District of Corruption
The latest CNN poll shows that Barack Hussein Obama is the first Gentry Liberal President:
– By 61 percent to 36 percent, Whites disapprove of the way that Barack Hussein Obama is handling his job as BRA’s President. 70 percent of Whites disapprove of the way Obama is handling the economy. 67 percent disapprove of the way Obama is handling healthcare.
– By 67 percent to 32 percent, Non-Whites approve of the way that Barack Hussein Obama is handling his job as BRA’s President. 52 percent of Non-Whites approve of the way Obama is handling the economy. 55 percent of Non-Whites approve of the way Obama is handling healthcare.
In BRA’s democracy, the White minority is ruling the White majority with the Gentry Liberal Strategy. The CNN poll also breaks down Obama’s approval rating by region. There are some surprising results.
Interestingly enough, Obama has a 44 percent approval rating in the Northeast, a 44 percent approval rating in the West, a 42 percent approval rating in the South, and a 54 percent approval rating in the Midwest.
Who knew that Obama was more popular in the Midwest than the Northeast? I’m not sure what to make of these results. Obama appears weaker in the state polls in Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio than elsewhere in the Northeast. Democratic strategists have written off Indiana.
But anyway, the salient point to be made here is that White Southerners overwhelmingly oppose Barack Hussein Obama. None of this matters though because we don’t have our own government. The American government doesn’t represent our interests. Multiracial democracy is nothing more than a tool to dominate us and strip us of our wealth like it was in Reconstruction.
Unions are strongest in the Midwest, so it is likely union-affiliated whites- union members are the only white male group majority Democratic- make up the difference.
“Interestingly enough, Obama has a 44 percent approval rating in the Northeast, a 44 percent approval rating in the West, a 42 percent approval rating in the South, and a 54 percent approval rating in the Midwest.”
This is likely a misprint on CNN’s poll sheet, and is probably the reverse 44% approval 54% disapproval. Gallup’s polling has never had Obama receiving higher support from the Midwest than the Northeast going back for a full year now.
Anytime they do their so-called numbers or polls on aproval, they could not possiblely be correct. The most Obama could possibly get is a 26% approval rating.
How is that you ask, well it is very simple math. Now in all elections 50% of the population does not vote, that means they dislike both canidates and want nothing to do with either. Okay that leaves 50% of the population left. Well in most presidental elections it is a narrow split between the two canidates and one edges the other out by 1 % that means he get 51% out of the 50% of the poulation or 26% of the overall population approve of him.
26% is his magic number, so when they say Obama won the presidental election by an overall majority, that is so not true. In fact 74% of the population wanted nothing to do with him and they did not vote for him.
The magic numbers of him being at 42% or whatever other silly number they want to use is plain hogwash. Maybe he is getting 42% in favor of his original 26% approval and that would put him at just under 11% approval rating. I’d say the 11% overall approval rating is alot more acurate then anything else.
I concur with Christopher. Here is a link to Gallup’s State of the States poll results, last updated in Feb 2011.
The only states that had higher than average approval for Obama were: Hawaii, California and Washington in the West; Illinois in the Midwest, but in the Northeast:
DC, Maryland, Rhode Island, Deleware, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and Vermont.
So the real facts are that white Americans from everywhere except the NorthEast overwhelmingly reject Obama.
With apologies to Bob Dylan:
I don’t believe these numbers for a second! ZOG’s numbers should not be believed; are these the same polls that had Clinton with such high numbers?! I must say, I’ve NEVER been polled about any President and neither has nayone I know…:)
Yes, lazy-ass white unionists in the north have long been a thorn in our side, but they are being sold out by Barry Soetero:
Unfortunately, public sector unions are totally invested in the anti-white welfare state, as they reap so much benefit from Big Government…
“– you’re gonna have to serve somebody,
yes you’re gonna have to serve somebody.
It may be the bankers, or it may be you own kind,
but you’re going to have to serve somebody”
Actually, my hope is after the collapse that I won’t have to serve ANYBODY…