Review: Splendid Failure

Michael Fitzgerald's Splendid Failure: Postwar Reconstruction in the American South

“Of all the dangers which our nation has yet encountered, none are equal to those which must result from success of the current effort to Africanize the southern half of the country.”
– President Andrew Johnson


Michael Fitzgerald’s Splendid Failure: Postwar Reconstruction in the American South is another Yankee revisionist apology in the W.E.B. DuBois tradition that attempts to portray Reconstruction as a noble experiment.

It is a departure from Nicholas Lemann’s Redemption: The Last Battle of the Civil War and Stephen Budiansky’s The Bloody Shirt: Terror After Appomattox in at least three critical ways:

(1) Lemann and Budiansky look almost exclusively at “violence” by Southern paramilitary organizations like the White League, the White Line, and the Red Shirts in Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina from 1874 to 1876.

The context of the desperate situation facing Whites in these states is completely ignored. The historical record is creatively edited to portray White Southerners as a bunch of brutish rednecks who violently rebelled against the authority of the Glorious Union for no other reason than racist hatred of noble “African-Americans.”

(2) Fitzgerald’s book is a short overview of the Reconstruction era as a whole. He gives a partial description of what happened in the other Southern states. There is at least an attempt made to provide the reader with some level of theoretical understanding as to why the events described by Lemann and Budiansky unfolded in the manner in which they did.

(3) Fitzgerald doesn’t hide the fact that Reconstruction in Louisiana and South Carolina was such an indefensible tyranny that even Gov. Adelbert Ames of Mississippi contrasted himself with his fellow carpetbaggers.

Unlike Lemann and Budiansky, Fitzgerald draws attention to James Shepherd Pike’s The Prostrate State: South Carolina Under Negro Government, a demoralizing chronicle of the decline of South Carolina under BRA (something that Paul Kersey should seriously read), which played a major role in undermining Northern support for the Union occupation.

Is this South Carolina in 1876 or Atlanta in 2011?

In the place of this old aristocratic society stands the rude form of the most ignorant democracy that mankind ever saw, invested with the functions of government. It is the dregs of the population habilitated in the robes of their intelligent predecessors, and asserting over them the rule of ignorance and corruption, through the machinery of numbers. It is barbarism overwhelming civilization by physical force. It is the slave rioting in the halls of his master, and putting the master under his feet. And, though it is done without malice and without vengeance, it is done none the less and completely done.

Before we start discussing the Reconstruction era, which in case you were wondering had nothing to do with actually rebuilding the war torn Confederacy, it is worth taking into account a panoramic view of the scene of the defeated South in 1865:

1 in every 4 Southern White men of military age have lost their lives resisting the Yankee invasion. Countless thousands more have been maimed or crippled. 10 to 15 percent of Confederate POWs in Northern prisons have died from starvation and disease. Southern cities like Atlanta, Richmond, Charleston, and Columbia have been burned to the ground.

The South’s infrastructure (its farms, factories, roads, railroads, bridges, and ports) have been destroyed by the Union Army. Abolition has wiped out the billions of dollars of Southern capital that was invested in slavery. Southern families are starving to death in the Upper South because of the war damage and in the Lower South because of the Union naval blockade. The collapse of the Confederate currency has wiped out the life savings of millions.

In the Appalachian mountains and hill country, the anti-Confederate minority that fought for the Union has become a plague upon their neighbors. The collapse of the Confederate government has unleashed all the forces of chaos and anarchy (think of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina) that tend to follow major natural disasters.

Across the Confederacy, the Yankees are traveling from plantation to plantation to “liberate” the slaves and enforce the Emancipation Proclamation. In a scene worthy of Genghis Khan and the Golden Horde, the Yankee soldiers plunder and loot almost every “Rebel” home they come across in their search for gold and silver, many of which are burned down by the “Federals.”

At the head of negro armies, the Yankees fan out across the South to decapitate the Southern state governments. The Great Seal of Mississippi is stolen and Governor Clark is marched out of the state capitol in Jackson at gunpoint.

The Governor of Florida commits suicide. The Governor of Texas is thrown in prison. Jefferson Davis is hunted down and captured near Washington, Georgia. President Davis is sent to Fort Monroe, Virginia where he is forced to suffer the indignity of wearing the shackles of a common criminal.

In this context, John Wilkes Booth assassinates Lincoln for endorsing the Radical Republican plan to make “African-Americans” citizens in Louisiana. Vice President Andrew Johnson becomes the 17th president of the United States.

The renegade Andrew Johnson of Tennessee was the only Southern senator who refused to leave Washington when his state seceded. East Tennessee was a major anti-Confederate stronghold in the War Between the States.

After serving as military governor of Tennessee, Andrew Johnson became a hero in the North and was elected Vice President after running with Lincoln on the “National Union” ticket in 1864. His Unionist views were typical of Appalachian Whites who hated slavery and who bought into the Yankee war propaganda about “saving the Union” and “abolishing slavery.”

In 1865, the Union had accomplished its two alleged major war aims with the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia and the Army of Tennessee which were (1) to preserve the Union and (2) to abolish slavery.

President Johnson naively assumed that it was time to follow Lincoln’s stated agenda in his Second Inaugural Address to “bind up the nation’s wounds” and “achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves.” The Confederate armies laid down their arms and the defeated South had accepted the verdict of the war.

In the summer of 1865, “Presidential Reconstruction” began under President Johnson. Provisional governors were appointed who were typically Unionists. The Southern states repealed the ordinances of secession and adopted new constitutions which abolished slavery. They elected new representatives whom they sent to Congress with the expectation that the “just and lasting peace” was finally at hand.

There was just one small problem: the Yankees had been lying all along about their patriotic desire to “preserve the Union” and “abolish the crime of slavery.” Immediately, there were three problems which doomed Presidential Reconstruction to failure.

(1) The first and most obvious problem for the Republicans was the three fifths clause in the Constitution. Now that slavery was abolished, the slaves would no longer be counted as three fifths of a person for purposes of determining representation in Congress.

Under the constitutional status quo, the defeated ex-Confederates would be allowed to return to Congress with even greater numbers where there was the dangerous possibility that they could reunite with Northern Democrats to retake control of the federal government in Washington.

(2) The second major problem was that the Confederate armies had disbanded and Confederate troops had returned to the homefront where there were millions of ex-slaves and renegade Unionists who would have to live under the defeated Confederates.

(3) The third major problem was that Northern Whites and the Radical Republicans who represented them hated Southerners and wanted to punish the Confederacy for its “treason” against Father Abraham and the Glorious Union.

In December 1865, the Radical Congress reconvened and refused to seat the Southern senators and representatives that had been elected under the new anti-slavery constitutions which President Johnson (who became an unlikely ally of the defeated South) had deemed sufficient to “bind up the nation’s wounds.”

From 1866 to 1868, President Johnson and the Radical Congress clashed repeatedly over the status of “African-Americans” within the United States. This culminated in the impeachment of Andrew Johnson by the House of Representatives and his near conviction by the Senate.

The Yankees were determined to protect the “civil rights” of negroes (and thereby the power of the Republican Party in Washington) by making negroes into American citizens with citizenship and voting rights. By this scheme, they hoped to seize control over the federal government and marginalize their Democratic opposition.

Johnson vetoed the Freedmen’s Bureau Bill and the Civil Rights Act of 1866. The Radical Congress which had excluded Southerners from representation in Washington responded by passing both bills over his veto.

In the 1866 midterm elections, the Republicans won a sweeping victory in the North. Since the Radical Republicans controlled Congress, they could exclude Southern representatives. They used a purely sectional majority to pass the 14th Amendment which was rejected by Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware.

In 1867, the Radical Republicans in Congress effectively overthrew the Constitution. After denying that the Southern states had any right to secede from the Union and waging war against the Confederacy on that principle, the Republican Congress dissolved 10 Southern states (the exception being Tennessee which was controlled by anti-Confederate Unionists) and placed White Southerners under the rule of military dictators.

BRA is created by the Republican Congress. Ulysses S. Grant is elected president.

The Southern state governments that President Johnson had recognized are dissolved. Tens of thousands of Yankee carpetbaggers descend upon the prostrate South to prey upon the region. They combine forces with enfranchised blacks and the scalawag Unionists to carve up the region into personal fiefdoms. The Southern states are ordered to ratify the 14th Amendment at gunpoint.

In this way, the Southern states are readmitted to the United States on Radical terms and the carpetbagger-scalawag-negro alliance elects “representatives” which are sent to Washington: less than a tenth of Whites in Alabama vote to rejoin the United States, a regional highwater mark of a quarter of Whites vote to rejoin in North Carolina, and a mere 130 Whites vote to rejoin the Union in South Carolina.

The 15th Amendment which asserted that the right to vote could not be denied on account of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude” was proposed in 1869 and ratified in 1870 by the Radical Congress and their puppet governments in the South.

The details of BRA vary from state to state, but it was almost identical in spirit to the system that we have today: “African-Americans” were voters and citizens, the Louisiana state constitution required integrated schools and public accommodations, anti-miscegenation laws were repealed, and there were even forms of welfare and affirmative action. The University of Arkansas and South Carolina College were integrated.

The Civil Rights Act of 1875 required integration in everything from parks to hotels to railroads and street cars. “African-American” state legislators were often illiterates who used their offices to vote themselves an income.

Property taxes were raised to confiscatory levels to support “African-American” public education. The Reconstruction governments ran up enormous state debts. In a scene out of modern Birmingham, corrupt public officials bribed Southern state legislatures to issue bonds to support the construction of Northern railroad lines which charged exorbitant fees to the natives.

Because of their negro majorities, South Carolina, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida suffered more under Reconstruction than the other Southern states. Consequently, White men had no choice but to resort to terrorism to overthrow Reconstruction in those states.

The Ku Klux Klan was a response to Radical Reconstruction. The White men who formed the Klan believed they were acting purely in self defense against the Republican Party. In Louisiana, the Knights of the White Camelia emphasized only two phrases in its initiation ritual: “maintenance of the supremacy of the white race” and observing a “marked distinction between the races.”

Contrary to Radical propaganda, the Klan and other Southern paramilitary organizations like the Red Shirts didn’t target “Africans-Americans” simply because they were racists who enjoyed lynching black people for the fun of doing so. They were political organizations which hadn’t existed before the war and were created for the sole purpose of overthrowing “negro domination” and “carpetbagger rule.”

The Klan was the Southern equivalent of the IRA or the Afghan mujahadeen that resisted the Soviet occupation. They were freedom fighters resisting the American occupation. If Presidential Reconstruction had been accepted by the Radical Congress, the Klan would have never existed.

What happened in the Confederacy during Reconstruction is exactly what happened to Germany in the aftermath of the Second World War: decapitation of the native leadership, social revolution, foreign occupation, the rule of traitorous elements in collaboration with foreign conquerers, demonization of the natives, the importation of foreign customs, plunder by the occupiers, etc.

The withdrawal of the Union Army in 1877 wasn’t the end of BRA in the defeated Confederacy. It was understood at the time that Reconstruction could be resumed at any given moment should Northern public opinion become indignant again over the “civil rights” issue.

The Jim Crow South didn’t emerge in its final form until the aftermath of the Plessy decision in 1896. Mississippi led the way by adopting a new constitution in 1890. South Carolina adopted a new constitution in 1895. Alabama didn’t adopt a new constitution until 1901.

Between 1898 and 1910, the former Confederate states (plus Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia and Oklahoma) adopted some version of the Mississippi Plan. “Dixie” emerged as the successor to the Confederacy in this period.

It took three generations of White Southerners over the course of 45 years to overthrow BRA and create a stable social system in the form of the Jim Crow South. If you drive across the South today, you will find monuments to the Confederate dead that later generations raised in almost every town and city.

Their hard work was blown away in the 1950s and 1960s when the Northern majority had another one of its periodic utopian fits in response to the defeat of Nazi Germany in the Second World War. The existence of the Jim Crow South was deemed incompatible with American ideals and the project of Reconstruction was resumed with the Brown decision and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

In the Barack Hussein Obama era, we are living through another “Splendid Failure” on par with Reconstruction or Prohibition. We are witnessing the death rattle of the entire Lincoln system that was erected in 1865. Uncle Sam is finally choking to death on democracy, the counter-culture, and the lie of racial equality.

Let us hope the old liberal bastard dies from AIDS in a “gay marriage” somewhere in Vermont. He’s on “The Edge of Glory” up there and doesn’t even realize it.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter, I think you should change your blog title to “Australial Dissent,” as your commentary is increasingly narrowly American southern, not occidental, which implies of the whole western/European sphere…

  2. I’ve thought about it.

    Next month is Yankee month though. We are going to research the history of the Northern states and try to figure out what happened there. Read the quote above. I just added it to this article.

  3. 2 Responses to Review: Splendid Failure
    Donnerwedder! says:
    November 15, 2011 at 4:51 pm
    Hunter, I think you should change your blog title to “Australial Dissent,” as your commentary is increasingly narrowly American southern, not occidental, which implies of the whole western/European sphere…

    JR Responds: I understand your position. Another name might be “I HATES YANKEES, WHITE NORTHERN AMERICANS DISSENT”

    🙂 Just kidding.

    Though I have to say that Mr. Wallace has lately been presenting a view of Northern American Whites that is similar to Mel Gibson’s portrayal of White English people in his movie Braveheart.


  4. Jack,

    See above. This is what secession actually looks like in the real world.

    Again, I will stress that WNs claim that they earnestly desire to secede from the United States and create a “White ethnostate” in North America. Realistically speaking, it is understood by WNs that the nature of their project is inherently divisive.

    I’m somewhat mystified that WNs turnaround and criticize us for wanting to secede from the Union. How can you blame people here for wanting to secede? I don’t blame people in Washington or Oregon for wanting to secede from the United States. Good luck to them!

    Southerners have a real advantage in that we have a strong autonomous regional sense of identity. We have actually seceded from the United States before. White Southerners are a distinct ethnic group. The vast majority of racially conscious Whites live here.

    Shouldn’t we take advantage of that?

    I will call you back after lunch. In the middle of something right now. 🙂

  5. I’m also reviewing these books because I am sick and tired of reading defeatists talk about the “Kali Yuga.” The other larger point being made here is that we have overthrown this system before.

  6. I’m not a defeatist. The American and world economies will collapse–it’s just a matter of time. There is no other possibility what with $110 trillion in unfunded liabilities on top of $14 trillion plus in debt. The only question is whether the NWO international banksters or the common (read: white) Americans who will have been forcibly awakened from their pop-culture, pc, academic-media machine induced slumber win out in the post-collapse vacuum. My money’s on ME and mine. Then we’ll deal with the unwelcome outsiders AND the secular humanist-bankster elites. Unless the Lord wraps things up, which is even better. So, I choose to be optimistic about things, and don’t bother to beat the drum of why there are blacks here–the original disaster the south inflicted on our settler colonial civilization. Maybe you could take a page from that book, and remember the essential reason that race is the fatal flaw of our republic–your beloved people brought blacks into our midst–and quit fixating on “the north.”

  7. In the WN paradigm, “Whites” are being oppressed by “Jews.”

    If you live in Detroit or Chicago, how can you believe this? Millions of African negroes moved to the North’s industrial cities. They came there as American citizens with voting rights. They came there to be your social equals.

    How did they get there? What kind of laws were in place? Before the War Between the States, 95 percent of blacks lived in the South. The Dred Scott decision had ruled that blacks were not citizens. Illinois and Indiana even had laws that banned free black settlement.

    Is this the fault of the Jews? How can it be the fault of the Jews when “African-Americans” had been made into American citizens by the Radical Congress decades before the majority of the Jewish radicals arrived in America?

    Were the Jews behind the 14th Amendment and 15th Amendment? Were the Jews behind the Civil Rights Act of 1875? Obviously not.

    Is it possible that the North simply fucked itself in the midst of a collective mania? Just look at Prohibition. That was another utopian experiment that had a similar disastrous ending. Women’s suffrage is another example. Gay marriage is the latest fashionable craze.

    If I lived in Chicago, I would be trying to figure out how that Illinois law was repealed that actually banned blacks from settling there. I would be trying to figure out whose idea it was to “liberate” the slaves for they could all move to my state.

    It is not hard to figure out who is responsible. It certainly wasn’t the South because the slaveowners actually came to the Northern states to capture the runaway negro slaves!

    Whose fault was it then? Who was advocating abolition and racial equality? It is not hard to figure out. They acted on the Radical agenda in the Reconstruction era.

  8. Donnerwedder!,

    Let’s accept for a moment your argument that the South brought the negro slaves to America. That’s not true. It was actually New England slave traders that brought them to America. Slavery existed in the North for 200 year, but let’s accept for a moment that the South is responsible.

    How did the North get rid of its own slaves then? The Yankees sold their slaves to Southerners! They didn’t export them to Africa.

    If that was how slavery expired in New York and New Jersey, then why couldn’t it have expired in a similar way in Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, Delaware, and Maryland? Clearly, that was already happening.

    The Border South and Upper South were getting out of slavery. They were selling their slaves to the Lower South. The Upper South was becoming a whiter area. That is how West Virginia, Missouri, and Kentucky became three of the whitest states in America.

    Suppose there was never an abolitionist movement. What would have happened? Well, it is clear that slavery would have certainly died in Maryland and Delaware, where it existed in name only. It would have also died in Virginia and Kentucky which were selling their slaves to the Lower South. The influx of immigrants to Missouri would have abolished slavery there.

    What about the Deep South? Slavery couldn’t have spread to the Western states because of the climate. It failed to take root in California and Oregon which entered the Union as Free States. It failed to take root in Kansas which entered the Union as a Free State.

    By 1860, South Carolina and Georgia were slave exporting states. Even the Eastern South was exporting its slaves to the Western South where the soil wasn’t as exhausted.

    If the process had simply been allowed to continue, slavery would have died in the Border South, then it would have died in the Upper South, then it would have died in the Eastern South, and finally it would have died in the Western South, as the slaves were sold to Latin America and the Caribbean.

  9. You’ve talked about the Barbados colonizers in the Carolinas yourself–are you actually trying to blame the north for slavery? So what if the Yankees shipped ’em? I don’t blame the drug dealers for drug addiction. C’mon, dude! This would have to be an oral conversation to be effective, I just don’t have the patience to write so much. Fine, you want to be sectarian, that’s your gig. Maybe your southern state with its blacks either eliminated, returned to slavery, or dumped in a big reservation in MS can have an embassy wherever we true independent Scots-Irish/Germanics are up where the weather is as it is in our ancestral homes and we rely on our own ingenuity and labor for our livelihoods, instead of down there in the sweltering heat. You don’t want allies elsewhere, so be it.

  10. People here can argue over 19th century history until the “Rapture” or the 2nd Coming comes to supposedly end the world. I guess the point is to try to absolve your particular sub culture of the North American White European population of the blame for the terrible racial problems we face now in year 2011.

    My advice is to stand up for the culture of your own sub group of White Americans and not let your people/family/kith and kin be insulted by anyone.

    But in addition to standing up for your/our own sub group of North American Whites, we need to make peace with other groups of Whites and stick up for the legitimate rights of Whites to live in peace everywhere in North America, everywhere in the world now as things exist in year 2011. I hope everyone reading O.D. does not take any joy of reading about the terrible NW attacks on regular White people in places like Philedelphia, England or Southern Africa based on some historical greivance with some other group of Whites. Jews work for the safety and the perceived special Jewish interests of Jews everywhere – including Jewish people like Roman Polanski or the Jewish Communists who did terrible things. We White Indo Europeans must now do the same – help White people all over the world and put aside foolish church divisions, regional divisions – the worst being Irish vs British, Southerners vs Yankees – Germans vs Slavs.

    Hunter has experience the dysfunctional American White Nationalist “movement” and he is diving back for cover amidst his White Southern culture/people and that’s fine and a very good career choice, personal lifestyle choice.

    But it is very bad karma to start hating on other groups of decent White people. Southerners like Hunter should take some road trips to places like Green Bay WI, get to know the local White folks – they’re nice folks and aren’t conspiring to support BRA tyranny in the South or anywhere.

  11. I don’t largely dispute what you say about the abolition/reconstruction/egalitarian movements of the north, I just think it’s counterproductive to keep beating that dead horse–not to mention that you want to completely absolve the Jewish internationalist element and its Boasian/Freudian/Marxist etc., elements. And blacks didn’t leave the south largely until after WW2. Yes, busy-body northerners concocted the 14th Amendment, etc. But for all the horrible inflictions you say the north brought, isn’t that just because practically every social/technological advancement in this country originates there. Do you drive a car? Do you fly in planes? Do you watch television? Use lightbulbs? Why don’t you shed those northern intrusions into your beloved south?

  12. Amen, Jack! Hunter, I do not consider myself your enemy–I just hope you aren’t making enemies unnecessarily…

  13. How can anyone blame the North for slavery?

    It existed there for over 200 years! There wasn’t a Louisiana until 1812, a Mississippi until 1817, an Alabama until 1818, an Arkansas until 1836, or a Florida or Texas until 1845.

    When did New York and New Jersey finally abolish slavery? 1828 and 1846.

  14. Who cares? It was never an important facet of society in the north–quit hoisting straw men. Why do you think it was so easily abolished? It wasn’t important to the powers that be…

  15. And anyway, you skipped right over everything else I wrote to focus on the north and its supposed hypocrisy over abolition of slavery–it’s just like your hypocritical have-cake-and-eat-too SEC football stance. Go Boise State!!!

  16. The Jews have been given plenty of credit in our racial and cultural decline. I have already talked about revisionist historians like Eric Foner, Nicholas Lemann, Stephen Budiansky, and Kevin Levin in this one small field of American history.

    They don’t get all the credit though. Why can’t Northerners stop voting for Jews in the Senate? California and Oregon have three Jewish senators. Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey have four Jewish senators. Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota field three Jewish senators.

    Look, I won’t even use a Southern state: why can’t they vote like the Whites in North Dakota or Montana vote?

    Why can’t they stop themselves from voting for Jewish senators and Barack Hussein Obama? Why can’t they stop themselves from voting for the DREAM Act?

  17. Yeah, no argument there, but that’s how much inordinate power they wield…and why they are the leading archiects of the post-American America, the SOBs…

  18. “Is this the fault of the Jews? How can it be the fault of the Jews when “African-Americans” had been made into American citizens by the Radical Congress decades before the majority of the Jewish radicals arrived in America?”

    Good point, except with one small exception, the “Great Migration” did not begin, for the most part, until after WWI, and in far greater numbers after WWII. Who pushed for black inclusion in the northern labor market? FDR for one, who the South voted for in numbers matched only by Jews, and the Jewish led unions. Black labor was required in the North because of WWI and who were the greatest supporters of war 1 and 2 against Germany, why the South of course. And who argued vociferously for minority rights to be included in the peace of Versailles, why Wilson’s Jews.

  19. Donnerwedder! says:
    November 15, 2011 at 7:30 pm
    One other thing–Jack, you should start a blog, too–you’re very insightful…

    JR reponds:

    Thank you very much for these kind words. I like to the thing that I am “insightful” – but a successful writer, great political leader should have more followers/readers than just himself.


  20. Good point, except with one small exception, the “Great Migration” did not begin, for the most part, until after WWI, and in far greater numbers after WWII. Who pushed for black inclusion in the northern labor market?

    These fine “African-Americans” were only moving to the North to live among their liberators who had voluntarily repealed all their block codes, segregation laws, and anti-miscegenation laws over the previous forty years.

    FDR for one, who the South voted for in numbers matched only by Jews, and the Jewish led unions.

    Why didn’t the Northern states just ban all these blacks from Yankee soil? Why were millions of them allowed to move there? They were moving there en masse long before FDR became president.

    Black labor was required in the North because of WWI and who were the greatest supporters of war 1 and 2 against Germany, why the South of course. And who argued vociferously for minority rights to be included in the peace of Versailles, why Wilson’s Jews.

    Millions of “African-Americans” settled there just like millions of Jews and Europeans had moved there over the previous fifty years. They were attracted there by the North’s own industries.

    Yesterday morning, there was a show on the History Channel about the Chinese who were in California in 1866 building the Pacific railroads. I’m quite sure that Asians were around 30 percent of Idaho at one point in the late nineteenth century.

  21. “The other point being made is we have overthrown this system before”
    That is right.As a kid growing up in the south I enjoyed the fruits of their labor.I could go anywhere,no worries.No home invasions,car jackin,mob attacks.No fear of being shot riding your bike or bike stolen.White schools and no ebonics speaking black teachers praising MLK.

  22. “….help White people all over the world and put aside foolish church divisions, regional divisions – the worst being Irish vs British, Southerners vs Yankees –”…

    Nowadays, those often parse out to be the same, lol. “WN” often spends its time researching jews— but in reality, both jews and catholics at the turn of the last century had a hand in re-shaping the country into the image of what they had attempted in europe. When the europeans arrived, they brought all their own baggage. Both catholic nationalists and jews wanted to “federalize” and to collect (whether tithes or taxes). Both hated the anglo-s-ulsterites for their own reasons; less so, the italians. The Irish saw the south as English, and still does. And the jews saw them as germanics.

    The vilification is such that all people of that type are under more than average threat (like when 500 mormon kids were whisked away—on the basis of a black lady’s phone call, a woman who’d been picked up for such phone fraud before). But anyway, they were blond-blue, living like throwbacks, and so no one really saw this as a problem. I was in a big city at the time, and the attitude was, ‘those heretic mormons get what they deserve.” Same with waco— even though the branch davidians were a sort of strange sect, started by a mysterious figure after WWII, and who was given the first land grant to a non-jew outside israel.

    To be a wasp, a southerner, an appalachian, and anymore a ‘flyover country’ rural midwesterner—- is to be outside the system in terms of socialization. The grand “developements” of the “new south” look —to the people who used to lived there— like horrifying ugly places made by robots.

    Anyway, am glad you are writing these articles HW. Reconstruction is a very hard thing to find out about—- virtually nothing exists. Few people know the other side of the story.

    Much of “wn” is about other subgroups vilifying jews, in order to run their welfare-warfare state— which actually has nothing to do with white culture, european identity, perservering the really history of american subgorups, etc.

  23. Why didn’t the Southern states repatriate blacks? Why didn’t Southern democrats support Bilbo’s/Grant’s plan for a back to Africa movement?

    The populations were segregated by realty covenants in cities like Chicago until Roosevelt’s Jews rendered it unconstitional in 1948. The National Urban League and the NAACP , which pushed ant-discrimination legislation, were funded and advanced by wealthy Jews like Julius Rosenwald. Rosenwald worked for black advancement in both the North and especially the South with the establisment of Rosenwald schools.

    The mass migration of blacks to the North came after WWII. Of the six million that moved north, 5 million came after WWII, after the realty covenants were struck down; after FDR established non-discriminatory legislation that forced private indusry who won contracts with the Feds to not discriminate against blacks. This is the same FDR who was supported overwhelmingly by an unholy alliance of blacks, Jews and Southerners. This is the same FDR, supported by Southern senators (Neutrality Act, Draft extension, Lend-lease) that brought war in support of the Bolsheviks in Europe. This is the same FDR administration that sought to exterminate Germans post WWII with the Morgenthau plan later known as JCS 1067.

    A Handbook for Military Government in Germany was ready in August 1944, it was an occupation document which advocated a quick restoration of normal life for the German people and reconstruction of Germany. Henry Morgenthau, Jr. brought it to the attention of President Franklin D. Roosevelt who after reading it rejected it with the words:

    “Too many people here and in England hold the view that the German people as a whole are not responsible for what has taken place – that only a few Nazis are responsible. That unfortunately is not based on fact. The German people must have it driven home to them that the whole nation has been engaged in a lawless conspiracy against the decencies of modern civilization.”

    This is the same anti-discrimination program that was brought against the South after WWII.

  24. Great review!

    “Noble experiment” — damning with faint praise. No sane person attempts experiments on a large scale, which is why this term glows with cynicism.

    The idea of reconstruction was political, and its goal was to subjugate the South by spreading instability and then making the people dependent on the Federal Government in response.

    Like all government programs, it mostly served to empower scumbags who love circumnavigating rules in order to get that nice, fat, free, cretinous government money.

  25. Much as I do love to rant about Yankees, I don’t hate the race aware ones especially since I know that they are a captive people, too. What I don’t understand is why they dislike the Southern identity so and make excuses for the past behavior of Northerners who were so solicitous of negroes at our expense.

    Regarding the Jewish takeover of the North, the South had no part in that. Jews and Catholics in the South were not among the freedom riders. The East European Jews who flooded into the North were already radicalized and rapidly adopted the liberal Yankee agenda, but the Catholics were only radicalized by trying to assimilate into the Yankee culture (Americanist heresy). Positing some kind of Jewish-Catholic conspiracy in the early 20th century is totally absurd. Northern Catholics were highly anti-Semitic until the liberalization of the church after WW2.

    The liberalization of the Catholic church lagged behind the liberalization of the mainline Protestant churches–who are even today more “out there” than the Catholic church is even today–listened to any Espiscopal or Methodist church leaders lately? Their positions of immigration are identical to the much villified but equally corrupt Catholic church.

    Bend and twist the truth however you must, but it seems to me that you Yankee WN’s are the ones actively seeking enemies among your fellow whites you claim to care so much about being unified with. That’s why your movement will never amount to much–it is stillborn before it even begins. You would actually have to value the truth over your paranoid delusions.

    Much like your liberal counterparts, you are trapped inside your own little echo chamber. Northern Jews know who their most feared enemies are, and it ain’t you all.
    Southerners are their constant targets, exactly because we are more than just a fringe element. You’ll never see a Jew cut down another Jew the way you all like to cut down Southerners, especially those of us who aren’t “pure” enough for your tastes.

    Tell me exactly why a culturally Catholic Cajun or Italian from Louisiana is your enemy? Seems like all the mainline Protestants spend just as much time if not more fawning over negroes and gays. Then tell me why you have no influence over most of your fellow whites in the North, who are busy jamming gay marriage down our throats? Maybe you should be focusing your efforts somewhere else, instead of scolding your fellow whites in the South. That would require a big dose of reality, though. Go clean up your own back yard.

  26. Brett, you are right on the mark. The federal government creates dependent groups to aggrandize its own power. Secession is a solution to this. What we need is more disunion, not union. It’s the only way to break the centralized power structure that is strangling us. The Islamification of Europe only kicked into high gear after the “unification” of Europe began. Empires seek to homogenize all subgroups. Devolution, state sovereignity, neo-feudalism, and similar approaches will be the only way to fight this phenomenon. White people especially are best served by decentralized power structures.

  27. Why didn’t the Southern states repatriate blacks? Why didn’t Southern democrats support Bilbo’s/Grant’s plan for a back to Africa movement?

    Southerners don’t have a federal government.

    The populations were segregated by realty covenants in cities like Chicago until Roosevelt’s Jews rendered it unconstitional in 1948.


    1865: Barred residency segregation [Statute]
    Repealed 1853 act making it a misdemeanor for a Negro to move to Illinois.

    1874: Barred school segregation [Statute]
    Boards of education prohibited from excluding any child on account of color from the public schools. Penalty: Those who excluded children based on race would be fined between $5 and $100. Those who threatened a child from attending a public school were subject to a fine up to $25.

    1885: Barred public accommodation segregation [Statute]
    Made inns, restaurants, barber shops, public transportation, theaters and places of public amusement available to all persons. Penalty: Violators of the act would be fined between $25 and $500, paid to the victim, and would also be guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to a fine of up to $500.

    1896: Barred school segregation [Statute]
    Prohibited school officers from excluding children from public schools on the basis of color. Penalty: $5 to $100.

    1897: Barred public accommodation segregation [Statute]
    1885 law amended to include hotels, soda-fountains, saloons, bathrooms, theaters, skating-rinks, concerts, cafes, bicycle rinks, elevators, ice cream parlors, railroads, stages, streetcars and boats.

    1903: Barred public accommodation segregation [Statute]
    1885 law extended to include funeral hearses as list of public services available to all persons.

    1911: Barred public accommodations segregation [Statute]
    Amendment to 1885 Civil Rights law stating that cemeteries could not discriminate based on race the choice of burial plots for burying the dead.

    1917: Antidefamation [Statute]
    Unlawful to “manufacture, sell or offer for sale, advertise or publish, prsent or exhibit in any public place any lithograph, moving picture, play, drama or sketch, which publication or exhibition portrays depravity, criminality, unchastity, or lack of virtue of a class of citizens, of any race, color, creed or religion…which exposes the citizens of any race, color, creed or religion to contempt, derision, or obloquy or which is productive of breach of the peace or riots.” Penalty: Misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of between $50 and $200.

    1927: Housing [Municipal Code]
    Chicago adopted racially restrictive housing covenants beginning in 1927, although other tactics had been used in earlier years to maintain a segregated city. At one time, as much as 80 percent of the city may have been covered by restrictive covenants. In 1924, Nathan MacChesney, a prominent Chicago attorney and a member of the Chicago Planning Commission, drafted an addition to the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Real Estate Boards that “forbade realtors to introduce members of any race or nationality” into neighborhoods where their presence would damage property values. In 1927, MacChesney drafted a model racial restrictive covenant for the Chicago Real Estate Board, solely targeting African Americans. The Chicago Real Estate Board promoted the covenant to YMCAs, churches, women’s clubs, PTAs, Kiwanis clubs, chambers of commerce and property owners’ associations. Hyde Park, Woodlawn, Park Manor, South Shore, and other neighborhoods on Chicago’s South Side adjacent to the so-called “black belt,” responded as well as outlying Chicago neighborhoods and suburbs. Additionally, the University of Chicago was a strong supporter of the covenant campaign in Washington Park, although they denied their affiliation for many years. In 1948, the United States Supreme Court ruled that enforcement of racial restrictive covenants was unconstitutional. The Supreme Court’s ruling, however, did not put an end to the problem of blacks finding adequate housing. Homeowner associations continued to push for segregation. Shortly after the court decision, the Woodlawn Property Owners wrote:

    If the colored people are convinced that life in Woodlawn would be unbearable, they would not want to come in. There must be ways and means to keep whites from selling, causing colored not to want to come in because life here would be unbearable. We are going to save Woodlawn for ourselves and our children!
    (Deeds of Mistrust: Race, Housing, and Restrictive Covenants in Chicago, 1900-1950)

    1933: Civil rights protection [Statute]
    Outlawed racial discrimination. Penalty: Criminal prosecution and damages.

    1933: Barred employment discrimination [Statute]
    Prohibited discrimination and intimidation on account of race or color in employment under contracts for public buildings or public works. Penalties: $100 for each offense. Fines up to $500 and or imprisonment up to 30 days.

    1953: Housing [Municipal Code]
    In August 1953, the first black family to move into Trumbull Park, an all-white project of the Chicago Housing Authority, came under attack by nearly fifty teenagers who hurled stones, bricks and racial slurs at their apartment. Venturing outside of their home was equally frightening, and required a police escort. Additionally, blacks traveling through the area now became targets of violence. As more black families moved into the project, they, too, were harassed daily. When blacks received a permit to organize a baseball game at the neighborhood park, tensions intensified. A hostile crowd gathered at the park. When a firecracker tossed from the crowd hit a player, the police sat motionless. A player who went to retrieve a foul ball was attacked by the crowd and a fight broke out. When the police arrested the white who started the fight, the crowd quickly turned their frustrations on the police. Reactions intensified after the fight and there was talk among whites to “burn the dirty bastards out.”

    Another disturbing incident occurred in July 1954 when three black women attended mass at a local Catholic church. After the mass the women waited until most of the crowd had left and exited from a side door. A crowd of about thirty awaited the women as they left the church. One white woman was so incensed that she attacked the black women with her umbrella. Father Michael Commins, the rector of the church, reproached his parishioners in a bulletin later that month, saying, “Hissing, hooting and assaulting anyone for going to Mass is very un-Christian like.” Although there was much less violence within Trumbull Park by the early 1960s, anti-black sentiments were still firmly in place. Neighborhood taverns featured Members Only signs, African Americans stayed away from the park, the public swimming pool and local churches. As Arnold R. Hirsch wrote in a journal article published on Trumbull Park, “The decade of resistance that prevented all but a token of African American presence maintained South Deering as a white domain even as King negotiated the desegregation of Birmingham, Alabama.” (Massive Resistance in the Urban North: Trumbull Park, Chicago, 1953-1966, The Journal of American History, Sept. 1995)

    1956: Barred health care segregation [Municipal Code]
    No hospital to deny to any person admission for care or treatment on account of race, color, creed or national origin.

    1957: Barred housing segregation [Statute]
    Neighborhood redevelopment corporations must not discriminate.

    1957: Barred school segregation [Statute]
    No exclusion or segregation in districts of fewer than 1,000 persons. Penalty: $5 to $100.

    1958: Barred National Guard segregation [Statute]
    Prohibited segregation or discrimination within state National Guard.

    The National Urban League and the NAACP , which pushed ant-discrimination legislation, were funded and advanced by wealthy Jews like Julius Rosenwald. Rosenwald worked for black advancement in both the North and especially the South with the establisment of Rosenwald schools.

    The NAACP and the National Urban League were both based in the Northern states. Just like Frederick Douglass had been based there. W.E.B. DuBois went to Harvard University.

    The mass migration of blacks to the North came after WWII. Of the six million that moved north, 5 million came after WWII, after the realty covenants were struck down

    The “mass migration of blacks to the North” started around the year 1910. It was interrupted by the Great Depression. Lets also not forget that it was the Immigration Act of 1924 which Madison Grant had worked so hard for that inspired Northern industries to turn to domestic sources of cheap labor like “African-Americans.”

    after FDR established non-discriminatory legislation that forced private indusry who won contracts with the Feds to not discriminate against blacks. This is the same FDR who was supported overwhelmingly by an unholy alliance of blacks, Jews and Southerners.

    (1) First, what was this “non-discriminatory legislation” that passed Congress? What about all the “non-discriminatory legislation” that comprehensively banned segregation that had been passed in states like Michigan and Illinois?

    (2) Second, “African-Americans” moved to the Northern states because (a) they were “free” to do so, (b) because they were American citizens, (c) because of the North’s manufacturing industries, and (d) to escape the racial caste system in the Jim Crow South.

    This is the same FDR, supported by Southern senators (Neutrality Act, Draft extension, Lend-lease) that brought war in support of the Bolsheviks in Europe. This is the same FDR administration that sought to exterminate Germans post WWII with the Morgenthau plan later known as JCS 1067.

    (1) Southerners supported the Democratic Party because the Republican Party was the party of anti-racism and civil rights and had waged war against the South to “liberate” the slaves. Its policies had created a depression here that lasted for generations.

    (2) FDR was from New York. Unlike his Republican predecessors, he wasn’t seen at the time as a strong supporter of “civil rights reform.” Blacks had supported the “Party of Lincoln” for generations before switching their support to the Democratic Party. Jews had also voted Republican.

    (3) The idea that the South led America into WW2 is laughable. To be sure, the South was more supportive of England than the Irish or German Catholics, but much of this was simply an artifact of partisan support for the Democratic Party, which was based on hatred of the Republican Party.

  28. FB,

    We are moving through the revisionist literature that starts with W.E.B. DuBois and his successors like Eric Foner and Kenneth Stampp. The hated “Dunning School” of the early twentieth century (which according to Fitzgerald is dismissed because of its “outmoded racial assumptions) is where to start.

    We are going to revive the Dunning School here. Southerners are usually drawn to the Antebellum South and the Confederacy when the become interesting in their history. We are going to try to make the history of Reconstruction, Redemption, and the Jim Crow South more accessible here.

    It is that vast 150 years that separates the Confederacy from Barack Hussein Obama that interests me the most. We’re forging a new national narrative.

  29. Please note that every healthy ethnic group should feel proud and superior to every other ethnic group. Thus, when Yankees and Canadians blame their racial problems on Southerners, we can understand the sentiment, and don’t fault them for their ethnic patriotism.

    Refighting the Civil War is also fun. We learn a lot from each other. 🙂

  30. More on the forbidden topic: When my Great Great Grandfather left Columbia, S.C. after his farm was taken by Yanks him and his Brother moved near Okeefenokee Swamp in Georgia to survive Reconstruction. But what really gets me is how all the male members in my family are Masons. When they die, they get last rites from Masons when they die. The rest of family steps back while the lodge members do their rite. I never became a Mason, because they are so NWO now. I read a book many years ago about how Southern Prisoners when they went to tent of a high Yankee Officer, They would give Distress Signal and the High Ranking Officer would let them escape some way. This was also true of Yank Prisoners. Also in Shermans March to Sea, those Southerners who put Masonic Symbol on their Gate Posts and Door entrances, these properties were spared burning. In todays world the Southern Baptist Masonic Preachers are snakes. I read, Hunter were George Wallace was also a 32 degree mason. I have read alot of material about Albert Pike in Charleston and he went to Arkanasas. Then alot of books like Mrs. Cox writes how Masons was the true birth place of KKK.

  31. “Anyway, am glad you are writing these articles HW. Reconstruction is a very hard thing to find out about—- virtually nothing exists. Few people know the other side of the story.”

    I agree with Dixie Girl. Even the kinists who claim solidarity with the South are being somewhat ‘Yankee’ like lately, and I find your posts to be a breath of fresh air, because you don’t argue ideologically (and, in an egalitarian dream-state, all ‘opinions’ are equally valid… and equally vacuous) but HISTORICALLY. Which is how I try to argue my points at my blog, in the religious sphere.

    Keep up the good work. I learn something new every day. Even from the commenters who rag on you….(How wrong they are!)

  32. “Positing some kind of Jewish-Catholic conspiracy in the early 20th century is totally absurd. Northern Catholics were highly anti-Semitic until the liberalization of the church after WW2. The liberalization of the Catholic church lagged behind the liberalization of the mainline Protestant churches–who are even today more “out there” than the Catholic church is even today–listened to any Espiscopal or Methodist church leaders lately? Their positions of immigration are identical to the much villified but equally corrupt Catholic church.”

    Apuleius, what reactionary pre-Vatican II indult mass group are you with? The ENTIRE changing of liturgy, womynpriests, gays in the clergy, new PC hymn texts, social activism, ALL OF IT followed AFTER Vatican II. The 1979 BCP, the Lutheran Worship service book, the Methodist, Presbyterian, etc. hymnals- ALL of it came because ROME ‘Changed.’

    In reality, Rome had ‘gone her own way,’ a thousand years or more earlier. All racial egalitarian schemes are philosophically tied to the ‘Second Europe’ Rome created out of thin air, after she adopted the filioquist heresy, and enacted the Schism of 1054. But at least she kept Christendom in check from following the errors of the German Higher Criticism ‘scholars’ – and let’s not forget Teilhard de Chardin, and his desire for Evolution, “Marxism’s ‘proletariat of the people,’ and Darwin as the new ‘Trinity’ – even in the face of the Syllabus of Errors!

    You ask why bother one’s self with a dusky Sicilian or a Cajun who is Catholic? Let’s be more honest. The MEXICAN INVASION is a TOTALLY RC scheme to ‘make’ the US Catholic or to gain some hegemonic ‘toehold’ in America; and the ONLY reason the US exists, is because it was a White, Anglo-Saxon PROTESTANT (i.e., Northern Christendom) country. Moreover, with the current Pope basically kissing the “tuchkus” of the Rabbinates of the world, what good is Rome left for? The Germano-English are among the smartest, most inventive, and most ‘orthodox’ of the Reformers- and that’s saying a lot for me. But I would rather live in a racially aware revivified Protestant England or Germany, than EVER go to Spain, Italy, or (God forbid) Mexico. Rome was the first multiculturalist, via her heretical doctrine of ‘universal jurisdiction.’ Later empire builders in ‘catholic countries’ merely took Rome’s model and made it the secular rationale for conquest and empire. The ENTIRE blame for abandoning the Monroe Doctrine, can be laid at the feet of the Papacy, ideologically speaking.

  33. “Whose fault was it then? Who was advocating abolition and racial equality? ”

    If we fast forward to today I’d say they are the case. What fuells the misguided utopian idealism that crops up every few decades?

  34. “The Day Dixie Died” is one of the best books on the reality of reconstruction available. Eagerly await your review of that book (the author of that book also wrote “Scalp Dance” — an unflattering look at Indians).

    Recommend both to OD readers.

  35. Hunter: Your website is great! Get all kinds of good info. What about Freemasonry and its role or hand in War Between The States and Reconstruction—-all the way up to todays world——were in all the high posts in everything —- there always a Mason SCOT RITE or YORK RITE with Bay Nay Brit Boys telling them what to do!

  36. Hunter, and All – we do learn from each other! That’s why this blog is the BEST thing on the Net! (With due respect to SBPDL).

    As a Future Ex Yankee (Yes. I’ll aways be an Outsider. S’ok) – I do NOT Hate On Southerners. I’m fascinated by the articles, and information being posted. It’s iformatio we all need. I see the ghastly persecution of the South as a …sort of accelration concentric constriction. The tribuations of te South are being enacted all over the USA, and the White World.

    I am THRILLED t othe marrow that Southerners know themselves. I know it’s not Just the Jews – although they create the memes, and lead the mummery, since they’ve been loosed on the People of the West. The thing that dismays me to the marrow, and makes me want to throttle people, is the fecklessness and dangerous vanity of my fellow White Christian Yankees – who just know how tolerant and wonderful and full of Christian Love they are, and “preaching hatred” is “bad” – and that one magical day, they will get Special Inspiration from Gee-zuz their Buddy – and every-one wil get along, and love each other, and everything will be great, and we will all Bathe in Christ’s Love – cause His Love is just like some magical bath salts – and we will all be one big Happy Family. Cause Race Doesn’t Matter. Just like the Duggers – only different colors.

    I can’t decide if I want out of this region before the Day the EBT Card Stops, up ‘ere – so I can avoid the chaos – to stick around and enjoy the well-deserved disaster- when Yankee Chickens Come Home to Roost.

    Anyway – I went to to a grocery store, last week, ran into a local lady, and proceeded to talk. She’s lovely – middle aged, in great shape, gorgeous blue eyes – they filled with tears as she described the economic undoing she’s experienced, over the past few years. She’s gone from a sweet, sweet office gig, in the Healthcare millieu. when she went on tons of vacations, and had oodles in the bank – to workng a semi-fulltime job, with no healthcare bennies, and money dwindling down….no vacations anymore. She’s treated like a serf, at her gig. She doesn’t understand “why”. She does know that all goods have “Made in China” labels, and this has a lot to do with the way things are. I tried to offer a few explanations. I did NOT launch into a “It’s the Devil Jews From HELL” tirade – although her bosses, at the ex-sweet gig, were Tribe Members. They threw her under the bus, for “Diverse” and cheaper cute l’il Brown Worker Chicas.

    I filled in a few holes – but she still did not want to hear a word about Race! (I floated the concept of Race Replacement). It’s not about Race! She’s not a Racist. “Well – that’s the root of the problem. Perhaps you ought to become one” sez I.

    OMG. The horror in her eyes staunched the tears.

    Yankees are doomed.

  37. “Well – that’s the root of the problem. Perhaps you ought to become one” sez I.

    Denise, that anecdote is priceless. I wish I could have seen her expression.

    Fr. John, I’m not sure about which are the causes and which are the effects, but I would agree with you about the Great Schism being one of the decisive turning points. I suppose it’s a bit of a moot point at present, since most forms of institutionalized Christianity line up on the side of our enemies routinely. Western Orthodoxy has some potential to become what the Anglican church should have become in this regard.
    I see the Anglican Lambeth Conference sometime in the 1930’s as the beginning of the liberalization of the churches, but I agree with you about the noxious influence of Teilhard de Chardin. Nevertheless, I am convinced that the solution to our present woes will found through particularist, not “catholic” sources. The Gnosticism that inevitably results from universalist ambitions is the seed from which the corruption grows.

  38. Hunter writes:

    “Southerners don’t have a federal government.”

    You have really gone off the deep end into silly ahistorical Confederate propaganda like one finds on the Original Dissent website.

    Prior to (and a long time after) the Civil War the Democratic Party was primarily composed of Southern whites of English and Scots-Irish heritage and Northern whites of Irish and German heritage. (Speaking of which one of the goddesses of blond blue-eyed Aryan beauty was the Catholic Irish and German American Grace Kelly.)

    After the short period of Reconstruction the Democratic Party in Congress (that’s a “federal” institution) kept “civil rights” legislation bottled up until the 1960’s.

    Quit bashing your fellow whites such as Irish, Germans, and Scandinavians. Quit trying to make out as though there is any love from the English stock settlers such as Quakers, Anglicans, and Puritans (read Albions Seed for this) towards Scots-Irish hillbillies (read Jim Webb’s Born Fighting for this.) I wonder whether most racially conscious whites who praise these two books have actually read them.

    Secede again if you think you can but you’re going to have to give up half your counties to the Negroes that inhabit them; either that or send them all back to Africa. Thankfully they are concentrated in parts of the big cities in the rest of the country. Go outside a metro area and you just won’t see them (unlike Mexicans who are all over the place just like Negroes in the lowland south.)

    Whites have in fact resisted integration in the North since the manufacturing oligarchs started bringing them up in mass quantities for cheap strike-breaking labor in WWI. Whites are still massively resisting integration in the “North.”

    Months back you were sensibly advocating realistic local political action by whites all over the country. Now you are just whistling Dixie.

  39. The purpose of these threads is to educate and introduce Southerners to their lost culture and heritage. Northerners are learning a lot about the South that they didn’t know before.

    Next month, we are going to take on the Yankees. We are going to study the culture and history of the North. As we shall see, the losers of the North have similarly been edited out of history by the victors.

    How many people knew that John Wilkes Booth was a Southern hero who saw himself as a modern Brutus assassinating the tyrant Lincoln over the abomination of negro equality?

    How many Northerners know that 70 percent of the towns and cities in Illinois and Indiana were “sundown towns” that drove out non-Whites to preserve their racial character as homogeneous White communities?

    How many Americans know that the Democratic Party – once known as “the Democracy” – was explicitly “White Man’s Party”? Its ideal was “Herrenvolk democracy.” White men and only White men would make decisions about the future course of America.

    All this talk about a “White Republic” and a “White ethnostate” and a “White nation” had to come from somewhere. It didn’t just hatch in a vacuum. There is a long backstory that needs to be told.

    I know that story because I have exhaustively researched it for years. Many of you don’t know that story though.

    Note: BRA has been overthrown in the past. South Carolina, Louisiana, Florida, and Mississippi were once majority black. The demographics were worse than they are now. Yet the White men in these states rose up and seized power.

  40. Rudel,

    You have really gone off the deep end into silly ahistorical Confederate propaganda like one finds on the Original Dissent website.

    Southerners don’t have a federal government. The Confederate government was overthrown in 1865.

    What’s the major consequence of that? It means that we are a minority within the United States. It means that Southerners are a minority in the House of Representatives and the Senate. It means we are minority in terms of our ability to elect a president.

    Look at it this way: there was almost unanimous opposition in the South to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Immigration Act of 1965, but even though all three major pieces of legislation were defeated in the South, they became law anyway because Southerners are a minority and were outvoted in Congress.

    What about Barack Hussein Obama? He lost the 2008 presidential election in the South. The only reason he won Florida, Virginia, and North Carolina is because of transplants, immigrants, and the black vote. He handily lost the White vote in all three states.

    What would the South be like if the Confederate government were restored? What would life be like if we had our government and only we decided how to govern ourselves?

    The South would transform almost overnight. The vast majority of these bad policies have been imposed upon us against our will. In particular, the immigration question would be solved immediately. The border would be immediately secured within a Southern Union.

  41. Whistling Dixie … toward the end of restoring a sense of autonomous Southern ethnic, cultural, historical, and political identity … a separate sense of identity from BRA that can be mobilized as an adversary culture toward the project of overthrowing that system and seceding from its government.

  42. Rudel, you are as masterful at cutting to the quick of HW’s posts of late as you were at popping T-34s! 😉

  43. The Prostrate State: South Carolina Under Negro Government

    Anyone know where to find this online? Unless Google Books has added a download feature, I do not consider Google Books “online” (browsing pictures of pages one by one != online book).

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