“I am an aristocrat. I love liberty. I hate equality.”
– John Randolph of Roanoke
Professor Andrew Fraser of Australia has written a two-part article on “The Lost Soul of WASP America” at The Occidental Observer.
Although I dislike the term “WASP,” I find myself in fundamental agreement with Professor Fraser on the spirit of his project which is to restore a lost sense of racial and ethnic consciousness to “WASP America.”
White Southerners are overwhelmingly of British ancestry and naturally we follow events in the Anglosphere more closely than the news in other European countries. That happens to be one of the major reasons why Dixie was more supportive of Britain in World War I and World War II than other parts of the United States.
Virginia was named in honor of Queen Elizabeth I. Maryland was named in honor of Mary Queen of the Scots. Carolina was named in honor of King Charles I. Georgia was named in honor of King George II.
The names of Southern cities in the Atlantic South reflects our British heritage: Charleston was named in honor of King Charles II, the restored King of England; Baltimore was named in honor of Lord Baltimore; Williamsburg was named after William of Orange; Jamestowne was named in honor of King James I.
Arlington was named after Baron Arlington; Wilmington was named after the Earl of Wilmington; Raleigh was named after Sir Walter Raleigh; Augusta was named after Princess Augusta, wife of Frederick, the Prince of Wales. Virginia named counties after English royals and nobles: Prince George, Prince William, Princess Ann, Albemarle, Cumberland, etc.
The Yankees of New England are descended from the Puritans who relocated to North America over their irreconcilable religious differences with other Englishmen. The Quakers were the most notorious religious sect in England who founded Pennsylvania as “a holy experiment.”
In stark contrast, Georgia was founded by James Oglethorpe as a refuge for the English poor. Maryland was founded by Lord Baltimore as a haven for English Catholics. Carolina was founded by Earl Anthony Ashley-Cooper and the other Lords Proprietor as a reward for faithful service to King Charles II. Virginia became a royalist refuge for the Cavalier supporters of King Charles I who were invited to America by Sir William Berkeley.
The Southern colonies were export based, commercial colonies and slave societies that grew tobacco, rice, sugar cane and long staple cotton. They were conservative hierarchical cultures from the beginning.
Virginia was a royalist stronghold in the English Civil War. Governor Berkeley persecuted the Puritans and Quakers and drove them out of Virginia. Carolina was founded by Barbadians who showed their enthusiasm for the royalist cause by naming Charles Town after King Charles II.
Virginia’s elite was descended from the Cavaliers in the English Civil War: Richard Lee (grandson of a Shropshire manor owner and great-great-great grandfather of Robert E. Lee), John Washington (grandson of a Yorkshire manor owner and great-great-great-grandfather of George Washington), George Mason (Royalist member of Parliament and great-great-grandfather of Founding Father George Mason).
Unlike the Yankees, Southerners didn’t come to North America to create any shining “City on a Hill” or “Holy Experiment.” Far from rejecting their British heritage, the Southern elite were Anglicans because they identified with the British establishment. Most of the common people of Tidewater and Carolina came to America as indentured servants where they initially worked like their English predecessors on the plantations of the Virginia and Carolina gentry.
The Scots-Irish who settled the Southern backcountry from Maryland to Georgia were refugees from Ulster and the Scottish borderlands. They were squeezed out of Britain by endemic warfare, poverty, and taxes.
In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson condemned King George III and “our British brethren” for being “deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity.” They were “our common kindred” who “excited domestic insurrection among us” and who “endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers the merciless Indian savages” and who were at that time “transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries” to the American colonies.
Surely, this was the greatest source of resentment against Britain in the Southern colonies: the Proclamation of 1763 had closed the frontier to American settlement, the British had transported large armies of Hessian mercenaries to America, they had allied themselves with Indian savages on the frontier, and their worst crime of all was inciting “domestic insurrection among us,” which was the unforgivable crime of negro equality that had forced the gentlemen of Virginia to pledge their “sacred honor” to the American cause.
Thomas Jefferson, the man who famously said that “all men were created equal,” was an Anglo-Saxonist who wanted Hengst and Horsa on the Great Seal of the United States, “the Saxon chiefs from whom we claim the honor of being descended, and whose political principles and form of government we have assumed.”
In 1776, Jefferson saw the American Revolution in explicitly ethnonationalist terms: “Has not every restitution of the ancient Saxon laws had happy effects? Is it not better now that we return at once into that happy system of our ancestors from whom we claim the honor of being descended, and whose political principles and form of government we have assumed.”
From his earliest days as a law student, Thomas Jefferson had been fascinated by his Anglo-Saxon heritage. He saw the American Revolution as a restoration of ancient Anglo-Saxon liberties which had been lost in Britain over the course of many centuries. At the end of his life, Jefferson insisted that courses on the Anglo-Saxon language be taught at the University of Virginia.
The “liberty” that Southerners were fighting for in the American Revolution was the Roman concept of libertas: a civic right that was applicable only to free White men. It was their racial ancestry that made them citizens. “Liberty” was meaningful in the South precisely because negroes were slaves and were regarded as an inferior race of helots in the Southern racial caste system.
Boston was regarded in the South as “a city of notions.” No one in Virginia or Carolina believed at the time that their ancestors had landed at Plymouth Rock. This story was only invented years later by Yankee historians.
The event that has come to be known as the “American Revolution” actually wasn’t fought by an American people. There was only a revolution in Yankeedom against British authority. The Middle Colonies of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware were loyalist or pacifist. New York City was a loyalist stronghold.
In the Southern Colonies, South Carolina and Georgia (the latter sent no delegates to the First Continental Congress) had only reluctantly backed the conflict, after hoping in vain that the boycott on British goods would force London to back down. The majority of the White population of North Carolina was loyalist. The Scots-Irish in the Southern backcountry were divided and Appalachia descended into a savage civil war.
The Halifax Resolves in North Carolina expressed the major source of bitterness of the Tidewater planters: “That Governors in different Colonies have declared Protection to Slaves who should imbrue their Hands in the Blood of their Masters.”
The “American Revolution” in the South was never an attempt to “invent a new people.” It was reactive to the events in New England and was a situation that was bungled by Britain (the Southern strategy was based on the large number of loyalists in the region) and which spiraled out of control as a consequence.
After the American Revolution, there was no desire in the South to create a consolidated nation-state. The “united States of America” was created around a weak central government that reserved most of the powers that were not “delegated” to the central government (the states were sovereign after having won their independence) to the states and the people.
Did the American Revolution create a people who rejected their European heritage? Sure, if you are stupid enough to believe our ancestors sat around reading about Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth.
In the South, White Southerners retained their language, their religion, their culture, their traditional political beliefs, and their sense of racial identity. The government had changed, but the colonists were relatively unchanged. Britain had never really had a strong grip on the American colonies and the fundamental cause of the whole conflict was its attempt to establish greater control after the Seven Years’ War with France.
If the Southern colonies had not revolted against Britain, they would have shared the fate of the British West Indies, where slavery was abolished in 1834 because of the rise of sentimental humanitarianism. The Yankee abolitionist movement was inspired by the British Anti-Slavery Society. Canada was the terminus of the Underground Railroad.
These historical arguments are besides the point now though: Yankeedom has collapsed, Canada has become a Soviet Republic under the Human Rights Commission, Australia and New Zealand are being invaded by Asians, and the Mother Country has just witnessed a revolution this summer by the Black Undertow.
Dixie has an advantage in that we are still not self hating White liberals. White Southerners are far more religious and conservative. There is enormous resentment against Washington. We have a much better chance of weathering this storm.
In the Reconstruction era, there were “taxpayer groups” in the Southern states that sprouted up which were almost identical to the Tea Party in their rhetoric. They opposed Reconstruction on fiscal and constitutional grounds and avoided making explicitly racial arguments.
Reconstruction was overthrown by a three pronged attack from “respectable” conservatives like Lucius Lamar in the political mainstream, the budding taxpayer organizations which exposed “African-American” corruption and deadened Northern idealism, and the White paramilitary organizations like the Red Shirts and the White Line which suppressed the black vote.
Resistance anywhere will inspire resistance elsewhere. The European nationalist parties have fed off their mutual victories. It will take one big country to break ranks with the status quo and destabilize the reigning liberal consensus.
The European Union seems to be collapsing before our eyes. Silvio Berlusconi just stepped down as the Italian Prime Minister. It can’t be that long now before Europe blows. The unthinkable has become the conventional wisdom.
The unthinkable can happen in North America too. Is the Glorious Union going to survive the 21st Century? Can the Lincoln system endure when California goes bankrupt? Are Southerners willing to play the assigned role of Washington’s debt slaves to China? How many more Barack Obamas are we willing to suffer through down here?
The liberal establishment is betting that the racial demographics of America can change without corresponding changes in our national economy, the status of the Glorious Union, and their own grip on political and economic power.
Hopefully, their arrogance and loss of legitimacy will provide us with the opportunity to reconstitute our nation on a sounder basis. There isn’t a Statue of Liberty off the coast of Virginia welcoming the “refuse” of foreign countries like Barack Obama, Sr.
Note: The comments at The Occidental Observer reflect the unsoundness of racial nationalism as a platform for resistance to the status quo.
One thing is certain— all other groups feel ambivalent about giving the identifying Anglo-Saxons, or those who settled so near them, the Ulster Scots, a place at the American table, lol. There is no end to the narratives and litanies degrading, defaming and disregarding both. The endless imperative is to forget how many presidents they produced, how much thinking about governance, how much intelligence, creativity and the rest, how many soldiers for the wars of independence, (most of them).
Their sheer existance seems to bring the very legitimacy of all the others into question. The word “wasps” will make others implode. It is easier to start sentences by saying, “Speaking as a white supremacist…” Than it is to say, “Speaking as a wasp…” Or “Speaking as a Protestant…” Or “Speaking as a southern protestant…” It so quickly gets a rise from people that it’s suprising more young people don’t go around saying it. You will be beaten bloody. And teachers will have coronaries.
It is as if you said, “Your group is of no consequence.” So, deep down, everyone knows the wasp is the unspoken question in the room. And they fear the judgement of them, imo. Who else has had quite the EYE on all the history there which others would so like to bury— from reconstruction and the rapes and murders right up to and including movies s/a “The Help” and the haha deliverance of the ever Excrement Pie for which the Northeast is so famous (back in reality).
Here’s the greatest thing about the WASP!— do you know how much sheer grit, how much fortitude, how much wisdom, it takes to simply let the others go ON AND ON like that? To give them enough rope to hang themselves by? To watch all those movies like Deliverance, or Mandingo, or etc, etc, etc.— and be unscathed?
What if the wasps are sitting there the whole time (while others go on and on and on like that?) What if all the horrid little wasps haven’t been completely vaniquished and still have a bit of something left in them? What if they were not entirely genocided? (not that anyone was hoping that, of course)
That’s when it gets dangerous b/c the paranoia sets in.
The WASPs and Ulster-Scots— the South, was to be entirely vanquished. Entirely silenced. Entirely erased from history (quite a name to erase and a big job there).
It is genocide.
Everyone agrees on that. But what about those who remain unreconstructed. Who, even now, can’t worship the Northeast god, who can’t be reformulated as a fasco-communist “human subject”– The Consumer. Whose soul yearns to be more? Demands it? Shouldn’t the chosen or at least those not designated “heretics” (the Paternos or pelosis or whatever) be the ones to voice such sentiments? To say such words? And yet they never are…are they? And why would God bless heretics? Why, it’s a crisis of faith!
It really does seem the Later Europeans couldn’t assimilate. The jews and catholics square off against each other in the u.s. government, as if it is Europe. and finally they get to be king or pope, whether tithes or taxes, which is what they wanted. Half are fascist/corporatists and the military muscle to support the (essentially) primitive village raids (albeit writ large on the world landscape)— and the other half, communists, working on the social experiements and theories and sex educations and etc., that they enjoy.
They wanted to take us out. Too late they realize once their Pandora Box was open, their own posterity might be the one to go down. As the old Czech saying goes, ‘dig a hole for me, you might as well dig two.’
At any rate, they made us separate. Speaking as WASPs, who among us would have it any other way! It has long been the very best seat in the house, especially among the southern wasps, both high and low.
have now bought the WASP book, but the vid was unwatchable. He is a self-hating wasp seems like. Like, maybe he internalized some of that crap from movies or something– very unadvisable.
You have to read those cultural products as testimony to how much you are hated, (which they are).
One thing we can actually agree upon about Jesus is that he was persected, not persecuTOR. Just sayin.
Hunter, Two big things you miss, or don’t get.
One, by the English law of Primogeniture, the eldest son inherited the estate, leaving the younger sons the choice of the army, the church, or the American colonies. Primogeniture was a big driver of English colonization of America. Limitless property was almost free.
Indenture was what we would call today an apprenticeship—all of the professions, and trades were by apprenticeship/indenture. Want to learn to be a Doctor, a Lawyer, a blacksmith, a farmer etc. come to America. Don’t like the terms, just walk off to another colony/state.
Oy vey! The poor long suffering Ulster Scots! Let me guess, 6 million were killed in the Civil War?
dixiegirl used my favorite word; unreconstructed
Everything that is “mainstream” today was identified with “the Radical party” by the Southerners who lived through Reconstruction: repeal of miscegenation laws, integrated schools, affirmative action, welfare, desegregated public accomodations, the black vote, etc.
“The national climate would change, and it would all be undone as completely as human ingenuity could devise. Still, Morgan wasn’t dreaming: the trends he detailed were pervasive across much of the South. It was precisely because the transformation had been so substantial that the reaction was so abiding. Free schools, a free press, interracial juries, open access to public facilities, enthusiastic political participation – these were realities of the new regime.” Given how much had changed, how much their world had been upended, it is not surprising that the mass of white Southerners resisted when they saw the opportunity. The tragedy is that circumstances soon allowed them to prevail through renewed violence, and that the national public let them do it.”
Radical historians lamenting the demise of BRA in the South.
For clarity, the wasps have to be confined to New England, no? Hunter recaps the argument in Albion’s Seed by Fischer (who gets his digs in on the Jews). The New England Puritan cohort was from East Anglia and given its class character was of high intelligence and deeply Protestant.
While all of the 17th C. colonists were English, they were very different, per the above remarks of Hunter. It is a mistake to confound wasps with Virginia or Southerners generally. Reading Albion’s Seed, one gets it….the profound differences in the Anglo-Saxon cohort that came from England.
Thus, while race and ethnicity ultimately trumps “culture”, it can be a long time coming. 400 years later…we are still divided along these religious/cultural lines. Joe
Speaking of the Jews, South Carolina once had a Jewish scalawag governor in Reconstruction, Franklin Moses. The state had a large black majority. It was a cesspool of corruption. The legislature was controlled by thieves.
In 1868, during Reconstruction, Moses was elected for the statewide office of Adjutant and Inspector General on the Republican ticket. In addition, he was elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives from Charleston and became the speaker of that body. The legislature made him a trustee for the University of South Carolina in 1869, and he expressed his intentions of integrating the university.
Moses was reelected in 1870 to the House and continued to serve as the speaker, but his tenure was marked by rampant corruption and bribery. The state debt in 1868 stood at $5,407,306.27 and by 1872 it had risen to $18,350,000, a tripling of the debt in just four years. When Moses was nominated by the Republicans to be the candidate for governor, an opposition within the Republican party organized to block his election. Nonetheless, with overwhelming black support he was elected in 1872 to be the 75th governor of South Carolina.
As Governor, he was well-known for his extravagant display of money. He spent $40,000 to buy the Preston mansion to use as his official residence. During his two years as governor with a salary of only $3,500, he spent $50,000 solely on his living expenses. In 1874, Governor Moses was indicted for misappropriation of state funds, but he called for three companies of the black militia in Columbia to prevent his arrest. The court ruled that Moses could not be prosecuted while governor and could be charged only through impeachment.
Then along came Wade Hampton III:
Hampton was offered the nomination for governor in 1865, but refused because he felt that those in the North would be suspicious of a former Confederate general seeking political office only months after the end of the Civil War. After his refusal, Hampton had to campaign for his supporters not to vote for him in the gubernatorial election. In 1868, Hampton became the chairman of the state Democratic Party central committee, that lost to the Radical Republicans in the election. In 1867, Hampton became the first Ku Klux Klan’s Grand Dragon of South Carolina under Nathan Bedford Forrest.[5] His role in the politics of the state ceased until 1876, although he tried to help Matthew Calbraith Butler in the Union Reform campaign of 1870.
Hampton was a leading fighter against Radical Republican Reconstruction policies in the South, and re-entered South Carolina politics in 1876 as the first southern gubernatorial candidate to run on a platform in opposition to Reconstruction. Hampton, a Democrat, ran against Radical Republican incumbent governor Daniel Henry Chamberlain in Charleston. Supporters of Hampton were called Red Shirts and were known to practice violence. Due to their crude reputation and hopes of alleviating Union suspicion, Hampton used Grace Piexotto’s “The Big Brick House”, a prominent brothel located at 11 Fulton Street, to assure complete privacy for the Red Shirts’ meeting ground, which was mainly served as campaign headquarters (Jones 2006: 22-23). The 1876 South Carolina gubernatorial election is thought to be the bloodiest in the history of the state. Both parties claimed victory. For over six months, there were two legislatures in the state, both claiming to be authentic. Eventually, the South Carolina Supreme Court ruled Hampton was the winner of the election. The election of the first Democrat in South Carolina since the end of the Civil War, as well as the national election of Rutherford B. Hayes as President, signified the end of Reconstruction in the South.
After the election, Hampton became known as the “Savior of South Carolina”. He was reelected in 1878, but two days after the election he was thrown from a mule while deer hunting and broke his right leg. The New York Times called this incident the “Mule Fraud”, claiming it was a political trick planned by Hampton so he would not have to sign election certificates, even though the Governor of South Carolina does not sign such certificates.[citation needed] Several weeks later, his right leg was amputated due to complications arising from this injury. Despite refusing to announce his candidacy for the Senate, Hampton was elected to the United States Senate by the General Assembly on the same day as the amputation of his leg. He resigned from the governorship in 1879 and served two terms in the Senate, until 1891, but was denied a third term by the Tillmanites in the state elections of 1890.
Hunter Wallace: Excellent articles on South Carolina.
Without question, Wade Hampton is one of the greatest Southern patriots to have ever lived. A military genius as great as Forrest, and a political genius without peer, he truly deserved his sobriquet as the “saviour of South Carolina.”
The Wikipedia article does not do him full justice. For anyone who wishes to know more, I highly recommend Walter Brian Cisco’s recent biography Wade Hampton: Confederate Warrior, Conservative Statesman.
If we are to emerge from the tyranny of BRA, it will require leaders with the conviction, ability, and integrity of Wade Hampton.
Hampton’s testimony to Radical Republican Congress in 1871 included this:
You gentlemen do not know the negro at all, and there is the great difficulty. You all think the negroes are actuated by the same feelings as the white man, but that is a mistake. I do not pretend to say why it is, but they are not. They have been dependent for a long time; they have no provision; they have no forethought at all; they are content to live from hand to mouth; they do not pretend to lay up anything; they are very credulous; they have an exaggerated opinion of their own power… I am not speaking of the more intelligent ones, but of the great masses of laborers.
Sound like something you might read here or at SBPDL. Who shall lead South Carolina in the future, the likes of Wade Hampton or Alvin Greene? Only time will tell…
Deo Vindice
Check out the new banner image. We have TabuLaRaza to thank for finding this.
Good work, Hunter and TabulaLaRaza! Lest we forget…
Don’t you love how the ladies are able to maintain their composure despite the threatening bayonets? Looks like they even managed to charm one of the soldiers, who appears to have fallen under their spell. The other scowling menace seems beyond appeal, however.
Deo Vindice
“While all of the 17th C. colonists were English,”
No they weren’t! You would get an earful from my Old New Yorker wife about that. The New Englanders were English but New Netherlands stretched from Western Connecticut and Massachusetts through NY, NJ, PA, DE, and MD. In addition to Dutch settlers New Netherlanders also consisted of the Palatine Germans, French and Belgian Huguenots, Swedes, and (OMG!) both Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews. You Confederates have no sense of
historyhumor:To foreigners, a Yankee is an American.
To Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner.
To Northerners, a Yankee is an Easterner.
To Easterners, a Yankee is a New Englander.
To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter.
And in Vermont, a Yankee is somebody who eats pie for breakfast.
– E.B. White
Yeah, well, at least it’s more topical than the Roman Senate…or orgy…or whatever it was.
I have a feeling the North was so interested with shoving niggers down the South’s throat because it meant they didn’t have to listen to the South’s fixation with bloodlines and ancestry. You’re the eighth cousin twice removed of King Henry? Fantastic! Here, take some more black integration. That ought to wipe the “special” off your face.
In rough order of importance:
1. Halting all forms of illegal immigration.
2. Cleaning up Hollywood and the media and retaking academia.
3. Ending all forms of affirmative action, diversity quotas, etc.
4. Eating lunch.
5. Walking the dog.
6. Mowing the lawn.
10,000,000,552. Basking in the glory of who our grandparents were.
I have a friend who helps me get things done sometimes. I respect the guy. But anytime he starts feeling “less than” he talks about how he did some research on ancestry.com and found out his family tree comes from a warrior tribe in Russia. What the fuck is that? Is that what white tribal identity is supposed to be like? That’s supposed to help us get 1, 2 and 3? That is some seriously dark Jewish shit. What I’d like to be able to do when my friend starts talking like this while we are in the process of building (as in all human interaction something is being built), is say “here, take a few niggers home with you, you can talk all night about that crap.”
Ancestors are like assholes. Everybody has them.
Yankee individualism all the way. Because the world sinks or swims based on the actions, today, of individuals. And when we’re not working, we can enjoy the fruits of what our work has brought us. Like family, community, harmony, peace, food, beauty, creation.
Those who study history are doomed to repeat it.
Spook-y don’t like bloodlines. Must be something in the woodpile…
They do treat you better up north, don’t they?
We are not going to end illegal immigration, end affirmative action, take down Hollywood, reform Wall Street, or do anything but continue to lose and decline so long as we remain within the Union.
We are a minority within the United States. That means every single major decision is contingent on the whims of non-Southerners. It is impossible to “take our country back.”
There was near unanimous opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the South. We voted down the Immigration Act of 1965. We voted against Barack Hussein Obama in 2008.
So long as the rest of the country wants to continue to plunge off the cliff, we are going to be dragged down with them. What can we do to change the situation? That’s the scary thought.
Good read. Racial Nationalism may indeed be less than ideally suited as a platform for resistance to the status quo. I wouldn’t have said “unsound” though, it strikes me as inaccurate: racial nationalism is nothing if not a “sound” basis for organization. Rock solid, really. But I think we need to tailor movements to exigent circumstances. I think we need at least three prongs: Lysander Spooner, Reformed Democrats, and Reformed Republicans. Spooner gathers all the radicals who want an end to and roll back of the centralist Republicrat authoritarian progression, the RDs split the socialists and democrats away from the yeasty white-hating Active Ingredients (think “yeast”), and the RRs move crypto white supremacy into the Republican bubble.
We have seen a lot of that “racial nationalism” here over the years. Just watch those JFK videos posted in the other threads.
Dial-up only out here in the sticks, so no videos for me.