Menachem Rosensaft: The Scourge of White Nationalism

Menachem Rosensaft describes White Nationalism as the scourge that won't go away

New York

Menachem Z. Rosensaft has penned a screed at The Huffington Post about Peter Brimelow’s appearance at CPAC and how White Nationalism is “the scourge that won’t go away.”

Rosencraft is a Jewish ethnic activist who is described as the “vice president of the American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants.”

He is outraged that White Americans would have the audacity to start defining themselves as a racial group (like Jews), nurture a positive sense of racial identity (like Jews), and organize to defend their legitimate group interests (like Jews) against their racial antagonists on the Left like the ADL, NAACP, and National Council of La Raza.

When Rosensaft’s fellow Jews organize into political action committees and lobby the federal government to incite a war between the United States and Iran for the benefit of Israel, they are just exercising their legitimate “civil rights.” When White Americans attempt to organize to change our immigration laws, we are guilty of “noxious bigotry” and must be excluded from “polite society” at mainstream events like CPAC.

In order to support his theory of the wickedness of Peter Brimelow, Rosensaft cites the ADL (an explicitly Jewish organization), the SPLC (an organization controlled and financed by Jews), the Jewish columnist Jonah Goldberg who writes for National Review, and finally the Jewish owned and controlled New York Times.

Kevin MacDonald is denounced as an “anti-Semite” for observing how Jews like Rosensaft operate: how they create ethnic networks with other Jews in the media and academia to maximize their influence, their dual morality code which prescribes one standard for Jews and another for Gentiles, how they use these ethnic networks silence all criticism of Jews and promote the collective interests of Jews at the expense of other groups, especially White Americans.

“White Nationalism” will never go away because there will always be White people who are aware of how badly Jews have behaved themselves in America and how destructive their cultural and political impact has been upon the United States. There will always be whistleblowers on the internet drawing attention to Jewish behavior too.

I’m not referring to the monomaniac anti-Semites who blame the Jews for everything that is wrong in the world. Surely, there are people who noticed how Sheldon Adelson bought the Gingrich campaign, how Ben Shapiro praised MSNBC’s firing of the “anti-Semite” Pat Buchanan, and how Bibi Netanyahu and Organized Jewry are twisting Obama’s arm into supporting an attack on Iran.

Once you are exposed to the theory, it is impossible not to notice the pattern. It would be “bad for the Jews” if more White Americans were familiar with that pattern and the negative impact it is having on their interests. Thus, it is “good for the Jews” to censor, marginalize, and silence people like Peter Brimelow, Jared Taylor, and Kevin MacDonald to prevent them from connecting with a larger audience.

Their “toxic rhetoric” is dangerous because it happens to be true.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. What a terrible Jew.

    He’s a professional Jewish victim, son of holocausts victim and working to flood the United States with millions of 3rd world immigrants to prevent us WASP White British Americans from inflicting another holocaust on the Jews in the good old USA.

    It doesn’t matter with these types whether White Americans support immigration restrictions against Islamic terrorists or HIV positive Black Ugandans, we’re all NAZIs.

    That’s life.

    I recommend the following come back with these types:

    Support Israel – the Homeland of the Jews….. Send them home.

  2. This type is especially vulnerable to the Mantra, when asked why they want to flood white countries and only white countries with non-white immigrants they fall back on the holocaust which is like handing over the hammer. Answer: “You are trying to justify the genocide of whites and whites only by using the holocaust.”

  3. A noted former German leader characterized Jews as similar to a “noxious bacillus”. We definitely do need some penicillin.


    I can say what I want about the Greeks, but there is a group so powerful it insists on, and gets, an absolute veto on how it is discussed (or even whether it is discussed)?

    How did the Jews amass so much power they even control the way we think about their power and how they use it? That’s the interesting question. It is an amazing accomplishment, so amazing one would think it would be the subject of much intellectual debate. It is one of the most interesting questions of our time, with massive implications in terms of general political control. Of course, we’re not allowed to ask it, or even think about it. Atzmon has some theories. He touches the third rail in a way that might cause some people to think, and thus needs to be harried out of existence. Atzmon has created a kind of political theater, the reaction to which proves the larger point.

    Theoretically, what if a group of people who think of themselves as distinguished from the larger group of human beings acted in concert, often covertly, to accomplish group supremacist goals, all of which are completely evil? What if they were able to use their power, and their covert exercise of power, to control even the way we think about them? What would we, could we, should we, do to stop them?

    at 3/09/2012 08:53:00 PM 7 Comments

  5. Notice how the whole purpose of this article is to pull the strings of the false opposition. What’s even more important here than Rosensaft is how the mainstream media determines who represents the Right.

  6. Well, the David Duke, the Birchers, and even the Pat Buchannans and Ron Paulites to some degree have been excluded from mainstream conservatardism. Any hint of overt pro-white thought gets one banned permanently from the Limbaughs and Hannitys and their clones. Look at the Herman Cain circus.

    Ironic now that Rush is getting herded off the air for “degrading” a liberal white woman. He, Buckley and the rest sold white America out for the opportunity to make a mint as controlled dissent. Let him go kicking and screaming, he didn’t speak a word of support when pro-whites were being lied about and slandered about in Louisiana in 1991. To the contrary, Rush piled on. He defends the jews and Israel at every turn. He is a slavish neocon. Ironic now he is being done in by the ADL and jew Soros funded Media Matters. He saw being anti-white and pro-jew as an opportunity to show how “non-racist” conservatardism is. Rush is being done in by the palace guard, a guard he helped entrench.

  7. Mr. Rosensaft is acutely aware that historically White Gentiles and Jews have had a conflict of interests. This is an old story, as old as the presence of Jews in the Greco-Roman world (Romans despised Jews and Jews loathed the Roman system). Jews get very, very nervous when White Gentiles imitate Jewish thinking and tactics, since it could potentially mean a lot of dead Jews. Additionally, Brimelow has published MacDonald and other anti-Semites, a red flag for someone who strongly identifies with his Jewishness.

  8. Rush’s big mistake was thinking he could make a deal with the devil. Promote pro-white principles without being pro-white. In exchange for expediency, he lost any chance to frame the real argument.

  9. The reason I point out Rush is because in the early 80’s, conservatives had a irrevocable choice to make. Embrace an essentially white nationalist platform and risk being called racist, or become part of the “new racial paradigm” and commit to their ideology at the expense of their race. Every mainstream conservative institution chose the latter. From Bob Jones University on down to Rush Limbaugh. They chose poorly.

  10. I knew I never liked Rush.

    It’s interesting, I’m in a debate with an Anglo-Jewish girl about race problems in England and America. It’s quite interesting. She sees racism as quite complex. Some justified some not. She’s a bit terrified of the way I talk now. But strangely enough, she’s not too keen on blacks herself.

  11. Both of Menachem’s parents survived the Auschwitz “death camp.” Amazing how many Jews miraculously survived so-called German “death camps.” No? 🙂

  12. I’m starting to think that the reason the Left has so much power over the Right is because the mainstream media determines who represents the Right – their false opposition – by giving attention to them.

    The Right censors itself and conforms to the Left to get access to the mountains of money that are thrown at what the Left selects to be its opposition.

  13. The firing of Buchanan from MSNBC closed the door on any realistic prospect of infiltrating the mainstream. The only route to power will necessarily require confrontation and rejection of “mainstream” values.

  14. They know they can’t milk it for much longer. Bombarding Iran, whore ancestors the Persians allowed the Jewish return to Jerusalem when they knocked over Babylon will be their very last freebie. We are 60+ years from Ww2 now.

  15. Hunter: “I’m starting to think that the reason the Left has so much power over the Right”

    The Left doesn’t have any power over the Right but it looks like that because the left has been completely hijacked by the Jews, while the right has only been partially hijacked by the Jews. Actually, the agenda of the left is gradually becoming the agenda of the right, with a ten year delay. But the left is no longer what it used to be. Now, it is mainly a Jewish thing. It is all about immigration.

    My dictionary gives this definition of the left : “those who support varying degrees of social or political or economic change designed to promote the public welfare.” But if a left-wing person becomes critical of the Jews, he will be classified as far-right by the media and by the political establishment. That is because the Jewish controlled media decide who gets what political label. They don’t care what the dictionary says.

    “is because the mainstream media determines who represents the Right – their false opposition – by giving attention to them.”

    The right is a false opposition and the left is completely phony too. The left is a coalition run by Jews. For example, when the Jews decide to hijack the environmentalist movement to strengthen their leftist coalition, they only need to create a new environmentalist organization with a Jewish direction who couldn’t care less about Nature’s protection. Then the Jewish media start giving them a lot of airtime, presenting them as idealistic left-wing defenders of Nature, and pretty soon, the mainstream environmentalist movement becomes part of the left-wing coalition: people who care about the environment start to think of themselves as being left-wing, and they now shut up about mass immigration. And the natural leaders of the environmentalist movement become completely marginalized.

    “The Right censors itself and conforms to the Left to get access to the mountains of money that are thrown at what the Left selects to be its opposition.”


  16. Since discovering this website several years ago, I read it daily and confess that it has done more to improve my understanding of the causes and impact of the Civil War than all my history and political studies combined. I have long been convinced that the South has been unfairly maligned for fighting for its principles. As a Californian, I dare not discuss my belief in white supremacy and only wish more people would take the time to learn why the South had to fight for its life. On a recent trip to Branson, MO, I found a bumper sticker with a Confederate flag and the words: We Know the Truth”. For safeties sake it’s posted above my workbench in the garage, but it does speak my belief.
    All that said, I must confess my failure to understand the fairly strong anti-semitic ideas expressed on the blog by Hunter and many of the commenters. I am a 70 year old retiree with two college degrees and I have not yet found a definitive answer to or rationale for the idea that the Jews (foreign and domestic) are a menace to white, christian society. I have read a number of good books on the history of the Jews and their relationship to other peoples in the Western world in an attempt to discover the basic reason for their distrust among otherwise tolerant people. You may take me as naive, but this is a genuine mystery to me and I would appreciate any discussion on the blog about why some here at OD find the Hebrew dangerous.
    Thank you for exploring critical issues where others fear to tread. RH

  17. Good point about environmenalists. I was at a dinner party last week. They were complaining about the plastic islands in the oceans.

    I felt like whipping out the OD post showing the beaches in Mogadishu, Dakar and Durban ans saying “it isn’t non littering whites flushing their crap out to sea, take a look at this industrial level polluting!”

  18. There are really only two choices now. Be a racist, or be assimilated. There is no more room for the Rush Limbaughs of the world. He served his purpose at crowding out and distracting from any legitimate opposition. He has now become a liability to his masters, and will be disposed of. The era of luke-warm politics is drawing to a close. Be either hot or cold, black or white, live or dead. Those who thought pro-white nationalism represented a third way were wrong. It represents, and always has, the Other Way. There has always only been two ways. The major political parties have together represented a singular path since the death of the Dixie Democrats.

  19. It is because Jews like Menachem Rosensaft and Tim Wise are constantly found at the forefront of social movements that aim to delegitimize White racial consciousness and deconstruct Western civilization.

    Have you ever done any gold prospecting? If you sift through the opposition, you will always find Jews drastically overrepresented among our worst enemies. They are always found “leading the charge” against anything pro-White or pro-Western.

    I do not believe that all Jews are anti-White and anti-Western, or that Jews are the sole cause of our racial and cultural decline. I do believe that the proportion of Jews who are consciously anti-White and anti-Western is much higher than other groups.

    Quite honestly, it would be shocking if Jews were not found leading and fomenting destructive anti-White social movements, as this would go against the grain of experience. It would be as shocking as if blacks suddenly stopped committing the majority of violent crime in our society.

  20. These anti-White Jews are quite rightly scared shit less of the day White nationalism reaches critical mass. Expect their push back to intensify even more.

    The day of reckoning is coming and they know it.

  21. These people are the scourge of the earth…biggest part of the problem is that many Southerners look upon them as the “chosen people” and since before the War of Northern Agression have allowed the religious angle to overide the White/European/racial angle. How mnay young boys did the South lose during the war..?!… now the Jews are trying to start a war with Iran so more young,White, Christian, European people can be killed?!?!?!….and still many Southerners worship these people; they all need to be destroyed.

  22. What is it, they’re always saying?

    “Next year, in Jerusalem!”

    Well what’s the matter with _this_ year, Jewstein? Me and other White taxpayers are paying for it, you might as well go, now. Now. NOW.

    After all… it would be Good For The Jews, IYKWIMAITYD.

  23. Rosensaft isn’t hypocritical.

    Westerners are hypocritical because they combine a universal moral code with a political system that privileges non-Whites over Whites. Rosensaft is just being consistently Jewish in that Jews have never really believed in holding Jews and Gentiles to the same moral standard.

  24. Jack Ryan – the homeland for Die Juden is Hell. Back where their Daddy Satan shat them out. See the Jew. Smell the sulphur.


    Stop telling yourself you cannot. Stop it. YOU CAN SPEAK OUT.

    Preach it. Whisper at first is you must. You MUST speak.

    Soon you’ll be shouting. And NOTHING will stop you.

    John – TELL THE EARTHY CRUNCHIES the ORCS are messing up the planet. I know Limey Land has all these Anti Truth Speech Laws. Well PREACH. Emma West ain’t dead. Look the Rarthy Crunchies in the eye. Speak in a calm voice. You Limey’s like carefully modulated tones. When they start blabbering about “racism how can your say that I…” cut them off.

    Cut them off.

    Get quiet, but 110% DISDAIN in your voice, and ask, “How long are you going to keep lying to yourself? How long? ” Keep repeating that question. Until they stop.

    They will stop. I promise you. They will stop lying.

    Tell them what to think and say. Whites are waiting to follow a leader. Don’t ask them – tell them.

  26. Rob Roy – when the Yids invoke the HolyCost – I ask “Which one? The Armenian Genocide, in which Sabbatean Jew Attaturk and his Sabbatean Jew cronies nearly accomplished a 100% successful genocide of Armenian Christians, via inciting Turkish Muslims to perpatrate the slaughter? Or the upwards of 60 MILLION Russian Christians murdered in Communist Russia, by the Communists – you know – the Bolsheviks – you know – JEWS?”

    And go from there.

    FYI – a White man and I recently tagged teamed a noxious Israel Jew. She invoked the Holy Hoax – and we went ot TOWN on the Devil Hag. She was quivering jelly by the time we finished. Metaphorically, of course. Alas.

    I’ve taken to putting Zio Xians on the spot, when they start babbling about Blessing IsraHell.

    “Why are you babbling about Jews? Jews HATE you. Why are you serving them? Are you mental? Why don’t you care aobut the millions of Christians MURDERED by Jews?”

    “What are you talking about? I don’t know what you’re talking about…”

    (Cite the Russian genocide. Refer to all kinds of Government stats. from all kinds of governments, about the loss of 100 MILLION Christians during the WWII years).

    “I don’t know about that.. ”

    “Why NOT? WHY DON’T YOU? DON’T YOU CARE ABOUT CHRISTIANS? (I have practically literally jumped down my target’s throat at this point. I totally invade body space, and hold the eyes) “Why don’t you CARE ABOUT CHRISTIANS????”


    Yes. I frighten them. GOOD.

    I keep asking variations on “Why don’t you care about Christians?” Interrupting their weak replies is good – it drives into their limbic systems that they will not be able evade my demands with weak responses – and the Holy Righteous Wrath bit strikes a chord.

    You have to design questions that will elicit the answer you want. A faux Christian has yet to answer my question. They come up with all sorts of reactions, I’ve frightened people. I’ve upset them. I’ve made them angry. The ONLY acceptable reply is, “I do care. Of course I care”.

    Then they will invariably start trying to rationalize their servitude of Die Juden, or to to anything else. Which I point out, the moment they begin, Then I really go to work.

    The mostest fun-nest part is, after the grilling, when I’m winding things up, I’ll note, “You are trying to run all kinds of BS past me. Fine. You don’t have to answer to me (after I’ve made them do so) – it doesn’t matter what you say to me. Do you really believe in God?” “Of course I do!” (Target is all outraged and quivering at this point) I go sotto voce…”But what will you do when you must answer to God for what you’ve done…..?”

    Hold eyes. Make sure that totally kind, innocent as a newborn Lamb, I’m only thinking of your Immortal Soul expression in my wide open wondering eyes, and then walk away, ruefully shaking head….tsk tsk…

  27. John – cool! Then they can’t arrest you for speech.

    Do it, next time. Make a joke. Joke, with Texans. They like jokes.

  28. Menachem the Jew is in NY State. He indoctrinates at Cornell, and Syracuse. Hhhmmmmm…….

    The Huff Po has moderation.


    I’ll check back tomorrow.

  29. It also spews forth at Columbia U. MMMMm….that’s the putrid pustulant throbbing heart of kosher evil. A Talmudic Hot Spot. A Vampire lair. Close – but I’ll need back up.

  30. Bloody Moderation. One warms to a subject. One’s imagination is fired. One does not see one’s thoughts or feelings included in the general Commentary.

    For now.

  31. Oh John – if you are ever in St Louis again – with that crowd – ask them to take you on a tour of EAST St Louis. Merriment will ensue.

    Did you pay a call to dear Gordon?

  32. I know I’m quoting myself, but it bears repeating. Especially if the writer is a Jew, an Israeli, and a convert to Christianity, who calls it as he sees it, if only to show the BULLSHIT of imposters like Rosensaft.

    ““Philips is not against Christianity per se (or she would write for a different audience); she imagines for us a thoroughly Judaised, subdued Christianity-for-Goyim, a lower-tier entry-level faith for non-Jews. Adherents of Melanie Phillips’ Christianity-Lite will daily ask the Lord that He permit them to better serve the Jews. She denies Replacement Theology (Supersessionism), even though this is at the root of Christian dogma. She is shocked that Christians consider themselves to be the True Israel. What about the Jews, she shrills. Educated Christians understand that modern-day Jews have no valid claim on the title Israel (the Chosen People of God); they are false pretenders. The title belongs now and forever to the Christian Church…” – Israel Shamir, [former Jew, Israeli, convert to Orthodox Christianity] in his book review of a Jew’s poisonous tome, Melanie Phillips’ book called the The World Turned Upside Down. – accessed at

    Kinda makes what the Church has been saying for 2000 years, appear to be true. don’t it?

  33. Denise- Are you putting together a series of DVD’s on how to implement this ‘winner take all’ special ‘ideological intimidation tactics’ for Whites?

    Would Joan Rivers sell it on QVC?

    Today, only $49.99.


  34. Jews like this fellow know that once Whites fully understand what Jews have done to them and what they’re doing to them, massive pogroms inevitably happen. It’s awful for both Jews and Whites and I don’t like it but this has been our history. This is why we must encourage Jews to move to Israel, for our sakes and theirs.

  35. FR John – one of my favorite Heroes of Christendome was Vlad Tepses. He understood effective communication techinques.

    That FOUL obscene kikenhag Rivers cn be in one of the vidoes, as an…ummm… example. But not as a Salewoman. Hee hee hee.

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