Ron Paul Wins Younger Voters In Iowa

Ron Paul finishes third in the Iowa Caucus


The CNN entrance poll shows that Ron Paul handily won under 40 voters in Iowa. He would have won easily if Baby Boomers and Silent Generation voters had been restricted from participating in the Iowa Caucus.

Here’s a breakdown of the Ron Paul vote in Iowa:

(1) Ron Paul won 24 percent of male voters. Romney and Santorum won 23 percent and 23 percent of male voters respectively. Santorum won 27 percent of female voters.

(2) Ron Paul won 48 percent of voters 17 to 29, 26 percent of voters 30 to 44, 16 percent of 45 to 64 voters, and 11 percent of over 65 voters.

(3) Ron Paul won 50 percent of voters 17 to 24, 45 percent of voters 25 to 29, and 34 percent of voters 30 to 39. Rick Santorum won 25 percent of voters 40 to 49 and 27 percent of voters 50 to 64. Mitt Romney won 33 percent of voters 65 and older.

(4) Ron Paul won 20 percent of “never attended college” voters, 22 percent of “some college” voters, 25 percent of college graduates, and 16 percent of postgraduates. Romney won 29 percent of post graduates and Santorum won 27 percent of post graduates.

(5) Ron Paul won 22 percent of “attended college” voters and 20 percent of “no college education” voters. 21 percent of Paul voters were college graduates and 22 percent have no college degree.

(6) Ron Paul won 37 percent of voters making less than $30,000 a year and 26 percent of voters making less than $50,000 a year. 21 percent of Ron Paul voters make $50,000 to $100,000 a year. 14 percent of Ron Paul voters make over $100,000 a year.

Rick Santorum won 29 percent of voters making $50,000 to $100,000 a year. Mitt Romney won 36 percent of voters making over $100,000 a year.

(7) Ron Paul won 31 percent of less than $50,000 a year voters. He won 25 percent of less than $100,000 a year voters.

(8) Ron Paul won 33 percent of voters who had never attended an Iowa Caucus. Mitt Romney won 29 percent of those who had attended an Iowa Caucus.

(9) Ron Paul won 43 percent of Independent voters. Santorum won 29 percent of Republican voters. Mitt Romney won 27 percent of Republican voters. Ron Paul won 14 percent of Republican voters.

(10) Ron Paul won 40 percent of voters who are “Moderate or Liberal.” Rick Santorum won 35 percent of “Very Conservative” voters. Mitt Romney won 32 percent of “Somewhat Conservative” voters.

(11) Ron Paul won 16 percent of voters who “Strongly Support” the Tea Party and 22 percent of voters who “Somewhat Support” the Tea Party. 28 percent of voters who are “Neutral” to the Tea Party voted for Ron Paul. 21 percent of voters who “Somewhat Oppose” the Tea Party voted for Ron Paul.

Rick Santorum won the Tea Party vote: 30 percent of “Strongly Support” and 27 percent of “Somewhat Support” voters picked Santorum. 32 percent of “Neutral” and 48 percent of “Somewhat Oppose” voters picked Romney.

(12) Ron Paul won 18 percent of Evangelical Christians and 26 percent of “Non-Evangelicals.” Rick Santorum won 32 percent of Evangelicals. 38 percent of Romney voters are not Evangelicals.

(13) Ron Paul won 7 percent of “Abortion” voters, 28 percent of “Budget Deficit” voters, and 20 percent of “Economy” voters. Rick Santorum won 58 percent of “Abortion” voters and 19 percent of “Budget Deficit” and “Economy” voters. Mitt Romney won 33 percent of “Economy” voters, 21 percent of “Budget Deficit” voters, and 7 percent of “Abortion” voters.

(14) Ron Paul won 37 percent of “True Conservative” voters, 23 percent of “Strong Moral Character” voters, 16 percent of “Right Experience” voters and 7 percent of “Can Beat Obama” voters. Romney won 48 percent of “Can Beat Obama” voters and 35 percent of “Right Experience” voters. Santorum won 40 percent of “Strong Moral Character” voters.

(15) Ron Paul won 25 percent of “Strong Favor Your Candidate” voters. Mitt Romney won 29 percent of “Have Reservations” voters.

(16) Ron Paul won 37 percent of “Before December” voters. Rick Santorum won 35 percent of “Today” voters, 33 percent of “Last Few Days,” and 28 percent of “December” voters.

(17) Ron Paul won 27 percent of voters who said they were not swayed by campaign ads. 18 percent of voters who said it was a minor factor. 19 percent of voters who said it was an important factor.

(18) Ron Paul won 26 percent of Urban voters, 18 percent of Suburban voters, and 21 percent of Rural voters. 34 percent of Romney voters live in Suburbs. 26 percent of Santorum voters live in Rural areas.

(19) Ron Paul won 25 and 23 percent of voters in East and Central Iowa. 17 percent of Ron Paul voters are from Western Iowa. Romney won 31 percent of voters in East Iowa. Rick Santorum won 30 percent of voters in Western Iowa.

Here’s a portrait of the Ron Paul voters: under the age of 40, strongly committed to their candidate, non-Evangelical, predominantly White males, mostly independents and moderates, supporters of a “true conservative” candidate, reside in urban and rural areas, working class to lower middle class, motivated by the economy and budget deficit, lukewarm on the “Tea Party.”

Paul’s third place victory in the Iowa Caucus is an extraordinary political accomplishment. He is mobilizing younger voters, Independent voters, and especially Moderate and Liberal voters to support a candidate who supports cutting off all foreign to Israel and who voted against renewal of the Voting Rights Act and who still opposes the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

He improved on his 2008 performance in Iowa (surging from 9.5 percent to 21.5 percent of the vote) without compromising his principles. Instead, Ron Paul seems to have captured a larger slice of the electorate by winning over and mobilizing White Millennial and Gen X voters, more of whom were eligible to vote in 2012 than 2008.

Tellingly, Ron Paul has managed to thrive in spite of being smeared as an “anti-Semite,” a “racist,” and a “secessionist.” Although he has given rhetorical lip service to MLK and Rosa Parks, he substantially opposes the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act and the Great Society welfare state, which are the foundation of BRA.

This will have to be further analyzed through the prism of the “mainstreamer” vs. “vanguardist” paradigm. Like the spread of “Arizona-style immigration laws” (the issue goes before the Supreme Court this year), the Ron Paul presidential campaign is another example of the “mainstreaming” of issues which have been labeled “fringe” for decades now.

Note: 99 percent of voters in the Iowa Republican Caucus are White. The Republican Primary is effectively a White primary.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Ron Paul is a 76 year old man. The thing is – his “essence” is that of a really cool 20 something hipster. Ron Paul is “cool”. He’s so smart, in those would-be TV gotcha interview. The moronic interviewers wind up looking like the defective tools that they are.

    The other thing is that Ron Paul looks like a “normal” old White guy, to most Americans. There are even some Blacks endorsing him, like that Felonius Monk guy. The Jews see Eichmann or something, when they see Paul – and go KosherBatSheeyitKrazee – but most Americans see a “normal guy” when they see Paul, whether or not they agree with his policies.

    Oh – FYI – Rand sis not look terribly amused, during his Dad’s speech. He was tightlipped, and scanning the crowd, the entir time. While Dad was having a blast. Dad was positively sparkling, last night, during that speech! Ron Paul is just like that adorable, lively, spy old geezer relative of your best pal, that you love talking to when you come over to visit. The one you like as much as you like as much as like your friend. The one you invite along, all the time….

    Rand, however, was Not Amused. Rand’s the one Die Judenraus ought to really fear.

  2. “Mitt Romney won 36 percent of voters making over $100,000 a year.”

    Gee, that sounds like 1% to me…..

    What Paul supporters need to do is ‘OCCUPY PRIMARIES.’
    We need to go to EACH OF THE REMAINING PRIMARY STATES, and swamp their economies, talk to their people, make a barrage of Paul signs EVERYWHERE, and totally F*** U* the Jewsmedia disinformation campaigns.

    We have to take our tactics from the Accursed J**s, and be as ‘wise as serpents’ and ‘as gentle as doves’…. until it becomes time to beat our plowshares into swords…

    Which day is fast approaching, IMHO.

  3. Evangelicals gave support to Santorum —

    I’ve said it before. I think America can’t be rescued until the accursed “this generation” dies off.

    (Explanation: There exists in America an entire industry of “bible prophecy” nonsense promulgated by Hal Lindsay, et al., that the “this generation” Jesus meant when talking to/about his return, is the generation that “saw the establishment of Israel,” i.e., the area of Palestine currently labelled “Israel” on world maps. Those bible-thumpin’ “Rapture Ready tm” Rapture Bunnies think that if they “support Israel,” — i.e., grant every last minute wish that the Jews can dream up — that means Jesus will return Any Day Now to literally catch them up in the air and they can avoid all that tedious dying business.
    When they die off, it’ll be proof that Hal Lindsay’s theory was full of beans, therefore it is NOT the “will of God” that Christians “stand with Israel,” so healthy racialist good sense and tightwaddedness will reassert itself in our people.)

    YAY for the millenials!!

    Question for Hunter: Do you think White America can keep itself stitched together just a few decades longer? That’s how long is needed. Do we have that much time?

  4. So he wins the younger vote. “Younger vote” means “people too young to know diddly squat.” Boomers never grew up, so they also are “people too young to know diddly squat.”

    We’re toast.

  5. Errr- Peter Bloodless – the Children and Grandchildrewn of the Boomers are literally suffering the insanity unleshed by the Boomers.

    And they know that.

    We’re not toast – unless we listen to subversives like YOU.

  6. Paul is winning the expanding sector of the electorate. The Jerry Falwell sector of the electorate in shrinking. Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell set America back 20 to 30 years.

  7. This is for you, Denise:

    Why Anti-Semitism Is Moving Toward the Mainstream
    Posted By Alan M. Dershowitz On January 4, 2012 @ 12:20 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 33 Comments

    For the first time since the end of World War II, classic anti-Semitic tropes—“the Jews” control the world and are to blame for everything that goes wrong, including the financial crisis; The Jews killed Christian children in order to use the blood to bake Matzo; the Holocaust never happened—are becoming acceptable and legitimate subjects for academic and political discussion. To understand why these absurd and reprehensible views, once reserved for the racist fringes of academia and politics, are now moving closer to the mainstream, consider the attitudes of two men, one an academic, the other a politician, toward those who express or endorse such bigotry. The academic is Professor Brian Leiter. The politician is Ron Paul.

    You’ve probably never heard of Leiter. He’s a relatively obscure professor of jurisprudence, who is trying to elevate his profile by publishing a gossipy blog about law school professors. He is a colleague of John Mearsheimer, a prominent and world famous professor at the University of Chicago.

    Several months ago Mearsheimer enthusiastically endorsed a book, really a pamphlet, that included all the classic anti-Semitic tropes. It was entitled “The Wandering Who” and written by Gilad Atzmon, a British version of David Duke, who plays the saxophone and has no academic connections. Atzmon writes that we must take “very seriously” the claim that “the Jewish people are trying to control the world.” He calls the recent credit crunch “the Zio punch.” He says “the Holocaust narrative” doesn’t make “historical sense” and expresses doubt that Auschwitz was a death camp. He invites students to accept the “accusations of Jews making Matzo out of young Goyim’s blood.” …

    The same can be said of Ron Paul, who everyone has heard of. Paul has, according to The New York Times, refused to “disavow” the “support” of “white supremacists, survivalists and anti-Zionists who have rallied behind his candidacy.” (These “anti-Zionists” believe that “Zionists”—Jews—control the world, were responsible for the bombing of the Oklahoma federal building, and caused the economic downturn, because “most of the leaders involved in the federal and international banking system are Jews.”) He allowed his “Ron Paul survival report” to espouse David Duke type racism and anti-Semitism for years during the 1990s, claiming he was unaware that they were being promoted under his name. Edward H. Crane, the founder of the libertarian CATO Institute, has said, “I wish Ron would condemn those fringe things that float around” his campaign, but he refuses to reject the support of these anti-Semites who form a significant part of his base. The New York Times has criticized Paul for his failure to “convincingly repudiate racist remarks that were published under his name for years—or the enthusiastic support he is getting from racist groups,” including those that espouse “anti-Semitism and far right paranoia.”

    Even now, Paul continues to accept contributions from Holocaust deniers, from those who blame the Jews for everything and from other bigots, thus lending some degree of legitimacy to their hateful views.

    It has been said that “all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Leiter and Paul may or may not be good men, but they are guilty of more than merely doing nothing. They are, by their actions, helping to legitimate the oldest of bigotries. Shame on them!

  8. Old Turdsoshizt going bonkers again, LOL.

    He is the personification of Jewish hatred and resentment for anything White.

  9. Well said Peter Blood! I was thinking the same thing, expect my words weren’t as kind.

    I would be extremely angry at old folks if I were a 20 year. However, anger does not = wisdom and the young folks I know seem to want to double down on the mistakes of the boomers and the “greatest generation” which will only make things worse.

  10. It is one of those situations where a group of people are so problematic that they end up getting blamed for everything that is wrong with society. The anti-Semite is right about them 60 percent to 75 percent of the time.

  11. It is kind of like African-Americans: when I heard there was an arsonist loose in Los Angeles, I assumed it was an African-American. It turns out the suspect is a German immigrant.

    Prejudice is imperfect knowledge. It is highly reliable, but not perfectly reliable. Group stereotypes are reliable enough to be useful information most of the time.

  12. That flag is just gross. It looks like an ordinary cotton flag with a black fungus growing all over it. Niggers just wallow in ugliness.

  13. These results don’t mean anything. The JewOP stole the Iowa vote from Ron Paul.

    Iowa 2008 vs Iowa 2012 = Main Stream Media Serial Hypocrisy & Bias against Ron Paul

  14. By Michael Gerson

    WASHINGTON — Let us count the ways in which the nomination of Ron Paul would be groundbreaking for the GOP.

    No other recent candidate hailing from the party of Lincoln has accused Lincoln of causing a “senseless” war and ruling with an “iron fist.” Or regarded Ronald Reagan’s presidency a “dramatic failure.” Or proposed the legalization of prostitution and heroin use. Or called America the most “aggressive, extended and expansionist” empire in world history. Or promised to abolish the CIA, depart NATO and withdraw military protection from South Korea. Or blamed terrorism on American militarism, since “they’re terrorists because we’re occupiers.” Or accused the American government of a 9/11 “cover-up” and called for an investigation headed by Dennis Kucinich. Or described the killing of Osama bin Laden as “absolutely not necessary.” Or affirmed that he would not have sent American troops to Europe to end the Holocaust. Or excused Iranian nuclear ambitions as “natural,” while dismissing evidence of those ambitions as “war propaganda.” Or published a newsletter stating that the 1993 World Trade Center attack might have been “a setup by the Israeli Mossad,” and defending former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke, and criticizing the “evil of forced integration.”

  15. . Whatever his personal views, Paul categorically opposes the legal construct that ended state-sanctioned racism. His libertarianism involves not only the abolition of the Department of Education but a rejection of the federal role in civil rights from the Civil War to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    This is the reason Paul is among the most anti-Lincoln public officials since Jefferson Davis resigned from the United States Senate. According to Paul, Lincoln caused 600,000 Americans to die in order to “get rid of the original intent of the republic.” Likewise, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 diminished individual liberty because the “federal government has no legitimate authority to infringe on the rights of private property owners to use their property as they please.” A federal role in civil rights is an attack on a “free society.” According to Paul, it is like the federal government dictating that you can’t “smoke a cigar.”

  16. Or affirmed that he would not have sent American troops to Europe to end the Holocaust.


    I mean, that mainstream historiography now casually waves-away WWII history as “Americans fighting to end the ‘Holocaust’…”.

  17. I’d wonder what share of RP’s support comes from quasi-Racialists.

    In other words, we might identiy two wings of the Republican Party. There is, at this late date, now a “Multiculti ‘Herman Cain’ wing” of the Republican party, and a quasi-Racialist wing (that cannot speak its name). Assume both are 20% of the party: what share of RP’s support came from the ‘Herman Cain Wing’ and what share came from the Racialist Wing?

  18. By Michael Gerson

    WASHINGTON — Let us count the ways in which the nomination of Ron Paul would be groundbreaking for the GOP.

    No other recent candidate hailing from the party of Lincoln has accused Lincoln of causing a “senseless” war and ruling with an “iron fist.” Or regarded Ronald Reagan’s presidency a “dramatic failure.” Or proposed the legalization of prostitution and heroin use. Or called America the most “aggressive, extended and expansionist” empire in world history. Or promised to abolish the CIA, depart NATO and withdraw military protection from South Korea. Or blamed terrorism on American militarism, since “they’re terrorists because we’re occupiers.” Or accused the American government of a 9/11 “cover-up” and called for an investigation headed by Dennis Kucinich. Or described the killing of Osama bin Laden as “absolutely not necessary.” Or affirmed that he would not have sent American troops to Europe to end the Holocaust. Or excused Iranian nuclear ambitions as “natural,” while dismissing evidence of those ambitions as “war propaganda.” Or published a newsletter stating that the 1993 World Trade Center attack might have been “a setup by the Israeli Mossad,” and defending former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke, and criticizing the “evil of forced integration.”

    all very unpopular positions which is part of why he’ll never be elected.

    Paul bangs on the few government things most working class White men are proud of; the military, CIA, national strength, power etc.

    Paul comes across as weak; apologetic and critical of the things most White men take pride in. He doesn’t inspire. He only criticizes. He doesn’t instill a sense of purpose, mission, greatness or pride. Basically he is the exact opposite of what instinctively inspires people and what people seek in a leader. He’s pretty much the exact opposite of what the Army taught me about being a leader and inspiring folks. etc etc etc.

  19. “For the first time since the end of World War II, classic anti-Semitic tropes—“the Jews” control the world and are to blame for everything that goes wrong, including the financial crisis; The Jews killed Christian children in order to use the blood to bake Matzo; the Holocaust never happened—are becoming acceptable and legitimate subjects for academic and political discussion.”

    Yup- Jews DO have an ‘expiration date’ (they’re dying off faster than any other demographic, and Yes, I agree with Barb- the HERESY that is Dispensationalism, and the Fallwellswaggartrobertsonhageelindseyjeffries types HAVE set back American culture, by 150 years. For these folks as well were part of the ICR/Hamite crowd, that views the ‘Negro as my Shemhamjapheth brother’ rather than a late-appearing hominid with features more akin to the great apes, than the Sons of Adam.

  20. Female voters have been the kiss of death.

    But people underestimate the changes of the 60s, the rapidity of it, the fast whisking of white women into the workplace, the thousands of “back-to-school” moms shuffled through systems of thought-reform and re-education into the men are evil and your shit-job is a glorious career, etc.

    Palin and Bachmann, imo, will just be the tip of the iceberg, just the beginning generation of women who now have to pay attention to politics (having been forced to do so).

    Every generation from then has been increasingly inoculated. It’s become clear that every generation gets some war to position themselves on, from vietnam to iraq. Every generation watches government employees kill americans, from kent state to waco.

    The longer it all goes on, the more visible. So idk— coming down the pike, as hell has no fury…

  21. A lot of americans, the ones around more than one-two generations, who date from before Civil War, are still reeling from sleazy post-WWII takeover/ re-organization and foreign total pigs putting them on only 3 channels of disinformation television.

  22. they’ll probably do anything to stop generational Americans —those in the country from before the Civil War— from cleaning house.

  23. Nobody looks at it from the other side—

    The people who voted AGAINST Ron Paul— have NO interest in a constitutional way of life, NO INTEREST in sound money, ACTUALLY WANT to siphon off creative labor for military freeloaders or EBT cards.

    People who live on others (warfare or welfare) MUST do other things they don’t even THINK about— look at how much of their time (and others money) is spent merely JUSTIFYING THEIR EXISTENCE.

    all the infomercials talking about heroism. All the narratives produced, all the fear-mongering infomercials (so people will —based on emotions created through a t.v. show, lol— want to pay “protection money” which is what paying for safety is—in the american “mafia country.”)

  24. a vote for Santorum or Romney was for mafia-style protection (a response to fear-mongering infomercials). Or for warfare spending, (b/c they get some of the money personally).

    Is there anyone who really “believes in” a small central planning committee in ny, chicago, or dc— monitoring hundreds of millions of people 24-7, lol.

    They’re obviously voting for the propaganda not the reality.

    slogan: Vote for reality, not the propaganda.

  25. Hunter, Negress Soyna seems to have an obsession for black cornrows in her anti-White “art work”.

    But this is just the kind of trash Jews will commend or defend. Need we wonder why?

    Nothing wrong with prejudice and perscription. Edmund Burke had no problem with it .

  26. The Unannounced Reason Behind American Fundamentalism’s Support for the State of Israel

    by Gary North

    >>>In order for most of today’s Christians to escape physical death, two-thirds of the Jews in Israel must perish, soon. This is the grim prophetic trade-off that fundamentalists rarely discuss publicly, but which is the central motivation in the movement’s support for Israel. It should be clear why they believe that Israel must be defended at all costs by the West. If Israel were militarily removed from history prior to the Rapture, then the strongest case for Christians’ imminent escape from death would have to be abandoned. This would mean the indefinite delay of the Rapture. The fundamentalist movement thrives on the doctrine of the imminent Rapture, not the indefinitely postponed Rapture.

    Every time you hear the phrase, “Jesus is coming back soon,” you should mentally add, “and two-thirds of the Jews of Israel will be dead in ‘soon plus 84 months.’” Fundamentalists really do believe that they probably will not die physically, but to secure this faith prophetically, they must defend the doctrine of an inevitable holocaust.

    This specific motivation for the support of Israel is never preached from any fundamentalist pulpit. The faithful hear sermons – many, many sermons – on the pretribulation Rapture. On other occasions, they hear sermons on the Great Tribulation. But they do not hear the two themes put together: “We can avoid death, but only because two-thirds of the Jews of Israel will inevitably die in a future holocaust. America must therefore support the nation of Israel in order to keep the Israelis alive until after the Rapture.” Fundamentalist ministers expect their congregations to put two and two together on their own. It would be politically incorrect to add up these figures in public.<<<


    Ron Paul expanded the electorate. Mitt Romney slightly advanced from his key beachheads in 2008. Evangelical Christians splintered but gave Rick Santorum the largest slice of their votes.

    Those dynamics, captured in the Edison Research National Election Pool entrance poll at the Iowa caucuses, explained the tight three-way race among the top contenders in Iowa. . . .

    As for Iowa, the entrance poll, which surveyed 1,737 Iowans on their way into the caucuses, made clear that Paul’s strong showing was overwhelmingly a function of attracting voters beyond the Republican core. In the survey, independents increased their share of the caucus vote from 13 percent in 2008 to 23 percent this time; Paul won over two-fifths of them. Young voters aged 17-29 were 11 percent of the vote last time and increased to 15 percent this time; Paul won almost half of them. And the share of caucus-goers who identify as moderate or liberal spiked to 17 percent from 12 percent last time; Paul won 39 percent of them.

    In all nearly two-in-five of those voting Tuesday night said they had not previously attended a caucus: Paul captured 34 percent of them, far more than Santorum (22 percent) or Romney (17 percent). All of this could make Paul a wild card in states that allow independents to participate in Republican primaries – including New Hampshire, the next test.

    But Paul’s performance was actually quite modest among the core Republican constituencies. Paul won a very modest 14 percent of the three-fifths of voters who had previously attended another caucus; Romney led among those repeat voters with about twice that much, slightly more than Santorum. Similarly, among the three-fourths of caucus-goers who identified as Republicans, Santorum (28 percent) and Romney (27 percent) soundly beat Paul (at only 14 percent).

  28. Tabula – if that thing about the Evangeicals is true – they are the biggest, most evil retards – as well as the worst Jew haters – in history.

    Words fail me, for once.

  29. “if that thing about the Evangeicals is true – they are the biggest, most evil retards – as well as the worst Jew haters – in history”

    That’s what I’ve thought, too, for a long time.

    Their own selfishness —

    (and remember, Hal Lindsay’s “this generation” refers to still-living people born prior to 1948, so are Baby Boomers, natch)

    — in trying to FORCE the “fulfillment of Scripture,” (as they see it) through the deliberate “establishment of Israel” and deliberate warmongering in Middle East to usher in Armageddon, in service of trying to FORCE Jesus to come back post haste so they get to split the scene before Grim Reaper comes calling —

    but which, if their bible interpretations are wrong ( and they are) and Jesus FAILS to come tout suite — DOOMS their kids to LIVING HELL of being a minority surrounded by hostile Others

    is more evidence of the utter DEPRAVITY of the Baby Boomers — a generation of self-centered Spoiled Brats, the likes of which are unrivaled in all of human existence.

    Gah. I can’t wait for the lot of ’em to croak.

  30. Barb – I’m with ya. They are wrong. I really don’t know how any of this will end, or what will become of each of us. I’ve made a promise to myself, for 2012 – I’m an Anglo Celt – and I want ot have fun. My idea of fun may be a bit different that other people’s idea of fun….but fun is what I WANT.

    I believe in God – and I believe in Justice. I will pray to God to allow me to witness the expressions of these MONSTERS, when they come to Judgement. No matter what my ultimate Fate may be. That will be fun!

  31. Hunter Wallace says:
    January 5, 2012 at 1:04 am
    This is for you, Denise:

    Why Anti-Semitism Is Moving Toward the Mainstream
    Posted By Alan M. Dershowitz On January 4, 2012 @ 12:20 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 33 Comments

    “For the first time since the end of World War II, classic anti-Semitic tropes—“the Jews” control the world and are to blame for everything that goes wrong, including the financial crisis; The Jews killed Christian children in order to use the blood to bake Matzo; the Holocaust never happened….”

    Thanks Hunter! FYI Dershy – that’s all TRUE.

    P.S – Allow me to dispute one of those 3 statments – the Spawn of Satan don’t control the entire world. They have thier fangs sunk deep into key points – but they don’t control everything. The world is waking up – and learning the truth. Their KabbalaBlack Magic bullsheeyit spells aren’t “holding” anymore. The “racism” incantations against Paul, and even GoyBoy Santorum aren’t making a dent. NOT a DENT. No one CARES bout snivelling over Nigras now -excepting defectives like Prof. Simpson et al (who will hopefully cooked and “et” by a Mahogany Mob of their beloved Dark Pets asap. Hopefully when the Darkies riot, when Onegro is booted).

    Once humans are over feeding and breeding Nigras – Jews are next.

  32. Cont’d – the very fact that Dershy is even kvetching in print indicated the demounment is well underway.

    I’ve been instructed, for several years now, to “Stop talking about Hitler and the Hollowhoax! People dont; understand. This frightens people. It makes us look bad…” blah blah blah,

    Sheer cowardice, and laziness.

    How can people understand something they know NOTHING about?

    Breaking the HolyHoax spell is essential to breaking their power. They know this. That’s why they go all screechy hissy spitty, when the Sacred Hoax is questioned. But it’s happening anyways. People seem to be ready to….give it a listen.

    FORWARD!!!! To the ramparts!

  33. Stonelifter:

    Paul bangs on the few government things most working class White men are proud of; the military, CIA, national strength, power etc.

    “Paul comes across as weak; apologetic and critical of the things most White men take pride in. He doesn’t inspire. He only criticizes. He doesn’t instill a sense of purpose, mission, greatness or pride. Basically he is the exact opposite of what instinctively inspires people and what people seek in a leader. He’s pretty much the exact opposite of what the Army taught me about being a leader and inspiring folks. etc etc etc.”

    Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong.

    Why would ANY sane White man be proud of what passes for trhe American military? And the CIA? Are you kidding me? American power is GONE. We are now rightfully regarded as Israel’s bitch, sucker, and bully boy. People of all ages are starting to see through the fog. Paul’s NOT a Heroleader – but the smart. savvy, down to earth Gandpa we all wish we had. Young 20 somethings that I know – who HATE politics – are no campaigning for him. They know the Flag Waver Rah Rah jerks like Santorum, and the “patrician” filth like Romney, will send THEM off to die, without a second thought, while their birthright is sold to China. They KNOW it.

    Here’s the NEW TRUE military hero, and genuine American:

    God bless and keep this man.

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