Great Moments in Southern Heritage: George Wallace’s Inauguration Speech


To echo Charles Barron, I sometimes feel like slapping a Rainbow Confederate just for my mental health, and because this needs to be said after two weeks of non-stop coverage of Trayvon Martin and his death in the integrated Twin Lakes gated community.

Note: This one fiery speech written by Asa Carter catapulted George Wallace into the political stratosphere.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. My JewTube account was suspended for 2 weeks, due to Hate Speech, most likely due to the comments posted on that No Limits Nigga, down yer blog!

    Trayvon strikes back from da grave, ‘n sheet.

  2. The effect of desegregation on public housing viability ought to be looked into.

    Look up Priutt Igoe and plot the negrification/destruction on an XY axis.

  3. I wish this story would be over for we can get to the post-game analysis. I’m planning to write a hefty article called Selma to Sanford: The Rise and Fall of Racial Equality in America.

  4. No one even noticed that Sharpton returned to Selma to reenact the Selma to Montgomery march earlier this month. It is reminiscent of the last days of Mobutu Sese Seko when The Leopard tried to recapture his earlier glory.

    The end was near. The signs of decay were everywhere. Yet the collapse was unimaginable because Mobutu had been in power for so long.

  5. I remember making an impassioned pro-Wallace (and anti-Nixon) speech in my high school’s mock election campaign, back in ’68, and we got a surprisingly good vote for GW, but mostly from among the “blue collar” background. The local college preppers back then were all for Nixon.

    In this video scene GW says his campaign has the most genuine grass roots support and is really a national as well as a regionally-based movement. I also like these and where he’s in good form on states’ rights and resistance to federal judicial tyranny.

  6. Going after Zim appears to be the left eating the liberals too. Zim is in effect the product of the multicult. There’s no place to hide DWLers.

    And he still had to shoot the nig. Bwahahahaha. No where to hide from the Trayvons now.

  7. I remember seeing Wallace on the TV. My parents were just becoming ‘conservatives’ (i.e., non-union Republicans) in ’68, and I remember the HELL they went through, and the ostracization from their own brothers and sisters (who were all union men) for about six months, for daring to leave the Dumb=o=crap party.

    We in the North didn’t understand the burden the North had placed for almost one hundred years on the fine people of the South, back then. Hell, I didn’t understand it until about four years before 9/11!

    My folks thought Wallace to be a ‘troublemaker.’ He was- he would have scuppered the jews’ primary weapon, as outlined in the Communist party platforms, and so he was shot. But to have lived in a REAL White America. I never realized how utterly PRIVILEGED I was…..nor how evil the race-mixers were.

  8. Re: “We in the North didn’t understand….” Must have been a local anomaly, then: GW voters, “Bible belt” conservatives, and Confederate hat wearers and flag displayers, in the North.

    I think there was always a segment of the rural Northern population that identified with the “Rebel” cause.

  9. “Zim is in effect the product of the multicult. There’s no place to hide DWLers. ”

    Lil’ tray and zim are the glittering jewels of the “post racial” era. Zim embodies the qualities what a post-racial world citizen should be. And now, fearing for his life, he hides from the very system which spawned him and for whom he served so well.

  10. “I think there was always a segment of the rural Northern population that identified with the “Rebel” cause.”

    Whenever a small town starts having a racial “problem” up north, the good ‘ol boys hoist the rebel flag. In their bones, they know what it represents.

  11. I respect the guy. He had the balls to be a protector but he did not understand what a monster he was protecting. It’s fascinating to see the system eat itself.

  12. I think there was always a segment of the rural Northern population that identified with the “Rebel” cause.
    Mosin Nagant

    I’ve seen it and I often see rural yankees in the Army quickly come around to Southron living

  13. “Jim says:
    April 3, 2012 at 2:42 am
    “Zim is in effect the product of the multicult. There’s no place to hide DWLers. ”

    Lil’ tray and zim are the glittering jewels of the “post racial” era. Zim embodies the qualities what a post-racial world citizen should be. And now, fearing for his life, he hides from the very system which spawned him and for whom he served so well.”

    Flowlessly expressed. We are reaching poetic heights, we are. Even civilizational collapse inspires the best, in our Race.

  14. I have personally met dozens of ancient Southern Democrats who stuck with the party after LBJ brought disgrace to them. I don’t understand it. How can you voice your support for Brother George Wallace, then continue on with his party after they joined ranks with the Kennedys and the other Negrophile Yankee Democrats.

    I guess it doesn’t really matter anymore because all of those old leopards who changed their spots are in their eighties now and are ready to die. Bye, bye and good riddance is all I have to say to them.

  15. we’re a hide bound lot PRB and a lot of what stick with things like the DNC because their family has always done xyz

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