational,health and social services (18.2%), Agriculture,forestry,fishing and hunting, and mining (12.4%), Retail trade (11.2%), Arts,entertainment,recreation,accommodation and food services (10.3%). Government: 16%

    Santa Cruz

    Industries providing employment: Educational,health and social services (21.4%), Manufacturing (12.4%), Professional,scientific,management,administrative,and waste management services (11.8%), Retail trade (10.9%). Government: 15%

    San Mateo

    Industries providing employment.
    Professional,scientific,management,administrative,and waste management
    services (16.1%), Educational,health and social services (16.0%), Retail trade (11.3%), Manufacturing (10.3%). Government: 11%

    San Francisco

    Industries providing employment: Professional,scientific,management,administrative,and waste management services (19.3%), Educational,health and social services(16.2%Arts,entertainment,recreation,accommodation and food services (11.2%), Retail trade (10.3%), Finance,insurance,real estate,and rental and leasing (10.2%).
    Government: 12%

    Marin County

    Industries providing employment: Professional,scientific,management,administrative,and waste management
    services (20.1%), Educational,health and social services (18.5%), Finance,insurance,real estate,and rental and leasing (11.5%), Retail trade (10.7%). Government: 10%


    Industries providing employment: Educational,health and social services (18.6%), Manufacturing (12.7%), Retail trade (11.9%), Professional,scientific,management,administrative,and waste management services (10.8%). Government: 14%


    Industries providing employment: Educational,health and social services (21.2%),
    Arts,entertainment,recreation,accommodation and food services (12.0%), Retail trade (11.6%), Manufacturing (10.1%). Government: 18%


    Industries providing employment: Educational,health and social services (26.6%), Retail trade (12.5%) Government: 23%

    Del Norte

    ndustries providing employment: Educational,health and social services (23.4%), Public administration (20.0%), Arts,entertainment,recreation,accommodation and food services (13.0%), Retail trade (10.7%). Government: 35%

    Average Government employment Far West CA 17.1%



    Industries providing employment: Educational,health and social services (17.5%), Retail trade (15.0%), Arts,entertainment,recreation,accommodation and food services (13.7%). Government: 19%


    Industries providing employment: Educational,health and social services (23.7%), Retail trade (13.1%). Government: 17%


    Industries providing employment: Arts,entertainment,recreation,accommodation and food services (20.7%), Educational,health and social services (16.1%), Retail trade (14.9%). Government: 17%


    Industries providing employment: Educational,health and social services (16.1%), Manufacturing (13.0%), Retail trade (12.4%), Agriculture,forestry,fishing and hunting, and mining (11.0%), Arts,entertainment,recreation,accommodation and food services (10.7%). Government: 15%


    Industries providing employment: Educational,health and social services (19.2%),
    Arts,entertainment,recreation,accommodation and food services (15.7%), Retail trade (15.2%). Government: 15%

    Average government employment Far West ORE 16.6%

  12. INLAND COUNTIES-California


    Industries providing employment: Educational,health and social services (18.8%), Retail trade (12.7%), Manufacturing (12.1%). Government: 16%


    Industries providing employment: Educational,health and social services (19.6%), Agriculture,forestry,fishing and hunting, and mining (12.3%), Retail trade (10.7%). Government: 21%


    Industries providing employment: Educational,health and social services (22.8%), Retail trade (11.2%). Government: 20%

    El Dorado

    Industries providing employment: Educational,health and social services (18.1%),
    Arts,entertainment,recreation,accommodation and food services (14.0%), Retail trade (11.3%), Professional,scientific,management,administrative,and waste management services (10.3%). Government: 19%


    Industries providing employment: Educational,health and social services (21.1%), Retail trade (11.8%), Arts,entertainment,recreation,accommodation and food services (11.0%), Manufacturing (10.0%). Government: 24%


    Industries providing employment: Educational,health and social services (25.4%), Agriculture,forestry,fishing and hunting, and mining (18.2%), Public administration (10.1%). Government: 33%


    Industries providing employment: Educational,health and social services (23.3%), Retail trade (12.7%), Arts,entertainment,recreation,accommodation and food services (10.2%), Agriculture,forestry,fishing andhunting, and mining (10.1%). Government: 24%

    Average government employment inland CA counties 22.4%

    OREGON Inland counties


    Industries providing employment: Educational,health and social services (21.9%), Manufacturing (13.1%), Retail trade (12.6%). Government 18%


    Industries providing employment: Educational,health and social services (17.4%), Retail trade (15.0%), Construction (11.7%), Manufacturing (10.8%), Arts,entertainment,recreation,accommodation and food services (10.4%) Government 12%


    Industries providing employment: Manufacturing (20.2%), Educational,health and social services (16.5%), Arts,entertainment,recreation,accommodation and food services (10.4%), Agriculture,forestry,fishing and hunting, and mining (10.3%). Government: 22%


    Industries providing employment: Educational,health and social services (18.9%), Retail trade (13.9%), Manufacturing (12.8%). Government: 20%

    Government Employment Inland Oregon Counties 18%


    Index of Liberality constructed using advanced econometricks- looking for productive activity, mining, construction, agriculture, fishing, and hunting. The less of this, the more liberal.

    Most liberal is the Far West Oregon Coast- 4.8% productive employment
    Second most liberal is California from Monterey north- 6.4% productive employment
    Third most liberal is inland Ca (Riverside to Siskiyou)- 9% productive employment
    Least liberal is inland Oregon- 19.7% productive employment

    (Numbers from city-data)

  13. Those of us in the know are working very hard for birth control and it’s not for upper middle Class White folks.

    Yeah, but Europe is dying out, so it hasn’t exactly worked out well for us.

  14. Tabu la Raza: What do they do in Marin (and southern Mendicino) County? Years ago, I drove up the coast north of Frisco. Along PCH (Pacific Coast Highway, or California Route 1), I noticed a lot of big shacky looking houses set back from the road, with very nice cars out front. I asked around the local retail folk, and was told that the houses were considered funky, not shacky, and were owned by Frisco lawyers and the like. They would keep a nice condo in the city and commute in and stay overnight when they had to be there in person. The rest of the time they’d do their business by phone and fax machine from their outwardly funky, inwardly luxurious houses.

  15. “I hope something happens sooner, like am economic crisis or anything that will leave the federal beast unable to respond to multiple epicenters of disorder nationwide… I sincerely hope for this, but the kikes have everything invested in keeping the breathing machine running, because they know that once “the government” flatlines for real, it’ll be 1930?s Germany all over again. So I honestly don’t know when. Not soon enough, is the best answer…”

    Hence the reason I asked about SA. It will happen first there and provide some good practice. Derrp.

  16. That’s right: it wasn’t the “yankees” who did in the SoCal coastal town where I live: it was rich Left-wing Jews up from LA, and in from NY, 1960s and since. Now w four consec femmeJew mayors, “sanctuary city”, downtown is wall-to-wall mestizos, blacks, drugs, gang violence, wages driven thru floor, taxes thru roof. Terminal Jewification. Of course, HW is partly right in that local WASPS let it all happen. It would have been “un-Christian” to oppose the Jews and their machinations.

  17. “The Yankees arrived by sea to settle the Pacific Coast north of Monterey. The Cracker Nation came to the Pacific Northwest along the Oregon Trail in Conestoga wagons where they settled the countryside. [. . . ] The presence of Southerners in early colonial Oregon is reflected in its black codes. African-Americans were banned from settling in Oregon under its territorial constitution.”

    Your link indicates things are less simple: Jesse Applegate, who supported the repeal of the exclusion law in 1845 and opposed its inclusion in the state’s constitution, believed that many immigrants to Oregon, especially those less well-off, had strong prejudices against African Americans, whether slave or free. Born in Kentucky, he later lived in Missouri and came to Oregon in 1843. [. . .] A third contemporary reason offered for excluding African Americans from Oregon was the perceived fear that Native Americans and African Americans might make common cause against whites. Samuel Thurston, delegate to Congress in 1850, detailed a scenario in which African Americans would intermarry with, civilize, and educate Native Americans, creating a strong coalition against white power. “Long and bloody wars” would be the result, and therefore “the principle of self preservation…justifies the action of the Oregon Legislature.””

    Samuel Royal Thurston (April 17, 1815 – April 6, 1851) was an American pioneer, lawyer and politician. He was the first delegate from the Oregon Territory to the United States Congress and was instrumental in the passage of the Donation Land Claim Act.
    Early life
    Thurston was born in Monmouth, Maine, but grew up in Peru, Oxford County after his father died when Thurston was young.[1] After attending Dartmouth College, he graduated in 1843 from Bowdoin College in Maine, graduating with honors.[1] He then studied law under Robert Dunlap, got married, and moved to Iowa.[1]
    Thurston came to the Oregon Country in 1847 as an emigrant over the Oregon Trail. In Oregon he settled in Hillsboro, Oregon, where he practiced law.[1]

  18. Those of us in the know are working very hard for birth control and it’s not for upper middle Class White folks.

    Yeah, but Europe is dying out, so it hasn’t exactly worked out well for us.

    And abortion is murder. I argue for sanity, for compassion, via a return of Eugenics, that sterilizes defectives and mental retards. Isn’t the average Negro IQ one full deviation below that of Whites, anyway? All they want is indiscriminate sex anyway. Let THEM adopt all the illegitimate black babies from Africa, if they want children so badly. Oh, and while we’re at it. Anyone NOT white who has more than one child, is TAXED MORE- as are HOMOSEXUALS, and LESBIANS.

  19. California has two Senators, female and jooish. That’s all one needs to know about who controls the State or counts the ballots.

    Boxer, Barbara – (D – CA) Class III
    (202) 224-3553
    Web Form:

    Feinstein, Dianne – (D – CA) Class I
    (202) 224-3841
    Web Form:

    I was born in Santa Monica long before it became the Peeple’s republic.
    Anybody could live here, or at the beach, all up and down the coast.
    The damage stems from Federal Housing “encouragement” and the printing press of “Keynesian economics”. Hell after 1965- paper only, silver gone year before.

    Sunday afternoon drives along Pacific Coast Highway in MGAs and TR3s.
    Down to Laguna to visit the grandparents (anyone could live there then).
    Surfboards made from balsa, just before the foam revolution. Laid back and relaxed, no one bitched about stress. Nary a negro in sight. Mexes were rare by the beach.

    Laguna Beach greeter left indelible mark
    L.A. Then and Now
    Shouting hello to motorists and tourists, Eiler Larsen spent 33 years as the town’s ambassador of goodwill.
    January 06, 2008|Cecilia Rasmussen | Times (LA) Staff Writer

    He had wandered the world, selling butter in czarist Siberia, fighting in France during World War I, walking the Appalachian Trail with his dog — and strolling down Colorado Boulevard, unofficially bringing up the rear of the Rose Parade one year.

    But when he got to Laguna Beach, Eiler Larsen was so captivated by it that he stayed and welcomed the rest of the world there.

    Laguna Beach returned the salute, naming him its official greeter. In good weather and bad, Larsen would stand on South Coast Highway waving to drivers and pedestrians and booming out a big hello.

    A block-long lane bears his name, and two life-size statues on South Coast Highway — where he called out greetings for 33 years — honor the bearded, wild-haired fixture of the quirky, artsy seaside town.

    “They may think I’m crazy,” Larsen once said, “but when a motorist comes to town, tired and weary of the traffic, and smiles when he leaves, does it matter what they think?”

    This loss is beyond tragic. If you guys had seen this- the way life was on a daily basis- you would know for what we fight. Lots of folks need to be put into a wood chipper- but I don’t know who. And many are dead.


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