Return to a Darker Age

As the streetlights go out in Highland Park, BRA is returning to the Dark Ages nationwide


In recent weeks, we have been developing a theme here that the liberal ideals of universal freedom and equality are incompatible with the forward progress of Western civilization.

The United States became the richest and most powerful nation in the world because of a combination of factors that had little to do with the natural rights ideology of the American Revolution:

(1) America had the good fortune to be isolated in the Western Hemisphere and shielded by the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans from the aggression of rival foreign powers which could have contained its expansion like France and Germany.

(2) America was perfectly positioned to expand into and dominate the temperate heartland of the North American continent and exploit all of its vast natural resources.

(3) America inherited from Britain and the Western world the full suite of European science and technology.

(4) America inherited from Britain and the Western world the greatest cultural achievements of Northern European civilization like a strong work ethic, the rule of law, the competitive ideal, and respect for property rights.

(5) America’s founding population was of above average intelligence relative to the rest of the world.

(6) America was underpopulated and possessed an overabundance of cheap land which attracted millions of enterprising settlers from Britain and Northern Europe.

(7) America lacked an entrenched hereditary class structure because of its unusual geographic circumstances.

(8) America’s religion encouraged high fertility, suppressed intragroup conflict, nurtured strong moral character, and promoted capital accumulation and scientific and technological progress as a way to glorify God.

(9) America’s commitment to racial nationalism and white supremacy moderated the natural rights ideology and restrained its self destructive tendencies.

(10) America’s lack of fidelity to the natural rights ideology facilitated the expansion of African slavery and the conquest of new territory at the expense of the Indians which enriched White America and fueled the expansion of its commerce and industry at the expense of foreign rivals.

Taken together these things were always the secret of America’s success … NOT the fashionable natural rights ideology of the eighteenth century which was latched onto and invoked as a justification to rebel against the British Empire.

The hateful truth is that all men are not created equal. God or Nature has molded the entire world into its present image on the basis of inequality. Natural selection upon hereditary inequality is the mechanism which carves species into races adapted to survive in their unique local environment. This principle applies to every species that has ever existed on this planet and modern humans are no exception.

Generations from now, future historians will look back on the early twenty first century and describe the dogma of racial equality as an irrational anthropocentric conceit and the biggest lie ever told in the history of the world. This one dangerous lie has singlehandedly setback American civilization by centuries.

Meanwhile, those of us who have the misfortune of living through the present era of America’s national decline have been chosen by fate to witness, record, and interpret this series of cascading catastrophes as they unfold on the stage of history. We have been selected by divine providence to explain to future generations why “free society” failed in North America.

A simple and parsimonious answer is ready for them … freedom failed because America was steered by Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement into the iceberg that is the Black Undertow.

Like the captain of the Titanic who sailed at maximum speed into the hazardous sea ice of the North Atlantic, America’s national leaders in a moment of world historical hubris in the mid-1960s attempted to absorb the Black Undertow into the national mainstream and invited the nemesis that followed. American civilization was “reconstructed” on the basis of uplifting African-Americans to equality with Whites and collapsed and died from sheer exhaustion a little over half a century later.

Perhaps no city in the “Free States” is more symbolic of America’s national decline and the folly of Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation than Highland Park, Michigan:

When Highland Park was founded in 1919, it was the home of Henry Ford’s flagship factory and enjoyed the highest standard of living in North America. In 2012, Highland Park is 93.5 percent African-American and two-thirds of its street lights were yanked down and hauled away last year.

The former industrial metropolis is shrouded in darkness because of the structural inequality that results from the incapacity of African-Americans to maintain civilization:

“Here in Highland Park, that had been true for a while. Over a matter of years, the city accumulated a debt of about $4 million to DTE Energy, the utility company. The city was paying less than half of its $60,000 monthly bill for an antiquated lighting system that was costly to maintain. So the company and city struck a deal. The company could turn off and take away 1,300 of the city’s lights, add 200 lights in strategic locations, and the debt would be forgiven, said Scott Simons, a spokesman for DTE.

The result in this 2.9-square-mile city feels like this: Lights are still abundant along Woodward Avenue, the crowded commercial strip. But a block away, along the quieter, residential streets, lights now remain mostly at intersections. Long stretches of blocks are dark, silhouettes of people are barely visible and potholes appear suddenly beneath tires . . .

“The people were basically left in the dark,” said DeAndre Windom, who was elected mayor in November. He said the disappearing streetlights were the top concern of residents as he campaigned door to door.

“When you come through at night, it’s scary; you have to wonder if anyone is lurking around waiting to catch you off your guard,” said Juanita Kennedy, 65, who said she had installed a home security system and undergone training to carry a handgun in the weeks since workmen carried away the streetlight in front of her house. “I don’t go out to get gas at night. I don’t run to any stores. I try to do everything in the daytime and to be back before night falls.”

Highland Park, home of Henry Ford’s first moving assembly line, was once a well-off enclave of 50,000 residents. Ford left long ago, and Chrysler’s corporate headquarters moved away in the 1990s. Now it has fewer than 12,000 residents — half the size it was just 20 years ago.

So for this city, a shrunken tax base and financial crisis have been long in the making, and the recent national downturn has only made matters worse. More than 42 percent of Highland Park’s residents live in poverty, unemployment is high and the median income here is nearly $30,000 below that of the state.

“To understand our street lighting situation is to understand the wealth that Highland Park once had; it was a situation where we had the best of almost everything and an abundance of lights,” said Rodney Patrick, whose father insisted on moving his family to Highland Park in the early 1950s because of its advantages — its status, in his words, as the shining city on the hill. “But we don’t have the residents to have the luxuries we had when we were a city of 50,000.”

Highland Park is still a “shining city on a hill” in the 21st century … like Spanish Lake or Selma or Vance County, NC or Jefferson County, AL or its larger neighbor Detroit, Highland Park is a “shining example” that the South was right, and that embracing Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement was a terrible mistake.

Kinshasa (formerly Leopoldville) in the Democratic Republic of Congo is another mistake that sounds eerily reminiscent of Highland Park:

“The first thing we noticed upon landing was how eerily dark it was, as the city and its environs have little electric light. When we stepped outside the decrepit airport, we were hounded by taxi touts, with no sign of the driver we had hired to pick us up. We decided to take the most reliable-looking cab we could find.

That’s when we wound up on that dark road, in the middle of nowhere, with the driver attempting a shakedown and refusing to drive. We stood our ground, and eventually he drove on, muttering angrily.”

Leopoldville experienced the “Return to a Darker Age” a long time ago. As in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the 1970s and 1980s, the Black Undertow in the United States is systematically tearing down power lines, ripping copper out of streetlights, and cannibalizing the infrastructure left behind by Whites who have been pushed out of their cities.

What happened in the Congo that is so reminiscent of the decline of Highland Park? This excerpt comes from Michela Wrong’s In the Footsteps of Mr. Kurtz: Living on the Brink of Disaster in Mobutu’s Congo:

“The minerals are undoubtedly there, in concentrations high enough to make a metals analyst weep. But the rusting factories scarring Katanga’s landscape, the abandoned yards, the stilled conveyor belts and dour expressions of the few technicians still at work are more accurate indicators of the province’s prospects than any number of statistics-laden company reports …

There has never been a better example of the curse of natural riches than Congo. The mineral belt that fans out from Katanga’s dry savannah into neighbouring Zambia contains copper and zinc in concentrations rival nations can only dream about and enough cobalt to corner the global market …

The Belgians left behind a supporting network, an empire made up of mines, refineries, hydroelectric installations, factories producing anything from cement to explosives and sulphuric acid; town houses for its employees; farms to produce food – even mills to grind flour – for the country’s biggest single workforce: all the elements required to ensure Katanga was one of the world’s most efficient copper-producing units. …

In the healthy years of the early 1970s, with copper output hovering at between 400,000 and 470,000 tonnes a year and production of the far more valuable cobalt at between 11,000 and 15,000 tonnes, Gécamines alone could be counted on for annual revenues of between $700 million and $900 million. Until the world copper price collapsed in 1974, it must have seemed like a bottomless Horn of Plenty waiting to be emptied time and again …

According to an indictment drawn up by the public prosecutor’s office, the former head of Gécamines’ commercial subsidiary unilaterally boosted his monthly travel allowance from an already hefty $15,000 to $30,000 during his final years in office, granting himself an additional $1,000 for every day spent off base. Setting aside several ‘unjustified withdrawals’ which ran into hundreds of thousands of dollars, this system allowed him to pocket 15.5 million Belgian francs in 1991 and 10 million in 1992.

Gécamines’ huge network of associated activities also opened it up to abuse. The company acted as a guarantor for state debts that went unmet, picked up hospital and hotel bills for its executives’ relatives and sent its private planes shuttling across the country at their request. No wonder than by 1990 Zairean copper – so pure, so theoretically easy to produce – actually cost nearly twice as much to produce as its foreign equivalent.

With the firm’s receipts rarely making their way back to Katanga, there were no funds left to maintain and renew the infrastructure left behind by the Belgians. Much of the equipment dated back to pre-independence and was constantly either out of service or being repaired. In the general climate of what is known in French as ‘je m’en-foutisme’ (‘I don’t give a damn’), managers began cutting corners. In the rush to get at the ore, underground tunnels were hurriedly excavated, their roofs held up with a minimum of props. In September 1990, the inevitable happened. The mine of Kamoto caved in, eliminating more than a third of Gécamines’ output at a stroke.

The blows came in quick succession: a round of pillaging, echoing the anarchy breaking out up north; the departure of the company’s experienced Katanga workforce, expelled from Katanga in a bout of ethnic cleansing whipped up by the local governor and condoned by Mobutu, who wanted to send a warning signal to Tshisekedi, a Luba from Kasai, of how bad things could get for his tribespeople; and yet another orgy of looting.

But by then the company had already been crippled by a series of liberalisation measures that launched a new smuggling industry by making it legally possible for any Zairean to set himself up as a copper or cobalt dealer. ‘Suddenly, everyone became a copper miner,’ a white haired Belgian manager, remnant of an expatriate workforce that once numbered 3,000, told me on a visit to Likasi’s copper installations. ‘The whole population began to steal from us.’

He had been in Katanga since 1960 and was clearly a member of that school too old to learn new codes of behaviour with the Africans who were once his country’s subjects. Sitting in his dark office, he barked at his assistant to bring tea and expanded on the uselessness of post-independence government, which, he said, had not built a single house in the nearby town since the colonial power left. ‘Everything here, the roads, the factories, the schools, was left by the Belgians.’ As for the workforce that replaced departing white technicians, his racist contempt ran so deep it was no longer even tinged with anger. ‘Give an African a job and he wants three wives, a nice suit and his status in society,’ he said. ‘But there’s never anything to go with it. No commitment to the job in hand. Most of our workers have seven or eight children and they all have to be provided for. It’s each for himself and devil take the hindemost.’

The corrosive scorn seemed a little more understandable when you considered what it must have been like sitting in that gloomy office year after year, witnessing the systematic cannibalization of Gécamines by its own workforce. Having watched Mobutu and his cronies thoroughly milk the system, officials in Katanga saw little reason to hold back in the canter to self-enrichment. Lorries loaded with cobalt concentrate, officially labelled as ‘tailings’, were dispatched for sale across the nearby Zambian border with the benevolent collusion of local customs men. Vital equipment and spare parts were removed, peddled to operators in Zambia and South Africa who would then cheekily sell them back to Gécamines, the original owners. As one engineer acknowledged: ‘We bought them twice.’ But for this man the most outrageous incident came the day staff turning up for work discovered that 30 kilometers of high voltage cable supplying the plants had been snipped from the giant pylons during the night, presumably to be sold as scrap. ‘The thieves had to switch off the power plant to do it, so the security forces must have been involved. It’s not a job a small operator could have carried out.’ By 1994 around a third of Gécamines production was being smuggled south of the border…

Less obvious, perhaps, because there was little left to steal. It took over thirty years, but by 1994, when copper production had sunk to 30,000 tonnes a year – less than a fifteenth of what it had been at its height – and cobalt output was 3,000 tonnes, the Horn of Plenty had effectively run dry. Revenue was zero. ‘Gecamines,’ in the words of Daniel Simpson, former US ambassador to Kinshasa, ‘was as clean as a whistle. Mobutu had not only killed the goose that laid the golden eggs, he’d eaten the carcass and made fat from the feathers.’ Gécamines was placed on what its chief executives described as ‘a survival program’ and relieved of its crippling tax obligations. With the exception of the occasional quick-in, quick-out joint venture that barely scratched the surface of Gécamines potential or its problems, the concession ground to a virtual standstill, with skeleton crews keeping the facilities ticking over in expectation of some far-off resurrection. In order to restore Gécamines production to about 300,000 tonnes a year, the World Bank had estimated, any investor would have to assume debt in excess of $2 billion and invest another $1 billion.

Driving from one site to another, that figure seemed almost low. This was a landscape of quiet yards, empty skips, mysteriously dripping ceilings; plant after plant that looked as though its sole purpose was to breed rust in industrial quantities. I won’t forget the vision of an overalled worker straddling a grating, pounding slowly with a hammer at a rock too larger to through a giant sieve. It was a job for an industrial crusher, but the crusher was out of order, so with a colleague holding the end of a rope wrapped around his waist to prevent a fall, he was reverting to the oldest mining technique known to man. Watching him sweating, I was reminded of a job told south across the border. ‘What did Zambia use before candles came along?’ it goes. ‘Electricity.

Here’s a joke for the African-American residents of Michigan: what did they use in Highland Park and Benton Harbor and Detroit before flashlights? Streetlights.

Highland Park and the Democratic Republic of Congo illustrate that you can have blacks, freedom and equality, and civilization, but you must choose two out of three. If blacks are given freedom and equality, civilization will decline. If you want a civilization based on freedom and equality, you must exclude blacks or practice white supremacy.

Fellow Southerners, you have nothing to apologize for to Yankees and African-Americans. On the contrary, the Reality of Highland Park shows that freedom failed and that Northerners would be wise to abandon the discredited liberal theory of racial equality and emulate the segregated institutions of the Jim Crow South.

Bull Connor and Jeff Davis deserve the apology.

The blacks have been given their chance … 149 years of freedom, 47 years of forced integration, trillions of dollars squandered trying to uplift the Black Undertow through Great Society programs, even the first black president and attorney general in American history.

And the result? In the year 2012, the average single black woman in her prime working years in the United States has a median net worth of $5 dollars. In 2009 dollars, the average antebellum slave would be worth $134,000 dollars.

In BRA, the average single black woman in her prime working years isn’t worth 1 percent of her antebellum value. How much does the free negro cost our society every year? It costs $23,876 dollars to maintain the average Black Undertow prisoner in a state prison every year.

There are far more keystrokes in this direction. The cost of this dead weight upon the United States – this stupid utopian project of turning racial lead into gold through the alchemy of “civil rights” – is truly incalculable. For every dollar that is squandered on the Black Undertow is necessarily taken away and redistributed from someone else who is generating real wealth.

What would happen if we dropped the load? Maybe the streetlights would come back on in Highland Park!

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. What a great comment! I’ve always thought that the secret of America’s greatness was the unleashed potential of the white European on a virgin continent of unbounded natural resources. We had the advantage of a sparse indigenous population (the Indians) and the resourcefulness of the white European. As a writer on another site observed, we became a “plain wrap” European nation. Of course the tragic flaw was importing primitive Africans as cheap labor..and even worse, later allowing the immigration of nation and culture wrecking Jews to our shores.

  2. Hunter, you have invented the “E=mc2” of the BRA.

    “You can have blacks, freedom and equality, and civilization, but you must choose two out of three.

    If blacks are given freedom and equality, civilization will decline. If you want a civilization based on freedom and equality, you must exclude blacks or practice white supremacy.”

    This post should be required reading of every high school in the nation, and every Sociology 101, and Anthro 101 class at every college and university across the land.

    You have illuminated (choice of word on purpose) the basic issue -Blacks are not Adamic Man, and therein lies all the difference.

    Can we ship Detroit’s detrius to the Congo now? They’d feel ‘right at home’- becuase they would be…..

  3. They blame Detroit’s decline on disinvestment, the auto manufacturers moving away, and the poor afkinmurricans being abandoned with no means of earning a living. What few will talk about, is why that happened. If the auto manufacturers could make money in Detroit in 1950, why would they move?

    I have no data to support this, it’s pure speculation based on events elsewhere, but I suspect that the answer has something to do with this quote from the article on Congo:

    “As for the workforce that replaced departing white technicians, his racist contempt ran so deep it was no longer even tinged with anger.”

    Yes, the Auto Workers’ Union negotiated themselves out of a lot of jobs; but I’m sure the employers noticed that the productivity of their increasingly expensive workforce had declined. America’s cars were being built by the dregs of America’s workers.

    In the old South Africa, the market for cars was too small to support a competitive motor industry. So the government encouraged a local industry by levying import duties, and by mandating that locally-assembled vehicles had to have increasing percentages of local content by weight. First the heaviest, low-tech components (chassis, body panels, tires) and finally most parts, excluding the high-tech electronic and engine parts, were made locally.

    Then BMW decided to use its South African plant, with its cheap labour, to build cars for its export market. This was a disaster, and soon abandoned. They had to learn the hard way that you can’t expect to build a quality car with jungle bunnies for a workforce. They’ll never say so, because that would be racist, but then, reality has a way of being racist.

  4. you can have blacks, freedom and equality, and civilization, but you must choose two out of three

    This should be a meme pasted all over youtube, facebook, gas stations, etc. Does anyone know of an outfit that will print up stickers with no questions asked?

  5. Fr. John: You have alot of good comments. But why you attacked Aryan Nations, Lone Wolf and me and then say CULTS I dont understand. Anyone who is for White Race no matter what idea, religion, politics or whatever will be attacked and demonized. The Aryan Nations Declaration of Independence is a great document. The NWO will attack anyone they dont like. An example is Malachi York who had his compound in Georgia. He is a Black Racist and hates us, attacks, Jews and Masons. The Powers that Be decided to attack him and put him in jail. So they did and took his 476 acre estate compound in Georgia. He believed in a Black State seperated from the NWO. So you dont like Louis Beam, Alex Curtis and Tom Metzger. I guess you go crazy when you see Buddy Tuckers site, Truth From Other Articles. By the way—Psycho crap is from the Commies, playing head scrink is their tactic. You shouild read Martin Lindstedts evaluation of Edgar Steel and what he says about Blogs…..Robert E. Miles years ago wrote an article aimed at David Duke—it was entitled: Revolution is Not A Dinner Party.

  6. Perhaps a bit O/T but Tavis Smiley and his panel are taking on poverty in America (is there any leftist theme more tiresome and predictable?)

    Where have these people been for the last 40 something years? How many more trillions and special privileges is BRA supposed to have? Another shakedown operation on behalf of the Black Undertow?

    I suspect their sanctimonious, holier than thou rot will fall on a lot deaf ears this time. The moral superiority of BRA’s promoters is wearing thinner and thinner.

  7. What’s bred in the bone will come out in the flesh.

    – proverb Cannibalism in the African Congo Recent Cannibalism in the African Congo (2)

    She is becoming afraid to go out. Windows are broken. She finds excreta pushed through her letterbox. When she goes to the shops, she is followed by children, charming, wide-grinning piccaninnies. They cannot speak English, but one word they know. ‘Racialist,’ they chant.

    – Enoch Powell Enoch Powell: The Enigma enoch powell – YouTube
    If the U.S.A becomes mulatto/mestizo and Europe becomes mosques full of mongrels, then the Japs and Chinks will finish the buggers off in no time – ’cause there’ll be money in it.

  8. In Miami years ago they would take chain saws and go around on the expressways and cut down the Aluminum light poles and then cut them in peices and take them to the metal scrap yards to sale. They would also take the Aluminum Railngs on bridge overpasses and anything made out of Aluminum. They would also go to all the old wooden telephone, electric pòles and strip off the copper wire that ran down poles for lightning. They would even steal the transformers! Detriot in 70s got Afirmative Action in hiring at the car plants. Thats why we call all the cars now—Afro-American Assembled!

  9. ‘stupid utopian project of turning racial lead into gold through the alchemy of “civil rights” ‘ That is the best summation of integration I think I have ever read. If sanity is ever restored to this country that is how history books should describe it.

  10. HW I name dropped you and this column over at takimag on some thread dealing with some dead comedian from Canada who did the right thing and offed himself. While whites are debating abstract hoo haa the black undertow is physically destroying America.

  11. A small suggestion, if one believes in the politics of using the thin edge of the wedge, then change “Black undertow” with “Democratic party’s undertow.”

  12. What would happen if we dropped the load?

    We cannot. There is no way our culture can ever abandon ‘equality’ as a moral imperative. What you see as an obvious truth can no longer even be considered by the vast majority of Americans. Even as the undeniable evidence mounts that freedom has failed, what cannot be considered must remain inconceivable. This great burden was placed on America by those who imported the slaves, and will be with us for all eternity. The only thing that will end it will be the destruction of the nation.

  13. Excellent post. Outstanding summation of what used to be America and what we are now due to immigration and BRA.

  14. Don’t forget Inkster, Michigan, Hunter. Those niggers there haven’t gotten around to chasing out ALL of the White folks yet, but believe me when I tell you that they have worked every bit as hard as the Detroit and Highland Park niggers to derail civilization.

    Inkster niggers were always over-represented at the now defunct Michigan State Fair. Without their selfless contribution to the yearly mayhem I fully believe that the fair would have probably stumbled on for another decade.

  15. Albon, the load IS already dropping. The lights are going out in Highland Park and the black politicians are breathing a sigh of relief that their debt to DTE is forgiven.

    In the first four videos, not ONE word about “racists” being responsible for their plight. Seemingly clueless but deep down they know. Their own kind can’t sustain a 1st world life style.

    In the last video the good reverend NAACP drives around the ruins in shell shock. Not a word about “racists”. He knows the truth. His people can’t cut it in a White man’s world.

    This pattern is repeating itself in other black run cities. BRA will fall under its own dead weight.

    It’s what comes next that we should be more concerned about.

  16. Incidently, the “doomsday clock” was moved one minute forward today. It is now five minutes till “midnight”.

  17. All the BRA Leaders are PRINCE HALL! Even Obama is Prince Hall. Malachi York started his own Black Masonic Organization, and it cost him with a 135 year sentence. Ok Hunter—-how does the Northeast Liberal Establishment ( NLE) fit into BRA and who is above the NLE Elite?

  18. There are plenty of cities like Birmingham and Selma and Spanish Lake which have shared the same fate, but which have either gained industry or never had industries in the first place.

  19. YT – refine the meme –
    “you can have blacks, freedom and equality, and civilization, but you must choose two out of three”

    That’s confusing. Also – there are four things listed – the freedom and equality are listed together – but it comes across as “4 things”.

    “You can have prosperity, civilization, and Blacks – but you must choose 2 out of 3.”

    This is PR. The “ad” must “flow”. This is a GREAT idea for an “ad campaign”. It IS an ad campaign. Study Advertising techniques. Keep is simple and BIG. ONE idea – you’ve got it already. NEVER EVER EVER more than three things – sentences, words, or points An ad MUST hit the eye, and brain all at once. WN’s are too verbose. Too many words. That’s fine with us – we love ideas, and long extended complex thoughts, and thinking, in general.

    No one else CARES.

    The Public – no matter the Race – has been prepared for Advertising, bot the Jews Devils. So let’s use the decades of “prepping” to OUR advantage, for once.

    Your idea is GENIUS. But the “ad” must be constructed to across the idea that you can have civilization, wealth, safety, education, prosperity, etc etc etc – or Blacks.

    The ad must be constructed to IMMEDIATELY his the brain; civilization happiness, or Blacks. “Blacks” MUST come last. It must come as a “surprise punch”. The whole thing MUST be designed to DIS -associate all the Good Things from. Good Things – or Blacks.

    “Blacks” must come last, in construction. For impact. The bigger and louder the howls – the more we’ve “hit” the idea home.

  20. John Thomas – stop doing the “Mason” thing. Yes – it matters – but no one cares. A lot of folks LIKE Masons. It’s not relevant, for our purposes. You are not wrong – and I am glad you are HERE. I like your posts a lot. I’m really glad you’ve decided to stick around.

    We just need to ….omg ….this is THe chronic, fundamental problem with WN – organized, and effective.

    Ron Paul’s campaign is GREAT. Even with Santorum – the “rcist” thing ain’t STICKING anymore. Times are really getting bad – so people are becoming less inclined to LIE about causation. The Media Hebes are really going after Paul, and trhe Media Nigras are whining aobut Santorum – thus providing US to take apart thier attacks, using real world events, that THEY cannopt elude, or deny. Their denials are increasingly funny – and obvious – and they aren’t working anymore.

    We must all of us – be helpful, kind, cheerful, and if we can – funny.

  21. John Thomas, and All,

    I myself and planning a HUGE public spectacle, in my own little aegis, next month. I’ll keep you”se guys posted, if all goes well. And if it’s a disaster, too.

    I’m gonna go public with a denuniation of the BRA, is all I’ll say now. To a captive audience.

  22. Hunter – in some ways this is the most important thing you’ve ever written. Use this for a BOOK. You are entering world class status, with this one.

    Turn this into a BOOK.

  23. Sigh:

    “Ron Paul’s campaign is GREAT. Even with Santorum – the “racist” thing ain’t STICKING anymore. Times are really getting bad, so people are becoming less inclined to LIE about causation. The Media Hebes are really going after Paul, and the Media Nigras are whining about Santorum, thus providing We Racists with a flawless opportunity to attack, and deconstruct, thier attacks, using real world events, that THEY cannot elude or deny anymore. Their denials are increasingly funny – and obvious – and they aren’t woooooooooooooorking anymore. Voldemort – your spells aren’t working anymore.”

    Correct for typos and coherence.

    Sigh. (Proof before you post, Denise. When will you learn?)

  24. Albon,

    “We cannot. There is no way our culture can ever abandon ‘equality’ as a moral imperative. What you see as an obvious truth can no longer even be considered by the vast majority of Americans.”

    Totally WRONG. Dead polar opposite WRONG. Now that things re gettng really real – people are looking for REAL answers. We can literally afford to tell pretty pretty lies, and indulge ourselves, when times are flush.

    There’s been a meme (sorry if this sounds pretentious) in WN, for ages – “People won’t listen as long as foorball is on TV, and there’s beer in the fridge. When that’s gone – they’ll listen”.

    Well here we are. I still get loads of pushback – but it’s DIFFERENT. It’s like a when a Mom tells a little kid, eating nothing but candy (for some reason the kid is eating nothig but candy) , If you eat nothing for candy, you’ll get sick”. The kid doesn’t care – the candy’s GREAT! But now….the kid feels sick. The kid does NOT want to hear itr – but….Mom was right. The kid’s angry, and cranky, and resentful, feels stupid, does not like feeling stupid, and does NOT want to admit Mom was right.

    But Mom was right.

    That’s were we are NOW.

    This is the best time to start really putting OUR ideas out there.

  25. Denise: You are right. Heck maybe we can go cut aluminum light poles and railings down and go the metal scrap yard and get paid like them! Then we can buy a ticket for Super bowl and plane ticket, and pay hotel and watch the jungle bunnies make touchdowns……or hit Lotto and pay Outlaw Bikers to go to Philly and have some fun…..

  26. This is PR. The “ad” must “flow”. This is a GREAT idea for an “ad campaign”. It IS an ad campaign. Study Advertising techniques. Keep is simple and BIG. ONE idea – you’ve got it already. NEVER EVER EVER more than three things – sentences, words, or points An ad MUST hit the eye, and brain all at once. WN’s are too verbose. Too many words. That’s fine with us – we love ideas, and long extended complex thoughts, and thinking, in general.

    Excellent point. A place I worked years ago had a big sign up at the counter where customers stopped to drop off items for repair,receive price quotes,and the like. The sigh was a very simple on and it stated:

    FAST – GOOD – CHEAP. Pick any two.

    And then,in smaller print underneath,it went on to elaborate that “Fast and good won’t be cheap,good and cheap won’t be fast,fast and cheap won’t be good.” Not that anyone thinking about it really couldn’t figure it out for themselves,but some bulbs burn brighter than others.

  27. Kurt’s on the money. Not that I don’t appreciate Denise’s insights, but I thought the satire of “Fast, Good, Cheap – Pick Two” was widely known. It’s sort of a cliche in engineering circles.

  28. “The ad must be constructed to IMMEDIATELY his the brain; civilization happiness, or Blacks. “Blacks” MUST come last. It must come as a “surprise punch”. The whole thing MUST be designed to DIS -associate all the Good Things from. Good Things – or Blacks.”

    Sounds like you work in marketing or advertising? Think you could help develop the idea some more? Other than adding some interesting font and a picture of boobs, I got nothing.

  29. YT-indeed,the “fast/good/cheap-pick two” cliche is well known in engineering circles. The problem was that-for the most part-we weren’t dealing with engineers. Our clients consisted of mom&pop places that had stuff that was broken and needed the broken stuff fixed. Nice folks,usually,and invariably frugal and hardworking,but they weren’t engineers,or even very technically minded. Hence,the sign.

    And while it can be regarded as satire,I think it’s one of those simple,powerful truths. Right up there with water is wet and fire is hot. The “fast/good/cheap-you can only have two out of the three” just is. A fact of life,an unchangeable part of the human condition,whatever you want to call it.

    Very much like Prosperity,Freedom,Blacks. You can have blacks and prosperity,but you won’t be free to enjoy the prosperity. You can have blacks and freedom,but you won’t be prosperous,and you can have freedom and prosperity,but you can’t have any blacks around to screw it up.

    That needs some adjustment,though. I’m a kitchen table engineer,not a marketing type,so I’ll leave the tweaking to those who have the skills for it.

  30. Kurt – I did not know about that “satire”. It’s perfect, though. PERFECT. I am so technically inept words fail. Let’s just say I can turn a computer on and off, I can do Disc Cleanup, I can X out, and I can…that’s about it.

    As far as OTHER technical stuff -I’m not bad at figuring things out, as far as how something actually works – but I don’t have any practical engineering skills. But I LOVE people that do. Engineers engineer stuff! Yay! Computers bridges roads cars ships to bring really good coffee to my store packages for that coffee buildings my favorite eyeliner pretty lights I love lights recorded sound recorded images FISHNET STOCKINGS! Light up fake teeth for little kids! All Good Things! YAY! I love engineers!

    So anyways – the reason that “classic” slogan wokrs is because it was CREATED for the Market – the non-engineering folsk, who need the stuff engineers make. An who make stuff engineers need. It’s PERFECT.

    We need a perfect variation. I have not worked in advertising directly – but I’ve worked in fields where communication is ESSENTIAL. And I know enough about how to communicate to know what works,

    Here’s the essential problem with adapting that wonderful, efficient, and FUN slogan to communicating the disaster that Blacks pose – we have to carefully choose appropriate words -the perfect words – because you can’t have prosperity or civilization or freedom or Good Things with Blacks around.

    The slogan must create a negation. It’s like courtroom law. AND advertising/poll taking – you don’t ask any questions that you don’t already have an answer for – and then you phrase questions and words to get a desired response. I have ALWAYS been motivated by ideas, ever since I was a wee tot. The thing is – I’ve never bene terribly interested in what other people think, or like. I’ve oly been interested in what I thought, or liked. I can still get wholly obsessed by an idea, and entertain myself for hours, days, and weeks, just thinking about something. I am social – I like others people – all kinds of people – and I love a very special few. If other people like what I like, and am interested in the things that interest me – great! If not – just don’t interfere with me, and I won’t interfere with you (barring dangerous or evil activities). I’m very individualistic – and I’ve been told that I’m TOO individualistic. By other women.

    So I’m a real anomaly, as a woman. Most women are herd creatures.

    Now – this sort of “atomism” as the Divine MacDonald terms it, is the greatest gifg of the White Race, and our most Tragic Flaw. The reason that Die Jude has done so much damage to us is that Die Jude has been paying attention to us, for a very long time, and knows us better than we know our selves. We have been so lost in our own activities, and achivements, and fueds, and fantasies, and..everything…that we havne’t bene paying attention at all!!!! I think that the DAZZLING and uprecedented technological achievments of the Whites male inventors, and engineers, of the past 200 years, has distracted us to horrific state of our existential peril.

    In short – we have to pay attention.

    We have lot of catching up to do .

    I think we can use a slogan like “Civilization, prosperity, Blacks. Pick two”. Will work Not “pick any two”. Just “pick two. The first to words are long, and multi-syllibatic. But that’s OK, with Whites. The one syllable of “Blacks” CONTRASTS with the first 2 words. The first 2 words are lofty concepts. The length of the words is fine….add to the loftiness. “Freedom” – no. This word has bee realy MIS-used – and Blacks have used it.

    I am toying with something like the use of the word “Freedom” though. As in Mel Gibson’s final crie de couer, at the end of “Braveheart”. Although the movie is factually-challenged (and I am a HUGE FAN of Edward I – Model of Kings. Grrr…..outrageous slander…grrrrr…) – this movie makes big tough butch gruff skeery men get al choked up, and CRY. Like chicks. Guys LUV that movie. It’s a Chick Flick for guys. I cry. FREEEEEDOOOOOOM!!!!

    We have to relate that last scene freedom fomr the BRA.

  31. And I will NEVER learn to type, for sheeyit. Never mind the Mayan Calendar – if I EVER get through a post without a typo – it will be the End of All Things.

  32. I must second Denise’s critique of this article’s style. I see “iceberg” and “undertow” in the same sentence. If you are pointing to PaulKersey’s “Black Undertow” metaphor, then stick to that metaphor and don’t mix it.

    I am not saying that my writing style is any better. But to any non-WN coming in here, which would be most of the white population, your mixed metaphor will inspire guffaws.

  33. @Denise

    Chick flick for guys?! Haha. You need to check out ‘The Brothers McMullen’. That one is THE chick flick for guys.

  34. Maybe the point didn’t come across clearly: the Black Undertow is a force that sucks civilization down to the lowest common denominator; the iceberg is the mounting fiscal costs of the entire project of BRA which include the opportunity costs of systematic malinvestment of scarce resources.

    Think about it: how much does it cost to rebuild the three biggest cities in Alabama in adjacent counties because of the Black Undertow? How much does it cost society to artificially depress the White birthrate to subsidize African-Americans and Hispanics?

    The costs of BRA go far beyond petty symbolic violent crimes. It manifests in ways which aren’t readily apparent such as in financial collapse, chronic unemployment, and long term depression.

    What would the American economy be like without this distorting force? Couldn’t our tax dollars have been invested more wisely? Couldn’t those investments have produced dynamic economic growth of the sort seen in the early twentieth century?

  35. The Congo, Dixie, Haiti, the West Indies, South Africa, and Rhodesia are all proof that blacks can be combined with civilization … only so long as freedom and equality are removed from the mix.

    It is like chemistry. You introduce the wrong element and it changes everything. Freedom and equality transformed Haiti, Rhodesia, the Mississippi Delta, and the Congo – which had previously thrived under white supremacy – into a godforsaken dump.

  36. How about: Prosperity, Equality, Blacks. Pick Two.

    Not as elegant or technically accurate but I like the way it rolls off the tongue. And, it will fit on a small sticker that WNs can put in public (gas pump would be a good place). Uses their own “equality” fallacy against them too.

  37. The Black Undertow is a creation of free society. It existed in the Antebellum North, but it was comparatively rare in the South until 1865. There is a scene in Gone With The Wind that captures the moment the Black Undertow emerged in Georgia.

  38. The lower third of the African-American community has no economic role in free society. It is important to keep in mind that free society was supported by social darwinists because the strong were supposed to perpetually elimi nate the weak.

    Modern liberals have revolted against that idea. Free society naturally leads to inequality. In order to promote equality, you got to abolish freedom, which naturally halts progress.

  39. I must admit you have made your point.

    Every time the NAACP advances, America appears to retreat. Every time the NAACP rises the nation sinks.

    That last video with the NAACP person just clinched it. They are describing how black people degrade everything. They are describing the ruins they created. They are not even capable of understanding their own kin created this mess.

    It’s very clear what happened to Egypt now. Terminal decline after the Nubians stormed in. America will simply be an archeological dig site if these folk are allowed to run anything.

  40. Much of the blame must go to whites for bringing so many blacks to America and then encouraging blacks to breed like rabbits. I mean what were they thinking? Of short-term profits.
    Also, the notion of universal justice has its roots in Christianity. Abolitionists were NOT liberals but religious fanatics who opposed secular forces. If anything, liberals in the 19th century were far more likely to ascribe to the scientific notion of racial differences. Many, actually most, liberals of the 19th century were race-ists(believers in different races, and indeed the whole notion of ‘race’ as a biological fact was created by liberal secular scientists, not by abolitionists.) Thomas Jefferson, one of the great liberals of his time, studied and understood many of the problems of racial differences. Jefferson never thought the white man and the black man should or could be equal.

    Yes, it’s true that blacks have a difficult time running what we call civilization, but again, it was not blacks who swam to America. They were forcibly brought here by whites. And no, the South was NOT correct. South was dead wrong. It was wrong to rely on black slavery. It was wrong to insist on maintaining slavery; Southerners should have made a deal with Lincoln to free the slaves and send them back to Africa or give them their own nation in South America. Lincoln loathed slavery but loathed the idea of racial integration just as much. Instead, white Southerners wanted to maintain slavery and keep encouraging blacks to have lots of children because more slave children meant more wealth. They were a petty and unimaginative bunch who only thought of ‘today’ while putting off tomorrow.

    And the South was also wrong because it justified slavery as a civilizing mission that would eventually improve the characters and souls of blacks, whereupon slavery would fade away and blacks would be freed and live alongside whites. Southern slave-owners made the same kind of argument made by Marxists. Communists said there would be a period of dictatorship during which time the working class would be taught how to manage and control all sectors of society. And then , the government would fade away and the workers would truly be free in a society of political as well as economic equality. White Southerners justified slavery as a process necessary to ‘civilize’ the blacks so that they would eventually be worthy to live as free men in a white society. So, the utopian idiocy was embedded within the ideology of Southern slavery to begin with.

    Another problem with Southern whites was they were loathe to admit that they were afraid of blacks because blacks are naturally stronger, tougher, and rougher than whites. In fact, there can be no real social equality between whites and blacks because of biological inequalities. If you allow legal equality between whites and blacks, the fact still remains that most blacks can beat up whites. What does this mean? It means blacks domination in sports–which is like a religion in America–, and in time, white women worshiping and hankering for black meat. It also means white kids getting beat up by black kids. In schools, most racial violence is blacks beating up white kids. Sure, whites sometimes win against blacks, but if we look at the batting average of both races when it comes to fights and such, blacks usually win. Thus, white males are ‘pussified’ and black males become the new alpha males. That means white boys must suffer the shameful indignity of watching increasing numbers of white women–even gorgeous ones–go with tougher blacks. Some will accuse me of insulting the white males, but I intend nothing of the kind. I’m merely pointing out social trends happening all around–see with YOUR OWN EYES–where blacks are sexually, culturally, and socially gaining over whites. All over America, alarming numbers of white women are having sex with black men because they worship black manhood and sex meat. And many white males also worship blacks, which is why there are so many ‘wiggers’ around. Even white kids who hate blacks imitate blacks and listen to rap music night and day.

    The White South, so full of its vanity and pride, could never admit that it feared blacks for their ‘superior’ and more aggressive malehood. White males stuck to empty male pride and acted as though they could beat up any Negro. But if Negroes could so easily be whupped, why was there so much white flight? Why did white guys run from black guys? Why do whites fear black crime more than any other kind of crime? It’s because in most confrontations between whites and blacks, it’s gonna end up like a black defensive lineman sacking a white quarterback.

    So, if you wanna be serious, it’s time to admit the truth. We need to speak of RACIAL RIGHTS. Every race has a right to survival, security, and safety. Since blacks are tougher than whites and thereby pose a racial threat to whites, every white person should have the RACIAL RIGHT to live safely away from blacks. This line of argument gives the moral justification and advantage to whites.

    But what did the White South do in the 50s when it opposed Civil Rights? It just set off the dogs, yelled ‘nigger’, and growled a lot in front of the TV camera. Instead of making a moral or rational case, they just acted like a bunch of meanies. When will we stop the bullcrap and get serious with real reality and real issues?

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