Battle of Atlanta


In our first video, we will see the Battle of Atlanta, and why the Confederate defeat was so meaningful to the future of civilization in Georgia:

In the second, third, and fourth videos, we fastforward to BRA and the Black Undertow in Da ATL, which the Confederate soldiers in the above video died to prevent, which is the product of abolitionism, philanthropy, and the free labor system in the Glorious Union.

What has the African negro accomplished with 150 years of Yankee freedom?

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. You should have provided us with English subtitles so that we could understand what those folks were actually saying!

  2. It’s always a pleasure to see the vivaciously beautiful Vivien Leigh, a woman of Irish/French heritage just like the fictitious Scarlett O’Hara who she portrayed so superbly in the movie.

  3. When I was 6th Grade I had a teacher named Mrs. Rafnella. She had this painting of Atlanta Burning which covered the whole length of class on one wall. Looks like payback has come to Atlanta……

  4. It’s obviously a huge cluster down Sowf. You’re never going to plow through all those thugs. You know you could transplant your heritage to a place with fewer potential problems. Your ancestors did.

  5. “You know you could transplant your heritage to a place with fewer potential problems. Your ancestors did.”

    Yup, that’s what I did, too. Not perfect, but far, far better than where I came from originally.

  6. “You should have provided us with English subtitles so that we could understand what those folks were actually saying!”

    You know what they say: See a broad to get dat booty back ’em, lay er down and smack ’em yak ’em!

  7. How CAN whites say Blacks are like us? Those scenes of utter vulgarity, coupled with third-world ramshackle residences, left to rot in an American city!?!?!? Pardon my language, but WTF?

    NOWHERE do we see such devastation in the Upper Midwest- well, maybe Gary, In. but those Blacks were ‘invited’ up to the “Land of Lincon” from the same class of people who now do these things in ATL.

    How can you NOT shoot them at sight, and be morally justified for ridding the land of this hominid refuse? I mean, really. I didn’t know it was this bad.

  8. It is about IQ

    The studies of racial differences in intelligence test results, reaction times and scientific and technological discoveries show a high degree of consistency. All three sources of evidence indicate that the two races with the highest intelligence levels are the Mongoloids and the Caucasoids. These are followed by the Amerindians, while the south east Asian races and the Negroids are ranked lowest. The intelligence test results and the reaction times tend to indicate that average Mongoloid intelligence levels are a little higher than those of Caucasoids, but the difference is relatively small as compared with other racial differences. ‘The general consistency of the results from the three sources of evidence, and the consistency of the different intellectual achievements of the races over a long historical period, points to a substantial genetic determination for these differences. If genetic factors were not involved, there would have been much greater variation over time and place and the observed consistencies would not be present. Whatever criteria are adopted, the Caucasoids and the Mongoloids are the two most intelligent races and the historical record shows that this has been the case for approximately the last 5,000 years.

    The environmentalist may argue that the Negroid peoples in Africa, the Caribbean, the United States and Britain, and the Amerindians, Maoris and Australian aborigines, all live in socially and economically impoverished conditions, as compared with Caucasoids and Mongoloids, and that these conditions are responsible for some or perhaps all of their low intelligence. This argument call be met by the concept of genotype-environment correlation, originally proposed by Ploinin, De Fries and Loehlin (1977) and developed by Scarr and McCartney (1983).

    There are two processes of genotype-environment correlation which are relevant to the present problem. The first is “passive” and has the effect that children tend to be reared in environments which are correlated with their own genetic potentialities. The principle applies for any trait which has a heritability, and this is undoubtably true of intelligence, and in the case of intelligence means that intelligent parents transmit the characteristic genetically through their genes and environmentally through the advantageous environment which they provide for their children. The two modes of transmission have the effect that intelligent children tend to be reared in intelligence-enhancing environments. This brings the genotypes and the advantageous environments into positive correlation and implies that those reared in advantageous environments tend to have superior genotypes. This applies, for instance, to middle class children as compared with working class children, and can also, arguably, be applied to Caucasoid and Mongoloid children as contrasted with those of other races. There is a second “active” type of genotype-environment correlation which states that people play an active role in creating their own environments. Genotypically intelligent peoples are able to create a socially and economically affluent environment to an extent which cannot be done by less intelligent peoples. Scarr and McCartney call this “niche building”, and the two peoples who have been successful in building socially and economically developed niches in which to live and rear their children have been the Caucasoids and the Mongoloids.

    The argument frequently advanced that poor social and economic conditions are responsible for the lower intelligence of the Negroids, Aborigines and Amerindians places the cart before the horse. It assumes that the impoverished environments of these peoples are simply the result of external circumstances over which these peoples themselves have no control. Such a claim does not stand up to examination. There are so many cases which it cannot explain, such as the achievements of Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese immigrants in the United States and of Indians in Britain and Africa. The only plausible explanation for why these peoples have succeeded where others, initially more advantageously placed, have failed is that they have the right genotypes for building socially and economically prosperous environments for themselves and their families.

  9. John Berg: Slant Eyed Yellows are copy cats, not creators. They dont have the Creative Ability like Whites to produce something new. If The White Race goes, the planet will go to a septic tank world!

  10. Negroids

    The mean IQs of Negroids have invariably been found to be substantially lower than those of Caucasoids. Many studies have been done in the United States and by the mid-1960’s Shuey (1966) was able to present a summary of 362 investigations. The overall mean IQ of American Negroids was approximately 85. Subsequent studies in the United States such as those of Coleman (1966), Broman, Nichols and Kennedy (1975) and others have confirmed that this is about the right figure.

    As a result of these studies it is sometimes assumed that the mean IQ of all Negroids is approximately 85 or 1 standard deviation below that of Caucasoids. However, it has to be noted that almost all American Negroids are Negroid-Caucasoid hybrids (Reed, 1989) and the same is probably true of most Negroids in the West Indies and Britain. To obtain mean IQs Of pure Negroids it is necessary to take samples in Africa. For this reason mean I(Zs for pure African Negroids are listed separately in Table 3 from Negroid-Caucasoid hybrids in the United States, Britain, the West Indies and South Africa.

    The first good study of the intelligence of pure African Negroids was carried out in South Africa by Fick (1929). He used the American Army Beta Test, a non verbal test devised in the United States in the First World War for testing recruits who could not speak English, and administered it to 10-14 year old Caucasoid, Negroid and Colored (Negroid-Caucasoid hybrids) school children. In relation to the Caucasoid mean of 100, based on more than 10,000 children, largely urban pure Negroid children obtained a mean IQ of 65, while urban Colored children obtained a mean IQ of 84. It is interesting to note that these South African Coloreds or Negroid-Caucasoid hybrids obtained a mean IQ virtually identical to that of American Caucasoid-Negroid hybrids.

    The other studies of the IQs of pure Negroids summarized in Table 3 show means in the range 65-81. Vernon tested his small sample in Kampala with a number of tests and the overall mean was about 80, but this sample was drawn from an academic secondary school and the result suggests that the mean for the population would be around 70. The best single study of the Negroid intelligence is probably that of Owen (1989), who presents results for 1093 16 year olds in the eighth grade who had been in school for around 8 years and should have been well versed in paper and pencil tests. The test used was the South African Junior Aptitude which is well constructed arid standardized and provides measures of verbal arid non verbal reasoning, spatial ability, verbal comprehension, perceptual speed and memory. The mean 1Q of the sample in comparison with Caucasoid South African norms is 69. It is also around the median of the studies listed in Table 3. It is proposed therefore to round this figure up to 70 and take this as the approximate mean for pure Negroids.

  11. John Thomas: The European race has fare more geniuses per capita then the Mongoloids.

    But the point is the correlation between IQ and civilization is high. (Caucasoids and the Mongoloids are the two most intelligent races and the historical record shows that this has been the case for approximately the last 5,000 years.) The communist think environment will change IQ differences and that there is no racial differances.

    I belive you can relate this to someone beliving the world is flat!

    One last thing about IQ:
    Race Differences in Intelligence
    An Evolutionary Analysis
    Richard Lynn
    WashingtonSummit Publishers Augusta, GA
    A National Policy Institute Book 2006

    The IQs of the races set out in Chapters 3 through 12 can be explained as having arisen from the different environments in which they evolved, and in particular from the ice ages in the northern hemisphere exerting selection pressures for greater intelligence for survival during cold winters; and in addition from the appearance of mutations for higher intelligence appear-ing in the races with the larger populations and under the greatest cold stress. The IQ differ-ences between the races explain the differences in achievement in making the Neolithic transi-tion from hunter-gathering to settled agriculture, the building of early civilizations, and the development of mature civilizations during the last two thousand years. The position of envi-ronmentalists that over the course of some 100,000 years peoples separated by geographical barriers in different parts of the world evolved into ten different races with pronounced ge-netic differences in morphology, blood groups, and the incidence of genetic diseases, and yet have identical genotypes for intelligence, is so improbable that those who advance it (!) must either be totally ignorant of the basic principles of evolutionary biology or else have a politi-cal agenda to deny the importance of race. Or both.

  12. Fr. John says:
    November 23, 2011 at 5:06 am

    How CAN whites say Blacks are like us? Those scenes of utter vulgarity, coupled with third-world ramshackle residences, left to rot in an American city!?!?!? Pardon my language, but WTF?

    NOWHERE do we see such devastation in the Upper Midwest- well, maybe Gary, In. but those Blacks were ‘invited’ up to the “Land of Lincon” from the same class of people who now do these things in ATL.

    You’ve never been to Detroit then.

  13. The black holes of the Upper Midwest are the tragic consequences of the Yankee victory in the War Between the States:

    (1) Abolitionism

    (2) Civil Rights

    (3) Philanthropy

    (4) Free Labor

    These black ghettos have an unmistakable Yankee pedigree. There was a widespread belief in the South in 1865 that the liberated negro would starve to death or become wards of the state because they were an inferior race which wouldn’t work if left to their own devices.

    Guess what?

    That is exactly what happened. They became wards of the state. Now you have these vast ghettos in the Northern states where African-Americans live off your tax dollars. Your tax dollars are spent on schools, housing, food, and healthcare for African-Americans.

    Before the War Between the States, the abolitionists were often beaten by mobs of Northern White men, especially by the Irish, because the abolitionists were trying to abolish slavery, make blacks their equals, and invite them to move to the Northern states.

  14. “These black ghettos have an unmistakable Yankee pedigree.”

    No worse than the squalor of black towns in Mississippi and Louisiana. Just more tightly concentrated (thank God.)

  15. As hard as it is to believe, there weren’t any “black towns” in Louisiana and Mississippi before the War Between the States. The migration of the “liberated” slaves to the cities and towns (which produced race riots in New Orleans and Memphis) was the handiwork of emancipation.

    During Reconstruction, the negro was made into an American citizen, and states like Mississippi, Louisiana, and South Carolina were effectively placed under negro rule. Along with their Yankee carpetbagger allies, the Radical majority in the state legislatures dramatically raised taxes to redistribute wealth to blacks.

    Tons of Yankees came to the South to build schools and colleges for negroes. Yankee school marms flocked to the region. That’s how most of the HBCUs got their start. Northern philanthropy was behind the creation of public schools for negroes.

    The black public school was the first example of an institution that was created for humanitarian reason by White taxpayer dollars for the benefit of negroes. I stress here that it was a Yankee idea and something wouldn’t have evolved here in any other context.

    Well, it was a short step from the public school for blacks to black universities, the goal being to promote equality. Later, Yankees believed that blacks needed their own hospitals and housing projects. The housing project was another great Yankee idea that was supposed to uplift blacks.

    The Yankee manias continued: the South needed integrated schools, integrated police departments, integrated restrooms, integrated everything to uplift the blacks to equality.

    Tellingly, the Yankees had repealed their own anti-miscegenation laws, had banned segregation, and had integrated their own schools by the 1870s. This was going on in the Northeast for almost 100 years before the system was exported to the South.

    So now we got a black president. We got blacks living off the EBT card and TANF welfare. We got blacks living in Section 8 housing. We got affirmative action. And behind all of this is the ancient Yankee agenda of uplifting the blacks to equality.

    If you know the history of how it happened, you know who was behind it. It is Yankee utopian social crusade like Prohibition and women’s suffrage and saving the planet from global climate change.

  16. Jack Berg. Good responce. Shockley did good studies on this subject. Someone made a comment about Scot -Irish and how they were brought over as Indentured Servants, then after the 7 years of servatude were up, they ran to hills. Not all Indentured Servants were Criminals. Most were people in England who did not pay the tribute tax to the Royal Ass Holes. The Royal Black Nobility Class took the poor peoples farms and property and threw them in Dungeons and then shipped them to America or Austrailia as Indentured Servants. The Scottish were attacked and cleared away in Scotland and land was stole by Royals and Black Nobility. If you spoke Gaelic they would kill you! Dr. John Coleman in his Black Nobility Unmasked Worldwide shows who the true Powers That Be are. Hunter: Almost every single famous BRA BLACK is a Prince Hall Mason: Examples, Andrew Young, Obama,.Freeman, Michael King, Jackson, Sharpton and the list goes on and on. Today in America, most Lawyers, Judges, Politicians, Generals, Administratos of such sort, high ranking cops, they are either Scot Rite or York Rite Masons and they are all for Brotherhood of Man and lick the Bay Na Brit balls……and they take their orders from THE BLACK NOBILITY.

  17. “If you know the history of how it happened, you know who was behind it. It is Yankee utopian social crusade like Prohibition and women’s suffrage and saving the planet from global climate change.”

    I know very well the social forces behind it. What I don’t particularly care for is the half-truths you use to lay all the blame on all white Northerners nor your convenient lapses of memory when it comes to anti-prohibition and general pig ignorant Methodism having their roots in the Second Great Awakening in the South as well as the North.

    As for black towns prior to Southern defeat I give you the counter example of the Alabama State salt works which was a self sufficient Negro town and enterprise under the control of the State of Alabama. Another fact seemingly unknown to you is the number of slaves engaged in independent skilled labor and commerce in towns throughout the South where they repatriated a percentage of their earnings to their masters. Quite often this was much more profitable to slave owners than utilizing them or leasing them out as field hands.

  18. (1) First, Yankees are responsible for negro citizenship and racial equality. They imposed that system upon the South at gunpoint during Congressional Reconstruction.

    (2) Second, the Alabama Salt Works were established during the War Between the States because of the Union naval blockade.

    (3) Third, the Baptists, Methodists, and Presbyterians split from their Northern counterparts over race and slavery.

    (4) There was nothing in the Antebellum South resembling the Black Undertow that exists today in ghettos and housing projects.

    What about the Northern states? There were already ghettos of degraded free negroes in Philadelphia and New York City and Boston at the time. That’s where the system came from.

    In the North, we can see a world of negro citizenship, integration, philanthropy, abolition, and free labor producing the familiar “African-American” of our own times long before that system was extended to the rest of the country.

  19. So what? At thyis point it’s all ancient history. What do you propose we do with all these ex-Southern slaves (no matter where they are currently living.) They certainly don’t have the intellectual capacity to be productive in today’s society and it’s getting worse every year as the industrial/information revolution continues to accelerate. You can include dumb whites as part of the problem too. I seriously doubt these lost factory and mill jobs are ever coming back.

  20. “They certainly don’t have the intellectual capacity to be productive in today’s society and it’s getting worse every year as the industrial/information revolution continues to accelerate. You can include dumb whites as part of the problem too. I seriously doubt these lost factory and mill jobs are ever coming back.”

    That’s what I want to know. What to do.

  21. Interesting comments. We can wax poetic better than any people on earth – spouting racial differences, IQ, culture, past glories, and “them”. Guess who is winning the fight for existence? The lowly Negroid continues, with half a deck, to supplant those of European descent. While Whites publish very aloof articles about their glorious past, the future reminds us that our ancestors would be ashamed. History is a wonderful mirror to hold up to determine our worth. Let’s not all live in the Past. Let’s prove our worth now

    Family, Folk, and Party!


  22. Have more children? If only. Adoption is not completely out of the question, though. And it would be a white child, for sure. I find the whole Hollywood libtard trend of adopting non-white babies to be detestable.

  23. HW, thanks for following up on the nonsense. Failure to do this is common and always leads to more “theory” by people who don’t know their history.

  24. John Thomas says:
    Today in America, most Lawyers, Judges, Politicians, Generals, Administratos of such sort, high ranking cops, they are either Scot Rite or York Rite Masons and they are all for Brotherhood of Man and lick the Bay Na Brit balls……and they take their orders from THE BLACK NOBILITY.

    You mean the JEW PUPPETS.
    Freemasons are puppets of the Jews. Freemasons are the Goyim frontmen to give a White face to Jewish crime and a means of concealing unceasing Jewish crime by bribing, manipulating, threatening, concealing, and destroying all evidence of Jewish crimes. Destroy the Jew-Puppets, but do not overlook the 100% Jew criminals whom are the vile puppetmasters. The Jews cannot win by sheer bodily force alone, they need their brainwashed bribed Jew-Puppets to enact the true legwork of their criminal empires.

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