Amurrica Series: Pat Buchanan Returns From Exile


Pat Buchanan is back on FOX News after getting fired from MSNBC.

He wrote a book about “The End of Christian America” and “The End of White America” that was featured on the cover of Newsweek and The Atlantic. It is a violation of BRA’s racial etiquette for a mainstream conservative not to celebrate the demise of White Christian America.

I’m nonplussed about the whole affair. I felt the last straw of patriotism snap somewhere in the banality of CPAC or the crowds of idiots that were hopping aboard “The Cain Train.” Maybe it was Steve Tyler performing the national anthem or trying to work out in the gym with “Stupid Ho” playing in the background.

There is no hope for this worthless country. More than ever before I think about emigrating to Africa or South America. Watching this slow motion train wreck on a daily basis will drive you insane like Mr. Kurtz.

About Hunter Wallace 12380 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Buchanan is simply discussing the same Demograhic facts that are discussed on websites like Dailykos with great joy.

    He’s just not sharing that glee.

    My only problem with Pat is his reflexive anti British Empire schtick. We wouldn’t be facing the demographic midnight, if European empires had kept around.

    “The neoconservatives dealt swiftly and ruthlessly with the paleos. … The Republican Party was up for grabs. … The Republican Party was made of dumb gentiles that they could control.” — Paul Gottfried The Trajectory of the American Right
    “As the Greens shifted their focus from environmentalism to filling Western countries with the Third World poor and with promoting alternative lifestyles, they became indistinguishable from the post-Marxist Left.” — Paul Gottfried
    Jews, cultural Marxists, and international capitalists make money from destroying the races of European descent. IMHO if the U.S.A. and Europe collapse, then either the Jews must subvert China, or the Chinese will remain neutral as the Muslims exterminate Jews.
    The Jews now have a thirty percent presence at Harvard. IMHO they have maxed out Harvard. Uncle Sambo is now a hound dog with too many Jewish ticks.
    Forty percent of Jews are in the U.S.A. and forty percent are in Israel. The U.S.A. is becoming a Detroit and a Ciudad Juarez. Israel is becoming a Fort Apache, Mid East. IMHO the Jews have peaked and the Jew parasites with their White hosts are in serious trouble.

  3. While I agree with Buchanan often and don’t consider him and enemy, there is something that prevents me from saying he is a friend

  4. Lately I have been reading as much as possible about American colonial history from the first discoveries through the War for Independence. The success of our early settlers and explorers has made me more optimistic that we can overcome what seems on the surface to be a strong enemy. The strength of the enemy is an illusion and will crumble as things go from bad to worse. Read the magnum opus of Francis Parkman on the French and British in America from the first colonies through 1764. There were times in the 16th Century when the white population faced extermination by Woodland Indians. In the mid-18th Century negro slaves made up 1/3rd of the population! In colonies like Pennsylvania the entire legislature was controlled by Quakers who favored barbaric Indians over the Presbyterian settlers on the frontier. This favortism toward the Indians was so extreme that even after thousands had been murdered or carried off in captivity, the weird pacifists in Philadelphia refused to send food and arms to the refugees. The Scots-Irish of the frontier had to literally ‘look to their own defence’.
    See the legend of Captain Jack-
    So back to my point, Buchanan is right that the superpower is dying from its self-inflicted wounds, but I for one am more confident that something better will rise from its ashes. There are many who lay awake at night fearing our genocide, and there are other, darker spirits, that lay awake at night planning our genocide, but I for one sleep well for someday the time of reckoning will be at hand. Things have been beyond bleak many times, but everytime we come back swinging.

  5. I see nothing good coming about. Hunter, where have you thought about in Africa? I have been thinking Namibia myself.

  6. My sister and I were discussing just a couple of days ago how we, too, would like to emigrate from the US. America is absolutely finished. We’ve reached the same conclusion you have. Europe is not an option. Africa?? No thanks, we don’t want to be raped. We’re looking at countries in Central America, perhaps Panama or Costa Rica.

    Your knowledge of the history of Africa is impressive. You should be giving a graduate seminar in it.

  7. “There is no hope for this worthless country.”

    Except the prospect of States seceding and then purging their populace by way of a redefinition of civil rights.

  8. “….My only problem with Pat is his reflexive anti British Empire schtick. We wouldn’t be facing the demographic midnight, if European empires had kept around….”

    It seems very clear that —at the turn of the last century– with the influx of organized jewish communists, and equally organized catholic fascist (the militarist-corporatist-medicalist santorum-hannity types)— an alliance was made between these to wipe out wasps, the real children of the founders, (who have very real differences that led them, and only them, really, to create the constitution)— and now that 60s alliance, overseen by vat II is breaking down.

    The Irish, sadly, chose to be such players in opening the border in the south to blessed rome, via the ‘mexicans,’ and going on and on (even now) about the scum of the “anglos.” Many can’t listen to anything on VOR for that reason, whether the “orthodox nationalist” (catholic convert and “true believer” going on about the evil wasps and ignorant protestants who made a constitution the catholics never could, and often do not even seem to understand). Or Stan Hess’s rants about how badly the irish were mistreated. Or TOO who only lets limp-wristed defeated anglo-saxons speak via ppl s/a Andrew Frasier, etc, etc….

    It’s almost like jews. They really believe that b/c other groups don’t bother to rag on and on about their mistreatments in life— that they suffered nothing.

    Maybe catholicism was something for europe in the past, but now it is 3rd world. Plus, when you do in everyone who doesn’t agree with your IDEA, like in France, Italy, Spain, etc—- you would OBVIOUSLY wind up with a pretty dumbed down population. Then that part of Europe descended on the U.S.

    The neo-cons— many of whom are jews— clearly see this vulnerability, that occurred by having a European Religion that didn’t allow the population to THINK, and that killed anyone who didn’t agree (as ‘heretics’).

    Both communism and cathlolicism are Idea-Based Systems that persecute anyone who has a different Idea (bothers to have a half a brain and think).

    Catholicsm was obviously hopelessly dysgenic for europe.

    MEANTIME— jews call their ‘church’ a shul. A “school.” The particularly devout people are called “scholars.” When looking for a spouse, it’s really good it they are SMART. In many, many ways THINKING is encouraged. It is good.

    Not so the for the catholic european.

    And all they can do—- is cut down the protestants (even now) WHO ARE ALLOWED RELIGIOUSLY (like jews) TO THINK.

    Like in judaism, the emphasis is on the “relationship’ with God. Not being in the doctrine (the rule book).

    And it will do no good to go on and on, like the people at TOO, way back on wasps are big abusers. They were mean to the catholics when they came.

    Well… look at the place now. Wiping out the only europeans who, religiously, are still allowed to THINK… yeah that was smart.

  9. “Both communism and cathlolicism are Idea-Based Systems that persecute anyone who has a different Idea (bothers to have a half a brain and think).”

    They are demanding control of thought, just like the Jews, except the Jews are better at it.

  10. I fear he’s dead on about the Balkanization of the US in the not too distant future; that with the the failure of governance over ideological and cultural polarization and seething urban poverty as a detonator, I can imagine an ugly struggle resulting in a partitioning similar to India in ’47 with the east and west coasts separating from the center and the de facto reabsorption of the SW by Mexico, if we don’t succumb to outside powers in the process.

    Yes, the horror.

  11. Like at TOO, currently going on about Cronenberg’s movie. Jung is an “aryan.” Ok, but he was seriously Swiss Reform and could not have thought his thoughts without that background, imo. At TOO, he’s turned into a lump-sum “christian/aryan.” What could it even mean? His ideas about God and archetypes would get him killed as a ‘heretic’ by thee church, but he is able to intellectually battle Fraud freud, precisely b/c he can think outside the box, is a heretic.

  12. Only the stupidest of dumbed-down moralists would not take Buchanan (or anyones) warnings about Balkanization seriously, lol.

    They are too dumbed down to ‘get’ it. Or just showing up as a spokesperson to keep it going (like msnbc talking heads). A lot of ppl would School-Marm-Shame the public, wagging heads and fingers, like Rachel Maddow for her paycheck. Just self-serving and hungry.

  13. imo— northern europeans and pioneering, settler, “colonists” types have more trouble relocating. Where to? There’s no untapped place where they can do their thing— thinking and being free (of church dogma and oppressive governance and all its trappings). the others destroyed what they tried to set up—- b/c most europeans have no interest in freedom and didn’t know what to do with it when they got it (except enslave themselves or other euros)

  14. There are no less than four African-American museums coming soon to a city near you. Obama is presiding over the ground breaking ceremony at the one that will be built on the mall at the expense of 22,000,000 dollars, (yeah, right) in Washington DC. That event is Wednesday and is an invitation only event. You can bet that none of the people that will be paying for this so called museum will be invited. The others soon to be are in different states.
    So if any of you folks who become expatriates return for a visit you have a place to go to recall just who built this country, or at least who wound up running it.

  15. There is no hope for this country. If you stay, the best case scenario is helping those you can as we fall into third world level corruption, collapsing infrastructure, rising prices and starvation. It’s beyond the point of no return.

  16. Worse yet, I don’t think there is any stopping complete Jewish control of the world. We lack the unity to retake it. And that is going to be the worse kind of hell you can utterly imagine. The Protocols are nearly complete. When they shut down the web, and they will, it’s all over. Any of you who can, get the hell out – now. The window is closing.

  17. It’s amazing that Pat Buchanan has lasted all these years on the MSM – with the hard Left, cultural Marxists, BRA alone – that’s a core that can blacklist most people. When you add the Israeli lobby, Neo Conservatives and the ADL – that’s should be quick ticket to the American Gulag. Yet, Pat has survived.

    I think that one reason Pat Buchanan has survived is that he has a good sense of humor and is gracious even to temporary enemies. His Catholic background serves him well in many ways.

    God bless Pat Buchanan! Pat has always been in my life and my family’s life in a positive way. I hope I look and sound as good when I’m in my 70s.

  18. This whinging, hand-wringing, victimization syndrome is nauseating. Where is the courage, intelligence, and willpower we’re supposed to have been blessed with? If this pitiful display is representative of the people who frequent this site because of their beliefs and their regard for their own culture, then you/we really are screwed for all eternity, not because we lost, but because we rolled over without a struggle, too fat, too numbed, and too complacent to fight. Not me. I just returned from visiting my grandfather’s grave high on a hill at Arlington and looked out across a veritable sea of graves, people who died, who surrendered their lives to explosives, to hot whistling steel, to preserve the America we cherish. Where’s your goddamned war face? GHHHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

  19. Marco Solo well said.

    “News & Jews” is meant to demoralize, nothing but and that is the crux of politics, the moralization and demoralization of allies and foes.

    Then there is the BUGs Swarm and we are kicking but like its June 1941.

  20. If you walk around Arlington, you will find yourself wondering just what they were fighting for back then. Were they fighting for all those yuppies and eunuchs who live in the Beltway?

    I once had a chance to live there. You can live there if you want to spend your life playing sissy politics for the conservative movement. There is a lot of money to be made in pretending to put up a fight.

    Why bother?

  21. @ Bob They are demanding control of thought, just like the Jews, except the Jews are better at it….

    Like it or not, Jews value intelligence and that has been pro-genic for them; their religious people are called “scholars” (a synonym for devout in jewish culture), their church is a school/ shul. If you don’t fear being a “heretic” (like those vile protestants) if you THINK, then you will grow being smart. If you value thinking, your population will think. With the wasps out of the way, and the jews and catholics going at each other—- it’s a brains versus brawn thing mostly. Twists in thought versus south-border immigration. The asians will come in and do something, but what remains to be seen.

  22. Meantime, Rob Roy is right. TOO, VOR, s. nationalism sites, etc. should get off the wasp-battering bandwagon and how the irish were so oppressed and the hazards of the thinking white New Englander northern wasps (who don’t even exist, lol, as nyc is 4% wasp)— and get with the program of being white, instead of contributing to white genocide by targeting a sub-white group.

  23. I’ve been to africa and South America; there problems are worse and middle/ upper class folks with the money to leave are leaving

    I think it’s wise to have a back up plan, but those places wouldn’t be high on my list

    I’d be less discouraged if I saw more White people fighting back

  24. First off, I don’t live in DC. I live on a farm in the midst of the great fly-over. Why fight? If you have to ask that, you’d never understand the answer and I’m baffled as to why you would post here. Are you really a provocateur trying to undermine the cause? If so, you’re doing one hell of a job making these thumb-suckers believe any resistance is futile. Futile or not, we are constantly presented with choices and those we make define our existence.

  25. Here’s the problem. One side is based on the manipulating of emotions, the other side is based on reason. How do you “reason” someone out of their emotional paradigm?

    And even if we “reason” 70% of the emotional back to reason, the power structure will never relinquish its ultimate grip. Think Masada but they have nukes and drones in there.

  26. I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I’m staying until the bitter end. But that doesn’t mean I don’t recognize the situation and, in so doing, reasonably recommend that those who are able board their Millenium Falcon so they might regroup and resume the fight elsewhere.

  27. More than ever before I think about emigrating to Africa or South America.

    You might want to rethink that one, Hunter. I’ve lived in Africa, and Johannesburg makes Detroit seem like a clean, wealthy, low-crime paradise. And that’s the richest, Whitest city on the continent. The ANC make the NAACP, La Raza and the ADL seem like militantly pro-White organizations in comparison. In the rest of Africa, with the possible exception of DA-ruled Cape Town (Joburg-by-the-sea) things only get worse, much worse.

    I’m not as familiar with Latin America, but it seems to be nearly as violent and corrupt, if not quite as poverty stricken, as Africa is. Argentina, Uruguay and southern Brazil are (allegedly) majority White, but they’re still Third World hellholes compared with North America or Europe. If you’re willing to lower your living standards to those levels, you might as well move to Belarus, where you’ll at least be surrounded by a 100% Nordic/Slavic population.

    In the Anglosphere, Canada and New Zealand are both Whiter than the US, and their non-Whites are generally less useless than America’s. But Australia seems to be the best place to go, with an 80%+ White population and a huge resource base that virtually guarantees its future prosperity. A cousin of mine just moved to Perth, and he describes it as rich, clean, safe, with a booming economy and near-perfect climate, and–most importantly–Whiter than any similar sized city in North America.

    In the long run though, only in Europe can Whites hope to maintain their majority status. Non-White immigration rates are much lower than in the Anglosphere (and virtually non-existent in eastern Europe), and there is significant pushback against racial population replacement there. Nationalist parties, basically invisible here, are making major headway in virtually all European countries. And, even better, the mainstream centre-right parties are starting to copy their anti-immigration platforms. The “nation of immigrants” propaganda that’s so prevalent here is a dead letter in Europe.

    Young White ethnopatriots in the US should seriously consider learning German and moving to Germany, Austria or Switzerland, the heart of Europe. German and English are also highly useful in the burgeoning, 95%+ White nations of Eastern Europe. In recent years, Germany has actually seen a net outflow of Turks and other Third Worlders, something utterly unthinkable here. The economy there is based on something durable, manufacturing, compared to the ephemeral FIRE (finance, insurance and real estate) economies of the Anglosphere. Things are far from perfect in Germany and Europe of course, but at least there’s hope for the future there. Something that can no longer be said about the US.

  28. I love Buchanan. He’s the man who got me interested in politics. He’s largely responsible for me not being a mainstream Republican Neo-con.

    HW, I will say that running away is not the answer. I know from experience that it’s not easy to contribute to nationalist causes if you are a foreigner. When I lived in Europe I saw the same things happening there that are happening here. And I wanted to do something about it. But I was a foreigner and therefore it wasn’t easy for me to do anything more than go to a rally or give money to this or that group. It’s much easier to have a greater impact in your own culture.

  29. I am staying right here. I don’t have the means to move out of the US, but even if I did I would still stay right here. I am a loudmouthed Celt. Screw every-one. I will fight til the end, whatever that means, and I will strive, with EVERY cell of my being, to be as much of a PAIN IN THE ASS as possible. I will work to set the Orcs and Nigs ONTO the Hebes, when BRA collapses. As long as I can see Nigs take out some Kikes – I’ll be happy.

  30. Canada is worse than the United States. Australia and New Zealand are both on board with the same program. If I ever decide to say “fuck this” and move abroad, it won’t be to another Western country that is just as degenerate and anti-white as this one.

  31. Germany and Sweden are somewhere in the lowest reaches of hell in terms of the desire for national suicide. Africa is really uninhabitable for whites. There are not really many options.

    How about the Falkland Islands?

  32. Southerners seem content to ride The Cain Train to oblivion in a desperate attempt to prove they are not racist. The fact that we are sitting here with a choice between Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum says a lot about where we are going.

  33. I’m with Denise.

    Folks, your discouragement is contrary-indicator proof that the bottom for the chart of American-American (stock symbol AMAM) is IN. The more you guys sit moaning in despair, the more BULLISH I get on the future of White Man of EuroChristian Heritage.

    We have brains — and the internet. Let the Jews just *try* to shut it down. Those Millenials you disparage? You take away their internet, you will see a rage unparalleled in history. A RAGE unto death or banishment, for all time, of our eternal Enemy. They may not be racially aware (yet) but you take away their internet, the speed of their Awakening will be truly awesome in its ferocity.

    All is NOT lost. NOW is the time to be “investing” in White America, not fleeing it.

  34. Hunter: What do you think of the Liberty movement forming in the Kallispell region of Montana? Seems like as good a place to move to as any.

  35. “I felt the last straw of patriotism snap..”

    I’d like to think that the coming re-election (perhaps easily) of Obama will have the same affect on others. Whether it will do any good is another matter.

  36. I don’t see living in Montana as being any different from Alabama or Pennsylvania. The same laws prevail there. The same government has authority there. The same culture is dominant there.

  37. Hunter – you are just going through a Bummed Out phase. Every-one does. I certainly have had my Dark Night of the Soul moments. The closest I ever came to offimg myself, in sheer despair, was when I was living in NJ, a few years ago. I was just learning….waking up. I didn’t really understand the Jews thing. I remeber lyig on my bed, thinking every single thing is hopeless.I was listening to WABC radio, out of NYC. Oddly Michael Savage Weiner was on the air, telling a story about a lobster. He was out to dinner – he’s a totally finicky diner – and he was going to have a lobster dinner. A obster was presented to him, and Weiner said he felt sorry for the lobster. The lobster was trying to fight with EVERYTHING he had left, even though his front claws were taped up. Weiner said, “I know the lobstermen are going to hate me, but that lobster had so much heart, in trying to fight for it’s existence – I couldn’t eat it. I can’t eat lobster anymore”.

    Something clicked. I cannot allow a lobster to care more for it’s own existenced, than I do for mine.

    And yours.

    You need to have more fun, inthe fight, Hunter, my dear fellow. You used to fued with Greg Johnson. I could sense that Alabama White Boy Celt mean-ness, rising up. Where is that now?

    You are just tired……you need a change of venue. You need something to elicit your attention and energy. I could not watch the “Walking Dead” show lat night. It’s too nihilistic. We ARE entering a Dark Ages. The Christian monks, in the First Dark Ages, kept the flame of civilization alive, in their monasteries. Larnin’ readin’ ‘n ritin’; etc. This is our Destiny.

    You need to learn to have fun being MEAN. Stop being so high-minded. Have fun being MEAN. Mean can be lots of fun! Remember there is also beauty. The world is beautiful, Hunter. Beautiful. The sunset doesn’t care about me or you – but I care about the sunset. And you.

    Do something beautiful Hunter, Listen to music. Read excellent literature. Behold the sunset, or the dawn. Take a break from the ugliness of Nigger History month.

    Write about something that moves your soul.

  38. Remember, too – were we Posters Here-in a little band of survivors, in a Walking Dead scenario – we wouldn’t lose a man or woman, and we’d have civilization up and running in no time.

  39. Barb’s right about the Net being switched off. We arenot suffering in America, Hunter. Not be a long shot. We’ve been buffeted a bit – but should the Net go down – all HELL breaks lose. I am Naming Die Jude in public, and disparaging Nigs, in 3D world, on a daily basis. If I get pushback I call out the DWL type. Really let ’em have it. This approach works for me, for some reason. I don’t know why.
    The past few generations of Whites have had things very very soft. People in general are used ot getting whatever infantile demand they screech about. People are not used to the word “No” – and expect to be indulged. Kikes pulling the kill switch will be a perfect opportunity to point out Die Jude. People will get PISSED beyond Thunderdome.

    And that will be loads of fun!

  40. Spending too much time thinking about Africa is depressing – it’s like being po-leece in a black underclass area. There’s just so much sunny, child-like, smiley-faced, casual vicious unthinking cruelty.

    “There is no hope for this worthless country.”

    Which means it probably won’t be one country for much longer.

    “I don’t think there is any stopping complete Jewish control of the world.”

    I think they’re about to have their biggest ever fall. Admittedly the downside to that is if it happens they’ll fire off their nukes in all directions but you can’t have everything. However if anyone is going to run anywhere then don’t run to Europe or the Middle East.

  41. My husband and I plan on moving to Northern Italy in a few years. Italy is one of the few countries in the EU that does not have ‘hate crime laws’ and there is no penalty for anti-semitism. The Italians, especially in the North, are moving to the right in a big way, as are a lot of the Balkan countries. Switzerland as well, but it is much harder to emigrate and buy property in Switzerland.

    I, too, am one of those that think America is doomed. Secession will be fought tooth and nail by TPTB. If states secede, who is going to pay the 15 trillion dollar debt? Who will get the nukes? Who will provide water for the Southwest? How will the groids and other non-whites get their goodies? Oh so many questions! I want to return to the land of my ancestors. This country is swirling down the toilet and many whites seem to be A-okay with it. I cannot relate at all.

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