Here’s a roundup of the interesting stuff on the web this morning:
(1) Medicaid spending on the Black Undertow is breaking the fiscal backs of the states. In Louisiana, we saw that 67.5 percent of the Obama stimulus on BRA’s Recovery was spent on four things: Medicaid, TANF welfare, EBT cards, and Head Start.
The “stimulus” money is running out now. This year it has forced the states to spend 29 percent more on Medicaid. More than half the states are expecting budget shortfalls in their Medicaid programs as enrollment increases and stimulus funds fade out. The last dose of stimulus crack from Congress came in June.
“We’re on an unsustainable path,” said Mike Schrimpf, communications director for the Republican Governors Association. “Every year Medicaid takes up a greater share of most state budgets. … Every dollar spent on Medicaid necessarily comes out of somewhere else, so it’s taking away from every other item in the budget.”
Every dollar that comes out of your wallet that is spent on Medicaid for the Black Undertow is squandered. It comes out of public education for your children and police protection from black criminals.
(2) As Democrats prepare to explicitly abandon the White working class, Obama is headed to Pennsylvania to gain traction with the White working class voters who are repudiating him.
The game plan is to lie to Pennsylvania voters in places like Pittsburgh and Scranton to keep losses among the White working class in the Rust Belt at manageable levels (a 2008 level, not a 2010 level) to the win the 2012 election.
A recent CNN poll found that nearly half of White working class Democrats don’t want Obama as their standard bearer in 2012. Surely, the Republicans will respond to this opportunity by redoubling their outreach to African-Americans who according to the latest Pew Survey are planning to vote 97 to 3 for Barack Obama over Mitt Romney.
The Edsall story about Democrats explicitly abandoning the White working class has gone viral over Twitter and Facebook.
(3) Sean Trende of Real Clear Politics debunks the wishful thinking among progressives that changing demographics will save Obama in 2012.
– Obama has a 33 percent approval rating with White voters. This means he is losing both the White working class and upscale college educated Whites by large margins.
– In order to win reelection, Obama has to raise his approval rating among White voters by one percentage point every month from now to the 2012 election, or the Republicans have to nominate someone so unacceptable that White voters will hold their nose and vote for Obama.
– The Hispanic share of the electorate has stagnated at 8 percent over the last four election cycles.
– Because of the declining economy, Hispanic immigration has declined from previous levels. It may have even reversed as Hispanics in America are returning to Mexico to wait out the Obama depression.
– The increase in the non-White share of the vote was driven by African-Americans, not Hispanics. From 2004 to 2008, the black vote rose from 9 to 11 percent of the electorate to a record high of 13 percent.
– African-Americans and Hispanics are demoralized and Obama’s approval rating has dropped considerably with both groups. He is actually underwater with Hispanics.
– White voters are furious with Obama. The polls show that he is losing every White subdemographic. He has suffered the biggest decline in his approval rating among White Millennials.
What is the endgame here?
The bottom line is that Obama’s support among White voters has cratered everywhere. In the North and West, he is losing White working class voters in droves. In the South, the Democrats have suffered catastrophic losses among White voters.
The Whites who are sticking with Obama are demoralized DWL progressives in The Left Coast, Upper Midwest, and the Northeast; the Jews, of course; White homosexuals; single mothers and college educated women who are feminists; and public sector employees and the lumpenproletariat who are dependent upon the government and have no other realistic options.
This creates a huge opportunity for Republicans to exploit in Lower North states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Iowa where White working class voters exist in greater numbers than elsewhere. The Buffalo to Fargo corridor is where Democrats suffered huge losses among White voters in the 2010 midterm elections.
If Obama is defeated in the 2012 election, the defeat will be inflicted upon him by disillusioned White voters on Northern soil.
Does that mean the anti-white invective is really gonna fly?
So how about folks here and other places consider working to help elect the Republican presidential nominee by getting out there and speaking with real White working class voters in the Midwest, NorthEast, do fund raising for Republican local officials targeting Reagan Democrats?
How about spreading the meme that we Whites in the United States need to put aside historical grievances with other Whites this year – you know:
Southerners against Yankees
Irish against Anglo British Protestants
Working class Whites against wealthier Whites
Nixon and Reagan won huge 49 state sweeps by getting the votes of folks like White Teamsters Union workers – Nixon had a Southern Strategy, Lee Atwater used to be very good at reaching the hearts and minds of all kinds of White voters who weren’t traditional Republican voters.
How about making that effort and resisting urges to spend lots of time supporting 3rd party Presidential candidates who never even win 1%?
We are on the verge of Yankee Month.
I would like to think that Northern readers learned a ton of new things about the South in October and November. It is only fair that Southerners get the chance to learn about the North.
What happened in the Northern states? How did anti-racism triumph in that region? It is a totally different story.
Tavis Smiley predicts that 2012 will be the most racist election in history:
Sounds a lot like a country on its way to Mexican norms, doesn’t it? From what I understand, Mexico is ruled by a white(r) elite that strangles its gov’t in the crib so it can’t take everything they have and give it to brown people. Putnam writ large and run amok.
I am presuming that al of you are aware of Magnificent Emma West – the brave LumpenProl gal, on the tram, who is now the ONLY issue in the UK? And that a whole lot of Reps just voted to demolish the Posse Comitatus laws – and the GOP was worse than the Dems, on the vote?
Interesting times. indeed….
“What happened in the Northern states? How did anti-racism triumph in that region? It is a totally different story.”
I’m not so sure. In the 1960’s the “Civil Rights” ideology was shoved down the throats of Northern whites from the pulpit and the lectern. When the public schools were forced to integrate with busing and anti-Chinese and anti-black housing covenants were undemocratically overturned, whites simply moved further out to the suburbs to escape block busted neighborhoods and forced integration. Much like what has occurred in Atlanta.
You are right though, Southerners are more used to living cheek to jowl with niggers. Northern whites simply refuse to do it. And white men from just about every section and class in the country overwhelmingly vote Republican. Most white women too especially if they have children.
The best strategy for whites everywhere is to oppose affirmative action, busing, welfare, higher taxes, immigration, and federal power in general and in favor of local control of schools, home schooling, religious rights, and gun rights. And secession too if you can actually get any media access. Always vote for the most conservative candidate running. If whites get their Republican vote up to 70% they can thwart BRA.
Of course that strategy won’t work as well in the Deep South. ‘Cuz you already be fucked demographically. You done imported too many niggers in the first place. LOL!!!
Everywhere I go, lately, I end up in conversations with people who are excited because it is becoming more evident with each passing day that Obama will get fired next November.
I used to share their excitement, but now ugly reality is seeping in.
My uncontrollable maniacal laughter subsided when I remembered that we were in fairly deep shit before the 2008 election. Deep shit that made everybody so pissed off at the Republicans that we got our first Afro-Americoon president by way of a protest vote.
I hate to be the sayer of unpopular shit, but I have a hard time seeing the Republicans as our saviors.
Republicans were primarily responsible for creating the treaties that paved the way for a lion’s share of the American jobs that maintained our middle-class to move to foreign countries.
Republicans blocked legislation last year that would have taken away tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas.
Republicans voted overwhelming in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Republicans, like Democrats, always support the positions of The Cheap Labor Treason Lobby and the group that President Eisenhower named The Military Industrial Complex.
Republicans point to the Democrats’ annoying habit of handing out money to niggers and unions, then they declare that all government spending is bad as they pile rewards upon the people in the financial sector who screw our entire nation with their abstract and often criminal version of capitalism.
Republicans think you are stupid. They tell you that we can’t spend our way out of a recession because they know that most of us are unaware that our government spent our way out of the Great Depression when it financed WWll.
It’s true that we can’t spend our way out of financial trouble by giving money to niggers and unions, but it works pretty damn good when you pay Americans to build tanks, ships, planes and bombs. It creates a lot of skilled tradesmen, too.
Kurt Vonnegut pointed out in “Jail Bird” that guys who couldn’t afford shoes before they went off to the war came home and bought cars. He acknowledged that it was all a grand Ponzi Scheme, but, I say, who gives a shit. WWll spending paved the way for all of the riches that came later, including all of those badassed cars from the 50’s and 60’s, so how was it such a bad thing.
To get back on topic let me say here and now that I am as happy as every other true White Man that we will be getting that damn nigger out of the White House. It really burns my ass to see his baboon wife getting off Air Force One and that watermelon patch in the Rose Garden is totally unacceptable, but I am not expecting a Republican to fix anything around D.C. except the complexion of the POTUS.
You’d think that in America we should have more choices than BAD and WORSE when we cast our ballots.
How is this news? this sounds like politics since the 90s at least, maybe earlier. They aren’t giving up those union votes are they? I mean, the SEIU and teamsters all got an email recently saying “Don’t worry about that news story about whites, we still love you. its a ruse to get those evil republicans”
“atheists, homosexuals, and liberals (especially some combination of the three)”
“WWll spending paved the way for all of the riches that came later, including all of those badassed cars from the 50?s and 60?s, so how was it such a bad thing. ”
hate to throw cold water on your keynsian wet dream but the awesomeness of the 50’s and 60’s was the result of being the only industrialized nation left standing that didn’t have a large portion of its males in prime working years dead. It wasn’t the spending, it was the death of the competition and death of the old capital. Like a forest fire makes room for the new sapplings to spring up. That was America to Europe’s burned up old-growth.
New England integrated its public schools in the 1870s. Maine was the last state to repeal its anti-miscegenation law. Vermont and New Hampshire never had anti-miscegenation laws. Massachusetts repealed its anti-miscegenation law in the 1830s.
Almost half of all niggers in America live the Northern states. Whites are becoming a minority in New Jersey and New York which have two of the largest Hispanic populations in the country.
South Carolina, Louisiana, Florida, and Mississippi are whiter in 2011 than they were in 1911. Kentucky, Missouri, and West Virginia are three of the whitest states in America. Tennessee and Arkansas have the same demographics as Oregon and Washington.
Virginia is 19.4 percent black. Alabama is 26.2 percent black. Georgia is 30.5 percent black. North Carolina is 21.5 percent black. Texas is 11.8 percent black.
Did you know that the black population in these states is near record lows?
Check this out: What does it mean.com: Obama Issues Ron Paul KILL ORDER as Russia Prepares for War……….
“Tennessee and Arkansas have the same demographics as Oregon and Washington.”
I corrected you on this just last week. STOP LYING!!!
The black population of Tennessee is 16.7% in Oregon it is 1.8%.
The black population of Arkansas is 15.4% in Washington State it is 3.6%
STOP LYING goddamit!
Area wise new york is overwhelmingly white. Drive upstate into appalachian New York and you will never see a nigger for miles on end. Same in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois Ohio, and Wisconsin. The niggers are all concentrated in urban ghettoes. I’ve posted the county maps right on this as you very well know.
There is absolutely nu reason to resort to intellectual dishonesty to get your points across Hunter yet you do it constantly. It only undermines your case and makes your analyses invalid and useless for effective argument.
That’s right Hunter, the black population of Oregon is only 1.8% and they all live in Portland.
You win Hunter. Keep posting bullshit. I’m no longer going to try and help you keep your facts straight as you are not an honest man.
From a still nearly 99% White county, on the eastern EDGE
of still predominantly rural, agrarian, Christian, conservative
Pennsyltucky, where Appalachia extends north of the Mason
Dixon line into this Philadephia-metropolitan-area-dominated
and -corrupted bipolar state:
Isn’t there really less difference between the Southern and
Northern populations, than between the populations of the
agarian rural and consumerist metropolitan areas of BOTH
North and South?
1. Romney will be the next president.
2. The United States is still doomed, regardless.
3. There will never be a “Northwest Republic”.
4. The South will never “rise again”.
5. Obama is a nigger. Michelle is a really ugly nigger.
6. White people create their own problems, not the Jews.
7. When America dies, I’ll die American.
I’m not a liar.
Tennessee is 75.6 percent non-Hispanic White.
Arkansas is 74.5 percent non-Hispanic White.
Oregon is 78.5 percent non-Hispanic White.
Washington is 72.5 percent non-Hispanic White.
California is 40.1 percent non-Hispanic White.
What’s the difference between Arkansas and Tennessee and California, Oregon, and Washington?
(1) In the 1970s, Oregon and Washington were over 90 percent White, whereas today Oregon and Washington are about 75 percent White.
(2) The Left Coast, one of the most liberal regions of the United States, runs through Oregon, California, and Washington. Demographically, Whites in Tennessee are more racially conscious and conservative than Whites on the Pacific Coast.
(3) Whites are a minority in California.
(4) Unlike Washington, Oregon, and California, Tennessee and Arkansas aren’t rapidly becoming non-White. Just the opposite is true. Tennessee and Arkansas are whiter in 2011 than they were in 1911.
Alabama is 67 percent White. The demographics of Alabama haven’t changed much over the last forty years. This is not true of the North and West.
New York is 58.3 percent non-Hispanic White … when Jews are counted as White. It is also 15.9 percent black.
Maryland is 54.7 percent non-Hispanic white … when Jews are counted as White.
New Jersey is 59.3 percent non-Hispanic White … when Jews are counted as White. It is also 13.7 percent black.
Delaware is 65.3 percent non-Hispanic White.
Connecticut is 71.2 percent non-Hispanic White … when Jews are counted as White.
Rhode Island is 76.4 percent non-Hispanic White.
Massachusetts is 76.1 percent non-Hispanic White.
Spics are not equivalent to niggers and unlike your niggers the spics have been returning home in recent years because they can’t find work.
In 2011, 54 percent of blacks live in the South. In 1911, 90 percent of blacks lived in the South. In 1911, South Carolina, Mississippi, and Louisiana were majority blacks. In 2011, South Carolina, Mississippi, and Louisiana have fewer blacks than almost ever before.
In 2011, New York and New Jersey are less than 60 percent White. Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Delaware, and Maryland are about as White or less White than Tennessee. They are not as White as Kentucky and Missouri.
The black population of California is 6.2 percent. Does that imply that Whites are 93.8 percent of the population? Oregon and Washington are following in the footsteps of California. They have growing Asian and Hispanic populations.
The truth is that New York and New Jersey are as non-White as Florida. Texas is more racialist and conservative than Maine or Vermont.
Illinois is 63.7 percent non-Hispanic White:
Michigan is 76.6 percent non-Hispanic White.
Kentucky is 86.3 percent non-Hispanic White.
West Virginia is 93.2 percent non-Hispanic White.
You still lie. Northern states are also large. These large non-urban areas are devoid of blacks. The Southern countryside is full of Negroes.
Frankly I don’t give a shit what happens to the South. You haven’t a breath of a chance of seceding while I live in a white man’s natural paradise of majestic (and totally nigger free) coastline, open range, tall snowy mountains, vast forests and clear clean rivers and skies.
You can all continue to rot in the man made hell of niggerdom you imported for yourselves into the fetid disease ridden swamps. Stay there and die like the dumb fuck Baptist rednecks you all are.
The truth is that virtually all the “African-Americans” used to live in the South. Now only about 54 percent of them live here. That means the South has become a lot whiter and the North has become a lot blacker.
New York, New Jersey, and Maryland are less than 60 percent non-Hispanic White. Illinois is 63.7 percent non-Hispanic White. In the Northeast, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut now have the same demographics as Arkansas and Tennessee.
What about the West Coast? Until recently, Oregon and Washington were over 90 percent non-Hispanic White. California was the Golden State.
Vermont is 94.3 percent White. It is also the most bat shit insane liberal state in the entire country. More Whites voted for Obama in Vermont than anywhere in the entire country.
Massachusetts has a black governor. Mississippi doesn’t have a black governor. Connecticut is a Jewish paradise. Vermont is full of nutty liberals. The only two states in the Northeast that are somewhat decent are New Hampshire and Maine.
Maine has decided to import Somalians to Portland to increase the diversity of the area.
What’s more likely to happen is that the Southern states will pass Juan Crow laws which will send out a mass exodus of Hispanics to somewhere. Over 200,000 Hispanics have left Florida since 2007. Over 100,000 Hispanics have left Virginia.
The South is already less black than at almost any point in our history. There are plenty of African-Americans and Hispanics here who would like to follow the North Star to the land of Frederick Douglass and William Lloyd Garrison.
You still don’t get it do you? I’m calling out your lies about the density of the negro population in the North. It’s all in the big cities. The vast majority of land area in the US (except for the South) is nigger free. Your statistics don’t mean shit when there aren’t any niggers to be seen in our towns and open spaces.
I posted the US Census 2010 ethnic maps by county. Read them and weep. Plus I suggest all you so called Southrons get your genes analyzed. https://www.23andme.com/ Many of you will be unpleasantly surprised when you find all that Cherokee and nigger blood coursing through your veins.
Our best case scenario really is Obama getting four more years. If they throw Gingrich or Romney at us, whites will relax. At all costs, we do not want whites to relax.
Best case scenario is a split republican vote leading to an Obama victory.
The mainstream media still has way too much power for a grassroots movement to succeed, whoever your favorite grassroots candidate.
Worse really is better. Awful to say that, but I believe that is the reality. We need the anger to go parabolic to clean this house.
Rudel says:
November 30, 2011 at 11:49 pm
“Frankly I don’t give a sh** what happens to the South. You haven’t a breath of a chance of seceding while I live in a white man’s natural paradise of majestic (and totally nigger free) coastline, open range, tall snowy mountains, vast forests and clear clean rivers and skies.
You can all continue to rot in the man made hell of niggerdom you imported for yourselves into the fetid disease ridden swamps. Stay there and die like the dumb fuck Baptist rednecks you all are.”
Jack Replies:
I think that post was more than a bit harsh on our Southern White kinsmen, though I do think that in recent months Hunter has been more than a bit unfair towards Whites from the Northeast or just anywhere not in his beloved South.
Though raised in Chicago, I went to college in the 1980s in the great state of Tennessee and had an excellent return trip to Nashville TN last month ( I owe Hunter a travel story on my trip).
I have tried very hard to work for inter White reconciliation and an end to all White vs White civil wars, religious church affiliation squabbles. I think it is fair and honorable to defend your own White region/culture as the best, but not fair to bash other perfectly decent Whites in some other region/country or to express joy when Black criminals rape and murder other groups of Whites.
I am from Chicago, born and raised here and now returned. Chicago has some outstanding architecture and some interesting history, but in all honesty we’re lacking in some key areas like having any reasonably attractive White women who will so much as smile my way. I’ll close by including some observations about Chicago by British writer Rudyard Kipling in 1889:
“I have struck a city – a real city – and they call it Chicago… I urgently desire never to see it again. It is inhabited by savages.”
British Author Rudyard Kipling 1889
Mosin Nagant says:
November 30, 2011 at 11:21 pm
From a still nearly 99% White county, on the eastern EDGE
of still predominantly rural, agrarian, Christian, conservative
Pennsyltucky, where Appalachia extends north of the Mason
Dixon line into this Philadephia-metropolitan-area-dominated
and -corrupted bipolar state:
Isn’t there really less difference between the Southern and
Northern populations, than between the populations of the
agarian rural and consumerist metropolitan areas of BOTH
North and South?
Jack replies:
You sound like you live in a blessed place. I haven’t been to Pennsylvania, my impression is that Pittsburgh is a pretty decent White city, Phily a horror with the rest of the state being small town, White and rural. It was said ~ 10 years ago that the rural, small town areas of Pennsylvania were exactly like Alabama – White folks in pickup trucks, guns a perfectly good, redneck White nation. Hunter should go on a hunting trip to rural Pennsylvania.
Pastor Martin Lindstedts Tribulation will clean up everything anyway. The Tribulation in is progress right now. The Whiggers, beaners, muds, spear chunkers, blue gummers, Elite Khazars will all go down according to Lindstedt and 10000 White Warlords will be left ruling the remaining 10 Million Whites left…….Buddy Tucker says we will turn to Yahweh and Jesus as things continue to go down the tubes and God will come to safe us from destruction…..Theodore Fitch years ago said that White Race is True Israel and the evil seedline in Israeli will be destroyed as well as Moslems and that area will again will return to White Rule. The Whites will rule the earth on every continent as Ambassdors and as the Administrators. The White Capital will be in Jerusalem were Jesus will be. The White Race is to subdue and take control of entire earth. Thought I would throw this in to MAKE EVERY ONE JOLLY!
The Scots-Irish colonized Appalachia from Pennsyltucky and from there the Upper South and much of the Lower South. Cracker refers to the Whites of Florida and Georgia.
They also settled the Midwest. From the Lower North and Upper South, the colonized Oregon and California. The Scots-Irish started and won the Texas Revolution.
In December, I am reviewing Karen McCarthy’s The Other Irish: The Scots-Irish Rascals Who Made America.
President James Buchanan was Pennsylvania Scots-Irish.
“The best strategy for whites everywhere is to oppose affirmative action, busing, welfare, higher taxes, immigration, and federal power in general and in favor of local control of schools, home schooling, religious rights, and gun rights. And secession too if you can actually get any media access. Always vote for the most conservative candidate running. If whites get their Republican vote up to 70% they can thwart BRA.” Rudel.
True, we need to do those things. And if enough Whites become racially aware we could, in theory force the GOP into being the White man’s party. However,
Back when I was a kid, some rules were changed at the national level that crushed the textile industry in NC. The rest of the nation didn’t not care because the down side of the new regulation didn’t affect them.
I would not unite with yankees because we are different folks, facing similar yet different problems. The notion that 435 people could come together, chart courses and fix problems for a country as big and as diverse as White America is not realistic.
“Of course that strategy won’t work as well in the Deep South. ‘Cuz you already be fucked demographically. You done imported too many niggers in the first place. LOL!!!” Rudel
And another reason I wouldn’t unite with yankees is folks like this. They are not our people, nor do they seem to understand niggers weren’t a problem until yankees made them a problem. Nor do they understand that we could make them a non-issue again in under a generation if it weren’t for the physical force of the federal govt backing up BRA.
“I have tried very hard to work for inter White reconciliation and an end to all White vs White civil wars, religious church affiliation squabbles. I think it is fair and honorable to defend your own White region/culture as the best, but not fair to bash other perfectly decent Whites in some other region/country or to express joy when Black criminals rape and murder other groups of Whites.” Jack
Sounds great, but will never work. It would if more yankees were like you, but sadly that is not the case. I have few pleasant experiences up north. As soon as those people hear a Southern drawl …. yankees get unpleasant. They don’t realize they are being classless jackasses because of the anti- Southern propaganda that has been driven into them, but that been my experience up north.
“Worse really is better. Awful to say that, but I believe that is the reality. We need the anger to go parabolic to clean this house.” Spooky.
could be that like junkies need to hit rock bottom, before they try to get sober, Whites might need to see, feel and live the full impact of BRA to change their world view.
HW, while you’re on the cusp here I’d like you to consider the case of the Croyden tram woman, Emma West. While I’d always like to see more solidarity between Southerners and Brits, this is a thing that could serve everybody from California to (at least) central Europe, man or woman. “I am Emma West!” It’s has a lot more potential than Whitaker’s mantra. Whether the woman was drunk or not, whether she grovels about it later or not, and in spite of her language, — it doesn’t matter. It’s the average White working class instinct in full bloom, regardless.
“I am Emma West!”
I predict that my review of The Day Dixie Died will shed new light on the subject of white solidarity and the origins of BRA.
YT: I hate to throw some reality into your Republican circle jerk, but our industrial base was pretty week prior to WWll. All of the machine tool companies and the foundries, heat-treaters, ore mines and other industries that provided materials to them worked 24 hours per day, every day of the year throughout the war. When the war was over we had a vast surplus of lathes, mills, VTL’s, horizontal boring mills, and every other basic machine tool needed by start up businesses to build the rest of our industrial base. We also had plenty of people who learned how to use them during the war.
Quit swinging on those rich boys nuts and start paying attention. Those talking points you learned from Glenn Beck are mostly bullshit. Stick your nose in a history book and get it out of Beck’s nigger-loving ass.
I do not support public schools whatsoever – and consider public school taxes – which are almost 70% of the property taxes we pay here in our country in VA – to be nothing more than extortion, esp. when you consider the history and coercion involved in setting up “mandatory schooling”.
True freedom for our children will come when the responsibility for education is returned to its proper home – under the direction of the parents.
The majority of our exceedingly well educated founding fathers were “homeschooled”.
We have experienced a wide variety of educational choices for our four children – currently, we participate in a homeschooling co-op. Our youngest studies Greek, Latin, French, music theory and plays the violin, takes a college expository writing class, a college physics class, and honors Algebra II – as a “ninth grader”.
Other ways to return sovereignty to individuals and families – barter for your experience and skills; buy physical gold and silver; refuse to support businesses that promote “diversity”. Eg – we canceled our insurance with Allstate and do not patronize Walgreens. We are also politically active and have successfully rolled back the mill rate for property taxes, as well as demanded a roll back in the level of BRA subsidies – ie: welfare, etc – including the institution of fees charged for EMS services, since the blacks in our area will call 911 for a broken nail since it’s “Free”.
Yeah, Emma’s a good ‘un. But she’s in the hands of the Jew-globalist NKVD now and, unless she “confessees”, they’ll take her son. I’m hoping – but not expecting – that Brit HardRights will storm the Court when her case comes up; prolly not. Once you let the JewState take your guns, you are doomed. We aren’t. Yet. But if various otherwise intelligent people keep taking the Republican Pty seriously, we might be. I’m with Spooky on this one: we need the Stupid Party to split along R/L lines, getting Obongo to a narrow win in the EC while losing >55% of the vote. His 2nd term will last about 60 days. Then: existential political crisis + economic collapse =….Civil War II.
Rudel: The reason that the nigger population has increased at such a rapid pace in Northern states since the 1960’s is that Yankees treat niggers better than Southern folks do. Yankee politicians love that Federal money, so every governor and big city mayor in the rust belt signed up for every lift-a-nigger-up program that the D.C. social engineers could dream up.
I was living in Detroit when they started the first of many Urban Renewal programs. They bought niggers houses and put all of them on the dole. The niggers got word to all of their Southern kin that they could burn down the shack and move up north and live like kings off of the Yankee Crackers.
I know that what you are saying about the All White little towns all over the North is true. There are plenty of towns I’ve been been through that never even had a nigger walk down any of the streets, but believe me when I tell you that that can change fast. There are a shit load of little towns around the Upper Mississippi River Valley in Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota that were nig-free 20 years ago but they’ve got enough niggers to diminish the quality of life now. Yankees are either too nice or too scared to keep them out. Or maybe they just don’t recognize the danger until it’s too late.
It is possible to hold the line. Check out the demographics for Monroe County Michigan for some shocking news. It sits right between nigger-infested Toledo, Ohio and the Black Hole that used to be Detroit, but to this day it remains around 92% White and around 2% niggers.
The reason for those good numbers is that three-quarters of the population is either transplanted hillbillies or the descendants of transplanted hillbillies. I know that fact because a bunch of them are my kin.
Better figure out how to make that work where you live. Those Deep South boys are going to keep running them off and your Yankee politicians are going to keep feeding the breeders, so it’s a problem that’s headed your way.
I know that none of them will be stopping in my county in South Central KY.
KrollAssociatesDid911: Are we supposed to have a Peewee Herman sort of argument now, or what?
Let me tell you something about yourself that you probably don’t know.
Are you familiar with the work of Dr. J. Philippe Rushton? He has spent most of his long career studying the IQ’s of every population group. He stirred up many hornets nests when he started publishing books that point out the racial differences in IQ’s.
All of us dedicated nigger haters quote the good doctor about nigger IQ’s every chance we get, but you seldom hear a single word about his studies in IQ differences among Whites.
Dr. Rushton’s studies provide statistics that makes it possible to divide Whites into two groups: those with IQ’s of 104 or less and those with IQ’s of 105 or higher. The 105 dividing point was chosen because most psychometrics researchers conclude that a 105 IQ or higher is required for participation in higher education.
62% of White Americans have an average IQ of 92.5, which is only 2.5 points higher than the average IQ of Mestizo Mexicans. The other 38% have an average IQ of 113, which is identical to the average IQ of Ashkenazi Jews.
There is good news for you, though. Our education system has been dumbed-down enough to allow niggers and Glenn Beck fans to pass college courses. Hell, you guys even get to vote. That’s just great.
Oh, yeah, I almost forgot: I know you are, but what am I. Happy now?
Thoughts arer powerful. Changes structure in matter…..Check YOU TUBE: Water, Consciousness and Intent – Dr. Masara Emoto———–What happens when I say–I love White Race or White Dixie—-or Save the White Race? You play the music of today, hip hop, metal rock and all that crap and look what the water crystals form to…..
You Tube: How Thoughts Affect Our Reality? a must see!!! My Father fought the Japs in World War 2 and he hated them. What happens when you say Hilliary or Clinton or Norheast Liberal Establishment or I Love White Race, I Love Dixie or Whites Need Their own Nation……
Where do you live? Sounds nice.
“Quit swinging on those rich boys nuts and start paying attention. Those talking points you learned from Glenn Beck are mostly bullshit. Stick your nose in a history book and get it out of Beck’s nigger-loving ass.”
Ohh hell naww you di’int! (snap snap!)
I don’t listen to GB but have studied my economic history. if he agrees with this point then its because he’s right about that. Any study of history needs to see the larger picture, which I believe you are missing. The entire financial history of the US has been governed by what was happening outside of it. So you can’t say the correlation to spending was the cause of prosperity. The people who thought that way were trying to convince Truman to keep building warships and sinking them for the good of the country after WWII concluded.
BRA is taking water on, fast. Prepare accordingly.
I was born in Texas of Damn Yankee parents and here is my $.002 worth to say on the subject. That puts me in a position to see both sides. Non-White Labor is, was and always will be The White Man’s Kryptonite. Southerners must recognize that fact and admit that Negros were never any solution, however temporary, to their ag-labor problems and that it was a mistake of tragic proportions to use Negro labor, much less slave Negro labor.
Imagine how different (much better) things would be today if the South had opted to tap free White European peasant labor to work in their fields. The South, as well as the rest of the country, would have thrived to this very day. Instead, you had an ultra-wealthy Plantocracy, poor yeoman Whites who ended up disenfranchised, impoverished, and bitter (see Abner Snopes of William Faulkner’s Barn Burning) and little to no White middle class to speak of, free people of color that made up your trades and industry, and a large pool of unassimiliable, unskilled Negro labor.
My biggest regret is that that the North did not allow the South to secede with the understanding that “you broke it, you bought it.” President Clytemnestra would have militarized the northern side of the Mason-Dixon line so that when the South inevitably reached its SHTF scenario that she was creating for herself, it would be contained to the South.
Whether you like it or not, Hunter, the Civil War saved the South from turning into another Haiti. The Civil War prevented Southern Whites from sharing the miserable fate of the White Rhodesians of Zimbabwe and White Afrikaners in South Africa face today, because it created a safety valve for the South that enabled the migration of your surplus Negro labor to the industrialized North once agricultural technology inevitably made cotton-picking Negro labor useless. Why were munitions factories, etc., NOT built in the South. Strategically, it made more sense to have more than one location in case one area was bombed. We were at war with Germany and Japan, weren’t we?
Could it be that Northern WASP politicians wanted to use Negro Labor to ethnically cleanse the North of White Catholic neighborhoods? They certainly used Fair Housing bills to basically block-bust what used to be some charming, picturesque White ethnic neighborhoods built around the Catholic churches up there. Google Detroit and there is a magnificent Polish Catholic church and school that is being reclaimed by feral elements in the wild, not to mention all the decaying homes thanks to YOUR Negro labor being encouraged to move in.
I realize that Southerners have valid grievances against the North, but Northerners have some valid grievances of their own against the South. ALL of our problems could have been avoided in the first place if Negro labor had never been used in the first place. It was never manageable; it was always a potential problem for Whites. Until Southern revisionists like you, Hunter, face and accept the facts for what they are, then White Yankees and White Confederates can find no common ground.
Half of solving the problem is not only recognizing that there is a problem, but also admitting that it always was a problem to begin with. There is no such thing as managed chaos. Importing Negro and other Non-White labor may seem manageable at the beginning, but the seeds of chaos are already being planted and it should come as no surprise to anyone when all hell breaks loose in the end.
Here’s my thoughts:
(1) In the Lower Chattahoochee Valley, slavery existed here for about 25 years, whereas slavery existed in the Northern states for about 200 years. Texas and Florida were not admitted to the Union until 1845.
(2) Slaves were brought to the American colonies by New England slave traders. That brought even more slaves to Latin America and the Caribbean.
(3) The North divested itself of slavery by selling its own slaves to the South and reinvesting its capital in other industries.
(4) At the exact moment that the North rid itself of slavery, the North began to demand that slavery be immediately abolished in the South. It took the North over 200 years to abolish slavery, but the North expected the South to abolish slavery overnight.
(5) In the Early Republic (1789 to 1830), the South had begun to divest itself of slavery. The state legislatures of Maryland, Virginia, and Kentucky were appropriating funds to resettle free blacks in Liberia.
The capital of Liberia is named after James Monroe. Henry Clay, a member of the Great Triumvirate of Antebellum politics, was a strong supporter of African colonization. James Madison served as president of the American Colonization Society in retirement.
(6) In the 1830s, the rise of the abolitionist movement in the North killed the anti-slavery movement in the South by associating all forms of anti-slavery including gradualism and colonization with leftwing fanaticism.
(7) In spite of the rise of abolitionism, the South continued to divest itself of slavery: Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and Kentucky were selling their slaves to markets in the Lower South.
(8) By 1860, South Carolina and Georgia had become slave exporting states. The blacks were being sucked out of the Upper South to the Lower South and from the Eastern South to the Western South.
(9) If there had never been an abolitionist movement or a War Between the States, slaves would have continued to be pulled out of the old tobacco colonies in Virginia, Delaware, Maryland and North Carolina. Kentucky and Missouri would have rid themselves of blacks by selling blacks to markets in the Lower South.
(10) If America had acquired Cuba and other territories in Mexico and the Caribbean, the slaves would have eventually been sucked out of the Lower South entirely.
More thoughts:
(1) The racial decline of America is rooted in abolitionism, not the presence of slaves here; it was abolition that created the Black Undertow and the Civil Rights Movement and which destroyed the racial basis of American citizenship.
(2) It is important to keep in mind that abolitionism was JUST ONE radical utopian reform movement that got started in the Northern states.
The same Yankees that were abolitionists were also involved in (1) the women’s suffrage movement, (2) the temperance movement, (3) the civil rights movement (in the Northern states), (4) the anti-war movement (opposition to the Mexican War), and (5) opposition to Indian Removal.
(3) Yankees threatened secession over the Louisiana Purchase. They opposed the Mexican War which won the American Southwest. They blocked the annexation of Texas for years and were outraged when President Tyler annexed Texas to the Union.
(4) Yankees opposed the acquisition of the American West. They also opposed the effort to remove the Indians from the Southeast. Naturally, the abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison were strongly opposed to African colonization.
(5) In the Antebellum era, Mississippi, Alabama, and South Carolina were three of the wealthiest states in America. After the Yankee triumph in the War Between the States, the Deep South sunk into an abyss of poverty that lasted over 100 years. White Southerners ended up in the cotton fields as sharecroppers under the Yankee system.
(6) Yankees created the first integrated coeducational university in America: Oberlin College in Ohio.
(7) How did the “Civil War” prevent the South from turning into another Haiti? Before the “Civil War,” Missouri, Kentucky, Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, and North Carolina were selling their slaves to the Lower South. Those states were becoming whiter.
In 1860, Georgia and South Carolina had become slave exporting states. Charleston was developing a White working class. The Irish were settling in Southern cities like New Orleans, Charleston, and Memphis.
The “Civil War” ensured that blacks would remain in the United States and that they would become American citizens with equal rights. In South Carolina, Louisiana, and Mississippi, Whites were even forced to live under black majority rule.
(8) South Africa and Rhodesia were two countries that were destroyed by foreign economic pressure. They shared the fate of the West Indies.
(9) That’s the smallest violin in the entire world playing for Yankees.
Yankees armed 160,000 to 180,000 negroes to kill 1 out of every 4 Southern White men of military in the name of abolitionism and racial equality. They also used the Union Navy to blockade the Southern coast to starve women and children to death.
It was Yankees who passed the 14th Amendment and the 15th Amendment to make blacks into American citizens. They also made sure to repeal their own black codes and anti-miscegenation laws and banned segregation.
Who is to blame for blacks moving to the Northern states? It is Southerners, of course! The same Southerners who used to come to the Northern states to capture runaway slaves. That was outrageous in the eyes of Yankees which forced them to pass personal liberty laws.
(10) What are the Northern grievances against the South?
The North came to the South and destroyed our infrastructure, annihilated our economy, killed 1 out every 4 Southern White men of military age, starved women and children to death, looted every household in sight, destroyed Atlanta, Charleston, Columbia, and Richmond, made blacks into citizens, overthrew the Constitution, and came here as carpetbaggers to plunder the South, and to plunder the South with their negro allies.
What did the South ever do to the North? Oh wait, the South seceded from the Union, peacefully.
(11) The idea that all of our problems could have been avoided if it were not for slavery is ridiculous.
Wasn’t slavery banned in the Northern states? If slavery was banned in the Northern states, why are there so many blacks there? What happened?
No, the problem was not blacks. The problem was squarely Yankees and their delusional and fanatical obsession with equality. Abolitionism and the Civil Rights Movement are just two examples of this.
Let’s remember it was also Yankees who passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Nineteenth Amendment, who created Prohibition, the Immigration Act of 1965, who brought millions of Jews to America to work in their industries, who opposed the acquisition of the American West, and who were almost violently opposed to Indian Removal and the Mexican War.
What’s the latest cause today? The End Racial Profiling Act which is sponsored exclusively by Northern Democrats in the Senate. We’re supposed to find common ground when no less than 9 Northern Democrats are trying to ban state immigration laws:
Washington, DC — U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), former Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Homeland Security Subcommittee, Thursday introduced the End Racial Profiling Act of 2011
(S. 1670), a bill to prohibit the use of racial profiling by law enforcement. U.S. Rep. John Conyers, Jr., Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee plans to introduce companion legislation in the House of Representatives. Senator Cardin’s bill is cosponsored by Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Dick Durbin (D-IL),Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), John Kerry (D-MA), Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), Carl Levin (D-MI), Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) and Debbie Stabenow (D-MI). The End Racial Profiling Act has been endorsed by The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and more than 50 civil and legal rights organizations.
“I realize that Southerners have valid grievances against the North, but Northerners have some valid grievances of their own against the South.”
Clytemnestra- I disagree. I am (most likely) older than you, and I knew NOTHING of the SOUTH, until I was either 14 or 15, and we took a trip to Little Rock and Hot Springs, ARK. I saw NEGROES for the first time, and they were the happy, servile, ‘Mammy’ types that laughed, and smiled, and I still remember tasting grits back then, as if it were a ‘foreign food’- cuz it was.
The South (if you have not been reading MR. W’s columns) was raped, and sodomized, both financially, ideologically, and demographically by the North. Lincoln was an ANTICHRIST as far as I am now concerned, and I SEE how EVIL we Yankees are, and were. I’ve coined the term (I think) ‘Yankee Supremacist’ and Rudel/Jewdel, and, to some extent, you, EXEMPLIFY this hateful, condescending, and frankly UGLY frame of mind, to a “T” even when you are trying to be ‘nice.’
We are so deep into the lies and obfuscation of teh jewsmedia, we wouldn’t even know that we Yankees have been ‘UPPITY’ for over 100 years. I watched the old movie, “VIRGINIA” with a VERY young Fred McMurray the other day, and cried tears of shame, for treating such genteel people as the South used to have, for being a ‘Damn Yankee.’
I couldn’t disagree with your views more if I tried… well yes, I could, but then I’d be a Southernor.
In my opinion it is petty to squabble between “Yankees” and “Southrons” and such. Even if we had never had negro slavery in our past, I believe we would still be importing them today, along with all of the other white nations that are filling their borders with “immigrants” and “refugees”.
yankees also wanted to succeed during the War of 1812. One of my big beefs with the dmanyankees is, they were all for succesion when they thought things weren’t going their way. When some folks finally did man up and succeed they got their panties in a bunch. Mostly because if the South left, they wouldn’t have a region to exploit economically through tariffs and a system that funneled those tariffs into internal improvements they benefited form.
In some aspects, the yankees didn’t want to let their “slaves” go, i.e. the South.