The Truth About Trayvon Martin

"No Limit Nigga" attacked George Zimmerman and attempted to bash his brains out


The Orlando Sentinel has the whole story on the death of Trayvon Martin.

This is nothing more than a case of a violent thug reacting like a typical nigger when asked about his presence in a crime plagued neighborhood. Trayvon initiated violence against Zimmerman unaware that he was carrying a concealed weapon.

If Zimmerman hadn’t been armed, Trayvon would have probably murdered him.

Police have been reluctant to provided details about all their evidence, but this is what they’ve disclosed to the Sentinel:

Zimmerman was on his way to the grocery store when he spotted Trayvon walking through his gated community.

Trayvon was visiting his father’s fiancée, who lived there. He had been suspended from school in Miami after being found with an empty marijuana baggie. Miami schools have a zero-tolerance policy for drug possession.

Zimmerman called police and reported a suspicious person, describing Trayvon as black, acting strangely and perhaps on drugs.

Zimmerman got out of his SUV to follow Trayvon on foot. When a dispatch employee asked Zimmerman if he was following the 17-year-old, Zimmerman said yes. The dispatcher told Zimmerman he did not need to do that.

There is about a one-minute gap during which police say they’re not sure what happened.

Zimmerman told them he lost sight of Trayvon and was walking back to his SUV when Trayvon approached him from the left rear, and they exchanged words.

Trayvon asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cell phone, he told police.

Trayvon then said, “Well, you do now” or something similar and punched Zimmerman in the nose.

Zimmerman fell to the ground and Trayvon got on top of him and began slamming his head into the sidewalk, he told police.

Zimmerman began yelling for help.

Several witnesses heard those cries, and there’s been a dispute about from whom they came: Zimmerman or Trayvon.

Lawyers for Trayvon’s family say it was Trayvon, but police say their evidence indicates it was Zimmerman.

One witnesses, who has since talked to local television news reporters, told police he saw Zimmerman on the ground with Trayvon on top, pounding him and was unequivocal that it was Zimmerman who was crying for help.

Zimmerman then shot Trayvon once in the chest from very close range, according to authorities.

When police arrived less than two minutes later, Zimmerman was bleeding from the nose, had a swollen lip and had bloody lacerations to the back of his head.

Poor little Trayvon … if he had walked away from Zimmerman, he would still be alive today. Instead, Trayvon (aka “No Limit Nigga” on Twitter) confronted Zimmerman and violently assaulted him, which is why Zimmerman shot and killed this worthless thug in self defense.

Case closed.

Note: By the time Trayvon was pounding his head into the sidewalk, Zimmerman had sufficient evidence to judge by “content of character.”

Of course Trayvon’s character was already obvious – a menacing and dangerous representative of the Black Undertow, a probable threat to the neighborhood – by the hoodie, the gold teeth, the tattoos, the thuggish appearance, and his overall suspicious behavior.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. See – telling the truth works. Not QUITTING works. Not silently acceding to Kike/ Nigger lies WORKS. Long and LOUD and FEARLESS works.

    Oscar the Asshat. “Manners” are for LOSERS, when dealing with the Spawn of Satan, and their Dark Beasts.

    Seig Kyle!

  2. I would pay good money for this anti-white racial hysteria, but I don’t have to, the jewish media is basically doing our work gratis.

  3. Finally, the info about Trayvon banging Zimmerman’s head against the sidewalk/pavement comes out once more. I had read that back when this first happened, and it went down the memory hole. A fist to the back of the head just doesn’t lead to a bloody scalp.
    Here in NE PA there were 2 people killed in fights, over the last few years, caused by striking their heads on sidewalk/curb. The one incident was in Shenandoah, involving 17yr old white jocks(media had a field day with the WHITE moniker) fighting an illegal Mexican. Mexican died from hitting his head on the way down.A fist fight can be deadly if you lose consciousness while falling to the ground.
    Case closed. Riot to happen after grand jury dismissal of case.

  4. When someone offs a Black (or nigger, as in Trayvon’s case), the media and gov’t should be forced to withhold their identity, the way they are with rape shield laws.

  5. Hunter, thanks for this summary of what really happened. So, po’ little Trayvon was expelled from school because of an empty bag of pot, eh? That, and that story he assaulted a school bus driver is fast taking the bloom of innocence away from him.

  6. How dumb you gotta be to bring contraband to school?

    Trayvon’s death sounds more and more like a series of mini Darwin Awards leading up to his ultimate demise with every new piece of information.

  7. Sounds like we have the first and last of these mini Darwin Award-worthy events pinned down:

    1) His forbears named him Trayvon
    2) His unprovoked attack on an armed man

  8. Fucker treid the sucker punch on a Tough little Hombre.


    I simply fucking love this shit.

    Do you suppose the little cunt hit him with the Icetea can?
    That’s a deadly weapon.

    Case closed.

  9. This story seems to be developing (via the media’s raging racist hard-on for Whites, and even, “whites”) into quite the poison pill.

    It’s going from “evil Whitey killed innocent Black yoof” to “Nigger’s violent overreaction to racial profiling got him killed,” and “Mestizo Stands His Ground and puts down violent Black criminal.”

  10. This kind of story shows how easily a story can spiral out of the narrative, when Leftoid “journalists” wall themselves off from the facts of HBD and follow around their raging racist hard-on for Whites.

    The guy turns out to not even be White; the story may just turn out to be a gripping story about a self-defense shooting vs. a violent nigger, something the national media avoids like the plague (these stories seldom get past the local media where they occur). Definitely not the kind of thing they want spun out into a national media feeding frenzy.

  11. I must say … Zimmerman was demonstrating admirable White qualities. He was defending the neighborhood from Black Undertow aggression. He was a good citizen who reported suspicious looking individuals to the police. He only resorted to violence in self defense when a thug attacked him and put his own life was in jeopardy.

    How exactly is Zimmerman the bad guy? This is the kind of guy you would want living in your neighborhood. I can’t find any fault with his behavior.

  12. The more I think about this, the funnier it gets. This story was doomed (from the anti-White racist establishment’s POV) from the start because Zimmerman is a Mestizo. Anyone who wanted to fling it at us would just get the “he’s a Mestizo, dumbass” response. But now it’s morphing into a big ole gift box for us; a nice tale of TNB-turned-Darwin Award – the ultimate self-defense shooting with a happy ending.

  13. What’s next? Evil White racist male shoots and kills Black man for dating a White woman, only to turn out to be a White male saving a White female from a Black rapist?

    It’s not going to be easy to top this one in terms of deconstructing The Narrative. This might be the best one since the Duke Lacrosse Hoax.

  14. LOL @ that picture. “Troof” over at Sailer’s is pushing the guy as White. “Troof” is like a living clinic on the Black man’s congenital dishonesty.

  15. This story seems to be developing (via the media’s raging racist hard-on for Whites, and even, “whites”) into quite the poison pill.

    Exactly, the media hates whitey so much they can’t even see straight, and that seems to be affecting their judgement increasingly.

  16. Whenever a Hispanic or white kills a black in self-defense they should receive a Zimmerman Award.

  17. Airforce Academy interview.

    “So it says here you are No Limit Nigga? Nice Tats Btw. Let me give you the keys to an F22. Not.”

    “U gotta PROBLEM craka.?”

    “No, but you do. You are a drain on society. Fuck off.”

  18. Stupid Sinead.

    The pope thing did not upset me. Too many priests were predators. However, she’s not helping Tray “No Limit Nigga” Von Martin here. My goddess this is better than Christmas!

  19. The Beast wants Zimmerman’s blood, and it’s going to have it. I’m betting he’ll be convicted and sentenced to several years because our leaders will allow no other outcome. Once incarcerated, he’ll be beaten, raped, and killed to remind the rest of the country just how things stand.

  20. @Lawful Neutral

    I doubt that. Haven’t you been keeping up with the latest developments? With each day, Zimmerman seems to be more vindicated, and Trayvon more exposed as the piece of criminal nigger trash that he was.

  21. It’s pure irony when a mestizo is bequeathed the besmirched mantle of the white vigilante protecting his home.

    Anyone who isn’t black should have a rally standing together holding signs that say “We’re all white now”.

    Blackness=Royalty=Entitled to Everything, Responsible for Nothing. Sinead Oconner says so.

    I never thought it would end with anyone who isn’t black becoming one of the hated “whites”, but when I think about it there was never any other way. BRA has reached it’s logical conclusion.

  22. Pussy Ass Cracker

    When we see Whites selling, buying, and wearing shirts with a picture of Trayvon “No Limits Nigga” Martin with the words “Dumb Dead Negro,” we’ll know race-relations in America have reached parity.

  23. Denise,

    judge a man by the content of his character. Just lime Marchin Lucifer Koon would wanted. Zimmerman did and he did us all a bit of a favor.

  24. I just got hun up on by CNN, twice, when I called to to tell them tht they are an utter disgrace, in the way they are doing the CNN agitprop. That the wheels are falling off their crap, and that they ought to do stories on ALL THE BLACK CRIMES. They’ll never ru out of stories.

    A Nigger male hung up on me, the second time. I could hear him making little “beginnig stages of Chimpout” noises, in the background, as I started a litany of Negro thugs crimes, in recent weeks.

    Stay on through the messages:


    Have fun!!!!

  25. A half-Peruvian man-of-color shot a nigger in self-defense. By some unintelligble nigger logic, this was Whitey’s fault.

    It was never anything but bullshit. It was what it appeared to be all along.

    A punk nigger fucked with the wrong guy.

  26. The CNN HQ in Atlanta will cat 5 chimpout if Zimmerman is not charged. They will ook and eek then burn the house down.


  27. John,

    I do judge a man by the content of his character (and if he has pretty eyes…..nice hair…other bits…..)

    Niggers? I judge them as Niggers.

  28. If you call point out that Tray was known as No Limits Nigga. I know you will get hung up on but… the crazy blacks at the call center must have the truth shoved in their nose
    til they go ballistic.

  29. @Chris313: “With each day, Zimmerman seems to be more vindicated, and Trayvon more exposed as the piece of criminal nigger trash that he was.”

    Zimmerman should not be charged. This does not mean he will not be charged.

    Remember, we are dealing with people who don’t care about the truth and who want a pound of flesh. I’m old enough to remember Rodney King decade. Google it for the details if you have to, as it was about 20 years ago.

    The four White police officers who subdued a violent Rodney King high on PCP did nothing wrong. They were charged with using excessive force anyway, tried by a jury of their peers, and found not guilty. Niggers then rioted. The Feds then stepped in, gave the officers a show trial, and sent them to jail.

    This could very well happen to Zimmerman.

  30. I really dont see this Young Kid Able to Knock this Fat Dude down an start Bashing his head in the Pavement without Zimmerman Being able to Protect Himself, LOL that got me there, lol..

  31. LOL @ NO LIMIT NIGGA for his Twitter Tag, No Limit was around when i was young, and Just because he makes it his Twitter Tag doesnt mean he’s some Ignorant Person. You people make me Sick!

  32. THE TRUTH IS, Zimmerman aint no type of MAN, regardless of Race is he had to Shoot a Young un armed “THUG” To protect Himself lol. Zimmermans a Bitch Made Man in my Eyes. I woulda Fought Back an Took Care of him the rite Way…. MAN UP PEOPLE STOP HIDING BEHIND RACISM…

  33. I will call every day. They are backtracking already – while still trying to push the Poor Innocent St Trayvon story.

    But they are backtracking.

    I wil definitely include the No Limits Nigga element.

  34. Lew – The rodney King travesty was decades ago. There’s been a lot of Nigger Crack water, under the Bridge, since then.

    Whites have to have a reason.

    I was in a professional office this afternoon. The Trayvon story came up. Several Whites were chatting about this, repeating all the talking points. The White woman involved actually kinda stuck up for Zimmerman.

    My blood pressure was rising, at listening to al of this – so I, of course, butted right in.

    They got a five minute Reading of the Riot Act, including all relevant details, as well as a description of those wonderful Gold Teef/Nigga Gang Signs pics. AND a brief editorial on the FACT that Crime, in America, is a Black Thing – but Whitey literally pays the price, via taxation, and think about paying for the feeding and breeding of Ghetto Rat trash, when they pay all their taxes, and how they are being moved into our Lily White area, vis Section 8 housing, and watch the crimes and taxes go up. I finished up by telling them to look up The Color of Crime, on the Net, and Kyle Rogers in the Examiner. com. (Hunter – I’ve told plenty about this site).

    There was a weird pause….and then the Whites guys started making cracks about the Boys in the Hood, and they “thought so, really..” (that Trayvon was really Nigger trash)…and then we talked about new construction in the town.

    So we MUST continue to speak out loud. I do whatever I can, in my own little world. But I speak out loud. LOUD. In no uncertain terms. I thnk if more of us did this – more people would admit they think EXACTLY the same way.

  35. Go away Charles you Nigger troll. I don’t hide behind “racism” – I wear my Racism like an expensive mink coat. Or a cashmere sweater.

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