About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I stood in the harbor the day the USNS Comfort shipped out to Haiti.

    It sailed out into a beautiful sunset. (Yes, Baltimore Harbor is on the East Coast, but the way it was situated gave the illusion that the Comfort was sailing off into the setting sun).

    I remember thinking it was to our people’s credit that, no matter how insane we’ve become, our reaction to disaster and degradation is to combat it with troops, money and an army of doctors.

    Hundreds of sailors and marines shipped out that day and hundreds more had to work extra-hard to fill the vacancies left by those who deployed. Millions of dollars were spent.

    And that rap song has the gall to say “they failed us in Haiti”?

  2. Blacks are ready to go full on trayvon. I am listening to WOWO, the local radio show, and the host is talking about the TM case. Every time he takes a call from a black, they are practically screaming. It seem trayvons be full on trayvonning, pretty darn soon.

    I’ve heard of nothing else on the radio than this GD case, it’s even overshadowed the fact that Obamacare seems, at this point, to be going down in flames.

  3. UPS just dropped 1000 00 rds and a new short barrel for my Mossberg 500 on my porch. Ordered ’em up two days ago. Is America fucking great or what?

  4. The thing is – the Chimp Out is over NOTHING. They are crawling out of thier ugly stinking skins, in order to start a Race Riot.

    To those who said the Chimp Out wil nover come – what say you now? FYI – I am all over the Net. I’m having a GREAT time! Thanks, Jorge Zimmerman!

  5. “John says:
    March 28, 2012 at 11:51 pm
    And I’m atheist.”

    Nah, yer not. Not really. You think you are – but yer not.

  6. And to think some friends of ours are dumb enough to actually PAY their hard-earned money (and they really can’t afford it..) to send their kids to hip hop dance classes.

    I can just picture a class of full of these kiddies dancing to this song.

    As for the comment in the song about Haiti that Shotgun pointed out, I missed it, the whole “song” just sounded like the typical unintelligible crap rap my friends’ kids dance to.

  7. “Lily Della Valle says:
    March 29, 2012 at 12:01 am
    And to think some friends of ours are dumb enough to actually PAY their hard-earned money (and they really can’t afford it..) to send their kids to hip hop dance classes.”

    AAAGGHHHH!!!! For love of God WHY?

  8. I don’t think I understand what an atheist is. Does an atheist think that there is no God or Gods, that he, she, or they don’t exist, or does an atheist think that the existance of God cannot be proven? The latter I think may be more of an agnostic than an atheist.

  9. @ indiana mike, perhaps and this only a few educated “athiests” see god as a SLAVE MORALITY, you know “love thy neighbor” even if he is a hulking nigger slavering over your wife. you cant really not believe in god, per se, but you could choose not to believe in nigger loving christian god.

  10. “And that rap song has the gall to say “they failed us in Haiti”?”

    As I’m sure we are all aware, haiti imposed a final solution to its white problem. How could they possibily have any problems after doing that?

  11. I wonder if DWL’s will ever realize nothing they do will be enough to make negros happy? I think that realization might be useful for us and the DWL’s

    I doubt we’ll see large scale chimp-outs but I would love to see them, especially up north since yankee’s seem to need a lesson on TNB. Hell if things get bad enough maybe pay stateside will increase to make it worth working there vs a-stan

    For y’all that don’t need a lesson, make sure your insurance is good to go and get out of town or bunker up with friends

  12. stonelifter says: “For y’all that don’t need a lesson, make sure your insurance is good to go and get out of town or bunker up with friends.”

    That would be me. I’ve found the best weapon against the trayvons is to use my wits. a a battle of wits with trayvons is pitting my strength against their weakness. I don’t consider myself “all that” and consider myself a typical white man in most ways. But in a battle of wits with a trayvon I am like a GOD compared to them. And so are you, you the white person who is reading this.

  13. @Conchobar

    Good! The more of us here, the merrior. I am trying to find local racially aware white people to hang out with, the watch my back and visa versa, but haven’t had much luck so far.

    It’s amazing though how some of my friends, some of whom I’ve known my whole life, are starting to get the picture, and are NOT offended at all by what I say.

  14. U.S. Attorney General Eric “My People” Holder is famous for saying that Americans are too cowardly to have an honest discussion about race in this country. Well, Mr. Holder, just log on to the comments thread for the video above and you will get your honest discussion. In spades — if I may be forgiven the pun.

    Conversations don’t get much more honest than the one going on at the link. Wow.

  15. i am glad to see a growing number of women finally starting to join the movement. Also, to my fellow white folks , please check the language you use and purge it of negro affectations.
    for instance, don’t say “send a shout out” say “i;d like to say hello to…”
    don’t say “he/she is all that” say “he/she is the best or really great” or something
    don’t say “schooled” say “educated”
    don’t say “that person played me” say “that person screwed me over”
    don’t say “we got served” say “they showed us up”

    there are many many more examples but lets all make it a point to remove negro slang from our language. why legitimize their “culture” ours is the chosen culture so lets set an example for our kids.

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