The Truth About Trayvon Martin

"No Limit Nigga" attacked George Zimmerman and attempted to bash his brains out


The Orlando Sentinel has the whole story on the death of Trayvon Martin.

This is nothing more than a case of a violent thug reacting like a typical nigger when asked about his presence in a crime plagued neighborhood. Trayvon initiated violence against Zimmerman unaware that he was carrying a concealed weapon.

If Zimmerman hadn’t been armed, Trayvon would have probably murdered him.

Police have been reluctant to provided details about all their evidence, but this is what they’ve disclosed to the Sentinel:

Zimmerman was on his way to the grocery store when he spotted Trayvon walking through his gated community.

Trayvon was visiting his father’s fiancée, who lived there. He had been suspended from school in Miami after being found with an empty marijuana baggie. Miami schools have a zero-tolerance policy for drug possession.

Zimmerman called police and reported a suspicious person, describing Trayvon as black, acting strangely and perhaps on drugs.

Zimmerman got out of his SUV to follow Trayvon on foot. When a dispatch employee asked Zimmerman if he was following the 17-year-old, Zimmerman said yes. The dispatcher told Zimmerman he did not need to do that.

There is about a one-minute gap during which police say they’re not sure what happened.

Zimmerman told them he lost sight of Trayvon and was walking back to his SUV when Trayvon approached him from the left rear, and they exchanged words.

Trayvon asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cell phone, he told police.

Trayvon then said, “Well, you do now” or something similar and punched Zimmerman in the nose.

Zimmerman fell to the ground and Trayvon got on top of him and began slamming his head into the sidewalk, he told police.

Zimmerman began yelling for help.

Several witnesses heard those cries, and there’s been a dispute about from whom they came: Zimmerman or Trayvon.

Lawyers for Trayvon’s family say it was Trayvon, but police say their evidence indicates it was Zimmerman.

One witnesses, who has since talked to local television news reporters, told police he saw Zimmerman on the ground with Trayvon on top, pounding him and was unequivocal that it was Zimmerman who was crying for help.

Zimmerman then shot Trayvon once in the chest from very close range, according to authorities.

When police arrived less than two minutes later, Zimmerman was bleeding from the nose, had a swollen lip and had bloody lacerations to the back of his head.

Poor little Trayvon … if he had walked away from Zimmerman, he would still be alive today. Instead, Trayvon (aka “No Limit Nigga” on Twitter) confronted Zimmerman and violently assaulted him, which is why Zimmerman shot and killed this worthless thug in self defense.

Case closed.

Note: By the time Trayvon was pounding his head into the sidewalk, Zimmerman had sufficient evidence to judge by “content of character.”

Of course Trayvon’s character was already obvious – a menacing and dangerous representative of the Black Undertow, a probable threat to the neighborhood – by the hoodie, the gold teeth, the tattoos, the thuggish appearance, and his overall suspicious behavior.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Carlie says:
    March 28, 2012 at 3:36 am
    What a crew of ignorant hillbilly idiots. You give Caucasians a bad name, you foolish, uneducated, illiterate nothings. I seriously contemplated responding as it is so abundantly evident how unworthy of response you are.”

    You not White. You are a THING. The faster a gang of feral Niggers rapes you to deathm and tears you to pieces – I mean that LITERALLY – the faster Whites can sleep safely at night. Go out and get Eve Carson’ed as fast as you can.

  2. This media circus is not complete without pseudo-intellectual racialist “truths”.

    You’re free to object to whatever you like. In fact, you’re free to make any points you like. This is the first of many differences between our kind, and your kind. To be perfectly explicit: we love free speech, you guys hate it.

    If Zimmerman was attacked

    As if there’s really any reasonable doubt at this point, LOL.

    it may have been because he was following a 17 year old kid to the point where Trayvon felt threatened and decided to defend himself.

    Leftoid sociopathy: Blacks have the right to assault and violently beat people if they “feel threatened.” It’s all about “feelings,” you see.

    The kid looks about as “thug” as a Puggle puppy.

    There are Puggle puppies that play high school football, have gold teef and tattoos, sell pot, call themselves “No Limit Nigga,” assault people walking back to their cars, etc?

    And the idea that “browns” and Blacks are actually different is about as hilarious as the fact that speaking Spanish miraculously changes ones race. I’m Latino, and my grandfathers country is a Black country. The idiocy of racism has many of my relatives thinking Spain is their homeland, much as the idiocy displayed here is confused with rational thought.

    Is there a point in that mess, anywhere? You may find the idea of differences between Mestizos and Blacks “hilarious” (I have no idea why, but your sense of humor is your business), but they’re pretty obvious to sane people.

    Any of you here that are Irish are twice as rotten with stupidity and fear with a terrible lack of history; during Slavery most Irish were less well-thought of than blacks.

    Here we go with the Leftoid Playbook of History I was talking about. And if we don’t accept the Leftoid reading of history, “we be ignorant.”

    So much so that my American great-grandfather was one of very few who would hire them during the depression, and was credited (and chided) for being able to keep them ‘civil’ long enough to hurry and get the fuck out of dodge before they were supposedly going to kill, rape and practice all the things now ascribed for black people (and Latinos) in your minds.

    By this logic, once the justice system falsely accuses 1 person, it can no longer accurately accuse someone else. Seriously, this is what you’re saying, and it’s ridiculous. By the way, just so you know, the Irish were badly behaved, back in the day. They cleaned up their act along the way (largely because they took so much flack, and the Catholic Church put so much pressure on them to dry out and shape up).

    All this aside, I have to wonder…why would so many white men be sitting around thinking so hard about Black men? Jealousy? Definitely fear. Homosexual admiration? You guys & the New Black Panthers should hug it out with the lights out.

    All what aside? You haven’t made any arguments. Just silly assertions. Admit it: your pop-psychology armchair analyst ad hominem argument is the meat of your argument, not a postscript.

  3. You not White. You are a THING. The faster a gang of feral Niggers rapes you to deathm and tears you to pieces – I mean that LITERALLY – the faster Whites can sleep safely at night. Go out and get Eve Carson’ed as fast as you can.

    Denise is right in a very real sense. Carlie really can’t speak for White people. She’s far too busy downplaying her Whiteness and being ashamed of it to speak for White people. Try and imagine her articulating White pride. It would be like Uncle Tom speaking for Blacks. So she has no standing at all to pontificate as to who is giving Whites a bad name.

  4. It’s amazing, you all may have some valid points, but your language just reinforces the ignorance that’s at the heart of all of this. But I’m guessing you don’t care. Ok, but if that’s the case, please don’t act as though you do — at least see your own reactions as no better than the mainstream media’s. For you this is about your own personal rage at your own personal life, not about the issue at hand.

    Tell me, have you ever waded into a Black forum where Blacks are throwing around epithets for Whites, and generally talking trash on Whites, and wagged your finger at them the way you’re wagging your finger at us? If not, doesn’t that open you to a charge of racism?

    Aren’t you a racist, deep down? If you don’t scold Blacks for their racism or perceived malfeasance the way you scold Whites – if you feel any hesitation at doing so – then you’re a racist.

    And you know you don’t; how could you be a good liberal otherwise? Being a good liberal means being a racist. Think about it – you know it’s true.

    There are plenty of places where you can find genteel racism, btw. You avoid those like the plague too though, don’t you? Food for thought.

  5. How about this, libs: I’ll never say or write “nigger” again, if niggers stop robbing, raping, beating, and murdering at 6+ times the rate of Whites.

    Alternatively, I’ll never say or write “nigger” again, if liberals stop violating my rights by interfering with my decisions as to who I form neighborhoods, communities, businesses, schools, churches, institutions, and contracts with.

    I promise.

    I mean, think on it a second: liberals take away my right to decide with whom I may form neighborhoods, communities, businesses, schools, churches, institutions, and contracts. I say “nigger” on occasion. And this makes them the good guys, and me the bad guy, in this scenario? I think not.

    They take away my freedom and they get all holier-than-thou over a word I use.

    They behave like monsters.

  6. What a crew of ignorant hillbilly idiots. You give Caucasians a bad name, you foolish, uneducated, illiterate nothings. I seriously contemplated responding as it is so abundantly evident how unworthy of response you are.

    Well if your are so much smarter than us it shouldn’t take but a few moments for your time to really destroy our arguments. I mean how hard can it be for someone as wonderful as your enlightened self to educate us?

    Great post my White brothers and sisters in refuting the niggers and race traitors weak attempt at debate

  7. Just to highlight the insanity of leftoids:

    They blame a large chunk (if not the majority) of America’s problems on White “racists” and White “racism.” But when White “racists” suggest “hey, maybe if you’d let us go our own way, and have our own communities and institutions, and maybe even (shock!) states, we could separate away from the rest of you and you could have your multiracial utopia, free from racial strife,” they double-down on the indignation.

    In short, they fall into at least one of three categories: malicious racist haters, useful idiots who just follow orders without question, and the insane. You know, I’ve been arguing with these people for 10 years now, and I’ve never had the first one respond to the point I make in the paragraph above, even though I’ve been making it the entire time. 10 years, and they’ve been ducking the question all that time. I ask it constantly, but not once has it been addressed. That has to say something about them.

  8. Svigor says: “Note how the only “argument” they have is shaming language. Scolding and schoolmarm style finger-wagging.”

    Yep. It’s all they have, and it’s power is wearing thin. It’s wigging them out that their power is waning. I’ve noticed how they absolutely refuse to look at facts, as they unconditionally support trash like Trayvon.

    The right wing blogosphere is marching lock step in it’s lack of support, and in most cases, it’s condemnation of the trayon mob, and they can’t handle it.

  9. All I have to say is: If evidence points one way, and his family is calling out “racism!” in the other direction, I would definitely lean toward the evidence. Bloody nose, blood and bruises on the back of his head-clearly he had been attacked. Whether Trayvon ‘felt threatened’ or not, it doesn’t give him the right to attack somebody. Zimmerman was in his own neighborhood, felt uncomfortable enough to call the cops before the incident, and WAS then threatened and attacked, and in my opinion, responded accordingly. He is not guilty, nor should he be incarcerated.

    To the people who want to sit on here and comment on how blacks aren’t treated fairly, I have a news flash for you: Blacks get better treatment than whites (FYI, I am NOT white).
    Here are a few examples.
    NAACP: White people have no such thing.
    BET: Black entertainment channel. There is actually a channel dedicated to black actors, several infact (Starz in Black is another). If a ‘WET’ were made, how inflamed would the black people get? Fair-I think not.
    There is a new thing I have been seeing on TV. That is nonsense. Is there No.
    There are specific grants and scholarships specifically for colored people, (red, black, yellow, and brown) Yet, none for whites.
    This is only to mention a few.

    Yet with all this, you still seem to think the U.S is racist against you. Now I am not saying that stereotypes are correct, or that everyone is this way, but examine the statistics. As a former prison correctional officer, I can tell you, that whites make up 72% of the U.S. population, and 31% of prisoners are white (about 8/1000). Blacks make up 13% of the United States population, and 54% of the prison population (about 46/1000). So in all honesty, there IS more violence and drugs in the black race. FOR THOSE WHO WILL ARGUE- check out the statistics I listed above, or do your own research.

    Now it makes you think…. With all of the accommodations provided by the American government for black people, Why do most blacks think that most people are racist and/or ‘out to get them’? LOOK AT THE FACTS.

  10. One more thing.
    Dress with class, you will be treated with class.
    Dress like a bum, you will be treated like a bum.
    Dress like a slut, you will be treated like a slut.
    Dress like a thug, you will be treated like a thug.

  11. Hunter Wallace, this is a fabrication. The lead investigator at the scene has said that it was based on “stereotyping”. And now, fully head-healthy Zimmerman, bloodless, bandage-less and cuffed (not arrested) has been shown worldwide. Funny thing, he looks like a Mainland Latino (Mexican, Nicarauguan..). If Zimmerman produced a gun this is a threat is it not? So if what you said was true, Zimmerman threatened Trayvon. This is not what happened. As many of the posters on this fantasize, it’s more likely Zimmerman was looking to kill somebody, preferably black.

    As far as hillbillies go, the American Exodus of blacks South to North also included those from Appalachia, who in turn supported Civil Rights and rioted in the midwest along side poor Blacks when apartheid and terrorist groups like the KKK (who hated “hillbillies” because they were Catholic) took its rage out on them as well.

    Lastly, unless you can fully appreciate the result of “nigger” against black folk you shouldn’t say it if you’re white. If you can, that goes double. Hillbilly doesn’t necessarially mean death, deprivation of rights, rape, disrespect, disenfranchisement without justice. It’s like saying “cracker” some don’t like it, but most whites don’t give a fuck because it’s not a great fear of a crime without retribution. Unless you’re an idiot thinking that we love us some jail and death penalty! The FBI numbers are no lie Blacks are killing whites more than ever before, the item of truth that sets it straight however is that the vast majority of these murders of black on white are those of the criminal class of both races. This includes rape, robbery & murder. Prison is full of non-violent offenders with 30 percent of the MAX prisons having violent offenders. So believe what you like if the truth (Blacks like me, smarter, prettier and by far more successful as well as unqualified for most affirmative action gifts) bothers you but just remember, belief is a cage and the truth will set you free!

  12. Ashley,
    There’s a BET (which is owned by VIACOM) because TBS, ABC, NBC, MTV, take a pick -are all channels that focus on your 72%. Of course there are spanish channels, Asian networks, Arab, etc all embedded to bring more specific issues to those of us who are looking for something closer to home. Saying NAACP is racist is saying that non-whites are completly integrated. Wouldnt this mean that the Rebel confederate flag is without a doubt about race & treason against the USA ? Saying BET is racist shows you didnt know its owned by a “white” company and then so would be the “Country” Channel. It would mean the LOGO network, Tr3es, and the Horror network Fear channel are as well.
    Also, I doubt you’re “not white” because if you’re Asian, and have such white nationalist views, you should realize that Asians have smaller crime rates than both. Asian Nationalist? But it’s just a doubt truths are strange.

    Convictions are not the same as rampant criminality. I’ve lived in several states. Either in Black ‘hoods or mixed ones a cpl times in poor ‘hoods like in Augusta ME, and El Barrio in NYC where I live now. The most dangerous parts of town however are never the Black areas, usually there’s one black area that’s rediculously bad and… Is second after places like Midtown manhattan, Georgetown in DC, Lakeview or near North in Chicago.
    Blacks get harsher sentencing than whites who have worse charges.
    Black children are many times more likely to be tried as adults than white children.
    Whites are three to seven times more likely to kill multiple people, six times more likely to be found carrying drugs and illegal weapons. And so Ashley, Do YOUR research.

  13. why is it thats negroes always back a negro? time after time the violent racist negroes are in the wrong.

    segregate the negroes!!!

  14. nigger nigger nigger

    and when I use the word I mean niggers are lower than the horseshit in my pasture. At least horseshit acts as fertilizer eventually

  15. Sine says: ” The lead investigator at the scene has said that it was based on “stereotyping”.


  16. “Sine says:
    March 29, 2012 at 5:33 pm
    Hunter Wallace, this is a fabrication. The lead investigator at the scene has said that it was based on “stereotyping”

    So what? Stereotyping Nigs is a VERY GOOD IDEA. The rest of your post? You’re flat out LYING. You are a LIAR. Nigger Town is always the worst part of town.

  17. If Zimmerman is going to be announced as white even though he doesn’t look white and has been labeled Hispanic then Obama is white to. Damn guess we still don’t have a firs black president

  18. @Sine.
    Firstly, if you must know, I am Colombian. In Colombia there are a lot of black people. But they act nothing like they do in America.

    On with my point. TBS, ABC, NBC, and MTV all show programming with both black, brown, white, asian, and mixed families. BET is specifically 100% black.

    “Country” channel – You mentioned this so as to say “only white people listen to country.” Country is mostly listened to in the southern states, which are half populated by ‘minorities’. Besides the fact that it is MUSIC. Specific races are not required to listen to certain music. You, yourself mentioned MTV does that mean that only black people should watch because it is rap? NO! Musiuc is a preference. My point on BET, is that it says in the title BLACK entertainment channel. My point remains, you disproved nothing.

    You can not even consider Spanish channels, because that is a LANGUAGE. People who speak only Spanish, literally cannot understand the other channels.

    I never said that NAACP is racist. Only stated that it is a program specifically designed for ‘colored people,’ that white people do not have. Yet with all of these EXTRA things done for and given to them, they still cry out “Racism!.” You failed to comprehend my point in the entire message. Perhaps read it again, and this one twice before you respond.

    “Whites are…six times more likely to be found carrying drugs and illegal weapons.” — Now I never said White people are innocent or anything close to it, but that statement might have something to so with the fact that black people will use the race card if searched. Just saying.

  19. “So what? Stereotyping Nigs is a VERY GOOD IDEA. The rest of your post? You’re flat out LYING. You are a LIAR. Nigger Town is always the worst part of town.”

    Good point. Anyone who doesn’t constantly stereotype nigs deserves whats coming to them. You never see Billy-Bob the racist redneck getting jumped by a whooping pack of nigs on youtube, it’s always some equal minded, de-racinated, clueless white person.

  20. So sad that this has been made into a racist circus by racist extraordinaire Al Sharpton etc. George Zimmerman has many hispanic/black relatives. He mentored two black children for free. Their mother does not believe he is racist. The media shows a mug shot of him, while showing a 14 yr. old Trayvon. No bias there, right? The real pics of Trayvon show him with gold capped teeth & tattooed arms. Tayvon was 6ft. 2 in. & was not some little kid unfairly profiled. His twitter & my space pages show a very different Trayvon than the media is portraying. And he allegedly attacked a bus driver sometime before the incident that got him killed. Let’s just deal with the facts before any more white & hispanic young men get attacked &/or killed for revenge because of Trayvon. Yeah, the media’s pretty silent about the aftermath of it’s irresponsible reporting & on those who are paying the price.

  21. Good find. I always thought there was something fishy about that picture. 17-year-old’s generally don’t have skin that clear.

  22. None of us were there. Period. A bunch of he said she said, i heard he heard BULLSHIT. in my eyes, they all lying. Trayvon’s character was f’d up and so was zimmerman’s. You all are sitting here looking dumb as ever throwing racial slurs back and forth over ppl you’ve never laid eyes on. Shut the fuck up!!!

  23. bullshit Ashely! I’ve worked Colombia in the 90’s and my son-in-law works there now. Crime breaks down by race there too with wealthy very European looking men hiring guys like me and my son-in-law to keep them and their family safe from people who like like zimmerman and trayvon.

  24. @ stonelifter – Don’t call bullshit before you understand what I am saying. By that statement, I meant that black people in Colombia do not act like they are ENTITLED to more than others. They do not call out “racism” and expect reimbursement when something goes wrong.

    There is a lot of crime in Colombia, and it IS mostly racial crimes, yes. But in America, if the black man shoots a white man, even if it was done because of racism, it is just another crime. However, if a white man in America shoots a black man, THIS SITUATION is what arises. (In January for instance, a white cop was shot by a black man, out of racism, THIS WAS NOT NATIONAL NEWS.)

    That is what I meant by what I typed.

  25. These comments shown above are proof that the great American melting pot is a fairy tale. Everyone trying to prove how superior their minds are in comparison to anyone else’s.there is shame and despair in America and unfortunately the whole world is watching and laughing at us. What once was a great country has now become a whore house that only requires a few book keepers and zoo keepers.

  26. When and if society breaks down sufficiently all other races will have to turn on blacks, knowing their destructive behavior would be unsustainable, which it is in reality now. They are human termites. They will destroy. It’s what they do.

  27. thank you george zimmerman for taking out the trash… i love how the media shows a 12 year old pic of the dumb nigger instead of the thuggish pics from recent…it pisses me off how niggers make a huge deal over this guy defending himself but niggers ignore the real hate crimes they do to white people every day…. around the same time martin got killed, 4 or 5 niggers kidnapped a young white couple and tied them up….they made her watch as they cut off her boyfriends dick and balls and then slit his throat…then they killed her…bet not too many people heard of this…fuck all you dumb niggers … i love black people but niggers will always be niggers…and its unfortunate that most black people today are just stupid niggers

  28. People make such a big deal of white people standing up and saying there was a chance Zimmerman was in the right. If you really want to know who the racist, unintelligent thugs are, let me make a prediction. If Zimmerman is acquitted, all of our fine black citizens will riot, targeting white people who, for all they know, could be a total non-racist. Blacks need to stop buying the notion that they cannot be racist or discriminatory because they are a member of the minority. To “discriminate” is an action and can be done by anyone, not just white people. Do the Rodney King riots ring any bells???

  29. To play Devil’s advocate, I wonder if Trayvon would have “attacked” Zimmerman if he was Black? Somehow, I think not.

  30. I cannot stand niggers. They’re always just looking for excuses to stir shit up. If this mestizo psycho hadn’t blasted this Trayvon monkey mother fucker, another nigger would have killed him sooner or later. The majority of niggers share the same moronic ideology that society as a whole is trying to hold down the black man. Niggers need to stop using their animal instincts and try to contribute to society, rather than being the problem.

  31. whomever said thats whites are more likely to commit a crime and kill more than blacks , you must of fell off the turnip wagon and bumped your head. You should look up your facts before you put a stupid statement down . Blacks commit more crimes in every way except white collar crimes

    , how ironic.trayvon started the “physical”confrontation and got what he deserved period

  32. “donald says:
    May 18, 2012 at 11:09 pm

    whomever said thats whites are more likely to commit a crime and kill more than blacks , you must of fell off the turnip wagon and bumped your head. You should look up your facts before you put a stupid statement down . Blacks commit more crimes in every way except white collar crimes”

    Whoever that dares make such a baseless claim needs to read “The Color of Crime” series on this very web site.

  33. From all that I have read this really does seem like self defense. The block watch captain is investigating a shady character in a gated community that is on drugs and doesn’t seem to belong.

    When approached this shady character doesn’t talk about who he is there to visit and where he is going but acts aggressively and starts fighting. A witness reports Trayvon Martin as the agressor. George Zimmerman shoots him in self defense, period the end.

  34. Anyone on this site that that has the nerve to call anyone a racist is a closet racist themselves! Its such bullshit and you know it!! You have a need to fit into whats considered, acceptable to society especially if your white and that is what is destroying this country. Its people like you that are allowing the bad behavior and crime. Im not saying that all black people are bad however, it is a proven fact that the majority of prisoners are black men.

    This Al Sharpton and so called “Rev” Jesse Jackson are the biggest racist out there and you idiots are dumb enough to go right along with their screams of racism..Id be curious to see how many white people are in their entourage..I never see them with any. The minute a black man gets killed by a white man, they are all over that, however they’re no where around when a black man kills a white man. Hell No, they wouldnt be able to keep up!

    There is NO DOUBT in my mind that Martin was a thug and most likely was up to no good, everybody has there own opinion on what “they think” happened however, the bottom line is that Zimmerman will have his day in court. The really sad thing about this is that because of the publicity and all of the screams of racism, that Jury will be too scared to let him go free in fear of rioting and that is disgusting to me. Your too stupid to see that yelling Racism has become a way to excuse bad behavior!!

    Unfortunately, it will take one of these thugs victimizing one of your loved ones before you’ll have the back bone to speak up.

    Just like Morgan Freeman said when asked “How would you stop racism’?
    His reply “Stop talking about it”!

    Ugh, it makes me sick!

  35. Using terms that are inflammatory to describe anyone in this case only serves to provoke the already tense environment that we find ourselves in.I’m white and some of these comments strike me as ….sad. Come on, one family lost a son , another is fighting to not lose theirs . There is an opportunity to bring some good from this case in my mind anyway and at this juncture that’s the best anyone could hope for.America needs it’s patriots to do the right thing now, please give it some thought.

  36. one family lost a proven criminal… well Florida lost a criminal. The good in this has already been accomplished. I’d feel bad for the beaner and his family if he was actaully White, and this wouldn’t be a tense environment if the media didn’t try to pin the shooting on a “White” man.

    In case you didn’t notice, this is a not a place for american patriots

  37. Also why when a black man is killed by a white man its on national fucking news but when a black man kills a white man no one ever knows. What the hell media?

  38. Hunkys lead all other races in childmolesting pedafile preditor sexual an mass murder crimes against little children of thair own race? Date line NBC how to catch a preditor is 90%hunkys being caught Trina molest a child? Hunkys flock at the chance like flies to shit????hunkys try an blame blacks for everything but they ate the true animals????

  39. Aside from a few “bad words” – the report above IS what happened. It was self defense, pure and simple on Zimmerman’s part. Trayvon DID have that name on his twitter – and it was up there the day it happened. I looked it up. He DID have problems with drugs in the school – and whole thing stated above IS the truth and it could be easily found out – I LIVE in Florida.

    Zimmerman called the cops. The cops asked questions requiring Z to look further. Then he went to go home. Up popped the negro THUG (NOT a child) and the thug used MARTIAL ARTS on Z – witnesses saw this. His nose was broken, his head in the back was a bloody mess – and YES, it was shown on TV when it happened.

    The negro brigade wants to call this “racial profiling” and they are making a lot of unga bunga up in NYC, as if that means squat.

    Yes, Hispanics are wiping out blacks in California – and with damned good reason. Blacks destroy every damned neighborhood they go into, millions of lives destroyed – and these were the lives of other poor ethnics that never did a damned thing to them and never had interactions with them in the past.

    It’s the same damned story. Black on white. Black on Hispanics who aren’t blacks, Black on all kinds of Asians. They are a GOD DAMNED (meant literally) MENACE.

    Trying to portray Zimmerman as some white guy, that new liar got fired for what he did. NOBODY wants anything to do with negroes anymore, NOBODY that knows via the school of hard knocks what they are like. They are a bunch of black nazis and nothing but. I mean the word “nazi” in the perjorative sence, not in the sense of a real political party.

    Indeed, where DID he get the money to get gold teeth and tattoos? Good question.

    Liberals that defend the negro in THIS day and age, need to be dumped into Newark New Jersey to learn the painful way what it’s like to live in a concentration camp run by negroes. the REALITY is black – and non-black. That’s the reality.

    I am Tatar – that is Central Asian. WE are not a people who can be guilted by stupid shit – and we DO NOT shrink from genocide. Our history proves it – and we happen to be proud of our history. If we ran this country (and soon this country WILL BE majority Hispanic and Asian) – there would be zero tolerance for “typical negro behavior.” ZERO tolerance. and oh, heh, “black hispanic” is STILL a mayate. Mayate is mayate, no matter what language IT speaks.

  40. Why does the media lie like that? You mean the JEWSMEDIA?

    And for that dumbfuck nigger on here that called Zimmerman white? If Zimmerman is white – then Michelle Obama is white too. HA.

    Zimmerman is PERUVIAN and he couldn’t even pass for white, neither could his brother.

    All this stupid hubbub over one dead stupid nigger thug. Z better have an attorney that’s a SHARK – not just get him off as he should be, but rip the Trayvon brigade to shreads. While the shark is at it, he needs to rip the “new nigger panther party” a law suit – and so should that elderly JOO couple that had to move due to death threats by the new nigger panther party.

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