New York
Menachem Z. Rosensaft has penned a screed at The Huffington Post about Peter Brimelow’s appearance at CPAC and how White Nationalism is “the scourge that won’t go away.”
Rosencraft is a Jewish ethnic activist who is described as the “vice president of the American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants.”
He is outraged that White Americans would have the audacity to start defining themselves as a racial group (like Jews), nurture a positive sense of racial identity (like Jews), and organize to defend their legitimate group interests (like Jews) against their racial antagonists on the Left like the ADL, NAACP, and National Council of La Raza.
When Rosensaft’s fellow Jews organize into political action committees and lobby the federal government to incite a war between the United States and Iran for the benefit of Israel, they are just exercising their legitimate “civil rights.” When White Americans attempt to organize to change our immigration laws, we are guilty of “noxious bigotry” and must be excluded from “polite society” at mainstream events like CPAC.
In order to support his theory of the wickedness of Peter Brimelow, Rosensaft cites the ADL (an explicitly Jewish organization), the SPLC (an organization controlled and financed by Jews), the Jewish columnist Jonah Goldberg who writes for National Review, and finally the Jewish owned and controlled New York Times.
Kevin MacDonald is denounced as an “anti-Semite” for observing how Jews like Rosensaft operate: how they create ethnic networks with other Jews in the media and academia to maximize their influence, their dual morality code which prescribes one standard for Jews and another for Gentiles, how they use these ethnic networks silence all criticism of Jews and promote the collective interests of Jews at the expense of other groups, especially White Americans.
“White Nationalism” will never go away because there will always be White people who are aware of how badly Jews have behaved themselves in America and how destructive their cultural and political impact has been upon the United States. There will always be whistleblowers on the internet drawing attention to Jewish behavior too.
I’m not referring to the monomaniac anti-Semites who blame the Jews for everything that is wrong in the world. Surely, there are people who noticed how Sheldon Adelson bought the Gingrich campaign, how Ben Shapiro praised MSNBC’s firing of the “anti-Semite” Pat Buchanan, and how Bibi Netanyahu and Organized Jewry are twisting Obama’s arm into supporting an attack on Iran.
Once you are exposed to the theory, it is impossible not to notice the pattern. It would be “bad for the Jews” if more White Americans were familiar with that pattern and the negative impact it is having on their interests. Thus, it is “good for the Jews” to censor, marginalize, and silence people like Peter Brimelow, Jared Taylor, and Kevin MacDonald to prevent them from connecting with a larger audience.
Their “toxic rhetoric” is dangerous because it happens to be true.
Both of Menachem’s parents survived the Auschwitz “death camp.” Amazing how many Jews miraculously survived so-called German “death camps.” No? 🙂
What’s even more amazing is how many of them survived “death camp” after “death camp” after “death camp” after “death camp.” I spent an evening recently running down links from the “Tales of the Holocaust” thread at Stormfront. I gathered a few dozen. What really sticks out is how high the average number of “death camps” survived is for these storytellers. No joke, my first guess is three or so. Average.
A miracle, itz! No, wait…a series of miracles! The Holocaust Narrative seems to be Jews working on their next Holy Book. I mean, thousands of years with no miracles, and then, BAM! Thousands of them, all in a five year period, in one small part of the planet!
Damn, this is one of the best, most hopeful things I’ve ever read in my life. My NEW life that is, my informed life where I no longer read the dailies and the NYTimes for my info. I’ve been pretty recently on the blogosphere of race realism and crazy race-husting, Joo antics etc. What an eye-opening experience. I thrill to these ideas like someone who’s been starved of the truth all throughout her life, but during that life had a weird suspicion that some of the stereotypes were rooted in truth. I always noticed that Jews had 2 standards – one for themselves and one for us. I always felt I was a closet “racist” and “anti-semite” for noticing – and now I’m OUT and it’s the greatest feeling in the world to tell people about the mantra, to point out that only white countries are being invaded, whites silenced, and whites stripped of any group identity or group advocacy. I really enjoy the comments section in particular. I’m not alone, I’m not insane. Denise where have you been all my life? God woman you are a force, a positive force for Christians like me who are trying to talk sense into those around me (not easy in NY burbs) and point out what’s really going on. I’m particularly thrilled at the idea where when people say “I don’t know about that” I say ‘WHY don’t you know? WHY don’t you care enough about you and yours to find out what is being sleight of handed right in front of your goddamn face?’ . (I’m actually printing this out to make sure I have these pearls at hand in my mind to silence those who would try to silence me with calling me racist or antisemite. I was just so sick of it. So sick, so disgusted and disheartened. No more. With all this information at our fingertips there is no excuse for us to be serving as Shabbis Goyims to these murdering carrion scum who’ve been the fucking BANE of our people since the beginning of our calendar. Causing the last three world wars to destroy our men is only the tip of the iceberg – do they think they OWN us? My God, it makes the steam come out my ears. I’d love to read your blog if you have one. So please answer this if you have one by leaving the name of it on a reply on here? Another thing, I went to Columbia Univ Zionist Hotbed of a Liberal Shithole (twice) before I knew better than to give my money to those fucks. So if you ever plan on going there I will show up to protect you, believe me. I’m not afraid.
Howdy RH. Read Kevin MacDonald’s work (A People That Shall Dwell Alone, Separation And Its Discontents, and Culture of Critique.) Then use Google to find his articles, and all the blogs that reference his work, and read everything they have to say on the subject. Not that he’s the final word on the subject, but that’s the best way to start, IMO.
Rosensaft isn’t hypocritical.
Westerners are hypocritical because they combine a universal moral code with a political system that privileges non-Whites over Whites. Rosensaft is just being consistently Jewish in that Jews have never really believed in holding Jews and Gentiles to the same moral standard.
Right. Jewish hypocrisy works as a meme because Whites are totally naive to how Jews operate, but really, there’s nothing hypocritical about double standards. Jews are racists, not hypocrites.
Rob Roy – when the Yids invoke the HolyCost
Fuck “the” holocaust. If American-Americans had known in 1940 that “the” holocaust would be used to exterminate American-Americans, they would have thrown the Jews into ovens themselves, and rightly so. They sure as hell wouldn’t have fought a war against the Germans.
Jews show that the wages of helping Jews are death. That’s the thanks they give to Whites who fight wars for them.
Bloody Moderation. One warms to a subject. One’s imagination is fired. One does not see one’s thoughts or feelings included in the general Commentary.
Moderation. AKA, censorship. I think there’s a pile of money to be made from whoever comes up with an easy way for people to circumvent censorship, with a household name level popularity. E.g., a browser plugin. E.g., a browser button that automatically takes the reader to the censorship-free version of whatever URL he’s at. Everyone would go there, rather than waste time with the censored page.
The take-home message at the end of EVERY article you read about the storytellers (“Holocaust Survivors”) is how they want to promote tolerance, love, etc.
Time to take a big shit on that message. Passive-aggressive hate is still hate. Reminding someone constantly of how they’ve wronged you is hate. Making a hobby out of constantly reminding someone how they’ve wronged you is hate as a hobby. Making a career out of constantly reminding someone how they’ve wronged you is hate as a career.
The holocaust industry is the hate industry.
Here is something that might promote debate: http://www.amazon.com/Foundations-Twenty-First-Century-Nationalism/dp/1463562217/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpi_5
Foundations of the Twenty-First Century: The Philosophy of White Nationalism
Let these individuals make their screeds…we have our own agendas.
Also, I believe Menachem Rosensaft’s pet name writes itself:
Menarche. Menarche Rosensaft.
Organized Judaism supports most of the bad things that are happening (uncontrolled immigration, perpetual war in the Middle East) yet I don’t think that any of those things are solely caused by Jews or even mainly. The main cause is business interests.
GemJunior LOL!!!! – welcome to your Home! Your Race is your Home.
I don’t have a blog, cause I’m to “all over the place” to ever learn how to operate one. And it would all be horrible spelled, anyways.
Hunter’s blog is perfect, anyways. Are you on Stormfront?
Svigor – I got one post through. NOT under this name. I used an older name. Hahaha!!!! I did a really long mean one, about Menachem the Jew’s Jewish Supremacism.
More and more people are “seeing”. They never learn. They never ever learn. this time the expulsion will be global. Gem has noticed the eternal pattern. Kikes have been attackinjg White societies forever. Think of how much better every-one would be if finally found a permanent solution.
; }
Gem – the Spring Forward thing is kicking my gluteus maximus this year. I couldn’t fall asleep until 3AM last night/this AM – and now I’m about to do a Keith Richards into my keyboard. So I’ll go to bed instead.
I just wanted to say “Please settle in here. Come right over, and pull up a comfy seat in the monomaniac anti-Semites who blame the Jews for everything that is wrong in the world corner of Hunter’s blog. You’ll have a wonderful time! We LOVE rants!”
MacDonald has done more than simply observer the behavior of organized Jewry. He’s tied it to evolutionary theory and made genetic theories about it.
That most likely contributes to his reputation as an anti-semite.
The former is more than sufficient to get one labeled as an antisemite.
Which business leaders are drumming for war in Iran? It mainly seems to be neocon commentators, often Jewish, doing that.
I do think you are sorta correct about immigration, however. Industry leaders have always been aching for cheap labor – long before Emanuel Celler or even before Jews were really a large presence.
I don’t know what has changed about FB, but I am enjoying and agreeing with his comments more as of late. I couldn’t say the same thing a couple of years ago.
Seems to me immigration has been about cheap labor for big business and anti immigration has been about protecting native stock wages and traditions since the mid 1800’s
Time to take a big shit on that message. Passive-aggressive hate is still hate. Reminding someone constantly of how they’ve wronged you is hate. Making a hobby out of constantly reminding someone how they’ve wronged you is hate as a hobby. Making a career out of constantly reminding someone how they’ve wronged you is hate as a career.
Good points. Also, it’s used to guilt-trip you into serving their interests. You’re not allowed to wonder whether serving their interests is good or bad for you; whether it’s objectively good or bad for you (almost always the latter) or not, you wronged them, and now you have to do as you’re told. That’s also a form of “hate” — at least, it’s a demonstration of supreme contempt.
Anyway, the point is, it’s highly effective. That’s why they use it so much. And that’s why you should do the same thing yourself, with “anti-white.” There are a million ways — better ways — to play that besides “the mantra.” The mantra’s just training wheels for newbs. Some of you think you’re “too Aryan” for that, which is why you’re constantly getting your butts kicked. Learn from winners, not obscure perennial losers.
Organized Judaism supports most of the bad things that are happening (uncontrolled immigration, perpetual war in the Middle East) yet I don’t think that any of those things are solely caused by Jews or even mainly. The main cause is business interests.
Even if it’s as you say, pointing out Jewish lies, Jewish double standards, and Jewish hate attacks is still the right and necessary course of action. Or do you believe people should just put up with it?
MacDonald has done more than simply observer the behavior of organized Jewry. He’s tied it to evolutionary theory and made genetic theories about it.
That most likely contributes to his reputation as an anti-semite.
And you think MacDonald being an anti-semite (or not, or whatever) is more important than the racial issues in play, which is likely what contributes to your reputation as being an anti-white jew-firster. (For those who don’t know, that’s definitely his reputation on the various race boards.)
Rosencraft’s article was pretty bad. I agree that Hunter won the exchange.
However, the link in the article to Jonah Goldberg actually did pretty effectively attack white nationalism as unrealistic. I can’t really endorse him though because he’s an apologist for perpetual middle eastern wars.
lol, silver, the boards you speak of are not “race boards” they are false flag operations that are “free speech forums.” I own those boards and have made them pay dearly for their attempts to make “reputations.” I don’t care about reputation among idiots.
As for your question as to whether people should “put up with it,” no they should make note of it but they should see it as part of a bigger picture. And yes they should eventually move on to other issues.
I don’t care about Macdonald. I know the idiots over on thephora who defend him are idiots and I disagree with his theories but I don’t care.
You see Silver, I am capable of disagreeing with someone without totally denouncing them.
Yes I disagree with Macdonald. No, I don’t think Macdonald is the next Alex Linder or a bad guy.
“Jews like this fellow know that once Whites fully understand what Jews have done to them and what they’re doing to them, massive pogroms inevitably happen. It’s awful for both Jews and Whites and I don’t like it but this has been our history. This is why we must encourage Jews to move to Israel, for our sakes and theirs.”
FB, you don’t ‘get’ it. Jews are NOT Jews- even St. John knew this, 2000 years ago! [Rev. 2:8,9] Read Koestler, Schlomo Sand, even Freedman in the 1950’s told us this.
Israel is NOT their ‘home’ – just ask any indigenous Palestinian.
In this instance, Hitler was right. As is St. John Chrysostom – “God HATES the jews.”
And so should you…..
My apologies, Iceman, I came down a little hard on you. And I didn’t mean to suggest that I think you’re an anti-white jew-firster, only that your reputation as one is understandable.
You see Silver, I am capable of disagreeing with someone without totally denouncing them.
But in calling MacDonald an anti-semite you are denouncing him. Fuck “anti-semitism.” That’s their word, which they never cease to wield as a weapon. Even though I’m quite convinced many of the people who get called “anti-semites” really are flat out insane (wrt to what they’re prepared to ascribed to Jews and in the white hot animosity they feel towards Jews*) I refuse to use the term “anti-semite” to describe them. Worrying about whether someone is an “anti-semite” only gets in the way of discussing the real issues, which to me is far more important; at this stage of the game it’s like worrying about whether your assailant has stuck the dagger deeply enough into your spleen.
*There are plenty of miserable, white-hating nigger animals who are just as unhinged, but do their views generate even a tenth of the moral alarm as that reserved for “anti-semitism”?
Come off it. As if Jonah Goldberg’s (!) great problem with white nationalism is that it’s “unrealistic.”
Personally, I don’t care if “white nationalism” (whatever one means by it) is unrealistic. One way or another, race/racialism/race-realism/racial-reality (call it what you want) must achieve prominence in public life. Whether that might lead to a fully-blown “white nationalism” may be hard to say, but there is no way in hell I am going through the rest of my life pretending race doesn’t matter or, worse (a million times worse), that another race matters more than my own (which is what whites — particularly ‘founding stock’ types — are required to pretend every day of their lives).
On that last point, about “my own race,” I think you’ll find our racial views — the way we mentally subdivide the races — are rather similar. The main difference is I’m not nearly as determined as you are to squeeze every europidic or near-europidic caucasoid under the banner “white.” (Didn’t you once describe Lula as a “white man”? Bit much, I reckon.)Not only do I think it’s unwise and unnecessary, it’s also counterproductive. It creates the impression that WNs/racialists believe being classified as “white” is the only thing that matters in life, which is far from the truth, and which the great mass of people are going to find a turn-off.
note I did not spell check or double check so sorry if there are errors
Regarding reputation, first of all to say someone is “anti-white Jew first” implies a very black and white type of thinking. In reality one can be jew first without being anti-white or anti-white without being jew first or anything and everything. But that is not the point of my reply. The reputation largely comes from the fact that I’ve done things that other have not. Certainly I do not follow an Orthodox WN line.
Regarding Macdonald, I responded to what Hunter Wallace wrote. Wallace wrote that Macdonald was accused of being an anti-semite for observing Jewish behavior and I pointed out that actually that Macdonald has gone further. SYmantically, I agree that the word “anti-semite” is corny. It applies that all Jews are semites, that one is against Jews because they are semites, etc. I would use the term anti-Jewish personally. I do think it’s fair to say that Macdonald is more anti-Jewish than I am on paper but I do not get emotional about those things. The world does not stop spinning because my position towards Jews is different. It’s the establishment types who are self-righteous which get hysterical about stuff, I don’t overreact to an opposing position on the Jewish question. Some of “those forums” may try to frame my conflicts in that context, but that is a lie. It’s like saying Palestinians attack Jews only because of Islam.
Regarding the idea that I convey the impression that “only race matters” I should not be conveying that. Race does matter but there are Blacks I like and Whites I dislike. In fact I am the only self-desribed race realist (not really, “yakub Israel” is too) to endorse gangster rap as a brutal way of attacking the establishment. So I am racially “aware,” but I hate the bourgeious class more than I hate blacks.
So to me, classifying these people as white is a matter of science, not a matter of politics. I could give a shit if Hunter, Linder, Macdonald or anyone else politically considers a Lebonese Christian to be White – there still is an actual racial aspect to being white aside from the political part (I’m more interested in the biological part) but hardly think the biological part is as politically relevant as some others may think.
Hi Gemjunior,
Welcome to the fold. If you’re anything like me, you’re on a journey that’s as much psychological/spiritual as intellectual. In my case, it took about 5 years for it to really sink it psychologically and spiritually. So be prepared for some changes. It’s kinda like having a limb grafted back on.
The mantra’s just training wheels for newbs. Some of you think you’re “too Aryan” for that, which is why you’re constantly getting your butts kicked. Learn from winners, not obscure perennial losers.
Yes, the “Aryan honor” thing is really big in our camp, if Stormfront is any guide. I can’t count how many times I had to bash their thick skulls for choosing the path of the “beautiful loser.” Of course, I eventually chalked this up to the subculture phenomenon; a lot of Stormfronters are in it for the subculture, not the actual ostensible goals. Achieving the goals would be the death of (the end of specialness for) their subculture, so they actually prefer losing to winning.
Personally, I don’t care if “white nationalism” (whatever one means by it) is unrealistic. One way or another, race/racialism/race-realism/racial-reality (call it what you want) must achieve prominence in public life.
Right. If surviving is “unrealistic,” then you might as well go ahead and assume my plans are all “fantasies,” because they’re going to include surviving. Period.
(Never mind that “repeat after me: you can’t win (it’s “unrealistic,” “impossible,” etc.)” is classic psyops. No easier way for pussies with newspapers to win wars than convincing the enemy not to fight)
Regarding reputation, first of all to say someone is “anti-white Jew first” implies a very black and white type of thinking.
It’s not “black and white” thinking to assign priorities to people’s interests.
In reality one can be jew first without being anti-white or anti-white without being jew first or anything and everything.
Well, yes, theoretically, but in practice, it simply doesn’t work that way.
So to me, classifying these people as white is a matter of science, not a matter of politics. I could give a shit if Hunter, Linder, Macdonald or anyone else politically considers a Lebonese Christian to be White – there still is an actual racial aspect to being white aside from the political part (I’m more interested in the biological part) but hardly think the biological part is as politically relevant as some others may think.
So, black and white thinking is okay when you do it. Okay. But the rest of us know that words often have multiple meanings. YES, race is a matter of politics too. In fact, the political sense defines “Whiteness” at least as much as the genetic sense does.
I meant to add that I meant the last sentence in the context of White as used in “White Nationalism.”
In reality one can be jew first without being anti-white or anti-white without being jew first or anything and everything.
I mean, manned space flight is possible, too. Shall we count Jew-firsters who are pro-White? White-firsters who are pro-Jew?
The whole Jew-White thing is so confusing. I’m starting to get it. Especially reminded me of two times in my life when I asked a couple of people “What nationality are you?” and they automatically said “I’m Jewish.” i said “No. That’s your religion. I asked what nationality.” Like I’m Irish of Irish parents – Irish but I’m American first. One guy said to me “Are you dense? I said I’m Jew-ISH” This was when I was young at camp. I didn’t understand it then. They don’t consider themselves OF a country and have no patriotism to one other than that kitty litter box in the middle east. They are ABOVE all countries, the international jews. Ugh. I haven’t checked out the Stormfront or Hunter Wallace but I’m goin to. I don’t understand why Amren doesn’t seem to want to focus on this root cause of our displacement. It could be cos they are afraid but they’re cast as a HATE group anyhow. Strange. I’m fed up with their act. Wherever they go they just can’t be satisfied with just being people, living lives. Live and let live – no way. Gotta infiltrate, mess with, and destroy. No wonder they’ve always been subject to expulsion. Why can’t they put two and two together and just fucking cut it out?
Thanks for the welcomes here. You guys really sound aware of them anyway. I had no idea they were connected with the Civil War – NO IDEA. Never heard of the Protocols (and all I can say is if that was forged it sure is coincidental that these things have happened EXACTLY as that was written) how can they think we are so stupid???? Well actually since I just started seeing this myself on the internet I guess they get away with it since they do own everything. I wonder how soon before they get their hands on the internet – that’s a scary thought isn’t it? It’s like an octopus with tentacles poisoning everything good. Satanic, synagogue of satan. Oh God I feel apoplectic sputtering fury coming on…… LOL.
I don’t understand why Amren doesn’t seem to want to focus on this root cause of our displacement.
Fake opposition.
Gem My Heart’s Darling (I love you. You are our new Baby Racialist Wot’s Just Got his Racial Cherry Popped! My FAVORITE!!!!!) – Jared Taylor has played footsie with Die Judenraus for YEARS. I know why – but I will not say why.
He’s a marvelous example of why you can never trust Die Juden. He done got his widdle foosties stomped, re: his conferences. His Big Jew Pals didn;t so a thing to help him, whne he was routed, and alas, he picked up some of their stunts, in Charlotte. For SHAME!!!!
He’s now moved his conference to TN. In light of the utter success of last year’s wonderful, if under-advertised, went off without a hitch Stormfront Conference. (You come to the next one, my angel. I’ll introduce you to the folks you’ll most want to know). This year’s Amren Confab is Taylor’s absolute last chance to redeem himself with his supporters. He knows it, too. You should have heard the comments at the last big CoCC conference. Some even snubbed him to his face.
I do hope that he gets back on track, and that this year’s Amren is everything it ought to be. I sincerely wish every-one in attendance a marvelous time, and I hope it’s all a total success, and that Kurtagic actually shows up.
LOL yes, cherry popped is a great metaphor for this whole situation. I was reading about Jared Taylor’s trip to France and was very inspired by the translation of what and who spoke there, I can’t believe that it’s fake opposition or that he too is a traitor. But I do notice that the moderator does edit a lot of posts and anything about Jews that isn’t fawning. I’d be very interested in attending a stormfront conference and finding out more about how to bring people over to our side. I know there are people who would be very interested but are lemmings at heart and are fearful. But then again, things are getting and will continue to get so bad to the point that it will “cost nothing to be a patriot” in other words they’ll have no other choice. I was listening to this British guy named Brian Gerrish on the net talking about this organization called “Common Purpose” who seem to be at the root of some of the problems in Europe, most especially Britain and rolling over onto us. Helping to give more power to Nigerian Black Bastards who don’t belong there, persecuting native Brits, and pushing Big Brother. It’s really happening there. They aren’t at that point where they can try that shit with us. God forbid we ever get stupid enough that we allow these communists to take our guns. They have no shame, and as the saying goes they cry out as they strike you. What a pity they are so cunning – an honest decent person hasn’t a chance. I’ve looked for Hunter Wallace but apparently his blog is closed down? I’m onto stormfront now… I’ll be back with more questions and insanity later! Have a good night you guys, esp. Denise, thank you for all the work you do for all the stupid White gentiles sleepwalking toward their doom….Glad I’m at least getting The Cure here….
@GemJ.: you are currently on Hunter Wallace’s site. Best single-focus site on the Jewish problem is Kevin Macdonald’s, @ http://occidentalobserver.wordpress.com. Tho I’m afraid HW might not agree, Greg Johnson @ http://counter-currents.com is also excellent.
more evidence that we are not all alike.
I don’t understand why Amren doesn’t seem to want to focus on this root cause of our displacement. It could be cos they are afraid but they’re cast as a HATE group anyhow. Strange. I’m fed up with their act.
Think of Amren as a gateway drug. After a while, you’re supposed to move on and up. Pity the ones who stay there; cases of arrested development.
Iceman, you dismiss in one sentence WN as “unrealistic” but go on for a whole paragraph about anti-semite/anti-jewish. I already told you I’m really not interested in who’s an anti-semite or who’s anti-jewish or whatever but I guess you just can’t help yourself. Are you sure this doesn’t betray something about your priorities?
Now look, is there a single Jew in America, do you suppose, who’d say of Abe Foxman, “Oh, he does great work for our cause and I really respect him, but I’ve heard accusations that he may be anti-white and that’s got me a little worried.”?
Regarding the idea that I convey the impression that “only race matters” I should not be conveying that.
I didn’t say you’re conveying the impression that “only race matters.” I said by attempting to include every remotely related caucasoid under the sun under the banner “white” you’re indirectly or unwittingly conveying the impression “being white is everything” (or “being classified white is everything”). Obviously these are related notions but there remains an important difference. “Only race matters,” while still a terrible way to present the issues, would in fact be an improvement on “being white is everything.”
Yes, the “Aryan honor” thing is really big in our camp, if Stormfront is any guide. I can’t count how many times I had to bash their thick skulls for choosing the path of the “beautiful loser.” Of course, I eventually chalked this up to the subculture phenomenon; a lot of Stormfronters are in it for the subculture, not the actual ostensible goals. Achieving the goals would be the death of (the end of specialness for) their subculture, so they actually prefer losing to winning.
Didn’t the Romans who SFers so often look up to invent the practice of divide et impera? In fact, the Romans were particularly devious since they tried very hard to ensure that none of their various enemies ever had exactly the same qualm with them, thus preventing their enemies finding common ground and rallying around that one issue. How “honorable” was that?
Personally, I’ve always felt that when it comes to the big questions like nation, culture, religion (which I used to be big on), nowadays I’d add race, winning is everything: there’s no lie so shameful I wouldn’t tell it, no act so dishonorable I wouldn’t stoop to it. Fortunately, though, when it comes to race, facts and logic are so lopsided in favor of the racial position there’s no need to lie whatsoever. When it comes to dishonorable behavior I’m not so sure. I can all too easily foresee going back on one’s word in the future. But oh well, secure racial existence first; we can always kill each other later.
Silver, you need to work on your communication skills and reading comprehension.
Again, I originally made the statement I did in response to Hunter’s opening article. You questioned me, then I explained it further because you questioned me.
Regarding MacDonald, I already told you that I don’t think he’s that bad. It’s not a black and white issue. I do think the conclusion his theory leads to his wrong, but he does some good research and raises good points in trying to support his incorrect theory.
I already explained that I’m defining race genetically. It doesn’t make sense to split groups apart that share characteristics if you are talking about a hereditary definition of race. If politically you want to base the definition off of the boarders of Europe, then invite whoever you want into your country club.
Every-one would be better off without the spawn of Satan. Every-one. Not just us. It’s really that simple. Life would not be perfect. Humans are not perfect. But Kikes are something else. When you study their overall history – they are ALWAYS maliciously screwing things up. The fly in the ointment. The poison in the well. Always.
We don’t need them at all. That’s all you need remember.
When I said Now look, is there a single Jew in America, do you suppose, who’d say of Abe Foxman, “Oh, he does great work for our cause and I really respect him, but I’ve heard accusations that he may be anti-white and that’s got me a little worried.”? it wasn’t to contrast your attitude to MacDonald with Jews’ attitudes to Foxman; it was to make the point that Jews don’t spend a second of their time worrying about whether someone among their ranks is anti-white so neither should racialists spend time worrying about “anti-semites.”
I already explained that I’m defining race genetically. It doesn’t make sense to split groups apart that share characteristics if you are talking about a hereditary definition of race. If politically you want to base the definition off of the boarders of Europe, then invite whoever you want into your country club.
Dude, I want to maximize the number of people who will support pro-white racial politics and minimize the numbers who oppose it. My opposition to your viewpoint isn’t rooted in wanting to “keep people out”; it’s rooted in my belief that your scientific approach (of dubious scientific merit, imho) works contrary to this objective. Surely you’ve seen before that the result of calling everyone “white” is endless rounds of whiter-than-thou bickering and wounded egos, even among people who never previously cared about whiteness. The upshot is not only that nothing ever gets decided, but that people get defensive and carry that defensiveness with them into real-world politics. A hundred years ago or even fifty years ago this wouldn’t have posed much of a problem. But ongoing immigration and miscegenation has created a massive racial grey area — one that’s only going to continue to expand in coming years. That’s why I consider it a much better idea to “split” whites into, roughly, northern and “Mediterranean” encourage and nurture the concept of that racial identity, because the vast majority grey area miscegenation group will possess visible racial characteristics essentially in line with that racial profile. You’ll note that this isn’t some racial scheme plucked from thin air. Most people who fit that profile already socially gravitate towards others who fit it. So the point isn’t so much to “teach” these people racial identity as it is to make that identity politically actionable (in a way indirectly profitable to the white racial position). Calling everyone “white” (and droning on for hours about hbd/genes/IQ/heredity etc) only succeeds in creating what some race-board Somali termed (accurately, imo) “Off-white Dilemma” (OWD) — the dilemma being do you support whiteness and risk exposing yourself to racial rejection, or do you support anti-racism? My approach is something of an “end around” this dilemma.
These are not the sort of distinctions that readers of this blog would care much about, but I’m not addressing them. I saw you posting here and had your attention so I wanted to make the point to you.
I can’t believe that it’s fake opposition,
Taylor has accepted jew money from the start.
Brimelow said 2/3 years ago: “Any person of any race can become American.”
I just took at look amren and here is the first article:
March 15, 2012
‘Racial Discrepancy’ Madness Spreads,
The American Thinker
Robert Weissberg offers a bit of sanity.
Tabula Raza insists that Jared Taylor and American Renaaisance really aren’t pro White, they’re part of a “controlled opposition”, part of the secret conspiracy that controls EVERYTHING in America.
Only a small group of societal misfits knows the TRUTH. Any one who has any success in mainstream America is a SELL OUT and is completely controlled by THE JEWS.
Nice to see the old American Conspiracy Theory Kooks coming around doing the same old, same old.
@Jack Ryan
I was actually thinking they were going to whip that ” Taylor is married to a jewess” accusation. (completely unproven, BTW) Nevertheless, you your summation the kooks and their conspiracy fantasies is close enough.
I like AmRen, and think Taylor is the most articulate pro-white voice out there.
I don’t think that Taylor himself is a part of a conspiracy – I think that his actual physical locale put him in contact with loads of Jews – DC is a Ground Zero Jew Hot Spot, and the AmRen offices are right in the area. I thnk he’s just had a LOT of contact with the Spawn of Satan, and probably still trusts them personally. Which makes him a looney tunes. Also – that “Secret” conference in Charlotte – kow FOR A FACT he could have gotten the Marriott hotel to accept the conference, but he dithered, and then they gave up, and he collected his sweet little cancellation fees. The little viddy conference opp was comprised of the speakers, the attendant Court Jews, and their little Twinks.
So the Conspiracy Theorists are NOT that kooky after all. Taylor gives them PLENTY of ammo.
Taylor has also travelled extensively in his life; he’s a part of the Air Travel Set. He”s a huge snob. He does not like dirtying his beautiful manicure by any sweaty handshakes with the Proles.
I give him credit for what he has done. He certianly hasn’t had to try to get the word out on the dire predicament of the White Race. He could have just enjoyed his life, and not bothered with any of these racial issues. As Svigor said – AmRen is a gateway drug.
I just got a notification from E Nationalist that “Government officials are taking DNA samples of the attendees” at THIS year’s AmRen conference – which is being held in a govenment center – and to leave ASAP.
I’ll get confirmation of this, tonight. Hoo HA!
Thanks Chris.
These conspiracy mongering Kooks – accusing everyone on our side of being secretly controlled by THE JEWS, they’re a lot like Chicago Cubs baseball fans. After 100 years of losing, they come to embrace losing ways and they become positively angry when anyone on our side starts to have some success, starts to embrace winning ways.
It’s OK to be successful, it’s OK to play to win.
My view is very different than yours, Silver. I am not a “mass movement” type. In my opinion, you can can take someone to the water but you can’t make them drink.
I can be tolerant of ideological differences but I will never not notice them.
As far as the science, certainly I am close to the mark than either White Nationalist or Anti-racists are because I don’t have their biases.
Legendary German inefficiency:
“a Holocaust survivor”
About 2,630,000 results (0.29 seconds)
“an Auschwitz survivor”
About 180,000 results (0.44 seconds)
http://www.giwersworld.org/holo3/holo-survivors.phtml – Cached
10 Jun 2007 – In the year 2000 Israel said there were one million holocaust survivors still alive and many are in financial need. That number is corroborated …
Holocaust survivors struggling to make ends meet in Israel | World …
http://www.guardian.co.uk › News › World news › Holocaust – Cached
19 Apr 2012 – One of the 198,000 Holocaust survivors still alive in Israel, she is also one of the … Many are widowed, and a high proportion of those receiving …
A World Without Holocaust Survivors | Jewish & Israel News …
http://www.algemeiner.com › Blogs – Cached
9 Apr 2012 – As the number of Holocaust survivors able to give direct testimony about their … that about 127000 survivors were still alive in the United States, and […] … that as many New Jersey students as possible meet a survivor; training ….
Holocaust survivors prefer to live in Toronto
http://www.jewishtoronto.com › Jewish Toronto News – Cached
According to a recent study, the Greater Toronto Area is home to more than half of the 23,660 Holocaust survivors living in Canada. The report, published by UJA …