Spoiler Alert: If you are not caught up on The Walking Dead, don’t read this post or the comments.
The Walking Dead on AMC is the only television series that I find interesting enough to follow.
I’m guessing the people who browse this website have similar tastes and that a lot of readers caught the season finale which aired tonight.
If you haven’t heard of The Walking Dead by now, you have been living under a rock for the past two years. The show is about a group of survivors in Georgia who are living in the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse.
Here’s a brief recap of the major events of Season Two:
(1) The Atlanta survivors wrestled with the reality of the post-apocalyptic world on Hershel Greene’s farm outside Fairburn on I-85 and over the course of the season began to mentally and physically adapt to the new world.
(2) The Dale Horvath character who is the old liberal who drives the RV was gutted by a zombie after unsuccessfully pleading with the survivors not to “reject their humanity” by killing a dangerous prisoner. Dale didn’t want to live in the “survival of the fittest world” and quickly met his fate.
(3) Rick and Shane spent the entire season fighting over how the Atlanta survivors should live in the post-apocalyptic world and over Rick’s wife Lori who was shacked up with Shane in season one. Rick is ultimately forced to kill Shane in an alpha male showdown over Lori and over Rick’s leadership of the group.
(4) Rick ultimately comes to realize that Shane was right. After killing Shane, Rick’s leadership is questioned by the survivors and he finally snaps and screams at them in the season finale that “this isn’t a democracy anymore.”
(5) The Atlanta survivors are forced to come to grips with the fact that human survivors are often predators who represent a threat to their own survival. They save Randall from the zombie horde, imprison him in the barn, bungle their attempt to set him loose, and finally kill him in the end.
(6) Hershel’s character evolves over the course of season two. He realizes what he was a fool he was for keeping dangerous walkers in the barn. He wrestles with his Christianity and ultimately chooses the survival of his family over strangers like Randall.
(7) Andrea, the civil rights attorney who wanted to commit suicide with Jenner at the CDC, is transformed under the influence of Shane into a hardcore survivor. She comes to agree with Shane that the old world is dead and only halfheartedly supports Dale in the vote over Randall.
(8) Hershel’s farm is overwhelmed by hundreds of zombies in the season finale. The group is scattered in the chaos but reunites (minus Andrea, who is saved from a walker by the samurai sword wielding negress Michonne from the comic book) on the interstate. The prison is briefly shown at the end which is where season three will take place when it debuts in October.
Season Three will introduce The Governor from the comic book as the arch villain who is the psychopath leader of the survivor town of Woodbury, GA. Merle Dixon is also confirmed to return in some kind of role. There will be hell to pay when Merle gets his remaining hand on T-Dog after what happened on the roof in Atlanta.
The only thing that sucked about The Walking Dead this season was the Asian nerd Glenn hooking up with Hershel’s daughter Maggie. That’s reportedly in the comic book though. Otherwise, it was interesting to watch the liberal world collapse and give way to the zero sum world of the zombie apocalypse.
I think the liberal world will collapse one day, not from a zombie apocalypse, but because it is financially unsustainable due to global aging and changing racial demographics. There will be people like Dale who won’t survive The Day The EBT Card Stops Working. Their humanist principles will end up getting them killed.
It is people like Merle and Daryl Dixon who will thrive in the zero sum world of the future. There will have to be leaders like Rick Grimes who are capable of making the tough decisions. It won’t be a liberal democracy. I think that is why The Walking Dead has proven to be so popular.
There was a sigh of relief when the Dale character was knocked off by the zombie this season. He was annoying the audience with his sanctimonious preaching. No one really agreed with Dale anymore.
In my view, Dale represented the liberal bullshitters on television like Chris Matthews and Lawrence O’Donnell, the class of people who were dominant before the apocalypse. His death offered a cathartic release for the survivors. It allowed the group to move forward and adapt to their new environment.
We’re tired of the Dales of America. Men are tired of this world. Women are tired of it too. The Walking Dead captures the zeitgeist perfectly.
It’s blogger etiquette to provide a spoiler alert if you’re going to spoil future episodes with foreknowledge.
“If you haven’t heard of The Walking Dead by now, you have been living under a rock for the past two years.”
No, Hunter. I happen not to HAVE a Jew Tube that picks up the Propaganda Signals they wish to deepthroat us into. IF a show TRULY has merit, I’ll rent it for a DOLLAR at Redbox.
I read BOOKS, and watch films of MY choosing, instead.
Like most other people with advanced degrees, “I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine.” (Name that quote)
Probably nothing more boring on this Earth than our SWPL/DWL elite. But how can Political Correctness turn out any other way, there are only so many ways to skewer the only demographic that is still skewerable, unreconstructed white men.
The left elite ought to get down on their knees and thank god that their “opposition” consists of a bunch of hapless reactionary stooges who think asking questions is “jus stirrin up trubble.”
I thought it was a great review. I enjoyed it very much and I don’t think you gave anything away. The Talking Dead and the The Walking Dead website give people this information.
It just amazes me that this show is being discussed at all. In times past this type of programming would never have been considered high brow enough to dignify. There was a time when I thought I was the only one who liked scary movies and it always made me feel immature.
And discussion of comic books?! There is a line in an Elvis Presley movie “Wild in the Country” where this psychologist asks in what Elvis’ character takes as a big insult “Do you read comic books” upon being told that he reads. My how times have changed, or is it comic books that have changed? I guess wars really have dumbed down our race.
I would like to see discussion about what our movie and tv industry could have been like without the damn jew meddling and taking over everything. What might our people have produced. Like everything else there is no way to calculate the damage or the loss caused to us by jews. God only knows.
I types a post last night; the thread went down, and so did my post. ARRRGHH. I’ll be back tonight.
Dale’s death was GREAT. Buh bye!!!!!
dale did talk Andrea into leaving CDC, though – so he wasn’t all bas.
Gosh – Merle could return??? Zowie…
@ Father John Murray Head’s ‘One Night in Bangkok’.
One night in Bangkok gets his kicks above the waistline, sunshine.. 😉
“If you haven’t heard of The Walking Dead by now, you have been living under a rock for the past two years.”
I’ve heard of the show only because of OD and SBPDL. A little over two years ago I became racially aware, the more I learned, the more vocabulary I acquired to articulate the racial truths I’ve always felt, the less I could tolerate the mind-numbing propaganda.
No, I can’t even watch Fox anymore without my blood boiling, and when my eyes first opened, that was my only bastion of sanity. Then I read MacDonald’s opus and my time in-front of cable television came to an end.
The internet is truly the last reservoir of truth. .
Slight quibble Mighty, the internet is the last bastion of inquiry. The crap media outlets not being much different than noise making outlets of a hidebound stuck in the mud elite rapidly consuming its own seed corn.
Dang! I always thought the Walking Dead was the 1st Bn /9th Marine Rgt. Them boys was always gettin into deep slit. Like when the 1/9 lost their ass near the DMZ in 67
But then, I hardly watch TV any more cept fer the weather channel ,history channel,and the military channel
Does anyone know what make of motorcycle Daryl rides? It’s a mean machine.
Anywho, couple of random thoughts. “Mr.Yo” is one of the few cable drama fights where the White beats the black. As the show gets better the cast gets Whiter. Morales and his tribe take off. Gangsta’s with hearts of gold rot in the city with the old. Weren’t these the “people” we needed to import to pay for Grandma? An old negress immolates at CDC.
Shane was nice Union man. Shane would never let Rick and his family secede from him. Rick did anyway. A child of the South slew the Union’s ghost (er, zombie).
I’ve never seen the show, but I always thought Romero’s “zombie hordes” were an analogy for black race rioters in the 60s. Much like Rome had to be criticized through allegory, to speak of it directly was far too dangerous for an individual, the impact and scope of BRA can only be examined in public via polite analogism.
Why is my comment awaiting moderation?
Not to rain spoilers but I think a super negro is coming in the third season. Michonne is supposedly some Angry Sistah with a sword.
The writing on this show makes the people in it SO OBLIVIOUS to their tactical situation that I can’t watch it for 5 seconds without squirming in my seat or shouting at these twits to not do the same stupid suicidal idiocy over and over and over again!!!
These people need to pickup the M16’s laying around everywhere, drive diesel-fueled school buses for transport, get the ammo at the gunstore, hit the WalMart for clean clothes and more ammo, go to the Restaurant Depot for food supplies galore and PLEASE !!! will somebody PLEASE !! go to Radio Shack for CB radios, PLEASE !!!!
Oh, for the Love Of The Christian God, didn’t even ONE single former Marine survive The Z Outbreak!?
The civil rights of the zombies are being trampled on. One of them was an aspiring pilot. He wuz gunna lern him how t’ fly, Lordie.
Can’t say that I’m particularly interested in zombies anymore. Yes they are a stand in for the fears of leftists, but also for the leftist tripe that our military won’t be horrendously effective against such a threat.
“Oh, for the Love Of The Christian God, didn’t even ONE single former Marine survive The Z Outbreak!? ”
No, they weren’t aiming for headshots you see, and thus all of our weapons and training and organization were rendered useless. Left unsaid is why exactly explosive ordinance won’t do to zombies what it damned well does to humans, and hence why helmets are commonplace these days in practically all militaries.
“Not to rain spoilers but I think a super negro is coming in the third season. Michonne is supposedly some Angry Sistah with a sword.”
Does she wear a trenchcoat?
The unfortunate aspect about the Walking Dead we all have to deal with each and every day is that they can still talk and type. I think I have come up with a way to do something about that.
What we need right now is a site dedicated to creating a SHIT LIST of names of White people who through their words or actions have clearly demonstrated that they do not like White people. Name, address, workplace and a list of close associates of the offender should be included if possible.
A legal disclaimer at the top of the site’s home page would have to state that the site master is not advocating, advising, counselling or otherwise encouraging anyone to contact, harass or harm anyone on the list, nor is the site master advocating, advising, counselling or otherwise encouraging anyone NOT to contact, harass or harm anyone on the list.
The sole purpose of the SHIT LIST will be to make public the identities of persons who have revealed that they are not a friend to the historical majority of America nor to the culture we built.
I cannot personally create such a site. My checkered past would make me too easy a target for the liberal archers.
The site master would need to have the financial means of forming a corporation through which to run the site so as to avoid reprisals that could otherwise devastate personal finances. The site master would also need to have the financial means to protect the site.
Above all, the site master would have to have the intelligence and common sense needed to evaluate the differences between true enemies and harmless but wordy dipshits.
I believe that people who meet that criteria visit this site regularly.
I would also like to suggest that the SHIT LIST should officially be titled the SHIRT LIST so that the sissies at Fox News won’t have to say “S-word List” when a loose cannon inevitably makes news, through no fault of the SHIT LIST, by saying something unpleasant to a sensitive Whitey-hater who made the list.
Let’s see how many people are dedicated enough to their Mud World ideals to publicly opine after they begin to understand that their words might change the way they have to live their lives.
Our biggest enemy is the brainwashed masses who froth at the mouth over the soundbites that the Big Lefties taught them. It’s time that we remind those verbose little pawns that the guys who are pushing their buttons can afford body guards but they can’t.
I am not advocating a site which would infringe upon FREE SPEECH. On the contrary, I am advocating a site which would carry the FREE SPEECH of Cracker-Haters to a much wider audience.
I tried to put forth this suggestion at SBPDL, but Paul wouldn’t let it go through. It appears that he has become somewhat more cowardly since he’s been swinging on Taylor’s and Brimelow’s nuts.
Ok, but do you know the show? LOL (I knew you old timers would get that line, but the show?) Rook to castle (clue)
Last night I wrote that the pluses for the Season 2 were:
1) The Hebes are gone. Dale and Shane. It’s all White, with one token Nigra. Who doesn’t matter anyways. Being a Nigra – he really doesn’t do very much.
2) Rick is losing the “caring community cop” lunacy. Alpha males are a primary indicator of Civilizational Health. Rick isn’t sick – he’s getting healthier.
One of the things that is SO frustrating about the show is that the characters are totally clueless DWL’S (excluding the Hebes, Negro, and the Little Slant. I actually LIKE the little Slant. Koreans are really racist.) They keep making the SAME mistakes. So annoying! Michael Dean Miller I feel your pain. Svigor and I already have decided that a massive Z outbreak would not be so bad after all. We are WHITE. We created all the good techy things once. We can do it again. Much more easily, after ZOG and the Dark Hordes are gone. I just write off the idiocy to the fact that these characters are Urbanized DWL’S. Including the little Slant. High learning curve, et al.
3)Hershel is going bad-ass. Connecting with reality. Survival Uber Alles. He cares abvout the kids. Carl, and his girls. Amen, Hershel! Amen! Race is Nation. Nation is Race. (Plus he’s supposed to be Irish. Sliante!)
4) The Prison!!! Yay! PERFECT fortress, for riding out the rotting. Eventually the zombies will rot down to nothing, n’est ce pas?
5) Dale’s gone. YAY! Bears repeating. I detested Dale. Effing Kike. I’m glad my lovely lad shot him. Finished him off, “in mercy”. That moment was almost…..a gorgeous, high-functioning Redneck blows the head off an old, screwing with reality Kike, after a Nigra guts him.
Ahhhhhh……I’m going to need time alone soon….just contemplating the sheer beauty. and perfection of that moment…..
The negatives?
1) The Magical Negress. Cause every-one knows that Nigs make things better, right? Arrgghhh….
2) They are all infected. I was bummed about that – but then I thought, “So what? You just live until you die. Big deal”. Between Nigs and Zombies – I’d rather deal with the Zombies.
Shit shit shit. I love this show, and gabbing about it with ethnopatriots is just icing on the cake. But I can’t even read the comments, much less the post, because I lost my download pipeline and haven’t seen the latest episodes. Last one I saw was the one with the Dale ending. I don’t want any spoilers.
I recently read almost all of the comics. Still have a few to before I’m current. The show is too different from the comic for there to be any spoilers, but I will say this – if the show follows the trends of the comic, look for things to get a lot uglier.
Fortunately, the show’s a lot more entertaining than the comic. Kirkman is not the source of the show’s success.
P.S. – Racist Knaaazee Merle is coming back! Oh Joy! Oh Bliss! Oh Rapture!
Btw, The Walking Dead was the highest-rated show on cable so it’s not like we’re the only ones enjoying it. It’s been picked up for a third season, and there’ll be 16 episodes.
Hunter, do you watch Justified? I like that show, too.
Svigor – Darryl the Fabulously Stunningly Gorgeous Redneck shot old Dale the Hebe in the head.
Wasn’t that WONDERFUL?
The Spoilers won’t ruin anything.
I hope TWD’s success leads to a splurge of post-apocalyptic television. PA fiction is so fun – probably my favorite genre – but it’s a wasteland (no pun intended). Very few movies produced, and fewer TV shows. That’s what’s really interesting to people, the PA survival aspect, not the zombies.
My PA love started with King’s The Stand.
Speaking of splurges, I just happened to get a hankering for a pirate TV show recently, and thought how odd it was that there still wasn’t a single pirate TV show, ever. So I G**gled and there are three in the pipeline. Gale Ann Hurd (producer of TWD) is coming out with a series with the working title “Port Royale,” to air on FX IIRC. Then there’s “Pyrates,” a mini-series that’s coming out on FOX, about some big Dutch heist of the Spanish silver fleet in the 16th century. I can’t remember the third one, the references were kinda vague. So we’ve got a bit of pirate love coming soon.
Svigor – Darryl the Fabulously Stunningly Gorgeous Redneck shot old Dale the Hebe in the head.
Wasn’t that WONDERFUL?
The Spoilers won’t ruin anything.
Darryl rules. But he shoulda hit the short-haired gal by now. She’s vibing him hard enough. She’s got this weird “you can’t tell how old I am” thing going, but she’s hot IMO.
But I liked Dale. I was actually honestly torn about the argument over the prisoner. Sorta. Once again, I didn’t see anyone making the actual argument that should’ve been made – that the prisoner came across as a piece of shit. That’s how a real man would judge that situation – by the man in front of him, not abstract principles. Give him a nice, long, Israeli-airport-style interview. Watch where his eyes go when he answers questions. Listen for his preconceptions and the character men can’t help but inject into their answers, over time.
If it had just been down to the arguments presented, I’d have to go with Dale. But the kid wasn’t a tabula rasa. He was giving tells all over the place that he was of low character.
Dale had a strong hint of Hebe in his features, but I liked the actor. I think he did a good job with the role. There was no Hebe in the comic Dale. Actually, there wasn’t much interesting about the comic Dale, either. The TV Dale was far, far more interesting.
Oh yeah, and in the comic, Dale and whatsherface were lovers, rather than the father/daughter type role we see in the show. You can only get away with so much on TV; they scrubbed out the creepy black/blonde miscegenation (whereas Kirkman had the shiksa throwing herself at the brave, restrained, honorable negro in the comic), and they scrubbed out the creepy old man/cute coed relationship, too.
Let’s hope the annoying blonde chick gets eaten (by zombies!) in the first episode of season 3.
Potential Spoiler Alert:
My prediction is that the big thing they’ll borrow from the comic is that the group finds a prison and cleans it out and makes it home. If so, there will be a handful of prisoners (possibly including a couple of Black homos) left inside, living on canned food, but unable to escape. It was a pretty cool part of the comic story and I bet the writers incorporate it.
Confused about something: Shane is a Jew or are you talking about the actor? The actress who plays Maggie is a Jew as well.
As for Dale, I actually agreed with him on the last episode. He does make the perfect allegory though for the DWL who cannot survive in a savage world. I agree with all the previous posts that the stupidity of the group is too much to believable. If nothing else, the show illustrates that you don’t have enough ammunition and pistols are no substitute for rifles.
I’ve always thought that would be a good idea — a list of white traitors and their actions. Unfortunately, I can’t do it either. I’m on probation until July, and I promised my lawyer I would play nice until then. He’s a good guy and I don’t want to disappoint him. Somebody else will have to do it.
I have to admit, I haven’t watched a single episode of Walking Dead. Maybe I’ll check out a repeat and share what I think of it.
Doesn’t matter the newest whitest thing is coming June 1st “Snow White and the Huntsman.”
The casting decisions have already been publicly announced on “Taking Dead.” No spoilers.
The term “zombie” comes from Haitian voodoo. It originally meant slave, a negro without human agency.
Michonne was introduced in the season finale.
T Dog is lucky if he gets one line per show.
Here are some links:
Shane was the antagonist in Season Two, but he was always right, especially when he opened the barn and shot all the walkers and said “if you want to live, you got to fucking fight for it.”
Rick and Hershel came to agree with Shane in the end. See Randall’s trial.
Rick is ultimately forced to kill Shane in an alpha male showdown over Lori and over Rick’s leadership of the group.
Damnit Denise! I knew I shouldn’t have taken your word for it!
In the comic, Shane is a bit part. He chimps out over losing Lori pretty much right after Ranger Rick turns back up.
(4) Rick ultimately comes to realize that Shane was right. After killing Shane, Rick’s leadership is questioned by the survivors and he finally snaps and screams at them in the season finale that “this isn’t a democracy anymore.”
This is probably the main theme of the comic. Rick keeps getting rougher and more ruthless as time goes on.
(5) The Atlanta survivors are forced to come to grips with the fact that human survivors are often predators who represent a threat to their own survival.
Kirkman really turns this up as time goes on in the comic, too. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some cannibals in season 3. Or season 4, if season 3 is mostly about the prison. This is the least believable aspect of both the comic and the show, IMO. There’d be years worth of canned goods and gasoline laying around to be picked up. Even more for durable goods, real estate, etc. There’d be three resources to fight over (one, really): skills/knowledge, labor, and poon tang. People would see each other as assets first, and liabilities second.
(minus Andrea, who is saved from a walker by the samurai sword wielding negress Michonne from the comic book)
Yeah, I figured they couldn’t resist an invincible samurai-sword-wielding butt-kicking negress. Gimme a break, already.
The prison is briefly shown at the end which is where season three will take place when it debuts in October.
Ha! I knew it! That prison was too good to pass up. There’s going to be a bad guy settlement nearby, too, ruled by an insane, evil Mestizo (though chances are good they’ll make him a White guy).
Merle Dixon is also confirmed to return in some kind of role. There will be hell to pay when Merle gets his remaining hand on T-Dog after what happened on the roof in Atlanta.
He could easily remain relegated to Darryl’s imagination. And there’ll be no hell to pay. Racists don’t get revenge on niggers on TV, no matter what niggers do to deserve it (which on TV, is nothing). Besides, Ranger Rick is who really wronged Merle (nobody gives a White racist over to a nigger for safekeeping without malice in their hearts). Blaming T-Dog is like blaming a chimp when the zookeeper lets him out.
The only thing that sucked about The Walking Dead this season was the Asian nerd Glenn hooking up with Hershel’s daughter Maggie. That’s reportedly in the comic book though. Otherwise, it was interesting to watch the liberal world collapse and give way to the zero sum world of the zombie apocalypse.
SPOILER ALERT: Yes, Glenn and Maggie wind up a LTR, love & marriage, etc.
It is people like Merle and Daryl Dixon who will thrive in the zero sum world of the future. There will have to be leaders like Rick Grimes who are capable of making the tough decisions. It won’t be a liberal democracy. I think that is why The Walking Dead has proven to be so popular.
Yes, it’s popular because at bottom, modern life is existentially boring for most people. It’s fun to imagine having to live by your balls and your wits. No, it’s not about the death of liberal democracy, it’s about what all PA fiction is about: “would I survive?” That’s what tons of fiction is about, but PA is special because it’s easier to imagine – because it could happen. We’d have to get into a time machine to experience medieval combat, or ancient Rome, or 10,000 BC. But TEOTWAWKI would happen if everybody just stopped working.
Not to rain spoilers but I think a super negro is coming in the third season. Michonne is supposedly some Angry Sistah with a sword.
SUPER POTENTIAL SPOILER ALERT (from the comics): Michonne is a boring cardboard cutout character. She’s just your typical two-fer: invincible negress, and invincible butt-kicking-babe for the T-deficient nerd masses. She does very little of interest: (1) sucks off the negro who was shacked up with the blonde so the blonde could catch them in the act and dump the negro and then attempt suicide because once you’ve gone Black there is no substitute (2) throws herself at the negro, just as the blonde shiksa did, thus proving no woman can resist a negro (3) talks to herself, which leads to a bit of bonding with Ranger Rick, who carries a phone through which he talks to his dead wife (Lori gets eaten) (4) finally kills the governer, who raped and tortured her, after bungling the attempt the first go round. I can’t think of anything else interesting about her. I do know Kirkman keeps her around for a loooooong time.
Does she wear a trenchcoat?
I can’t remember. I think she might actually wear a trenchcoat, lol. She has dreads and kewl clothes, too.
Oh, for the Love Of The Christian God, didn’t even ONE single former Marine survive The Z Outbreak!?
Yeah, it’s way overdone, but that’s drama for you. Well-oiled machines have a MINIMUM of drama, whereas TV needs a maximum. It’s not an easy balance for a writer, I don’t think. Drama is about conflict. Human vs. zombie conflict is one-dimensional and not enough to sustain a TV series.
Confused about something: Shane is a Jew or are you talking about the actor? The actress who plays Maggie is a Jew as well.
The actor. See, we’re not supposed to know that Jews look like Jews. We’re just supposed to think Shane is your typical cracker. Bernthal must be a “southern” hebe though, because his accent is convincing, if hammy.
As for Dale, I actually agreed with him on the last episode. He does make the perfect allegory though for the DWL who cannot survive in a savage world. I agree with all the previous posts that the stupidity of the group is too much to believable. If nothing else, the show illustrates that you don’t have enough ammunition and pistols are no substitute for rifles.
In the comic, Kirkman makes a big deal out of how sound draws zombies like shit draws flies. So hand weapons are the primary defense, and weapons are only for when you’re outnumbered.
Personally, I think PA writers should try some camping. Then living in a rural area. Hunting and fishing and trapping. Then they can finally come to grips with their inner neanderthal and give up the “PA can never be fun” thing.
The casting decisions have already been publicly announced on “Taking Dead.” No spoilers.
Spoilers are in the eye of the beholder. Your grandkids don’t know Luke’s daddy is Darth Vader.
Actually, though, the trouble with Michonne is her cheesy butt-kicking babe katana-wielding-ness, not the fact that she’s Black. In fact, if we’re going to have to endure a Black character, I’d rather it be a woman than a man. Think about it – Black men are like shit on flies on TV. They’re everywhere. Black women, not so much. Libtard producers find them boring, I suppose. So better a Black woman than a Black man.
I thought there was a chance they wouldn’t replace the insane rapist-of-negresses warlord MEXICAN (brown skin, dark hair, mestizo looks, name ends in “z”) from the comic with an insane rapist-of-negresses warlord WHITE MAN. What, Danny Trejo wasn’t available?
Silly me.
I watched the entire 1st season on Netflix during one nasty winter day. That’s the way to watch this show. No commercials, just a few second pause at the place the commercials would have been. And you don’t have to try to remember what happened the week before.
I’m going to watch the second season the same way as soon as it hits Netflix.
I’ve read through the comic book wiki. It gives you a pretty good idea of what will happen in Season Three, who will go out, how the plot unfolds. The thing about the virus being airborne was in the comic.
There were hints of it all through the season. The son of a bitch who hung himself and turned into a walker. The two dead guards at the school.
In the comic book, T-Dog is supposed to be with Sophia’s mother, right? What’s her name? The woman who is with Daryl now. Daryl is not in the comic book. He is a made for TV character.
Anyway, it won’t turn out exactly like the comic. Dale and Sophia were supposed to survive much longer. Otis and Patricia were supposed to survive. Shane was supposed to be taken out much earlier.
The Governor has already been promised to be true to the comic book. So we know what is going to happen there.
The death of Dale was the real curve ball this season. They will probably randomly kill someone to keep the show interesting next season. I’m betting it will be Glenn.
This was a great scene of Shane vs. Dale: “when you really look at it in the cold light of day, you are pretty much dead already.”
In the comic book, T-Dog is supposed to be with Sophia’s mother, right? What’s her name? The woman who is with Daryl now. Daryl is not in the comic book. He is a made for TV character.
Anyway, it won’t turn out exactly like the comic. Dale and Sophia were supposed to survive much longer. Otis and Patricia were supposed to survive. Shane was supposed to be taken out much earlier.
The Governor has already been promised to be true to the comic book. So we know what is going to happen there.
You should download the comic series. Much better than a Wiki. The Black stud (a staple of the Jewish imagination) was Mr. Articulate, Competent, Brave, Honorable, Eligible Bachelor; he’s just been left out and is nothing at all like T-Dog. Yes, Sophia’s mom is the one who threw herself at the him within five minutes of meeting him (really, it was a very Jewy moment).
But the comic and the show are very different. Far more different than “adapted for television,” far closer to “based on a story by.” Sophia would have lived until the end of season 3 otherwise. Shane would have been in about three episodes, max. There’d be no Merle or Darryl. Dale and Andrea would have been an item (and Andrea would’ve looked fresh out of college). There would’ve been no CDC arc. Herschel’s farm would’ve been in about 2 or 3 episodes. I could go on and on. The show’s about 50% similar to the comic, and that’s giving Kirkman bonus points for coming up with the concept.
The death of Dale was the real curve ball this season. They will probably randomly kill someone to keep the show interesting next season. I’m betting it will be Glenn.
Hmmm, a dead pool? I guess Glenn isn’t a bad bet. But they survive a long time in the comic. Michonne is obviously untouchably invincibly Black and butt-kicking, so she’s off the list. T-Dog is Black, which works very much in his favor, but he’s also nobody, which works against him. On the other hand, nobody would care if he died, and they’d just have to write in a new Black male if he did, so he’s probably safe. Maybe they’ll put Maggie’s suicide attempt in? Otherwise, her and Glenn are probably a package deal (miscegenation’s so precious, you see). Andrea’s on the chopping block because her character is so annoying. Sophia’s mom serves no real purpose; since the Black Stud was written out, she serves no real purpose (otherwise she’d be a lifer, what with miscegenation being so precious).
But my money’s on Lori and her newborn daughter. On the other hand, that’s a bit too predictable, since it’s exactly what happened in the comic. Glenn isn’t a bad guess, actually. He’s a sweet mild-mannered kid with character, so maximum shock value.
But, SPOILER, I think Lori is done for, not long after she gives birth. It’s kinda central to the story. Rick loses everything, bit by bit. That’s why he found his wife and son in the first place – so they could be taken away. He’s probably going to lose his right hand, like in the comic, too. They could change this, but I think slowly grinding Rick down will prove too tempting for the writers.
LOL! Libtards should put this stuff in writing: “Thou shalt change insane rapist Mestizos into insane rapist Whites in thy adaptations; thou shalt preserve invincible katana-wielding negresses intact.”
Here are my picks in The Walking Dead betting pool:
(1) Lori is the most likely major character to die. It would have the biggest impact on Rick and the storyline.
(2) Maggie’s sister will die in some gruesome fashion. That’s a predictable minor character death like Billy, Otis, and Patricia.
(3) Hershel, T-Dog, or Carol will be sacrificed in some way.
(4) In order to keep the show interesting, they will have to kill off someone unexpected, and I am betting it will be Glenn. They will probably send him out on another mission and a walker will get him. I can visualize it happening.
(3) Hershel, T-Dog, or Carol will be sacrificed in some way.
I was thinking this about T-Dog; if they kill him off, he’ll die heroically, or his death will somehow implicitly play on White guilt (so, sorta like how Otis died).
I’m wondering though, are they REALLY going to try to make Glenn and Maggie into a LTR? Do they have any chemistry onscreen? The couple kinda works in the comic because Glenn doesn’t look particularly Asian, and Maggie doesn’t look particularly European, and she has this short haircut and looks sorta SWPL and they work. But on camera? Farm girl and Yellow boy? He’s got all the heat of a dead fish, and she’s not much better.
They might be doomed. Stranger things have happened but ATM I don’t see them working as a LTR.