Cavalier Liberation

John Brown as he is seen in the South


Here’s an amusing excerpt from Colin Woodward’s American Nations that takes us back to ideological war between the Union and the Confederacy over the future of the United States. The North and South were rival civilizations that were fighting over principles:

“The planters celebrated slavery because it ensured the stability and perpetuation of a republican aristocracy. “The planters are a genuine aristocracy, who cultivate themselves in a leisure founded on slavery,” London Times correspondent William Russell reported from South Carolina on the eve of war. “The admiration for monarchical institutions on the English model, for privileged classes and for a landed aristocracy is undisguised and apparently genuine.” One planter told Russell: “If we could only get one of the Royal race of England to rule over us, we should be content.” Many others expressed regret for the revolution, noting they “would go back tomorrow if they could.”

The planters’ loathing of Yankees startled outsiders, “South Carolina, I am told, was founded by gentlemen, [not by] witch burning Puritans, by cruel persecuting fanatics implanted in the north … [and her] newly born colonies all the ferocity, bloodthirstiness, and rabid intolerance of the Inquisition,” Russell reported. “There is nothing in all the dark caves of human passion so cruel and deadly as the hatred the South Carolinians profess for the Yankees,” he continued. “New England is to [them] the incarnation of moral and political wickedness and social corruption … the source of everything which South Carolina hates.” Another planter told him that if the Mayflower had sunk, “we should have never been driven to these extremes.” …

As the conflict with the Yankees loomed, there was renewed interest in the old Tidewater theory that racial differences were to blame. In wartime propaganda, the Deep Southern elite was explicitly included in the allegedly superior Norman/Cavalier race in an effort to increase the bonds between the regions, with the (decidedly un-Norman) Appalachian districts often embraced for good measure. For Tidewater in particular, casting the conflict as a war for Norman liberation from Anglo-Saxon tyranny neatly sidestepped the more problematic slavery issue. The Southern Literary Messenger, Tidewater’s leading journal, conceded in 1861 that “the Roundheads” may gain many victories in view of their superior strength and their better condition” but assured “they will lose the last battle and then sink down to their normal position of relative inferiority.” The journal argued the Confederate aim was to create “a sort of Patrician Republic” ruled by people “superior to all other races on this continent.”

This propaganda was embraced in the Deep South as well. In an 1862 speech, Jefferson Davis told Mississippi legislators that their enemies were “a traditionless and homeless race … gathered by Cromwell from the bogs and fens of the north of Ireland and of England” to be “disturbers of peace in the world.” The war, DeBow’s Review declared, was a struggle to reverse the ill-conceived American Revolution, which had been contrary to “the natural reverence of the Cavalier for the authority of established forms over mere speculative ideas.” By throwing off monarchy, slaveholders endangered the wondrous “domestic institution” that rested “on the principle of inequality and subordination, and favored a public policy embodying the ideas of social status.” Democracy “threw political influence into the hands of inorganic masses” and caused “the subjection of the Cavalier to the intellectual thralldom of the Puritan.” Other Tidewater and Deep Southern thinkers came to agree that the struggle was really between respect for established aristocratic order and the dangerous Puritan notion that “the individual man was … of higher worth than any system of polity.” As Fitzhugh put it, it was a war “between conservatives and revolutionists; between Christians and infidels … the chase and the libidinous, between marriage and free-love.” Some even championed the dubious notion that the Confederacy was fighting a Huguenot-Anglican counterreformation against Puritan excess. Slavery was not the issue, they argued – defeating democracy was.”

The disturbers of peace in the world.

Does that sound like a particular group of people who are known the world over for their chronic inability to mind their own business? Does it sound like a group of people who would join a Freedom Ride and travel all the way to Alabama to make sure a bus terminal has been integrated in a city they have never before visited?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “John Berg (NordicAryan) says:
    November 23, 2011 at 5:34 pm

    This blog rules! Endless of interesting and well written articles :)”

    This is definitely the case. I’ve never been this impressed by anything on the internet.

  2. “He ventures the attempt, which ends in little else than his own execution.”

    From John Brown to Abraham Lincoln to the entire financial system of the formerly European world, the morons never learn. Will they succeed in destroying us all or will they eventually be a valuable lesson taught to children?

  3. Planters filled this continent up with Negroes because they could not keep enough Whites down on the plantation to make a go of it. I would have rather they did their own labor, like good yeoman farmers, and left Blacks to their malaria and pigs in Africa.

  4. Good article, Hunter. When I read such sane words from a 150 year old speech I just have to shake my head and wonder how we ever got to this spot we’re in.

    This was just one more piece of evidence in the case against Democracy. When you let the people choose their leaders, and over half of the people are abysmally stupid, the results cannot be beneficial to any nation. We would have been better off with a royal family.

  5. “Planters filled this continent up with Negroes because they could not keep enough Whites down on the plantation to make a go of it. I would have rather they did their own labor, like good yeoman farmers, and left Blacks to their malaria and pigs in Africa.”

    That’s about the gist of it but still, by 1950 we were a 90% white nation and there was real hope that we could reach some sort of working accommodation with the remaining 10% who were the Negroes and who had not yet been totally corrupted by Lyndon Johnson’s welfare state.

    It was New England Puritan perfectionism and New York Jew Marxism that ruined what could have been. The “Civil Rights Movement” and the insane and pointless war in Vietnam (an attempt at perfecting the gook) set us on the final road to ruin. And there will be no going back. The USA as a nation that I recall from my youth has ceased to exist. We no longer even protect our physical borders. Bloody disintegration is the only possible outcome now.

    Gotta love the quote: “if the Mayflower had sunk, we should have never been driven to these extremes.”

  6. OWJ,

    There is nothing sane, from a racialist perspective, about importing millions of Blacks into America because the only way to keep up the desired aristocracy is to have a slave class. The Puritans for all their annoyances had a self-sustaining society. They did their own work, and they didn’t have to bring in ‘the other’. I’m aware there were slaves in Massachusetts but the economy was not dependent on slavery. It is not Democracy per se that has ruined things for us here, it is being outnumbered by others.

  7. Check this out on Google. White Aryan Resistance click News and Views click issue: 14 August 2011 — THE CITY KIKEJEW CENTRAL The Royals and Kike Jew Khazar Bankers Rule! and they got us as serfs and slaves! PISS ON THEM!!!!!

  8. crowley,

    Planters filled this continent up with Negroes because they could not keep enough Whites down on the plantation to make a go of it. I would have rather they did their own labor, like good yeoman farmers, and left Blacks to their malaria and pigs in Africa.

    There is an upper class in every European society.

    In the Antebellum South, the upper class was a landed gentry whose wealth was based on the subordination of blacks and the principle of racial inequality. Whatever the flaws of that system, it was most definitely not a system that would have ever evolved into the utterly insane upside down world that we live under today.

  9. crowley,

    There is nothing sane, from a racialist perspective, about importing millions of Blacks into America because the only way to keep up the desired aristocracy is to have a slave class.

    (1) Millions of blacks were not imported into the United States. There are millions of blacks now because of natural population growth.

    (2) The only reason we even talk about “a racialist perspective” or “Whites sticking together” is because of the context of a multiracial society. In a homogeneous society, there is no incentive for Whites to develop a sense of racial consciousness, much less a sense of racial egalitarianism.

    (3) The supreme irony of “White Nationalism” is that the ideal of racial egalitarianism and creating a “White Man’s Country” (the WNs call it a “White Republic”) is something that clearly grew out of the Southern racial tradition of white supremacy.

    Specifically, it was the institution of the slave patrols and the development of the color line that gave rise to the whole notion of “white solidarity.” The Ku Klux Klan was the first “pro-White organization” in America. It also emerged at the exact time when the 13th Amendment and 14th Amendment had created a social revolution in the South.

    (4) It is unnatural for “White men to unite.” The natural order of things, as we can see in the Northern states, is for White men to spend their whole lives trying to fuck over other White men. In the absence of a common racial threat, white solidarity is superfluous.

    The Puritans for all their annoyances had a self-sustaining society. They did their own work, and they didn’t have to bring in ‘the other’. I’m aware there were slaves in Massachusetts but the economy was not dependent on slavery. It is not Democracy per se that has ruined things for us here, it is being outnumbered by others.

    In the Puritan view of the world, “the Other” should rule over White people as punishment for their wickedness and injustice toward “African-Americans.” It certainly was democracy that ruined things for us here.

    Think about it: the emancipation of blacks meant the end of the 3/5th clause in the Constitution. It meant that the Southern states would return to the Union with many more representatives than before the war.

    In the context of democracy, the solution that the Radical Republicans hit upon was making blacks into American citizens. If the blacks were citizens, they would be loyal to Yankees and vote for the Republican Party, which would enable Yankees to control the United States.


    No you see the origins of the Hispanic invasion: like the “African-Americans,” the Hispanics are dependent upon their Yankee allies for patronage, and vote with their Yankee allies against other Whites in the United States.

    That’s why the Northeast is always almost unanimous in its support for the DREAM Act and “comprehensive immigration reform.” There is no sense of “White solidarity” there precisely because it was not a slave society like the South.

    In a world where there is no sense of White solidarity, screwing over other Whites is the sensible thing to do.

  10. “Whatever the flaws of that system, it was most definitely not a system that would have ever evolved into the utterly insane upside down world that we live under today.

    It was exactly the system that filled America with 40,000,000 niggers!!!

    Regardless of how damn liberal or not the passengers on the Mayflower were…

  11. It was abolitionism that filled America with 40 million niggers and made them into American citizens with full civil rights.

    If the South was an independent country, it would have phased out slavery. It would have gotten rid of the niggers eventually. That was a manageable problem. Slavery was already dead in Maryland and Delaware. Kentucky and Virginia were getting out of slavery.

    The state legislature of Maryland, for example, had been appropriating funds to deport free blacks to Liberia for quite some time. Henry Clay of Kentucky was a strong supporter of the American Colonization Society.

    How do we know the South would have gotten rid of blacks? Because it got rid of the Indians which were deported to Oklahoma.

  12. Crowley: Have you ever wondered what would have happened to the slaves in the South if the Yankees hadn’t come to save the day?

    I have often pondered that question and I came to believe that advances in agricultural technology would have made slavery unprofitable by 1927 when the cotton picker was invented. When the slaves no longer had a purpose, I don’t believe that the Confederate leaders would have been as concerned about their well-being as the Yankees politicians were. The Yankees were terribly worried about what would happen to those poor old niggers if they just dumped them off in Africa. The Confederate states would have likely had every steamer ship they could hire running nonstop until the dark curse was far from their midst.

    The blame for all of that outdated agricultural equipment causing all of those farm accidents in all of our major cities lies with the Union, not the Confederacy. Those Southern folks knew how to keep the darkies on a short leash until the Northern do-gooders stuck their uppity noses into Southern business.

    I honestly believe that no war between the states would have resulted in no niggers at the present time. The Yankees delivered this insanity to all our doors when they decided that they knew more about niggers than did the people who had to deal with niggers every day.

    I, too, wish that those boot-lipped semi-apes had never been brought to our shore, but I am confident that the descendants of the people who brought them here would never have turned them loose here. That move was Yankee logic at its finest.

  13. “If the South was an independent country, it would have phased out slavery.”

    As I said before, if the Compromises had held and the war had been avoided, slavery would have been phased out just as it was in the rest of Christendom. Plus the slave owners would have been compensated for their loss of property.

    The Industrial Revolution would still have occurred though. 🙂

  14. Shipping out every black back to Africa would have been logistically impossible. Every politician who said it would be a solution for the freedman situation was either lying or stupid.

    Plus several generations on American soil rendered them as American as white folks, a fact obvious to all ,including whites. The most basic sense of justice wouldn’t tolerate involuntary deportation. no way it would have happened.

  15. Why do white people always invoke “impossibility” when entertaining the idea of mass-deporting blacks and other non-whites, when in every non-white country that whites ever colonized, the local primitives had no problem eventually running us out in our entirety? We, a superior species in every sense, utterly submit to “impossibility” before lifting a fucking finger. Could someone tell me why?

  16. Chris: If it’s impossible, then you have a good excuse for not doing it.

    The truth is that it wasn’t impossible when there were several million niggers, and it’s not impossible now that there are 40 million. Not logistically impossible, that is.

    1.5 to 2 million people fly every day in the U.S. Most of the planes they fly on are capable of inter-continental flight. If each of those planes left every other day packed full of chained up niggers we could be nigger free in 40 days. Even if it took twice that long it’s still pretty damn good. The business travelers and vacationers will just have to drive or take a goddamn bus.

    However, why should we send them away any different than we brought them in. I have seen car hauler ships that haul up to 6400 cars. If I pull a number out of my ass for the weight of each vehicle, say 4000 pounds, and we divide it by 200 pounds per average nigger (for every 300 pound sheboon there is a100 pound crackhead), we get 20 niggers to replace each car. If we multiply 20 times 6400 we get 128,000 niggers per load. If we sardine the bastards we can get twice that many per load so we can get it done in 160 trips.

    I don’t know how many car hauler ships there are or how long it takes for one of them to get to the Darkie Continent and back, but clearly this IS POSSIBLE.

    So much for logistics. Now the hard part: Where do we find the personal and political will? I don’t have a fucking clue. Maybe time will tell.

  17. “We shipped the Indians to Oklahoma.”

    I’m glad Wes Studi’s (full blooded Cherokee) ancestors made it!

    When the Grey Hair is dead, Magua will eat his heart. Before he dies, Magua will put his children under the knife, so the Grey Hair will know his seed is wiped out forever.

  18. Old White Jim: Fantastic article on cleaning up America. When I go to Airports like Miami or L.A. I look around and I see thousands of Aliens and only a couple of White Anglo Saxons or Whites. I asked this one Customs Agent that was White—How many of these Aliens will stay—he said—Most will not go back and will stay! If you went around shooting them, you would run out of ammo, and the barrell on the gun would melt. Pastor Martin Lindstedt talks about Prion Poisoning and others talk about Orgone Weapons. The problem is mind blogging, its a hell hole mess! I believe Buddy Tucker of NEWS has the best plan, then The Order, David Lane and of course Joseph Tommassi and Louis Beam and his Understanding The Struggle, The White Resistance Manuel and TOM METZGERS WAR are a few of the plans to win. If it does not put YAHWEH and Jesus First it will fail and is doomed. The LAW, The Word that Richard Kelly Hoskins writes about is right. The Arm of Flesh and Precepts of Man will not win for us. I believe in Gorilla Warfare to—but it will fail if we do put our Faith and Love in Yahweh! Yahweh can put the weapons of the evil ones right in our hands., make them fight in factions against each other or ways we will never know about. God works in ways we do not understand. I will stand with Buddy Tucker and NEWS, it is the Spark that will bring Victory!

  19. Silly question perhaps but does the Darkie Continent want them back?

    Isn’t it just as naive to assume that “racial solidarity” exists among all blacks as it is to assume it exists among all whites?

  20. more of the same: If we were actually at the point that we were shipping niggers away in car hauler ships, do you really think anybody would bother to ask the Ape Men on the Darkie Continent what they wanted?

  21. I believe an appropriately generous one-time payment, say $250,000, offered to blacks to be sterilized would prove highly effective in reducing their numbers.

    Anyways it’s not the Negroes I’m really worried about. It’s the chinks and hindus with their bogus technical degrees from asian colleges who are displacing Americans from high-paying jobs.

  22. Thousands of free blacks emigrated to Liberia even when Lincoln was president. It was such a popular idea in the non-Yankee parts of the Lower North that Lincoln felt compelled to give lip service to the project.

    Deporting blacks to Africa was a respectable idea. Henry Clay, for example, was a supporter of sending blacks to Africa. Clay, Calhoun, and Webster were the “Great Triumvirate” of Antebellum politics.

    The capitol of Liberia, Monrovia, is named after James Monroe. The state legislatures of Virginia, Maryland, and Kentucky had appropriated funds to resettle free blacks in Africa. This has been going on for quite some time.

    The rise of abolitionism associated anti-slavery with the taint of radical leftwing politics. That is a major reason colonization, which had been popular prior to 1830, began to die out as the South became more defensive about slavery.

    Thomas Jefferson himself endorsed colonization. He believed blacks should be removed to their native clime.

  23. “Think about it: the emancipation of blacks meant the end of the 3/5th clause in the Constitution. It meant that the Southern states would return to the Union with many more representatives than before the war.”

    I disagree. The framers achieved that political compromise, granted.

    But all whites, when pressed, knew the inherent inferiority of Blacks. And now we have genetic/IQ studies to corroborate that fact.

    They STILL are only 3/5ths of a WHITE MAN, ontologically speaking.
    And there they shall remain… forever.

    I don’t believe they are Ham’s offspring- Noah was a ‘just man and righteous’ and the HAMM/ICR postulate don’t hold water. You can’t GET all that genetic diversity with only three couples. The Flood was local, not universal. I believe they [Negroes] are ‘pre-adamite’ frankly.

  24. I think colonization should be tied to the penal system. Instead of incarcerating idle blacks for decades, offer them freedom in somewhere like Liberia on the condition they go there and stay there and never come back.

  25. As to the idea that African colonization is impossible, it is worth noting that humanitarian considerations didn’t stop the internal slave trade within the United States. Slaves were frogmarched from the Eastern South to the Western South in shackles.

    If you can march slaves by foot from Virginia to Texas, wouldn’t it have been much easier to march them to the nearest port and ship them back to West Africa? Millions of illegal aliens have been deported from America.

    If ICE can deport millions of illegal aliens to foreign countries, why can’t blacks be deported to Africa? If the Indians could be deported to Oklahoma, why can’t blacks be shipped back to Africa?

  26. What about immigration to the United States from Africa?

    More Africans have moved to the United States since the Immigration Act of 1965 than were brought here during the Transatlantic Slave Trade. If blacks can move here from Africa, why can’t blacks from here be resettled in Africa?

    Doesn’t that work both ways? If Hispanics can move here, why can’t they move back? If Africans can move here, why can’t they move back to Africa?

  27. “If Hispanics can move here, why can’t they move back? If Africans can move here, why can’t they move back to Africa?”

    It’s not like they are going to peaceably get on cattle cars like European Jews. There are 100 million niggers and spics, they are prone to violence, and they have guns.

  28. Hunter Wallace: Your are right about them (non whites) going back to were they are from. On Truth From click Audio Messages–then click KINGDOM CONCEPTS RADIO BROADCAST 7/3/2011. Mike Hallimore and BUDDY TUCKER discuss shipping them back and as Hallimore says it must be HUMANELY. Old White Jim is right about using the commercial jet fleet, cargo ships, cruise liners, US Navy and military transport Jets. As far as Hamster Christs that a person stated: Most of THE ORDER were WHITE ISRAEL IDENTITY, in fact the most aggressive fighters against the evil empire have been Identity people! Keep in mind Vigilantes of Christendom by Richard Kelly Hoskins.. If a Humane Way is not done, then other OPTIONS must be considered which are not so nice and really bad. It might come to that anyway. Keep up your fantastic work HUNTER!!!!!!

  29. With the GMO foods we will all become sterile, thanks to Monsanto! Not only that—but Processed Salt, Floridated drinking water, and Flour — and you get ZOMBIES who cant think or question……. And of course those cell phones and how people stair into the blank from brain burning waves……… What a sad world—all of us slaves and Serfs to those Khazar Bankers and Ass Hole Royals! May God help us to figure out how to get out of this mess. Hunter, keep the great work up—its leadsing people to find a solution…..

  30. John Thomas says:
    November 25, 2011 at 5:42 pm
    With the GMO foods we will all become sterile, thanks to Monsanto! Not only that—but Processed Salt, Floridated drinking water…”

    JR responds – that’s a big red flag, one of the worst conspiracy theories left over from the early 1960s, back when California was about 90% White and paranoid, up-tight right wing conspiracy kooks in CA were all obsessed about secret conspiracies supposedly designed to deliver God Fearing, Christian American Patriots in to the arms of….

    THE RUSSIANS! (like Anna Kournikova, Maria Sharapova – oh that I was delivered into their arms!)

    One really weird plank of these conspiracy theory kooks back then was that fluoridated water and modern dentistry was a big part of this Russian plot. Yeah, well – those of us who know better understand that some modern changes have been good for our people:

    Clean water
    Cleaner air
    Advances in medicine, dentistry

    Chicago used to dump it’s raw sewage in to the Chicago river which flowed in to Lake Michigan – our source for drinking water. It’s a basic rule of civilization that you don’t poop in to your drinking water; we make great improvements in this area in the 20th century, but many folks are yearning for the old days – where they had things like cholera, dysentery, bubonic plague etc.

  31. “We, a superior species in every sense, utterly submit to “impossibility” before lifting a fucking finger. Could someone tell me why”

    Yes, impossible with the 19th century means at their disposal. How many sailing ships could be diverted to transport w/o crippling the southern economy? How easy would it be to round them up once word was out of a plan to send them to a place utterly unfamiliar and no doubt filled with hostile natives. Yes and just how happy do you think those natives would be when a bunch of black/white mongrels are dumped in their midst. A certain death to the transportees (like the cossacks forced out of one country post WWII). Word of their reception would surely get back to the targets of this ethnic cleansing resulting in more flight north and west.

    You might have had a real civil war if this had been attempted-one between blacks and whites.

    The comparison to the Cherokee removal isn’t right-they were walking. the choke point of ship capacity didn’t apply.

  32. Another thing-natural increase of those remaining behind probably more than cancelled out the numbers departing.

  33. (1) Somehow, Africans were transported to the New World with 17th and 18th century technology.

    (2) Somehow, millions of Europeans manage to move to the United States in the 19th century.

    (3) Somehow, the Southeastern Indians were deported to Oklahoma.

    (4) Somehow, slaves were sold from the Upper South (Kentucky, Maryland, and Virginia) to markets in the Lower South, including places like Texas.

    (5) America actually did have a colony in West Africa where emancipated slaves were resettled: Liberia. The British also had a colony for free blacks to be resettled in West Africa: Sierra Leone.

    (6) Thousands of free blacks actually were resettled in Liberia.

    (7) How would the natives feel about colonizing free blacks in Africa? Ask the natives of Liberia and Sierra Leone.

    (8) Congress under Lincoln appropriated funds to resettle blacks in Africa.

    (9) It would have been much easier to transport blacks to Africa than for White families to settle the West by crossing the continent on the Oregon Trail.

    (10) ICE has deported millions of illegal aliens from the United States. Deportation has never been easier and more humane than it is today.

    (11) If the British could establish a penal colony in Australia on the other side of the world in the 19th century, there is nothing stopping America from establishing a colony for blacks in West Africa in the 21st century.

  34. Listen, folks, niggers are a lot easier to herd around than you might think. The same genes that made them suitable as slaves are still in them. Cops and prison guards move them around like cattle every day. When it is CLEAR that we want them to go, they will go without much fuss.

    I like Rudel’s idea of paying them to submit to sterilization, too. Believe it or not, there are several foundations that have been paying crackheads, mostly Black, to submit to vasectomies and tubectomies for many years, and they don’t have to pay them 250K. The payment is $2,000 at a foundation in St.Louis that I read about.

    We could also pay them to go away to some nigger hell hole in Africa. The state of Illinois paid a bunch of nigger welfare bums to leave 15 or 20 years ago. A bunch of them jumped on that. Ask any Welfare worker in Minneapolis or Des Moines if you don’t believe me.

    The way I see it, the folks who throw up imaginary roadblocks that supposedly make it impossible to get rid of the niggers are just a bunch of nigger lovers who are wishful thinking.

    We have many means of eradicating the Black Plague. All we need to do is wait for niggers to convince more White people that they are animals that belong in the jungle and we will finally get leaders who will help a brutha gits back home.

  35. “(1) Somehow, Africans were transported to the New World with 17th and 18th century technology.”

    Yes,and brutally so (with an huge mortality rate). But that’s not important. Fewer came, over many years, and amplified in time to many times more than the number carried off from Africa. Millions of ex-slaves to be transported over a few years presumably. Impossible.

    “(2) Somehow, millions of Europeans manage to move to the United States in the 19th century”

    Over many years. And these were _willing_, paying for their travel. How to finance freedman transport-another issue-in a tax-averse south?

    “(5) America actually did have a colony in West Africa where emancipated slaves were resettled: Liberia. The British also had a colony for free blacks to be resettled in West Africa: Sierra Leone(6) Thousands of free blacks actually were resettled in Liberia.”

    Thousands. What if it had been millions? Would the locals had stood for it?

    “(7) How would the natives feel about colonizing free blacks in Africa? Ask the natives of Liberia and Sierra Leone.”

    They were most inhospitable, at least in Liberia. There were clashes with the locals, and this with only thousands of ex-slaves.

    “(10) ICE has deported millions of illegal aliens from the United States. Deportation has never been easier and more humane than it is today.”

    Maybe, but I was arguing about the 19th c. Deporting close to 40 million today…. Hmmm… Maybe with a significant chunk of our tax dollars at work and believing the project the moral equivalent of war, it would be logistically doable. But politically impossible, of course.

    “(11) If the British could establish a penal colony in Australia on the other side of the world in the 19th century, there is nothing stopping America from establishing a colony for blacks in West Africa in the 21st century.”

    Australia was sparsely populated by stone age hunter-gatherers. Not so the more politically and culturally sophisticated farmers in Africa, who would have understood they were being invaded and responded to it.

  36. Yes,and brutally so (with an huge mortality rate). But that’s not important. Fewer came, over many years, and amplified in time to many times more than the number carried off from Africa. Millions of ex-slaves to be transported over a few years presumably. Impossible.

    – In other words, millions of blacks were transported to the New World with 17th and 18th century naval technology. Thus, deporting blacks to Africa was not technologically impossible.

    – It would have been relatively easy to transport them to West Africa with 19th century steam technology in the midst of the Industrial Revolution. In the nineteenth century, it was easier to transport goods across the oceans and through river valleys than overland before railroads and steamboats.

    Over many years. And these were _willing_, paying for their travel. How to finance freedman transport-another issue-in a tax-averse south?

    – If you define deporting blacks to Africa as a straw man, as something that could be accomplished instantaneously, then sure, deportation is impossible. OTOH, if colonization took place with 19th century technology over the course of many decades, then sure, blacks could have been feasible deported to Africa.

    – An independent Confederacy would have industrialized and built its own navy. That was already happening during the war.

    Thousands. What if it had been millions? Would the locals had stood for it?

    Would the locals have stood for King Leopold II’s Congo Free State? Well, sure!

    Are you kidding? The European colonial powers ruled over Africa and Asia with only a few exceptions. Britain ruled over India. China was carved up by the European powers.

    They were most inhospitable, at least in Liberia. There were clashes with the locals, and this with only thousands of ex-slaves.

    Blacks were successfully colonized in both Liberia and Sierra Leone. The only factor that prevented a stronger colonization effort was internal deadlock within the American political system.

    Maybe, but I was arguing about the 19th c. Deporting close to 40 million today…. Hmmm… Maybe with a significant chunk of our tax dollars at work and believing the project the moral equivalent of war, it would be logistically doable. But politically impossible, of course.

    An independent South wouldn’t even have to colonize blacks in Africa. It would sufficient to establish our independence and pass new laws that makes life inhospitable here for blacks.

    In 1911, 90 percent of blacks in America lived in the South. In 2011, 54 percent of blacks live in the South.

    Australia was sparsely populated by stone age hunter-gatherers. Not so the more politically and culturally sophisticated farmers in Africa, who would have understood they were being invaded and responded to it.

    But wasn’t West Africa invaded? Wasn’t the entire region carved up by the European imperial powers? Weren’t blacks resettled in both Liberia and Sierra Leone?

    Note: Ghana offers dual citizenship to “African-Americans.”

  37. Check this out: Masonic Jews Plot to Control World by Texe Marrs. And think about this on BRA: Check out Prince Hall Masons. All the top BRA are Prince Hall! Hunter: The info you give is Great! Remember Rockwell and his Free Boat Ticket to Africa and yelling—-BACK TO AFRICA!!!!!!!! Both you and Old White Jim are right, it is possible to send them back, its just a matter of the WILL! If we dont do it we will be like the White South Africans! and will have to use more terrible method to get rid of them!

  38. Check out Terrrible Tommies Website: White Aryan Resistance and check out JOOM JOURNAL for November. Its true: All the Capital Buildings and Fed Court Houses are militarized and are Concrete Bunkers. Not only do we need SHIPPING but we house cleaning to!

  39. “An independent South wouldn’t even have to colonize blacks in Africa. It would sufficient to establish our independence and pass new laws that makes life inhospitable here for blacks.”

    Where would they go? The north, liking neither slavery or the formerly enslaved, would have slapped immigration restrictions on blacks in short order (or only allowed passage to Canada). A few probably would manage to get through, but if there were a flood of black refugees, posses would have been organized to send them back, and not gently.

    About western colonization of Africa, i understand it had a lot to do with co-opting the local chiefs with goods backed up by the use of force. American freedmen had neither at their disposal.

  40. Where would they go? The north, liking neither slavery or the formerly enslaved, would have slapped immigration restrictions on blacks in short order (or only allowed passage to Canada).


    The only Northern states that banned free blacks were Illinois, Indiana, and Oregon and that was because of the predominant influence of Scots-Irish Crackers in the Lower North. I think Ohio might have tried to ban free black settlement.

    Prior to 1860, blacks were citizens with voting rights in five New England states. Many of the Yankee dominated states were outraged by the Dred Scot decision (which ruled that blacks were not American citizens) and had passed personal liberty laws to nullify the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850.

    John Brown was considered a hero in Yankeeland. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin was also extremely popular there.

    A few probably would manage to get through, but if there were a flood of black refugees, posses would have been organized to send them back, and not gently.

    Did Massachusetts send Frederick Douglass back to Maryland? No, he was a celebrity in that state where he published “The North Star.” Harriet Tubman also operated out of New Jersey.

    About western colonization of Africa, i understand it had a lot to do with co-opting the local chiefs with goods backed up by the use of force. American freedmen had neither at their disposal.

    American freedmen were settled in Liberia which was the only West African state that maintained its independence. In Uncle Tom’s Cabin, two of the main black characters (Uncle Tom is beaten to death by Simon Legree) emigrate to Liberia.

  41. newyorker: Don’t worry about the financing for any future Back To Africa movements. Most people who pay taxes in this country are intelligent enough to do the math and realize that the cost of getting rid of niggers is a pittance compared to the cost of keeping them.

    I’m not just talking about the money we would continue to spend to feed, clothe, house, medicate and attempt to educate them. And I’m not talking about the money we’d waste on Affirmative Action government jobs that allow many coons to pretend they are functioning members of society.

    The cost for those Yankee handouts is high, but it is just pocket change when compared to what we will spend or lose due to the continued presence of the descendants of cannibals in our communities.

    How many trillions of dollars will White Flighters lose on homes, businesses and other real estate that will be rendered worthless as the Yankee government continues to shove niggers into the communities we created? How much more will we have to pay for insurance premiums that will rise as niggers bring their crime wave to our zip codes? How much will we spend on fuel for the vehicles which we will rapidly drive to death on our daily commutes from exurbs to work and back? How much will we have to spend to put our children in private schools to keep them away from the ineducable offspring of crackhead Shitonya and convict Tyrell? How much will we lose every time a company moves overseas to avoid the bullshit presented to them by the EEOC? How much extra will we continue to pay for products and services from companies with diminished efficiency due to the presence of niggers who can’t or won’t do the work and can’t be fired? How much will we spend, directly or indirectly, on lawsuits filed by offended niggers looking to win the Litigation Lottery? How much will we spend on all of the extra cops and cop equipment required to hold down the Black Plague? How many additional ambulances and emergency vehicles will we have to pay for to keep up with the antics and follies of the Moon Cricket Mob?

    How much will we spend on the hospital and physical therapy bills for loved ones maimed by niggers? How much will we spend on mental therapy for our White mothers, wives, aunts and daughters (and maybe fathers, husbands, uncles and sons) who will be raped by jungle beasts?

    How much will we spend on funerals?

    Yes, my contrary friend from the Empire State, the price tag for sending the niggers back to Nigger Heaven will not offend THIS taxpayer. They can float them home in giant arks made of gold and it will still be a bargain.

    If you’re still worried about mortality rates and how well your mongrel niggers will be received by the local spearchuckers, well, you can go ahead and worry, Yankee Boy. Go ahead and worry all you want.

  42. “The only Northern states that banned free blacks were Illinois, Indiana, and Oregon and that was because of the predominant influence of Scots-Irish Crackers in the Lower North. I think Ohio might have tried to ban free black settlement.”

    The sentiment would have surely changed in those more tolerant states if confronted with a flood of refugees, such as what we see now with Mexicans. The relative few moving into those states could be seen as romantic heroes a la “Uncle Tom’s cabin”, not so when confronted with an inconvenient multitude.

    “Did Massachusetts send Frederick Douglass back to Maryland? No, he was a celebrity in that state where he published “The North Star.” Harriet Tubman also operated out of New Jersey”

    Well of course not. Douglass and Tubman were model citizens who were considered heroes locally. The north at the time had relatively few blacks whose families had been there a long time, were well integrated and not much of a threat to working class white people. If there were a flood, attitudes would have been different.

  43. (1) We can easily test that assumption: when the South created the Jim Crow system between 1890 and 1910, did the North ban free black immigration?

    Of course not. By that time, the North had made blacks into American citizens and passed the Reconstruction amendments to give them full citizenship. They had also repealed their own anti-miscegenation laws, their own black codes, and had gone so far as to ban segregation and to integrate their public schools!

    Why are there millions of blacks in the Northern states? 54 percent of blacks live in the South. 46 percent of blacks live in the North and West. They moved there because there was nothing stopping them from doing so.

    (2) The North had about half of the free blacks in America at the time. The free blacks of the South were also moving to the North. The Southern state legislatures began to pass laws to fight manumission and to drive free black vagrants out of Dixie.

    (3) There actually was a flood of blacks into the Northern states. It started after 1910 and accelerated after 1940 when the mechanization of agriculture in the South drove sharecroppers out of the cotton fields.

  44. Old White Jim-

    I’m not arguing that Blacks haven’t had an outsize effect on crime rates and social pathology in this country. It was tragic they were imported in the first place as an unwilling work force through, no doubt, the greed and lack of foresight of the white elite.

    Having said all that, once you’ve forcibly imported a low IQ laboring class, you are to a degree responsible for it. As semi-wards of the state through EBT and TANF if it comes to that. Are they to blame that their ancestors were abducted? Dream on about a wholesale “repatriation”. The cruelty of sending out resistant blacks would be intolerable to most Americans, even ones not particularly fond of this group.

  45. “Why are there millions of blacks in the Northern states?”

    Because they were brought up to the Northern industrial cities by the robber baron capitalists like Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford to work in the foundries and factories in order to keep the wages of white men down.

    There were particularly large shipments of Negroes to the north during World War II.

  46. Barring cataclysmic social breakdown into a state of anarchy, blacks ain’t going nowhere. That’s why (along with the salubrious climate) the vast majority of whites in this country prefer to live in the vast expanses of the negro-free Northern states where blacks are restricted to urban ghettoes.

  47. Rudel,

    Here in the South, we keep wondering why the Yankees who say that life is so much better in the Northern states continue to move to Dixie. They have moved in large numbers to Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Texas, and Florida.

    There doesn’t some to be any desire among White Southerners to move high tax, high regulation Blue States like Illinois, Michigan, California, New York and Massachusetts. No one here wants to move to Boston to live in that Shining City on a Hill.

  48. “They have moved in large numbers to Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Texas, and Florida.”

    I can’t imagine why considering your fetid and pestilential climate.

    I’d gladly live in certain parts of California. It’s quite a large state. What is true is that whites are moving to both the Pacific Northwest and the Mountain West and I certainly understand why.

  49. newyorker: I am more than confident that our little dark brothers will convince enough of the Whites who are presently sympathetic to their condition that we would all be a lot better off without them. One crime at a time, one frivolous lawsuit at a time, one video of TNB at a time, the dark horde is showing more and more White people the light.

    The Jews had a lot of sympathizers in Germany in the days before the Nazis came to power, too. History has shown that attitudes and politics can change frighteningly fast.

    The Chinese stood by as Mao exterminated tens of millions of their countrymen. They may do so again someday under a different dictator.

    Stalin may have been responsible for as many as fifty million deaths.

    The Japanese, who we now point to as shining examples of civility, butchered entire cities in China in the 1930’s and they were somewhat less than pleasant during the Bataan Death March in 1942. They were so patient and orderly in all of those videos we all saw after the tsunami, but you know as well as I do that if you give them a reason to get wound up and remember who they really are they will put a Nanking style beating on somebody’s ass without hesitation.

    These and other occurrences in the not-so-distant past make it clear to me that a worse fate than a boat ride could be in store for our unruly descendants of cannibals.
    They are starting to revert to savages, and, as any Amerind will tell you, people perceived as savages by the Chamokamon (Long Knife Men) don’t do particularly well in these parts.

    Check out these videos to see what perfectly civilized people are capable of in stressful times:

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