Swallowing the Dog

In the South, the term "swallowing the dog" meant pledging allegiance to the United States


This is another series of excerpts from The Day Dixie Died that our readers ought to really enjoy. What is the meant by the phrase “swallowing the dog”?

For Confederate veterans, the term “swallowing the dog” meant being forced to repeatedly pledge allegiance to the United States whose military forces were occupying the Confederacy.

“Swallowing the dog” is the same feeling of alienation and disgust that Southerners experience today at the sight of President Barack Hussein Obama and Eric “My People” Holder:

“It was the most despised word in the South. A few took it “as if it was nothing more than a Glass of Lemonade.” Others refused as if it were arsenic. It forced people to reexamine their priorities: principles or bread? They reconsidered what it meant to give their word of honor. For loyal Confederates, it was likened to “swallowing the dog.”

The Oath of Allegiance to the United States became a staple of the Confederate diet. In exchange for the privilege to vote, to transact business, to acquire rations, to perform marriage ceremonies, or even get married. Rebels were forced to gulp down their pride and utter these words: “I do solemnly swear that I hereby renounce all countenance, support and allegiance to the so-called Confederate States of America.

For a people left crushed a crippled, the requirement of the oath was like pouring salt into an open wound. “I think the exaction of this oath cannot be justified on any grounds whatever whether as of admonition and warning for the future or as punishment for the past,” wrote Henry William Ravenel from South Carolina. “It is simply an arbitrary and tyrannical exercise of power.”

The Western Democrat in Charlotte summed up the situation for most ex-Confederates. “Those who expect to follow any occupation in the country have no alternative but to take the oath.” …

No matter how many times they swallowed the dog, the taste was always foul, and compelling Southerners to swear allegiance over and over required great ingenuity. There was seemingly no end to the inducements Federals contrived to coerce the oath taking. In Columbus, Georgia, ladies were initially required to take the oath in order to receive their mail. Elsewhere in Georgia, letters were opened, in order to test the sincerity of Rebels who had taken the oath. …

In the minds of Southerners, it was doubly insulting to exchange the oath for food. “It was most heart-rending,” observed Cornelia Spencer, “to see daily crowds of country people, from three score and ten down to the unconscious infant carried in its mother’s arms, coming into town to beg for food and shelter, to ask alms from those who had despoiled them.” One poorly educated woman in this circumstance went to the local provost and inquired if she could draw rations. The officer asked if she would take the oath. “Thank you, sir,” said the lady, “there is my cart – please put it in that.” …

Southerners were forced to swear the oath for spiritual food, as well. Even their God had been supplanted by a cold and distant Northern deity, at whose alter they resentfully laid sacrifices. At Richmond, ministers could not perform wedding ceremonies unless they had taken the oath. And couples could not marry without first swearing allegiance.

Given the situation, working in the ranks of the clergy became a high risk occupation. Reading of events unfolding in Missouri, Washingtonian William Owner was outraged that five Catholic priests were arrested and thrown into a cell “with burglars and a nigger ravisher.” Again, their only crime was refusing to swear the oath. …

Like their Catholic counterparts, when Protestant preachers in Missouri failed to pray for Lincoln, they were arrested and their churches were closed

In various denominations, the hierarchy took it upon itself to discipline those clergymen in its ranks who had chosen the wrong side. The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church met in Pittsburgh and passed a series of resolutions “practically upending all … ministers until they had repented of the sin of rebellion.”

“As those in the South, almost to a man were strong supporters of the Confederacy,” explained a devout Tennessean, “this action declared every pulpit vacant and meant that the North had the right to take over our churches with their property.” …

Having the oath forced upon them was not the only form of humiliation suffered by former Confederates. Most melancholy to Southerners was the supplanting of their banner with the federal flag. “The saddest moment of my life,” recalled Myrta Avary, “was when I saw that Southern Cross dragged down and the Stars and Stripes run up … I saw it torn down from the height where valor had kept it waving for so long and at such cost.”

“Never before,” added another woman, “had we realized how entirely our hearts had been turned away from that what was once our whole country, till we felt the bitterness aroused by the sight of that flag shaking out its red and white folds over us.” …

Throughout the South, many deeply offended widows crossed the street rather than pass under an American flag, draped over the sidewalk. . .

For returning Rebel soldiers, the order to remove or cover CSA buttons from their uniforms seemed to be rubbing their faces in defeat. Just how strictly these rules were enforced depended upon the fiat of each commanding officer. At New Orleans, Gen. Nathaniel Banks was in charge. Confederates believed that the officer from Massachusetts was particularly vindictive in peace because he had “never won a battle” in war and had been derisively tagged “Stonewall Jackson’s Commissary.” Rebel soldiers in the city were not permitted to congregate in groups of three or more, and black troops were delegated to cut the buttons from their coats. “I saw squads of them dispersing gatherings of Confederates,” recalled a paroled prisoner,” and I saw coats from which the buttons had been cut.” …

Thus, one by one, the victors took possession – body and soul – of the vanquished. Forced to swear loyalty to a hated enemy, their private thoughts censored, their public thoughts punished, the symbols of their nationhood outlawed, their religion and prayers policed – there seemed no haven or sacred ground.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Personally, I don’t care about 9/11.

    No one was attacked around here. The World Trade Center and the Pentagon was attacked on 9/11. Did Muslims attack these targets? I can imagine them doing it. Just through familiarity with American culture and U.S. foreign policy in that region, I can imagine what inspired Islamic fundamentalists to attack those targets.

    It is like “End the Fed” or Occupy Wall Street. The solution to the Pentagon and Hollywood and Wall Street and the Federal Reserve is not to attempt to reform those institutions. The solution is to disconnect ourselves from them.

    Strike at the root.

  2. I will also note in passing that the outburst of American patriotism that followed 9/11 and consumed the previous decade didn’t fully ebb until the collapse of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers and the election of Obama as president.

    I don’t see why anyone would want to return to that decade. It was a time of darkness.

  3. How could 18 or 19 Camel Jockeys cause 9-11? They were patsys set up. Anyway there is alot of info on this topic. It is not just conspiracy theory, something stinks to high heaven! On infowars of Alex Jones – had a Professor from BYU that took samples from the site and found Thermite residue. By the way–the Professor lost his job at BYU. Who controls: Read John Colemans: The Black Nobility Unmasked Worldwide and Alex Christophers The Pandoras Box. The Powers That Be are the Khazars and Royalty and they got us as serfs and slaves. Not only does Washington and New York Suck, but so does the Mile Square City in London. GMO Foods cause sterility in three generations! Buddy Tucker of NEWS and Richard Kelly Hoskins are right! Hunter, hope you make list of the Northeast Liberal Establisment!

  4. Damn. They never taught us any of that in school. If they did I sure as hell would’ve wondered how such things could take place in “the land of the free”.

  5. They have never told the truth about anything. According to Yankee legend, Spain attacked the United States. How did we end up in Puerto Rico, Hawaii, China, and the Philippines?

  6. John Thomas writes:

    “GMO Foods cause sterility in three generations!”

    And the moon landing was faked by the dupes of the Khazars. Everybody knows that!

  7. I refused to pledge to the Yankee rag in high school and was punished for it but ultimately got away with not doing it. As a kid in grade school I was too young to know not to do it. Once I was old enough to read about our history I quit doing it and have spurned the Federal colours ever since. Most of the kids who do it are just going through the motions because they are expected to do it. The only people I see who do it and take it serious are the Baby Boomers and those older than them. The younger generations don’t seem to care about the oath to the Yankee flag much. I don’t think this Empire will survive the passing of the Boomers. I just hope to live long enough to raise my glass and toast its demise. God knows it surely deserves to die.

  8. Swallowing the dog is like watching Lawrence O’Donnell and Jonathan Capehart talking about the 7th or 8th Herman Cain sex scandal on MSNBC or listening to Newt Gingrich talk about being a historian.

  9. Here’s an excerpt about Robert Barnwell Rhett, the Father of Secession. I loved reading about Rhett and Yancey in college:


    “Another half an hour and it was done. Jamison stood to say, “I proclaim the State of South Carolina an Independent Commonwealth,” and as they poured out of Institute Hall the cannon and bells commenced in a symphony that lasted long into the night. A few blocks away at the office of the Charleston Mercury, Rhett’s editor son printed an extra, a broadside proclaimed “THE UNION IS DISSOLVED.”

    It had taken Robert Barnwell Rhett more than thirty years to come to this day, turbulent years of controversy and ceaseless turmoil, many of them filled with defeat and rejection, but he had persevered as he had always persevered. Now he had received his reward. His whole career had led him to this point. At last the people of South Carolina had caught up to him and were ready for his lead. If the rest of the slave states did the same, a glorious future awaited them all, free and independent. No wonder it was the greatest moment of his life.”

    That story has always been an inspiration to me. It took decades of hard work to sow the seeds of secession in South Carolina. To prepare the cultural ground for Southern independence. The secessionists were a vocal minority right down to the John Brown raid on Harper’s Ferry in 1859.

  10. Looks like they blocked it: try this: CODEX ALIMENTARIUS: Traditional Medicines to become illigal in Europe 2011 and also Obama Implements CODEX ALIMENTARIUS BY EXECUTIVE ORDER IN US. the Dog Swallowed US!

  11. Hunter: How much GMO Soy Beans are grown in South? Check this out about Obongo: Obama Implemernts CODEX ALIMENTARIUS BY EXECUTIVE ORDER IN US………….. Who ows Cargil? Looks like the dog has swallowed us whole!

  12. Hunter: How does Al Gore and the Northeast Liberal Establishment fit into GMO FOODS? Check out book–Seeds of Destruction and You Tube: Dangers of GM Foods – Youre Eating Poison……. We need a Dixie Movement to get out of this!

  13. As a child, I spent much of my free time playing in the woods where I lived in SC. Digging in an old junkpile, cutting my hands on broken bottles and rusty cans, I unearthed a uniform button with thirteen stars, themselves formed into one star. It appeared to have been made of pewter. This button languished in my mothers sewing basket for many years, disappearing at some point. Now I know how precious and honorable a treasure I had. This post makes my blood boil! Keep writing about the reconstruction period. You seem to have a vast knowledge of this subject, and is a bitter treasure which I’ll pass on to my children as well as anyone else who’s willing to listen.

  14. Mr. Wallace: I never knew. I never studied this. Today, I read this and immediately thought, “Soviet Russia.”

    When the Jewish Bolsheviks [ http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v14/v14n1p-4_Weber.html ] took over the country of Russia, one of the first things they did was to KILL anyone who believed in the Czar, the Church, or the Kingdom. Next, they instituted informers, police, and secret agents. Reading the history of the persecuted Orthodox Church throughout Russia, one can see OBVIOUS parallels between Russia under the Jew Bolsheviks, and the South under the Yankee Supremacists. THEY ARE OF THE SAME STRIPE. The parallels are unbelievable to note. We are under the yoke of the Antichrist, and we don’t even know it…..

  15. Outlawing GMO crops is not proof that they cause sterility in three generations. The ignorant yahoos on this site would amaze me if I didn’t remember that they were mostly a bunch of pig ignorant Southerners who go to schools that teach that the theory of evolution is the devil’s work.

    You dumb ass crackers are almost as stupid as niggers. It must be the fetid and pestilential climate that let’s your children pick up parasitic diseases that infect your brains.

  16. stonelifter writes:

    “HW, and crew
    off topic but what do you think about this and how it plays with our common BRA theme?

    Not so hot for BRA if working class whites in the North vote in 2012 like they did in 2010.

  17. Rudel: Read on Google—Genetically Modified Soy Linked to Sterility Infant Mortality in Hamsters by Jeffrey Smith——-Also GM Files: GM CORN to make Men Stertile Already a Reality…………..Also on YOU TUBE: Food Bills Mark of The Beast

  18. Rudel: So you think its OK for MONSANTO (Owned by Rotchilds) to control all the planets seeds? And we cant have natural organic seeds? Man Rudel – you talk about dumb crackers and rednecks being dumb as niggers……….Hum? Whats wrong with you Rudel?

  19. John Dhumass says:

    “So you think its OK for MONSANTO (Owned by Rotchilds) to control all the planets seeds? And we cant have natural organic seeds? Man Rudel – you talk about dumb crackers and rednecks being dumb as niggers……….Hum? Whats wrong with you Rudel?

    I never said any of that. I made fun of the claim that genetically modified corn causes sterility in three generations. Learn to read, you dumb fuck.

    BTW, almost all corn and corn products sold in the US contain genetically modified corn!

  20. Hunter, I come here to continue my education. Thank you again for filling in all the gaps left by public school in a “progressive” county. Lately it seems every single rock I overturn reveals more and more disgusting maggots; I thought I had completed my transition to alt right, but more and more of my “history” has to be unlearned. I truly appreciate your writing.

  21. Rudel: You need to learn to read. Fr. John is right about you. Look on google: The World According to Monsanto. Look at the You Tube to. Anison, Ala—20,000 residents won a suit against Monsanto for 700 Million. You know what the Agent Orange Settlement was 180 Million . There was 200,ooo who were in High Risk group from Vietnam. I dont like to call people names, so will not insult.

  22. You’re absolutely right John. Monsanto is not a very nice company. That doesn’t mean that they faked the moon landing though…

  23. Rudel: I have read about the faked moon landing. You are right to. Cooper also says as well as NASA Scientist James McCanney that man can only go up 300 miles. Radiation from Van Allen will kill. As far as George Wallace, he is on the list on Herrells Diest Masons. So is Mel Tillis. Hunter does a good job on trying to awaken people. I know only one thing, that is´— The White Race is facing death. That is the number one issue and how can we stop it!

  24. How could 18 or 19 Camel Jockeys cause 9-11?

    Perhaps that they’re not really camel jockeys?

    They can even fix cars, plan and erect tall buildings, and pump oil from the earth. Amazing, itz. Must be an Israeli conspiracy. Everyone knows Arabs emerged from the Paleolithic just a few decades ago.


  25. duh says:

    “Perhaps that they’re not really camel jockeys?
    They can even fix cars, plan and erect tall buildings, and pump oil from the earth. Amazing, itz.”

    The average Arab IQ is in the high 8o’s. They almost always hire Western technical experts to build their infrastructure for them.

  26. You dumb ass crackers are almost as stupid as niggers. It must be the fetid and pestilential climate that let’s your children pick up parasitic diseases that infect your brains.

    Rudel, you’re the perfect Yankee poster boy. Keep doing what you’re doing, and thanks.

  27. Denise: Put Dr. James P. Wickstrom on google search. Wickstrom has a good you tube: The Military Knows Israel did 9/11. Hope Jack Ryan checks this out to. I also hope that Hunter will make a list of the top Northeast Liberal Establishment (NLE) Families and how they turned USA into a septic tank…….. Of couse there is alot of White Southern Traitors who help the NLE, like Johnson, Carter, Clinton and many many more. Buddy Tucker is right, The Serpent Seed must be Identified and the future fate that awaits them.

  28. Look, there is simply no reading of history that shows anything but the North being gentle and accomodating tto the South. Southern soldiers were granted parole on the spot by Grant at Appomattox. They were allowed to just go home. Would the opposite have been true? Doubtful. The Norths greatest fear was a guerilla war dragging on for decades. Sorry, but this sounds like whining. The South would have demanded worse than loyalty oaths.

  29. “When the Jewish Bolsheviks [ http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v14/v14n1p-4_Weber.html ] took over the country of Russia, one of the first things they did was to KILL anyone who believed in the Czar, the Church, or the Kingdom. Next, they instituted informers, police, and secret agents. Reading the history of the persecuted Orthodox Church throughout Russia, one can see OBVIOUS parallels between Russia under the Jew Bolsheviks, and the South under the Yankee Supremacists. THEY ARE OF THE SAME STRIPE. The parallels are unbelievable to note. We are under the yoke of the Antichrist, and we don’t even know it…..”

    I noticed this similarity when I researched Soviet and Russian history in the 60s, when part of my folks were anti-Russian-communism and another part were anti-Jew-communism, with a slight overlap. I didn’t find any solid documentation of Jew support for the actions of the Lincoln administration other than the endorsements by Marx, but the banksters of the period clearly were ant-Czarist (indeed, anti-monarchist), and anti-South. I still think evidence can be found.

    They didn’t launch the “Lincoln Brigade” against Franco w/o intended symbolism.

    As for their being the anti-Christ, even an unbeliever like me is confounded that such a thing even has to be argued. I would consider it more, how should I say, symmetric, if some genetic attachment between the Puritans and the Jews could be confirmed. Regardless, as history demonstrates, both are a peril to civilization.

    Is faith in the theory of “blowback” inflated? God, I hope not.

  30. The purpose of NWO (JWO) is world centralization, with no States allowed.

    The purpose of the yankee union is also elimination of individual States.

    Forced centralization is to prevent dropping-out- that is TO FORCIBLY BLOCK NON-PARTICIPATION- TO ENSLAVE Secession is dropping-out- no thanks, we don’t want any. When an individual refuses to co-operate with a State, he is dropping out, or seceding. Individual secession is libertarianism. . .

    The crude libertarian motto is Fuck the State. Isn’t the implied Southern motto -Fuck the yankee State? As Dr. Leary put it in ’68 (1968): Tune in, turn on, and DROP OUT.

  31. “All it is going to take is one public figure from the South to start talking on television.”

    Who? David Duke? They don’t let any real opponents of race-mixing on TV, even in the South.

  32. Kroll,

    There is a Rasmussen Poll which shows that support for secession has been drifting up in recent years and something like a quarter of the population now believes that secession is a likely scenario.

  33. In 1992 I went with Jan Dupree of the America First Party to the federal Court House in Miami, Florida to hear the case against David Duke running for President. La Roche of the US Labor Party provided Duke with a Lawyer. The American Civil Liberties was against Duke running for President. Anyway, he was able to run but did not get many votes in Florida. I went into the Mens Rest Room and at the Urinals Duke came. When there I asked Duke how does he put up with this crap? To me its a joke. Remember Pastor Martin Lindstedt had trouble running to. How can a White Man run for office in this USA. Its all a sham. DemonNarKey is Bull! Not only is White Organizations like James Ellison (CSA) Covenant Sword and Arm of the Lord attacked but also black groups like Malachi York. His Compound in Georgia got attacked by Feds and closed. Anything that the NWO does not like, it will attack it in some way to get rid of it. Just think, as time goes along, it will only get worse….

  34. You southerners were traitors then and you still traitors now you were the scum then you still are the scum now you betrayed us the then and the people of the United States should realize you will betray us in the future.Now you poison the GOP with your perverted backward partly inbreed culture and guess what Iive in the south,
    I know.

    • Why the hell are you living down here then ? After betraying Great Britain, it takes a lot of balls to criticize us for being traitors.

  35. Tack: Why dont’ you leave the South then? Seriously, just leave. I wouldn’t live around people I hated so much. There are 50 states, pick another one.

  36. Tack clearly is an ideological bastard.

    Wonder if he’s also an ontological one, as well. (i.e., a bi-racial LUVVVVV child = bastard) Either way, he’s a mental defective.

    And the sooner we realize that, and move on, the better we “UN-reconstructeds” will be. Remember, Altruism only works on those already IN your ‘in-group.’ All attempts to be ‘kind nice and gentle’ to those outside of your racial grouping, will result in hatred directed against you- and it annoys the pig, as well.

  37. If Southrons were traitors then so was Jefferson, Washington, Henry, Light Horse Lee, Greene etc all.

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