![John C. Calhoun](https://i1.wp.com/www.occidentaldissent.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/calhoun.gif?resize=224%2C276)
South Carolina
Editor’s Note: I’m going to leave this tacked up for the rest of the weekend because it speaks volumes about how we got into this predicament. A year later, we have some yet another demonstration of Calhoun’s Prophecy.
Did John C. Calhoun predict the rise of BRA in America? The following except comes from Calhoun’s Southern Address:
“Very different would be the circumstances under which emancipation would take place with us. If it should ever be effected, it will be through the agency of the Federal Government, controlled by the dominant power of the Northern States of the Confederacy, against the resistance and struggle of the Southern.
It can then only be effected by the prostration of the white race; and that would necessarily engender the bitterest feelings of hostility between them and the North. But the reverse would be the case between the blacks of the South and the people of the North. Owing their emancipation to them, they would regard them as friends, guardians, and patrons, and centre, accordingly, all their sympathy in them. The people of the North would not fail to reciprocate and to favor them, instead of the whites.
Under the influence of such feelings, and impelled by fanaticism and love of power, they would not stop at emancipation. Another step would be taken – to raise them to a political and social equality with their former owners, by giving them the right of voting and holding public offices under the Federal Government. We see the first step toward it in the bill already alluded to – to vest the free blacks and slaves with the right to vote on the question of emancipation in this District.
But when once raised to an equality, they would become the fast political associates of the North, and acting and voting with them on all questions, and by this political union between them, holding the white race at the south in complete subjection. The blacks, and the profligate whites that might unite with them, would become the principal recipients of federal offices and patronage, and would, in consequence, be raised above the whites of the South in the political and social scale. We would, in a word, change conditions with them – a degradation greater than has ever yet fallen to the lot of a free and enlightened people, and one from which we could not escape, should emancipation take place, (which it certainly will if not prevented), but by fleeing the homes of ourselves and our ancestors, and by abandoning our country to our former slaves, to become the permanent abode of disorder, anarchy, poverty, misery and wretchedness.
With such a prospect before us, the gravest and most solemn question that ever claimed the attention of a people is presented for your consideration: what is to be done to prevent it? It is a question belonging to you to decide.”
The Southern Address of 1849 is signed by a “Who’s Who List” of Antebellum Southerners including John C. Calhoun, Jefferson Davis, and Robert Barnwell Rhett.
Sure, Calhoun and the others realized that the Blacks once free would be easy to manipulate for promises & bling—Reconstruction demonstrated that. So does the BRA.
Once again I’m going to suggest Avery Craven to you, and his well rounded look at The Coming of the Civil War. http://books.google.com/books/about/The_coming_of_the_Civil_War.html?id=DEWCKlYiocIC
There are lots of parts of Craven still to be explored, like his theory that the South was industrializing at a faster pace than the North.
Watching the History Channel at the gym.
In 1659, the Yankees in Massachusetts banned Christmas. True story.
“In 1659, the Yankees in Massachusetts banned Christmas. True story.”
Easter has always been the major Christian holiday. What we think of as our modern Christmas has really only been in existence since Victorian times.
Yuletide is an inherently Germanic pagan holiday.
“Yuletide is an inherently Germanic pagan holiday.”
Hardly. The anti-popery faction of the radical right wing of the Protestants (unlike Luther, who enjoined – so they say- the first creche in a visible public display) hated anything that smacked of the Anglican/Royalist sentiment, and were also a bit Manichean to boot. So, celebration after the Advent fast seemed to them to be sacreligious, and they also banned all holy days, only considering ‘The Lord’s Day’ to be valid as a ‘holyday’ for them. From that narrowmindedness (think Cromwell and the Roundheads vs. the Cavaliers) came the Sabbatarians, who (through a faulty calendrical and biblical reading) came to think that only SATURDAY was the valid ‘Sabbath.’ Again, mere ‘Romeaphobia’ and nothing more.
But it was [German] Queen Victoria and her husband Albert that finally broke that Puritan ‘puritanical’ streak in the English, and from it, we got all the great Christmas Carols written in the 19th Century from England.
But pagan? Please. St. Boniface chopped down the last Germanic symbol of paganism, in the (?) eighth century!
Not hardly. The most recent symbol of German paganism that got chopped down around here is the Christmas tree the city just put up in our towns main square! LOL
Hunter: You failed to mention that Calhoun invented the first time travel machine.
“But pagan? Please. St. Boniface chopped down the last Germanic symbol of paganism, in the (?) eighth century!”
Lots of current Christian holiday symbolism is borrowed, or rather subverted from original pagan celebrations. Was Jesus born on December 26th? No. Christmas was moved to that time to overlap with pagan yule to subvert it and cement Christian power. The christmas tree is leftover from the Yule log where pagans found a big-ass tree and burned it all night on the december solstice.
Mistletoe was a pagan sign of virility because the juice in the white berries of mistletoe looked like….”hair conditioner”. Same thing with the easter bunny…the pagans wanted to breed like rabits.
Similar reason that a heart shape is used to symbolize love on St. Valentines day. The heart shape looks like….well…draw a little vertical line on a heart and put an asterisk (*) in the center, near the top and tell me what that reminds you of. If you’re at a loss, ask a 16 year old.
To those opining on Christmas, please look up the history of the Feast of the Epiphany. You’ll find that Christmas and Epiphany were celebrated starting VERY EARLY in the history of Christianity, and WAY BEFORE the Germanic tribes were converted. In certain Christian traditions, Christmas is relatively minor in comparison to the Feast of the Epiphany.
Old White Jim says:
November 25, 2011 at 8:17 pm
Hunter: You failed to mention that Calhoun invented the first time travel machine.
Mr. Calhoun’s resemblance to Dr. Emmett Brown is purely coincidental.
“Hunter: You failed to mention that Calhoun invented the first time travel machine.”
LOL, I’m sure there will be a discovery channel special this February to claim it was actually a black man named John C Calhoun Carver..
Actually, the Advent of Christ was celebrated long before pagan Romans celebrated on that day– all things appear to point to the “Birth of the Son”-solar holy day being invented by the Romans as an attempt to supplant a day already held sacred by Christians.
Calhoun predicted it precisely, did he not? A prophetic man.
Calhoun’s main point here was the character of WHITE Northeast people, though.
–Their “will to power only.” He’s saying the yankee is the source of what people call “ghetto think” or “might is right.” For the Southerner, HOW ONE GETS IT is more important than WHAT is gotten. “Southern Honor.”
Calhoun is saying the WHITE NORTHEAST person is a “ghetto thinker,” their character, which is Usury, would harm Southerners (not the black people).
But Calhoun is saying a White Northereasterner is a user at heart, a taker, so Calhoun concludes “nothing will ever be enough for them.” Once the yankee gets one thing, he will push (TO TAKE) MORE. (Thus he will be called a “progressive,” but he won’t be “progressing” toward more inventions he is making, or crops to sell, but progressing will mean “taking”… more of what is already there… of taxes, land, redistributions, etc….
Calhoun is pointing out that the end result of “leadership” coming merely from “might is right” and appropriation, rather than “honor” and “noblesse oblige” —is Genocide. The end result is always Genocide— or Flight by the vilified object, from who more and more must be taken.
Every new thing taken by the WHITE Northeasterner is a cue to take more. A cue he is “winning.”
Creating fiction (like t.v. narratives to support their justifications, and using any usable facts that do this) they justify Taking things already in existence (rather than creating new things)—-
The main culture will then, logically, revolve around justifications for taking what’s already there, scarcity, a devolution, rhetoric of revenge, etc.
For Calhoun, the logical conclusion of the Northeast mentality would be Genocide.
— Reminded me— Once I was in a job where I had to discuss, with a yankee, whether someone should get a raise. I said no, they didn’t deserve it, because it was unearned, and showed what the person had been paid, versus what they delivered, versus the profit margin, etc…
The yankee just LIKED the person, and got really mad, and started trying to intimidate yelling, “People deserve whatever they can get.”
That’s a yankee, according to Calhoun.
It would lead (obviously) to endless haggling, defamation, degrading “opponents,” seeing everything as a “competition.” —All alien to the southern mind.
—You can hate Marx, but be honest: Yankees like this make you at least understand why “a labor theory of value” (trying to base value in something one could calculate in order to create a set price) might be welcome.
—sorry for the text walls— at any rate, Calhoun knew White Northern character was the trouble
—to be a “progressive” is to “progress” in taking (from others) what already exists.
Funny, Christianity was celebrated long before John the Baptist walked the Earth. It was called Zoroastrianism!
Zoroastrian priests were there on Christmas endorsing Jesus as their promised Saoshyant, (Matthew 2)
But WTF does that have to do with fighting white genocide and Partition besides reminding us that we don’t want to go the way of the ancient Persians and that we would rather love in an all white society without Christianity than in a Christian multicult?
Calhoun seems to define yankees like folks describe jews……,
sorry to go on, but—
Re Calhoun: one fascinating aspect of “southern white privilege” is how The Northeast Whites COMPLETELY ignore that there WAS a war, lol.
Supposedly, the “privilege” of southerners is still in play and must be crushed.
IN REALITY, much of the south was burned. The goods were taken and redistributed. The “carpetbaggers” bought it all up, pennies on the dollar. Many Southerners cannot trace their histories (genocide) because birth records were DESTROYED, etc…
Yet same narrative that had allowed White Yankees to take those things (saying they were morally justified due to slavery)— was USED AGAIN after Southerners (somehow) got on their feet, found non-planting ways to make a living (like becoming baby doctors, wage-base farming, etc.).
The Northern mind CAN NEVER redeem the Southerner. (Because vilification is the basis of their living).
Everything he predicted has come true.
I watched a documentary the other day on Oliver Cromwell and the English Civil War That was led by Puritans and ended in regicide and tyranny to establish utopia I would suggest those same treasonous egalitarians fled to New England to become treasonous utopian schemers here.
The worst mistake we ever made was creating the Union. There will be a sea change in consciousness in the South when it is admitted that the “Founding Fathers” struck a rotten deal.
1849. Amazing.
The only update is the favoritism they now show to the Hispanics of the Southwest and their support for open borders.
I suggest that Southern Nationalists not act on their (legitimate) hatred of NorthEast Yankees, racial Lib/Mins.
Talk, as they say, is cheap.
The time has come for men of the South to physically punish their “real” enemies in the NorthEast (sure some cases can be made for Whites in Ohio, Illinois and Wisconsin).
Here are some suggestions:
1) Pull a Southern version of Castro’s Cuban Mariel Boat Lift.
Identify ~ 50,000 of the South’s worst low life Blacks (convicted rapists, crack dealers, HIV + and TB infected homeless people, mau mauing community organizers etc – and simply dump them on the state of Vermont and also (sadly) the state of New Hampshire.
This (act of war) needs to be presented as some type of “humanitarian” program to give marginalized, Liberal minority groups new opportunities in “progressive” NorthEaster Lib Democrat states. Lots of (lying) propaganda efforts need to be made where rich (Southern nationalist) Southerners build new (crappy) housing for the refugees, work with Lib/Min community organizers in Vermont, sign them up for generous welfare benefits, do voter registration drives, job training (ha, ha) that sort of thing.
The whole Southern version of the Mariel Boat lift needs to be done under a “wink, wink” format, with idiot rock pop singers like Sting, Madonna and Bono supplying music video support.
Read Respail’s Camp of the Saints and see if you can put something similar in a
South – to Northeast migration of the
Have nots
Progressive 3rd world people of color, trapped in Racist Southern Red States.
Accuse the type.
The last comment should read:
I suggest that Southern Nationalists NOW act on their (legitimate) hatred of NorthEast Yankees, racial Lib/Mins.
Dixiegirl says:
November 10, 2012 at 1:41 pm
sorry to go on, but—
Re Calhoun: one fascinating aspect of “southern white privilege” is how The Northeast Whites COMPLETELY ignore that there WAS a war, lol.”
Dixie – have heart. The War of Northern Aggression is finally turning in out itself. Pay attentiom to what’s happening, in the wake of Sandy. Staten Island, and the Joisey Shore. Yankess are juuuuuuuuust beginning to eat the feces they’ve dealt to the South. They don’t like it. And the worst thing – they have NO idea of what’s beng shoved down their throats.
Calhoun was a visionary who knew how they operate. His prescience is, as I said, amazing. I was working on something yesterday and had to refresh my memory on Huey P. Long. He was another Southerner who fought northern political and financial interests (FDR, his Wall Street allies and the Rockefeller-owned Standard Oil).
It is to be expected that Jewdel would be found arguing here about whether Christ’s Mass equates to Yuletide or whether Dominica (Sunday) is the true Sabbath and so forth.
In BRA, the only relevant sign for the goyim will be the eight branched symbol of Victory – soon to be erected (in a few weeks actually) in every public square across the land. Or, if you will, the symbolic reminder of Calhoun’s prospect of “the permanent abode of disorder, anarchy, poverty, misery and wretchedness.” To the mind of the anti-Christ, this trumps: Pascha, Dominica and Christ’s Mass combined.
The Yuletide, Sabbath quibbler admits no solution to this spectacle except more of the same anti-Christ quibbles.
Only the holy faith of the European, Christ bearing people addresses Calhoun’s prospect with the fortitude of sacred scripture:
“And Judas Machabees replied: “It is an easy matter for many to be shut up in the hands of a few: and there is no difference in the sight of the God of heaven to deliver with a great multitude or a small company.” 1 Machabees 3:18.
Lucifer is defeated, Rudel / Jewdel. There is nothing you can do about it.
The only reason why European peoples are currently under the boot heel of Edom in Black Run America is because they are in apostasy from the holy faith of people like Judas Machabees, St Vincent Ferrer, Jan Sobieski, Don Juan of Lepanto and St Louis, King of France.
America’s northeastern Whites are some true detectives and their historical leaders, the WASP elite, downright evil. The British elite too. They side with blacks, Jews, Hispanics, everyone but their own cousins.
Lew, wtf are you talking about? The Brits very nearly pitched in with the confederacy.
You’re site is overrun with religious cranks today. Lew who advocated for O.
At least Chris is a respectably nasty realist. Respect to Chris.
Cromwell very nearly migrated to Mass.
Additionally, there were many many Yankees in the Puritan ranks. Downing Street is named after a New Englander. Many Captains and Generals were drawn from North America. It’s possible that the English themselves caught the Puritan Republican ideal from New Rngland rather than the other way around. Recall the Mayflower crew and passengers were rejected by ordinary English people.
We’re about to reach the breaking point with the Northeast. I can see it and hear it coming.
Good strategy, Jack. Unfortunately, it requires political power. If and when the deteriorating condition of the central government begins to devolve more power and some guts back to the states I’d love to see it advanced.
On a micro scale a favorite in Florida is to rent a bus, locate 20 or 30 yutes, give them some spending money and drop them off at the new mall nearest a wealthy gated community of transplants and snowbirds.
Per a previous post on the pros and cons of cut-and-run, Calhoun foresaw that too:
We would, in a word, change conditions with them – a degradation greater than has ever yet fallen to the lot of a free and enlightened people, and one from which we could not escape, should emancipation take place, (which it certainly will if not prevented), but by fleeing the homes of ourselves and our ancestors, and by abandoning our country to our former slaves, to become the permanent abode of disorder, anarchy, poverty, misery and wretchedness.
Not that I necessarily recommend it but anyone who has ever been desperate knows that, however disillusioning it is and however many oaths to his neighbor have been taken, every man for himself can become the bottom line.
I don’t want this to happen. I make note that, sadly, it will happen. Even Calhoun foresaw it.
Bill Yancey says:
November 10, 2012 at 5:33 pm
“Good strategy, Jack. Unfortunately, it requires political power. If and when the deteriorating condition of the central government begins to devolve more power and some guts back to the states I’d love to see it advanced.”
Jack Ryan replies:
Not necessarily. I think the key here is to study lots of the very effective, underhanded tactics the Left has done in this country, without official political control. Tax exempt Leftist organizations like The Ford Foundation, Lutheran and Catholic refugee services manage to successfully implement very destructive, anti White policies (such as bringing in tens of thousands of diseased Muslim Somalians to places like Minneapolis) and they do this “under the radar”.
What’s to stop some racially conscious, rich White Southerners from starting their own tax exempt charities with all kinds of noble, liberal names and causes, with the practical result that these charities are flooding Lib NorthEastern Dem areas with the worst Black, 3rd world scum?
These Southerners could even (pay) some retired guy with a last name of “Kennedy” to be the official name of the charity. That way the “Kennedy Fresh Air Fund” could sponsor the most violent, destructive Blacks from Roxbury and Dorchester Mass, bus and boat the Black thugs/scum out to liberal playgrounds like Martha’s Vineyard, Cape Cod and all the buses and T-Shirts would say “Kennedy Fresh Air Fund” so most everyone would assume it was the cursed Ted Kennedy family doing this @##*($ liberal *$(#, only for some strange reason the Kennedy’s were doing the Liberal minority destruction policies in rich White/Jew liberal areas.
Other fun projects could include:
Instigating terrible divisions between the Obama Lib/Min coalitions. Just think of all the fun you/we can have stirring up trouble between Muslim immigrants and wealthy, Dem financial supporting Jews. Or pay people to dress up as “gays” at gay pride parades carrying signs suggesting that the Muslm prophet Mohammed was “gay”, or just some Muslim guy named “Mohammed” was “gay”, then word goes out to crazed Muslim Jihadists that Lib homosexual groups in places like Vermont and Chicago are insulting their prophet.
The key is to have some fun out there.
that is an awesome and diabolical idea Jack. Tip o the hat to you.
State up a new underground railroad and call these DWL’s bluff. Ship nigs to Vermont and Maine. As many as possible. See their voting pattern change unstinting.
Currently New England prices blacks out of property. That be rayciss!
Set up a Parole system in Southern jails. You are released if you go to live in Vermont or Maine.
Jack – That is diabolical. Rather than starting an new organization, somebody could just buddy up to the existing Lutheran/Catholic refugee services and convince and/or guilt trip them over just how bad southern blacks have it. How they live under siege in an increasingly racist region, are underemployed and effectively disenfranchised, and should therefore be the first priority of any American refugee relocation efforts.
Stonelifter says:
November 10, 2012 at 6:30 pm
that is an awesome and diabolical idea Jack. Tip o the hat to you.
Jack Ryan replies:
Thanks – that’s the kind of guy I am. These skills I’ve developed over living around/with evil, scheming, diabolical Libs/Jews for over half of my life. We need more of this on our side. One guy on our side that really had this gift was Russian, arch nationalist, racist extremists Vladimicr Zhironovsky. One thing he did was to name his racist, nationalist, extremist Russian party the Russian equivalent of:
“The Liberal Democrat Party”
So how could the Liberals in the lying press attack his party for just professing to be “Liberal Democrats”? Plus a fair percentage of stupid Liberal voters would vote for his party on just the name.
Hitler did something similar when he changed the name of his Racist German Nationalist party to:
“The German National Socialist Workers Party”
So lots of voters who might go for some Communist Workers Party, would instead go for his party with a very similar name and lots of propaganda in common.
Our side is way to straight, fair and honest.
Have some fun out there.
There are lots of unhappy folks here right now. My parents had some of their church friends over yesterday, it looked like a wake.
“The only reason why European peoples are currently under the boot heel of Edom in Black Run America is because they are in apostasy from the holy faith of people like Judas Machabees, St Vincent Ferrer, Jan Sobieski, Don Juan of Lepanto and St Louis, King of France.”
Don’t confuse ethnic nationalism with religion (although I admit that they are related, race trumped religion in those conflicts.)
OD is at its best with historical posts such as this. I don’t know if you’ve ever come across the opening speech of the Alabama Constitutional Convention of 1901, but it deserves to be similarly archived here for popular consumption.