About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “It’s my understanding that at that point Trayvon Martin walked up to him, asked him, ‘Do you have a – beep – problem?’ George said ‘No, I don’t have a problem’.”
    The elder Zimmerman said that as his son started to reach for his cell phone, Martin, 17, punched him in the nose, knocking the larger man to the pavement.

    “Trayvon Martin got on top of him and just started beating him, in the face, in his nose, hitting his head on the concrete,” Robert Zimmerman said.

    That’s when Martin spotted George Zimmerman’s gun, Robert Zimmerman said.
    “Trayvon Martin said something to the effect of, ‘You’re gonna die now,’ or ‘You’re gonna die tonight,’ something to that effect.”

    When the interviewer asked about Martin’s girlfriend, who said that he told her that he was being followed, Robert Zimmerman said he didn’t believe her.

    He replied: “I don’t believe she was on the phone with him, and I find it very strange with the publicity involved with this that all of the sudden, after three weeks, someone would remember that they were on the phone. I believe the FBI and others investigating this will find that that did not happen.”

  2. It’s disgusting to me that, while Mr. Zimmerman is almost definitely innocent of manslaughter or murder, that’s not really the point. It’s that he’s presumed to be a racist that makes him such an outlaw.

  3. Hunter, did you hear the lawyer at the end? He was speaking ebonics-english, and didn’t seem to be aware of the facts of the case. He claimed the police were “lying.” He would get butchered in a court of law.

    Team Trayvon is fucking up badly.

  4. This is just hear say. Zimmerman’s father wasn’t there at the incident so he can’t testify what Martin was saying doing, the father is just repeating his son’s account of the incident – which is fine. The father is standing by his son.

    But, from a legal perspective George’s Zimmerman’s account of the incident has as much relevance as Jessie Jackson’s account – where Jessie is certain that George Zimmerman chased Martin from behind and deliberately murdered him in cold blood. How does Jessie Jackson know this? He’s Jessie Jackson – has some type of all seeing eye to uncover White racism.

    Let’s try to stick with….

    Just the facts.

  5. Presumably what the elder Zimmerman said he got directly from George Zimmerman. It has quite a bit more relevance as to what actually happened that night than the speculations and obfuscation of Martin defenders and advocates.

  6. White & Confederate – it’s just hearsay. George Zimmerman’s testimony is first hand account of what he says he heard, did. George Zimmerman’s father is just relaying his son’s account and sticking by his son, saying he believes his son and that’s find.

    It’s just hearsay.

    Our side has to be much better than the lying Left when it comes to legal issues and explanations of what happened in the past. Otherwise we open the door to the cursed Conspiracy theorists who have some kooky explanation that everything was an “inside job” and Martin and Zimmeran weren’t even there, that it was all done by some CIA/Israeli plot, the same insiders who staged the 9/11/01 terrorist attack where no planes crashed in to the World Trade Center etc.

  7. Jack Ryan
    Yes it is just hearsay. But that is far more than what Martin’s defenders and advocates are providing. Additionally hearsay isn’t always excluded as evidence. There are many exceptions that allow hearsay to be admitted. One of which is Excited Utterance which could very well be the case here. Just because something is hearsay (an out of court statement offered for the truth of the matter asserted) doesn’t mean that it’s unreliable. It depends on the circumstances.

  8. Additionally Jack Ryan pretty much all we know or have at this point is hearsay. We have very little in person testimony from the relevant parties such as Zimmerman, Martin’s teachers/principal, the Chief of Police or the District Attorneys Office. By in person I’m mean directly from their mouth. Any reports from the media are hearsay.

  9. Florida used to be nice. Now it is stories mostly of the Hispanics who live there, and maybe some blacks, like this story. Wouldn’t it be better to find somewhere to live again, that is not like the “New South” (what the Northeasterners turned Florida into when they went there). And really, if it had not been for the WHITE Northeasterners who went there, and allowed this, and set all this up— it would still be like “Old Florida,” which was nice, with pretty beaches and great fishing in the keys.

  10. The more interesting question is whether this “New South” and the influx of the White European non-wasp proxy fighters is really more Jewish in tone, or more Roman, (since the newcomers mostly identify as Latin.) If so, what exactly in these two respective cultures (which the founders were not from) can be corrected so that such white people will not create all these “new south” situations—from South Florida to Atlanta to wherever?

  11. jack ryan:

    This is just hear say. Zimmerman’s father wasn’t there at the incident so he can’t testify what Martin was saying doing, the father is just repeating his son’s account of the incident – which is fine. The father is standing by his son.


    Let’s try to stick with….

    Just the facts.

    White & Confederate:

    Presumably what the elder Zimmerman said he got directly from George Zimmerman. It has quite a bit more relevance as to what actually happened that night than the speculations and obfuscation of Martin defenders and advocates.

    You could both be right. Let’s suppose George’s father’s statements to the press are inadmissible in court. Let’s also suppose that George doesn’t want to make a statement to the press (probably for legal & personal reasons). Letting his father act as mouthpiece would be a good play; it would have no legal ramifications, but it would serve as a PR damage control move, and to let people know how he’ll be testifying in court.

    I was channel-flipping between the news channels last night at a friend’s house. I caught part of O’Donnell on MSNBC (the only network doing wall-to-wall Trayvon) crapping on George’s father’s statement that George told him the nigger said “you’re going to die now.” He said it was “pat” and “too perfect” and suggested it was the kind of thing that you see in a movie script, not reality. I tended to agree at the time. Of course, either O’Donnell left out the part where that quote was right after the nigger saw the gun, or I missed where O’Donnell included that crucial bit of information. Either way, it just goes to show how clueless people like O’Donnell are about niggers; that’s exactly the kind of thing a nigger in the heat of a chimpout would say when he got the upper hand on someone, and then found he was carrying a gun. Exactly.

    Our side has to be much better than the lying Left when it comes to legal issues and explanations of what happened in the past.

    You keep hammering this point, but I’m not sure I agree. That’s been my position in the past, but I n longer think it’s that simple. YES, we should be honest. But that’s only because the truth is on our side. But I think you take it too far, into tiptoeing around leftoid sociopathy territory.

    E.g., sociopath having an argument with his wife:

    Wife: you know, it was one thing when you just dressed like a slob and wouldn’t take out the trash, but now I find out you’re sleeping with my best friend and embezzling your boss’ company?

    Sociopath: God, you’re such a bitch! You nitpick me over how I dress and act like it’s such a big deal! Nobody could put up with you!

    E.g., sociopath having an argument with a White “racist”:

    White “racist”: Jesus, all we want is our God-given right to separate away from these niggers who murder us, steal anything that isn’t nailed down, rape our women, etc.

    Sociopath: You said “nigger!”


    If you fall for these techniques, they’re in the driver’s seat. I admit, it’s a fine line between falling for these techniques, and going too far the other way and driving people away with unnecessarily harsh rhetoric, but still, food for thought. In my experience, sociopaths will escalate and escalate and escalate, but in the end, when they figure out you’re not going to knuckle under, they surrender, or go look for easier prey. It’s a game of brinksmanship.

  12. Besides, there’s nothing stopping trolls from impersonating ethnopatriots and doing every bad thing you warn against.

    So the onus is on the reader to separate the wheat from the chaff, and avoid the subtle strawman argument of arguing only with the worst aspects and worst representatives of the other side.

  13. Svigor – yes, I now see your point.

    This incident is being fought in the Press and soon in the mob street, so it’s important to fight for Zimmerman’s side. I think his attorney’s are wise to have him say nothing and not be seen in public

    So Zimmerman’s father is simply relaying what his son reported to the police and to him. That’s fine, it’s not admissable in court, but we’re not in court.

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