Southern Extremists Wrecking Republican Party

White Southern extremists who hate democracy are taking down BRA


BRA’s dwarf Robert Reich has a new article in the Chicago Tribune (a Radical newspaper in the 1860s) which takes a swipe at White Southerners.

The article highlights the internal demographic transformation of the Republican Party which Occidental Dissent and Michael Lind alone have been drawing attention to in the blogosphere for over a year now.

Behind this shifting cast of characters who are competing for the Republican nomination is a much deeper transformation:

“The underlying conflict lies deep in the nature and structure of the Republican Party. And its roots are very old.

As political analyst Michael Lind has noted, today’s Tea Party is less an ideological movement than the latest incarnation of an angry white minority — predominantly Southern, mainly rural, largely male — that has repeatedly attacked American democracy in order to get its way.

It’s no coincidence that the states responsible for putting the most Tea Party representatives in the House are all former members of the Confederacy. Others are from border states with significant Southern populations and Southern ties.”

It all goes back to the Dixiecrat Revolt of 1948 and the demise of the Solid South. In the Jim Crow era, the Democratic Party was the home of virtually all White Southerners, but from the Truman administration to LBJ the White South was alienated by the national Democratic Party’s embrace of “civil rights” and forced integration.

“Through most of these years, though, the GOP managed to contain these no-compromise radicals. Most of the Southerners were still Democrats. The conservative mantle of the GOP remained in the West and Midwest — in the libertarian legacies of Ohio Sen. Robert A. Taft and Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater, neither of whom was a barn-burner — while the epicenter of the party remained in New York and the East.

But after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as the South began its long shift toward the Republican Party, and New York and the East became ever more solidly Democratic, it was only a matter of time. The GOP’s dominant coalition of big business, Wall Street, and Midwest and Western libertarians was losing its grip.”

This is a crucial point.

Ever since 1965, White Southerners had been divided under BRA and there was a vibrant two-party system in Dixie which allowed the Democratic Party to scrape together just enough of the White vote to cobble together a national governing majority. Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton were able to win states like Georgia and West Virginia.

In the Jim Crow era, Whites were united as the Solid South in the Democratic Party, and exercised enormous leverage over the national party. After the South became disillusioned with LBJ, the North and West were still the dominant sections in the Republican Party, and the shift to the GOP led to the ascension of suburban moderates while rural Whites remained Democratic voters.

It has taken almost fifty years, but the shift away from the Democratic Party that began with the Dixiecrat Revolt of 1948 is almost complete, and the Solid South is reemerging as the dominant force in the Republican Party. This is what is driving the “craziness” in the Republican primaries. The Republican Party is being internally transformed into the old Democratic Party.

“America has had a long history of white Southern radicals who will stop at nothing to get their way — seceding from the Union in 1861, refusing to obey Civil Rights legislation in the 1960s, shutting the government in 1995, and risking the full faith and credit of the United States in 2010.” . .

It’s also dangerous for America. We need two political parties solidly grounded in the realities of governing. Our democracy can’t work any other way.

The debt ceiling crisis was a neo-Confederate disunionist conspiracy by White Southern radicals to destroy American democracy.

Robert Reich is obviously being swayed by Michael Lind who has been making these arguments for years now:

“It is only natural that the former Confederacy should supply many of the spokesmen and much of the rhetoric for the anti-system politics of the right, as John Judis pointed out last January in a brilliant cover story (payment required) for the New Republic. The secession of the South was, after all, the ultimate in anti-system politics in America. From George Wallace in 1968 to Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry today, Southern demagogues have flourished in eras when Americans believe that, in Wallace’s words, there isn’t “a dime’s worth of difference” between the two parties, or at least between the two party establishments.’

The Confederacy was the ultimate institutional expression of the rejection of the system. The Southern secessionists (especially those in South Carolina) were keenly aware that partisan politics is the enemy of the South and the agent of our destruction. The breakdown of this system (first with the Whig Party in 1852, next with the Democratic Party in 1860) was instrumental in precipitating secession and the creation of the Confederate government.

Then as now, the more chaos and instability within the two-party system, the more it is discredited and loses legitimacy in the eyes of the public, the better for separatists who yearn for the creation of an alternative national government to Washington.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Obama economic advisor Robert Reich saying that stimulous money should not go to, “white male construction workers.”


    Ack ack ack pah-too-ey. (Coughing up outraged bile)

  3. “Democracy,” “democracy,” “democracy,” blah blah blah, “democracy,” “democracy,” blah, blah, “Democracy,” “democracy,” “democracy,” “demonocracy,” “democracy,” “demoncracy,” blah blah blah. DEMONOCRACY!

  4. Democracy would be more popular if there was like, you know, a real democracy where decisions were actually made by the people at the state and local level, instead of by unelected federal judges and federal bureaucrats.

  5. You must understand, however that real Southern Euro-American “extremists” would not align with Wall Street runaway finance capitalism but would sooner form coalitions with all opposed to bring down the finance plutocracy.

  6. Denise, you forgot Talmudic, Parasitical, one world, Zionist Joooo!

    All kidding aside why do we need this would be “morally superior” Jew lecturing us about neo-Confederates ruining American democracy?

    If you don’t get the kosher seal of approval you have no place at the table. That’s the way the American “democracy” game is played.

    Ron Paul is finding out.

  7. The reason the south used to be democrat and now it’s republican is that the democrats used to oppose “civil rights.” However once that changed, the democrats, the party of redistribution, wanted to redistribute wealth not just to other whites but to blacks as well.

  8. Jim says: Obama economic advisor Robert Reich saying that stimulous money should not go to, “white male construction workers.”

    White male construction workers are more dependent on BRA than probably any other field of employment. Maybe if government improvement projects didn’t appear to “milked” for time and money, they would be looked at as more respectable workers by the people who hate the pandering to niggers.

    Metal gear / Iceman …. “civil rights” are bullshit, a person will always act in a civil society as they wish to be treated and be treated in that manner, and they won’t act above where they are and demand they be treated at such an above level. niggers can’t do this.

  9. Actually, the rightward shift of whites is taking place all over the country, not just in the Old South. Secessionists should plan accordingly. Beginning in early 2013, I see an L-shaped bloc of states – extending from Alaska down thru the High Plains and Midwest, then from Arizona west-to-east thru the South – moving toward separation from ZOGBRA. Invest in lead.

  10. I don’t know how democracy can work except in the initial crumbling stages of a republic, when its reach is marginal.

    I’m starting to think I’ll take a monarchy any day. A king actually dies. But every one of us is going to be living with our forbears dirty diapers in the form of their democratic choices for the rest of our lives, no matter what happens.

    All over the country at this point there are a huge and vocal populace that the current fedgov is actually preventing from moving us further left. Take away the feds and these lunatics will devour what’s left in the blink of an eye. And I’m not even talking about blacks.

    Besides, everyone who is awake knows what “democracy” means when it comes from the mouths of people like Reich, and that’s about all it means anymore. It’s something you spread like crap all over conquered peoples and make them think it’s chocolate.

  11. Thanks More of the Same!!! I had a very busy night. Losta running around to do. Very much fun. I forgot other salient descriptors for that VILE little turdsky Reich.

  12. Hanson is finally kinda sorta starting to “get it”. He will reject “it” though; his summation is already in play, and he’s too far gone as a fatuous retard to appreciate that it’s already come to pass.

  13. 1) the US was never intend to be a democracy, the Founding Fathers thought democracy was a horrible thing and left us a republic.

    2) so when niggers, spics, jews, women etc get their way its called “democracy” but when White men, the folks who built a nation and tamed a continent, want to have our say it’s anti-american?

    and folks wonder why I’m anti-American and pro South.

    on the upside, I see stuff like this as a recruitment call for our side. Join the Southern White man cause because the left/ main stream political system is for niggers, spics, jews, women etc

    “America has had a long history of white Southern radicals who will stop at nothing to get their way — seceding from the Union in 1861, refusing to obey Civil Rights legislation in the 1960s, shutting the government in 1995, and risking the full faith and credit of the United States in 2010.” . .

    more reasons for Southern pride, and more recruitment for us

  14. The democracy that Robert Reich and other lefties espouse isn’t the democracy of the founders. Democrats opposition to voter ID laws and the insistence that certain classes of
    non citizens be allowed to vote is just another way of assuring that Obama gets re elected
    and democrats regain control in Congress. If that happens the final phase of reconstruction 2 will begin in earnest. And this time it won’t be just white Southerners who pay the price.

  15. In reference to Playing Roots Backwards above comment about the Turner Diaries.

    I’ve been making the argument for a long time now that all anti 2nd Amendment legislation is directed at white Americans exclusively. We are the largest consumers of legally purchased firearms and ammunition. Armed white citizens are a very real threat to BRA and the tyrannical government they are trying to found. Anyone who thinks the bros and gangstas down in the ghetto are going to give up their guns voluntarily, or that the government will ask or expect them to do so, has another thing coming. They will be the foot soldiers for the final act of reconstruction 2.

  16. ‘Actually, the rightward shift of whites is taking place all over the country, not just in the Old South.’

    Having the Democrats come out and say explicitly they do not care about you might just have that effect!

    If anything that Jew-dwarf Reich needs to look in the mirror and realize that the above is much bigger news. At least Southerners are FOR something: themselves. Whereas it appears that Democrats are just ANTI- something: anti-White!!!

  17. I would merely add to this commentary that :

    a) Whatever is good for WHite Chrisitans, Jews hate.
    b) Jews actually believe they (not White Christendom/Europe) should rule the world, and always act accordingly,
    b1 – Jews therefore demand (and get from foolish goyim) all of the ‘perks’ of the modern world, without having to work for it, create, or maintain it.
    c) Reich and all his other Khazarian, neanderthalic minions control the lessers- blacks, hispanics, etc. Meanwhile, don’t forget that the Asians control their own portion of the world, and they (China) want not only their piece of the pie, but OUR piece as well.
    d) Whites/Christians/Europeans (synonymous terms) must either: a) rule the lessers, or b) expel them. There is no ‘tertium quid.’
    e) Jews MUST be expelled, and their wealth confiscated to completely disempower them. The Historic model for this is the Pale of settlement.

  18. Perhaps if you “namers” would just come out and ask the Magician people why they have a genocidal impulse you could actually be effective instead of this being entertained by spectacle as they go full tard on hapless Ron Paul.

    Next thing you know the average sheeple will flex his intellect and wonder if the Morgenthau Plan should be implemented for the Magician People so they cannot hurt those unlike themselves and which they feel superior to and the Magician People can be disarmed and protected on their very own slice of g-ds green Earth.

    Or you can act like Gollum.

  19. Playing Roots Backwards says:
    December 29, 2011 at 2:40 am
    I re-read this forbidden book every year around this time to see if we’re there yet:

    I’m pretty sure that we’re damn close.”

    Jack Ryan responds:

    Though the author has unfortunately, personally insulted the fine young editor of O.D., I still highly recommend H.A. Covington’s fictional book “the Brigade”. The Brigade has a very similar theme to The Turner Diaries, but it is a much better book, with very interesting, well developed characters (particularly female characters) and the political events referenced are contemporary.

    Please give it a read, but be more than a bit careful about engaging in real world activism with the author Mr. Covington.

    Here’s the link to The Brigade and to the NorthWest Front:

  20. Your trouble, son, is that you think this place is on the level. The Washington Pay-Off
    Keep Japan in the war another three months, and we can use the bomb on their cities; we will end this war with the naked fear of all the peoples of the world, who will then bow to our will. Eustace Mullins – What the Rothschild Empire Did to Japan
    “We need two political parties solidly grounded in the realities of governing. Our democracy can’t work in any other way.” Does this mean: ZOGlings unite behind ZOG welfare and ZOG warfare if you want to get paid?

  21. For those of you who, like Jack Ryan, did not have a strong male role model in the home you grew up in, “Brigade” would probably be a better, less frightening alternative to:

    For those of you who weren’t raised by overbearing mothers, the book I recommended is a far better reference work. Plus, you can read it for free at the link I provided.

  22. PRB – I love the Turner Diaries. Yes – Pierce was wrong on many ways. Southern CA fell first, and was not the first bastion of salvation. The psychology is right, though, on what’s happening, who is is doing what, and what needs to be done.

  23. The Turner Diaries was a decent book. I couldn’t make it through The Brigade. There’s no damn culture in Covington’s book. It’s a free-for-all as long you’re white. Believe what you want, do what you want, just be ready to kill. In that respect it’s an empty wasteland, and a fantasyland. Belief will always matter more than color to whites. The key is to make whiteness part of belief, not separate it from belief.

    After all the propaganda about The Turner Diaries I thought I was going to be reading The Worst Book in the World, a book that turns decent men to madness, to sheer insanity and darkness. From that perspective, I thought it was pretty benign.

    For those who wish to read something that will REALLY make them insane, see:

    The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

  24. I liked The Brigade a lot, but Covington could have used an experienced editor at times. Books like that are important because they speak aloud, and unapologetically, things that most white people are afraid to even let themselves think. (See Keeky McGee’s cathartic speech, for example). So The Brigade has a big old swingin’ set as novels go, but I definitely agree that people should not regard Covington’s “real life” Northwest Front with any seriousness.

  25. rjp says: White male construction workers are more dependent on BRA than probably any other field of employment. Maybe if government improvement projects didn’t appear to “milked” for time and money, they would be looked at as more respectable workers by the people who hate the pandering to niggers.

    I don’t follow your logic. It’s people like Jew Reich who thinks white male construction workers are not “respectable workers” and wants the government to hire non whites over instead, and I’m sure without checking legal status.

    What Reich and his tribe are doing is trying to drive as many white men into poverty as they possibly can. That makes it easier to get more white women into the arms of non white men who are benefiting from affirmative action. Ultimately, they are using the government to help them reduce the number of white women having white children.

  26. Robert Reich, Major in Department of Communist Ethnic Security. Commandant Berkeley-Blinka extermination zone for Whites. Stated goal: White free zone from construction workers to professors from sea to shining sea.

    • He’s a ((( ))). Ignore him. He is not our kind and he should go mind his own business and get his nose out of White business.

  27. There are things I admire about Reich on a personal basis, and he is a brilliant man. But if he thinks his “analysis” of the South is correct he needs to have done more in the past 40 yrs than than pass through Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport (though “Hartsfield” alone is still just fine with me).

    People that spend their entire intellectual lives away from the South are usually retarded in their mental faculties when it comes to these sort of arguments. Of course this argument can be picked apart by anyone with a knowledge of the South. Let’s toss in Maryland, Missouri, Oklahoma, S Indiana, etc., etc. to the discussion. And the list goes on when you start showing how many Western States fall into all the metrics someone like Reich points to for the South.

    A level up, are Southerners or people who lived in the South who are well-travelled. I spent a month in New Hamphire & most of the people I came across were little different than most Southerners. Ditto another month in Maine. I mean, my G-d Secretary Reich, they even had guns! And believed in the Second Amendment!!

    The same could be said for my experiences in Grand Rapids, the UP (though that’s just a strange place), Colorado, West Virginia (who def do NOT consider themselves Southerners), Arizona, Wyoming, etc., etc. Even, Sec. Reich, Oregon!

    The South and certain border states are bound together in a convenient historical and cultural package. Perfect for ignorant discussion by a Northeastern Lib whose entire idea of the South comes from a relationship with Bill Clinton. It doesn’t matter if the argument is flawed or stupid (comparing the Secession to Congressional disputes in 1995 & 2010!), it’s convenient and plays well on the Upper East & West Sides, and in Georgetown.

    Btw, what Reich says has nothing to do with his being Jewish. The ideas are interchangeable with a bevy of insiders with his same background. And the bevy is predominantly Gentile. In fact, one of the best things about the Neo-Con movement when it arrived was its rejection of the BS ideas as spewed by people like Reich. There were finally Jewish Intellectuals willing to tell people like Robert Reich they were self-important fools.

  28. Btw, how long has it been since there was a discussion on “Bill Clinton as a Southerner”? I think it an interesting question and would love to hear some thoughts. If it’s been done before it’s probably been a while.

    HW- if you do put it up, I’d ask that anyone commenting identify their Southern connection. The ideas on “Southern” of someone from Massachusetts who has lived in Tysons Corner for 5 or 10 yrs don’t particular intertest me. Nor someone from Orlando!

  29. It’s amazing – no matter what you write, Sir – it is as if you posted nothing new, the conversation continuing on Jews.

  30. Covington’s the Brigade is excellent.

    Also his historical fiction set in Henry V’s English is also very good.

    The Black Flame

    Unfortunately Mr. Covington in real life has many issues, can’t get along with most anyone, can’t raise any $, can’t form, be a part of any organization. He should stick to writing and public speaking, teaching.

    You definitely don’t want to get on his short list, or he will defame, smear, spread libelous gossip, make up all kinds of nonsense. Both Hunter and I have been at times his main victims – Covington went so far as to make our Hunter W the Lisping Lyndsey Graham type Neo Con, Gay President in his last NorthWest novel.

  31. I ask myself why Secretary Reich would devote a minute to ‘Southern extremists taking down The Party of Lincoln’?

    After all, he has no love for it.

    Oh, yes : he realizes that it has been a fine muzzle on ‘extremist southern whites’ – the party having, for a time back in the 70s & 80s, been of service to us – but, since then, as you in this fine article highlight, only having offered empty voicings to our concerns.

  32. As to Covington – he had his headquarters in Raleigh, when I was much younger – and it was a habit of many of us to call his number and listen to the daily rants he had taped on his answering machine about all humans who were not precisely identical to himself, and his thinking.

  33. Oh, yes – Covington was also flying a huge Nazi flag in his window – something which, to Releighites, of every stamp, expresst his personality quite clearly.

  34. ‘It’s also dangerous for America. We need two political parties solidly grounded in the realities of governing. Our democracy can’t work any other way.’


    The voice of the people is dangerous. We must have a semblance of democracy, in order that the people will be sufficiently deluded to think that their interests are being served, when, in fact, the two party system is there only to subvert, betray, and oppress them.

    The Yankee totalitarian system can’t work any other way.

  35. ‘It has taken almost fifty years, but the shift away from the Democratic Party that began with the Dixiecrat Revolt of 1948 is almost complete, and the Solid South is reemerging as the dominant force in the Republican Party. This is what is driving the “craziness” in the Republican primaries. The Republican Party is being internally transformed into the old Democratic Party.’


    They grew to believe that they were so effective in their muzzlement of us, that they actually thought us dead.

    NOW THE YANKEE ESTABLISHMENT SEES ‘DANGEROUS MEN’ – ARMED WITH COMMON SENSE, CONVICTION, and this gives them nightmares of Confederate flags coming to take down their ‘democracy’.

  36. Yet, the greatest irony to be found in Reich, and people like him, is how they rue what we Southrons do to them, yet, when the subject of States’s Rights & secession come up, they insist we are to remain in a union with them!

  37. ‘Wall Street financed the War Against The South and made a fortune off it.’

    Business as usual – Wall Street continuing to be the driving engine of the Yankee government, and it’s wretched foreign policies.

    • While you can make a credible argument while including in your rhetoric, “certain rights reserved by Su Ct decisions as being delegated to the individual states”, or a discussion on “Federalism”, once you use “secession” as anything other than of historical interest you’ve lost the argument. Whoever you might be debating, etc., need not even say anything else.

      Maybe a few of you recognize the above, but most don’t. And that’s fine if you want a fun echo-chamber, or impotent looney fringe. Ditto the use of “Yankee” and other anachronisms. I use it myself when I get pissed off at a Northerner over issues of courtesy or honor, but come on! The US has a degree of mobility that largely renders such words silly and useless.

      Who is the outsider: (1) the 22 yr old Episcopal with a degree from Sewanne. Parents born & raised in the Bronx, but the 21yr old born in a suburban Atlanta Hospital; (2) 22 yr old Jew, family 5 or 6 generations from New Orleans, just out of Amherst; (3) the 22 yr old from Savannah, no HS degree, petty thief, whose family emigrated to Ga from Ireland in the 1840’s?

      Who is the Southerner & why? All of them? None of them? Not sure? Because I see “Southerner” as cultural, I think it could be all, some or none. But what of Eugenic grounded beliefs? Just #3 right? Yeah, I bet he has a well-grounded and genetic-based sense of honor! LOL!

      If you’re not careful some of the ideas here will be no different than some of the post-Christian sects that come out of prisons. Some posts already do.

  38. A brilliantly articulated argument in favour of nuancet semantick nihilism.

    The fact remains that, as a North Carolinian, the government that flies ‘The American flag’ has done a pretty good job of dismantling my part of the world – and, thus, it will remain : The Yankee flag.

    • Back when my kids first asked me why there was a time when blacks were not permitted to play professional sports, I never really thought up a good explanation. Or why Southern universities wouldn’t allow black kids on their teams (until after years of getting their a**es kicked by Northern & Western schools left no choice). Were the black kids not capable of shooting hoops or catching a football, etc., every bit as well as white kids? Actually, didn’t they very often prove to be better? What explanation could I give my kids other than there was a time when we (i.e., in the South) were truly stupid about that stuff, and we’ve tried to expiate our sins.

      In Kentucky it’s ironic it took Artis Gilmore (grew up in Alabama) helping to lead a Jacksonville Univ. (who?!?) team over the Adolph Rupp squad with Dan Issel to really shift public opinion in Ky. about “the man in the brown suit”. It started to sink in that his time in history was over.

      I don’t regret for a moment that the flag flying over N.C., et. al., forced an end to the Jim Crow era. Or maybe back when Michael Jordan ought to have been playing for UNC but was instead at Loyola of Chicago your dad’s explanation of “we didn’t want his kind at Chapel Hill” would have seemed right to you?

      Using something like sports is not a great way to prove much, unless it’s something pretty simple. There were great things about a Southern culture now almost gone, but there were also negative and even damn evil aspects of that culture.

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