South Carolina
In a sense, Tim Wise is right that “there are some in the white community” who want to take us back to the 1850s.
Uncle Tim is right to call us their “philosophical offspring,” their “iniquitous inheritors,” their “progeny,” their “ideological soul mates,” their lineal descendants in the 21st century.
In April, OD will celebrate Confederate History Month 2012 by exploring the mindset and the principles of the great men who fomented the secession of the Southern states and who created the Confederate States of America.
What inspired men like Robert Barnwell Rhett to reject Americanism? What was the substance of Confederate nationalism? What was the end game of the Confederate States of America?
“If the Union is to be perverted from the high and just ends for which it is created, and to absorb the rights of the States – if instead of a Union to protect us from abroad, it becomes a Union for the regulation and government of our internal affairs – if instead of guaranteeing to us the safe possession of our property, it becomes and instrument in the hands of a plundering majority, to wrest it from our possession – offering to us no resource for redress but the mercy or avarice of this interested majority…; I say with Mr Jefferson, give me disunion rather than a consolidated government. Aye – disunion, rather into a thousand fragments… Because under such a government I would be a slave – a fearful slave, ruled despotically by those who do not represent me… with every base and destructive passion of man bearing upon my shieldless destiny – love of domination – avarice – long rankling jealousy – and, worst of all, the fell spirit of bigotry, which would exult over my dwelling in flames, and my children given to slaughter.”
Is there a man here who would not respond to Robert Barnwell Rhett’s characterization of the Union with a thunderous ovation? He could just as easily be talking about the United States under Barack Hussein Obama and Eric “My People” Holder.
“…Will some blatant sycophant in office, or some base pander to power cry out ‘a disunionist! – a traitor!’ I will tell the slave, ‘take the words, if they will serve you.’ Washington, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, Jefferson, and more were all disunionists and traitors in their time, and they broke the British Empire and redrew the map of the world with the sword. Shall we tremble at epithets, or shake when a tongue rails?”
Is Rhett referring to the faileocon career girls who write for mainstream conservative websites like National Review?
The Union was created to “establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” Black Run America (BRA) fails every single one of these litmus tests.
“The Union must be dissolved under its present course of administration. It requires no conspiracy to destroy – no exertion on our part to drag it to its dissolution. It goes down with the inevitable weight of its own gravitation, into that dark abyss of anarchy and ruin, where all tyrannies have fallen.”
Rhett is saying that the logic of the system will eventually bring about its own destruction. The costs of the Union will become so great to the beleaguered minority that eventually it will have to make a choice between submission or secession. The tyranny will naturally collapse into the dark abyss of anarchy and ruin.
“…If to think, to speak, to feel such sentiments as these, constitute me a disunionist and a traitor, according to the English language as now understood in Carolina, then gentlemen, I am a Disunionist! – I am a Traitor!”
These is no reason to have anything but hatred for an oppressive government that has become destructive of our constitutional rights and the enemy of our posterity.
It’s not a question of wanting to finally put the black in his deserved place. It’s a matter of it being desirable or not. Resegregation would immediately fix a huge number of problems. Rescinding the civil rights act would fix things too. Public housing and buses would be desirable again very quickly. This would lower fuel costs.
One Banana !
Crips Prostitution Ring in Northern Virginia. Blacks raping and kidnapping whites for prostitution.
at end of story some blow hard talks about how “The authorities will find you if you are a crook” blah blah blah. No.
The authorities have moved niggers into suburban areas via section 8. Authorities have stopped hastling and if need be shooting niggers in the burbs.
Result: white teenagers being used as cum dumsters by niggers. But it would be racist to point this out wouldn’t it?
“Uncle Tim is right to call us their “philosophical offspring,” their “iniquitous inheritors,” their progeny, their “ideological soul mates,” their lineal descendants in the 21st century.”
Yea they mean it as an insult but it’s a complement to my ears
They are your ancestors. In my case they are my cousins twice removed.
I just saw District 9 again. I liked how the blacks were cannibals still. Wikers was interesting. I liked the Prawns. The Afrikans don’t hold back.
Good find Hunter. We are indeed disunionists. Who the real “traitors” are depends on where you are standing.
Rhett was what we most need now–a truly visionary leader with the best interests of his people at heart. His words are the most cogent description of white life under BRA that I have ever read.
“under such a government I would be a slave – a fearful slave, ruled despotically by those who do not represent me… with every base and destructive passion of man bearing upon my shieldless destiny – love of domination – avarice – long rankling jealousy – and, worst of all, the fell spirit of bigotry, which would exult over my dwelling in flames, and my children given to slaughter.”
The pissant Timmy “Tic Toc” Wise can whine all he wants. I only hope some day he gets what he’s got coming to him.
Happy Confederate History Month! God Bless Dixie!
Deo Vindice
Happy Confederate History month from the People’s Republik of Kanada!
There is an excellent phrase from one of the previous articles on this site that I’m using more often to stimulate discussion or make my point: “Blacks. Civilization. Freedom and equality. Pick any two.”
I pray for you all. American and African American; lol. Too funny. Segregation never ended. The real reason why caucasion people hate black people is that they know who Gods true people are, Black people. The melanin in our skin explains it all. The same melanin that is in the core of the earth. We are his true creators and there is nothing you can do about it. Kill, steal, cheat, lie…if anyone is guilty of breaking the 10 commandments it is you all. Your hearts breed greed and not love. Therefore, you cannot be of God. Sorry! No wonder you all are so hateful. Christopher Columbus kept a journal and when he came to the “the great land” he stated the first people he saw were darks skinned black people not Indians. But the truth has been so distorted, even with the Bible that your ancestors brainwashed black people. Minipulated, killed and by force turned them into slaves. You all will someday reap, because it is quite evident out of all the races the one that you fear the most. And the race that you all treat the worst. Allegory of the cave at its best…don’t blame blacks for their violent behavior. That is what the whites created through their trechery. Now they sit back and point the finger and want to punish us for what they taught us. Lol. We learned from the best killers, liars, thiefs and crooks of the American race. “Whites Only”